Volume OtherManufacturer $ClassVolume Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr NextOix = "_X2883" Attr NextCix = "_X51" Attr NextTix[0] = "_X2" EndBody Object Type $TypeHier 1758 09-OCT-2007 14:20:45.77 Object Eurotherm_TC3001AggrEnum $TypeDef 1 09-OCT-2007 14:21:23.34 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 14:21:07.50 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Enum" Attr Elements = 1 EndBody Object CbCoTc $Value 1760 09-OCT-2007 14:22:52.35 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 14:22:54.56 Attr Text = "CbCoTc" Attr PgmName = "CbCoTc" EndBody EndObject Object CbTc $Value 1761 09-OCT-2007 14:23:17.51 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 14:23:20.46 Attr Text = "CbTc" Attr PgmName = "CbTc" Attr Value = 1 EndBody EndObject Object CoTc $Value 1762 09-OCT-2007 14:23:32.68 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 14:23:37.34 Attr Text = "CoTc" Attr PgmName = "CoTc" Attr Value = 2 EndBody EndObject Object Tc $Value 1763 09-OCT-2007 14:23:43.64 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 14:23:45.66 Attr Text = "Tc" Attr PgmName = "Tc" Attr Value = 3 EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject Object Class $ClassHier 1 09-OCT-2007 14:20:48.08 !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Valves ! @Summary Ventim Butterfly Valve VM3001. ! Ventim Butterfly Valve VM3001. ! ! See superclass BaseManValve for more information. ! @classlink BaseManValve basecomponent_basemanvalve.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/ventim_valve_vm3001.pdf !*/ Object Ventim_Valve_VM3001 $ClassDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Ventim_Valve_VM3001" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody !/** ! @Summary Base class. ! Base class. !*/ Object Super $Attribute 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseManValve" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Ventim_Valve_VM3001 2147975168 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 23-JAN-2006 09:22:29.15 Attr Super.Super.Specification = "Ventim Butterfly valve VM3001" Attr Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/ventim_valve_vm3001.pdf" Attr Super.SwitchOpen.Description = "Valve is open" Attr Super.SwitchClosed.Description = "Valve is closed" Attr Super.AlarmText = "Valve error" EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Valves ! @Summary Durholdt Valve 100 103. ! Durholdt Valve 100 103. ! ! See superclass BaseMValve for more information. ! @classlink BaseMValve basecomponent_basemvalve.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/durholdt_valve_100_103.pdf !*/ Object Durholdt_valve_100_103 $ClassDef 18 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Durholdt_valve_100_103" Attr NextAix = "_X3" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 2 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseMValve" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Durholdt_valve_100_103 2152431616 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 06-OCT-2005 09:43:11.22 Attr Super.Super.Specification = "Durholdt valve 100.103" Attr Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/durholdt_valve_100_103.pdf" Attr Super.GraphConfiguration = 3 Attr Super.DisableSwitchOpen = 1 Attr Super.DisableSwitchClosed = 1 Attr Super.DisableSwitchAlarmDelay = 1 Attr Super.DisableSwitchAlarmText = 1 EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Valves ! @Summary Bernard Actuator OA. ! Bernard Actuator OA. ! ! See superclass BaseActuatorA for more information. ! @classlink BaseActuatorA basecomponent_baseactuatora.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/bernard_actuator_oa.html !*/ Object Bernard_Actuator_OA $ClassDef 12 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Bernard_Actuator_OA" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseActuatorA" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Bernard_Actuator_OA 2150858752 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 23-JAN-2006 09:25:04.66 Attr Super.Super.Specification = "Bernard st�lldon typ OA" Attr Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/bernard_actuator_oa.html" Attr Super.GraphConfiguration = 4 Attr Super.Order.Unit = "%" Attr Super.Order.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.Position.Unit = "%" Attr Super.Position.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.Mode.OpNoLocal = 1 Attr Super.Mode.OpMaxRefMan = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.Mode.AlarmLocalMode = "Local mode is activated" Attr Super.MaxPosDiff = 5.000000e+00 Attr Super.DiffAlarmDelay = 1.000000e+01 Attr Super.DiffAlarmText = "Position error" Attr Super.SwitchAlarmText = "Switch error" Attr Super.PosSwitchOpen = 9.500000e+01 Attr Super.PosSwitchClosed = 5.000000e+00 EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group SafetySwitch ! @Summary SafetySwitch Cewe KSA LBAS. ! SafetySwitch Cewe KSA LBAS. ! ! See superclass BaseSafetySwitch for more information. ! @classlink BaseSafetySwitch basecomponent_basesafetyswitch.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/cewe_safetyswitch_ksa_lbas.pdf !*/ Object Cewe_SafetySwitch_KSA_LBAS $ClassDef 2 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Cewe_SafetySwitch_KSA_LBAS" Attr NextAix = "_X3" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 2 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseSafetySwitch" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Cewe_SafetySwitch_KSA_LBAS 2148237312 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Super.Super.Specification = "Safety switch " Attr Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/cewe_safetyswitch_ksa_lbas.pdf" Attr Super.AlarmText = "Safety switch is off" EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group SafetySwitch ! @Summary SafetySwitch Cewe BAS. ! SafetySwitch Cewe BAS. ! ! See superclass BaseSafetySwitch for more information. ! @classlink BaseSafetySwitch basecomponent_basesafetyswitch.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/cewe_safetyswitch_bas.pdf !*/ Object Cewe_SafetySwitch_BAS $ClassDef 16 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Cewe_SafetySwitch_BAS" Attr NextAix = "_X4" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 3 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseSafetySwitch" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Cewe_SafetySwitch_BAS 2151907328 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Super.Super.Specification = "Safety switch " Attr Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/cewe_safetyswitch_bas.pdf" Attr Super.AlarmText = "Safety switch is not on " EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Converters ! @Summary Danfoss frequency converter FC300 with Profibus PPO3 protocol. ! Danfoss frequency converter FC300 with Profibus PPO3 protocol. ! ! See superclass BaseFcPPO3 for more information. ! @classlink BaseFcPPO3 basecomponent_basefcppo3.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/danfoss_converter_fc300.pdf !*/ Object Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO3 $ClassDef 40 18-MAR-2008 17:03:02.18 Body SysBody 18-MAR-2008 17:02:42.62 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 18-MAR-2008 17:03:07.53 Body SysBody 18-MAR-2008 17:03:07.53 Attr StructName = "Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO3" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 18-MAR-2008 17:03:15.98 Body SysBody 18-MAR-2008 17:03:53.69 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO3 2158198784 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 18-MAR-2008 17:06:08.88 Attr Super.Specification = "Danfoss Frequency converter FC300 with Profibus PPO3 protocol" Attr Super.StatusWordSW.Description = "Status Word, from converter" Attr Super.StatusWordSW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO3IoModule.I_SW" Attr Super.ActSpeed.Description = "Actual Value, from converter" Attr Super.ActSpeed.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO3IoModule.I_ACT" Attr Super.ActSpeed.PresMinLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.ActSpeed.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0" Attr Super.ControlWordCW.Description = "Control Word, to converter" Attr Super.ControlWordCW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO3IoModule.O_CW" Attr Super.RefSpeed.Description = "Reference Value, to converter" Attr Super.RefSpeed.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO3IoModule.O_REF" Attr Super.RefSpeed.PresMinLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.RefSpeed.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0" Attr Super.PowerUpTime = 1.500000e+01 Attr Super.AlarmLocalMod = "Frequency converter is in local mode" Attr Super.AlarmTripped = "Frequency converter tripped, reset is required" Attr Super.AlarmWarning = "Frequency converter warning" Attr Super.AlarmError = "Frequency converter error" Attr Super.DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO3-Template.Super.PlotGroup" Attr Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/danfoss_converter_fc300.pdf" Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.Multiple = 1 Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.DataName = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO3-Template.Super.ActSpeed.ActualValue" Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.StorageTime = 239 Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.BufferStatus[0] = 1 Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.BufferStatus[1] = 1 Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.NoOfBuffers = 2 Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.NoOfBufElement = 239 Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.Multiple = 1 Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.DataName = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO3-Template.Super.RefSpeed.ActualValue" Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.StorageTime = 239 Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.BufferStatus[0] = 1 Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.BufferStatus[1] = 1 Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.NoOfBuffers = 2 Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.NoOfBufElement = 239 Attr Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[0] = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO3-Template.Super.TrendActSpeed" Attr Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[1] = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO3-Template.Super.TrendRefSpeed" Attr Super.PlotGroup.NumPoints = 478 EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Converters ! @Summary Danfoss frequency converter FC300 with Profibus PPO5 protocol. ! Danfoss frequency converter FC300 with Profibus PPO5 protocol. ! ! See superclass BaseFcPPO5 for more information. ! @classlink BaseFcPPO5 basecomponent_basefcppo5.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/danfoss_converter_fc300.pdf !*/ Object Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO5 $ClassDef 39 17-MAR-2008 16:48:49.75 Body SysBody 17-MAR-2008 16:46:48.90 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 17-MAR-2008 16:47:23.25 Body SysBody 17-MAR-2008 16:48:57.93 Attr StructName = "Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO5" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 17-MAR-2008 16:47:32.06 Body SysBody 17-MAR-2008 16:49:08.27 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO5" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO5 2157936640 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 18-MAR-2008 17:04:31.24 Attr Super.Specification = "Frequency converter Danfoss FC300 with Profibus PPO5 protocol" Attr Super.InIdPar.Description = "Parameter Identification, from converter" Attr Super.InIdPar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.I_ID" Attr Super.InIndPar.Description = "Array Index, from converter" Attr Super.InIndPar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.I_IND" Attr Super.InValuePar.Description = "Parameter Value, from converter" Attr Super.InValuePar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.I_VALUE" Attr Super.StatusWordSW.Description = "Status Word, from converter" Attr Super.StatusWordSW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.I_SW" Attr Super.ActSpeed.Description = "Actual Value, from converter" Attr Super.ActSpeed.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.I_ACT" Attr Super.ActSpeed.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.ActSpeed.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0" Attr Super.ActTorque.Description = "Torque, Process Data 4 from converter" Attr Super.ActTorque.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.I_PZD4" Attr Super.ActTorque.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.ActTorque.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0" Attr Super.ActCurrent.Description = "Current, Process Data 3 from converter" Attr Super.ActCurrent.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.I_PZD3" Attr Super.ActCurrent.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.ActCurrent.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0" Attr Super.PZD5.Description = "Process Data 5 from converter" Attr Super.PZD5.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.I_PZD5" Attr Super.PZD6.Description = "Process Data 6 from converter" Attr Super.PZD6.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.I_PZD6" Attr Super.PZD7.Description = "Process Data 7 from converter" Attr Super.PZD7.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.I_PZD7" Attr Super.PZD8.Description = "Process Data 8 from converter" Attr Super.PZD8.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.I_PZD8" Attr Super.PZD9.Description = "Process Data 9 from converter" Attr Super.PZD9.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.I_PZD9" Attr Super.OutIdPar.Description = "Parameter Identification, to converter" Attr Super.OutIdPar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.O_ID" Attr Super.OutIndPar.Description = "Array Index, to converter" Attr Super.OutIndPar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.O_IND" Attr Super.OutValuePar.Description = "Parmeter Value, to converter" Attr Super.OutValuePar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.O_VALUE" Attr Super.ControlWordCW.Description = "Control Word, to converter" Attr Super.ControlWordCW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.O_CW" Attr Super.RefSpeed.Description = "Reference Value, to converter" Attr Super.RefSpeed.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.O_REF" Attr Super.RefSpeed.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.RefSpeed.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0" Attr Super.OPZD3.Description = "Process Data 3 to converter" Attr Super.OPZD3.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.O_PZD3" Attr Super.OPZD3.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.OPZD4.Description = "Process Data 4 to converter" Attr Super.OPZD4.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.O_PZD4" Attr Super.OPZD4.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.OPZD5.Description = "Process Data 5 to converter" Attr Super.OPZD5.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.O_PZD5" Attr Super.OPZD5.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.OPZD6.Description = "Process Data 6 to converter" Attr Super.OPZD6.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5IoModule.O_PZD6" Attr Super.PowerUpTime = 1.500000e+01 Attr Super.AlarmLocalMod = "Frequency converter is in local mode" Attr Super.AlarmTripped = "Frequency converter tripped, reset is required" Attr Super.AlarmWarning = "Frequency converter warning" Attr Super.AlarmError = "Frequency converter error" Attr Super.DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO5-Template.Super.PlotGroup" Attr Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/danfoss_converter_fc300.pdf" Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.Multiple = 1 Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.DataName = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO5-Template.Super.ActSpeed.ActualValue" Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.StorageTime = 239 Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.BufferStatus[0] = 1 Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.BufferStatus[1] = 1 Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.NoOfBuffers = 2 Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.NoOfBufElement = 239 Attr Super.TrendActTorque.Multiple = 1 Attr Super.TrendActTorque.DataName = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO5-Template.Super.ActTorque.ActualValue" Attr Super.TrendActTorque.StorageTime = 239 Attr Super.TrendActTorque.BufferStatus[0] = 1 Attr Super.TrendActTorque.BufferStatus[1] = 1 Attr Super.TrendActTorque.NoOfBuffers = 2 Attr Super.TrendActTorque.NoOfBufElement = 239 Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.Multiple = 1 Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.DataName = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO5-Template.Super.ActCurrent.ActualValue" Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.StorageTime = 239 Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.BufferStatus[0] = 1 Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.BufferStatus[1] = 1 Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.NoOfBuffers = 2 Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.NoOfBufElement = 239 Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.Multiple = 1 Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.DataName = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO5-Template.Super.RefSpeed.ActualValue" Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.StorageTime = 239 Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.BufferStatus[0] = 1 Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.BufferStatus[1] = 1 Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.NoOfBuffers = 2 Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.NoOfBufElement = 239 Attr Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[0] = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO5-Template.Super.TrendActSpeed" Attr Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[1] = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO5-Template.Super.TrendActTorque" Attr Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[2] = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO5-Template.Super.TrendActCurrent" Attr Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[3] = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Danfoss_Converter_FC300_PPO5-Template.Super.TrendRefSpeed" Attr Super.PlotGroup.NumPoints = 478 EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Summary Thyristor Eurotherm TC 3001. ! Thyristor Eurotherm TC 3001. ! ! @b Graphical Symbol ! The graphical symbol for this object is ! OtherManufacturer/Eurotherm_TC3001. ! ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001_gs.gif ! Default dynamics: ! - the symbol is filled with the original color when thyristor is on. ! - colored gray when the power is off. ! - colored red when an error occurs. ! - colored yellow when a warning occurs. ! ! Default action: ! - the methods menu is opened with MB3. ! ! @b Object Graph ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001_og.gif ! - The status indicator is green when the thyristor is on, gray when it off, ! red indicates error and yellow warning. ! - The Reset button is valid when the thyristor unit is not strapped 'acknowledge'. ! - LinePower indicator views that the contactor is on. ! ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001_og_more.gif ! More graph to read and write parameters. ! ! @b Plc coding ! For plc coding the function object Eurotherm_TC3001Fo is used. ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001fo_fo.gif ! Create a function object in the plc editor and connect it to the current ! object with the connect function. ! ! @b Component configuration ! The Enable Do can be removed (disabled). Activate 'Disable' in the popup menu ! for the Do to remove it. ! ! @b Attribute configuration ! - ConfMaxCurrent ! - ConfMaxVoltage ! ! @b Signals ! Signals that should be connected to channel objects: ! - Enable Do (optional) ! ! @b Profibus ! The Profibus Slave object for this class i Eurotherm_TC30001_PbSlave and ! the Profibus Module class Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule. ! ! The profibus module object should be connected to the TC3001 object by the ! IoConnect method in the popup menu. ! ! The six integer input signals In1 - In6 and the four integer output ! signals Out1 - Out4 are used to transmit and receive data from the ! thyristor unit. ! ! Statusword for configuration data and alarm info are fetched from ! the profibus diagnostic area an put into DiagSW and DiagXS. ! ! Note that the TC3001 doesn't shut off the power if the profibus communication ! is lost. This has to be handle by the control system. ! ! @b Simulate ! The simulate function object to this class is Eurotherm_TC3001Sim. ! ! @h1 Example ! The example below describes a control loop with a PID controller and a ! Eurotherm TCe3001 aggregate. ! ! @b Object graph ! Displayes the object graph of the thyristor unit and the grahic symbol in an ! HMI graph. Also the plc coding for the thyristor unit is viewed. ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001_ex1.gif ! ! @h1 Miscellaneous ! @b Thyristor unit ! ! Some behavior of the thyristor unit that can be useful. ! ! After power up: ! - the unit is always staring with analog setpoint selected. ! - digital setpoint is zero ! - settings from straps and potentiometers. ! ! To control via profibus you need to: ! - reconfigure to digital setpoint. ! - set digital setpoint value. ! ! These setting are made by the object as soon as the profibus ! communication is established. ! ! On the front plate for the thyristor unit there are some adjustable ! potentiometers: ! - With potentiometer 2 you adjust the pulsing sequence. ! - With potentiometer 3 you can reduce the set point with a factor 0-1. ! - With potentiometer 5 you adjust the current limit. Maximum value is ! the nominal max current of the unit. ! ! If input 'acknowledgement' is linked, the reset button in the object graph ! has no effect. The unit is automatically reset as soon as the failure ! disappears. ! ! Error status that will turn off the contactor: ! - profibus communication error. ! - thyristor shortcut. ! - overcurrent. ! ! If thyristors in the thyristor unit are overheated, the unit will block the ! current itself, though when the temperature decreases it will turn it on again. ! ! @b See also ! @classlink Eurotherm_TC3001Fo othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001fo.html ! @classlink Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001aggr.html ! @classlink Eurotherm_TC3001_PbSlave othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001_pbslave.html ! @classlink Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001_pbmodule.html ! @classlink Eurotherm_TC3001Sim othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001sim.html !*/ Object Eurotherm_TC3001 $ClassDef 31 03-OCT-2007 10:28:32.96 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:28:15.20 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 144 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 03-OCT-2007 10:28:40.07 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:28:40.07 Attr StructName = "Eurotherm_TC3001" Attr NextAix = "_X51" EndBody !/** ! Superclass. !*/ Object Super $Attribute 1 03-OCT-2007 10:28:51.73 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:29:10.85 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-Component" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Integer input from profibus. !*/ Object In1 $Attribute 2 03-OCT-2007 10:29:30.68 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:29:46.93 Attr PgmName = "In1" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ii" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Integer input from profibus. !*/ Object In2 $Attribute 3 03-OCT-2007 10:30:05.24 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:29:56.30 Attr PgmName = "In2" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ii" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Integer input from profibus. !*/ Object In3 $Attribute 4 03-OCT-2007 10:30:09.39 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:29:58.73 Attr PgmName = "In3" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ii" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Integer input from profibus. !*/ Object In4 $Attribute 5 03-OCT-2007 10:30:12.68 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:29:59.40 Attr PgmName = "In4" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ii" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Integer input from profibus. !*/ Object In5 $Attribute 6 03-OCT-2007 10:30:16.76 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:29:59.91 Attr PgmName = "In5" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ii" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Integer input from profibus. !*/ Object In6 $Attribute 7 03-OCT-2007 10:30:20.90 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:30:01.14 Attr PgmName = "In6" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ii" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Status word for configuration from profibus diagnostic area. !*/ Object DiagSW $Attribute 41 05-OCT-2007 09:23:22.96 Body SysBody 05-OCT-2007 09:23:24.14 Attr PgmName = "DiagSW" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ii" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Status word for alarm info from profibus diagnostic area. !*/ Object DiagXS $Attribute 39 03-OCT-2007 13:43:50.92 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 13:44:21.98 Attr PgmName = "DiagXS" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ii" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Profibus integer output. !*/ Object Out1 $Attribute 8 03-OCT-2007 10:30:33.83 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:30:43.38 Attr PgmName = "Out1" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Io" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Profibus integer output. !*/ Object Out2 $Attribute 11 03-OCT-2007 10:31:11.03 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:31:04.98 Attr PgmName = "Out2" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Io" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Profibus integer output. !*/ Object Out3 $Attribute 10 03-OCT-2007 10:31:14.43 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:31:04.78 Attr PgmName = "Out3" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Io" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Profibus integer output. !*/ Object Out4 $Attribute 9 03-OCT-2007 10:31:19.46 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:31:04.41 Attr PgmName = "Out4" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Io" EndBody EndObject Object DisableEnable $Attribute 44 05-OCT-2007 14:23:01.15 Body SysBody 05-OCT-2007 13:56:52.90 Attr PgmName = "DisableEnable" Attr Flags = 2048 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$DisableAttr" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Digital output to enable thyristor unit. ! This attribute can be remove by using Disable in the ! popup menu. ! NoteThis signal is not a profibus signal, and not connected ! by the IoConnect method. It has to be connected to a channel ! separately. !*/ Object Enable $Attribute 43 05-OCT-2007 14:23:03.35 Body SysBody 05-OCT-2007 14:21:58.92 Attr PgmName = "Enable" Attr Flags = 4325376 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Do" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Max current. !*/ Object ConfMaxCurrent $Attribute 12 03-OCT-2007 10:34:08.78 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:34:19.74 Attr PgmName = "ConfMaxCurrent" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Max voltage. !*/ Object ConfMaxVoltage $Attribute 13 03-OCT-2007 10:34:36.94 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:34:23.98 Attr PgmName = "ConfMaxVoltage" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Operator reset. ! Set from the reset button in the object graph. !*/ Object OpReset $Attribute 14 03-OCT-2007 10:34:58.37 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:02:06.93 Attr PgmName = "OpReset" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Write parameter. ! Set from the More graph. ! Will send a request to write the specified parameter. !*/ Object OpParamWrite $Attribute 16 03-OCT-2007 10:36:23.34 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:02:15.09 Attr PgmName = "OpParamWrite" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Read parameter. ! Set from the More graph. ! Will send a request to read the specified parameter. !*/ Object OpParamRead $Attribute 15 03-OCT-2007 10:36:33.95 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:02:21.83 Attr PgmName = "OpParamRead" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Parameter number for read and write parameter request. ! Set from the More graph. !*/ Object OpParamNumber $Attribute 17 03-OCT-2007 10:36:48.91 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:02:32.42 Attr PgmName = "OpParamNumber" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Parameter value for write parameter request. ! Set from the More graph. !*/ Object OpParamValue $Attribute 18 03-OCT-2007 10:37:24.36 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:02:44.58 Attr PgmName = "OpParamValue" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Received parameter value for read parameter request. ! Displayed in the More graph. !*/ Object ParamValue $Attribute 19 03-OCT-2007 10:38:02.01 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:02:56.86 Attr PgmName = "ParamValue" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Error from parameter read and write request. ! Displayed from the More graph. !*/ Object ParamError $Attribute 20 03-OCT-2007 10:38:32.11 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:03:07.16 Attr PgmName = "ParamError" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Error code from parameter read and write request. ! Displayed from the More graph. !*/ Object ParamErrorCode $Attribute 21 03-OCT-2007 10:38:50.01 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:03:17.77 Attr PgmName = "ParamErrorCode" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" EndBody EndObject Object AnalogSet $Attribute 22 03-OCT-2007 10:39:13.69 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:03:33.31 Attr PgmName = "AnalogSet" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Power Set value in percentage. ! The value is transfered to the thyristor unit via profibus. !*/ Object SetValue $Attribute 23 03-OCT-2007 10:39:26.81 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:39:40.81 Attr PgmName = "SetValue" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Power Process value in percentage. ! The value is received from the thyristor unit via profibus. !*/ Object ProcessValue $Attribute 24 03-OCT-2007 10:39:54.64 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:03:44.12 Attr PgmName = "ProcessValue" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Current phase 1. ! The value is received from the thyristor unit via profibus. !*/ Object Current1 $Attribute 25 03-OCT-2007 10:40:15.57 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:03:59.44 Attr PgmName = "Current1" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Current phase 2. ! The value is received from the thyristor unit via profibus. !*/ Object Current2 $Attribute 27 03-OCT-2007 10:40:27.06 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:04:07.16 Attr PgmName = "Current2" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Current phase 3. ! The value is received from the thyristor unit via profibus. !*/ Object Current3 $Attribute 26 03-OCT-2007 10:40:35.34 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:04:19.10 Attr PgmName = "Current3" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Voltage. ! The value is received from the thyristor unit via profibus. !*/ Object LoadVoltage $Attribute 28 11-OCT-2007 18:11:56.24 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 18:11:57.25 Attr PgmName = "LoadVoltage" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Line Voltage. ! The value is received from the thyristor unit via profibus. !*/ Object LineVoltage $Attribute 29 03-OCT-2007 10:41:04.16 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:04:35.33 Attr PgmName = "LineVoltage" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Indicates that the power in on. !*/ Object PowerOn $Attribute 30 03-OCT-2007 10:41:25.47 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:04:44.32 Attr PgmName = "PowerOn" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Indicates that the thyristor unit is enabled. !*/ Object TerminalDi $Attribute 31 11-OCT-2007 14:58:42.50 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 14:58:44.34 Attr PgmName = "TerminalDi" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Indicates that the profibus slave har error status. !*/ Object ProfibusError $Attribute 32 03-OCT-2007 10:45:58.43 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:05:01.65 Attr PgmName = "ProfibusError" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Indicates error status. !*/ Object IndError $Attribute 33 05-OCT-2007 09:47:46.73 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:05:09.10 Attr PgmName = "IndError" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Indicates warning status. !*/ Object IndWarning $Attribute 34 05-OCT-2007 09:47:53.39 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:05:15.35 Attr PgmName = "IndWarning" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Attribute to detect first scan. !*/ Object InitDone $Attribute 42 03-OCT-2007 15:35:40.64 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 15:36:08.67 Attr PgmName = "InitDone" Attr Flags = 2064 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object On $Attribute 45 11-OCT-2007 14:59:08.83 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 15:13:08.17 Attr PgmName = "On" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object OutPower $Attribute 46 11-OCT-2007 17:56:03.66 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:56:03.66 Attr PgmName = "OutPower" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject Object ExtInterlock $Attribute 47 15-OCT-2007 14:55:36.54 Body SysBody 15-OCT-2007 14:55:48.15 Attr PgmName = "ExtInterlock" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object Resistance1 $Attribute 48 23-OCT-2007 09:45:34.34 Body SysBody 23-OCT-2007 09:45:36.01 Attr PgmName = "Resistance1" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject Object Resistance2 $Attribute 50 23-OCT-2007 09:45:49.52 Body SysBody 23-OCT-2007 09:45:51.15 Attr PgmName = "Resistance2" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject Object Resistance3 $Attribute 49 23-OCT-2007 09:45:58.31 Body SysBody 23-OCT-2007 09:45:59.63 Attr PgmName = "Resistance3" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! @Summary The plc function object connected to this object. ! The plc function object connected to this object. ! This attribute is set when the functionobject is connected from ! the plc editor by the connect function. !*/ Object PlcConnect $Attribute 35 03-OCT-2007 10:47:30.26 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:47:30.26 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject !/** ! @Summary The simulate plc function object connected to this object. ! The simulate plc function object connected to this object. ! This attribute is set when the simulate functionobject is connected from ! the plc editor by the connect function. !*/ Object SimConnect $Attribute 36 03-OCT-2007 10:47:30.26 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:47:30.26 Attr PgmName = "SimConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject !/** ! @Summary The profibus module object connected to this object. ! The profibus module object connected to this object. ! This attribute is set when the object is connected to a ! profibus module by the IoConnect method in the popup menu. !*/ Object IoConnect $Attribute 37 03-OCT-2007 10:47:30.26 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:47:30.26 Attr PgmName = "IoConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject !/** ! @Summary The Profibus Slave status. ! The profibus slave status. ! A pointer to the status word in the profibus module object. !*/ Object IoStatus $Attribute 38 03-OCT-2007 10:47:30.26 Body SysBody 16-JUN-2009 17:16:40.60 Attr PgmName = "IoStatus" Attr Size = 4 Attr Flags = 1041 Attr ParamIndex = 48 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Status" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object ConfiguratorPoson $Menu 1326 27-FEB-2008 11:15:36.16 Object Pointed $Menu 1327 05-OCT-2007 11:05:31.85 Object IoConnect $MenuButton 1328 05-OCT-2007 11:05:31.85 Body SysBody 05-OCT-2007 11:05:31.85 Attr ButtonName = "Connect IO" Attr MethodName = "$AttrRef-IoConnect" Attr FilterName = "$AttrRef-IoConnectFilter" EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject Object Template Eurotherm_TC3001 2155839488 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 08-OCT-2007 13:01:32.21 Attr In1.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.In1" Attr In2.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.In2" Attr In3.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.In3" Attr In4.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.In4" Attr In5.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.In5" Attr In6.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.In6" Attr DiagSW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.Diag_SW" Attr DiagXS.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.Diag_XS" Attr Out1.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.Out1" Attr Out2.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.Out2" Attr Out3.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.Out3" Attr Out4.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.Out4" Attr ConfMaxCurrent = 5.000000e+02 Attr ConfMaxVoltage = 4.000000e+02 EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Code othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001fo.pdf ! @Summary Plc function object to Eurotherm_TC3001. ! Plc function object fo Eurotherm_TC3001. ! ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001fo_fo.gif ! ! Connect the function object to an object of class Eurotherm_TC3001. ! ! @b See also ! @classlink Eurotherm_TC3001 othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001.html !*/ Object Eurotherm_TC3001Fo $ClassDef 32 03-OCT-2007 10:48:13.50 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:47:55.14 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 144 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Attr StructName = "Eurotherm_TC3001Fo" Attr NextAix = "_X11" EndBody !/** ! Reference (set point) to thyristor unit in the range 0-100 %. !*/ Object Reference $Input 2 03-OCT-2007 10:49:01.74 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:49:21.28 Attr PgmName = "Reference" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr GraphName = "REF" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Line voltage to thyristor unit is energized. !*/ Object Power $Input 3 03-OCT-2007 10:54:43.94 Body SysBody 15-OCT-2007 15:09:49.57 Attr PgmName = "Power" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "pow" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Extern interlock. Reference output to unit is blocked. !*/ Object ExtInterlock $Input 10 15-OCT-2007 14:55:17.92 Body SysBody 15-OCT-2007 15:09:56.94 Attr PgmName = "ExtInterlock" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "ilk" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Disable supervision. No alarms are sent from the unit. !*/ Object DisableSup $Input 9 12-OCT-2007 16:03:30.27 Body SysBody 12-OCT-2007 16:03:30.27 Attr PgmName = "DisableSup" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "dis" EndBody EndObject !/** ! @Summary The main object connected to this object. ! The main object of class Eurotherm_TC3001. ! This attribute is set when the object is conntected to the main object ! with the connect function in the plc editor. !*/ Object PlcConnect $Intern 1 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Output to thyristor unit activated. !*/ Object On $Output 6 11-OCT-2007 15:00:31.27 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 15:00:43.07 Attr PgmName = "On" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "on" EndBody EndObject !/** ! An error is detected. Profibus down, thyristor shortcut or overcurrent. !*/ Object Error $Output 4 03-OCT-2007 10:55:16.75 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:55:23.60 Attr PgmName = "Error" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "err" EndBody EndObject !/** ! A warning is detected. !*/ Object Warning $Output 5 03-OCT-2007 10:55:33.60 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:55:37.46 Attr PgmName = "Warning" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "warn" EndBody EndObject !/** ! The output transfered to the thyristor unit. ! Can be used as a feedback to a PID controller. !*/ Object SetValue $Output 7 11-OCT-2007 15:01:07.33 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 15:01:35.43 Attr PgmName = "SetValue" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr GraphName = "SV" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Status of digital input Di2 on the thyristor unit. !*/ Object TerminalDi $Output 8 11-OCT-2007 15:02:09.08 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 15:02:27.27 Attr PgmName = "TerminalDi" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "tdi" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object DevBody $ObjBodyDef 2 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Attr StructName = "Eurotherm_TC3001Fo" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object PlcNode $Buffer 1 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Attr Class = "pwrs:Class-$PlcNode" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object GraphPlcNode $GraphPlcNode 810 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:20:35.25 Attr object_type = 11 Attr parameters[0] = 4 Attr parameters[1] = 1 Attr parameters[2] = 5 Attr parameters[3] = 0 Attr subwindows = 1 Attr subwindow_class[0] = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr graphmethod = 0 Attr graphindex = 0 Attr default_mask[0] = 3 Attr default_mask[1] = 3 Attr segname_annotation = 1 Attr compmethod = 58 Attr compindex = 0 Attr tracemethod = 0 Attr traceindex = 0 Attr connectmethod = 10 Attr executeordermethod = 2 Attr objname = "Eurot_TC3001Fo" Attr graphname = "Eurot_TC3001Fo" EndBody EndObject Object RtXtt $RtMenu 811 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Object PlcConnect $MenuRef 812 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Body SysBody 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Attr ButtonName = "PlcConnect" Attr RefAttribute = "PlcConnect" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Code PlcTemplate 813 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 10:48:24.39 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcProgram Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-PlcTemplate" Attr defnamecount[2] = 7 Attr defnamecount[11] = 57 Attr defnamecount[61] = 1 Attr defnamecount[62] = 5 Attr defnamecount[66] = 3 Attr defnamecount[70] = 1 Attr defnamecount[71] = 6 Attr defnamecount[73] = 6 Attr defnamecount[78] = 4 Attr defnamecount[90] = 7 Attr defnamecount[91] = 4 Attr defnamecount[97] = 5 Attr defnamecount[99] = 27 Attr defnamecount[102] = 2 Attr defnamecount[125] = 4 Attr defnamecount[127] = 3 Attr defnamecount[136] = 9 Attr defnamecount[137] = 14 Attr defnamecount[138] = 12 Attr defnamecount[139] = 17 Attr defnamecount[140] = 11 Attr defnamecount[141] = 4 Attr defnamecount[142] = 3 Attr defnamecount[143] = 16 Attr defnamecount[147] = 8 Attr defnamecount[148] = 2 Attr defnamecount[224] = 1 Attr defnamecount[225] = 1 Attr defnamecount[252] = 3 Attr defnamecount[253] = 12 Attr defnamecount[255] = 19 Attr defnamecount[256] = 31 Attr defnamecount[257] = 1 Attr defnamecount[258] = 4 Attr defnamecount[263] = 14 Attr defnamecount[264] = 14 Attr defnamecount[266] = 1 Attr defnamecount[267] = 1 Attr defnamecount[269] = 1 Attr defnamecount[270] = 2 Attr connamecount = 388 EndBuffer EndBody Object W WindowPlc 814 03-OCT-2007 10:59:54.84 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 10:59:54.84 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Modified = "27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55" Buffer PlcWindow Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr y = 5.000000e+01 Attr width = 1.000000e+03 Attr heigth = 7.500000e+02 Attr refconcount = 1 EndBuffer EndBody Object cn387 ConAnalog 2205 27-JAN-2010 18:07:19.36 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn387" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp12" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp12" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.773111e+00 Attr y = -1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.007375e+00 Attr y = -7.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = -7.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn386 ConAnalog 2204 27-JAN-2010 18:07:17.62 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn386" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp13" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.775333e+00 Attr y = -1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.046556e+00 Attr y = -8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = -8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn385 ConAnalog 2203 27-JAN-2010 18:07:15.39 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn385" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp11" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp11" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.775333e+00 Attr y = -1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.026410e+00 Attr y = -9.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = -9.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn384 ConAnalog 2202 27-JAN-2010 18:07:12.87 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn384" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp10" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp10" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.775333e+00 Attr y = -1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.289417e+00 Attr y = -1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = -1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn383 ConAnalog 2201 27-JAN-2010 18:07:10.71 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn383" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp9" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp9" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -1.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.773111e+00 Attr y = -1.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.349854e+00 Attr y = -1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = -1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn382 ConAnalog 2200 27-JAN-2010 18:07:08.92 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn382" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp8" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp8" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -1.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.773111e+00 Attr y = -1.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.208833e+00 Attr y = -1.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = -1.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn381 ConAnalog 2199 27-JAN-2010 18:07:07.01 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn381" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp7" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp7" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -1.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.773111e+00 Attr y = -1.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.329708e+00 Attr y = -1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = -1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn380 ConAnalog 2198 27-JAN-2010 18:07:05.27 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn380" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp6" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.775333e+00 Attr y = -1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.047667e+00 Attr y = -1.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = -1.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn379 ConAnalog 2197 27-JAN-2010 18:07:02.77 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn379" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp5" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.775333e+00 Attr y = -1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.289417e+00 Attr y = -1.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = -1.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn378 ConAnalog 2196 27-JAN-2010 18:07:00.77 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn378" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -2.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.773111e+00 Attr y = -2.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.208833e+00 Attr y = -1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = -1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn377 ConAnalog 2195 27-JAN-2010 18:06:58.91 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn377" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -2.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.773111e+00 Attr y = -2.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.047667e+00 Attr y = -1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = -1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn376 ConAnalog 2194 27-JAN-2010 18:06:56.84 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn376" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -2.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.775333e+00 Attr y = -2.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.047667e+00 Attr y = -1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = -1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn375 ConAnalog 2193 27-JAN-2010 18:06:54.99 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn375" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -2.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.775333e+00 Attr y = -2.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.047667e+00 Attr y = -1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = -1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn374 ConAnalog 2192 27-JAN-2010 18:06:52.93 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn374" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = -2.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.775333e+00 Attr y = -2.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn373 ConDigital 2191 24-APR-2008 13:47:16.08 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn373" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Gt56" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And6" Buffer point[0] EndBuffer Buffer point[1] EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn372 ConDigital 2190 24-APR-2008 13:46:56.15 Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn372" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 6 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And6" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 3.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.430431e+00 Attr y = 3.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.430431e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn371 ConDigital 2189 24-APR-2008 13:46:51.58 Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn371" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And6" Attr dest_point = 4 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.649000e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.731875e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.731875e+00 Attr y = 1.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 1.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn370 ConDigital 2187 24-APR-2008 13:45:32.12 Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn370" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And4" Attr dest_point = 6 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Yellow" Buffer point[0] EndBuffer Buffer point[1] EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn369 ConAnalog 2186 31-MAR-2008 17:08:46.89 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn369" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Gt56" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp11" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.786667e-01 Attr y = 8.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 8.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.182953e+00 Attr y = 8.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.042000e+00 Attr y = 8.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn368 ConDigital 2184 31-MAR-2008 17:08:21.11 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn368" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Gt56" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.649000e+00 Attr y = 8.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn366 ConDigital 2180 31-MAR-2008 16:52:33.04 Body DevBody 31-MAR-2008 17:09:51.47 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn366" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And5" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup20" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.220000e+00 Attr y = 8.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.149000e+00 Attr y = 8.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.009500e+00 Attr y = 8.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.070000e+00 Attr y = 8.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn365 ConDigital 2179 31-MAR-2008 16:52:27.73 Body DevBody 31-MAR-2008 17:09:51.47 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn365" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And5" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup14" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.895000e+00 Attr y = 8.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.895000e+00 Attr y = 8.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn364 ConDigital 2177 31-MAR-2008 16:51:49.86 Body DevBody 31-MAR-2008 17:09:51.47 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn364" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup18" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup22" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.932500e+00 Attr y = 7.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.932500e+00 Attr y = 7.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn363 ConDigital 2176 27-FEB-2008 11:25:42.23 Body DevBody 27-FEB-2008 11:26:46.99 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn363" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Inv1" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And4" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.099000e+00 Attr y = 8.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.449000e+00 Attr y = 8.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.449000e+00 Attr y = 8.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 8.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn362 ConDigital 2175 27-FEB-2008 11:25:29.87 Body DevBody 27-FEB-2008 11:26:46.99 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn362" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDo0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Inv1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.920000e+00 Attr y = 8.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.845333e+00 Attr y = 8.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn359 ConDigital 2169 27-FEB-2008 11:22:53.98 Body DevBody 27-FEB-2008 11:26:46.99 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn359" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Disabled55" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-HasEnable2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 8.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.047333e+00 Attr y = 8.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.416000e+00 Attr y = 8.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 8.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn358 ConDigital 2166 22-JAN-2008 12:55:44.99 Body DevBody 22-JAN-2008 12:56:12.19 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn358" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup14" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.649000e+00 Attr y = 8.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.947167e+00 Attr y = 8.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.947167e+00 Attr y = 8.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn357 ConDigital 2165 22-JAN-2008 12:53:35.53 Body DevBody 22-JAN-2008 12:56:12.19 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn357" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-NoPB" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Wait4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.249000e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn356 ConDigital 2164 22-JAN-2008 12:53:30.83 Body DevBody 22-JAN-2008 12:56:12.19 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn356" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Red" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Wait4" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.587236e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.587236e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.534667e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn355 ConDigital 2163 22-JAN-2008 12:53:19.21 Body DevBody 22-JAN-2008 12:56:12.19 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn355" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup12" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Wait4" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.414750e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.414750e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.560951e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.560951e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.534667e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn354 ConDigital 2162 22-JAN-2008 12:53:12.48 Body DevBody 22-JAN-2008 12:56:12.19 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn354" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp0" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Wait4" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.359500e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.359500e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.560951e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.560951e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.534667e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn351 ConDigital 2156 29-NOV-2007 09:39:37.87 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn351" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 13 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And4" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.410208e+00 Attr y = 7.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.410208e+00 Attr y = 8.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 8.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn348 ConDigital 2151 29-NOV-2007 06:58:13.04 Body DevBody 29-NOV-2007 06:58:19.68 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn348" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDo0" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.199000e+00 Attr y = 5.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.262305e+00 Attr y = 5.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.262305e+00 Attr y = 4.898500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.862389e+00 Attr y = 4.898500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.862389e+00 Attr y = 4.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 4.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn347 ConDigital 2133 23-OCT-2007 09:59:16.61 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn347" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 10 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit52" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select3" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.494000e+00 Attr y = 9.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.835486e+00 Attr y = 9.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.835486e+00 Attr y = 1.010000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 1.010000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn346 ConAnalog 2132 23-OCT-2007 09:59:13.73 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn346" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 7 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit52" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select3" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.494000e+00 Attr y = 9.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.720444e+00 Attr y = 9.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.720444e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn345 ConDigital 2131 23-OCT-2007 09:59:11.27 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn345" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 9 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit52" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select2" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.494000e+00 Attr y = 9.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.846583e+00 Attr y = 9.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.846583e+00 Attr y = 9.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 9.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn344 ConAnalog 2130 23-OCT-2007 09:59:07.52 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn344" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 6 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit52" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 9.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.494000e+00 Attr y = 9.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.545222e+00 Attr y = 9.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 9.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn343 ConAnalog 2129 23-OCT-2007 09:58:57.78 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn343" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Filter2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.100000e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.710000e+00 Attr y = 9.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 9.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn342 ConAnalog 2128 23-OCT-2007 09:58:57.78 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:55.88 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn342" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Filter2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp29" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.150000e+00 Attr y = 9.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 9.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn341 ConAnalog 2127 23-OCT-2007 09:58:57.78 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn341" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp10" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 1.005000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.595514e+00 Attr y = 1.005000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.595514e+00 Attr y = 9.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.570889e+00 Attr y = 9.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn340 ConAnalog 2122 23-OCT-2007 09:58:51.23 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn340" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Filter1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 9.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.100000e+00 Attr y = 9.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.940000e+00 Attr y = 9.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 9.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn339 ConAnalog 2121 23-OCT-2007 09:58:51.23 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn339" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Filter1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp28" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 9.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 9.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn338 ConAnalog 2120 23-OCT-2007 09:58:51.23 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn338" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp9" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 9.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.737500e+00 Attr y = 9.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.737500e+00 Attr y = 9.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.570889e+00 Attr y = 9.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.630422e+00 Attr y = 9.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.570889e+00 Attr y = 9.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn337 ConAnalog 2115 23-OCT-2007 09:58:20.11 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn337" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp8" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.570889e+00 Attr y = 9.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 9.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.443764e+00 Attr y = 9.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370889e+00 Attr y = 9.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn335 ConAnalog 2111 23-OCT-2007 09:58:08.61 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn335" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Filter0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp27" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 9.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 9.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.060000e+00 Attr y = 9.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 9.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn333 ConAnalog 2107 23-OCT-2007 09:57:51.27 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn333" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Filter0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 9.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.100000e+00 Attr y = 9.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.710000e+00 Attr y = 9.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 9.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn331 ConDigital 2103 23-OCT-2007 09:57:20.88 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn331" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 8 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit52" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.494000e+00 Attr y = 9.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.800972e+00 Attr y = 9.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.800972e+00 Attr y = 9.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 9.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn330 ConAnalog 2102 23-OCT-2007 09:57:13.67 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn330" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 5 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit52" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.494000e+00 Attr y = 9.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.697028e+00 Attr y = 9.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.697028e+00 Attr y = 9.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 9.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn329 ConDigital 2100 23-OCT-2007 09:56:25.94 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn329" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit52" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp26" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 8.964444e-01 Attr y = 9.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.120000e+00 Attr y = 9.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn328 ConAnalog 2098 23-OCT-2007 09:56:14.75 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn328" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit52" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp7" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.720000e-01 Attr y = 9.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.120000e+00 Attr y = 9.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn327 ConAnalog 2096 23-OCT-2007 09:56:09.12 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn327" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit52" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.720000e-01 Attr y = 9.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.120000e+00 Attr y = 9.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn326 ConAnalog 2094 23-OCT-2007 09:56:03.99 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn326" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit52" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.720000e-01 Attr y = 9.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.120000e+00 Attr y = 9.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn325 ConAnalog 2092 23-OCT-2007 09:55:57.14 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn325" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit52" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.018667e+00 Attr y = 9.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.120000e+00 Attr y = 9.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn319 ConDigital 2076 15-OCT-2007 17:11:43.75 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 17:12:03.23 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn319" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp13" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.199000e+00 Attr y = 5.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.254611e+00 Attr y = 5.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.254611e+00 Attr y = 4.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.920000e+00 Attr y = 4.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.862389e+00 Attr y = 5.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.920000e+00 Attr y = 5.