Commit b8749bbb authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Xtt command 'set graph/escapestore' added

parent b052da9b
......@@ -4033,12 +4033,21 @@ dynamics specified. The value is changed by clicking MB1 on the object.
The signal is specified in Value.Attribute.
<b>Attribute <t><t>Description
ValueInput.MinValule <t><t>Minimum input value.
ValueInput.MinValue <t><t>Minimum input value.
ValueInput.MaxValue <t><t>Maximum input value.
ValueInput.Clear <t><t>The field is cleared when opened for input.
ValueInput.Popup <t><t>Input is done in a popup box.
ValueInput.Unselect <t><t>The text in the field is not selected when the
<t><t>field is opened for input.
ValueInput.EscapeStore <t><t>Normally a value is stored into database when Enter
<t><t>is pressed, but with EscapeStore, the storage is
<t><t>also done when when input focus is lost.
<t><t>I will also be stored by the xtt command 'set graph /escapestore'.
ValueInput.MinValueAttr <t><t>Signal for minimum input value.
ValueInput.MaxValueAttr <t><t>Signal for maximum input value.
ValueInput.KeyboardType <t><t>Type of virtual keyboard that is opened when the field
<t><t>has input focus. Requires that VirtualKeyboards is enbled for the
<t><t>operator place.
<topic>GeDynToolTip <style>function
......@@ -1606,6 +1606,7 @@ set display<t>Set format of display for selected attribute <LINK> set display
set folder <t>Set a folder in a tabbed window. <LINK> set folder
set parameter<t>Set the value of an attribute <LINK> set parameter
set subwindow<t>View a graph in a Ge window object. <LINK> set subwindow
set graph <t>Handling of a graph <LINK> set graph
setup <t>Xtt setup <LINK> setup
show version<t>Show xtt version <LINK> show version
show symbol <t>Show a symbol <LINK> show symbol
......@@ -2518,6 +2519,19 @@ as identity.
<B>xtt> set display float
<B>xtt> set display identity
<TOPIC> set graph <style> function
Command set graph
Executes a storage of open inputfields with the EscapeStore property set.
<B>xtt> set graph 'filename' /escapestore [/instance=]
/escapestore <t>Executes a storage of open inputfields with the EscapeStore
<t>property set.
/instance <t>Instance specified for the graph.
<TOPIC> setup <style> function
......@@ -3991,6 +3991,14 @@ ValueInput.MaxValue <t><t>Maximiv
ValueInput.Clear <t><t>Fältet töms när det öppnas för inmatning.
ValueInput.Popup <t><t>Vid inmatning öppnas ett inmatningsfönster.
ValueInput.Unselect <t><t>Texten i fältet markeras inte när fältet öppnas för inmatning.
ValueInput.EscapeStore <t><t>Om fältet är öppet när grafen stängs, lagras det imatade
<t><t>värdet i databasen. Det lagras även av xtt kommandot
<t><t>'set graph /escapestore'.
ValueInput.MinValueAttr <t><t>Signal för minivärde vid inmatning.
ValueInput.MaxValueAttr <t><t>Signal för maxivärde vid inmatning.
ValueInput.KeyboardType <t><t>Typ av virtuellt tangentbord som öppnas när fältet har
<t><t>input focus. Kräver att VirtualKeyboard är angivet för
<topic>GeDynToolTip <style>function
......@@ -1621,6 +1621,7 @@ set display<t>S
set folder <t>Aktivera en flik i ett flikfönster. <LINK> set folder
set parameter<t>Sätt värdet på ett attribut <LINK> set parameter
set subwindow<t>Visa in graf i ett Ge window objekt. <LINK> set subwindow
set graph <t>Hantering av graf. <LINK> set graph
setup <t>Xtt konfigurering <LINK> setup
show version<t>Visa xtt version <LINK> show version
show symbol <t>Visa en symbol <LINK> show symbol
......@@ -2328,6 +2329,20 @@ identiteter.
<B>xtt> set display float
<B>xtt> set display identity
<TOPIC> set graph <style> function
Command set graph
Utför lagring av öppna inmatningsfält med egenskapen EscapeStore satt,
som ännu inte är lagrade i databasen.
<B>xtt> set graph 'filename' /escapestore [/instance=]
/escapestore <t>Utför lagring av öppna inmatningsfält med egenskapen EscapeStore satt,
<t>som ännu inte är lagrade i databasen.
/instance <t>Instansobject specificerat för grafen.
<TOPIC> setup <style> function
......@@ -4305,6 +4305,12 @@ int Graph::set_object_focus( const char *name, int empty)
grow_tObject object;
GeDyn *dyn;
if ( !name) {
// Remove focus
grow_ResetInputFocusAll( grow->ctx);
else {
// Set focus
if ( !change_value_cb)
return 0;
......@@ -4323,7 +4329,7 @@ int Graph::set_object_focus( const char *name, int empty)
if ( action_type1 & ge_mActionType1_InputFocus || action_type1 & ge_mActionType1_ValueInput)
grow_SetObjectInputFocus( object, 1, glow_eEvent_Null);
return GE__SUCCESS;
......@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ dcli_tCmdTable xnav_command_table[] = {
{ "dcli_arg1", "dcli_arg2", "/NAME", "/VALUE",
"/X0", "/Y0", "/X1", "/Y1", ""}
"/X0", "/Y0", "/X1", "/Y1", "/INSTANCE", "/ESCAPESTORE", ""}
......@@ -1194,6 +1194,35 @@ static int xnav_set_func( void *client_data,
if ( xnav->op)
xnav->op->set_color_theme( idx);
else if ( cdh_NoCaseStrncmp( arg1_str, "GRAPH", strlen( arg1_str)) == 0)
// Command is "SET GRAPH"
pwr_tAName instance_str;
char *instance_p = 0;
char name_str[200];
XttGe *gectx;
if ( ODD( dcli_get_qualifier( "/INSTANCE", instance_str, sizeof(instance_str))))
instance_p = instance_str;
if ( EVEN( dcli_get_qualifier( "dcli_arg2", name_str, sizeof(name_str)))) {
xnav->message('E', "Syntax error");
if ( !xnav->appl.find( applist_eType_Graph, name_str, instance_p,
(void **) &gectx)) {
xnav->message('E', "Graph not found");
if ( ODD( dcli_get_qualifier( "/ESCAPESTORE", 0, 0))) {
gectx->set_object_focus( 0, 0);
else {
xnav->message('E', "Syntax error");
xnav->message('E',"Syntax error");
return 1;
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