Commit d07fabd8 authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Minor doc changes

parent 0da2f0ab
......@@ -3770,9 +3770,9 @@ that indicates that new texts should be loaded. This attribute should be of type
and the new texts are loaded when the value is changed from 0 to 1.
<b>Attribute <t><t>Description
OptionMenu.Type <t><t>Type of option menu. Static eller dynamic.
OptionMenu.Type <t><t>Type of option menu. Static or dynamic.
Static menu
<b>Static menu
OptionMenu.Attribute <t><t>Database attribute of type Float32, Float64, Int32,
<t><t>UInt32, Int16, UInt16, Int8 or UInt8. The value in
......@@ -3784,7 +3784,7 @@ OptionMenu.ItemEnum1 <t><t>Enumeration value of the first menu alternative.
OptionMenu.ItemText2 <t><t>Text of the second menu alternative.
OptionMenu.ItemEnum2 <t><t>Enumeration value of the second menu alternative.
Dynamic menu
<b>Dynamic menu
OptionMenu.Attribute <t><t>Database attribute of type Float32, Float64, Int32,
<t><t>UInt32, Int16, UInt16, Int8 or UInt8. The value in
......@@ -3795,8 +3795,8 @@ OptionMenu.TextAttribute <t><t>Database attribute of type array of String80. The
OptionMenu.SizeAttribute <t><t>Database attribute of type Int32. States the number of
<t><t>alternative in the menu.
OptionMenu.UpdateAttribute <t><t>Database attribute of type Boolean. Should be set to
<t><t>1 when new texts are present in the TextAttribute. New text
<t><t>are loaded when the value is changed from 0 to 1.
<t><t>1 when new texts are present in the TextAttribute. New
<t><t>texts are loaded when the value is changed from 0 to 1.
......@@ -5335,8 +5335,8 @@ BackgroundImage <t>String
<b>Name <t>Type
TraceColor <t>ColorIndex eller ColorTone
TraceColor2 <t>ColorIndex eller ColorTone
TraceColor <t>ColorIndex or ColorTone
TraceColor2 <t>ColorIndex or ColorTone
NoConObstacle <t>Int
Slider <t>Int
NextSubgraph <t>Int
<topic> __DocumentTitlePage
<image> pwr_logga.gif
<h1> Designer's Guide
Version 4.8.0
<topic> __DocumentInfoPage
Copyright (C) 2013 SSAB EMEA AB
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
<topic> introduction
This section describes the the first installation of a Proview Process or Operator station.
Note that there is no difference between the installation procedure of an process or operator
station. The hardware and the software are identical.
The installation basically requires three steps: installation of the operating system,
installation of the proview runtime package and the packages this is depending on, installation
of the project package with the loadfiles and plcprogram of the current project. If you have a
Proview loadstation available, all these steps are performed by the the load station. The
first step by copying an image prepared with the needed packages, and also finding the node
name and ip-address in the project configuration files and attaching these to the system. The
second step by finding the appropriate version for the Proview runtime package and installing
this. The third step by finding the latest project package and installing this.
Before starting the load station some preparation has to be done.
Check node configuration
Open the directory volume (pwrs) and check the settings of the production bus and node.
Open the BusConfig object for the production bus and check that the bus is correct.
Open the NodeConfig for the process of operator station and check
- the node name.
- the ip-address in Address.
- the boot node, should be blank or the same as node name.
- the RemoteAccessType should be SSH.
Check the RootVolumeLoad object under the NodeConfig object, the name of the object should be
the RootVolume of the node. Check also in the Distribute object, which states the files that
are included in the project package.
Enter the rootvolume (pwrs 'volumname') and check some settings in the node hierarchy under the
Node object:
- There should be a Security object with DefaultXttPriv set to 4 (System).
- The PlcThread objects, under the PlcProgram object, should have a Prio of about 20.
- Check also the MaxDelay in the CycleSup object under the PlcThread object. For alarm, we use
to set this to the scantime or the thread, and for Halt 1 second. The alarm action should be
Message for the Alarm object and EmergencyBreak for the Halt objects.