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn314 ConDigital 2054 15-OCT-2007 15:41:54.47 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn314" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-ResDp2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-ResDp3" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 5.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.837389e+00 Attr y = 5.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.837389e+00 Attr y = 5.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 5.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn313 ConDigital 2053 15-OCT-2007 15:41:52.21 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn313" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-ResDp1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-ResDp2" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.853694e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.853694e+00 Attr y = 5.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 5.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn312 ConDigital 2052 15-OCT-2007 15:41:50.25 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn312" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-ResDp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-ResDp1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.837389e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.837389e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn311 ConDigital 2051 15-OCT-2007 15:41:48.19 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn311" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 7 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-ResDp0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.315111e+00 Attr y = 5.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.804778e+00 Attr y = 5.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.804778e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn310 ConDigital 2049 15-OCT-2007 15:30:21.07 Body DevBody 29-NOV-2007 09:41:04.25 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn310" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Alarm2" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup14" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.655111e+00 Attr y = 8.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.216194e+00 Attr y = 8.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.220000e+00 Attr y = 8.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn309 ConDigital 2048 15-OCT-2007 15:30:18.62 Body DevBody 29-NOV-2007 09:41:04.25 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn309" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp25" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Alarm2" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.742222e-01 Attr y = 8.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.431139e+00 Attr y = 8.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.431139e+00 Attr y = 8.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 8.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.456583e+00 Attr y = 8.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 8.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn307 ConDigital 2044 15-OCT-2007 15:29:48.93 Body DevBody 29-NOV-2007 09:41:04.25 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn307" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup26" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup14" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.895000e+00 Attr y = 8.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.895000e+00 Attr y = 8.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 3.212389e+00 Attr y = 8.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.220000e+00 Attr y = 8.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn306 ConDigital 2043 15-OCT-2007 15:29:44.85 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn306" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup22" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup26" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.935627e+00 Attr y = 7.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.935627e+00 Attr y = 8.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn302 ConDigital 2038 15-OCT-2007 15:29:28.91 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn302" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup19" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup18" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.952601e+00 Attr y = 7.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.952601e+00 Attr y = 7.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn301 ConDigital 2037 15-OCT-2007 15:29:27.03 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn301" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup17" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup19" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.958500e+00 Attr y = 7.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.958500e+00 Attr y = 7.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn300 ConDigital 2036 15-OCT-2007 15:29:25.01 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn300" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup16" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup17" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.947000e+00 Attr y = 7.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.947000e+00 Attr y = 7.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn299 ConDigital 2035 15-OCT-2007 15:29:22.72 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn299" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup15" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup16" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.948873e+00 Attr y = 7.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.948873e+00 Attr y = 7.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn298 ConDigital 2034 15-OCT-2007 15:29:05.76 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn298" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Alarm1" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup21" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.655111e+00 Attr y = 8.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.891278e+00 Attr y = 8.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.920000e+00 Attr y = 8.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn297 ConDigital 2033 15-OCT-2007 15:28:55.55 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn297" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp25" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Alarm1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 8.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.742222e-01 Attr y = 8.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.252333e+00 Attr y = 8.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 8.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn296 ConDigital 2031 15-OCT-2007 15:28:49.41 Body DevBody 29-NOV-2007 09:41:04.25 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn296" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-PowOn" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Alarm1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.159111e+00 Attr y = 8.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.392278e+00 Attr y = 8.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.392278e+00 Attr y = 8.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 8.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn292 ConDigital 2025 15-OCT-2007 15:23:40.68 Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn292" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And0" Attr dest_point = 7 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.799000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.809500e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn291 ConDigital 2024 15-OCT-2007 15:23:04.11 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:33:37.29 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn291" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp10" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.620000e+00 Attr y = 1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.549500e+00 Attr y = 1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.549500e+00 Attr y = 1.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 8.120000e-01 Attr y = 1.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn290 ConDigital 2023 15-OCT-2007 15:23:00.65 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:33:37.29 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn290" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-PowFirst" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.499000e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.602875e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.602875e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.620000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn287 ConDigital 2020 15-OCT-2007 15:21:21.99 Body DevBody 29-NOV-2007 09:41:04.25 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn287" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp24" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-PowOn" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.920000e+00 Attr y = 8.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.120000e-01 Attr y = 8.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.391000e+00 Attr y = 8.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 8.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn285 ConDigital 2016 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn285" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup24" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup23" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.951250e+00 Attr y = 7.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.951250e+00 Attr y = 7.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.578528e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.670000e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn284 ConDigital 2015 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn284" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup25" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup24" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.876250e+00 Attr y = 8.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.876250e+00 Attr y = 7.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.578528e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.670000e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn283 ConDigital 2014 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn283" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup21" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup25" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.952601e+00 Attr y = 8.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.952601e+00 Attr y = 8.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn280 ConAnalog 2011 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn280" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi15" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.670000e+00 Attr y = 7.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.307667e+00 Attr y = 7.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.307667e+00 Attr y = 7.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 9.453334e-01 Attr y = 7.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn279 ConDigital 2010 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn279" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup15" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.010167e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.010167e+00 Attr y = 7.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn278 ConDigital 2009 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn278" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup16" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.103333e+00 Attr y = 7.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.103333e+00 Attr y = 7.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn277 ConDigital 2008 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn277" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup17" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.940292e+00 Attr y = 7.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.940292e+00 Attr y = 7.123500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.629833e+00 Attr y = 7.123500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.629833e+00 Attr y = 7.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn276 ConDigital 2007 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn276" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup19" Attr dest_point = 4 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.010167e+00 Attr y = 7.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.010167e+00 Attr y = 7.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.843500e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.817000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn275 ConDigital 2006 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn275" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup18" Attr dest_point = 5 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.050392e+00 Attr y = 7.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.010437e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.867000e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn274 ConDigital 2005 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn274" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup20" Attr dest_point = 6 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.220000e+00 Attr y = 8.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.282438e+00 Attr y = 8.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.282438e+00 Attr y = 7.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.975569e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn272 ConDigital 2003 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn272" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 7 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup23" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.710284e+00 Attr y = 7.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.445000e+00 Attr y = 1.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn271 ConDigital 2002 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn271" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 8 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup24" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.690104e+00 Attr y = 7.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.690104e+00 Attr y = 7.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.945139e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn270 ConDigital 2001 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn270" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 9 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup25" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.812556e+00 Attr y = 7.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.812556e+00 Attr y = 8.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.495000e+00 Attr y = 1.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn269 ConDigital 2000 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn269" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 10 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup21" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.690104e+00 Attr y = 7.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.690104e+00 Attr y = 8.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.495000e+00 Attr y = 1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn268 ConDigital 1999 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn268" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 11 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup22" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.830052e+00 Attr y = 7.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.830052e+00 Attr y = 7.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 7.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.202445e+00 Attr y = 1.662500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.517722e+00 Attr y = 1.662500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] Attr x = 1.517722e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[7] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn267 ConDigital 1998 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn267" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup26" Attr dest_point = 12 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.963583e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.963583e+00 Attr y = 7.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.917000e+00 Attr y = 7.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn265 ConDigital 1957 15-OCT-2007 14:58:40.14 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn265" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp23" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.875556e-01 Attr y = 5.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.020000e+00 Attr y = 5.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 9.537778e-01 Attr y = 4.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 9.375556e-01 Attr y = 4.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn263 ConDigital 1953 15-OCT-2007 14:58:18.85 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn263" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And2" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.270000e+00 Attr y = 5.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.199000e+00 Attr y = 5.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.176000e+00 Attr y = 4.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.220000e+00 Attr y = 4.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn262 ConDigital 1952 15-OCT-2007 14:58:15.84 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn262" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp20" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.020000e+00 Attr y = 5.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.120000e-01 Attr y = 5.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.083055e+00 Attr y = 4.625000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 5.250000e-01 Attr y = 4.625000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 5.250000e-01 Attr y = 4.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 9.700000e-01 Attr y = 4.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn261 ConDigital 1950 15-OCT-2007 14:56:51.50 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn261" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp22" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp16" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.170000e+00 Attr y = 1.115000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.875556e-01 Attr y = 1.115000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn256 ConDigital 1915 12-OCT-2007 16:04:25.92 Body DevBody 22-JAN-2008 12:56:12.19 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn256" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup12" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp21" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 8.742222e-01 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn251 ConAnalog 1900 11-OCT-2007 18:09:49.45 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:33:37.29 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn251" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit38" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp19" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.899556e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn249 ConAnalog 1896 11-OCT-2007 18:09:05.01 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 18:11:27.93 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn249" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 10 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit38" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.939556e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.164142e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.164142e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn247 ConAnalog 1892 11-OCT-2007 18:07:17.66 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 18:11:27.93 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn247" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 13 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit38" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.939556e+00 Attr y = 2.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.104778e+00 Attr y = 2.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.104778e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn246 ConAnalog 1891 11-OCT-2007 18:07:13.93 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 18:11:27.93 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn246" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 12 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit38" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.939556e+00 Attr y = 2.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.198306e+00 Attr y = 2.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.198306e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn245 ConAnalog 1890 11-OCT-2007 18:07:09.55 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 18:11:27.93 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn245" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 11 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit38" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.939556e+00 Attr y = 2.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.058285e+00 Attr y = 2.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.058285e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn244 ConDigital 1802 11-OCT-2007 15:12:15.33 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn244" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp18" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp15" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.170000e+00 Attr y = 1.110000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.986667e-01 Attr y = 1.110000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn242 ConAnalog 1797 11-OCT-2007 15:10:54.28 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn242" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp17" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.500000e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.535000e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.535000e+00 Attr y = 4.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn240 ConDigital 1793 11-OCT-2007 15:06:43.44 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn240" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp14" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp16" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 8.653333e-01 Attr y = 1.105000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.170000e+00 Attr y = 1.105000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn236 ConDigital 1339 05-OCT-2007 14:16:09.10 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn236" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Disabled31" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-HasEnable" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.920000e+00 Attr y = 4.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.473333e-01 Attr y = 4.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn226 ConAnalog 1259 04-OCT-2007 13:18:40.91 Body DevBody 22-JAN-2008 12:56:12.19 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn226" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIpPtr27" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-NoPB" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.070000e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.740000e-01 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 8.893334e-01 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 9.200000e-01 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn225 ConDigital 1257 03-OCT-2007 15:54:47.87 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn225" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp15" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp12" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.170000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.297778e-01 Attr y = 1.100000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn224 ConDigital 1255 03-OCT-2007 15:54:41.34 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn224" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp14" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp11" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.170000e+00 Attr y = 1.095000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 8.942223e-01 Attr y = 1.095000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn221 ConDigital 1247 03-OCT-2007 15:53:36.75 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn221" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp10" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.170000e+00 Attr y = 1.090000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.120000e-01 Attr y = 1.090000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn219 ConAnalog 1242 03-OCT-2007 15:53:00.66 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn219" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp12" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.170000e+00 Attr y = 1.085000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.631111e-01 Attr y = 1.085000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn215 ConAnalog 1234 03-OCT-2007 15:47:05.35 Body DevBody 05-OCT-2007 08:02:34.68 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn215" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi13" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.542223e-01 Attr y = 5.000000e-02 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e-02 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn213 ConAnalog 1230 03-OCT-2007 15:46:18.39 Body DevBody 05-OCT-2007 08:02:34.68 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn213" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-SW" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi12" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.586667e-01 Attr y = 2.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.020000e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 9.990000e-01 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 9.586667e-01 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn211 ConDigital 1225 03-OCT-2007 15:38:47.10 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn211" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-InitAlarmTexts" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.220000e+00 Attr y = -2.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.149000e+00 Attr y = -2.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.199500e+00 Attr y = -2.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.220000e+00 Attr y = -2.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn210 ConDigital 1224 03-OCT-2007 15:38:14.06 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn210" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp11" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.086667e-01 Attr y = -2.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.700000e-01 Attr y = -2.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -2.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.124000e+00 Attr y = -2.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.124000e+00 Attr y = -2.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 9.175556e-01 Attr y = -2.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn208 ConDigital 1220 03-OCT-2007 15:37:32.04 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn208" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-FirstScan11" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.700000e-01 Attr y = -2.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 7.800000e-01 Attr y = -2.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn159 ConAnalog 1124 03-OCT-2007 13:41:29.67 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn159" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 11 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoIo7" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 5.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.315111e+00 Attr y = 5.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn158 ConAnalog 1122 03-OCT-2007 13:41:25.55 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn158" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 10 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoIo6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.315111e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn157 ConAnalog 1120 03-OCT-2007 13:41:21.37 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn157" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 9 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoIo5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 5.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.315111e+00 Attr y = 5.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn156 ConAnalog 1118 03-OCT-2007 13:41:17.32 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn156" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 8 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoIo4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 5.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.315111e+00 Attr y = 5.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn141 ConAnalog 1088 03-OCT-2007 13:19:49.60 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn141" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 6 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIp2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.052000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn139 ConAnalog 1084 03-OCT-2007 13:19:39.49 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn139" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 5 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.083111e+00 Attr y = 5.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 5.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn137 ConDigital 1080 03-OCT-2007 13:19:23.93 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn137" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp9" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.920000e-01 Attr y = 5.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 5.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn135 ConDigital 1076 03-OCT-2007 13:19:12.95 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn135" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp8" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.047556e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn133 ConDigital 1072 03-OCT-2007 13:19:02.22 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn133" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp7" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.047556e+00 Attr y = 5.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 5.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn131 ConDigital 1068 03-OCT-2007 13:18:51.68 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn131" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.742222e-01 Attr y = 5.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 5.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn129 ConAnalog 1064 03-OCT-2007 13:18:12.99 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn129" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.631111e-01 Attr y = 5.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.270000e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.041556e+00 Attr y = 4.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 9.631111e-01 Attr y = 4.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn127 ConAnalog 1060 03-OCT-2007 13:17:25.38 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 13:20:54.89 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn127" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 8 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIp0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.033111e+00 Attr y = 2.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 2.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn125 ConAnalog 1056 03-OCT-2007 13:17:10.72 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 13:20:54.89 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn125" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 7 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi11" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 8.486667e-01 Attr y = 2.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 2.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn124 ConAnalog 1054 03-OCT-2007 13:17:07.17 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 13:20:54.89 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn124" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 6 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi10" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 8.486667e-01 Attr y = 2.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn123 ConAnalog 1052 03-OCT-2007 13:17:04.24 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 13:20:54.89 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn123" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 5 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi9" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 8.486667e-01 Attr y = 2.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 2.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn122 ConAnalog 1050 03-OCT-2007 13:17:01.29 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 13:20:54.89 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn122" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi8" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 8.486667e-01 Attr y = 2.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 2.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn121 ConAnalog 1048 03-OCT-2007 13:16:57.59 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 13:20:54.89 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn121" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi7" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 8.486667e-01 Attr y = 2.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 2.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn115 ConAnalog 1036 03-OCT-2007 13:16:31.03 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 15:49:06.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn115" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 8.486667e-01 Attr y = 2.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 2.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 9.617083e-01 Attr y = 2.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 8.486667e-01 Attr y = 2.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn113 ConAnalog 1032 03-OCT-2007 13:16:19.32 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 15:49:06.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn113" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.022000e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.054750e+00 Attr y = 2.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.022000e+00 Attr y = 2.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn111 ConAnalog 1028 03-OCT-2007 13:16:09.16 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 15:49:06.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn111" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.022000e+00 Attr y = 2.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 2.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.087500e+00 Attr y = 2.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.022000e+00 Attr y = 2.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn109 ConAnalog 1024 03-OCT-2007 11:44:51.81 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn109" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 18 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CStoIp1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.950667e+00 Attr y = 2.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.215167e+00 Attr y = 2.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.215167e+00 Attr y = 3.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 3.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn108 ConDigital 1023 03-OCT-2007 11:44:48.83 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn108" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 16 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CStoIp1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.950667e+00 Attr y = 2.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.241750e+00 Attr y = 2.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.241750e+00 Attr y = 3.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 3.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn107 ConAnalog 1021 03-OCT-2007 11:44:22.45 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn107" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 18 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CStoIp0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 2.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.950667e+00 Attr y = 2.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn106 ConDigital 1020 03-OCT-2007 11:44:19.67 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn106" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 15 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CStoIp0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.950667e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.126611e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.126611e+00 Attr y = 2.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 2.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn105 ConDigital 1018 03-OCT-2007 11:43:05.58 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn105" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 16 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 2.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.950667e+00 Attr y = 2.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.949053e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn103 ConAnalog 1014 03-OCT-2007 11:42:27.83 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn103" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 14 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 2.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.950667e+00 Attr y = 2.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.115726e+00 Attr y = 2.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 2.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn101 ConAnalog 1010 03-OCT-2007 11:42:16.64 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn101" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 13 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 2.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.950667e+00 Attr y = 2.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn99 ConAnalog 1006 03-OCT-2007 11:42:01.96 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn99" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 12 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 2.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.950667e+00 Attr y = 2.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.111451e+00 Attr y = 2.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 2.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn97 ConAnalog 1002 03-OCT-2007 11:41:52.12 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn97" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 11 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 2.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.950667e+00 Attr y = 2.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.102903e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn95 ConAnalog 998 03-OCT-2007 11:41:32.88 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn95" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 10 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.950667e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.085806e+00 Attr y = 2.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 2.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn93 ConAnalog 994 03-OCT-2007 11:41:21.00 Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn93" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 9 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 2.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.950667e+00 Attr y = 2.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.051611e+00 Attr y = 2.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 2.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn91 ConDigital 990 03-OCT-2007 11:40:48.28 Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn91" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 8 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.120000e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.050667e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn89 ConDigital 986 03-OCT-2007 11:40:38.18 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:33:37.29 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn89" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Red" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.120000e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.049000e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.282111e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.918750e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.918750e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.020000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn87 ConDigital 982 03-OCT-2007 11:39:47.93 Body DevBody 05-OCT-2007 08:02:34.68 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn87" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-SW" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.267000e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.440000e+00 Attr y = 1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.016000e+00 Attr y = 1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.016000e+00 Attr y = 1.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.070000e+00 Attr y = 1.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn85 ConDigital 978 03-OCT-2007 11:38:54.96 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn85" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 7 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.070000e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.101000e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.120000e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn38 ConAnalog 927 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn38" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.500000e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.535000e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.535000e+00 Attr y = 5.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 5.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn33 ConDigital 922 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn33" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Red" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 2.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.852250e+00 Attr y = 2.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.852250e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.279305e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.770000e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn21 ConDigital 910 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn21" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 13 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Red" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.788854e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.788854e+00 Attr y = 9.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 9.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.556167e+00 Attr y = 1.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.770000e+00 Attr y = 1.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn13 ConDigital 902 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn13" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 8 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-PowFirst" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.297038e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.297038e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.395000e+00 Attr y = 2.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 2.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn12 ConDigital 901 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn12" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 9 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-PowFirst" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 4.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.256465e+00 Attr y = 4.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.256465e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.395000e+00 Attr y = 2.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 2.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn11 ConDigital 900 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn11" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 10 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-PowFirst" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.232611e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.232611e+00 Attr y = 1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn10 ConDigital 899 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn10" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 11 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-PowFirst" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.276305e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.276305e+00 Attr y = 1.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.765444e+00 Attr y = 2.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 2.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn9 ConDigital 898 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn9" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.068679e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.068679e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e-02 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e-02 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.331167e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.817000e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] Attr x = 2.100028e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[7] Attr x = 1.867000e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn8 ConDigital 897 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn8" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.834500e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.834500e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.387056e+00 Attr y = 1.631250e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.183861e+00 Attr y = 1.631250e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] Attr x = 2.183861e+00 Attr y = 1.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[7] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn7 ConDigital 896 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn7" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 1.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.042840e+00 Attr y = 1.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.042840e+00 Attr y = 1.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 1.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.201667e+00 Attr y = 1.162500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.309389e+00 Attr y = 1.162500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] Attr x = 1.309389e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[7] Attr x = 1.267000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn6 ConDigital 895 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn6" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 5 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.814750e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.814750e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.387528e+00 Attr y = 1.675000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.203305e+00 Attr y = 1.675000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] Attr x = 2.203305e+00 Attr y = 1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[7] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn4 ConDigital 893 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-cn4" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 12 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr dest_point = 5 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.017000e+00 Attr y = 6.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.759500e+00 Attr y = 6.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.759500e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document1 Document 816 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.98 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Document1" Attr x = 4.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.075000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "2" Attr Signature = "HW" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object XS MaskToD 820 03-OCT-2007 15:47:21.65 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 EndBody Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-MaskToD" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-XS" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e-01 Attr width = 2.470000e-01 Attr heigth = 7.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 16375 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object SW MaskToD 821 03-OCT-2007 15:46:03.50 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 EndBody Body DevBody 05-OCT-2007 08:02:34.68 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-MaskToD" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-SW" Attr x = 9.999999e-01 Attr y = 6.750000e-01 Attr width = 2.470000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 16384 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Head2 Head 823 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Text = "Error status from diagnostic. SW and XS." Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Head" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Head2" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = 1.031000e+00 Attr width = 8.235555e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CArit3 CArithm 824 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 Attr AIn8 = 1.000000e+02 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArithm" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit3" Attr x = 1.550000e+00 Attr y = -5.675000e+00 Attr width = 7.451111e-01 Attr heigth = 1.550000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 200449 Attr mask[1] = 983296 EndBuffer Attr Code = "od1 = 1; if (od8 && d1) { /* Alarm acknowledge */ OI1 = 0x2003; OI4 = 4; od7 = 1; od8 = 0; } else if (od8 && d4) { /* Dig Set */ OI1 = 0x2003; OI4 = 13; od7 = 1; od8 = 0; } else if (od8 && d2) { /* Param read */ OI1 = I1 + 0x1000; od8 = 0; } else if (od8 && d3) { /* Param write */ OI1 = I1 + 0x2000; OI4 = I2; od8 = 0; } else if (od8 && (A8 > 0.0)) { /* New SetValue */ OI1 = 0x2001; if (A1 > A8) OI4 = 1000; else if (A1 < 0) OI4 = 0; else OI4 = A1 / A8 * 1000.0; od8 = 0; } else { /* Polling */ OI1 = 0; od1 = 0; od8 = 1; /* OK new SetValue or Ack */ } " EndBody EndObject Object Document2 Document 832 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Document2" Attr x = 4.500000e-01 Attr y = -3.425000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "3" Attr Signature = "HW" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object CArit4 CArithm 833 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 EndBody Body DevBody 23-NOV-2007 11:33:07.13 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArithm" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit4" Attr x = 1.350000e+00 Attr y = -2.625000e+00 Attr width = 5.695556e-01 Attr heigth = 1.250000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 8323075 Attr mask[1] = 197439 EndBuffer Attr Code = "od1 = 0; if ((I1 & 0xf000) == 0) { /* Polling */ OA1 = I1 / 1000.0 * 100.0; OA2 = I2 / 1000.0 * A1; OA3 = I3 / 1000.0 * A2; OA4 = I4 / 1000.0 * A2; OA5 = I5 / 1000.0 * A2; OA6 = I6 / 1000.0 * A1; } else if ((I1 & 0xf000) == 0x1000) { OI1 = (I1 & 0xff); /* Par Num */ OI2 = I4; /* Par Value */ od1 = (OI1 == I7); } else if ((I1 & 0xf000) != 0x2000) { OI2 = (I1 & 0xff); /* Errorcode */ od2 = 1; /* Error */ } " EndBody EndObject Object BodyText5 BodyText 847 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-BodyText5" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.969000e+00 Attr width = 5.435556e-01 Attr heigth = 3.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "CW ( Command word) is param number 3. Value 4 states alarm acknowledge. Value 13 states order digital setpoint. Digital Setpoint 1-1000 is parameter 1 A8 = max Set = 100 % Every second scan is polling. " EndBody EndObject Object BodyText6 BodyText 852 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 Body DevBody 05-OCT-2007 08:06:00.93 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-BodyText6" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.319000e+00 Attr width = 5.724444e-01 Attr heigth = 3.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Polling: ProcVal 0 - 1000; A5 = 100 % Power 0 - 1250; A6 = 250 kW Voltage 0 - 1250; A7 = 500 V Current 0 - 1000; A8 = 500 A Parameter read gives value if number is correct. ErrorCode at failure. Error output for alarms. " EndBody EndObject Object BodyText7 BodyText 853 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 Body DevBody 05-OCT-2007 08:02:34.68 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-BodyText7" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = 3.100001e-02 Attr width = 8.235555e-01 Attr heigth = 5.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "SW ( Status word) : configuration XS : activa alarms 1 - Partial Load Failure Phase 1 2 - Partial Load Failure Phase 2 3 - Partial Load Failure Phase 3 4 - Ramp Active 5 - Over Current (Serious) 6 - Over Voltage 7 - Current Unbalance 8 - Dig Input Status 9 - Phase 1 failure or aircooling fan error (Enbart vid power on) 10 - Phase 2 failure (Enbart vid power on) 11 - Phase 3 failure (Enbart vid power on) 12 - Under Voltage 13 - Frequency error 14 - Thyristor shortcut (Serious) 15 - Ext Input Error 16 - Unit Inhibit" EndBody EndObject Object Document3 Document 864 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Document3" Attr x = 4.500000e-01 Attr y = -5.775000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "4" Attr Signature = "HW" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object Head8 Head 865 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Text = "Order SetValue, parameter handling or polling" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Head" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Head8" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -3.869000e+00 Attr width = 9.368889e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Head9 Head 866 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Text = "Parameter read or polling" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Head" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Head9" Attr x = 1.400000e+00 Attr y = -1.319000e+00 Attr width = 5.280000e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Select0 Select 867 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 EndBody Body DevBody 29-NOV-2007 06:58:19.68 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 125 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Select" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select0" Attr x = 1.250000e+00 Attr y = -4.125000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 5 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Red Or 870 15-OCT-2007 15:23:16.40 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 EndBody Body DevBody 22-JAN-2008 12:56:12.19 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Red" Attr x = 2.850000e+00 Attr y = -2.499998e-02 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 14 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Yellow Or 871 15-OCT-2007 15:23:25.04 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:01:19.99 EndBody Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr x = 2.850000e+00 Attr y = -6.750000e-01 Attr width = 1.806667e-01 Attr heigth = 4.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 255 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup12 DSup 885 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:38:32.23 Attr DetectText = "No contact on Profibus. shut down!" Attr MoreText = "" EndBody Body DevBody 22-JAN-2008 12:56:12.19 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup12" Attr x = 1.450000e+00 Attr y = -6.750000e-01 Attr width = 6.504444e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[2] = 2 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object PowFirst Or 886 15-OCT-2007 15:43:14.54 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-PowFirst" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -7.750000e-01 Attr width = 2.117778e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And0 And 887 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:01:20.00 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:33:37.29 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And0" Attr x = 2.600000e+00 Attr y = -7.250000e-01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp0 StoDp 972 03-OCT-2007 11:38:17.10 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:38:17.10 EndBody Body DevBody 22-JAN-2008 12:56:12.19 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.ProfibusError" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp0" Attr x = 1.450000e+00 Attr y = -5.749999e-01 Attr width = 4.852222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp1 StoDp 977 03-OCT-2007 11:38:54.96 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:38:54.96 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.TerminalDi" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp1" Attr x = 3.050000e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e-01 Attr width = 4.496667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp2 StoDp 981 03-OCT-2007 11:39:47.93 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:39:47.93 EndBody Body DevBody 05-OCT-2007 08:02:34.68 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.AnalogSet" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp2" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 7.250000e-01 Attr width = 4.430000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp3 StoDp 985 03-OCT-2007 11:40:38.18 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:40:38.18 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:33:37.29 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.Error" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp3" Attr x = 3.100000e+00 Attr y = 7.500003e-02 Attr width = 3.452222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp4 StoDp 989 03-OCT-2007 11:40:48.28 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:40:48.28 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:33:37.29 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.Warning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp4" Attr x = 3.100000e+00 Attr y = -3.250000e-01 Attr width = 3.807778e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp0 StoAp 993 03-OCT-2007 11:41:21.00 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:41:21.00 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.ProcessValue" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp0" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -1.475000e+00 Attr width = 4.874445e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp1 StoAp 997 03-OCT-2007 11:41:32.88 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:41:32.88 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.LoadVoltage" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp1" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -1.525000e+00 Attr width = 4.074444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp2 StoAp 1001 03-OCT-2007 11:41:52.12 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:41:52.12 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Current1" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp2" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -1.575000e+00 Attr width = 4.230000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp3 StoAp 1005 03-OCT-2007 11:42:01.96 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:42:01.96 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Current2" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp3" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -1.625000e+00 Attr width = 4.230000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp4 StoAp 1009 03-OCT-2007 11:42:16.64 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:42:16.64 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Current3" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp4" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -1.675000e+00 Attr width = 4.230000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp5 StoAp 1013 03-OCT-2007 11:42:27.83 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:42:27.83 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.LineVoltage" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp5" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -1.725000e+00 Attr width = 4.607778e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp5 StoDp 1017 03-OCT-2007 11:43:05.58 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:43:05.58 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.ParamError" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp5" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -1.825000e+00 Attr width = 4.607778e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoIp0 CStoIp 1019 03-OCT-2007 11:43:54.40 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:43:54.40 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.ParamValue" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 270 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoIp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CStoIp0" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -1.925000e+00 Attr width = 4.822222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoIp1 CStoIp 1022 03-OCT-2007 11:44:26.64 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 11:44:26.64 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 11:45:16.69 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.ParamErrorCode" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 270 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoIp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CStoIp1" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -2.025000e+00 Attr width = 5.422222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp0 GetAp 1027 03-OCT-2007 13:16:09.16 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:16:09.16 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 15:49:06.59 Attr ApObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.ConfMaxVoltage" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp0" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.475000e+00 Attr width = 4.720000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp1 GetAp 1031 03-OCT-2007 13:16:19.32 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:16:19.32 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 15:49:06.59 Attr ApObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.ConfMaxCurrent" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp1" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.525000e+00 Attr width = 4.720000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi6 GetIi 1035 03-OCT-2007 13:16:31.03 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:16:31.03 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 15:49:06.59 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.In1" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi6" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.525000e+00 Attr width = 2.986667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi7 GetIi 1047 03-OCT-2007 13:16:57.59 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:16:57.59 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 13:20:54.89 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.In2" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi7" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.575000e+00 Attr width = 2.986667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi8 GetIi 1049 03-OCT-2007 13:17:01.28 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:17:01.28 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 13:20:54.89 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.In3" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi8" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.625000e+00 Attr width = 2.986667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi9 GetIi 1051 03-OCT-2007 13:17:04.24 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:17:04.24 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 13:20:54.89 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.In4" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi9" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.675000e+00 Attr width = 2.986667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi10 GetIi 1053 03-OCT-2007 13:17:07.16 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:17:07.16 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 13:20:54.89 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.In5" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi10" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.725000e+00 Attr width = 2.986667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi11 GetIi 1055 03-OCT-2007 13:17:10.72 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:17:10.72 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 13:20:54.89 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.In6" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi11" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.775000e+00 Attr width = 2.986667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIp0 GetIp 1059 03-OCT-2007 13:17:25.38 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:17:25.38 EndBody Body DevBody 03-OCT-2007 13:20:54.89 Attr IpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.OpParamNumber" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 252 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIp0" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.825000e+00 Attr width = 4.831111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp2 GetAp 1063 03-OCT-2007 13:18:12.99 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:18:12.99 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr ApObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.Reference" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp2" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.025000e+00 Attr width = 3.631111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp6 GetDp 1067 03-OCT-2007 13:18:51.68 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:18:51.68 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.OpReset" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp6" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.275000e+00 Attr width = 3.742222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp7 GetDp 1071 03-OCT-2007 13:19:02.22 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:19:02.22 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.OpParamRead" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp7" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.325000e+00 Attr width = 4.475556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp8 GetDp 1075 03-OCT-2007 13:19:12.95 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:19:12.95 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.OpParamWrite" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp8" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.375000e+00 Attr width = 4.475556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp9 GetDp 1079 03-OCT-2007 13:19:23.93 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:19:23.93 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.AnalogSet" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp9" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.425000e+00 Attr width = 3.920000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIp1 GetIp 1083 03-OCT-2007 13:19:39.49 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:19:39.49 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr IpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.OpParamNumber" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 252 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIp1" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -4.425000e+00 Attr width = 4.831111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIp2 GetIp 1087 03-OCT-2007 13:19:49.59 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:19:49.59 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr IpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.OpParamValue" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 252 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIp2" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -4.475000e+00 Attr width = 4.520000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp10 GetDp 1091 03-OCT-2007 13:37:55.46 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:37:55.46 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:33:37.29 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.Power" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp10" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -8.