Commit 65d9c358 authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors Committed by Claes Sjöfors

sev_analyse linear regression

parent 46f294df
......@@ -21,8 +21,19 @@ py_sources := $(sort \
) \
png_sources := $(sort \
$(foreach file, \
$(foreach dir, \
$(source_dirs), \
$(wildcard $(dir)/*.png) \
), $(notdir $(file)) \
) \
export_py := $(patsubst, $(exe_dir)/, $(py_sources))
export_png := $(patsubst %.png, $(exe_dir)/%.png, $(png_sources))
clean_py := $(patsubst,, $(py_sources))
clean_png := $(patsubst %.png, clean_%.png, $(png_sources))
.PHONY : all init copy lib exe clean realclean\
......@@ -32,7 +43,7 @@ all : init copy | silent
init : silent
copy : $(export_py) | silent
copy : $(export_py) $(export_png) | silent
lib : silent
......@@ -40,7 +51,7 @@ exe : silent
clean :
realclean : clean $(clean_py)
realclean : clean $(clean_py) $(clean_png)
silent :
@ :
......@@ -49,5 +60,12 @@ $(export_py) : $(exe_dir)/ :
@ echo "Exporting $< ..."
@ $(cp) $(cpflags) $(source) $(target)
$(export_png) : $(exe_dir)/%.png : %.png
@ echo "Exporting $< ..."
@ $(cp) $(cpflags) $(source) $(target)
$(clean_py) : :
@ rm $(exe_dir)/$*.py
$(clean_png) : clean_%.png : %.png
@ rm $(exe_dir)/$*.png
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