- Check the username in the OpPlace objects. This should be set to op1, op2, op3 or op4 for an
operator station. Check also that the EventSelectList contains the hierarchies that the
operator should receive alarms from.
- In the IOHandler object, IOReadWriteFlag should be set to 1 and IOSimulFlag to 0.
- In the MessageHandler object on operator stations, set EventLogSize to the number of alarms
you want to store in the historical event log (~5000).
<topic> rts_build_node
Build the node
Build the node by activating Functions/BuildNode in the configurator for the rootvolume, and
select the current process or operator station in the popup (if there are only one node
configured the popup is not viewed). Check in the terminal window for error messages.
If external functions are called from the plc code, or if some additional modules are used, you
might have to add archives or object modules in a .opt file on $pwrp_exe.
<topic> rts_loadstation_install
Installation with load station
Create a package for the node from the distributor. Open the distributor by activating
Functions/Distribute in the configurator menu. Select the node, and activate
Functions/Create Package in the menu. This will create a package with all the files needed on
the runtime node. The package file is placed on $pwrp_load/pwrp_pkg_'nodename'_'version'.tgz.
Now everything is prepared to perform the installation on the load station.
Attach the disk and start up the load station. Enter the nodename of the process or operator
station and wait until the installation is performed.
Then attach the disk to the process or operator station and boot the system.
<topic> rts_install
Installation without load station
Install the operating system, and thereafter the Proview runtime package, following the
instructions in the installation guide.
When the installation is done, enter the configurator and open the Distributor, select the node
and activate Functions/Distribute in the menu. Select the node, and activate
Functions/Distribute in the menu. This will create a package with all the files needed on the
runtime node, copy the package to the runtime node and install the package. When copying the
package, you will have to enter the password for pwrp in the terminal window. The package file
is placed on $pwrp_load/pwrp_pkg_'nodename'_'version'.tgz.
Note! If you have selected RSH as RemoteAccessType in the NodeConfig object, the initial
distribution will fail to unpack the package. The package has to be installed with
Log in to to runtime node as pwrp, check that the .tgz file is present and install it with
<c>> -i 'tgz-file'
<topic> rts_runtime_check
Configure and check the runtime system
<topic> rts_busnumber
Configure busnumber
Before starting Proview, the bus number has to be configured in /etc/proview.cnf. To edit this
file you have to be root. Login as root with 'su' and open the file in gedit. The busnumber
stated in qcomBusId has to equal the busnumber in the BusConfig object in the directory volume.
Close the current terminal window and open a new one. Check that the busnumber is correct with
<c>$ echo $PWR_BUS_ID
<topic> rts_install_check
Check installation
Check also that the Proview runtime package is installed correctly
<c>> cat $pwr_exe/rt_version.dat
will show the version of the current package.
Check that the project package is installed, for example by looking at the plcprogram
<c>> ls -al $pwrp_exe/*plc*
If the project package is not installed for som reason (maybe the package was not created), a
new package can be copied and unpacked from the distributor.
<topic> rts_start
Start Proview
Reset any previous start attempt with
<c>> pwr kill
Start proview with
<c>> pwr start
Check that the proview processes are started with
<c>> ps x
<c> 3901 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/pwrrt/exe/rt_ini
<c> 3911 ? S 0:00 rt_neth
<c> 3912 ? Sl 0:00 rt_qmon
<c> 3913 ? S 0:00 rt_neth_acp
<c> 3914 ? S 0:00 rt_io_comm
<c> 3915 ? S 0:00 rt_tmon
<c> 3916 ? S 0:00 rt_emon
<c> 3917 ? S 0:00 rt_alimserver
<c> 3918 ? Sl 0:00 rt_bck
<c> 3919 ? S 0:00 rt_linksup
<c> 3921 ? S 0:00 rt_fast
<c> 3923 ? S 0:00 rs_remote_logg
<c> 3924 ? S 0:01 rt_elog
<c> 3925 ? S 0:00 rt_sysmon
<c> 3958 ? Sl 0:00 plc_vhxo13_0507_00053
If the process are missing, reset and start rt_ini with the -i option, viewing the console
messages in the terminal window.