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.120000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIo4 StoIo 1117 03-OCT-2007 13:41:17.32 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:41:17.32 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr IoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Out1" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 147 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoIo4" Attr x = 2.850000e+00 Attr y = -4.225000e+00 Attr width = 3.741111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIo5 StoIo 1119 03-OCT-2007 13:41:21.37 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:41:21.37 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr IoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Out2" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 147 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoIo5" Attr x = 2.850000e+00 Attr y = -4.275000e+00 Attr width = 3.741111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIo6 StoIo 1121 03-OCT-2007 13:41:25.55 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:41:25.55 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr IoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Out3" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 147 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoIo6" Attr x = 2.850000e+00 Attr y = -4.325000e+00 Attr width = 3.741111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIo7 StoIo 1123 03-OCT-2007 13:41:29.67 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 13:41:29.67 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr IoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Out4" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 147 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoIo7" Attr x = 2.850000e+00 Attr y = -4.375000e+00 Attr width = 3.741111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document4 Document 1125 03-OCT-2007 14:07:33.01 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Document4" Attr x = 4.500000e-01 Attr y = 1.325000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "1(5)" Attr Signature = "HW" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object InitAlarmTexts CArea 1126 03-OCT-2007 14:08:16.09 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:08:03.86 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr AreaWidth = 2.000000e+00 Attr AreaHeight = 1.800000e+00 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArea" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-InitAlarmTexts" Attr x = 1.200000e+00 Attr y = 1.575000e+00 Attr width = 2.030000e+00 Attr heigth = 1.800000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object FirstScan11 FirstScan 1127 03-OCT-2007 14:08:28.06 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:08:28.06 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-FirstScan" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-FirstScan11" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = 3.325000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp0 GetSp 1133 03-OCT-2007 14:24:42.76 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:24:42.76 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup14.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp0" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 3.225000e+00 Attr width = 4.253334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp0 StoSp 1137 03-OCT-2007 14:24:51.03 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:24:51.03 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup14.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp0" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 3.225000e+00 Attr width = 4.763333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp1 StoSp 1140 03-OCT-2007 14:26:52.44 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:26:52.44 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup15.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp1" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 3.175000e+00 Attr width = 4.763333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp1 GetSp 1141 03-OCT-2007 14:26:52.44 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:26:52.44 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup15.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp1" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 3.175000e+00 Attr width = 4.253334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp2 StoSp 1145 03-OCT-2007 14:26:57.50 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:26:57.50 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup16.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp2" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 3.125000e+00 Attr width = 4.763333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp2 GetSp 1146 03-OCT-2007 14:26:57.50 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:26:57.50 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup16.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp2" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 3.125000e+00 Attr width = 4.253334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp3 StoSp 1150 03-OCT-2007 14:26:59.60 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:26:59.60 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup17.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp3" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 3.075000e+00 Attr width = 4.741111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp3 GetSp 1151 03-OCT-2007 14:26:59.60 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:26:59.60 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup17.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp3" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 3.075000e+00 Attr width = 4.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp4 StoSp 1155 03-OCT-2007 14:27:01.24 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:01.24 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup18.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp4" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 3.025000e+00 Attr width = 4.741111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp4 GetSp 1156 03-OCT-2007 14:27:01.24 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:01.24 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup18.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp4" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 3.025000e+00 Attr width = 4.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp5 StoSp 1160 03-OCT-2007 14:27:02.71 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:02.71 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup19.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp5" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 2.975000e+00 Attr width = 4.763333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp5 GetSp 1161 03-OCT-2007 14:27:02.71 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:02.71 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup19.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp5" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 2.975000e+00 Attr width = 4.253334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp6 StoSp 1165 03-OCT-2007 14:27:16.93 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:16.93 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup20.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp6" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 2.925000e+00 Attr width = 4.763333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp6 GetSp 1166 03-OCT-2007 14:27:16.93 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:16.93 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup20.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp6" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 2.925000e+00 Attr width = 4.253334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp7 StoSp 1170 03-OCT-2007 14:27:19.02 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:19.02 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup21.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp7" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 2.875000e+00 Attr width = 4.741111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp7 GetSp 1171 03-OCT-2007 14:27:19.02 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:19.02 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup21.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp7" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 2.875000e+00 Attr width = 4.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp8 StoSp 1175 03-OCT-2007 14:27:20.57 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:20.57 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup22.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp8" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 2.825000e+00 Attr width = 4.741111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp8 GetSp 1176 03-OCT-2007 14:27:20.57 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:20.57 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup22.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp8" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 2.825000e+00 Attr width = 4.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp9 StoSp 1180 03-OCT-2007 14:27:21.96 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:21.96 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup23.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp9" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 2.775000e+00 Attr width = 4.741111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp9 GetSp 1181 03-OCT-2007 14:27:21.96 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:21.96 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup23.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp9" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 2.775000e+00 Attr width = 4.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp10 StoSp 1185 03-OCT-2007 14:27:23.68 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:23.68 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup24.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp10" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 2.725000e+00 Attr width = 4.763333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp10 GetSp 1186 03-OCT-2007 14:27:23.68 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 14:27:23.68 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup24.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp10" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 2.725000e+00 Attr width = 4.253334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp11 StoSp 1191 03-OCT-2007 15:31:10.30 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:31:10.30 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup25.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp11" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 2.675000e+00 Attr width = 4.763333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp11 GetSp 1192 03-OCT-2007 15:31:10.30 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:31:10.30 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup25.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp11" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 2.675000e+00 Attr width = 4.253334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp12 StoSp 1196 03-OCT-2007 15:31:12.06 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:31:12.06 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup12.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp12" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 2.575000e+00 Attr width = 4.741111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp12 GetSp 1197 03-OCT-2007 15:31:12.06 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:31:12.06 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup12.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp12" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 2.575000e+00 Attr width = 4.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And1 And 1219 03-OCT-2007 15:37:29.13 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:37:29.13 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And1" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = 3.225000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 2 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp11 GetDp 1223 03-OCT-2007 15:38:14.06 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:38:14.06 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.InitDone" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp11" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = 3.225000e+00 Attr width = 3.586667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object SetDp0 SetDp 1226 03-OCT-2007 15:39:10.06 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:39:10.06 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.InitDone" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 257 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-SetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-SetDp0" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 2.425000e+00 Attr width = 3.796667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi12 GetIi 1229 03-OCT-2007 15:46:18.39 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:46:18.39 EndBody Body DevBody 05-OCT-2007 08:02:34.68 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.DiagSW" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi12" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = 7.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.586667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi13 GetIi 1233 03-OCT-2007 15:47:05.34 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:47:05.34 EndBody Body DevBody 05-OCT-2007 08:02:34.68 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.DiagXS" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi13" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = 9.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.542222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object NoPB Even 1235 12-OCT-2007 15:43:40.80 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:48:16.12 EndBody Body DevBody 22-JAN-2008 12:56:12.19 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Even" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-NoPB" Attr x = 1.050000e+00 Attr y = -3.250000e-01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp3 GetAp 1238 03-OCT-2007 15:52:48.06 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:52:48.06 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr ApObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.Reference" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp3" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -9.875000e+00 Attr width = 3.631111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp12 StoAp 1241 03-OCT-2007 15:53:00.66 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:53:00.66 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.SetValue" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp12" Attr x = 1.150000e+00 Attr y = -9.875000e+00 Attr width = 4.274445e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp13 GetDp 1243 03-OCT-2007 15:53:19.58 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:53:19.58 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.Power" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp13" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -9.924999e+00 Attr width = 3.120000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp10 StoDp 1246 03-OCT-2007 15:53:36.75 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:53:36.75 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.PowerOn" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp10" Attr x = 1.150000e+00 Attr y = -9.924999e+00 Attr width = 4.318889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp14 GetDp 1248 03-OCT-2007 15:53:57.96 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:53:57.96 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.Error" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp14" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -9.974999e+00 Attr width = 2.942222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp15 GetDp 1249 03-OCT-2007 15:54:00.14 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:54:00.14 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.Warning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp15" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.002500e+01 Attr width = 3.297778e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp11 StoDp 1254 03-OCT-2007 15:54:41.34 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:54:41.34 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.IndError" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp11" Attr x = 1.150000e+00 Attr y = -9.974999e+00 Attr width = 4.163333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp12 StoDp 1256 03-OCT-2007 15:54:47.87 Body RtBody 03-OCT-2007 15:54:47.87 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.IndWarning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp12" Attr x = 1.150000e+00 Attr y = -1.002500e+01 Attr width = 4.518889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIpPtr27 GetIpPtr 1258 04-OCT-2007 13:18:38.36 Body RtBody 04-OCT-2007 13:18:55.87 Attr IpPtrObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 16:51:57.96 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIpPtr" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIpPtr27" Attr x = 4.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.749999e-01 Attr width = 4.740000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ResDp0 ResDp 1316 05-OCT-2007 09:45:56.21 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 09:45:56.21 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.OpReset" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 258 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ResDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-ResDp0" Attr x = 2.850000e+00 Attr y = -4.575000e+00 Attr width = 4.252222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ResDp1 ResDp 1317 05-OCT-2007 09:45:57.38 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 09:45:57.38 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.OpParamWrite" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 258 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ResDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-ResDp1" Attr x = 2.850000e+00 Attr y = -4.625000e+00 Attr width = 4.985556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ResDp2 ResDp 1318 05-OCT-2007 09:45:58.24 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 09:45:58.24 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.OpParamRead" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 258 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ResDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-ResDp2" Attr x = 2.850000e+00 Attr y = -4.675000e+00 Attr width = 4.985556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ResDp3 ResDp 1319 05-OCT-2007 09:45:58.96 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 09:45:58.96 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.AnalogSet" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 258 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ResDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-ResDp3" Attr x = 2.850000e+00 Attr y = -4.725000e+00 Attr width = 4.430000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDo0 StoDo 1335 05-OCT-2007 14:02:58.17 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 14:02:58.17 EndBody Body DevBody 29-NOV-2007 06:58:19.68 Attr DoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Enable" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 70 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDo0" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -3.775000e+00 Attr width = 3.963333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object HasEnable CArea 1337 05-OCT-2007 14:14:43.75 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 14:14:03.81 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr AreaWidth = 5.000000e-01 Attr AreaHeight = 2.000000e-01 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArea" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-HasEnable" Attr x = 2.900000e+00 Attr y = -3.775000e+00 Attr width = 5.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Disabled31 Disabled 1338 05-OCT-2007 14:16:06.42 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 14:16:06.42 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Enable" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Disabled" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Disabled31" Attr x = 4.500000e-01 Attr y = -3.625000e+00 Attr width = 4.473334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp13 StoDp 1786 11-OCT-2007 15:03:53.36 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 15:03:53.36 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 17:12:03.23 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.On" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp13" Attr x = 2.900000e+00 Attr y = -3.925000e+00 Attr width = 3.163334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text32 Text 1788 11-OCT-2007 15:05:43.52 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 17:12:03.23 Attr Text = "Heating is on" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Text32" Attr x = 3.000000e+00 Attr y = -3.869000e+00 Attr width = 1.991111e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp14 StoDp 1789 11-OCT-2007 15:06:33.54 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 15:06:33.54 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.On" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp14" Attr x = 1.150000e+00 Attr y = -1.007500e+01 Attr width = 3.474444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp16 GetDp 1792 11-OCT-2007 15:06:43.44 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 15:06:43.44 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.On" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp16" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.007500e+01 Attr width = 2.653333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp17 StoAp 1796 11-OCT-2007 15:10:54.28 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 15:10:54.28 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.SetValue" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp17" Attr x = 1.550000e+00 Attr y = -3.975000e+00 Attr width = 3.963333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp18 GetDp 1798 11-OCT-2007 15:11:47.80 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 15:11:47.80 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.TerminalDi" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp18" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.012500e+01 Attr width = 3.986667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp15 StoDp 1801 11-OCT-2007 15:12:15.33 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 15:12:15.33 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.TerminalDi" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp15" Attr x = 1.150000e+00 Attr y = -1.012500e+01 Attr width = 4.185556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text33 Text 1883 11-OCT-2007 17:33:29.63 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Text = "Feedback!" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Text33" Attr x = 2.000000e+00 Attr y = -3.969000e+00 Attr width = 1.613333e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text34 Text 1884 11-OCT-2007 17:34:15.47 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Text = "SetValue to tyristor unit" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Text34" Attr x = 1.550000e+00 Attr y = -4.069000e+00 Attr width = 3.480000e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text35 Text 1885 11-OCT-2007 17:35:27.55 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Text = "Activate/enable tyristor unit by IO" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Text35" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -3.619000e+00 Attr width = 4.813333e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text36 Text 1886 11-OCT-2007 17:36:41.92 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Text = "Digital Input DI2 tyristor unit " Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Text36" Attr x = 3.100000e+00 Attr y = 5.810000e-01 Attr width = 4.146667e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text37 Text 1887 11-OCT-2007 17:38:42.53 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:33:37.29 Attr Text = "(NB! main contactor off)" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Text37" Attr x = 3.150000e+00 Attr y = 3.100001e-02 Attr width = 3.568889e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CArit38 CArithm 1889 11-OCT-2007 18:00:03.37 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 18:00:03.37 EndBody Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:02:17.35 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArithm" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit38" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -2.575000e+00 Attr width = 6.295556e-01 Attr heigth = 3.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer Attr Code = "OA1 = (A1 + A2 + A3) * A4 * 0.00057735;" EndBody EndObject Object StoAp19 StoAp 1899 11-OCT-2007 18:09:49.45 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 18:09:49.45 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:33:37.29 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.OutPower" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp19" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -2.325000e+00 Attr width = 4.430000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text40 Text 1901 11-OCT-2007 18:10:09.86 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 18:11:27.93 Attr Text = "P = (I1 + I2 + I3)/3 * U * sqrt(3) /1000 (kW)" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Text40" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -2.619000e+00 Attr width = 6.013333e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp20 GetDp 1908 12-OCT-2007 15:42:44.40 Body RtBody 12-OCT-2007 15:42:44.40 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.Power" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp20" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.075000e+00 Attr width = 3.120000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp21 GetDp 1914 12-OCT-2007 16:04:25.92 Body RtBody 12-OCT-2007 16:04:25.92 EndBody Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 16:51:57.96 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.DisableSup" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp21" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -6.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.742222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp22 GetDp 1948 15-OCT-2007 14:56:51.50 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 14:56:51.50 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.ExtInterlock" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp22" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.017500e+01 Attr width = 3.875556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp16 StoDp 1949 15-OCT-2007 14:56:51.50 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 14:56:51.50 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.ExtInterlock" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoDp16" Attr x = 1.150000e+00 Attr y = -1.017500e+01 Attr width = 4.696667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And2 And 1951 15-OCT-2007 14:58:12.40 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 14:58:12.40 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And2" Attr x = 9.999999e-01 Attr y = -4.125000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 2 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp23 GetDp 1956 15-OCT-2007 14:58:40.14 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 14:58:40.14 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.ExtInterlock" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp23" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.125000e+00 Attr width = 3.875556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document5 Document 1976 15-OCT-2007 15:15:40.87 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Document5" Attr x = 4.500000e-01 Attr y = -8.125000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "5" Attr Signature = "HW" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object DSup14 DSup 1977 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:11:34.47 Attr DetectText = "Thyristor unit internal inhibited" Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" Attr TimerTime = 6.000000e+00 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup14" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -7.375000e+00 Attr width = 5.682222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object AlarmXS MaskToD 1978 15-OCT-2007 15:31:28.22 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-MaskToD" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-AlarmXS" Attr x = 1.650000e+00 Attr y = -6.975000e+00 Attr width = 2.470000e-01 Attr heigth = 7.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 49015 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText43 BodyText 1980 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-BodyText43" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -6.919000e+00 Attr width = 8.146667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "SW ( Status word) : configuration XS : activa alarms 1 - Partial Load Failure Phase 1 2 - Partial Load Failure Phase 2 3 - Partial Load Failure Phase 3 4 - Ramp Active 5 - Over Current (Serious) 6 - Over Voltage 7 - Current Unbalance 8 - Dig Input Status 9 - Phase 1 failure or aircooling fan error (Enbart vid power on) 10 - Phase 2 failure (Enbart vid power on) 11 - Phase 3 failure (Enbart vid power on) 12 - Under Voltage 13 - Frequency error 14 - Thyristor shortcut (Serious) 15 - Ext Input Error 16 - Unit Inhibit" EndBody EndObject Object DSup15 DSup 1981 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:08:38.10 Attr DetectText = "Partial Load Failure Phase 1" Attr EventPriority = 66 Attr EventFlags = 1 Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup15" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -6.175000e+00 Attr width = 5.215555e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup16 DSup 1982 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:08:30.35 Attr DetectText = "Partial Load Failure Phase 2" Attr EventPriority = 66 Attr EventFlags = 1 Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup16" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -6.275000e+00 Attr width = 5.215555e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup17 DSup 1983 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:08:50.43 Attr DetectText = "Partial Load Failure Phase 3" Attr EventPriority = 66 Attr EventFlags = 1 Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup17" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -6.375000e+00 Attr width = 5.215555e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup18 DSup 1984 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:09:53.24 Attr DetectText = "Overvoltage" Attr EventPriority = 66 Attr EventFlags = 1 Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup18" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -6.575000e+00 Attr width = 3.326667e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup19 DSup 1985 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:09:34.86 Attr DetectText = "Overcurrent. Shut down! " Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup19" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -6.475000e+00 Attr width = 5.037777e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup20 DSup 1986 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:12:24.44 Attr DetectText = "Load Unbalance" Attr EventPriority = 66 Attr EventFlags = 1 Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" Attr TimerTime = 1.000000e+01 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup20" Attr x = 3.200000e+00 Attr y = -7.825000e+00 Attr width = 3.771111e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup21 DSup 1987 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:11:17.56 Attr DetectText = "Undervoltage" Attr EventPriority = 66 Attr EventFlags = 1 Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup21" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -7.275000e+00 Attr width = 3.460000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup22 DSup 1988 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:10:33.55 Attr DetectText = "Frequency error" Attr EventPriority = 66 Attr EventFlags = 1 Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" Attr TimerTime = 3.000000e+00 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup22" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -6.975000e+00 Attr width = 3.837778e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup23 DSup 1989 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:10:05.51 Attr DetectText = "Phase 1 gone or Thyristor overheated" Attr EventPriority = 66 Attr EventFlags = 1 Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup23" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -6.675000e+00 Attr width = 6.748888e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup24 DSup 1990 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:10:19.09 Attr DetectText = "Phase 2 gone" Attr EventPriority = 66 Attr EventFlags = 1 Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup24" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -6.825000e+00 Attr width = 3.460000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup25 DSup 1991 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:11:04.21 Attr DetectText = "Phase 3 gone" Attr EventPriority = 66 Attr EventFlags = 1 Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup25" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -7.175000e+00 Attr width = 3.460000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup26 DSup 1992 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.37 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:10:52.81 Attr DetectText = "Thyristor Short circuit. Shut down!" Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup26" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -7.075000e+00 Attr width = 6.193333e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi15 GetIi 1996 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 15:16:46.38 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.DiagXS" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetIi15" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -6.225000e+00 Attr width = 3.453333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object PowOn Wait 2018 15-OCT-2007 15:38:00.74 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 15:21:36.18 Attr TimerTime = 3.000000e+00 EndBody Body DevBody 29-NOV-2007 09:41:04.25 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 97 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Wait" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-PowOn" Attr x = 1.900000e+00 Attr y = -7.525000e+00 Attr width = 2.391111e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp24 GetDp 2019 15-OCT-2007 15:21:21.99 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 15:21:21.99 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.Power" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp24" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -7.475000e+00 Attr width = 3.120000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Alarm1 And 2030 15-OCT-2007 15:37:45.02 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 15:28:47.20 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Alarm1" Attr x = 2.450000e+00 Attr y = -7.325000e+00 Attr width = 1.851111e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp25 GetDp 2032 15-OCT-2007 15:28:50.67 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 15:28:50.67 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo.DisableSup" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp25" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -7.275000e+00 Attr width = 3.742222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Alarm2 Inv 2047 15-OCT-2007 15:37:50.91 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 15:30:14.87 EndBody Body DevBody 29-NOV-2007 09:41:04.25 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 102 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Inv" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Alarm2" Attr x = 2.450000e+00 Attr y = -7.425000e+00 Attr width = 1.851111e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Head45 Head 2050 15-OCT-2007 15:38:29.97 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Text = "Alarm" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Head" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Head45" Attr x = 3.000000e+00 Attr y = -5.969000e+00 Attr width = 1.391111e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text46 Text 2055 15-OCT-2007 15:43:36.46 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Text = "HMI color, object" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Text46" Attr x = 3.150000e+00 Attr y = 1.810000e-01 Attr width = 2.524444e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText47 BodyText 2056 15-OCT-2007 15:44:36.95 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-BodyText47" Attr x = 3.100000e+00 Attr y = 4.810000e-01 Attr width = 5.680000e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Used to detect enabled unit if electrical link between terminal H4-15 and J3-27 is done." EndBody EndObject Object Head48 Head 2057 15-OCT-2007 15:48:48.03 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:49:02.36 Attr Text = "Error status from diagnostic. SW and XS." Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Head" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Head48" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -6.069000e+00 Attr width = 8.235555e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText49 BodyText 2067 15-OCT-2007 16:17:11.15 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:20:26.00 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-BodyText49" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = 3.231000e+00 Attr width = 2.880000e-01 Attr heigth = 3.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Interface graphname: Reference = REF Power = pow ExtControl = eco ExtInterlock = ilk DisabeSup = dis On = on Error = err Warning = warn SetValue = SV" EndBody EndObject Object GetSp13 GetSp 2069 15-OCT-2007 16:45:44.49 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 16:45:44.49 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr SpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup26.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetSp13" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 2.625000e+00 Attr width = 4.253334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp13 StoSp 2070 15-OCT-2007 16:45:44.49 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 16:45:44.49 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-DSup26.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoSp13" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = 2.625000e+00 Attr width = 4.763333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CArit52 CArithm 2079 23-OCT-2007 09:47:08.84 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:47:08.84 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArithm" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-CArit52" Attr x = 1.100000e+00 Attr y = -9.425000e+00 Attr width = 3.740000e-01 Attr heigth = 9.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 271 Attr mask[1] = 1799 EndBuffer Attr Code = "od1 = od2 = od3 = d1; if ( A2 > 0.01) OA1 = A1 / A2; else od1 = 0; if ( A3 > 0.01) OA2 = A1 / A3; else od2 = 0; if ( A4 > 0.01) OA3 = A1 / A4; else od3 = 0;" EndBody EndObject Object Document6 Document 2080 23-OCT-2007 09:53:40.50 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Document6" Attr x = 4.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.042500e+01 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "5" Attr Signature = "HW" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object GetAp4 GetAp 2091 23-OCT-2007 09:55:57.14 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:55:57.14 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr ApObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.LoadVoltage" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp4" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -8.625000e+00 Attr width = 4.186667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp5 GetAp 2093 23-OCT-2007 09:56:03.99 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:56:03.99 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr ApObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Current1" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp5" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -8.674999e+00 Attr width = 3.720000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp6 GetAp 2095 23-OCT-2007 09:56:09.12 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:56:09.12 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr ApObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Current2" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp6" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -8.724999e+00 Attr width = 3.720000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp7 GetAp 2097 23-OCT-2007 09:56:14.75 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:56:14.75 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr ApObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Current3" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp7" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -8.775000e+00 Attr width = 3.720000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp26 GetDp 2099 23-OCT-2007 09:56:25.94 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:56:25.94 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.On" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDp26" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -8.825000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Select1 Select 2101 23-OCT-2007 09:57:00.67 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:57:00.67 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 125 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Select" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select1" Attr x = 1.850000e+00 Attr y = -8.475000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 2.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 7 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Filter0 Filter 2106 23-OCT-2007 09:57:49.28 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 10:51:15.98 Attr FiltCon = 1.000000e+01 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:51:38.10 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 127 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Filter" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Filter0" Attr x = 2.150000e+00 Attr y = -8.375000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp27 StoAp 2110 23-OCT-2007 09:58:08.61 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:58:08.61 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Resistance1" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp27" Attr x = 2.450000e+00 Attr y = -8.325000e+00 Attr width = 4.718889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp8 GetAp 2114 23-OCT-2007 09:58:20.11 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:58:20.11 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr ApObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Resistance1" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp8" Attr x = 1.150000e+00 Attr y = -8.375000e+00 Attr width = 4.208889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp9 GetAp 2116 23-OCT-2007 09:58:51.22 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:58:51.22 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:55.88 Attr ApObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Resistance2" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp9" Attr x = 1.150000e+00 Attr y = -8.424999e+00 Attr width = 4.208889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp28 StoAp 2117 23-OCT-2007 09:58:51.23 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:58:51.23 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:55.88 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Resistance2" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp28" Attr x = 2.450000e+00 Attr y = -8.674999e+00 Attr width = 4.718889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Filter1 Filter 2118 23-OCT-2007 09:58:51.23 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 10:51:22.75 Attr FiltCon = 1.000000e+01 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:51:38.10 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 127 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Filter" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Filter1" Attr x = 2.150000e+00 Attr y = -8.724999e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Select2 Select 2119 23-OCT-2007 09:58:51.23 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:58:51.23 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 125 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Select" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select2" Attr x = 1.850000e+00 Attr y = -8.825000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 2.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 7 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp10 GetAp 2123 23-OCT-2007 09:58:57.78 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:58:57.78 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:55.88 Attr ApObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Resistance3" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp10" Attr x = 1.150000e+00 Attr y = -8.474999e+00 Attr width = 4.208889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp29 StoAp 2124 23-OCT-2007 09:58:57.78 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:58:57.78 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:55.88 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Resistance3" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-StoAp29" Attr x = 2.450000e+00 Attr y = -9.025000e+00 Attr width = 4.718889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Filter2 Filter 2125 23-OCT-2007 09:58:57.78 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 10:51:29.22 Attr FiltCon = 1.000000e+01 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:51:38.10 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 127 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Filter" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Filter2" Attr x = 2.150000e+00 Attr y = -9.075000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Select3 Select 2126 23-OCT-2007 09:58:57.78 Body RtBody 23-OCT-2007 09:58:57.78 EndBody Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 125 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Select" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Select3" Attr x = 1.850000e+00 Attr y = -9.175000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 2.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 7 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Head53 Head 2134 23-OCT-2007 10:02:21.09 Body DevBody 23-OCT-2007 10:05:03.12 Attr Text = "Resistance calculation" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Head" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Head53" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -8.219000e+00 Attr width = 4.657778e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And4 And 2153 29-NOV-2007 09:36:17.70 Body RtBody 29-NOV-2007 09:36:17.70 EndBody Body DevBody 27-FEB-2008 11:26:46.99 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And4" Attr x = 2.450000e+00 Attr y = -7.625000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 2 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Wait4 Wait 2161 22-JAN-2008 12:52:56.12 Body RtBody 22-JAN-2008 12:53:03.35 Attr TimerTime = 1.000000e+00 EndBody Body DevBody 22-JAN-2008 12:56:12.19 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 97 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Wait" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Wait4" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = -3.749999e-01 Attr width = 2.146667e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object HasEnable2 CArea 2167 27-FEB-2008 11:24:37.45 Body RtBody 27-FEB-2008 11:22:53.98 EndBody Body DevBody 27-FEB-2008 11:26:46.99 Attr AreaWidth = 8.000000e-01 Attr AreaHeight = 2.500000e-01 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArea" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-HasEnable2" Attr x = 1.400000e+00 Attr y = -7.775001e+00 Attr width = 8.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 2.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Disabled55 Disabled 2168 27-FEB-2008 11:22:53.98 Body RtBody 27-FEB-2008 11:22:53.98 EndBody Body DevBody 27-FEB-2008 11:26:46.99 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Enable" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Disabled" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Disabled55" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -7.575000e+00 Attr width = 4.473334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDo0 GetDo 2172 27-FEB-2008 11:23:54.72 Body RtBody 27-FEB-2008 11:23:54.72 EndBody Body DevBody 27-FEB-2008 11:26:46.99 Attr DoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Enable" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 61 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetDo0" Attr x = 1.500000e+00 Attr y = -7.725000e+00 Attr width = 3.453333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Inv1 Inv 2174 27-FEB-2008 11:24:54.64 Body RtBody 27-FEB-2008 11:24:54.64 EndBody Body DevBody 27-FEB-2008 11:26:46.99 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 102 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Inv" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Inv1" Attr x = 1.900000e+00 Attr y = -7.775000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And5 And 2178 31-MAR-2008 16:52:23.55 Body RtBody 31-MAR-2008 16:52:23.55 EndBody Body DevBody 31-MAR-2008 17:09:51.47 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And5" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -7.875000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Gt56 GreaterThan 2181 31-MAR-2008 16:53:27.65 Body RtBody 31-MAR-2008 16:53:51.23 Attr In2 = 5.000000e+00 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:14:14.55 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GreaterThan" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-Gt56" Attr x = 2.450000e+00 Attr y = -7.875000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp11 GetAp 2185 31-MAR-2008 17:08:46.89 Body RtBody 31-MAR-2008 17:08:46.89 EndBody Body DevBody 31-MAR-2008 17:09:51.47 Attr ApObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.OutPower" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-GetAp11" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -7.875000e+00 Attr width = 3.920000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And6 And 2188 24-APR-2008 13:46:46.20 Body RtBody 24-APR-2008 13:46:46.20 EndBody Body DevBody 24-APR-2008 13:48:09.06 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W-And6" Attr x = 2.450000e+00 Attr y = -5.250000e-01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject Object Template Eurotherm_TC3001Fo 2156101632 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody Body DevBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Eurotherm_TC3001Sim $ClassDef 35 05-OCT-2007 08:25:59.66 Body SysBody 05-OCT-2007 08:25:41.61 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 144 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Body SysBody 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Attr StructName = "Eurotherm_TC3001Sim" Attr NextAix = "_X20" EndBody Object PlcConnect $Intern 1 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Body SysBody 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object SetValue $Intern 2 05-OCT-2007 08:41:39.29 Body SysBody 05-OCT-2007 08:42:14.24 Attr PgmName = "SetValue" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" EndBody EndObject Object XS_0 $Intern 3 11-OCT-2007 17:06:33.35 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:06:47.12 Attr PgmName = "XS_0" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_1 $Intern 4 11-OCT-2007 17:07:08.08 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:07:09.51 Attr PgmName = "XS_1" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_2 $Intern 5 11-OCT-2007 17:07:13.67 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:07:16.33 Attr PgmName = "XS_2" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_3 $Intern 6 11-OCT-2007 17:07:19.87 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:07:20.80 Attr PgmName = "XS_3" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_4 $Intern 7 11-OCT-2007 17:07:23.96 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:07:28.24 Attr PgmName = "XS_4" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_5 $Intern 8 11-OCT-2007 17:07:32.28 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:07:33.31 Attr PgmName = "XS_5" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_6 $Intern 9 11-OCT-2007 17:07:37.12 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:07:38.16 Attr PgmName = "XS_6" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_7 $Intern 10 11-OCT-2007 17:07:41.08 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:07:44.24 Attr PgmName = "XS_7" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_8 $Intern 11 11-OCT-2007 17:07:47.24 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:07:48.97 Attr PgmName = "XS_8" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_9 $Intern 12 11-OCT-2007 17:07:52.34 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:07:53.94 Attr PgmName = "XS_9" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_10 $Intern 13 11-OCT-2007 17:08:01.01 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:08:03.17 Attr PgmName = "XS_10" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_11 $Intern 14 11-OCT-2007 17:08:06.30 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:08:08.88 Attr PgmName = "XS_11" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_12 $Intern 15 11-OCT-2007 17:08:12.49 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:08:22.75 Attr PgmName = "XS_12" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_13 $Intern 16 11-OCT-2007 17:08:27.07 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:08:28.41 Attr PgmName = "XS_13" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_14 $Intern 17 11-OCT-2007 17:08:31.96 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 17:08:33.40 Attr PgmName = "XS_14" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object XS_15 $Intern 19 15-OCT-2007 08:52:07.39 Body SysBody 15-OCT-2007 08:52:08.59 Attr PgmName = "XS_15" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object PbError $Intern 18 12-OCT-2007 17:03:05.61 Body SysBody 12-OCT-2007 17:03:09.68 Attr PgmName = "PbError" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object DevBody $ObjBodyDef 2 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Body SysBody 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Attr StructName = "Eurotherm_TC3001Sim" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object PlcNode $Buffer 1 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Body SysBody 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Attr Class = "pwrs:Class-$PlcNode" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object GraphPlcNode $GraphPlcNode 1262 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Body SysBody 08-OCT-2007 13:20:13.56 Attr object_type = 11 Attr parameters[0] = 0 Attr parameters[1] = 19 Attr parameters[2] = 0 Attr parameters[3] = 0 Attr subwindows = 1 Attr subwindow_class[0] = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr graphmethod = 0 Attr graphindex = 0 Attr default_mask[0] = 0 Attr default_mask[1] = 0 Attr segname_annotation = 1 Attr compmethod = 58 Attr compindex = 0 Attr tracemethod = 0 Attr traceindex = 0 Attr connectmethod = 10 Attr executeordermethod = 2 Attr objname = "Eurot_TC3001Sim" Attr graphname = "Eurot_TC3001Sim" EndBody EndObject Object RtXtt $RtMenu 1263 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Object PlcConnect $MenuRef 1264 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Body SysBody 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Attr ButtonName = "PlcConnect" Attr RefAttribute = "PlcConnect" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Code PlcTemplate 1265 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:26:08.19 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 08:53:03.22 Buffer PlcProgram Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-PlcTemplate" Attr defnamecount[2] = 1 Attr defnamecount[11] = 5 Attr defnamecount[126] = 1 Attr defnamecount[136] = 1 Attr defnamecount[137] = 16 Attr defnamecount[140] = 7 Attr defnamecount[141] = 2 Attr defnamecount[144] = 4 Attr defnamecount[146] = 7 Attr defnamecount[252] = 1 Attr defnamecount[256] = 17 Attr defnamecount[271] = 1 Attr connamecount = 59 EndBuffer EndBody Object W WindowPlc 1266 05-OCT-2007 08:26:32.27 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:26:32.27 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 08:53:03.22 Attr Modified = "15-OCT-2007 08:53:03.22" Buffer PlcWindow Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr y = 5.000000e+01 Attr width = 1.000000e+03 Attr heigth = 7.500000e+02 Attr refconcount = 1 EndBuffer EndBody Object cn58 ConDigital 1947 15-OCT-2007 08:52:51.42 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 08:53:03.22 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn58" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp16" Attr dest_point = 15 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.262000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn57 ConDigital 1928 12-OCT-2007 17:04:54.09 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn57" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp15" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.275556e-01 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 9.987778e-01 Attr y = 9.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 9.275556e-01 Attr y = 9.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn55 ConAnalog 1882 11-OCT-2007 17:13:58.68 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 08:53:03.22 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn55" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 16 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 2.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.681333e+00 Attr y = 2.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn53 ConDigital 1878 11-OCT-2007 17:12:23.60 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn53" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 14 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp14" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.262000e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn52 ConDigital 1876 11-OCT-2007 17:12:20.67 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn52" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 13 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp13" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.262000e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn51 ConDigital 1874 11-OCT-2007 17:12:17.42 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn51" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 12 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp12" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.262000e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn50 ConDigital 1872 11-OCT-2007 17:12:14.63 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn50" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 11 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp11" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.262000e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn49 ConDigital 1870 11-OCT-2007 17:12:11.93 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn49" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 10 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp10" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.262000e+00 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn48 ConDigital 1868 11-OCT-2007 17:12:08.69 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn48" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 9 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp9" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.246444e+00 Attr y = 3.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 3.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn47 ConDigital 1866 11-OCT-2007 17:12:05.47 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn47" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 8 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp8" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.246444e+00 Attr y = 3.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 3.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn46 ConDigital 1864 11-OCT-2007 17:12:01.96 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn46" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 7 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp7" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.246444e+00 Attr y = 3.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 3.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn45 ConDigital 1862 11-OCT-2007 17:11:58.95 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn45" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 6 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.246444e+00 Attr y = 3.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 3.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn44 ConDigital 1860 11-OCT-2007 17:11:56.16 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn44" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 5 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.246444e+00 Attr y = 2.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 2.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn43 ConDigital 1858 11-OCT-2007 17:11:53.32 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn43" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.246444e+00 Attr y = 2.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 2.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn42 ConDigital 1856 11-OCT-2007 17:11:50.10 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn42" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.246444e+00 Attr y = 2.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 2.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn41 ConDigital 1854 11-OCT-2007 17:11:47.26 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn41" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.246444e+00 Attr y = 2.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 2.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn40 ConDigital 1852 11-OCT-2007 17:11:43.50 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn40" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.246444e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn39 ConDigital 1850 11-OCT-2007 17:11:39.16 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn39" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.246444e+00 Attr y = 2.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 2.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn23 ConAnalog 1325 05-OCT-2007 10:52:53.00 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn23" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 13 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIpPtr3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.232889e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn22 ConAnalog 1315 05-OCT-2007 08:48:20.65 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn22" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-AtoI2" Attr dest_point = 5 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.499000e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.534500e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.534500e+00 Attr y = 1.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn21 ConAnalog 1314 05-OCT-2007 08:47:39.97 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn21" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-Ramp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-AtoI2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.360000e+00 Attr y = 1.475000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 9.450000e-01 Attr y = 1.475000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 9.450000e-01 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.020000e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn20 ConAnalog 1311 05-OCT-2007 08:45:48.47 Body DevBody 05-OCT-2007 08:54:35.50 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn20" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-Ramp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetIpToA0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.047333e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.070000e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 5.250000e-01 Attr y = 1.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.275000e+00 Attr y = 1.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.275000e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 9.973333e-01 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn18 ConAnalog 1306 05-OCT-2007 08:45:10.53 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn18" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 12 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIp0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.232889e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn16 ConAnalog 1302 05-OCT-2007 08:39:43.92 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn16" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetIo3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.231111e-01 Attr y = 1.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn15 ConAnalog 1300 05-OCT-2007 08:39:37.19 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn15" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetIo2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.231111e-01 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 9.453611e-01 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 9.231111e-01 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn14 ConAnalog 1298 05-OCT-2007 08:39:30.89 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn14" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetIo1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.231111e-01 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 9.453611e-01 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 9.231111e-01 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn10 ConAnalog 1290 05-OCT-2007 08:39:15.40 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn10" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetIo0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.231111e-01 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 9.631667e-01 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 9.231111e-01 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn8 ConAnalog 1286 05-OCT-2007 08:38:47.49 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn8" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 11 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.232889e+00 Attr y = 1.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.183167e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.345000e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.345000e+00 Attr y = 1.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 1.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn7 ConAnalog 1285 05-OCT-2007 08:38:46.33 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn7" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 10 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.232889e+00 Attr y = 1.