<c>> pwr kill
<c>> rt_ini -i
<c> Proview/R Version V4.6.0 for Linux on Unknown Hardware
<c> Copyright © 09-OCT-2008 12:00:00 by SSAB Oxelösund AB
<c> Proview/R is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
<c> modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
<c> This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
<c> but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
<c> GNU General Public License for more details.
<c> PROVIEW/R Process Environment
<c>I Reading Boot file /data0/pwrp/saturnus7/common/load/ld_boot_aristotle_0517.dat
<c>I Created at 13-FEB-2009 16:16:53.85 for project: saturnus7
<c>I This node vill run PLC file: plc_aristotle_0517_00014
<c>I This node has node identity (65796)
<c>I Reading Node file /data0/pwrp/saturnus7/common/load/ld_node_aristotle_0517.dat
<c>I Reading volume file /data0/pwrp/saturnus7/common/load/volsaturnus7.dbs
<c>I Created 13-FEB-2009 16:16:51.59
<c>I Reading volume file /data0/x4-6-0/rls/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/load/rt.dbs
<c>I Created 09-JAN-2009 14:11:59.81
<c>W Version missmatch for volume: pwrs, 09-OCT-2008 12:00:00.00 != 09-JAN-2009 14:11:44.30
Look for error messages ('E' or 'F') or warnings (W).
When the runtime has started correctly start rt_xtt and open
'System/System Status'/'current node'.
Check that all servers that are configured is running and has a green status indicator.
Click on the 'plc' button in the Process column and check that the LoopCnt of all the threads
are counting. If not, the plc process is not alive.
Click on the 'rt_io' button in the Process column and check that the IOReadWriteFlag indicator
is green. If not the IO has stalled.
Open 'System/System Messages' and look for any error messages (marked with red).
<topic> rts_maintenance
<topic> rts_distribution
Distribution of project changes
When changes are made in the development environment, for example in a process graph or the
plc program, these are distributed to the runtime stations by the Distributor. Open the
distributor from Functions/Distribute in the configurator menu. Select the node and activate
Functions/Distribute in the menu. Now a new package is created, containing all the files that
is needed in the runtime environment for this node. The package is also copied to the node.
Here you might have to enter the password for pwrp in the terminal window (this can be
eliminated by creating a ssh key and copy this to the runtime node). Finally the package is
unpacked on the runtime node, after removing the files from the previous package. Log in to
the runtime node and restart Proview.
<topic> rts_back
Go back to a previous package
Sometimes the changes doesn't work as planned, and you want to return to a previous package.
Then log in to the process or operator station as pwrp. ls -l *.tgz will show all copied
packages and hopefully you will find the package you want to return to. The package is
installed by the script If you for example will install the package
pwrp_pkg_vhxnu4_0009.tgz the command is
<c>> -i pwrp_pkg_vhxnu4_0009.tgz
You should be logged in as user pwrp when running
<topic> rts_distr_nonetwork
Distribute without network
If you don't have any network contact between the development and process station, you can
use som other media, for example a USB stick, to copy the package. Create a package in the
distributor and copy it to the USB stick. Move the USB stick to the process station and copy
the package to /home/pwrp. Install the package with
<c>> -i pwrp_pkg_vhxnu4_0010.tgz
<topic> rts_update
Update of Proview runtime package
At rare occasions, bugs are found in a Proview release that has to be corrected. Also minor
improvements and addition of new functionality can be made to a version. A new package is then
built with the last number in the version number incremented. The three first figures has to
correspond to the version of the development environment, for example if pwr46_4.6.0-7 is
installed on the development station, pwrrt_4.6.0-x has to be installed on the runtime nodes,
the last number though (x) can be any number.
To install a package you copy the package to the process or operator station, either by
downloading it from a web brower and saving it to disk, or copying it with ftp. Login as
root (su) and install the package with dpkg.
<c>> dpkg -i pwrrt_4.6.0-7.deb
Restart proview with 'pwr stop' and 'pwr start'.
<topic> rts_troubleshoting
<topic> rts_not_starting
Proview is not starting
Start Proview with the command 'rt_ini -i' to view the console messages in the terminal
window (reset previous start attempts with 'source')
<c>> pwr kill
<c>> rt_ini -i
<c>F Could not open file /data0/pwrp/saturnus7/common/load/ld_boot_..
The boot file could not be opened.
Check the busnumber
<c>> echo $PWR_BUS_ID
If it is not correct, change the busnumber in /etc/proview.cnf
Check that the bootfile $pwrp_load/ld_boot_'nodename'_'busid'.dat exists with the correct bus number. If the busnumber in the name is not correct, change it in the directory volume.
<c>W Version mismatch for volume: ...
Usually a change is made in a classvolume, but the rootvolume for the node is not rebuilt.
Update the classes and build the rootvolume for the node.
If the volume is a Proview base volume, check that the installed pwrrt version corresponds to the version in the development environment
<c>> cat $pwr_exe/rt_version.dat
If this doesn't help, the versions for the loadfiles can be viewed with wb_ldlist in the development environment. Check the versions of the .dbs files on $pwrp_load
<c>> wb_ldlist $pwrp_load/volsaturnus7.dbs
<c>Volume VolSaturnus7 13-FEB-2009 16:16:51.59 (1234538211,592936184) 65796
<c>VolRef VolSaturnus7 13-FEB-2009 16:16:51.59 (1234538211,592936184) 65796
<c>VolRef pwrs 09-OCT-2008 12:00:00.00 (1223546400,0) 1
<c>VolRef pwrb 09-OCT-2008 12:00:00.00 (1223546400,0) 2
<c>VolRef BaseComponent 09-OCT-2008 12:00:00.00 (1223546400,0) 10
<c>VolRef CVolSaturnus7 13-FEB-2009 16:09:38.61 (1234537778,610918602) 25372
<c>VolRef Profibus 09-OCT-2008 12:00:00.00 (1223546400,0) 64007
Here the volume rootvolume VolSaturnus7 references the class volume CVolSaturnus7. The time for CvolSaturnus7 has to equal the VolRef time. By listing the .dbs file for the classvolume we can compare the times.
<c>> wb_ldlist $pwrp_load/cvolsaturnus7.dbs
<c>Volume CVolSaturnus7 22-APR-2009 08:12:08.22 (1240380728,222698031) 25372
<c>VolRef CVolSaturnus7 22-APR-2009 08:12:08.22 (1240380728,222698031) 25372
<c>VolRef pwrs 09-JAN-2009 14:11:44.30 (1231506704,308475731) 1
<c>VolRef pwrb 09-JAN-2009 14:11:57.96 (1231506717,961138847) 2
<c>VolRef Profibus 21-APR-2009 13:43:05.27 (1240314185,278213917) 64007
The time 22-APR-2009 08:12:08.22 doesn't match the VolRef time in the rootvolume
3-FEB-2009 16:09:38.61 and this causes the mismatch. Updating the classes and building the
rootvolume will fix the problem.
<topic> rts_plc_no_starting
The plcprogram is not starting
Check that there is a plc executable on $pwrp_exe
<c>> ls -l $pwrp_exe/*plc*
<h1>No executable is found
Do you really have any PlcPgm objects in this node? If there are no PlcPgm the executable is
not created for the node.
Otherwise build the node and look for error messages when the plcprogram is linked. Any
undefined references may be caused by plc windows that are not yet compiled, or PlcPgm
objects which are not yet opened and where the plc window object is missing.
<h1>An executable exist
If the plc program terminates with a segmentation fault, it is usually caused by some code
in CArithms, DataArithms or in external functions called by the plc program from arithm blocks.
Erroneous pointers and array index out of bonds are common causes for this, but it can be
quite hard to find where the faulty code is.
<h2>Start PlcPgm's one by one
One way is to stop the execution of all PlcPgm's at the startup of the plcprogram and start
them one by one. This will at least tell you which PlcPgm and which window causes the problem.
The execution of the PlcPgm's are disabled by adding the row
<c>'nodename'_setval plcscan = Off
to the file $pwrp_load/pwrp_alias.dat (replace 'nodename' with the name of the node). Create
the file if it doesn't exist.