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn6 ConAnalog 1284 05-OCT-2007 08:38:45.01 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn6" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 9 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.232889e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn5 ConAnalog 1283 05-OCT-2007 08:38:43.75 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn5" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 8 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.232889e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn4 ConAnalog 1282 05-OCT-2007 08:38:42.60 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn4" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 7 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.232889e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn3 ConAnalog 1281 05-OCT-2007 08:38:41.39 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-cn3" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 6 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.232889e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document0 Document 1267 05-OCT-2007 08:26:32.29 Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-Document0" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -2.875000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e+00 Attr heigth = 3.400000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object CArit0 CArithm 1268 05-OCT-2007 08:31:54.63 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:44:34.62 EndBody Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArithm" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-CArit0" Attr x = 1.550000e+00 Attr y = -1.425000e+00 Attr width = 6.628889e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 2031872 Attr mask[1] = 16711680 EndBuffer Attr Code = "if ( I1 == 0x2001) { /* New SetValue */ OI7 = I4; } else if ( I1 == 0x2003) { /* Alarm ack */ } else if ( (I1 & 0xf000) == 0x2000) { /* Par read */ OI1 = 0x2000 | 33; } else if ( (I1 & 0xf000) == 0x1000) { /* Par write */ OI1 = 0x2000 | 33; } else { /*Polling */ OI1 = I5; OI2 = 600; OI3 = OI4 = OI5 = I5/3; OI6 = 600; } if ( d1) OI8 = 134512690; /* PWR_SERVERROR */ else OI8 = 134512649; /* PWR__SUCCESS */" EndBody EndObject Object StoIi0 StoIi 1275 05-OCT-2007 08:38:34.64 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:38:34.64 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.In1" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 146 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi0" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = 2.500000e-02 Attr width = 3.496667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIi1 StoIi 1276 05-OCT-2007 08:38:36.57 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:38:36.57 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.In2" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 146 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi1" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -2.499995e-02 Attr width = 3.496667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIi2 StoIi 1277 05-OCT-2007 08:38:37.39 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:38:37.39 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.In3" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 146 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi2" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -7.500003e-02 Attr width = 3.496667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIi3 StoIi 1278 05-OCT-2007 08:38:38.21 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:38:38.21 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.In4" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 146 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi3" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -1.250000e-01 Attr width = 3.496667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIi4 StoIi 1279 05-OCT-2007 08:38:39.01 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:38:39.01 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.In5" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 146 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi4" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -1.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.496667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIi5 StoIi 1280 05-OCT-2007 08:38:39.99 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:38:39.99 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.In6" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 146 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi5" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -2.250000e-01 Attr width = 3.496667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIo0 GetIo 1289 05-OCT-2007 08:39:15.40 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:39:15.40 EndBody Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Attr IoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Out1" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 144 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetIo0" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.499995e-02 Attr width = 3.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIo1 GetIo 1297 05-OCT-2007 08:39:30.89 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:39:30.89 EndBody Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Attr IoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Out2" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 144 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetIo1" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -7.500003e-02 Attr width = 3.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIo2 GetIo 1299 05-OCT-2007 08:39:37.19 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:39:37.19 EndBody Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Attr IoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Out3" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 144 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetIo2" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.250000e-01 Attr width = 3.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIo3 GetIo 1301 05-OCT-2007 08:39:43.92 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:39:43.92 EndBody Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Attr IoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.Out4" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 144 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetIo3" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIp0 StoIp 1305 05-OCT-2007 08:45:10.53 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:45:10.53 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.SetValue" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 271 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIp0" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -2.749999e-01 Attr width = 3.963333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Ramp0 Ramp 1307 05-OCT-2007 08:45:27.75 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 13:44:48.56 Attr RampUp = 2.000000e+02 Attr RampDown = 2.000000e+02 EndBody Body DevBody 05-OCT-2007 13:44:52.46 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 126 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Ramp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-Ramp0" Attr x = 1.050000e+00 Attr y = -4.250000e-01 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIpToA0 GetIpToA 1310 05-OCT-2007 08:45:48.47 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:45:48.47 EndBody Body DevBody 05-OCT-2007 08:54:35.50 Attr IpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.SetValue" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 252 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIpToA" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetIpToA0" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -3.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.473334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object AtoI2 AtoI 1313 05-OCT-2007 08:47:37.94 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 08:47:37.94 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-AtoI" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-AtoI2" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = -3.750000e-01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIpPtr3 StoIpPtr 1324 05-OCT-2007 10:52:49.91 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 10:53:15.22 Attr IpPtrObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIpPtr" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIpPtr3" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -3.250000e-01 Attr width = 4.740000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DtoMask4 DtoMask 1818 11-OCT-2007 17:10:34.62 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:10:34.62 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 08:53:03.22 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DtoMask" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-DtoMask4" Attr x = 1.400000e+00 Attr y = -2.525000e+00 Attr width = 2.613333e-01 Attr heigth = 9.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 65535 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp0 GetDp 1849 11-OCT-2007 17:11:39.16 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:11:39.16 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_0" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp0" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.725000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp1 GetDp 1851 11-OCT-2007 17:11:43.50 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:11:43.50 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_1" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp1" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.775000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp2 GetDp 1853 11-OCT-2007 17:11:47.26 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:11:47.26 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_2" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp2" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.825000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp3 GetDp 1855 11-OCT-2007 17:11:50.10 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:11:50.10 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_3" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.875000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp4 GetDp 1857 11-OCT-2007 17:11:53.32 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:11:53.32 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_4" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp4" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.925000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp5 GetDp 1859 11-OCT-2007 17:11:56.16 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:11:56.16 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_5" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp5" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.975000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp6 GetDp 1861 11-OCT-2007 17:11:58.95 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:11:58.95 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_6" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp6" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.025000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp7 GetDp 1863 11-OCT-2007 17:12:01.96 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:12:01.96 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_7" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp7" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.075000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp8 GetDp 1865 11-OCT-2007 17:12:05.47 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:12:05.47 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_8" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp8" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.125000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp9 GetDp 1867 11-OCT-2007 17:12:08.69 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:12:08.69 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_9" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp9" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.175000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp10 GetDp 1869 11-OCT-2007 17:12:11.93 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:12:11.93 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_10" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp10" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.225000e+00 Attr width = 3.120000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp11 GetDp 1871 11-OCT-2007 17:12:14.63 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:12:14.63 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_11" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp11" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.275000e+00 Attr width = 3.120000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp12 GetDp 1873 11-OCT-2007 17:12:17.42 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:12:17.42 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_12" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp12" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.325000e+00 Attr width = 3.120000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp13 GetDp 1875 11-OCT-2007 17:12:20.67 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:12:20.67 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_13" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp13" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.375000e+00 Attr width = 3.120000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp14 GetDp 1877 11-OCT-2007 17:12:23.60 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:12:23.60 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_14" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp14" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.425000e+00 Attr width = 3.120000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIi6 StoIi 1881 11-OCT-2007 17:13:58.68 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 17:13:58.68 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 17:14:19.59 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001.DiagXS" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 146 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-StoIi6" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = -1.675000e+00 Attr width = 4.052222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp15 GetDp 1927 12-OCT-2007 17:04:54.09 Body RtBody 12-OCT-2007 17:04:54.09 EndBody Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 17:08:07.90 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.PbError" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp15" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -2.500000e-02 Attr width = 3.275556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp16 GetDp 1946 15-OCT-2007 08:52:47.96 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 08:52:47.96 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 08:53:03.22 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim.XS_15" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W-GetDp16" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.475000e+00 Attr width = 3.120000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject Object Template Eurotherm_TC3001Sim 2156888064 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody Body DevBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Eurotherm_TC3001_PbSlave $ClassDef 33 04-OCT-2007 14:04:16.62 Body SysBody 08-NOV-2007 08:37:49.66 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 10256 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 04-OCT-2007 14:04:42.67 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:04:42.67 Attr StructName = "Eurotherm_TC3001_PbSlave" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 04-OCT-2007 14:04:49.79 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:05:18.82 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "Profibus:Class-Pb_DP_Slave" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Eurotherm_TC3001_PbSlave 2156363776 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 05-OCT-2007 11:06:16.54 Attr Super.GSDfile = "$pwr_exe/eurotherm_tc3001_pbslave.gsd" Attr Super.Process = 1 Attr Super.StallAction = 1 Attr Super.ErrorSoftLimit = 15 Attr Super.ErrorHardLimit = 50 Attr Super.WdFact1 = 100 Attr Super.WdFact2 = 10 EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule $ClassDef 34 04-OCT-2007 14:07:11.39 Body SysBody 08-NOV-2007 08:37:39.62 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 18448 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 04-OCT-2007 14:07:16.72 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:07:16.72 Attr StructName = "Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule" Attr NextAix = "_X14" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 04-OCT-2007 14:07:27.08 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:07:36.46 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "Profibus:Class-Pb_Module" EndBody EndObject Object In1 $Attribute 2 04-OCT-2007 14:07:54.96 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:08:16.02 Attr PgmName = "In1" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIi" EndBody EndObject Object In2 $Attribute 3 04-OCT-2007 14:08:28.19 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:08:22.76 Attr PgmName = "In2" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIi" EndBody EndObject Object In3 $Attribute 4 04-OCT-2007 14:08:32.38 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:08:23.70 Attr PgmName = "In3" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIi" EndBody EndObject Object In4 $Attribute 5 04-OCT-2007 14:08:37.17 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:08:24.28 Attr PgmName = "In4" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIi" EndBody EndObject Object In5 $Attribute 6 04-OCT-2007 14:08:42.18 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:08:24.72 Attr PgmName = "In5" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIi" EndBody EndObject Object In6 $Attribute 7 04-OCT-2007 14:08:47.50 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:08:25.12 Attr PgmName = "In6" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIi" EndBody EndObject Object Diag_SW $Attribute 8 04-OCT-2007 14:09:00.50 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:08:51.78 Attr PgmName = "Diag_SW" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIi" EndBody EndObject Object Diag_XS $Attribute 9 04-OCT-2007 14:09:26.46 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:09:14.51 Attr PgmName = "Diag_XS" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIi" EndBody EndObject Object Out1 $Attribute 10 04-OCT-2007 14:09:48.32 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:09:43.35 Attr PgmName = "Out1" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIo" EndBody EndObject Object Out2 $Attribute 11 04-OCT-2007 14:10:14.62 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:09:51.95 Attr PgmName = "Out2" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIo" EndBody EndObject Object Out3 $Attribute 12 04-OCT-2007 14:10:18.46 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:09:52.69 Attr PgmName = "Out3" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIo" EndBody EndObject Object Out4 $Attribute 13 04-OCT-2007 14:10:26.17 Body SysBody 04-OCT-2007 14:10:10.15 Attr PgmName = "Out4" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIo" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule 2156625920 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 08-NOV-2007 08:37:21.97 Attr Super.Process = 1 Attr In1.ConversionOn = 1 Attr In1.Representation = 2 Attr In2.ConversionOn = 1 Attr In2.Representation = 2 Attr In3.ConversionOn = 1 Attr In3.Representation = 2 Attr In4.ConversionOn = 1 Attr In4.Representation = 2 Attr In5.ConversionOn = 1 Attr In5.Representation = 2 Attr In6.ConversionOn = 1 Attr In6.Representation = 2 Attr Diag_SW.Number = 1 Attr Diag_SW.ConversionOn = 1 Attr Diag_SW.Representation = 3 Attr Diag_XS.Number = 3 Attr Diag_XS.ConversionOn = 1 Attr Diag_XS.Representation = 3 Attr Out1.Representation = 2 Attr Out2.Representation = 2 Attr Out3.Representation = 2 Attr Out4.Representation = 2 EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Summary Thyristor Eurotherm TC3001 aggregate. ! Thyristor Eurotherm TC3001 aggregate. ! ! @b Graphical Symbol ! The graphical symbol for this object is ! OtherManufacturer/Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr. ! ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001aggr_gs.gif ! Default dynamics: ! - the symbol is filled with the original color when aggregate is on. ! - colored gray when the aggregate off. ! - colored red when an error occurs. ! - colored yellow when a warning occurs. ! - indicating the current mode: ! M: Manual mode. ! No indication: auto mode. ! ! Default action: ! - the methods menu is opened with MB3. ! ! @b Object Graph ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001aggr_og.gif ! ! @h1 Configuration ! @b Plc coding ! For plc coding the function object Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo is used. ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001aggrfo_fo.gif ! Create a function object in the plc editor and connect it to the current ! object with the connect function. ! ! @b Component configuration ! There are four configuration alternatives ! ! - CbCoTc CircuitBreaker, Contactor and Thyristor unit. ! - CbTc CircuitBreaker and Thyristor unit. ! - CoTc Contactor and Thyristor unit. ! - Tc Thyristor unit only. ! ! Separate components that can be configured in the aggregate ! - Contactor. ! - Heater. ! - TC3001.Enable ! ! @b Mode configuration ! The mode of the aggragate can be configured in four different ways: ! - intern auto/manual with on/off buttons. Default mode. ! - intern control only, i.e. control from object graph. ! - extern control only, i.e. control from function object inputs. ! - extern auto/manual with intern on/off buttons. ! ! See the mode object how to configure these alternatives. ! ! Local mode is not supported in this aggregate. ! ! @b Signals ! Signals that should be conntected to channel objects. ! - TC3001.Enable Do (optional) ! - Contactor.Order Do (optional) ! - Contactor.Feedback Di (optional) ! - CircuitBreaker.NotTripped Di (optional) ! - Heater.TempSwitch.Switch Di (optional) ! - Heater.TempSensor.Value Ai (optional) ! ! The component TC3001 should be connected (by the IoConnect method) to ! a profibus module object. ! ! @b Simulate ! The simulate function object to this class is Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim. ! ! @h1 Examples ! The example below describes a control loop with a PID controller and a ! Eurotherm TCe3001 aggregate. ! ! @b Example 1 Object graphs ! Views three of four possible component configurations. ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001aggr_hmi.gif ! ! @b Example 2 to view the aggregate in a process graph. ! Displays an operator picture for a temperatur control loop. All graphs, ! except the process graph, are object graphs. The aggregate is viewed ! with its graphic symbol and with the object graph in the lower left corner. ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001aggr_op.gif ! ! @b Example 3 Plc coding ! Views the plc coding of the control loop, containing the thyristor unit, ! a PID controler and a temperature sensor. ! ! The feedback of the SetValue from the thyristor to the PID controller ! gives a smooth switching from thyristor aggregate manual mode to auto mode. ! ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001aggr_plcpgm.gif ! ! @b Example 4 Object and attributes ! Displayes all the objects in the Zon1 example and the function object for the ! aggregate. ! ! The status of the function object is viewed when the thyristor is on, i.e. ! ExtOn is true and the aggregate is i auto mode. ! ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001aggr_plant.gif ! ! @b Example 5 Mode alternatives for the aggregate ! Displays the four mode alternatives for the aggregate. ! ! 1: intern auto/manual with on/off buttons. Default mode. ! 2: extern auto/manual with intern on/off buttons. ! 3: extern control only, i.e. control from function object inputs. ! 4: intern control only, i.e. control from object graph. ! ! Note, 1 and 3 implies that ExtControl is used to activate extern ! control of the aggregate. This also implies that you have to consider ! action to reset the on signal at failure to prevent restart. ! ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001aggr_mode.gif ! ! ! @b See also ! @classlink Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001aggrfo.html ! @classlink Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001aggrsim.html ! @classlink Eurotherm_TC3001_pbslave othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001_pbslave.html ! @classlink Eurotherm_TC3001_pbmodule othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001_pbmodule.html ! @classlink Eurotherm_TC3001Fo othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001fo.html ! @classlink CompModeAFo basecomponent_compmodeafo.html !*/ Object Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr $ClassDef 36 09-OCT-2007 10:49:33.93 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 144 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:49:41.03 Attr StructName = "Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr" Attr NextAix = "_X80" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 46 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-Aggregate" EndBody EndObject Object GraphConfiguration $Attribute 47 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 14:24:33.87 Attr PgmName = "GraphConfiguration" Attr TypeRef = "OtherManufacturer:Type-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrEnum" EndBody EndObject Object Ready $Attribute 48 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "Ready" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object ExtInterlock $Attribute 49 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "ExtInterlock" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object OpPowerOn $Attribute 51 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "OpPowerOn" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object OpPowerOff $Attribute 52 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "OpPowerOff" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object PowExtInterlock $Attribute 53 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "PowExtInterlock" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object PowOnOffDim $Attribute 54 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "PowOnOffDim" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object IndWarning $Attribute 55 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "IndWarning" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object IndError $Attribute 56 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "IndError" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object AlarmTextPowOnNotOk $Attribute 59 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "AlarmTextPowOnNotOk" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object AlarmTextStartNoOk $Attribute 60 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "AlarmTextStartNoOk" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object CastCircuitBreaker $Attribute 61 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "CastCircuitBreaker" Attr Flags = 2048 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$CastId" EndBody EndObject Object DisableCircuitBreaker $Attribute 62 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "DisableCircuitBreaker" Attr Flags = 2048 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$DisableAttr" EndBody EndObject Object CircuitBreaker $Attribute 63 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "CircuitBreaker" Attr Flags = 4325384 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseCircuitBreaker" EndBody EndObject Object CastContactor $Attribute 64 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "CastContactor" Attr Flags = 2048 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$CastId" EndBody EndObject Object DisableContactor $Attribute 65 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "DisableContactor" Attr Flags = 2048 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$DisableAttr" EndBody EndObject Object Contactor $Attribute 66 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "Contactor" Attr Flags = 4325384 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseContactor" EndBody EndObject Object TC3001 $Attribute 67 09-OCT-2007 10:54:36.88 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:54:51.20 Attr PgmName = "TC3001" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001" EndBody EndObject Object CastHeater $Attribute 71 09-OCT-2007 10:59:22.38 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:59:23.51 Attr PgmName = "CastHeater" Attr Flags = 2048 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$CastId" EndBody EndObject Object Heater $Attribute 72 09-OCT-2007 10:59:06.55 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:59:13.61 Attr PgmName = "Heater" Attr Flags = 131080 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseElHeater" EndBody EndObject Object Mode $Attribute 73 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "Mode" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-CompModeA" EndBody EndObject Object DefTrend $Attribute 74 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "DefTrend" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object SupDisabled $Attribute 75 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "SupDisabled" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object AggrReady $Attribute 79 15-OCT-2007 08:44:20.10 Body SysBody 15-OCT-2007 08:44:26.38 Attr PgmName = "AggrReady" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object PlcConnect $Attribute 76 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object SimConnect $Attribute 77 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "SimConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object ConfiguratorPosos $Menu 1340 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Object Pointed $Menu 1341 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Object ConfigureComponent $MenuCascade 1342 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr ButtonName = "ConfigureComponent" EndBody Object CbCoTc $MenuButton 1343 09-OCT-2007 14:25:22.09 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 14:27:05.75 Attr ButtonName = "CbCoTc" Attr MethodName = "$Object-ConfigureComponent" Attr MethodArguments[0] = "0" Attr MethodArguments[1] = "0" Attr MethodArguments[2] = "Heater" Attr FilterName = "$Object-ConfigureComponentFilter" EndBody EndObject Object CbTc $MenuButton 1344 09-OCT-2007 14:25:34.46 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 14:28:36.69 Attr ButtonName = "CbTc" Attr MethodName = "$Object-ConfigureComponent" Attr MethodArguments[0] = "2, Contactor 3" Attr MethodArguments[1] = "1" Attr MethodArguments[2] = "Heater" Attr FilterName = "$Object-ConfigureComponentFilter" EndBody EndObject Object CoTc $MenuButton 1345 09-OCT-2007 14:25:42.62 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 14:37:33.28 Attr ButtonName = "CoTc" Attr MethodName = "$Object-ConfigureComponent" Attr MethodArguments[0] = "1, CircuitBreaker 1" Attr MethodArguments[1] = "2" Attr MethodArguments[2] = "Heater" Attr FilterName = "$Object-ConfigureComponentFilter" EndBody EndObject Object Tc $MenuButton 1346 09-OCT-2007 14:25:49.40 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 14:38:10.78 Attr ButtonName = "Tc" Attr MethodName = "$Object-ConfigureComponent" Attr MethodArguments[0] = "3, CircuitBreaker 1, Contactor 3" Attr MethodArguments[1] = "3" Attr MethodArguments[2] = "Heater" Attr FilterName = "$Object-ConfigureComponentFilter" EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject EndObject Object ConfiguratorPosnn $Menu 2138 29-OCT-2007 16:50:42.57 Object Pointed $Menu 2139 29-OCT-2007 16:50:36.78 Object ConfigureComponent $MenuCascade 2140 29-OCT-2007 16:50:36.78 Body SysBody 29-OCT-2007 16:50:36.78 Attr ButtonName = "ConfigureComponent" EndBody Object CbCoTc $MenuButton 2141 29-OCT-2007 16:50:36.78 Body SysBody 29-OCT-2007 16:50:36.78 Attr ButtonName = "CbCoTc" Attr MethodName = "$Object-ConfigureComponent" Attr MethodArguments[0] = "0" Attr MethodArguments[1] = "0" Attr MethodArguments[2] = "Heater" Attr FilterName = "$Object-ConfigureComponentFilter" EndBody EndObject Object CbTc $MenuButton 2142 29-OCT-2007 16:50:36.78 Body SysBody 29-OCT-2007 16:50:36.78 Attr ButtonName = "CbTc" Attr MethodName = "$Object-ConfigureComponent" Attr MethodArguments[0] = "2, Contactor 3" Attr MethodArguments[1] = "1" Attr MethodArguments[2] = "Heater" Attr FilterName = "$Object-ConfigureComponentFilter" EndBody EndObject Object CoTc $MenuButton 2143 29-OCT-2007 16:50:36.78 Body SysBody 29-OCT-2007 16:50:36.78 Attr ButtonName = "CoTc" Attr MethodName = "$Object-ConfigureComponent" Attr MethodArguments[0] = "1, CircuitBreaker 1" Attr MethodArguments[1] = "2" Attr MethodArguments[2] = "Heater" Attr FilterName = "$Object-ConfigureComponentFilter" EndBody EndObject Object Tc $MenuButton 2144 29-OCT-2007 16:50:36.78 Body SysBody 29-OCT-2007 16:50:36.78 Attr ButtonName = "Tc" Attr MethodName = "$Object-ConfigureComponent" Attr MethodArguments[0] = "3, CircuitBreaker 1, Contactor 3" Attr MethodArguments[1] = "3" Attr MethodArguments[2] = "Heater" Attr FilterName = "$Object-ConfigureComponentFilter" EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject EndObject Object Template Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr 2157150208 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 23-MAR-2010 16:49:08.68 Attr CircuitBreaker.AlarmText = "Circuit breaker tripped" Attr Contactor.Super.Specification = "Contactor" Attr Contactor.Order.Description = "Energize contactor" Attr Contactor.DisableOffControl = 1 Attr Contactor.Feedback.Description = "Contactor is energized" Attr Contactor.FbTimeLimit = 1.000000e+00 Attr Contactor.AlarmText = "Contactor feedback lost" Attr TC3001.In1.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.In1" Attr TC3001.In2.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.In2" Attr TC3001.In3.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.In3" Attr TC3001.In4.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.In4" Attr TC3001.In5.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.In5" Attr TC3001.In6.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.In6" Attr TC3001.DiagSW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.Diag_SW" Attr TC3001.DiagXS.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.Diag_XS" Attr TC3001.Out1.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.Out1" Attr TC3001.Out2.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.Out2" Attr TC3001.Out3.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.Out3" Attr TC3001.Out4.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001_PbModule.Out4" Attr TC3001.ConfMaxCurrent = 5.000000e+02 Attr TC3001.ConfMaxVoltage = 4.000000e+02 Attr Heater.GraphConfiguration = 2 Attr Heater.DisableTempSwitch = 1 Attr Heater.TempSwitch.Super.DisableSwitch = 1 Attr Heater.TempSwitch.Super.Switch.Description = "Switch digital input" Attr Heater.TempSwitch.Super.AlarmText = "High heater temperatur" Attr Heater.DisableTempSensor = 1 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.Super.Specification = "TemperatureSensor" Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.DisableValue = 1 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.Value.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.AlarmText = "High High heater temperature" Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Limit = 1.300000e+02 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Hysteres = 3.000000e+00 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Used = 1 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.AlarmText = "High heater temperature" Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Limit = 1.150000e+02 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Hysteres = 3.000000e+00 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Used = 1 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.LimitL.AlarmText = "Below Low limit, tempsensor" Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.LimitL.Limit = 1.000000e+01 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.LimitLL.AlarmText = "Below Low limit, tempsensor" Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.LimitLL.Limit = 5.000000e+00 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.Trend.Multiple = 1 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.Trend.DataName = "_O0.0.0.0:0" Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.Trend.StorageTime = 239 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.Trend.BufferStatus[0] = 1 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.Trend.BufferStatus[1] = 1 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.Trend.NoOfBuffers = 2 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.Trend.NoOfBufElement = 239 Attr Heater.TempSensor.Super.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0" Attr Mode.OpNoLocal = 1 Attr Mode.OpNoAutoToMan = 1 Attr Mode.OpMaxRefMan = 1.000000e+02 Attr Mode.AlarmNotReadyM = "Check interlocks. Manual start is not allowed, not ready" Attr Mode.AlarmNotReadyA = "Check interlocks. Automode is not allowed, not ready" Attr Mode.Alarm1LocalMod = "Local mode is activated, remote control is not allowed" Attr Mode.Alarm2LocalMod = "Local mode is activated" Attr Mode.AlarmNotManOrd = "Automode active. Manual start/stop order is not allowed" EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Code othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001aggrfo.pdf ! @Summary Plc function object to Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr. ! Plc function object fo Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr. ! ! @image orm_eurotherm_tc3001aggrfo_fo.gif ! ! Connect the function object to an object of class Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr. ! ! @b See also ! @classlink Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr othermanufacturer_eurotherm_tc3001aggr.html !*/ Object Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo $ClassDef 37 09-OCT-2007 10:49:59.48 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 144 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:50:03.09 Attr StructName = "Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo" Attr NextAix = "_X47" EndBody !/** ! Reference (set point) to the thyristor unit, in range 0-100 %. !*/ Object ReferenceExt $Input 25 15-OCT-2007 07:55:10.11 Body SysBody 15-OCT-2007 07:55:00.84 Attr PgmName = "ReferenceExt" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr GraphName = "REX" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Line power interlock. !*/ Object PowerInterlock $Input 27 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "PowerInterlock" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "pil" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Extern control. Used only if the mode object is configured without ! intern auto/manual function. !*/ Object ExtControl $Input 28 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "ExtControl" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "eco" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Activates reference output to thyristor unit. !*/ Object ExtOn $Input 29 15-OCT-2007 07:55:40.87 Body SysBody 15-OCT-2007 07:55:50.87 Attr PgmName = "ExtOn" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "eon" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Interlock of refrence output to thyristor unit. !*/ Object ExtInterlock $Input 30 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "ExtInterlock" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "ilk" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Disable supervision. No alarms are sent from the aggregate. !*/ Object DisableSup $Input 34 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "DisableSup" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "dis" EndBody EndObject !/** ! @Summary The main object connected to this object. ! The main object of class Eurotherm_TC3001. ! This attribute is set when the object is conntected to the main object ! with the connect function in the plc editor. !*/ Object PlcConnect $Intern 35 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Reference output to thyristor unit is activated. !*/ Object On $Output 36 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 15:16:11.17 Attr PgmName = "On" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "on" EndBody EndObject !/** ! An error is detected. !*/ Object Err $Output 37 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 15:16:00.21 Attr PgmName = "Err" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "err" EndBody EndObject !/** ! The aggregate is in auto mode. !*/ Object AutoMode $Output 45 11-OCT-2007 15:15:21.37 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 15:15:50.74 Attr PgmName = "AutoMode" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "aut" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Reference (set point) transfered to the thyristor unit. ! Can be used as feedback signal to PID controller. !*/ Object SetValue $Output 46 11-OCT-2007 15:29:44.04 Body SysBody 11-OCT-2007 15:29:55.29 Attr PgmName = "SetValue" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr GraphName = "SV" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object DevBody $ObjBodyDef 2 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr NextAix = "_X3" EndBody Object PlcNode $Buffer 2 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr Class = "pwrs:Class-$PlcNode" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object GraphPlcNode $GraphPlcNode 1367 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 14:53:38.40 Attr object_type = 11 Attr parameters[0] = 6 Attr parameters[1] = 1 Attr parameters[2] = 4 Attr parameters[3] = 0 Attr subwindows = 1 Attr subwindow_class[0] = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr graphmethod = 0 Attr graphindex = 0 Attr default_mask[0] = 255 Attr default_mask[1] = 3 Attr segname_annotation = 1 Attr compmethod = 58 Attr compindex = 0 Attr tracemethod = 0 Attr traceindex = 0 Attr connectmethod = 10 Attr executeordermethod = 2 Attr objname = "TC3001AggrFo" Attr graphname = "TC3001AggrFo" EndBody EndObject Object RtXtt $RtMenu 1368 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Object PlcConnect $MenuRef 1369 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr ButtonName = "PlcConnect" Attr RefAttribute = "PlcConnect" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Code PlcTemplate 1370 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:33.75 Buffer PlcProgram Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-PlcTemplate" Attr defnamecount[2] = 11 Attr defnamecount[11] = 135 Attr defnamecount[60] = 11 Attr defnamecount[90] = 11 Attr defnamecount[91] = 18 Attr defnamecount[95] = 1 Attr defnamecount[97] = 2 Attr defnamecount[98] = 1 Attr defnamecount[99] = 3 Attr defnamecount[102] = 2 Attr defnamecount[119] = 1 Attr defnamecount[125] = 3 Attr defnamecount[136] = 3 Attr defnamecount[137] = 34 Attr defnamecount[138] = 1 Attr defnamecount[139] = 17 Attr defnamecount[140] = 4 Attr defnamecount[141] = 1 Attr defnamecount[143] = 4 Attr defnamecount[147] = 1 Attr defnamecount[250] = 1 Attr defnamecount[252] = 4 Attr defnamecount[253] = 5 Attr defnamecount[255] = 29 Attr defnamecount[256] = 49 Attr defnamecount[258] = 4 Attr defnamecount[263] = 3 Attr defnamecount[264] = 3 Attr connamecount = 379 EndBuffer EndBody Object W WindowPlc 1371 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:33.75 Attr Modified = "27-JAN-2010 18:16:33.75" Buffer PlcWindow Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr y = 5.000000e+01 Attr width = 1.000000e+03 Attr heigth = 7.500000e+02 Attr refconcount = 1 EndBuffer EndBody Object cn378 ConAnalog 2207 27-JAN-2010 18:15:32.57 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:33.75 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn378" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetSp2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoSp2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 8.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.704222e+00 Attr y = 8.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn377 ConAnalog 2206 27-JAN-2010 18:15:30.95 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:33.75 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn377" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetSp1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoSp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 8.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.666444e+00 Attr y = 8.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn376 ConFeedbackDigital 2078 15-OCT-2007 18:10:56.29 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 18:11:04.79 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn376" Attr object_type = 26 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConFeedbackDigital" Attr attributes = 106 Attr source_point = 5 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Eurot_TC3001Fo" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-And10" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.736000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.773500e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.773500e+00 Attr y = 5.275000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.934500e+00 Attr y = 5.275000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.934500e+00 Attr y = 5.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.970000e+00 Attr y = 5.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn375 ConFeedbackDigital 2077 15-OCT-2007 17:31:07.23 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 17:31:18.89 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn375" Attr object_type = 26 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConFeedbackDigital" Attr attributes = 106 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Eurot_TC3001Fo" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Mode" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.736000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.811000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.811000e+00 Attr y = 6.351500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.303250e+00 Attr y = 6.351500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.303250e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn374 ConDigital 1973 15-OCT-2007 15:06:36.09 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:59:15.81 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn374" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Inv1" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Eurot_TC3001Fo" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.149000e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.297000e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.297000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn373 ConDigital 1972 15-OCT-2007 15:06:32.34 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn373" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-On" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Inv1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.970000e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.899000e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn372 ConDigital 1970 15-OCT-2007 15:05:31.46 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 18:11:04.79 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn372" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-And10" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp28" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.270000e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.149000e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.207944e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.270000e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn371 ConDigital 1969 15-OCT-2007 15:04:14.83 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 18:11:04.79 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn371" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-And10" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Mode" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.149000e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.177667e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.177667e+00 Attr y = 6.323500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.286500e+00 Attr y = 6.323500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.286500e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn370 ConDigital 1968 15-OCT-2007 15:04:08.82 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn370" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Pon" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-And10" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.649000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.936500e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.936500e+00 Attr y = 5.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.970000e+00 Attr y = 5.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn369 ConDigital 1967 15-OCT-2007 15:04:06.01 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn369" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Aready" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-And10" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.970000e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.657333e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.951802e+00 Attr y = 5.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.970000e+00 Attr y = 5.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn367 ConDigital 1963 15-OCT-2007 15:02:16.77 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:59:15.81 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn367" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Pon" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Eurot_TC3001Fo" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.649000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.259500e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn366 ConDigital 1962 15-OCT-2007 15:02:04.77 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:59:15.81 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn366" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Eurot_TC3001Fo" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp48" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = 5.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.497111e+00 Attr y = 5.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.497111e+00 Attr y = 5.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.024222e+00 Attr y = 5.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn365 ConDigital 1961 15-OCT-2007 15:01:30.11 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn365" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowInterlockOk" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Heater" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 4.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.688583e+00 Attr y = 4.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.688583e+00 Attr y = 4.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.636000e+00 Attr y = 4.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn364 ConDigital 1960 15-OCT-2007 15:01:26.40 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn364" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowInterlockOk" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-CircuitBreaker" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.727167e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.727167e+00 Attr y = 4.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.602000e+00 Attr y = 4.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn363 ConDigital 1959 15-OCT-2007 15:01:23.83 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn363" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp17" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowInterlockOk" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 4.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.775556e-01 Attr y = 4.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.860000e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn362 ConDigital 1958 15-OCT-2007 15:01:08.26 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn362" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp40" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Heater" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.242222e-01 Attr y = 4.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.184778e+00 Attr y = 4.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.184778e+00 Attr y = 4.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.270000e+00 Attr y = 4.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn357 ConDigital 1937 15-OCT-2007 08:45:51.70 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn357" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-On" Attr dest_point = 5 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Mode" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 5.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.677500e+00 Attr y = 5.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.677500e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.635000e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.819000e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.635000e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn354 ConDigital 1933 15-OCT-2007 08:45:12.23 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn354" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Aready" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-On" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.657333e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.703250e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.703250e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.703250e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn350 ConDigital 1916 12-OCT-2007 16:39:39.64 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:59:15.81 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn350" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 5 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Eurot_TC3001Fo" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.736000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.019500e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.019500e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.270000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn348 ConDigital 1905 12-OCT-2007 15:16:14.74 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn348" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowInterlockOk" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp18" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.375111e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.281833e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn344 ConDigital 1888 11-OCT-2007 17:50:44.80 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:59:15.81 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn344" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Eurot_TC3001Fo" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp8" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.270000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.736000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.031611e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.270000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn343 ConAnalog 1817 11-OCT-2007 15:31:06.38 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:59:15.81 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn343" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 6 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Eurot_TC3001Fo" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoAp47" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.736000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.003000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.003000e+00 Attr y = 5.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.270000e+00 Attr y = 5.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn341 ConDigital 1813 11-OCT-2007 15:27:39.80 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn341" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-ShutDown" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp46" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 8.175555e-01 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn339 ConDigital 1809 11-OCT-2007 15:26:09.10 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn339" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-ShutDown" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowInterlockOk" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.601333e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.984292e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.984292e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn337 ConDigital 1806 11-OCT-2007 15:17:33.45 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn337" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 7 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Mode" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp27" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.635000e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn335 ConDigital 1755 09-OCT-2007 13:42:51.55 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn335" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Or11" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.549000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.634500e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.634500e+00 Attr y = 1.095000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 1.095000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn333 ConDigital 1752 09-OCT-2007 13:42:46.40 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn333" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp34" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 1.090000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.087556e+00 Attr y = 1.090000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.677250e+00 Attr y = 1.085000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 1.085000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn332 ConDigital 1751 09-OCT-2007 13:42:43.00 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn332" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp21" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 1.085000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.018667e+00 Attr y = 1.085000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.634500e+00 Attr y = 1.080000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 1.080000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn331 ConDigital 1750 09-OCT-2007 13:41:46.89 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn331" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp45" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.107556e+00 Attr y = 1.080000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 1.080000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.238778e+00 Attr y = 1.080000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.107556e+00 Attr y = 1.080000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn329 ConDigital 1746 09-OCT-2007 13:41:34.74 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn329" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Red" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp44" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 1.035000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.236556e+00 Attr y = 1.035000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.236556e+00 Attr y = 1.040000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.072000e+00 Attr y = 1.040000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn327 ConDigital 1742 09-OCT-2007 13:37:46.14 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:39:15.95 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn327" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Or16" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-NoPowOnOk" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.649000e+00 Attr y = 9.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.757556e+00 Attr y = 9.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.757556e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn322 ConAnalog 1737 09-OCT-2007 13:27:57.34 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:59:15.81 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn322" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 6 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Mode" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Eurot_TC3001Fo" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.635000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.354611e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.354611e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn311 ConDigital 1722 09-OCT-2007 13:13:44.82 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:17:29.34 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn311" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp14" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerStart" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.718667e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.822667e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn310 ConDigital 1721 09-OCT-2007 13:13:43.06 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:17:29.34 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn310" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOff" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerStart" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.142889e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.205111e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.205111e+00 Attr y = 3.362500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.846333e+00 Attr y = 3.362500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.846333e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.870000e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn309 ConDigital 1372 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn309" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp42" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp26" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.424222e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.423778e+00 Attr y = 1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn307 ConDigital 1373 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.58 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn307" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-FirstScan119" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Init" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.700000e-01 Attr y = 8.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.300000e-01 Attr y = 8.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn306 ConDigital 1374 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.58 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn306" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOn" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp41" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.672111e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.672111e+00 Attr y = 3.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.624222e+00 Attr y = 3.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn303 ConDigital 1376 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 15:14:18.02 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn303" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-CircuitBreaker" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp40" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.242222e-01 Attr y = 4.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.270000e+00 Attr y = 4.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn292 ConAnalog 1384 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn292" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetAp3" Attr dest_point = 4 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Mode" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.107556e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.435806e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn289 ConDigital 1387 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn289" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Mode" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.009778e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.434500e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn288 ConDigital 1388 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn288" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp38" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Mode" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.065333e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.351611e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn280 ConDigital 1394 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn280" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDi8" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Or16" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 9.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.300889e+00 Attr y = 9.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn279 ConDigital 1395 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn279" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled116" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Or16" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 9.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.402889e+00 Attr y = 9.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn272 ConDigital 1402 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn272" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled112" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Or13" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 1.015000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.302889e+00 Attr y = 1.015000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.994500e+00 Attr y = 1.005000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.020000e+00 Attr y = 1.005000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn270 ConDigital 1403 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn270" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Or13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Red" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.549000e+00 Attr y = 1.015000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.634500e+00 Attr y = 1.015000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.634500e+00 Attr y = 1.020000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 1.020000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn268 ConDigital 1404 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn268" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDi4" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Or13" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 1.020000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.200889e+00 Attr y = 1.020000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.969000e+00 Attr y = 1.010000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.020000e+00 Attr y = 1.010000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn267 ConDigital 1405 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn267" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-NoCo" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Pon" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.399000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.415861e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn266 ConDigital 1406 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn266" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp37" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-NoCo" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.220000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.077556e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.199889e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.220000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn265 ConDigital 1407 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn265" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled106" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-NoCo" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.220000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.139556e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.179778e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.220000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn264 ConDigital 1408 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn264" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Or11" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp36" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.027556e+00 Attr y = 1.105000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 1.105000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.703778e+00 Attr y = 1.125000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.070889e+00 Attr y = 1.125000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn263 ConDigital 1409 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn263" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled107" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Or11" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.089556e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.703778e+00 Attr y = 1.115000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 1.115000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn262 ConDigital 1410 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn262" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Pon" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp35" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.443875e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.443875e+00 Attr y = 5.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.070889e+00 Attr y = 5.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.079819e+00 Attr y = 5.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.070889e+00 Attr y = 5.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn243 ConDigital 1415 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn243" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerFb" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-ReadyHeat" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.929556e+00 Attr y = 3.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.945000e+00 Attr y = 3.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.945000e+00 Attr y = 3.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 3.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn242 ConDigital 1416 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn242" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled98" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerFb" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.039556e+00 Attr y = 2.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.201174e+00 Attr y = 2.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.201174e+00 Attr y = 3.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 3.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.582500e+00 Attr y = 3.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.620000e+00 Attr y = 3.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn241 ConDigital 1417 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn241" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOn" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerFb" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.035000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.056250e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.056250e+00 Attr y = 3.725000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.696055e+00 Attr y = 3.725000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.696055e+00 Attr y = 3.