The restart the plcprogram, this can be done from the prompt,
<c>> plc_aristotle_0517_00014
Start rt_xtt from another terminal window and start the PlcPgm's one by one by setting ScanOff
in the PlcWindow object under the PlcPgm object to 0. Check when the plcprogram is terminating.
The PlcPgm you were starting when the program terminated contains the erroneous code.
<h2>Use the debugger
By starting the plcprogram in the debugger, you will get the exact row causing the problem.
First you have to compile suspected programs with debug, and also build the node with debug
(build with debug is set in Options/Settings in the configurator). Copy the source files for
the plc windows ($pwrp_tmp/*.gc) to the process station, and start the debugger from the
directory where the sourcefiles are placed.
<c>> gdb plc_aristotle_0517_00014
<c>(gdb) run
<h2>Core file
By setting the system resource for maximum core file size, a core file will be created when
a program terminates with for example segmentation fault.
<c>ulimit -c unlimited
The core file can be opened by the debugger and the state when the crash occurred can be
<c>> gdb -c core plc_aristotle_0517_00014
No connection to other node
Node in the same project
Node in other project
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3731,7 +3731,7 @@ n
<b>Attribut <t><t>Beskrivning
OptionMenu.Type <t><t>Typ av optionmeny. Statisk eller dynamisk.
Statisk meny
<b>Statisk meny
OptionMenu.Attribute <t><t>Databas attribut av typen Float32, Float64, Int32,
<t><t>UInt32, Int16, UInt16, Int8 eller UInt8. Värdet i
......@@ -3742,7 +3742,7 @@ OptionMenu.ItemEnum1 <t><t>Uppr
OptionMenu.ItemText2 <t><t>Text för andra menyalternativet.
OptionMenu.ItemEnum2 <t><t>Uppräkningsvärdet för andra menyalternativet.
Dynamisk meny
<b>Dynamisk meny
OptionMenu.Attribute <t><t>Databas attribut av typen Float32, Float64, Int32,
<t><t>UInt32, Int16, UInt16, Int8 eller UInt8. Index för
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ typedef float pwr_tFloat32; //!< 32-bit float.
@aref float64 Float64
typedef double pwr_tFloat64; //!< 64-big float.
typedef double pwr_tFloat64; //!< 64-bit float.
@aref char Char
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ SObject pwrs:Type
! @Group BasicTypes,Types
! Class identity. Basic type.
! Every class has a unic identity, derived from the classvolume
! Every class has a unique identity, derived from the classvolume
! identity and the class index.
! A class is described by classdefinition objects in a class volume. These
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ SObject pwrs:Type
! @Group BasicTypes,Types
! Object index. Basic type.
! Every object has an unic index within a volume. The index is a 32-bit word.
! Every object has an unique index within a volume. The index is a 32-bit word.
! Together with the volume identity it constitutes the object identity.
! Object index
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ SObject pwrs:Type
! @Group BasicTypes,Types
! Object identity. Basic type.
! Every object has an unic identity.
! Every object has an unique identity.
! The object identity consists of the volume identity and
! the object index.
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ SObject pwrs:Type
! @Group BasicTypes,Types
! Type identity. Basic type.
! Every type has a unic identity, derived from the classvolume
! Every type has a unique identity, derived from the classvolume
! identity and the type index.
! A type is described by a typedefinition object in a class volume. This
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ SObject pwrs:Type
! @Group BasicTypes,Types
! Volume identity. Basic type.
! Every volume has a unic identity, a 32-bit word usually specified in the form
! Every volume has a unique identity, a 32-bit word usually specified in the form
! v1.v2.v3.v4 where v1, v2, v3 and v4 are numbers in the interval 0-255.
! Dependent of the class of the volume, the numbers is choosen in separate
! intervals:
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ SObject pwrs:Type
! In runtime 1-127 are used for system volumes
! 1 pwrNode Volume used by Proview.
! 128-253 are used to create unic identities:
! 128-253 are used to create unique identities:
! 128 Subid
! 129 Dlid
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