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 3.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn240 ConDigital 1418 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:26:47.39 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn240" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled98" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-HasContactor" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.220000e+00 Attr y = 2.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.039556e+00 Attr y = 2.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.144778e+00 Attr y = 3.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.170000e+00 Attr y = 3.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn237 ConDigital 1419 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:47:19.01 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn237" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Red" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp33" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 1.030000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.154278e+00 Attr y = 1.030000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.154278e+00 Attr y = 1.035000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.063111e+00 Attr y = 1.035000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn226 ConDigital 1426 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn226" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled79" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-HasCircuitBreaker" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.220000e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.099556e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.199778e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.220000e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn186 ConDigital 1445 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn186" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-NoPowOnOk" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp30" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.127556e+00 Attr y = 8.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 8.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn184 ConDigital 1446 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:39:15.95 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn184" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-NoPowOnOk" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowNoOk" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 8.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.082889e+00 Attr y = 8.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.949778e+00 Attr y = 1.070000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 1.070000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn183 ConDigital 1447 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn183" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp28" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowNoOk" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.118667e+00 Attr y = 9.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.101444e+00 Attr y = 9.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.101444e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn178 ConDigital 1451 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn178" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowNoOk" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-DSup2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.020000e+00 Attr y = 8.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.345111e+00 Attr y = 8.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.999056e+00 Attr y = 1.060000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.020000e+00 Attr y = 1.060000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn176 ConDigital 1452 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn176" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-NotReady" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp27" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.200889e+00 Attr y = 8.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 8.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.328778e+00 Attr y = 1.040000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.145333e+00 Attr y = 1.040000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn175 ConDigital 1453 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn175" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-NotReady" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp26" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.043111e+00 Attr y = 8.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 8.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn168 ConDigital 1454 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn168" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-NotReady" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-DSup1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.020000e+00 Attr y = 8.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.695111e+00 Attr y = 8.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.999056e+00 Attr y = 1.020000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.020000e+00 Attr y = 1.020000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn151 ConDigital 1459 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn151" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp24" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp17" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.477556e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.423778e+00 Attr y = 1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn149 ConDigital 1460 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn149" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Red" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp23" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 1.025000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.154278e+00 Attr y = 1.025000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.154278e+00 Attr y = 1.030000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.103111e+00 Attr y = 1.030000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn131 ConDigital 1461 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn131" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowInterlockOk" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-ReadyHeat" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.375111e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.949778e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.949778e+00 Attr y = 3.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 3.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn130 ConDigital 1462 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn130" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Aready" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.037556e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.568278e+00 Attr y = 5.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 5.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn129 ConDigital 1463 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn129" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Aready" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp22" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.931111e-01 Attr y = 5.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 5.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.008278e+00 Attr y = 5.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 9.931111e-01 Attr y = 5.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn102 ConDigital 1468 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn102" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 1.080000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.900667e+00 Attr y = 1.080000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.260333e+00 Attr y = 1.080000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.620000e+00 Attr y = 1.080000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn58 ConDigital 1483 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:17:29.34 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn58" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerStart" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Power" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.117333e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.283167e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.283167e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn54 ConFeedbackDigital 1486 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn54" Attr object_type = 26 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConFeedbackDigital" Attr attributes = 106 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOn" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOff" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.035000e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.077500e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.077500e+00 Attr y = 3.662500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.902347e+00 Attr y = 3.662500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.902347e+00 Attr y = 3.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.920000e+00 Attr y = 3.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn51 ConDigital 1487 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn51" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-ReadyHeat" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 3.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.210667e+00 Attr y = 3.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.240333e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.270000e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 3.201000e+00 Attr y = 3.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.220000e+00 Attr y = 3.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn49 ConDigital 1488 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn49" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowInterlockOk" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOff" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.375111e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.450111e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.450111e+00 Attr y = 3.687500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.845000e+00 Attr y = 3.687500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.845000e+00 Attr y = 3.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.920000e+00 Attr y = 3.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn42 ConDigital 1490 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn42" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOff" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp15" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.725333e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.920000e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.077255e+00 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 9.753333e-01 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn40 ConDigital 1491 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn40" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOff" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Power" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.142889e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.870472e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.970000e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.244333e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn37 ConDigital 1492 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn37" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Power" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOn" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.600000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.610000e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn30 ConDigital 1494 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn30" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.437556e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.269333e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn7 ConDigital 1496 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-cn7" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Red" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 1.020000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.899000e+00 Attr y = 1.020000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.276000e+00 Attr y = 1.025000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.620000e+00 Attr y = 1.025000e+01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document0 Document 1497 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Document0" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.775000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "1(5)" Attr Signature = "JE" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object BodyText0 BodyText 1498 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-BodyText0" Attr x = 1.100000e+00 Attr y = 2.330000e-01 Attr width = 9.191111e-01 Attr heigth = 9.200000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Interface \"graph\" between object and PlcPgm" EndBody EndObject Object BodyText1 BodyText 1499 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:59:15.81 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-BodyText1" Attr x = 1.400000e+00 Attr y = -1.690000e-01 Attr width = 2.880000e-01 Attr heigth = 3.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Interface graphname: ReferenceExt = REX PowerInterlock = pil ExtControl = eco ExtOn = eon ExtInterlock = ilk DisabeSup = dis On = on Error = err AutoMode = aut SetValue = SV" EndBody EndObject Object Document1 Document 1500 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Document1" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.125000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "2" Attr Signature = "JE" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object Document2 Document 1501 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Document2" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -6.525000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "3" Attr Signature = "JE" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object PowerOn BaseContactorFo 1502 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 13:19:18.41 Attr PlcConnect = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Contactor" EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:26:47.39 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseContactorFo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOn" Attr x = 2.700000e+00 Attr y = -2.575000e+00 Attr width = 3.150000e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Aready And 1503 15-OCT-2007 08:47:00.28 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Aready" Attr x = 1.450000e+00 Attr y = -4.425000e+00 Attr width = 1.873333e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp1 StoDp 1506 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.Err" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp1" Attr x = 3.250000e+00 Attr y = -4.625000e+00 Attr width = 3.185556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object PowInterlockOk And 1507 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowInterlockOk" Attr x = 2.050000e+00 Attr y = -3.325000e+00 Attr width = 3.051111e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 15 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp1 GetDp 1508 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 16:45:36.76 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.ExtInterlock" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp1" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = -4.375000e+00 Attr width = 3.875556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp2 GetDp 1509 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.ExtInterlock" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp2" Attr x = 1.050000e+00 Attr y = -4.750001e-01 Attr width = 3.875556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp2 StoDp 1510 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.ExtInterlock" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp2" Attr x = 1.550000e+00 Attr y = -4.750001e-01 Attr width = 4.696667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp3 GetDp 1511 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:26:47.39 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.ExtOn" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -5.525000e+00 Attr width = 3.408889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp3 StoDp 1515 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.IndError" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp3" Attr x = 2.050000e+00 Attr y = -9.224999e+00 Attr width = 4.163333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp4 StoDp 1516 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.IndWarning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp4" Attr x = 2.050000e+00 Attr y = -9.825000e+00 Attr width = 4.518889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp5 StoDp 1518 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Ready" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp5" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -2.925000e+00 Attr width = 3.941111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText19 BodyText 1519 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-BodyText19" Attr x = 2.100000e+00 Attr y = -9.419001e+00 Attr width = 2.813333e-01 Attr heigth = 1.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Show colour in HMI. Red = Error Yellow = Warning" EndBody EndObject Object CircuitBreaker BaseCircuitBreakerFo 1522 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 13:23:52.11 Attr PlcConnect = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.CircuitBreaker" EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseCircuitBreakerFo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-CircuitBreaker" Attr x = 1.250000e+00 Attr y = -3.575000e+00 Attr width = 3.320000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText31 BodyText 1526 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:59:15.81 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-BodyText31" Attr x = 1.350000e+00 Attr y = -5.919000e+00 Attr width = 4.702222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Manual/automod, start/stop manual, see inside mode object. NB! start/stop is used as on/off." EndBody EndObject Object BodyText34 BodyText 1527 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Attr TextAttribute = 3 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-BodyText34" Attr x = 2.100000e+00 Attr y = -9.169001e+00 Attr width = 1.368889e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "HMI" EndBody EndObject Object Red Or 1530 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Red" Attr x = 1.700000e+00 Attr y = -9.375000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp8 StoDp 1531 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.On" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp8" Attr x = 3.250000e+00 Attr y = -4.525000e+00 Attr width = 3.163334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document6 Document 1532 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Document6" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -8.875000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "4" Attr Signature = "JE" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object Document7 Document 1533 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Document7" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.127500e+01 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "5" Attr Signature = "JE" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object Power SR_R 1534 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 95 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-SR_R" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Power" Attr x = 2.350000e+00 Attr y = -2.575000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp14 GetDp 1535 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:26:47.39 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.OpPowerOn" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp14" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = -2.275000e+00 Attr width = 4.186667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object PowerOff Or 1536 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:17:29.34 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOff" Attr x = 1.900000e+00 Attr y = -2.625000e+00 Attr width = 2.228889e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 7 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 2 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp15 GetDp 1537 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:26:47.39 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.OpPowerOff" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp15" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = -2.525000e+00 Attr width = 4.253334e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ResDp1 ResDp 1538 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:48:02.54 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.OpPowerOff" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 258 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ResDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-ResDp1" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.112500e+01 Attr width = 4.463333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ResDp2 ResDp 1539 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:48:02.54 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.OpPowerOn" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 258 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ResDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-ResDp2" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.117500e+01 Attr width = 4.396667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp17 GetDp 1541 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.PowerInterlock" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp17" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -3.225000e+00 Attr width = 4.275556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ReadyHeat And 1542 12-OCT-2007 15:12:13.31 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-ReadyHeat" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -2.975000e+00 Attr width = 2.406667e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object PowerStart And 1543 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:17:29.34 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerStart" Attr x = 1.850000e+00 Attr y = -2.325000e+00 Attr width = 2.473333e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 2 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp3 GetAp 1553 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:26:47.39 Attr ApObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.ReferenceExt" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetAp3" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -5.675000e+00 Attr width = 4.008889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Yellow Or 1557 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Yellow" Attr x = 1.700000e+00 Attr y = -9.975000e+00 Attr width = 1.806667e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 8 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp21 GetDp 1560 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:47:19.01 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.ExtInterlock" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp21" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -9.875000e+00 Attr width = 4.186667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDi4 GetDi 1561 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:47:19.01 Attr DiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.CircuitBreaker.NotTripped" Attr DiObjectSegments = 3 Attr SigChanConSegments = 3 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 60 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDi4" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -9.224999e+00 Attr width = 6.008888e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp22 GetDp 1564 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Ready" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp22" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = -4.425000e+00 Attr width = 3.431111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp23 GetDp 1565 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:47:19.01 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Contactor.IndError" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp23" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -9.325000e+00 Attr width = 5.031111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp24 GetDp 1566 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.PowerInterlock" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp24" Attr x = 1.050000e+00 Attr y = -5.749999e-01 Attr width = 4.275556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp17 StoDp 1567 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.PowExtInterlock" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp17" Attr x = 1.550000e+00 Attr y = -5.749999e-01 Attr width = 5.274444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp18 StoDp 1569 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.PowOnOffDim" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp18" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -3.175000e+00 Attr width = 5.007778e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp1 GetSp 1571 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:33.75 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.AlarmTextStartNoOk" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetSp1" Attr x = 1.100000e+00 Attr y = -7.275000e+00 Attr width = 5.164444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp1 StoSp 1573 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:33.75 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-DSup1.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoSp1" Attr x = 2.100000e+00 Attr y = -7.275000e+00 Attr width = 4.585555e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup1 DSup 1574 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:06.63 Attr DetectText = "Start not allowed..." Attr EventPriority = 66 Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:33.75 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-DSup1" Attr x = 3.000000e+00 Attr y = -7.775000e+00 Attr width = 5.333333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object NotReady And 1575 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-NotReady" Attr x = 1.450000e+00 Attr y = -7.825000e+00 Attr width = 2.251111e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp26 GetDp 1576 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:33.75 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Ready" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp26" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -7.775000e+00 Attr width = 3.320000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp27 GetDp 1577 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:39:15.95 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Mode.OpManStart" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp27" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -7.825000e+00 Attr width = 5.008889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp28 GetDp 1578 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:39:15.95 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.OpPowerOn" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp28" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -8.375000e+00 Attr width = 4.186667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object PowNoOk And 1579 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowNoOk" Attr x = 2.100000e+00 Attr y = -8.025000e+00 Attr width = 2.251111e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp2 GetSp 1580 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:33.75 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.AlarmTextPowOnNotOk" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetSp2" Attr x = 1.100000e+00 Attr y = -7.325000e+00 Attr width = 5.542222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup2 DSup 1581 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:15.57 Attr DetectText = "Power not allowed..." Attr EventPriority = 66 Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:33.75 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-DSup2" Attr x = 3.000000e+00 Attr y = -7.975000e+00 Attr width = 5.533333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoSp2 StoSp 1582 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:16:33.75 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-DSup2.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 264 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoSp2" Attr x = 2.100000e+00 Attr y = -7.325000e+00 Attr width = 4.585555e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object NoPowOnOk Or 1585 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:39:15.95 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-NoPowOnOk" Attr x = 1.800000e+00 Attr y = -8.025000e+00 Attr width = 2.628889e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 2 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp30 GetDp 1586 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:39:15.95 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.PowerInterlock" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp30" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -7.975000e+00 Attr width = 4.275556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDi8 GetDi 1588 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:39:15.95 Attr DiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.CircuitBreaker.NotTripped" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 60 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDi8" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -8.174999e+00 Attr width = 6.008888e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object HasCircuitBreaker CArea 1603 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Attr AreaWidth = 4.000000e-01 Attr AreaHeight = 3.000000e-01 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArea" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-HasCircuitBreaker" Attr x = 1.200000e+00 Attr y = -3.575000e+00 Attr width = 4.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 3.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Disabled79 Disabled 1604 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:26:47.39 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.CircuitBreaker" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Disabled" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled79" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -3.325000e+00 Attr width = 5.495555e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp33 GetDp 1606 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:47:19.01 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Heater.IndError" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp33" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -9.375000e+00 Attr width = 4.631111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp34 GetDp 1607 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:47:19.01 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Heater.IndWarning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp34" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -9.924999e+00 Attr width = 4.986667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text81 Text 1608 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr Text = "B alarm" Attr TextAttribute = 1 Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Text81" Attr x = 3.050000e+00 Attr y = -7.719000e+00 Attr width = 1.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text82 Text 1609 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr Text = "B alarm" Attr TextAttribute = 1 Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Text82" Attr x = 3.050000e+00 Attr y = -8.019000e+00 Attr width = 1.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Head83 Head 1610 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Attr Text = "NB! This should always be placed last in this PlcPgm" Attr TextAttribute = 0 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Head" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Head83" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.106900e+01 Attr width = 7.257778e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text84 Text 1611 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 16:45:36.76 Attr Text = "Auto start" Attr TextAttribute = 1 Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Text84" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -5.419000e+00 Attr width = 1.457778e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text87 Text 1614 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Attr Text = "Mode" Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Text87" Attr x = 1.400000e+00 Attr y = -5.269000e+00 Attr width = 1.413333e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text90 Text 1617 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr Text = "Power Interlock, shut down!" Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Text90" Attr x = 1.800000e+00 Attr y = -3.019000e+00 Attr width = 5.680000e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text91 Text 1618 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr Text = "Dim buttons power on/off" Attr TextAttribute = 1 Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Text91" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -3.219000e+00 Attr width = 3.346667e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text92 Text 1619 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr Text = "HMI" Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Text92" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -3.069000e+00 Attr width = 1.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text93 Text 1620 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr Text = "Ready" Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Text93" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -2.869000e+00 Attr width = 1.502222e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text95 Text 1622 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 16:40:55.21 Attr Text = "On (heating)" Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Text95" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -4.469000e+00 Attr width = 2.768889e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object HasContactor CArea 1624 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Attr AreaWidth = 2.600000e+00 Attr AreaHeight = 8.000000e-01 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArea" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-HasContactor" Attr x = 1.200000e+00 Attr y = -2.625000e+00 Attr width = 2.630000e+00 Attr heigth = 8.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Disabled98 Disabled 1625 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:26:47.39 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Contactor" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Disabled" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled98" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.875000e+00 Attr width = 4.895556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object PowerFb Or 1626 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerFb" Attr x = 2.700000e+00 Attr y = -2.875000e+00 Attr width = 2.095556e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Pon Or 1627 15-OCT-2007 15:05:21.11 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Pon" Attr x = 1.450000e+00 Attr y = -4.625000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Or11 Or 1628 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Or11" Attr x = 1.350000e+00 Attr y = -1.007500e+01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Disabled106 Disabled 1629 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Contactor" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Disabled" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled106" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.525000e+00 Attr width = 4.895556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp35 GetDp 1630 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Attr DpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOn.Feedback" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp35" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = -4.675000e+00 Attr width = 4.208889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp36 GetDp 1631 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Attr DpObject = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-PowerOn.Feedback" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp36" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.007500e+01 Attr width = 4.275556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Disabled107 Disabled 1632 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:47:19.01 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Contactor" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Disabled" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled107" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -9.975000e+00 Attr width = 4.895556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object NoCo And 1633 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-NoCo" Attr x = 1.200000e+00 Attr y = -4.625000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 2 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp37 GetDp 1634 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.PowerInterlock" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp37" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = -4.625000e+00 Attr width = 4.275556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Or13 Or 1639 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Or13" Attr x = 1.350000e+00 Attr y = -9.224999e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Disabled112 Disabled 1641 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:47:19.01 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.CircuitBreaker.NotTripped" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Disabled" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled112" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -9.125000e+00 Attr width = 7.028889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Disabled116 Disabled 1644 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:39:15.95 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.CircuitBreaker.NotTripped" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Disabled" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Disabled116" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = -8.175000e+00 Attr width = 7.028889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Or16 Or 1646 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:39:15.95 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Or16" Attr x = 1.450000e+00 Attr y = -8.224999e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Mode CompModeAFo 1648 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 15:09:19.28 Attr PlcConnect = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Mode" EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 17:31:18.89 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "BaseComponent:Class-CompModeAFo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Mode" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = -5.725000e+00 Attr width = 3.150000e-01 Attr heigth = 3.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 115 Attr mask[1] = 7 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp38 GetDp 1649 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:26:47.39 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.ExtControl" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp38" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -5.475000e+00 Attr width = 3.653333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp40 GetDp 1651 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 12-OCT-2007 15:14:18.02 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.DisableSup" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp40" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -3.525000e+00 Attr width = 3.742222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp41 GetDp 1652 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:26:47.39 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.DisableSup" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp41" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -2.625000e+00 Attr width = 3.742222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Init CArea 1653 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.58 Attr AreaWidth = 1.800000e+00 Attr AreaHeight = 4.000000e-01 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArea" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Init" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -7.525000e+00 Attr width = 1.830000e+00 Attr heigth = 4.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object FirstScan119 FirstScan 1654 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.58 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-FirstScan" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-FirstScan119" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = -7.175000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp42 GetDp 1655 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.DisableSup" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp42" Attr x = 1.050000e+00 Attr y = -6.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.742222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp26 StoDp 1656 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.SupDisabled" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp26" Attr x = 1.550000e+00 Attr y = -6.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.718889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Eurot_TC3001Fo Eurotherm_TC3001Fo 1720 15-OCT-2007 15:57:27.74 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 15:09:07.59 Attr PlcConnect = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:59:15.81 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Fo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Eurot_TC3001Fo" Attr x = 2.350000e+00 Attr y = -4.725000e+00 Attr width = 3.660000e-01 Attr heigth = 3.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 11 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Heater BaseElHeaterFo 1727 09-OCT-2007 13:22:33.75 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 13:24:24.38 Attr PlcConnect = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Heater" EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseElHeaterFo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Heater" Attr x = 1.250000e+00 Attr y = -3.925000e+00 Attr width = 3.660000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp44 GetDp 1745 09-OCT-2007 13:41:34.74 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 13:41:34.74 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.TC3001.IndError" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp44" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -9.424999e+00 Attr width = 4.720000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp45 GetDp 1749 09-OCT-2007 13:41:46.89 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 13:41:46.89 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 13:43:52.09 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.TC3001.IndWarning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp45" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -9.825000e+00 Attr width = 5.075555e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp27 StoDp 1805 11-OCT-2007 15:17:33.45 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 15:17:33.45 EndBody Body DevBody 11-OCT-2007 15:28:54.40 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.AutoMode" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp27" Attr x = 3.200000e+00 Attr y = -5.575000e+00 Attr width = 4.096667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ShutDown Wait 1808 11-OCT-2007 17:43:48.97 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 15:26:03.90 Attr TimerTime = 1.000000e+00 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 97 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Wait" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-ShutDown" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = -3.175000e+00 Attr width = 2.813333e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp46 GetDp 1812 11-OCT-2007 15:27:39.79 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 15:27:39.79 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.Err" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp46" Attr x = 5.500000e-01 Attr y = -3.125000e+00 Attr width = 2.675556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp47 StoAp 1816 11-OCT-2007 15:31:06.38 Body RtBody 11-OCT-2007 15:31:06.38 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.SetValue" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoAp47" Attr x = 3.250000e+00 Attr y = -4.675000e+00 Attr width = 3.963333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp48 GetDp 1918 12-OCT-2007 16:41:17.04 Body RtBody 12-OCT-2007 16:41:17.04 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo.DisableSup" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-GetDp48" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = -4.725000e+00 Attr width = 3.742222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object On And 1932 15-OCT-2007 08:47:07.15 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 08:45:07.75 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-On" Attr x = 1.700000e+00 Attr y = -4.975000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text125 Text 1938 15-OCT-2007 08:46:07.71 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 08:50:26.08 Attr Text = "Aggr. ready" Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Text125" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -4.319000e+00 Attr width = 2.568889e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp28 StoDp 1939 15-OCT-2007 08:46:47.14 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 08:46:47.14 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.AggrReady" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-StoDp28" Attr x = 3.250000e+00 Attr y = -4.375000e+00 Attr width = 4.541111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And10 And 1964 15-OCT-2007 15:03:32.05 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 15:03:32.05 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 18:11:04.79 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-And10" Attr x = 1.950000e+00 Attr y = -4.475000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 7 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 4 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Inv1 Inv 1971 15-OCT-2007 15:06:30.44 Body RtBody 15-OCT-2007 15:06:30.44 EndBody Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 15:08:11.05 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 102 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Inv" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-Inv1" Attr x = 1.950000e+00 Attr y = -4.975000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText126 BodyText 2058 15-OCT-2007 15:59:37.46 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-BodyText126" Attr x = 3.250000e+00 Attr y = -5.719000e+00 Attr width = 5.635555e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Use this Dp for feedback control. (if not this Dp status high, force REF to SV)" EndBody EndObject Object BodyText128 BodyText 2060 15-OCT-2007 16:06:35.47 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-BodyText128" Attr x = 2.800000e+00 Attr y = -1.569000e+00 Attr width = 9.702222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Functionobject Eurotherm Tyristor Unit Aggregate TC3001 Ver.1 CurciutBreaker, Contactor" EndBody EndObject Object BodyText131 BodyText 2063 15-OCT-2007 16:07:38.48 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-BodyText131" Attr x = 2.850000e+00 Attr y = -3.919000e+00 Attr width = 9.702222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Functionobject Eurotherm Tyristor Unit Aggregate TC3001 Ver.1 CurciutBreaker, Contactor" EndBody EndObject Object BodyText132 BodyText 2064 15-OCT-2007 16:07:43.01 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-BodyText132" Attr x = 2.800000e+00 Attr y = -6.319000e+00 Attr width = 9.702222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Functionobject Eurotherm Tyristor Unit Aggregate TC3001 Ver.1 CurciutBreaker, Contactor" EndBody EndObject Object BodyText133 BodyText 2065 15-OCT-2007 16:07:47.49 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-BodyText133" Attr x = 2.800000e+00 Attr y = -8.669000e+00 Attr width = 9.702222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Functionobject Eurotherm Tyristor Unit Aggregate TC3001 Ver.1 CurciutBreaker, Contactor" EndBody EndObject Object BodyText134 BodyText 2066 15-OCT-2007 16:07:52.04 Body DevBody 15-OCT-2007 16:14:38.12 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W-BodyText134" Attr x = 2.750000e+00 Attr y = -1.106900e+01 Attr width = 9.702222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Functionobject Eurotherm Tyristor Unit Aggregate TC3001 Ver.1 CurciutBreaker, Contactor" EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject Object Template Eurotherm_TC3001AggrFo 2157412352 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody Body DevBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim $ClassDef 38 09-OCT-2007 10:53:45.37 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 144 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:53:52.25 Attr StructName = "Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim" Attr NextAix = "_X37" EndBody Object PlcConnect $Intern 30 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object OpToggleCircuitBreaker $Intern 31 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "OpToggleCircuitBreaker" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object OpResetContactorFeedback $Intern 33 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "OpResetContactorFeedback" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object IndCircuitBreakerTripped $Intern 34 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "IndCircuitBreakerTripped" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object IndContactorFeedback $Intern 36 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr PgmName = "IndContactorFeedback" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object DevBody $ObjBodyDef 2 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr NextAix = "_X4" EndBody Object PlcNode $Buffer 3 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr Class = "pwrs:Class-$PlcNode" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object GraphPlcNode $GraphPlcNode 1657 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:54:07.01 Attr object_type = 11 Attr parameters[0] = 0 Attr parameters[1] = 5 Attr parameters[2] = 0 Attr parameters[3] = 0 Attr subwindows = 1 Attr subwindow_class[0] = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr graphmethod = 0 Attr graphindex = 0 Attr default_mask[0] = 0 Attr default_mask[1] = 0 Attr segname_annotation = 1 Attr compmethod = 58 Attr compindex = 0 Attr tracemethod = 0 Attr traceindex = 0 Attr connectmethod = 26 Attr executeordermethod = 2 Attr objname = "TC3001AggrSim" Attr graphname = "TC3001AggrSim" EndBody EndObject Object RtXtt $RtMenu 1658 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Object PlcConnect $MenuRef 1659 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body SysBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Attr ButtonName = "PlcConnect" Attr RefAttribute = "PlcConnect" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Code PlcTemplate 1660 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 15:08:11.77 Buffer PlcProgram Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-PlcTemplate" Attr defnamecount[2] = 2 Attr defnamecount[11] = 53 Attr defnamecount[60] = 5 Attr defnamecount[61] = 1 Attr defnamecount[65] = 1 Attr defnamecount[90] = 6 Attr defnamecount[91] = 1 Attr defnamecount[97] = 2 Attr defnamecount[102] = 2 Attr defnamecount[115] = 3 Attr defnamecount[116] = 1 Attr defnamecount[117] = 3 Attr defnamecount[118] = 5 Attr defnamecount[125] = 3 Attr defnamecount[126] = 3 Attr defnamecount[136] = 1 Attr defnamecount[137] = 11 Attr defnamecount[138] = 1 Attr defnamecount[139] = 7 Attr defnamecount[140] = 3 Attr defnamecount[141] = 2 Attr defnamecount[143] = 1 Attr defnamecount[144] = 3 Attr defnamecount[146] = 5 Attr defnamecount[255] = 5 Attr defnamecount[256] = 29 Attr defnamecount[258] = 4 Attr connamecount = 129 EndBuffer EndBody Object W WindowPlc 1661 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 15:08:11.77 Attr Modified = "09-OCT-2007 15:08:11.77" Buffer PlcWindow Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr y = 5.000000e+01 Attr width = 1.000000e+03 Attr heigth = 7.500000e+02 Attr refconcount = 1 EndBuffer EndBody Object cn121 ConDigital 1663 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-cn121" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-CArea47" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-Disabled41" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.272889e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.386444e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.322889e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn117 ConDigital 1667 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-cn117" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-CircDisabled" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-CArea45" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.199556e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.274778e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn116 ConDigital 1668 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-cn116" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-GetDp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-ToggleDi3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.990889e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn115 ConDigital 1669 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-cn115" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-FirstScan29" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-SetDi0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 6.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.680000e+00 Attr y = 6.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.725000e+00 Attr y = 6.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 6.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn114 ConDigital 1670 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-cn114" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-StoDp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-GetDi0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.050889e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.701056e+00 Attr y = 1.651500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.363055e+00 Attr y = 1.651500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.363055e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.100889e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn111 ConDigital 1672 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-cn111" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-StoDp3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-GetDi3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.920889e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.938321e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.920889e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn110 ConDigital 1673 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 15:08:11.77 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-cn110" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-GetDp28" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-ResDp3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.246444e+00 Attr y = 5.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.333222e+00 Attr y = 5.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn109 ConDigital 1674 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-cn109" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-GetDp27" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-ResDi0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.996444e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.161419e+00 Attr y = 1.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 1.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn94 ConDigital 1676 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:11:33.90 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-cn94" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-GetDp25" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-ResDp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 4.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.190889e+00 Attr y = 4.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document0 Document 1677 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-Document0" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.775000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "1(2)" Attr Signature = "JE" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object GetDp0 GetDp 1678 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim.OpToggleCircuitBreaker" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-GetDp0" Attr x = 1.450000e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e-01 Attr width = 5.408888e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text0 Text 1680 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Attr Text = "Simulate CircuitBreaker" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-Text0" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = 4.810000e-01 Attr width = 3.413333e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text2 Text 1682 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Attr Text = "Simulate Contactor" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-Text2" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.900000e-02 Attr width = 2.813333e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document1 Document 1683 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-Document1" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.175000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr Page = "2" Attr Signature = "JE" Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object BodyText22 BodyText 1684 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:11:33.90 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-BodyText22" Attr x = 3.200000e+00 Attr y = -1.519000e+00 Attr width = 6.191111e-01 Attr heigth = 1.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Functionobject Simulate Eurotherm TC3001 Aggregate " EndBody EndObject Object ToggleDi3 ToggleDi 1685 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr DiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.CircuitBreaker.NotTripped" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 118 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ToggleDi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-ToggleDi3" Attr x = 2.150000e+00 Attr y = 3.750000e-01 Attr width = 7.028889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object SetDi0 SetDi 1686 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr DiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.CircuitBreaker.NotTripped" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 117 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-SetDi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-SetDi0" Attr x = 2.150000e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e-01 Attr width = 6.518888e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object FirstScan29 FirstScan 1687 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-FirstScan" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-FirstScan29" Attr x = 1.400000e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e-01 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ResDp1 ResDp 1688 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:11:33.90 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim.OpToggleCircuitBreaker" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 258 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ResDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-ResDp1" Attr x = 1.400000e+00 Attr y = -3.975000e+00 Attr width = 5.918888e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text31 Text 1693 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr Text = "Simulate Heater TempSwitch" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-Text31" Attr x = 1.650000e+00 Attr y = -3.690000e-01 Attr width = 4.168889e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp25 GetDp 1695 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:11:33.90 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim.OpToggleCircuitBreaker" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-GetDp25" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = -3.975000e+00 Attr width = 5.408888e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CircDisabled Disabled 1697 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.CircuitBreaker" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Disabled" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-CircDisabled" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = 4.750000e-01 Attr width = 5.495555e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Disabled41 Disabled 1699 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Contactor.Feedback" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Disabled" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-Disabled41" Attr x = 6.000000e-01 Attr y = -2.499995e-02 Attr width = 6.228889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ResDi0 ResDi 1700 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr DiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Contactor.Feedback" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 116 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ResDi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-ResDi0" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -7.500003e-02 Attr width = 5.718889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp27 GetDp 1701 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim.OpResetContactorFeedback" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-GetDp27" Attr x = 1.400000e+00 Attr y = -1.250000e-01 Attr width = 5.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ResDp3 ResDp 1702 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 15:08:11.77 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim.OpResetContactorFeedback" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 258 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ResDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-ResDp3" Attr x = 1.400000e+00 Attr y = -4.025000e+00 Attr width = 6.474444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp28 GetDp 1703 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 15:08:11.77 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim.OpResetContactorFeedback" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-GetDp28" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = -4.025000e+00 Attr width = 5.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ContactorSim BaseContactorSim 1704 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:14.47 Attr PlcConnect = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Contactor" EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseContactorSim" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-ContactorSim" Attr x = 1.600000e+00 Attr y = -6.750000e-01 Attr width = 2.720000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text44 Text 1705 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Attr Text = "Simulate contactor" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-Text44" Attr x = 1.650000e+00 Attr y = -5.689999e-01 Attr width = 2.791111e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp0 StoDp 1706 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim.IndCircuitBreakerTripped" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-StoDp0" Attr x = 2.150000e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e-01 Attr width = 6.052222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp3 StoDp 1708 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim.IndContactorFeedback" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-StoDp3" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -1.750000e-01 Attr width = 5.718889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDi0 GetDi 1709 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr DiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.CircuitBreaker.NotTripped" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 60 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-GetDi0" Attr x = 1.450000e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e-01 Attr width = 6.008888e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDi3 GetDi 1711 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr DiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Contactor.Feedback" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 60 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-GetDi3" Attr x = 1.400000e+00 Attr y = -1.750000e-01 Attr width = 5.208889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CArea45 CArea 1712 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Attr AreaWidth = 1.600000e+00 Attr AreaHeight = 2.500000e-01 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArea" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-CArea45" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e-01 Attr width = 1.630000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CArea47 CArea 1714 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.57 Attr AreaWidth = 1.600000e+00 Attr AreaHeight = 2.500000e-01 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CArea" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-CArea47" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = -2.249999e-01 Attr width = 1.630000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText48 BodyText 1717 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:11:33.90 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-BodyText48" Attr x = 3.200000e+00 Attr y = -3.969000e+00 Attr width = 6.080000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Functionobject Simulate Eurotherm TC3001 Aggregate " EndBody EndObject Object Text50 Text 1719 09-OCT-2007 10:48:51.56 Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Attr Text = "Simulate thyristor" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-Text50" Attr x = 1.650000e+00 Attr y = -8.189999e-01 Attr width = 2.680000e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object HeaterSim BaseElHeaterSim 1756 09-OCT-2007 14:07:21.87 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:24.45 Attr PlcConnect = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.Heater" EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseElHeaterSim" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-HeaterSim" Attr x = 1.600000e+00 Attr y = -4.750001e-01 Attr width = 3.230000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Eurot_TC3001Sim Eurotherm_TC3001Sim 1757 09-OCT-2007 14:08:08.03 Body RtBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:34.54 Attr PlcConnect = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Aggr.TC3001" EndBody Body DevBody 09-OCT-2007 14:09:39.05 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001Sim" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W-Eurot_TC3001Sim" Attr x = 1.600000e+00 Attr y = -9.250000e-01 Attr width = 3.230000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject Object Template Eurotherm_TC3001AggrSim 2157674496 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody Body DevBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group TempSensor ! @Summary TempSensor Impac IN300. ! Temperatur sensor Impac IN300. ! ! See superclass BaseTempSensor for more information. ! @classlink BaseTempSensor basecomponent_basetempsensor.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/impac_tempsensor_in300.pdf !*/ Object Impac_TempSensor_IN300 $ClassDef 11 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Impac_TempSensor_IN300" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseTempSensor" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Impac_TempSensor_IN300 2150596608 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 17-MAR-2008 16:51:41.33 Attr Super.Super.Super.Specification = "Impac compact pyrometer IN300" Attr Super.Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/impac_tempsensor_in300.pdf" Attr Super.Super.Value.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.Super.LimitHH.AlarmText = "HighHigh limit exceeded, levelsensor " Attr Super.Super.LimitHH.Limit = 9.500000e+01 Attr Super.Super.LimitH.AlarmText = "High limit exceeded, levelsensor " Attr Super.Super.LimitH.Limit = 9.000000e+01 Attr Super.Super.LimitL.AlarmText = "Below Low limit, levelsensor " Attr Super.Super.LimitL.Limit = 1.000000e+01 Attr Super.Super.LimitLL.AlarmText = "Below LowLow limit, levelsensor " Attr Super.Super.LimitLL.Limit = 5.000000e+00 Attr Super.Super.Trend.Multiple = 1 Attr Super.Super.Trend.DataName = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Impac_TempSensor_IN300-Template.Super.Super.Value.ActualValue" Attr Super.Super.Trend.StorageTime = 239 Attr Super.Super.Trend.BufferStatus[0] = 1 Attr Super.Super.Trend.BufferStatus[1] = 1 Attr Super.Super.Trend.NoOfBuffers = 2 Attr Super.Super.Trend.NoOfBufElement = 239 Attr Super.Super.DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Impac_TempSensor_IN300-Template.Super.Super.Trend" EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group CircuitBreaker ! @Summary CircuitBreaker Legrand DX. ! CircuitBreaker Legrand DX. ! ! See superclass BaseCircuitBreaker for more information. ! @classlink BaseCircuitBreaker basecomponent_basecircuitbreaker.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/legrand_circuitbreaker_dx.pdf !*/ Object Legrand_CircuitBreaker_DX $ClassDef 3 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Legrand_CircuitBreaker_DX" Attr NextAix = "_X4" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 3 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseCircuitBreaker" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Legrand_CircuitBreaker_DX 2148499456 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Super.Super.Specification = "Legrand Circuit breaker DX" Attr Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/legrand_circuitbreaker_dx.pdf" Attr Super.AlarmText = "Overload, circuit breaker tripped" EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group PressureSwitch ! @Summary PressureSwitch Suco 27AF. ! PressureSwitch Suco 27AF. ! ! See superclass BasePressureSwitch for more information. ! @classlink BasePressureSwitch basecomponent_basepressureswitch.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/suco_presswitch_ec.pdf !*/ Object Suco_PresSwitch_27AF $ClassDef 19 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Suco_PresSwitch_27AF" Attr NextAix = "_X5" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 4 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BasePressureSwitch" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Suco_PresSwitch_27AF 2152693760 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Super.Super.Super.Specification = "Suco Pressure switch 27 AF" Attr Super.Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/suco_presswitch_27af.pdf" Attr Super.Super.Switch.Description = "Switch digital input" Attr Super.Super.AlarmText = "Pressure switch" EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group LevelSensor ! @Summary LevelSensor Mobrey MSP422. ! LevelSensor Mobrey MSP422. ! ! See superclass BaseLevelSensor for more information. ! @classlink BaseLevelSensor basecomponent_baselevelsensor.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/mobrey_levelsensor_msp422.pdf !*/ Object Mobrey_LevelSensor_MSP422 $ClassDef 8 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Mobrey_LevelSensor_MSP422" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseLevelSensor" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Mobrey_LevelSensor_MSP422 2149810176 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Super.Super.Super.Specification = "Mobrey Supersonic Leveltransmitter MSP422" Attr Super.Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/mobrey_levelsensor_msp422.pdf" Attr Super.Super.Value.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.Super.LimitHH.AlarmText = "HighHigh limit exceeded, levelsensor " Attr Super.Super.LimitHH.Limit = 9.500000e+01 Attr Super.Super.LimitH.AlarmText = "High limit exceeded, levelsensor " Attr Super.Super.LimitH.Limit = 9.000000e+01 Attr Super.Super.LimitL.AlarmText = "Below Low limit, levelsensor " Attr Super.Super.LimitL.Limit = 1.000000e+01 Attr Super.Super.LimitLL.AlarmText = "Below LowLow limit, levelsensor " Attr Super.Super.LimitLL.Limit = 5.000000e+00 Attr Super.Super.Trend.Multiple = 1 Attr Super.Super.Trend.DataName = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Mobrey_LevelSensor_MSP422-Template.Super.Super.Value.ActualValue" Attr Super.Super.Trend.StorageTime = 239 Attr Super.Super.Trend.BufferStatus[0] = 1 Attr Super.Super.Trend.BufferStatus[1] = 1 Attr Super.Super.Trend.NoOfBuffers = 2 Attr Super.Super.Trend.NoOfBufElement = 239 Attr Super.Super.DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Mobrey_LevelSensor_MSP422-Template.Super.Super.Trend" EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group LevelSwitch ! @Summary LevelSwitch Mobrey EC. ! LevelSwitch Mobrey EC. ! ! See superclass BaseLevelSwitch for more information. ! @classlink BaseLevelSwitch basecomponent_baselevelswitch.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/mobrey_levelswitch_ec.pdf !*/ Object Mobrey_LevelSwitch_EC $ClassDef 10 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Mobrey_LevelSwitch_EC" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseLevelSwitch" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Mobrey_LevelSwitch_EC 2150334464 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Super.Super.Super.Specification = "Mobrey Levelswitch model EC" Attr Super.Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/mobrey_levelswitch_ec.pdf" Attr Super.Super.AlarmText = "Level switch" EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group PressureSensor ! @Summary PressureSensor Klay Series 2000. ! PressureSensor Klay Series 2000. ! ! See superclass BasePressureSensor for more information. ! @classlink BasePressureSensor basecomponent_basepressuresensor.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/klay_pressuresensor_series2000.pdf !*/ Object Klay_PressureSensor_Series2000 $ClassDef 9 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Klay_PressureSensor_Series2000" Attr NextAix = "_X3" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 2 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BasePressureSensor" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Klay_PressureSensor_Series2000 2150072320 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Super.Super.Super.Specification = "Klay Instrument Pressuretransmitter series 2000" Attr Super.Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/klay_pressuresensor_series2000.pdf" Attr Super.Super.Value.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02 Attr Super.Super.LimitHH.AlarmText = "HighHigh limit exceeded, pressuresensor " Attr Super.Super.LimitHH.Limit = 9.500000e+01 Attr Super.Super.LimitH.AlarmText = "High limit exceeded, pressuresensor " Attr Super.Super.LimitH.Limit = 9.000000e+01 Attr Super.Super.LimitL.AlarmText = "Below Low limit, pressuresensor " Attr Super.Super.LimitL.Limit = 1.000000e+01 Attr Super.Super.LimitLL.AlarmText = "Below LowLow limit, pressuresensor " Attr Super.Super.LimitLL.Limit = 5.000000e+00 Attr Super.Super.Trend.Multiple = 1 Attr Super.Super.Trend.DataName = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Klay_PressureSensor_Series2000-Template.Super.Super.Value.ActualValue" Attr Super.Super.Trend.StorageTime = 239 Attr Super.Super.Trend.BufferStatus[0] = 1 Attr Super.Super.Trend.BufferStatus[1] = 1 Attr Super.Super.Trend.NoOfBuffers = 2 Attr Super.Super.Trend.NoOfBufElement = 239 Attr Super.Super.DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-Klay_PressureSensor_Series2000-Template.Super.Super.Trend" EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Contactor ! @Summary Contactor Omron J7KN. ! Contactor Omron J7KN. ! ! See superclass BaseContactor for more information. ! @classlink BaseContactor basecomponent_basecontactor.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/omron_contactor_j7kn.pdf !*/ Object Omron_Contactor_J7KN $ClassDef 4 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Omron_Contactor_J7KN" Attr NextAix = "_X5" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 4 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseContactor" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Omron_Contactor_J7KN 2148761600 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 23-MAR-2010 16:48:42.31 Attr Super.Super.Specification = "Omron motor contactor J7KN" Attr Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/omron_contactor_j7kn.pdf" Attr Super.DisableOffControl = 1 Attr Super.FbTimeLimit = 1.000000e+00 Attr Super.AlarmText = "Feedback contactor lost" EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Pump ! @Summary Pump Metso VS. ! Pump Metso VS. ! ! See superclass BasePump for more information. ! @classlink BasePump basecomponent_basepump.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/metso_pump_vs.pdf !*/ Object Metso_Pump_VS $ClassDef 13 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Metso_Pump_VS" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BasePump" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Metso_Pump_VS 2151120896 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Super.Super.Specification = "Metso minerals vertikala sumppumpar SALA serien VS" Attr Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/metso_pump_vs.pdf" EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Pump ! @Summary Pump Flygt N3202. ! Pump Flygt N3202. ! ! See superclass BasePump for more information. ! @classlink BasePump basecomponent_basepump.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/flygt_pump_n3202.pdf !*/ Object Flygt_Pump_N3202 $ClassDef 14 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Flygt_Pump_N3202" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BasePump" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Flygt_Pump_N3202 2151383040 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Super.Super.Specification = "ITT Industries Flygt Pump N 3202" Attr Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/flygt_pump_n3202.html" EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Fan ! @Summary Fan Jowa. ! Fan Jowa. ! ! See superclass BaseFan for more information. ! @classlink BaseFan basecomponent_basefan.html ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/jowa_fan.pdf !*/ Object Jowa_fan $ClassDef 15 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 16 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr StructName = "Jowa_fan" Attr NextAix = "_X3" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 2 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseFan" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template Jowa_fan 2151645184 06-OCT-2005 09:28:20.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Attr Super.Super.Specification = "Jowa Fan" Attr Super.Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/jowa_fan.pdf" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object SEW_Movidrive_Pb_Slave $ClassDef 25 28-MAR-2007 16:36:51.82 Body SysBody 28-MAR-2007 16:37:01.19 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 10256 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 28-MAR-2007 16:37:29.65 Body SysBody 28-MAR-2007 16:37:29.65 Attr StructName = "SEW_Movidrive_Pb_Slave" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 28-MAR-2007 16:37:58.76 Body SysBody 28-MAR-2007 16:38:35.52 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "Profibus:Class-Pb_DP_Slave" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template SEW_Movidrive_Pb_Slave 2154266624 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 16-APR-2007 08:51:29.61 Attr Super.Specification = "SEW Movidrive Profibus slave" Attr Super.GSDfile = "$pwr_exe/sew_movidrive_pb_slave.gsd" Attr Super.Process = 1 Attr Super.ByteOrdering = 1 Attr Super.StallAction = 1 Attr Super.ErrorSoftLimit = 15 Attr Super.ErrorHardLimit = 50 Attr Super.WdFact1 = 100 Attr Super.WdFact2 = 10 EndBody EndObject EndObject Object SEW_Movidrive_3PD $ClassDef 21 30-MAR-2007 08:52:17.66 Body SysBody 22-MAR-2007 15:51:07.57 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 18448 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 22-MAR-2007 15:51:56.39 Body SysBody 22-MAR-2007 15:51:56.39 Attr StructName = "SEW_Movidrive_3PD" Attr NextAix = "_X8" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 22-MAR-2007 15:52:19.69 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 08:54:15.29 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "Profibus:Class-Pb_Module" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Status Word 1 (Parameter 873 = 6) !*/ Object I_SW $Attribute 2 22-MAR-2007 15:54:13.51 Body SysBody 22-MAR-2007 15:55:53.46 Attr PgmName = "I_SW" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIi" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Actual speed (Parameter 874 = 1) !*/ Object I_ACT $Attribute 3 22-MAR-2007 15:56:44.26 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 08:58:36.41 Attr PgmName = "I_ACT" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanAi" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Actual Value Current (Parameter 875 = 2) !*/ Object PI3 $Attribute 4 22-MAR-2007 16:02:39.57 Body SysBody 22-MAR-2007 16:02:59.89 Attr PgmName = "PI3" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanAi" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Controlword (Parameter 870 = 9 !*/ Object O_CW $Attribute 5 22-MAR-2007 16:04:06.94 Body SysBody 22-MAR-2007 16:04:34.85 Attr PgmName = "O_CW" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIo" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Referens speed (fixed) Parameter 871 = 1 !*/ Object O_REF $Attribute 6 22-MAR-2007 16:05:00.74 Body SysBody 22-MAR-2007 16:05:13.62 Attr PgmName = "O_REF" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanAo" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Not used (Parameter 872 = --) !*/ Object PO3 $Attribute 7 22-MAR-2007 16:05:26.21 Body SysBody 22-MAR-2007 16:06:04.05 Attr PgmName = "PO3" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanAo" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template SEW_Movidrive_3PD 2153218048 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 19-APR-2007 09:00:50.65 Attr Super.Process = 1 Attr I_SW.Description = "Status word from converter" Attr I_SW.ConversionOn = 1 Attr I_SW.Representation = 2 Attr I_ACT.Description = "Status word from converter" Attr I_ACT.ConversionOn = 1 Attr I_ACT.ScanInterval = 1 Attr I_ACT.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACT.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACT.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACT.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACT.SensorPolyType = 1 Attr I_ACT.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACT.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACT.ActValRangeLow = -6.553600e+03 Attr I_ACT.ActValRangeHigh = 6.553400e+03 Attr I_ACT.Representation = 2 Attr PI3.Description = "Status word from converter" Attr PI3.ConversionOn = 1 Attr PI3.ScanInterval = 1 Attr PI3.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr PI3.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr PI3.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr PI3.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr PI3.SigValueUnit = "%" Attr PI3.SensorPolyType = 1 Attr PI3.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr PI3.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr PI3.ActValRangeLow = -3.276800e+03 Attr PI3.ActValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+03 Attr PI3.Representation = 2 Attr O_CW.Description = "Control word to converter" Attr O_CW.Representation = 2 Attr O_REF.Description = "Referencvalue to converter" Attr O_REF.OutPolyType = 1 Attr O_REF.ActValRangeLow = -6.553600e+03 Attr O_REF.ActValRangeHigh = 6.553400e+03 Attr O_REF.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_REF.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_REF.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_REF.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_REF.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_REF.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_REF.Representation = 2 Attr PO3.Description = "Referencvalue to converter" Attr PO3.OutPolyType = 1 Attr PO3.ActValRangeLow = -1.000000e+02 Attr PO3.ActValRangeHigh = 1.000000e+02 Attr PO3.SensorSigValRangeLow = -5.000000e+00 Attr PO3.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 5.000000e+00 Attr PO3.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -5.000000e+00 Attr PO3.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 5.000000e+00 Attr PO3.Representation = 2 EndBody EndObject EndObject Object SEW_Movidrive_6PD $ClassDef 28 30-MAR-2007 09:15:33.26 Body SysBody 19-APR-2007 11:28:25.10 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 18448 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 30-MAR-2007 08:53:28.62 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 08:53:28.62 Attr StructName = "SEW_Movidrive_6PD" Attr NextAix = "_X13" EndBody Object Super $Attribute 1 30-MAR-2007 08:53:43.62 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 08:54:27.40 Attr PgmName = "Super" Attr Flags = 393216 Attr TypeRef = "Profibus:Class-Pb_Module" EndBody EndObject Object I_SW $Attribute 3 30-MAR-2007 08:56:15.45 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 08:57:31.65 Attr PgmName = "I_SW" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIi" EndBody EndObject Object I_ACTPOS $Attribute 4 30-MAR-2007 09:09:41.68 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 09:09:43.58 Attr PgmName = "I_ACTPOS" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanAi" EndBody EndObject Object I_ACTSPEED $Attribute 5 30-MAR-2007 09:10:01.30 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 09:10:08.50 Attr PgmName = "I_ACTSPEED" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanAi" EndBody EndObject Object I_ACTCURR $Attribute 6 30-MAR-2007 09:10:30.98 Body SysBody 13-APR-2007 14:40:30.77 Attr PgmName = "I_ACTCURR" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanAi" EndBody EndObject Object I_DEVUTI $Attribute 7 30-MAR-2007 09:10:53.76 Body SysBody 13-APR-2007 14:40:36.71 Attr PgmName = "I_DEVUTI" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanAi" EndBody EndObject Object O_CW $Attribute 8 30-MAR-2007 09:11:41.78 Body SysBody 13-APR-2007 14:40:47.23 Attr PgmName = "O_CW" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanIo" EndBody EndObject Object O_POSREF $Attribute 9 30-MAR-2007 09:12:39.35 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 09:12:57.91 Attr PgmName = "O_POSREF" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanAo" EndBody EndObject Object O_SPREF $Attribute 10 30-MAR-2007 09:13:24.80 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 09:13:34.88 Attr PgmName = "O_SPREF" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanAo" EndBody EndObject Object O_RAMPUP $Attribute 11 30-MAR-2007 09:14:04.16 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 09:14:15.73 Attr PgmName = "O_RAMPUP" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanAo" EndBody EndObject Object O_RAMPDW $Attribute 12 30-MAR-2007 09:14:24.65 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 09:14:34.57 Attr PgmName = "O_RAMPDW" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-ChanAo" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template SEW_Movidrive_6PD 2155053056 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 27-FEB-2008 11:19:11.69 Attr Super.Process = 1 Attr I_SW.ConversionOn = 1 Attr I_SW.Representation = 2 Attr I_ACTPOS.ConversionOn = 1 Attr I_ACTPOS.ScanInterval = 1 Attr I_ACTPOS.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTPOS.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTPOS.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTPOS.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTPOS.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTPOS.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTPOS.ActValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTPOS.ActValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTSPEED.ScanInterval = 1 Attr I_ACTSPEED.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTSPEED.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTSPEED.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTSPEED.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTSPEED.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTSPEED.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTSPEED.ActValRangeLow = -6.553600e+03 Attr I_ACTSPEED.ActValRangeHigh = 6.553600e+03 Attr I_ACTSPEED.Representation = 2 Attr I_ACTCURR.ConversionOn = 1 Attr I_ACTCURR.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTCURR.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTCURR.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTCURR.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTCURR.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTCURR.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_ACTCURR.ActValRangeLow = -3.276800e+03 Attr I_ACTCURR.ActValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+03 Attr I_ACTCURR.Representation = 2 Attr I_DEVUTI.ConversionOn = 1 Attr I_DEVUTI.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_DEVUTI.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_DEVUTI.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_DEVUTI.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_DEVUTI.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr I_DEVUTI.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr I_DEVUTI.ActValRangeLow = -3.276800e+03 Attr I_DEVUTI.ActValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+03 Attr I_DEVUTI.Representation = 2 Attr O_CW.Representation = 2 Attr O_POSREF.ActValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_POSREF.ActValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_POSREF.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_POSREF.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_POSREF.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_POSREF.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_POSREF.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_POSREF.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_SPREF.ActValRangeLow = -6.553600e+03 Attr O_SPREF.ActValRangeHigh = 6.553600e+03 Attr O_SPREF.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_SPREF.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_SPREF.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_SPREF.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_SPREF.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_SPREF.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_SPREF.Representation = 2 Attr O_RAMPUP.ActValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPUP.ActValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPUP.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPUP.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPUP.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPUP.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPUP.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPUP.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPUP.Representation = 2 Attr O_RAMPDW.ActValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPDW.ActValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPDW.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPDW.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPDW.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPDW.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPDW.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPDW.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04 Attr O_RAMPDW.Representation = 2 EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Frequencyconverters ! @Summary SEW Frequencyconverter Movidrive MDX60B/61B ! SEW Frequencyconverter Movidrive MDX60B/61B ! ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/sew_movidrive_mdx60.pdf !*/ Object SEW_Movidrive_1 $ClassDef 22 23-MAR-2007 11:43:24.59 Body SysBody 23-MAR-2007 11:43:02.93 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 144 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 23-MAR-2007 11:43:44.31 Body SysBody 23-MAR-2007 11:43:44.31 Attr StructName = "SEW_Movidrive_1" Attr NextAix = "_X42" EndBody Object Description $Attribute 1 23-MAR-2007 11:45:31.35 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:28:10.36 Attr PgmName = "Description" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object Specification $Attribute 2 30-MAR-2007 14:28:29.64 Body SysBody 23-MAR-2007 11:45:28.57 Attr PgmName = "Specification" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Actual Value Speed !*/ Object ActSpeed $Attribute 3 30-MAR-2007 14:28:55.52 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:28:59.06 Attr PgmName = "ActSpeed" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ai" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Actual Value Current !*/ Object ActCurrent $Attribute 4 23-MAR-2007 11:49:04.48 Body SysBody 23-MAR-2007 11:49:18.67 Attr PgmName = "ActCurrent" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ai" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Bit status, Ready, Warning, Error etc. !*/ Object StatusWordSW $Attribute 5 30-MAR-2007 14:29:53.53 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:29:56.68 Attr PgmName = "StatusWordSW" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ii" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Control Word, Start/Stop, Reset etc. !*/ Object ControlWordCW $Attribute 6 30-MAR-2007 14:30:54.13 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:30:37.06 Attr PgmName = "ControlWordCW" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Io" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Reference Speed !*/ Object RefSpeed $Attribute 7 23-MAR-2007 11:54:35.59 Body SysBody 23-MAR-2007 11:54:51.32 Attr PgmName = "RefSpeed" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ao" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Indicator in object graph showing converter warning !*/ Object IndWarning $Attribute 8 23-MAR-2007 14:32:42.09 Body SysBody 23-MAR-2007 14:33:36.44 Attr PgmName = "IndWarning" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Indicator in object graph showing converter error !*/ Object IndError $Attribute 9 23-MAR-2007 14:33:50.64 Body SysBody 23-MAR-2007 14:33:59.44 Attr PgmName = "IndError" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Button in oject graph reset tripped converter !*/ Object OpReset $Attribute 10 23-MAR-2007 14:36:08.30 Body SysBody 23-MAR-2007 14:36:34.08 Attr PgmName = "OpReset" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Communikation link to converter okey !*/ Object CommOk $Attribute 11 23-MAR-2007 14:37:57.24 Body SysBody 23-MAR-2007 14:38:12.31 Attr PgmName = "CommOk" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Converter has started up, alarm message "redy" !*/ Object AlarmOk $Attribute 12 23-MAR-2007 14:39:27.36 Body SysBody 23-MAR-2007 14:39:43.20 Attr PgmName = "AlarmOk" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Converter starting up "wait" !*/ Object PowerStartUp $Attribute 13 23-MAR-2007 14:42:04.65 Body SysBody 23-MAR-2007 14:42:14.92 Attr PgmName = "PowerStartUp" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object ReadyRemot $Attribute 14 23-MAR-2007 14:46:48.82 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 10:52:27.24 Attr PgmName = "ReadyRemote" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Converter ready to start (status word) !*/ Object ConverterReady $Attribute 15 26-MAR-2007 08:47:02.23 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 08:47:03.93 Attr PgmName = "ConverterReady" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Converter/motor running (status word) !*/ Object ConverterRun $Attribute 16 26-MAR-2007 08:45:48.42 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 08:46:19.02 Attr PgmName = "ConverterRun" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Converter fault !*/ Object ConverterFault $Attribute 17 26-MAR-2007 08:47:32.81 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 08:47:44.12 Attr PgmName = "ConverterFault" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Converter warning !*/ Object ConverterWarning $Attribute 18 26-MAR-2007 08:48:46.50 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 08:48:59.98 Attr PgmName = "ConverterWarning" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object ConverterRemote $Attribute 19 26-MAR-2007 08:52:25.46 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 08:52:36.25 Attr PgmName = "ConverterRemote" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Time to "boot up converter when energized !*/ Object PowerUpTime $Attribute 20 26-MAR-2007 08:53:07.82 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 08:53:37.42 Attr PgmName = "PowerUpTime" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Alarmmessage !*/ Object AlarmTripped $Attribute 21 26-MAR-2007 08:55:37.40 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 08:56:14.52 Attr PgmName = "AlarmTripped" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Alarmmessage !*/ Object AlarmWarning $Attribute 22 26-MAR-2007 08:56:30.63 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 08:56:37.45 Attr PgmName = "AlarmWarning" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Over-current converter !*/ Object TrippOvCurr $Attribute 37 26-MAR-2007 14:33:33.72 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 14:33:35.29 Attr PgmName = "TrippOvCurr" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Ground fault in the motor lead !*/ Object TrippGrFlt $Attribute 38 26-MAR-2007 14:05:08.01 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 14:28:54.26 Attr PgmName = "TrippGrFlt" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Brake Chopper fault !*/ Object TrippBrChop $Attribute 39 26-MAR-2007 14:29:31.92 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 14:29:38.05 Attr PgmName = "TrippBrChop" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Mains phase failure !*/ Object TrippPhaseFlt $Attribute 40 26-MAR-2007 14:29:55.09 Body SysBody 13-APR-2007 09:27:54.89 Attr PgmName = "TrippPhaseFlt" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Speed monitoring flt !*/ Object TrippN_MonFlt $Attribute 41 13-APR-2007 09:27:45.06 Body SysBody 13-APR-2007 09:27:59.00 Attr PgmName = "TrippN_MonFlt" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object DefTrend $Attribute 23 26-MAR-2007 08:58:22.66 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 08:58:56.55 Attr PgmName = "DefTrend" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object HelpTopic $Attribute 24 26-MAR-2007 08:59:31.26 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 08:59:47.06 Attr PgmName = "HelpTopic" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String40" EndBody EndObject Object DataSheet $Attribute 25 26-MAR-2007 09:00:09.67 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:00:36.21 Attr PgmName = "DataSheet" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$URL" EndBody EndObject Object CircuitDiagram $Attribute 26 26-MAR-2007 09:00:58.67 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:01:18.14 Attr PgmName = "CircuitDiagram" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$URL" EndBody EndObject Object Note $Attribute 27 26-MAR-2007 09:01:35.58 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:01:48.39 Attr PgmName = "Note" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object Photo $Attribute 28 26-MAR-2007 09:02:04.36 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:02:11.96 Attr PgmName = "Photo" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$URL" EndBody EndObject Object TrendActSpeed $Attribute 29 26-MAR-2007 09:02:41.33 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:03:19.69 Attr PgmName = "TrendActSpeed" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-DsTrend" EndBody EndObject Object TrendActCurrent $Attribute 30 26-MAR-2007 09:03:55.55 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:04:08.31 Attr PgmName = "TrendActCurrent" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-DsTrend" EndBody EndObject Object TrendRefSpeed $Attribute 31 26-MAR-2007 09:04:19.92 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:04:30.52 Attr PgmName = "TrendRefSpeed" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-DsTrend" EndBody EndObject Object PlotGroup $Attribute 32 26-MAR-2007 09:05:01.93 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:05:30.86 Attr PgmName = "PlotGroup" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-PlotGroup" EndBody EndObject Object PlcConnect $Attribute 33 26-MAR-2007 09:05:55.65 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:06:19.53 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object SimConnect $Attribute 34 26-MAR-2007 09:06:43.25 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:06:49.39 Attr PgmName = "SimConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object IoConnect $Attribute 35 26-MAR-2007 09:07:22.01 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:07:36.07 Attr PgmName = "IoConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object IoStatus $Attribute 36 26-MAR-2007 09:07:46.99 Body SysBody 16-JUN-2009 17:22:48.85 Attr PgmName = "IoStatus" Attr Size = 4 Attr Flags = 1 Attr ParamIndex = 40 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Status" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template SEW_Movidrive_1 2153480192 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 09:30:24.13 Attr Specification = "SEW Movidrive MDX60B/61B converter" Attr ActSpeed.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_3PD.I_ACT" Attr ActSpeed.DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1-Template.TrendActSpeed" Attr ActCurrent.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_3PD.PI3" Attr ActCurrent.DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1-Template.TrendActCurrent" Attr StatusWordSW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_3PD.I_SW" Attr ControlWordCW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_3PD.O_CW" Attr RefSpeed.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_3PD.O_REF" Attr RefSpeed.DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1-Template.TrendRefSpeed" Attr PowerUpTime = 1.500000e+01 Attr AlarmTripped = "Frequency converter tripped, reset is required" Attr AlarmWarning = "Frequency converter warning" Attr TrippOvCurr = "Over-current converter" Attr TrippGrFlt = "Graund fault in the motor lead" Attr TrippBrChop = "Brake chopper fault" Attr TrippPhaseFlt = "Mains phase failure" Attr TrippN_MonFlt = "Speed fault" Attr DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1-Template.PlotGroup" Attr TrendActSpeed.Multiple = 1 Attr TrendActSpeed.DataName = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1-Template.ActSpeed.ActualValue" Attr TrendActSpeed.StorageTime = 239 Attr TrendActCurrent.Multiple = 1 Attr TrendActCurrent.DataName = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1-Template.ActCurrent.ActualValue" Attr TrendActCurrent.StorageTime = 239 Attr TrendRefSpeed.Multiple = 1 Attr TrendRefSpeed.DataName = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1-Template.RefSpeed.ActualValue" Attr TrendRefSpeed.StorageTime = 239 Attr PlotGroup.YObjectName[0] = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1-Template.TrendActSpeed" Attr PlotGroup.YObjectName[1] = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1-Template.TrendRefSpeed" Attr PlotGroup.YObjectName[2] = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1-Template.TrendActCurrent" Attr PlotGroup.NumPoints = 478 EndBody EndObject Object ConfiguratorPosos $Menu 5 29-OCT-2007 16:51:14.13 Object Pointed $Menu 6 26-MAR-2007 09:09:47.97 Object IoConnect $MenuButton 7 26-MAR-2007 09:10:14.82 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:11:19.15 Attr ButtonName = "Connect IO" Attr MethodName = "$AttrRef-IoConnect" Attr FilterName = "$AttrRef-IoConnectFilter" EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject Object ConfiguratorPosnn $Menu 2145 29-OCT-2007 16:51:08.64 Object Pointed $Menu 2146 29-OCT-2007 16:51:00.63 Object IoConnect $MenuButton 2147 29-OCT-2007 16:51:00.63 Body SysBody 29-OCT-2007 16:51:00.63 Attr ButtonName = "Connect IO" Attr MethodName = "$AttrRef-IoConnect" Attr FilterName = "$AttrRef-IoConnectFilter" EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Frequencyconverters ! @Summary SEW Frequencyconverter Movidrive MDX60B/61B ! SEW Frequencyconverter Movidrive MDX60B/61B with ! Extended Positioning via Bus aplication ! ! @link Datasheet ../dsh/sew_movidrive_epb.pdf !*/ Object SEW_Movidrive_EPB $ClassDef 29 30-MAR-2007 14:18:19.67 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:17:53.52 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 144 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 30-MAR-2007 14:26:52.34 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:26:52.34 Attr StructName = "SEW_Movidrive_EPB" Attr NextAix = "_X53" EndBody Object Description $Attribute 1 30-MAR-2007 14:27:52.18 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:28:20.19 Attr PgmName = "Description" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object Specification $Attribute 2 30-MAR-2007 14:28:38.19 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:28:44.07 Attr PgmName = "Specification" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object StatusWordSW $Attribute 5 30-MAR-2007 14:37:56.03 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:31:57.44 Attr PgmName = "StatusWordSW" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ii" EndBody EndObject Object ActPos $Attribute 45 30-MAR-2007 14:37:31.35 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:37:32.76 Attr PgmName = "ActPos" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ai" EndBody EndObject Object ActSpeed $Attribute 3 30-MAR-2007 14:29:15.01 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:31:40.79 Attr PgmName = "ActSpeed" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ai" EndBody EndObject Object ActCurrent $Attribute 4 30-MAR-2007 14:29:33.47 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:31:46.44 Attr PgmName = "ActCurrent" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ai" EndBody EndObject Object DevUtil $Attribute 46 30-MAR-2007 14:38:49.79 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:39:05.01 Attr PgmName = "DevUtil" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ai" EndBody EndObject Object ControlWordCW $Attribute 6 30-MAR-2007 14:31:01.24 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:32:02.96 Attr PgmName = "ControlWordCW" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Io" EndBody EndObject Object RefPos $Attribute 12 30-MAR-2007 14:39:16.25 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:35:01.98 Attr PgmName = "RefPos" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ao" EndBody EndObject Object RefSpeed $Attribute 10 30-MAR-2007 14:32:50.67 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:34:53.23 Attr PgmName = "RefSpeed" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ao" EndBody EndObject Object RampUp $Attribute 48 30-MAR-2007 14:39:54.07 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:39:55.48 Attr PgmName = "RampUp" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ao" EndBody EndObject Object RampDw $Attribute 47 30-MAR-2007 14:40:02.35 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:40:04.65 Attr PgmName = "RampDw" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-Ao" EndBody EndObject Object IndWarning $Attribute 11 30-MAR-2007 14:34:20.51 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:34:20.51 Attr PgmName = "IndWarning" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object IndError $Attribute 13 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 02-APR-2007 13:58:22.79 Attr PgmName = "IndError" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object IndAuto $Attribute 49 02-APR-2007 13:58:13.34 Body SysBody 02-APR-2007 13:58:29.57 Attr PgmName = "IndAuto" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object IndJog $Attribute 50 02-APR-2007 13:59:00.12 Body SysBody 02-APR-2007 13:59:02.12 Attr PgmName = "IndJog" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object IndRef $Attribute 51 02-APR-2007 13:59:08.09 Body SysBody 02-APR-2007 13:59:09.69 Attr PgmName = "IndRef" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object OpReset $Attribute 14 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "OpReset" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object CommOk $Attribute 15 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "CommOk" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object AlarmOk $Attribute 16 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "AlarmOk" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object PowerStartUp $Attribute 17 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "PowerStartUp" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object ReadyRemot $Attribute 18 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "ReadyRemote" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object ConverterReady $Attribute 19 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "ConverterReady" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object ConverterRun $Attribute 20 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "ConverterRun" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object ConverterFault $Attribute 21 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "ConverterFault" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object ConverterWarning $Attribute 22 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "ConverterWarning" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object ConverterRemote $Attribute 23 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "ConverterRemote" Attr Flags = 1024 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object PowerUpTime $Attribute 24 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "PowerUpTime" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" EndBody EndObject Object AlarmTripped $Attribute 25 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "AlarmTripped" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object AlarmWarning $Attribute 26 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "AlarmWarning" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object TrippOvCurr $Attribute 27 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "TrippOvCurr" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object TrippGrFlt $Attribute 28 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "TrippGrFlt" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object TrippBrChop $Attribute 29 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "TrippBrChop" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object TrippPhaseFlt $Attribute 30 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 13-APR-2007 10:53:47.79 Attr PgmName = "TrippPhaseFlt" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object TrippN_MonFlt $Attribute 52 13-APR-2007 10:53:34.65 Body SysBody 13-APR-2007 10:53:53.01 Attr PgmName = "TrippN_MonFlt" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object DefTrend $Attribute 31 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "DefTrend" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object HelpTopic $Attribute 32 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "HelpTopic" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String40" EndBody EndObject Object DataSheet $Attribute 33 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "DataSheet" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$URL" EndBody EndObject Object CircuitDiagram $Attribute 34 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "CircuitDiagram" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$URL" EndBody EndObject Object Note $Attribute 35 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "Note" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80" EndBody EndObject Object Photo $Attribute 36 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "Photo" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$URL" EndBody EndObject Object TrendActSpeed $Attribute 37 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "TrendActSpeed" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-DsTrend" EndBody EndObject Object TrendActCurrent $Attribute 38 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "TrendActCurrent" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-DsTrend" EndBody EndObject Object TrendRefSpeed $Attribute 39 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "TrendRefSpeed" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-DsTrend" EndBody EndObject Object PlotGroup $Attribute 40 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "PlotGroup" Attr Flags = 131072 Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Class-PlotGroup" EndBody EndObject Object PlcConnect $Attribute 41 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object SimConnect $Attribute 42 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "SimConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object IoConnect $Attribute 43 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Attr PgmName = "IoConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object IoStatus $Attribute 44 30-MAR-2007 14:36:26.29 Body SysBody 16-JUN-2009 17:23:25.33 Attr PgmName = "IoStatus" Attr Size = 4 Attr Flags = 1 Attr ParamIndex = 48 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Status" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Template SEW_Movidrive_EPB 2155315200 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 16-APR-2007 10:32:15.91 Attr StatusWordSW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_6PD.I_SW" Attr ActPos.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_6PD.I_ACTPOS" Attr ActSpeed.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_6PD.I_ACTSPEED" Attr ActSpeed.DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB-Template.TrendActSpeed" Attr ActCurrent.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_6PD.I_ACTCURR" Attr ActCurrent.DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB-Template.TrendActCurrent" Attr DevUtil.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_6PD.I_DEVUTI" Attr ControlWordCW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_6PD.O_CW" Attr RefPos.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_6PD.O_POSREF" Attr RefSpeed.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_6PD.O_SPREF" Attr RefSpeed.DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB-Template.TrendRefSpeed" Attr RampUp.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_6PD.O_RAMPUP" Attr RampDw.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_6PD.O_RAMPDW" Attr PowerUpTime = 1.500000e+01 Attr AlarmTripped = "Frequency converter tripped, reset is required" Attr AlarmWarning = "Frequency converter warning" Attr TrippOvCurr = "Over-current converter" Attr TrippGrFlt = "Graund fault in the motor lead" Attr TrippBrChop = "Brake chopper fault" Attr TrippPhaseFlt = "Mains phase failure" Attr TrippN_MonFlt = "Speed fault" Attr DefTrend = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB-Template.PlotGroup" Attr PlotGroup.YObjectName[0] = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB-Template.TrendActSpeed" Attr PlotGroup.YObjectName[1] = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB-Template.TrendActCurrent" Attr PlotGroup.YObjectName[2] = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB-Template.TrendRefSpeed" EndBody EndObject Object ConfiguratorPoson $Menu 375 27-FEB-2008 11:16:37.53 Object Pointed $Menu 376 30-MAR-2007 14:40:32.43 Object IoConnect $MenuButton 377 30-MAR-2007 14:40:32.43 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:40:32.43 Attr ButtonName = "Connect IO" Attr MethodName = "$AttrRef-IoConnect" Attr FilterName = "$AttrRef-IoConnectFilter" EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Process ! @Code othermanufacturer_sew_movidrive_1fo.pdf ! @Summary Plc function object to SEW_Movidrive_1. ! Plc function object to SEW_Movidrive_1. ! ! Connect the function object to an object of class or subclass of ! SEW_Movidrive_1 ! ! @b See also ! @classlink SEW_Movidrive othermanufacturer_sew_movidrive_1.html ! !*/ Object SEW_Movidrive_1Fo $ClassDef 23 26-MAR-2007 09:27:12.98 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:26:43.02 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 144 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 26-MAR-2007 09:27:35.45 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:27:35.45 Attr StructName = "SEW_Movidrive_1Fo" Attr NextAix = "_X8" EndBody !/** ! Pin name "pwo", indicates energized converter. ! Used for alarm message. !*/ Object PowerOn $Input 3 26-MAR-2007 10:26:07.80 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 10:28:19.80 Attr PgmName = "PowerOn" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "pwo" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Pin name "sta", order start/run motor. !*/ Object Start $Input 4 26-MAR-2007 10:28:42.41 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 10:29:08.64 Attr PgmName = "Start" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "sta" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Pin name "REF", speed referens motor. !*/ Object RefSpeed $Input 5 26-MAR-2007 10:30:11.20 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 10:30:37.54 Attr PgmName = "RefSpeed" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr GraphName = "REF" EndBody EndObject Object PlcConnect $Intern 1 26-MAR-2007 09:27:35.45 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:27:35.45 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object PlcConnectP $Intern 2 26-MAR-2007 09:27:35.45 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:27:35.45 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnectP" Attr Flags = 67585 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Char" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Pi name "rdy", ready for remote control. !*/ Object ReadyRemote $Output 6 26-MAR-2007 10:32:26.31 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 10:32:46.83 Attr PgmName = "ReadyRemote" Attr Flags = 9216 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "rdy" EndBody EndObject !/** ! Pin name "run", motor started/running. !*/ Object Run $Output 7 26-MAR-2007 10:33:41.00 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 10:33:56.30 Attr PgmName = "Run" Attr Flags = 9216 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "run" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object DevBody $ObjBodyDef 2 26-MAR-2007 09:27:35.45 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 11:53:47.73 Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object PlcNode $Buffer 1 26-MAR-2007 09:27:35.45 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:27:35.45 Attr Class = "pwrs:Class-$PlcNode" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object GraphPlcNode $GraphPlcNode 8 26-MAR-2007 09:27:35.45 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 13:20:09.93 Attr object_type = 11 Attr parameters[0] = 3 Attr parameters[1] = 2 Attr parameters[2] = 2 Attr parameters[3] = 0 Attr subwindows = 1 Attr subwindow_class[0] = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr graphmethod = 0 Attr graphindex = 0 Attr default_mask[0] = 7 Attr default_mask[1] = 3 Attr segname_annotation = 1 Attr compmethod = 58 Attr compindex = 0 Attr tracemethod = 0 Attr traceindex = 0 Attr connectmethod = 10 Attr executeordermethod = 2 Attr objname = "SEW_Movidrive_1" Attr graphname = "SEW_Movidrive_1" EndBody EndObject Object RtXtt $RtMenu 9 30-MAR-2007 11:55:27.51 Object PlcConnect $MenuRef 10 26-MAR-2007 09:27:35.45 Body SysBody 26-MAR-2007 09:27:35.45 Attr ButtonName = "PlcConnect" Attr RefAttribute = "PlcConnect" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Code PlcTemplate 11 26-MAR-2007 10:37:17.67 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 10:37:17.67 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcProgram Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-PlcTemplate" Attr defnamecount[2] = 3 Attr defnamecount[11] = 40 Attr defnamecount[72] = 1 Attr defnamecount[79] = 1 Attr defnamecount[80] = 1 Attr defnamecount[90] = 15 Attr defnamecount[91] = 2 Attr defnamecount[97] = 1 Attr defnamecount[98] = 1 Attr defnamecount[99] = 7 Attr defnamecount[137] = 10 Attr defnamecount[138] = 1 Attr defnamecount[139] = 11 Attr defnamecount[140] = 1 Attr defnamecount[141] = 2 Attr defnamecount[143] = 3 Attr defnamecount[146] = 1 Attr defnamecount[147] = 1 Attr defnamecount[253] = 2 Attr defnamecount[255] = 12 Attr defnamecount[256] = 13 Attr defnamecount[263] = 7 Attr defnamecount[264] = 7 Attr defnamecount[265] = 7 Attr defnamecount[266] = 1 Attr connamecount = 192 EndBuffer EndBody Object W WindowPlc 12 26-MAR-2007 10:37:55.03 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 10:37:55.03 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr Modified = "27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46" Buffer PlcWindow Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr y = 5.000000e+01 Attr width = 1.000000e+03 Attr heigth = 7.500000e+02 Attr refconcount = 1 EndBuffer EndBody Object cn191 ConDigital 2229 27-JAN-2010 18:23:53.24 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn191" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp5" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp6" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.295000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.295000e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn190 ConDigital 2228 27-JAN-2010 18:23:50.92 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn190" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp4" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp5" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.351250e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.351250e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn189 ConDigital 2227 27-JAN-2010 18:23:49.12 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn189" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp3" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp4" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.332500e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.332500e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn188 ConDigital 2226 27-JAN-2010 18:23:47.26 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn188" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp2" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp3" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.295000e+00 Attr y = 6.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.295000e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn187 ConDigital 2225 27-JAN-2010 18:23:45.01 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn187" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp1" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp2" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.396250e+00 Attr y = 5.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.396250e+00 Attr y = 6.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn186 ConDigital 2224 27-JAN-2010 18:23:38.80 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn186" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp0" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.372500e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.372500e+00 Attr y = 5.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn185 ConDigital 2223 27-JAN-2010 18:23:36.93 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn185" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-FirstScan39" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.230000e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.325000e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.325000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn184 ConAnalog 2222 27-JAN-2010 18:23:28.33 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn184" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.534222e+00 Attr y = 5.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.337945e+00 Attr y = 5.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn183 ConAnalog 2221 27-JAN-2010 18:23:12.08 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn183" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.527556e+00 Attr y = 5.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn182 ConAnalog 2220 27-JAN-2010 18:22:43.35 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn182" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp6" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.082000e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn181 ConAnalog 2219 27-JAN-2010 18:22:41.31 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn181" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp5" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.073111e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn180 ConAnalog 2218 27-JAN-2010 18:22:39.28 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn180" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.066444e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn179 ConAnalog 2217 27-JAN-2010 18:22:34.38 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn179" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.026444e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn178 ConAnalog 2216 27-JAN-2010 18:22:32.41 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn178" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.062000e+00 Attr y = 6.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn177 ConDigital 696 13-APR-2007 10:49:00.02 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn177" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PhaseFlt" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-N_MonFlt" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.245000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.245000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn176 ConDigital 695 13-APR-2007 10:48:58.65 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn176" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BrakeChop" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PhaseFlt" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.245000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.245000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn175 ConDigital 694 13-APR-2007 10:48:57.11 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn175" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GraundFlt" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BrakeChop" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.245000e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.245000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn174 ConDigital 693 13-APR-2007 10:48:55.76 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn174" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-OverCurr" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GraundFlt" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.295530e+00 Attr y = 6.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.295530e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn173 ConDigital 692 13-APR-2007 10:45:03.66 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn173" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GraundFlt" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-OverCurr" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.271059e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.271059e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn172 ConDigital 691 13-APR-2007 10:44:46.12 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn172" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 6 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD15" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DtoMask38" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.303556e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.386778e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.386778e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.260000e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn170 ConDigital 689 13-APR-2007 10:44:31.95 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn170" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 5 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD15" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DtoMask38" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.303556e+00 Attr y = 6.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.425333e+00 Attr y = 6.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.425333e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.095000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn169 ConDigital 688 13-APR-2007 10:44:29.14 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn169" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD15" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DtoMask38" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.303556e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.444889e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.444889e+00 Attr y = 6.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 6.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.287778e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn168 ConDigital 687 13-APR-2007 10:44:26.33 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn168" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD15" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DtoMask38" Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.303556e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.386778e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.386778e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.205278e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn167 ConAnalog 686 13-APR-2007 10:44:23.54 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn167" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DtoMask38" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.746889e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.720944e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn166 ConDigital 684 13-APR-2007 09:47:00.03 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn166" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_8" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-N_MonFlt" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.999000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.159500e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.159500e+00 Attr y = 7.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 7.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn165 ConDigital 683 13-APR-2007 09:46:57.80 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn165" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_6" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PhaseFlt" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.999000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.135030e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.135030e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn164 ConDigital 682 13-APR-2007 09:46:55.78 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn164" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_4" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BrakeChop" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.999000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.159500e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.159500e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.298236e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] Attr x = 2.196472e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[7] Attr x = 2.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn163 ConDigital 681 13-APR-2007 09:46:53.25 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn163" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_3" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GraundFlt" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.999000e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.135030e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.135030e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.192375e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn162 ConDigital 680 13-APR-2007 09:46:50.19 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn162" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BrakeChop" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GraundFlt" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.265781e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.265781e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn161 ConDigital 679 13-APR-2007 09:46:47.93 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn161" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PhaseFlt" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BrakeChop" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.281472e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.281472e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn160 ConDigital 678 13-APR-2007 09:46:45.88 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn160" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-N_MonFlt" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PhaseFlt" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.272500e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.272500e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn159 ConDigital 677 13-APR-2007 09:46:43.17 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn159" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp12" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-N_MonFlt" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.972000e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.281472e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn158 ConAnalog 676 13-APR-2007 09:46:08.11 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn158" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_6" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_8" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.803472e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.803472e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn157 ConAnalog 675 13-APR-2007 09:46:07.08 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn157" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_6" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.811736e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.811736e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn156 ConAnalog 674 13-APR-2007 09:46:06.16 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn156" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_4" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.745000e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.745000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn155 ConAnalog 673 13-APR-2007 09:46:05.08 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn155" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_3" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.790333e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.790333e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn154 ConDigital 668 13-APR-2007 09:44:13.27 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn154" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_1" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-OverCurr" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.999000e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.160000e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.160000e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn147 ConDigital 655 13-APR-2007 09:39:31.84 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn147" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BrakeChop" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PhaseFlt" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.223236e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.223236e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn145 ConDigital 652 13-APR-2007 09:39:22.90 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn145" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GraundFlt" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BrakeChop" Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.181389e+00 Attr y = 6.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.181389e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn144 ConDigital 651 13-APR-2007 09:39:16.27 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn144" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-OverCurr" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GraundFlt" Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.181389e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.181389e+00 Attr y = 6.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn139 ConDigital 646 13-APR-2007 09:33:14.91 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn139" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PhaseFlt" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-N_MonFlt" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.304118e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.304118e+00 Attr y = 6.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn135 ConDigital 642 13-APR-2007 09:32:36.69 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn135" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-N_MonFlt" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.538445e+00 Attr y = 6.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.349778e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 3.349778e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn133 ConDigital 634 13-APR-2007 09:03:40.40 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn133" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD7" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Ready" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.888000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn132 ConDigital 633 13-APR-2007 09:03:34.19 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn132" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD7" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Ready" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.888000e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn128 ConDigital 628 13-APR-2007 09:00:57.92 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn128" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp6" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp4" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 3.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.519056e+00 Attr y = 3.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.519056e+00 Attr y = 3.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 3.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn127 ConDigital 627 13-APR-2007 09:00:56.79 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn127" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 3.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 3.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.519056e+00 Attr y = 3.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 3.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn126 ConAnalog 364 27-MAR-2007 11:19:43.23 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:20:21.87 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn126" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CW" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoIo0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.067000e+00 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn124 ConDigital 259 26-MAR-2007 14:01:43.38 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn124" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PhaseFlt" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.527333e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.349778e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 3.349778e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn123 ConDigital 258 26-MAR-2007 14:01:41.23 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn123" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BrakeChop" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.556222e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.349778e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 3.199778e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn122 ConDigital 257 26-MAR-2007 14:01:38.68 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn122" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GraundFlt" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.542889e+00 Attr y = 6.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.349778e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 3.199778e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn112 ConDigital 235 26-MAR-2007 14:01:08.09 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn112" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-OverCurr" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.538445e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.374778e+00 Attr y = 6.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.420000e+00 Attr y = 6.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 3.374778e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.420000e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn101 ConDigital 219 26-MAR-2007 13:55:44.35 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 13:57:54.30 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn101" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Warning1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp11" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.472000e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn100 ConDigital 218 26-MAR-2007 13:55:44.35 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 13:57:54.30 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn100" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Warning1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp10" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.592000e+00 Attr y = 5.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 5.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn99 ConDigital 217 26-MAR-2007 13:55:44.35 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn99" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Warning1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.038445e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.255889e+00 Attr y = 5.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn98 ConDigital 208 26-MAR-2007 13:55:25.25 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn98" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Tripped" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp9" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.543111e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn97 ConDigital 206 26-MAR-2007 13:55:18.25 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn97" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Tripped" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp8" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.463111e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn94 ConDigital 200 26-MAR-2007 13:53:48.10 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn94" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Tripped" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.016222e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.230333e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn73 ConDigital 165 26-MAR-2007 13:40:49.40 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn73" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD15" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-OverCurr" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.303556e+00 Attr y = 6.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 6.122344e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.125889e+00 Attr y = 6.122344e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.125889e+00 Attr y = 6.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn72 ConDigital 164 26-MAR-2007 13:40:47.12 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn72" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD15" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-OverCurr" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.303556e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.201528e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn70 ConAnalog 160 26-MAR-2007 13:39:02.83 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn70" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetIi2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD15" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.020000e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.004222e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.012111e+00 Attr y = 6.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.020000e+00 Attr y = 6.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn68 ConDigital 155 26-MAR-2007 12:14:20.37 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn68" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-And6" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp11" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 4.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.659500e+00 Attr y = 4.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.659500e+00 Attr y = 4.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.020000e+00 Attr y = 4.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn67 ConDigital 153 26-MAR-2007 12:14:06.53 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn67" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp9" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-And6" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.519056e+00 Attr y = 4.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.519056e+00 Attr y = 4.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 4.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn66 ConDigital 152 26-MAR-2007 12:14:04.67 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn66" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Or1" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-And6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 4.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.599000e+00 Attr y = 4.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn64 ConDigital 150 26-MAR-2007 12:13:16.35 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn64" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-And6" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp10" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.020000e+00 Attr y = 4.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.899000e+00 Attr y = 4.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.984500e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.070000e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn61 ConDigital 144 26-MAR-2007 12:12:53.95 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn61" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Or1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.986778e+00 Attr y = 4.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.986778e+00 Attr y = 4.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 4.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn60 ConDigital 143 26-MAR-2007 12:12:42.57 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn60" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Or1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.393111e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.393111e+00 Attr y = 4.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 4.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn59 ConDigital 142 26-MAR-2007 12:12:40.03 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn59" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Warning" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Or1" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.366222e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.468111e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.468111e+00 Attr y = 4.387500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.276250e+00 Attr y = 4.387500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.276250e+00 Attr y = 4.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 4.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn58 ConDigital 140 26-MAR-2007 12:08:51.96 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn58" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Fault" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp9" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.349000e+00 Attr y = 4.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn56 ConDigital 136 26-MAR-2007 12:07:45.07 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn56" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Warning" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Fault" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.095000e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.095000e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn54 ConDigital 133 26-MAR-2007 12:07:37.03 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn54" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Warning" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Fault" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.151417e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.151417e+00 Attr y = 4.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 4.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn53 ConDigital 131 26-MAR-2007 12:07:13.80 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn53" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Warning" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp8" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.366222e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn51 ConDigital 127 26-MAR-2007 12:06:55.81 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn51" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Warning" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.132500e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.132500e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn50 ConDigital 126 26-MAR-2007 12:06:53.65 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn50" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Warning" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.132500e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.132500e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn49 ConAnalog 124 26-MAR-2007 12:06:03.16 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:10:39.68 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn49" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetIi1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 3.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.254222e+00 Attr y = 3.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn48 ConDigital 123 26-MAR-2007 12:05:29.79 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn48" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp7" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.544528e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn43 ConDigital 113 26-MAR-2007 12:03:41.44 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn43" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.544528e+00 Attr y = 3.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 3.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn38 ConDigital 99 26-MAR-2007 11:49:19.00 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:49:28.10 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn38" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Timer0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp7" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.074222e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.370000e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn36 ConDigital 95 26-MAR-2007 11:48:43.90 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:10:39.68 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn36" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Timer0" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CW" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.604667e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.774417e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.774417e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn34 ConDigital 91 26-MAR-2007 11:45:17.88 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:10:39.68 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn34" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Start" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CW" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.349000e+00 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.728833e+00 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn33 ConDigital 90 26-MAR-2007 11:41:53.38 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:10:39.68 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn33" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Start" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.114222e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.170000e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn32 ConDigital 88 26-MAR-2007 11:41:48.68 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:10:39.68 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn32" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Start" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.964445e-01 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.170000e+00 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn22 ConDigital 69 26-MAR-2007 11:31:44.26 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn22" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD7" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-AlarmOk" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.888000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.494751e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.494751e+00 Attr y = 2.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.520000e+00 Attr y = 2.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn21 ConAnalog 68 26-MAR-2007 11:08:48.52 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn21" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD7" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetIi0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.354222e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.620000e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn19 ConDigital 63 26-MAR-2007 11:07:39.33 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn19" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Or0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Ready" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.249000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.469501e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.469501e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn18 ConDigital 61 26-MAR-2007 11:07:11.45 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn18" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-AlarmOk" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.727333e+00 Attr y = 1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn16 ConDigital 56 26-MAR-2007 11:06:49.98 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:47:02.63 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn16" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Ready" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.749000e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn14 ConDigital 51 26-MAR-2007 11:06:10.80 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn14" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Or0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-AlarmOk" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.249000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.469003e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.469003e+00 Attr y = 1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.520000e+00 Attr y = 1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn13 ConDigital 47 26-MAR-2007 11:02:41.11 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn13" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StartingUp" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.706222e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn11 ConDigital 42 26-MAR-2007 11:01:10.13 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn11" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StartingUp" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.249778e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.447111e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.447111e+00 Attr y = 1.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 1.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.107500e+00 Attr y = 2.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 2.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn10 ConDigital 41 26-MAR-2007 11:01:05.59 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn10" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PowerUpTime" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.249778e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn8 ConDigital 37 26-MAR-2007 11:00:43.96 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn8" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Or0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StartingUp" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.249000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.462021e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.462021e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.138750e+00 Attr y = 2.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 2.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn7 ConDigital 36 26-MAR-2007 11:00:36.16 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn7" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp2" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Or0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.374222e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.914132e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.914132e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn6 ConDigital 35 26-MAR-2007 11:00:34.03 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn6" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PowerUpTime" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Or0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.848000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn4 ConAnalog 30 26-MAR-2007 10:58:12.17 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn4" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetAp1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoAp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.343111e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn2 ConDigital 21 26-MAR-2007 10:48:55.02 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn2" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.164222e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn1 ConAnalog 18 26-MAR-2007 10:44:06.95 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-cn1" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetAp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoAo0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 6.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.106444e+00 Attr y = 6.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.538222e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document0 Document 13 26-MAR-2007 10:37:55.08 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 10:52:06.16 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Document0" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.775000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object GetAp0 GetAp 14 26-MAR-2007 10:40:23.26 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 10:40:23.26 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr ApObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo.RefSpeed" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetAp0" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = 3.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.564444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAo0 StoAo 17 26-MAR-2007 10:43:15.41 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 10:43:15.41 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr AoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.RefSpeed" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 72 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoAo0" Attr x = 2.700000e+00 Attr y = 3.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.385556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp0 GetDp 19 26-MAR-2007 10:48:46.32 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 10:48:46.32 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo.ReadyRemote" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp0" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = 1.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.142222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp0 StoDp 20 26-MAR-2007 10:48:51.14 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 10:48:51.14 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ReadyRemot" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp0" Attr x = 2.700000e+00 Attr y = 1.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.807778e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText0 BodyText 22 26-MAR-2007 10:53:59.05 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 10:58:52.79 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BodyText0" Attr x = 2.800000e+00 Attr y = -1.569000e+00 Attr width = 9.124445e-01 Attr heigth = 1.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Functionobject SEW Movidrive MDX60B/61B Type 1 version 1 Speedcontrol, SEW drives comm. profile, Profibus communication." EndBody EndObject Object BodyText1 BodyText 23 26-MAR-2007 10:55:33.01 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BodyText1" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = 3.810000e-01 Attr width = 9.191111e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Interface \"graph\" between object and PlcPgm" EndBody EndObject Object BodyText2 BodyText 24 26-MAR-2007 10:55:33.01 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BodyText2" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = 3.100001e-02 Attr width = 2.880000e-01 Attr heigth = 3.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Interface graphname: PowerOn = pwo Start = sta RefSpeed = REF ReadyRemote = rdy Run = run " EndBody EndObject Object GetAp1 GetAp 25 26-MAR-2007 10:57:15.23 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 10:57:15.23 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr ApObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.PowerUpTime" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetAp1" Attr x = 9.000000e-01 Attr y = -7.499995e-02 Attr width = 4.431111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp1 StoAp 26 26-MAR-2007 10:57:23.53 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 10:57:23.53 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PowerUpTime.TimerTime" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoAp1" Attr x = 1.500000e+00 Attr y = -7.499995e-02 Attr width = 5.496666e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object PowerUpTime Wait 27 26-MAR-2007 10:57:49.01 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 14:36:47.08 Attr TimerTime = 1.500000e+01 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 14:39:18.20 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 97 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Wait" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PowerUpTime" Attr x = 1.500000e+00 Attr y = -1.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.435556e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp2 GetDp 31 26-MAR-2007 10:58:45.73 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 10:58:45.73 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ConverterReady" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp2" Attr x = 9.000000e-01 Attr y = -3.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.742222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Or0 Or 33 26-MAR-2007 11:00:00.92 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:00:00.92 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Or0" Attr x = 2.050000e+00 Attr y = -1.750000e-01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StartingUp And 34 26-MAR-2007 11:00:13.05 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:00:04.75 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StartingUp" Attr x = 2.450000e+00 Attr y = -4.250000e-01 Attr width = 2.362222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp3 GetDp 40 26-MAR-2007 11:01:05.59 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:01:05.59 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo.PowerOn" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr x = 9.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.250000e-01 Attr width = 3.497778e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText3 BodyText 43 26-MAR-2007 11:01:51.55 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BodyText3" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.690001e-01 Attr width = 4.857778e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Normaly it's take some time to startup communication after power lost." EndBody EndObject Object StoDp1 StoDp 46 26-MAR-2007 11:02:41.11 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:02:41.11 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.PowerStartUp" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp1" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -3.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.985556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText4 BodyText 48 26-MAR-2007 11:03:08.13 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BodyText4" Attr x = 3.050000e+00 Attr y = -4.190000e-01 Attr width = 1.968889e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Show in HM1" EndBody EndObject Object BodyText5 BodyText 49 26-MAR-2007 11:03:08.13 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BodyText5" Attr x = 3.050000e+00 Attr y = -3.190000e-01 Attr width = 3.724445e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Power starting up" EndBody EndObject Object AlarmOk And 50 26-MAR-2007 11:05:42.13 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:05:27.99 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-AlarmOk" Attr x = 2.500000e+00 Attr y = -1.025000e+00 Attr width = 2.073333e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Ready And 52 26-MAR-2007 11:06:26.50 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:06:19.71 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:47:02.63 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Ready" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -6.750000e-01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 7 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp2 StoDp 55 26-MAR-2007 11:06:49.98 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:06:49.98 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 08:03:02.59 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo.ReadyRemote" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp2" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -5.749999e-01 Attr width = 4.652222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText6 BodyText 57 26-MAR-2007 11:06:55.78 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BodyText6" Attr x = 3.000000e+00 Attr y = -5.190001e-01 Attr width = 7.124444e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Converter ready for remote control" EndBody EndObject Object StoDp3 StoDp 60 26-MAR-2007 11:07:11.45 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:07:11.45 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.AlarmOk" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp3" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -9.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.230000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object MaskToD7 MaskToD 62 26-MAR-2007 11:07:24.19 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:07:24.19 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:47:02.63 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-MaskToD" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD7" Attr x = 1.600000e+00 Attr y = -7.250000e-01 Attr width = 2.680000e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 6 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText8 BodyText 66 26-MAR-2007 11:08:40.17 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BodyText8" Attr x = 9.000000e-01 Attr y = -9.690000e-01 Attr width = 4.480000e-01 Attr heigth = 3.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "NB! SW bit: 00 = od1 = Switch-on-inhibited 01 = od2 = Ready 02 = od3 = Ready for remote 03 = od4 = Ramp 0=1, 1=2 04 = od5 = Parameters 0=1, 1=2 05 = od6 = Tripped/Warning 06 = od7 = Limit Switch CW On 07 = od8 = Limit Switch CCW On " EndBody EndObject Object GetIi0 GetIi 67 26-MAR-2007 11:08:48.52 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:08:48.52 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:36:56.20 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.StatusWordSW" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetIi0" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -5.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.542222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText9 BodyText 75 26-MAR-2007 11:40:03.01 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:49:28.10 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BodyText9" Attr x = 2.800000e+00 Attr y = -3.969000e+00 Attr width = 9.124445e-01 Attr heigth = 1.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Functionobject SEW Movidrive MDX60B/61B Type 1 version 1 Speedcontrol, SEW drives comm. profile, Profibus communication." EndBody EndObject Object Document1 Document 76 26-MAR-2007 11:40:03.01 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:49:28.10 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Document1" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.175000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object CW DtoMask 77 26-MAR-2007 11:42:20.31 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:44:50.03 Attr d2 = 1 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:20:21.87 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DtoMask" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CW" Attr x = 1.800000e+00 Attr y = -2.325000e+00 Attr width = 2.470000e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 68 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Start And 82 26-MAR-2007 11:42:01.74 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:41:21.04 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Start" Attr x = 1.150000e+00 Attr y = -2.275000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp4 GetDp 87 26-MAR-2007 11:41:48.68 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:41:48.68 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:10:39.68 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo.Start" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp4" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -2.225000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp5 GetDp 89 26-MAR-2007 11:41:53.38 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:41:53.38 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:10:39.68 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo.ReadyRemote" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp5" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -2.275000e+00 Attr width = 4.142222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Timer0 Timer 94 26-MAR-2007 11:48:41.87 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:48:47.83 Attr TimerTime = 1.000000e+00 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:49:28.10 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 98 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Timer" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Timer0" Attr x = 1.350000e+00 Attr y = -2.475000e+00 Attr width = 2.346667e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp7 GetDp 98 26-MAR-2007 11:49:19.00 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:49:19.00 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:49:28.10 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.OpReset" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp7" Attr x = 7.000000e-01 Attr y = -2.425000e+00 Attr width = 3.742222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText11 BodyText 100 26-MAR-2007 11:50:12.92 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 11:53:14.51 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BodyText11" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = -2.119000e+00 Attr width = 5.502222e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Interface control converter" EndBody EndObject Object BodyText12 BodyText 101 26-MAR-2007 11:50:22.61 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:10:39.68 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BodyText12" Attr x = 1.850000e+00 Attr y = -2.619000e+00 Attr width = 4.613333e-01 Attr heigth = 2.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "NB! CW bit: 01 = 1 \"No fast stop\" 02 = od3 = run 06 = od7 = Reset tripped converter" EndBody EndObject Object StoDp4 StoDp 104 26-MAR-2007 11:56:26.12 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 11:56:26.12 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo.Run" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp4" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -2.925000e+00 Attr width = 3.296667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi1 GetIi 106 26-MAR-2007 12:03:13.10 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:03:13.10 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:10:39.68 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.StatusWordSW" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetIi1" Attr x = 7.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.925000e+00 Attr width = 4.542222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object MaskToD13 MaskToD 107 26-MAR-2007 12:03:13.10 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:03:13.10 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-MaskToD" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr x = 1.500000e+00 Attr y = -3.175000e+00 Attr width = 2.835556e-01 Attr heigth = 3.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 39 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText14 BodyText 109 26-MAR-2007 12:03:26.00 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:10:39.68 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BodyText14" Attr x = 8.000000e-01 Attr y = -3.419000e+00 Attr width = 4.480000e-01 Attr heigth = 3.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "NB! SW bit: 00 = od1 = Switch-on-inhibited 01 = od2 = Ready 02 = od3 = Ready for remote 03 = od4 = Ramp 0=1, 1=2 04 = od5 = Parameters 0=1, 1=2 05 = od6 = Tripped/Warning 06 = od7 = Limit Switch CW On 07 = od8 = Limit Switch CCW On " EndBody EndObject Object StoDp5 StoDp 112 26-MAR-2007 12:03:41.44 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:03:41.44 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ConverterReady" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp5" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -3.025000e+00 Attr width = 5.252222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp6 StoDp 118 26-MAR-2007 12:04:29.26 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:04:29.26 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ConverterRun" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp6" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -2.975000e+00 Attr width = 4.918889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp7 StoDp 122 26-MAR-2007 12:05:29.79 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:05:29.79 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ConverterRemote" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp7" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -3.075000e+00 Attr width = 5.430000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Warning And 125 26-MAR-2007 12:07:03.24 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:06:47.01 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Warning" Attr x = 2.150000e+00 Attr y = -3.175000e+00 Attr width = 1.962222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp8 StoDp 130 26-MAR-2007 12:07:13.80 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:07:13.80 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ConverterWarning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp8" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -3.125000e+00 Attr width = 5.430000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Fault And 132 26-MAR-2007 12:10:17.74 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:07:22.40 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Fault" Attr x = 2.150000e+00 Attr y = -3.275000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp9 StoDp 139 26-MAR-2007 12:08:49.32 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:08:49.32 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ConverterFault" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp9" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -3.225000e+00 Attr width = 5.052222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Or1 Or 141 26-MAR-2007 12:12:34.32 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:12:34.32 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Or1" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = -3.575000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 7 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 5 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And6 And 145 26-MAR-2007 12:13:03.27 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:13:03.27 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-And6" Attr x = 2.700000e+00 Attr y = -3.475000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp10 StoDp 149 26-MAR-2007 12:13:16.35 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:13:16.35 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:45.48 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.IndWarning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp10" Attr x = 3.000000e+00 Attr y = -3.425000e+00 Attr width = 4.518889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp11 StoDp 154 26-MAR-2007 12:14:16.35 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 12:14:16.35 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 09:03:57.28 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.IndError" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoDp11" Attr x = 3.000000e+00 Attr y = -3.575000e+00 Attr width = 4.163333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document2 Document 156 26-MAR-2007 13:37:33.71 Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 13:57:54.30 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Document2" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -6.525000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object MaskToD15 MaskToD 157 26-MAR-2007 13:38:05.69 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:38:05.69 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-MaskToD" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-MaskToD15" Attr x = 9.999999e-01 Attr y = -5.475000e+00 Attr width = 2.835556e-01 Attr heigth = 4.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 3874 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi2 GetIi 158 26-MAR-2007 13:38:05.69 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:38:05.69 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.StatusWordSW" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetIi2" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -5.125000e+00 Attr width = 4.542222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object OverCurr And 162 26-MAR-2007 13:41:42.31 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:39:55.24 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-OverCurr" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -5.325000e+00 Attr width = 2.162222e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GraundFlt And 167 26-MAR-2007 13:42:33.21 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:41:49.13 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GraundFlt" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -5.525000e+00 Attr width = 2.228889e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object PhaseFlt And 172 26-MAR-2007 13:43:07.45 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:42:56.65 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-PhaseFlt" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -5.925000e+00 Attr width = 2.073333e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BrakeChop And 177 26-MAR-2007 13:44:03.70 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:43:53.51 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-BrakeChop" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -5.725000e+00 Attr width = 2.362222e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup0 DSup 181 26-MAR-2007 13:45:04.88 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:24:50.68 Attr DetectText = "See above.." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup0" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -5.175000e+00 Attr width = 4.488889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup1 DSup 183 26-MAR-2007 13:45:09.96 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:25:08.47 Attr DetectText = "See above.." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup1" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -5.375000e+00 Attr width = 4.466667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup2 DSup 184 26-MAR-2007 13:45:12.15 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:25:21.34 Attr DetectText = "See above.." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup2" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -5.575000e+00 Attr width = 4.466667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup3 DSup 185 26-MAR-2007 13:45:13.47 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:25:33.92 Attr DetectText = "See above.." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup3" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -5.775000e+00 Attr width = 4.466667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp0 GetSp 194 26-MAR-2007 13:50:39.61 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:50:39.61 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.AlarmTripped" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp0" Attr x = 1.050000e+00 Attr y = -4.425000e+00 Attr width = 4.275556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup4 DSup 196 26-MAR-2007 13:50:49.00 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:24:16.18 Attr DetectText = "Tripped...." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup4" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = -4.575000e+00 Attr width = 4.177778e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Tripped And 199 26-MAR-2007 13:53:37.11 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:53:19.58 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Tripped" Attr x = 1.800000e+00 Attr y = -4.625000e+00 Attr width = 1.962222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp8 GetDp 205 26-MAR-2007 13:55:18.25 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:55:18.25 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.AlarmOk" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp8" Attr x = 1.100000e+00 Attr y = -4.575000e+00 Attr width = 3.631111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp9 GetDp 207 26-MAR-2007 13:55:25.25 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:55:25.25 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ConverterFault" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp9" Attr x = 1.100000e+00 Attr y = -4.625000e+00 Attr width = 4.431111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup5 DSup 209 26-MAR-2007 13:55:44.35 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:24:29.93 Attr DetectText = "Warning...." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup5" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = -4.925000e+00 Attr width = 4.244445e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp10 GetDp 210 26-MAR-2007 13:55:44.35 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:55:44.35 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 13:57:54.30 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ConverterWarning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp10" Attr x = 1.100000e+00 Attr y = -4.975000e+00 Attr width = 4.920000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp11 GetDp 211 26-MAR-2007 13:55:44.35 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:55:44.35 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 13:57:54.30 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.AlarmOk" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp11" Attr x = 1.100000e+00 Attr y = -4.925000e+00 Attr width = 3.720000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Warning1 And 213 26-MAR-2007 13:57:44.67 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:55:44.35 EndBody Body DevBody 26-MAR-2007 13:57:54.30 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-Warning1" Attr x = 1.800000e+00 Attr y = -4.975000e+00 Attr width = 2.117778e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp1 GetSp 215 26-MAR-2007 13:55:44.35 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:55:44.35 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.AlarmWarning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp1" Attr x = 1.050000e+00 Attr y = -4.775000e+00 Attr width = 4.342222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp12 GetDp 223 26-MAR-2007 13:59:37.89 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 13:59:37.89 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.AlarmOk" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetDp12" Attr x = 1.600000e+00 Attr y = -6.125000e+00 Attr width = 3.720000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp2 GetSp 230 26-MAR-2007 14:00:24.36 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 14:00:24.36 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.TrippOvCurr" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp2" Attr x = 2.600000e+00 Attr y = -5.025000e+00 Attr width = 4.120000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp3 GetSp 237 26-MAR-2007 14:01:21.69 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 14:01:21.69 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.TrippGrFlt" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp3" Attr x = 2.600000e+00 Attr y = -5.225000e+00 Attr width = 3.764445e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp4 GetSp 244 26-MAR-2007 14:01:27.38 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 14:01:27.38 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.TrippBrChop" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp4" Attr x = 2.600000e+00 Attr y = -5.425000e+00 Attr width = 4.164445e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp5 GetSp 251 26-MAR-2007 14:01:32.79 Body RtBody 26-MAR-2007 14:01:32.79 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.TrippPhaseFlt" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp5" Attr x = 2.600000e+00 Attr y = -5.625000e+00 Attr width = 4.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIo0 StoIo 363 27-MAR-2007 11:19:43.23 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:19:43.23 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:20:21.87 Attr IoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ControlWordCW" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 147 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-StoIo0" Attr x = 2.350000e+00 Attr y = -2.175000e+00 Attr width = 5.074444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object N_MonFlt And 636 13-APR-2007 09:37:57.67 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 09:32:36.69 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-N_MonFlt" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -6.125000e+00 Attr width = 2.184445e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup6 DSup 637 13-APR-2007 09:32:36.69 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:25:51.97 Attr DetectText = "See above.." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup6" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -5.975000e+00 Attr width = 4.488889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp6 GetSp 639 13-APR-2007 09:32:36.69 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 09:32:36.69 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.TrippN_MonFlt" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-GetSp6" Attr x = 2.600000e+00 Attr y = -5.825000e+00 Attr width = 4.320000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object IEq_1 IEqual 666 13-APR-2007 09:45:04.00 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 09:44:02.76 Attr In2 = 1 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-IEqual" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_1" Attr x = 1.800000e+00 Attr y = -5.325000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object IEq_3 IEqual 669 13-APR-2007 09:44:55.41 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 09:44:32.28 Attr In2 = 3 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-IEqual" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_3" Attr x = 1.800000e+00 Attr y = -5.425000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object IEq_4 IEqual 670 13-APR-2007 09:45:13.50 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 09:45:54.59 Attr In2 = 4 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-IEqual" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_4" Attr x = 1.800000e+00 Attr y = -5.525000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object IEq_6 IEqual 671 13-APR-2007 09:45:29.76 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 09:45:34.72 Attr In2 = 6 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-IEqual" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_6" Attr x = 1.800000e+00 Attr y = -5.625000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object IEq_8 IEqual 672 13-APR-2007 09:45:42.50 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 09:45:47.99 Attr In2 = 8 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-IEqual" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-IEq_8" Attr x = 1.800000e+00 Attr y = -5.725000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DtoMask38 DtoMask 685 13-APR-2007 10:44:19.89 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:44:19.89 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:49:07.49 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DtoMask" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DtoMask38" Attr x = 1.450000e+00 Attr y = -5.525000e+00 Attr width = 2.768889e-01 Attr heigth = 3.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object FirstScan39 FirstScan 2208 27-JAN-2010 18:18:22.75 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:18:22.75 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-FirstScan" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-FirstScan39" Attr x = 1.950000e+00 Attr y = -4.325000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp0 CStoSp 2209 27-JAN-2010 18:18:33.61 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:18:33.61 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup4.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp0" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = -4.475000e+00 Attr width = 4.400000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp1 CStoSp 2210 27-JAN-2010 18:18:36.69 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:18:36.69 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup5.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp1" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = -4.825000e+00 Attr width = 4.400000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp2 CStoSp 2211 27-JAN-2010 18:18:42.77 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:18:42.77 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup0.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp2" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -5.075000e+00 Attr width = 4.400000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp3 CStoSp 2212 27-JAN-2010 18:18:47.50 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:18:47.50 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup1.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp3" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -5.275000e+00 Attr width = 4.377778e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp4 CStoSp 2213 27-JAN-2010 18:18:54.06 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:18:54.06 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup2.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp4" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -5.475000e+00 Attr width = 4.377778e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp5 CStoSp 2214 27-JAN-2010 18:18:56.75 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:18:56.75 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup3.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp5" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -5.675000e+00 Attr width = 4.377778e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp6 CStoSp 2215 27-JAN-2010 18:18:58.84 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:18:58.84 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:04.46 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-DSup6.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W-CStoSp6" Attr x = 3.350000e+00 Attr y = -5.875000e+00 Attr width = 4.400000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Fo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject Object Template SEW_Movidrive_1Fo 2153742336 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody Body DevBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Process ! @Code othermanufacturer_sew_movidrive_epbfo.pdf ! @Summary Plc function object to SEW_Movidrive_EPB. ! Plc function object to SEW_Movidrive_EPB. ! ! Connect the function object to an object of class or subclass of ! SEW_Movidrive_EPB ! ! @b See also ! @classlink SEW_Movidrive_EPB othermanufacturer_sew_movidrive_epb.html ! !*/ Object SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo $ClassDef 30 30-MAR-2007 14:42:06.44 Body SysBody 19-APR-2007 09:17:04.90 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 144 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body SysBody 13-APR-2007 12:01:08.38 Attr StructName = "SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo" Attr NextAix = "_X26" EndBody Object PowerOn $Input 8 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr PgmName = "PowerOn" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "pwo" EndBody EndObject Object Auto $Input 24 02-APR-2007 13:55:00.18 Body SysBody 19-APR-2007 09:13:36.52 Attr PgmName = "Auto" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "aut" EndBody EndObject Object Jog $Input 25 02-APR-2007 13:55:20.11 Body SysBody 19-APR-2007 09:13:43.89 Attr PgmName = "Jog" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "jog" EndBody EndObject Object Enable $Input 19 02-APR-2007 13:22:21.97 Body SysBody 02-APR-2007 13:23:20.90 Attr PgmName = "Enable" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "ena" EndBody EndObject Object Start $Input 9 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body SysBody 02-APR-2007 13:21:29.61 Attr PgmName = "Start" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "sta" EndBody EndObject Object JogFw $Input 20 02-APR-2007 13:22:38.12 Body SysBody 02-APR-2007 13:23:31.58 Attr PgmName = "JogFw" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "jfw" EndBody EndObject Object JogBw $Input 21 02-APR-2007 13:22:48.65 Body SysBody 02-APR-2007 13:23:39.68 Attr PgmName = "JogBw" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "jbw" EndBody EndObject Object PosRef $Input 16 30-MAR-2007 14:44:36.08 Body SysBody 13-APR-2007 13:38:56.57 Attr PgmName = "PosRef" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr GraphName = "PRE" EndBody EndObject Object RefSpeed $Input 10 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:44:03.93 Attr PgmName = "RefSpeed" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr GraphName = "REF" EndBody EndObject Object RampUp $Input 15 30-MAR-2007 14:45:42.02 Body SysBody 13-APR-2007 13:39:15.94 Attr PgmName = "RampUp" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr GraphName = "RUP" EndBody EndObject Object RampDw $Input 17 30-MAR-2007 14:45:51.66 Body SysBody 13-APR-2007 13:39:22.57 Attr PgmName = "RampDw" Attr Flags = 8192 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr GraphName = "RDW" EndBody EndObject Object PlcConnect $Intern 11 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object PlcConnectP $Intern 12 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnectP" Attr Flags = 67585 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Char" EndBody EndObject Object ReadyRemote $Output 13 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr PgmName = "ReadyRemote" Attr Flags = 9216 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "rdy" EndBody EndObject Object Run $Output 14 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr PgmName = "Run" Attr Flags = 9216 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "run" EndBody EndObject Object InPos $Output 22 02-APR-2007 13:24:37.30 Body SysBody 02-APR-2007 13:25:34.42 Attr PgmName = "InPos" Attr Flags = 9216 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "inp" EndBody EndObject Object Referenced $Output 23 02-APR-2007 13:24:59.89 Body SysBody 02-APR-2007 13:25:41.54 Attr PgmName = "Referenced" Attr Flags = 9216 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr GraphName = "Red" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object DevBody $ObjBodyDef 2 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr NextAix = "_X3" EndBody Object PlcNode $Buffer 2 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr Class = "pwrs:Class-$PlcNode" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object GraphPlcNode $GraphPlcNode 378 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body SysBody 19-APR-2007 09:43:58.46 Attr object_type = 11 Attr parameters[0] = 11 Attr parameters[1] = 2 Attr parameters[2] = 4 Attr parameters[3] = 0 Attr subwindows = 1 Attr subwindow_class[0] = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr graphmethod = 0 Attr graphindex = 0 Attr default_mask[0] = 7 Attr default_mask[1] = 3 Attr segname_annotation = 1 Attr compmethod = 58 Attr compindex = 0 Attr tracemethod = 0 Attr traceindex = 0 Attr connectmethod = 10 Attr executeordermethod = 2 Attr objname = "SEW_Movidrive_E" Attr graphname = "SEW_Movidrive_E" EndBody EndObject Object RtXtt $RtMenu 379 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Object PlcConnect $MenuRef 380 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body SysBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr ButtonName = "PlcConnect" Attr RefAttribute = "PlcConnect" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Code PlcTemplate 381 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcProgram Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-PlcTemplate" Attr defnamecount[2] = 3 Attr defnamecount[11] = 50 Attr defnamecount[64] = 1 Attr defnamecount[72] = 5 Attr defnamecount[90] = 20 Attr defnamecount[91] = 4 Attr defnamecount[97] = 1 Attr defnamecount[98] = 1 Attr defnamecount[99] = 11 Attr defnamecount[137] = 15 Attr defnamecount[138] = 1 Attr defnamecount[139] = 13 Attr defnamecount[140] = 1 Attr defnamecount[141] = 2 Attr defnamecount[143] = 4 Attr defnamecount[146] = 1 Attr defnamecount[147] = 2 Attr defnamecount[253] = 6 Attr defnamecount[255] = 14 Attr defnamecount[256] = 21 Attr defnamecount[263] = 11 Attr defnamecount[264] = 11 Attr defnamecount[265] = 7 Attr defnamecount[266] = 1 Attr connamecount = 236 EndBuffer EndBody Object W WindowPlc 382 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr Modified = "27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96" Buffer PlcWindow Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr y = 5.000000e+01 Attr width = 1.000000e+03 Attr heigth = 7.500000e+02 Attr refconcount = 1 EndBuffer EndBody Object cn235 ConDigital 2251 27-JAN-2010 18:30:59.62 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn235" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp5" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp6" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.245000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.245000e+00 Attr y = 7.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 7.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn234 ConAnalog 2250 27-JAN-2010 18:30:57.83 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn234" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp9" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 7.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.032000e+00 Attr y = 7.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn233 ConDigital 2249 27-JAN-2010 18:30:48.44 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn233" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp4" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp5" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.297555e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.297555e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn232 ConAnalog 2248 27-JAN-2010 18:30:46.16 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn232" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp8" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.023111e+00 Attr y = 6.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn231 ConDigital 2247 27-JAN-2010 18:30:35.28 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn231" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp3" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp4" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.298667e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.298667e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn230 ConAnalog 2246 27-JAN-2010 18:30:33.47 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn230" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp7" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.016444e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn229 ConDigital 2245 27-JAN-2010 18:30:23.62 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn229" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp2" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp3" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.296444e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.296444e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn228 ConAnalog 2244 27-JAN-2010 18:30:17.91 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn228" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp6" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.976444e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn227 ConDigital 2243 27-JAN-2010 18:30:08.15 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn227" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp1" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp2" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.382500e+00 Attr y = 5.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.382500e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn226 ConAnalog 2242 27-JAN-2010 18:30:03.70 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn226" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp10" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 3.012000e+00 Attr y = 6.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn225 ConDigital 2241 27-JAN-2010 18:29:50.35 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn225" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp0" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.345000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.345000e+00 Attr y = 5.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn224 ConAnalog 2240 27-JAN-2010 18:29:48.28 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn224" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.534222e+00 Attr y = 5.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn223 ConDigital 2239 27-JAN-2010 18:29:36.23 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn223" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-FirstScan49" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.130000e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.275000e+00 Attr y = 5.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.275000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn222 ConAnalog 2238 27-JAN-2010 18:29:33.78 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn222" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.527556e+00 Attr y = 5.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn221 ConDigital 807 19-APR-2007 15:21:47.92 Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn221" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp20" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And13" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.228667e+00 Attr y = 3.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.518854e+00 Attr y = 3.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.518854e+00 Attr y = 3.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 3.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn220 ConDigital 806 19-APR-2007 15:21:14.81 Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn220" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And19" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp20" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.228667e+00 Attr y = 3.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 3.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.312944e+00 Attr y = 3.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.228667e+00 Attr y = 3.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn218 ConDigital 802 19-APR-2007 15:20:13.74 Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn218" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And19" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.544427e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.544427e+00 Attr y = 3.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 3.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn217 ConDigital 801 19-APR-2007 15:20:09.73 Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn217" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And19" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or3" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.749000e+00 Attr y = 3.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.019187e+00 Attr y = 3.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.019187e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn216 ConDigital 799 19-APR-2007 15:19:33.35 Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn216" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.749000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.019187e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn215 ConDigital 798 19-APR-2007 15:19:27.70 Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn215" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or3" Attr dest_point = 6 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask30" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.249000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.284500e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.284500e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn211 ConDigital 789 13-APR-2007 13:07:56.08 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 13:08:49.25 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn211" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp14" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or2" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.124222e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.517708e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.517708e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn210 ConDigital 788 13-APR-2007 13:07:53.55 Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn210" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And13" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or2" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.749000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.968375e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.968375e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn209 ConDigital 787 13-APR-2007 13:07:51.61 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 13:08:49.25 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn209" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or2" Attr dest_point = 5 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask30" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.249000e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn206 ConAnalog 781 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn206" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetIi3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD32" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 9.700000e-01 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 9.542222e-01 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.012111e+00 Attr y = 6.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.020000e+00 Attr y = 6.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn205 ConDigital 780 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn205" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD32" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And14" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.253556e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.201528e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn204 ConDigital 779 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn204" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD32" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And14" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.253556e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 6.122344e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.125889e+00 Attr y = 6.122344e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.125889e+00 Attr y = 6.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn202 ConDigital 777 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn202" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And14" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.449000e+00 Attr y = 6.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.374778e+00 Attr y = 6.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.420000e+00 Attr y = 6.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 3.374778e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.420000e+00 Attr y = 6.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn192 ConDigital 767 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn192" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And15" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup7" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.449000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.349778e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 3.199778e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn191 ConDigital 766 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn191" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And17" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup8" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.449000e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.349778e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 3.199778e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn190 ConDigital 765 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn190" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And16" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup9" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 7.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.449000e+00 Attr y = 7.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.349778e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 3.349778e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn189 ConDigital 764 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn189" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And18" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup10" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.320000e+00 Attr y = 7.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.449000e+00 Attr y = 7.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 3.349778e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 3.349778e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 3.370000e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn185 ConDigital 760 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn185" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And16" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And18" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.214042e+00 Attr y = 7.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.214042e+00 Attr y = 7.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn184 ConDigital 759 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn184" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And14" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And15" Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = 7.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.295000e+00 Attr y = 7.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.295000e+00 Attr y = 8.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = 8.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn183 ConDigital 758 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn183" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And15" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And17" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.166250e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.166250e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn182 ConDigital 757 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn182" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And17" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And16" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.218125e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.218125e+00 Attr y = 7.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn181 ConDigital 756 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn181" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq43" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And14" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.949000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.109500e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.109500e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn180 ConAnalog 755 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn180" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq43" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq44" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.752101e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.752101e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn179 ConAnalog 754 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn179" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq44" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq45" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.761050e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.761050e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn178 ConAnalog 753 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn178" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq45" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq46" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.761050e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.761050e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn177 ConAnalog 752 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn177" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq46" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq47" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.733444e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.733444e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn176 ConDigital 751 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn176" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp18" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And18" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.922000e+00 Attr y = 7.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.281472e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn175 ConDigital 750 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn175" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And18" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And16" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.195000e+00 Attr y = 7.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.195000e+00 Attr y = 7.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn174 ConDigital 749 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn174" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And16" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And17" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.195000e+00 Attr y = 7.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.195000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn173 ConDigital 748 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn173" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And17" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And15" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.195000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.195000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn172 ConDigital 747 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn172" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq44" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And15" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.949000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.222500e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.222500e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.192375e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn171 ConDigital 746 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn171" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq45" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And17" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.949000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.081521e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.081521e+00 Attr y = 6.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.298236e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] Attr x = 2.196472e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[7] Attr x = 2.220000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn170 ConDigital 745 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn170" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq46" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And16" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.949000e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.109500e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.109500e+00 Attr y = 7.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn169 ConDigital 744 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn169" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq47" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And18" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.949000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.175761e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.175761e+00 Attr y = 7.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn168 ConAnalog 743 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn168" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask48" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq43" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.696889e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.720944e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn167 ConDigital 742 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn167" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD32" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask48" Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.303556e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.386778e+00 Attr y = 6.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.386778e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.470000e+00 Attr y = 6.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.205278e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn166 ConDigital 741 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn166" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD32" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask48" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.253556e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.401569e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.401569e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.287778e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn165 ConDigital 740 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn165" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 5 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD32" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask48" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.253556e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.336778e+00 Attr y = 6.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.336778e+00 Attr y = 6.805833e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.383139e+00 Attr y = 6.805833e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.383139e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn164 ConDigital 739 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.94 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn164" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 6 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD32" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask48" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.253556e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.356278e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.356278e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.420000e+00 Attr y = 6.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.260000e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 6.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn163 ConDigital 738 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn163" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And15" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And14" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.195000e+00 Attr y = 6.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.195000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn162 ConDigital 737 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn162" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And14" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And15" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.241250e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.241250e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn161 ConDigital 736 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn161" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And15" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And17" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.241250e+00 Attr y = 6.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.241250e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn160 ConDigital 735 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn160" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And17" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And16" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.241250e+00 Attr y = 6.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.241250e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn159 ConDigital 734 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn159" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And16" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And18" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.241250e+00 Attr y = 7.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.241250e+00 Attr y = 7.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.270000e+00 Attr y = 7.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn158 ConDigital 626 04-APR-2007 11:42:09.62 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn158" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD7" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp13" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.888000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.487000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.487000e+00 Attr y = 1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.920000e+00 Attr y = 1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn157 ConDigital 624 04-APR-2007 11:42:05.04 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn157" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD7" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp12" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.888000e+00 Attr y = 1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.404000e+00 Attr y = 1.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.404000e+00 Attr y = 1.787500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.879611e+00 Attr y = 1.787500e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.879611e+00 Attr y = 1.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.920000e+00 Attr y = 1.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn154 ConDigital 618 04-APR-2007 11:40:10.44 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn154" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask30" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp17" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.866750e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.866750e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.168667e+00 Attr y = 3.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn153 ConDigital 616 04-APR-2007 11:40:06.50 Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn153" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask30" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp16" Attr point_count = 6 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.177250e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.177250e+00 Attr y = 3.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.333222e+00 Attr y = 3.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 1.333222e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 1.164222e+00 Attr y = 3.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn150 ConDigital 610 04-APR-2007 11:38:40.60 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn150" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask30" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp15" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.164222e+00 Attr y = 3.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 3.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn148 ConDigital 606 04-APR-2007 11:34:34.47 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn148" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Start" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask30" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.699000e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.034500e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.034500e+00 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 3.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn147 ConDigital 605 04-APR-2007 11:33:55.58 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn147" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Timer0" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask30" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 3.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.754667e+00 Attr y = 3.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.057833e+00 Attr y = 2.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.320000e+00 Attr y = 2.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn145 ConDigital 603 02-APR-2007 14:19:52.16 Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn145" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp14" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.124222e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.215069e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.124222e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn144 ConDigital 601 02-APR-2007 14:19:48.78 Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn144" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp13" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.137556e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.176312e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.137556e+00 Attr y = 3.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn138 ConAnalog 593 02-APR-2007 14:17:05.91 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn138" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 7 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask30" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoIo1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.870000e+00 Attr y = 3.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.596889e+00 Attr y = 3.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn136 ConDigital 586 02-APR-2007 14:10:16.70 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn136" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp6" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.519056e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.519056e+00 Attr y = 4.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn135 ConDigital 585 02-APR-2007 14:10:12.71 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn135" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp4" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.442639e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.442639e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn134 ConDigital 583 02-APR-2007 14:09:02.56 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:13:18.82 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn134" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.249000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.896000e+00 Attr y = 1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn132 ConDigital 581 02-APR-2007 14:07:41.32 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn132" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD7" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Ready" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.888000e+00 Attr y = 1.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.518005e+00 Attr y = 1.750000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.518005e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn131 ConDigital 580 02-APR-2007 14:07:39.46 Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn131" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD7" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Ready" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.888000e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn129 ConAnalog 577 02-APR-2007 14:02:32.53 Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn129" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetAp4" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoAo3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.097556e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.538222e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn128 ConAnalog 574 02-APR-2007 14:02:28.06 Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn128" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetAp3" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoAo2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.088667e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.538222e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn127 ConAnalog 571 02-APR-2007 14:02:23.08 Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn127" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetAp2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoAo1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.073111e+00 Attr y = 6.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.538222e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn101 ConDigital 407 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.45 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn101" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Warning1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp11" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.472000e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn100 ConDigital 408 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.45 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn100" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Warning1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp10" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.592000e+00 Attr y = 5.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 5.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn99 ConDigital 409 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn99" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Warning1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.038445e+00 Attr y = 5.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.255889e+00 Attr y = 5.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn98 ConDigital 410 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.45 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn98" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Tripped" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp9" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.554222e+00 Attr y = 5.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 5.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn97 ConDigital 411 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.45 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn97" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Tripped" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp8" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.472000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn94 ConDigital 412 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn94" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Tripped" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.016222e+00 Attr y = 5.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.230333e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 5.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn68 ConDigital 431 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn68" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And6" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp11" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 4.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.686500e+00 Attr y = 4.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.686500e+00 Attr y = 4.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.020000e+00 Attr y = 4.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn67 ConDigital 432 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn67" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp9" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And6" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.530167e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.530167e+00 Attr y = 4.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 4.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn66 ConDigital 433 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn66" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or1" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And6" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 4.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.599000e+00 Attr y = 4.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn64 ConDigital 434 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn64" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And6" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp10" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 3.020000e+00 Attr y = 4.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.899000e+00 Attr y = 4.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.984500e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 3.070000e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn61 ConDigital 435 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn61" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_point = 2 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.986778e+00 Attr y = 4.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.986778e+00 Attr y = 4.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 4.700000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn60 ConDigital 436 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn60" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.089500e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.089500e+00 Attr y = 4.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 4.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn59 ConDigital 437 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn59" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Warning" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.366222e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.393111e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.393111e+00 Attr y = 4.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 4.650000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.276250e+00 Attr y = 4.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 4.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn58 ConDigital 438 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn58" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Fault" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp9" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.349000e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn56 ConDigital 439 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn56" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Warning" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Fault" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 4.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.129750e+00 Attr y = 4.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.129750e+00 Attr y = 4.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 4.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn54 ConDigital 440 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn54" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Warning" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Fault" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.054750e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.054750e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 4.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn53 ConDigital 441 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn53" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Warning" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp8" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.366222e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn51 ConDigital 442 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn51" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 4 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Warning" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.966653e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.966653e+00 Attr y = 4.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 4.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn50 ConDigital 443 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn50" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Warning" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.112375e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.112375e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 4.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn49 ConAnalog 444 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn49" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetIi1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.254222e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn48 ConDigital 445 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn48" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp7" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.551250e+00 Attr y = 4.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.551250e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn43 ConDigital 447 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn43" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp5" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.803556e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.468111e+00 Attr y = 4.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.468111e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 4.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn38 ConDigital 449 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn38" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Timer0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp7" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.224222e+00 Attr y = 3.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 3.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn33 ConDigital 452 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn33" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Start" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp5" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.264222e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 3.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn32 ConDigital 453 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn32" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Start" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.146444e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn21 ConAnalog 458 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn21" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD7" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetIi0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.354222e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.620000e+00 Attr y = 1.600000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn19 ConDigital 459 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn19" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Ready" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.249000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.469501e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.469501e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn16 ConDigital 461 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn16" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 3 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Ready" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.749000e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn13 ConDigital 463 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn13" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StartingUp" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.970000e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.706222e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn11 ConDigital 464 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn11" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StartingUp" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.249778e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.447111e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.447111e+00 Attr y = 1.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 1.400000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.107500e+00 Attr y = 2.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 2.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn10 ConDigital 465 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn10" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-PowerUpTime" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.249778e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn8 ConDigital 466 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn8" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StartingUp" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.249000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.462021e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.462021e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] Attr x = 2.138750e+00 Attr y = 2.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[5] Attr x = 2.170000e+00 Attr y = 2.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn7 ConDigital 467 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn7" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp2" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.374222e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.914132e+00 Attr y = 1.350000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.914132e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn6 ConDigital 468 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn6" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-PowerUpTime" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.070000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.848000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn4 ConAnalog 469 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn4" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetAp1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoAp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.343111e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn2 ConDigital 470 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn2" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.164222e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn1 ConAnalog 471 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-cn1" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetAp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoAo0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.720000e+00 Attr y = 6.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.106444e+00 Attr y = 6.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.538222e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.820000e+00 Attr y = 7.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document0 Document 472 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Document0" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.775000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object GetAp0 GetAp 473 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 11:39:50.86 Attr ApObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.RefSpeed" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetAp0" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = 3.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.564444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAo0 StoAo 474 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 11:39:50.86 Attr AoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.RefSpeed" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 72 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoAo0" Attr x = 2.700000e+00 Attr y = 3.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.385556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp0 GetDp 475 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.ReadyRemote" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp0" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = 7.500003e-02 Attr width = 4.142222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp0 StoDp 476 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.ReadyRemot" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp0" Attr x = 2.700000e+00 Attr y = 7.500003e-02 Attr width = 4.807778e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText0 BodyText 477 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-BodyText0" Attr x = 2.800000e+00 Attr y = -1.569000e+00 Attr width = 9.124445e-01 Attr heigth = 1.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Functionobject SEW Movidrive MDX60B/61B Type 1 version 1 Speedcontrol, SEW drives comm. profile, Profibus communication." EndBody EndObject Object BodyText1 BodyText 478 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-BodyText1" Attr x = 6.500000e-01 Attr y = 3.810000e-01 Attr width = 9.191111e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Interface \"graph\" between object and PlcPgm" EndBody EndObject Object BodyText2 BodyText 479 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-BodyText2" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = 3.100001e-02 Attr width = 2.880000e-01 Attr heigth = 3.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Interface graphname: PowerOn = pwo Start = sta RefSpeed = REF ReadyRemote = rdy Run = run " EndBody EndObject Object GetAp1 GetAp 480 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 11:39:50.86 Attr ApObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.PowerUpTime" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetAp1" Attr x = 9.000000e-01 Attr y = -7.499995e-02 Attr width = 4.431111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAp1 StoAp 481 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-PowerUpTime.TimerTime" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoAp1" Attr x = 1.500000e+00 Attr y = -7.499995e-02 Attr width = 5.496666e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object PowerUpTime Wait 482 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr TimerTime = 1.500000e+01 EndBody Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 97 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Wait" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-PowerUpTime" Attr x = 1.500000e+00 Attr y = -1.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.435556e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp2 GetDp 483 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 11:39:50.86 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.ConverterReady" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp2" Attr x = 9.000000e-01 Attr y = -3.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.742222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Or0 Or 484 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or0" Attr x = 2.050000e+00 Attr y = -1.750000e-01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StartingUp And 485 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StartingUp" Attr x = 2.450000e+00 Attr y = -4.250000e-01 Attr width = 2.362222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp3 GetDp 486 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 11:39:50.86 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.PowerOn" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr x = 9.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.250000e-01 Attr width = 3.497778e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText3 BodyText 487 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-BodyText3" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.690001e-01 Attr width = 4.857778e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Normaly it's take some time to startup communication after power lost." EndBody EndObject Object StoDp1 StoDp 488 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 11:39:50.86 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.PowerStartUp" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp1" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -3.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.985556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText4 BodyText 489 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-BodyText4" Attr x = 3.050000e+00 Attr y = -4.190000e-01 Attr width = 1.968889e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Show in HM1" EndBody EndObject Object BodyText5 BodyText 490 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-BodyText5" Attr x = 3.050000e+00 Attr y = -3.190000e-01 Attr width = 3.724445e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Power starting up" EndBody EndObject Object Ready And 492 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Ready" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -6.750000e-01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 7 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 4 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp2 StoDp 493 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 16-APR-2007 08:50:46.39 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.ReadyRemote" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp2" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -5.749999e-01 Attr width = 4.652222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText6 BodyText 494 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-BodyText6" Attr x = 3.000000e+00 Attr y = -5.190001e-01 Attr width = 7.124444e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Converter ready for remote control" EndBody EndObject Object StoDp3 StoDp 495 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:13:18.80 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.AlarmOk" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp3" Attr x = 2.950000e+00 Attr y = -1.250000e-01 Attr width = 4.230000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object MaskToD7 MaskToD 496 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-MaskToD" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD7" Attr x = 1.600000e+00 Attr y = -8.250000e-01 Attr width = 2.680000e-01 Attr heigth = 3.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 46 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText8 BodyText 497 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 11:59:49.62 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-BodyText8" Attr x = 9.000000e-01 Attr y = -9.690000e-01 Attr width = 4.657778e-01 Attr heigth = 3.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "NB! SW bit: 00 = od1 = Run 01 = od2 = Ready 02 = od3 = IPOS referenced 03 = od4 = Target position reached 04 = od5 = Brake released 05 = od6 = Error 06 = od7 = Limit Switch CW On 07 = od8 = Limit Switch CCW On " EndBody EndObject Object GetIi0 GetIi 498 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 11:39:50.86 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.StatusWordSW" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetIi0" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -5.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.542222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText9 BodyText 499 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Attr FrameAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-BodyText9" Attr x = 2.800000e+00 Attr y = -3.969000e+00 Attr width = 9.124445e-01 Attr heigth = 1.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Functionobject SEW Movidrive MDX60B/61B Type 1 version 1 Speedcontrol, SEW drives comm. profile, Profibus communication." EndBody EndObject Object Document1 Document 500 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Document1" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.175000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object Start And 502 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Start" Attr x = 1.500000e+00 Attr y = -2.325000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp4 GetDp 503 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.Start" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp4" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.275000e+00 Attr width = 2.964444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp5 GetDp 504 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 16-APR-2007 08:50:46.39 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.ReadyRemote" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp5" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.325000e+00 Attr width = 4.142222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Timer0 Timer 505 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Attr TimerTime = 1.000000e+00 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 98 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Timer" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Timer0" Attr x = 1.500000e+00 Attr y = -2.225000e+00 Attr width = 2.346667e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp7 GetDp 506 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.OpReset" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp7" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.175000e+00 Attr width = 3.742222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp4 StoDp 509 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.Run" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp4" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -3.025000e+00 Attr width = 3.296667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi1 GetIi 510 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.StatusWordSW" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetIi1" Attr x = 7.500000e-01 Attr y = -3.075000e+00 Attr width = 4.542222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object MaskToD13 MaskToD 511 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-MaskToD" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD13" Attr x = 1.500000e+00 Attr y = -3.325000e+00 Attr width = 2.835556e-01 Attr heigth = 3.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 39 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText14 BodyText 512 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-BodyText14" Attr x = 2.900000e+00 Attr y = -2.719000e+00 Attr width = 4.413333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.940000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "NB! SW bit: 00 = d1 = Contr. inhibit/enable 01 = d2 = Enable/rapid stop = 1 02 = d3 = Enable/stop 03 = d4 = Halt regulation 04 = d5 = Integrator 1 05 = d6 = Parameter set 1 06 = d7 = Reset fault 07 = d8 = free 08 = d9 = Start 09 = d10 = Jog + 10 = d11 = Jog - 11 = d12 = Mode 1 12 = d13 = Mode 2 13 = d14 = free 14 = d15 = Ramp 2 15 = d16 = /SWLS " EndBody EndObject Object StoDp5 StoDp 513 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.ConverterReady" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp5" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -3.125000e+00 Attr width = 5.252222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp6 StoDp 514 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.ConverterRun" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp6" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -3.075000e+00 Attr width = 4.918889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp7 StoDp 515 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.ConverterRemote" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp7" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -3.175000e+00 Attr width = 5.430000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Warning And 516 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Warning" Attr x = 2.150000e+00 Attr y = -3.325000e+00 Attr width = 1.962222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp8 StoDp 517 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.ConverterWarning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp8" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -3.275000e+00 Attr width = 5.430000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Fault And 518 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Fault" Attr x = 2.150000e+00 Attr y = -3.425000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp9 StoDp 519 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.ConverterFault" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp9" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -3.375000e+00 Attr width = 5.052222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Or1 Or 520 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or1" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = -3.725000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 7 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 5 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And6 And 521 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And6" Attr x = 2.700000e+00 Attr y = -3.625000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp10 StoDp 522 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.IndWarning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp10" Attr x = 3.000000e+00 Attr y = -3.575000e+00 Attr width = 4.518889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp11 StoDp 523 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr Object = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.IndError" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp11" Attr x = 3.000000e+00 Attr y = -3.725000e+00 Attr width = 4.163333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document2 Document 524 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.44 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Document2" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -6.525000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object GetSp0 GetSp 537 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.AlarmTripped" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp0" Attr x = 1.050000e+00 Attr y = -4.475000e+00 Attr width = 4.275556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup4 DSup 538 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:31:22.48 Attr DetectText = "Tripped...." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup4" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = -4.625000e+00 Attr width = 4.177778e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Tripped And 540 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.45 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Tripped" Attr x = 1.800000e+00 Attr y = -4.675000e+00 Attr width = 1.917778e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp8 GetDp 541 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 11:39:50.86 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.AlarmOk" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp8" Attr x = 1.100000e+00 Attr y = -4.625000e+00 Attr width = 3.720000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp9 GetDp 542 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 11:39:50.86 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.ConverterFault" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp9" Attr x = 1.100000e+00 Attr y = -4.675000e+00 Attr width = 4.542222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup5 DSup 543 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:31:33.51 Attr DetectText = "Warning...." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup5" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = -4.925000e+00 Attr width = 4.244445e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp10 GetDp 544 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 11:39:50.86 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.ConverterWarning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp10" Attr x = 1.100000e+00 Attr y = -4.975000e+00 Attr width = 4.920000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp11 GetDp 545 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 11:39:50.86 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.AlarmOk" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp11" Attr x = 1.100000e+00 Attr y = -4.925000e+00 Attr width = 3.720000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Warning1 And 547 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.45 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Warning1" Attr x = 1.800000e+00 Attr y = -4.975000e+00 Attr width = 2.117778e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp1 GetSp 549 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 Body RtBody 30-MAR-2007 14:41:44.43 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.AlarmWarning" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp1" Attr x = 1.050000e+00 Attr y = -4.775000e+00 Attr width = 4.342222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp2 GetAp 569 02-APR-2007 14:02:23.08 Body RtBody 02-APR-2007 14:02:23.08 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Attr ApObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.PosRef" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetAp2" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e-01 Attr width = 3.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAo1 StoAo 570 02-APR-2007 14:02:23.08 Body RtBody 02-APR-2007 14:02:23.08 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Attr AoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.RefPos" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 72 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoAo1" Attr x = 2.700000e+00 Attr y = 3.250000e-01 Attr width = 4.052222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp3 GetAp 572 02-APR-2007 14:02:28.06 Body RtBody 02-APR-2007 14:02:28.06 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Attr ApObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.RampUp" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetAp3" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.386667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAo2 StoAo 573 02-APR-2007 14:02:28.06 Body RtBody 02-APR-2007 14:02:28.06 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Attr AoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.RampUp" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 72 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoAo2" Attr x = 2.700000e+00 Attr y = 2.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.207778e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAp4 GetAp 575 02-APR-2007 14:02:32.53 Body RtBody 02-APR-2007 14:02:32.53 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Attr ApObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.RampDw" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 253 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetAp4" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = 2.250000e-01 Attr width = 3.475555e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAo3 StoAo 576 02-APR-2007 14:02:32.53 Body RtBody 02-APR-2007 14:02:32.53 EndBody Body DevBody 02-APR-2007 14:11:11.46 Attr AoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.RampDw" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 72 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoAo3" Attr x = 2.700000e+00 Attr y = 2.250000e-01 Attr width = 4.296667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText29 BodyText 584 02-APR-2007 14:09:39.17 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-BodyText29" Attr x = 8.000000e-01 Attr y = -3.519000e+00 Attr width = 4.657778e-01 Attr heigth = 3.440000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "NB! SW bit: 00 = od1 = Run 01 = od2 = Ready 02 = od3 = IPOS referenced 03 = od4 = Target position reached 04 = od5 = Brake released 05 = od6 = Error 06 = od7 = Limit Switch CW On 07 = od8 = Limit Switch CCW On " EndBody EndObject Object And13 And 587 02-APR-2007 14:16:15.33 Body RtBody 02-APR-2007 14:16:15.33 EndBody Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And13" Attr x = 1.550000e+00 Attr y = -2.575000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 7 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DtoMask30 DtoMask 590 02-APR-2007 14:17:05.91 Body RtBody 04-APR-2007 11:38:08.35 Attr d2 = 1 EndBody Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DtoMask" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask30" Attr x = 2.300000e+00 Attr y = -2.475000e+00 Attr width = 2.768889e-01 Attr heigth = 4.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 8004 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText31 BodyText 591 02-APR-2007 14:17:05.91 Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr TextAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-BodyText31" Attr x = 2.900000e+00 Attr y = -2.019000e+00 Attr width = 5.502222e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Interface control converter" EndBody EndObject Object StoIo1 StoIo 592 02-APR-2007 14:17:05.91 Body RtBody 02-APR-2007 14:17:05.91 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr IoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.ControlWordCW" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 147 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoIo1" Attr x = 2.850000e+00 Attr y = -2.075000e+00 Attr width = 5.074444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp13 GetDp 600 02-APR-2007 14:19:48.78 Body RtBody 02-APR-2007 14:19:48.78 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.Auto" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp13" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.525000e+00 Attr width = 2.875556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp14 GetDp 602 02-APR-2007 14:19:52.16 Body RtBody 02-APR-2007 14:19:52.16 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 13:08:49.25 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.Jog" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp14" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.475000e+00 Attr width = 2.742222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp15 GetDp 609 04-APR-2007 11:38:40.60 Body RtBody 04-APR-2007 11:38:40.60 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.Enable" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp15" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.125000e+00 Attr width = 3.142222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp16 GetDp 615 04-APR-2007 11:40:06.50 Body RtBody 04-APR-2007 11:40:06.50 EndBody Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.JogFw" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp16" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.375000e+00 Attr width = 3.142222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp17 GetDp 617 04-APR-2007 11:40:10.43 Body RtBody 04-APR-2007 11:40:10.43 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.JogBw" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp17" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.425000e+00 Attr width = 3.186667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp12 StoDp 623 04-APR-2007 11:42:05.03 Body RtBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:05.03 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.InPos" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp12" Attr x = 2.900000e+00 Attr y = -7.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.518889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoDp13 StoDp 625 04-APR-2007 11:42:09.62 Body RtBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:09.62 EndBody Body DevBody 04-APR-2007 11:42:23.35 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.Referenced" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 255 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-StoDp13" Attr x = 2.900000e+00 Attr y = -7.250000e-01 Attr width = 4.296667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object MaskToD32 MaskToD 697 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-MaskToD" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-MaskToD32" Attr x = 9.500000e-01 Attr y = -5.775000e+00 Attr width = 2.835556e-01 Attr heigth = 4.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 3874 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIi3 GetIi 698 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 13:10:27.65 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.StatusWordSW" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 143 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetIi3" Attr x = 4.500000e-01 Attr y = -5.425000e+00 Attr width = 4.542222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And14 And 699 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And14" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -5.625000e+00 Attr width = 2.162222e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And15 And 700 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And15" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -5.825000e+00 Attr width = 2.228889e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And16 And 701 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And16" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -6.225000e+00 Attr width = 2.073333e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And17 And 702 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And17" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -6.025000e+00 Attr width = 2.362222e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup6 DSup 703 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:31:51.67 Attr DetectText = "See above.." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup6" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -5.475000e+00 Attr width = 4.488889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup7 DSup 704 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:04.00 Attr DetectText = "See above.." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup7" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -5.675000e+00 Attr width = 4.466667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup8 DSup 705 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:17.03 Attr DetectText = "See above.." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup8" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -5.875000e+00 Attr width = 4.466667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup9 DSup 706 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:29.17 Attr DetectText = "See above.." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup9" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -6.075000e+00 Attr width = 4.488889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp18 GetDp 707 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 13:08:49.25 Attr DpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.AlarmOk" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp18" Attr x = 1.550000e+00 Attr y = -6.425000e+00 Attr width = 3.720000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp6 GetSp 711 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.92 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.TrippGrFlt" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp6" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -5.525000e+00 Attr width = 3.764445e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp7 GetSp 715 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.TrippBrChop" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp7" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -5.725000e+00 Attr width = 4.164445e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp8 GetSp 719 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.TrippPhaseFlt" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp8" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -5.925000e+00 Attr width = 4.231111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And18 And 722 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And18" Attr x = 2.250000e+00 Attr y = -6.425000e+00 Attr width = 2.184445e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DSup10 DSup 723 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:40.65 Attr DetectText = "See above.." Attr MoreText = "" Attr Attribute = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB" EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr LockAttribute = 1 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 99 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DSup" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup10" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -6.275000e+00 Attr width = 4.644445e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp9 GetSp 725 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.TrippN_MonFlt" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp9" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -6.125000e+00 Attr width = 4.320000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object IEq43 IEqual 728 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Attr In2 = 1 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-IEqual" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq43" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = -5.625000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object IEq44 IEqual 729 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Attr In2 = 3 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-IEqual" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq44" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = -5.725000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object IEq45 IEqual 730 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Attr In2 = 4 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-IEqual" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq45" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = -5.825000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object IEq46 IEqual 731 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Attr In2 = 6 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-IEqual" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq46" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = -5.925000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object IEq47 IEqual 732 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Attr In2 = 8 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-IEqual" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-IEq47" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = -6.025000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object DtoMask48 DtoMask 733 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:50:40.93 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 10:52:01.92 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DtoMask" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DtoMask48" Attr x = 1.400000e+00 Attr y = -5.825000e+00 Attr width = 2.768889e-01 Attr heigth = 3.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 15 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetSp10 GetSp 782 13-APR-2007 10:51:52.55 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 10:51:52.55 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr SpObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPB.TrippOvCurr" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 263 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetSp10" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = -5.325000e+00 Attr width = 4.120000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Or2 Or 786 13-APR-2007 13:07:48.79 Body RtBody 13-APR-2007 13:07:48.79 EndBody Body DevBody 13-APR-2007 13:08:49.25 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or2" Attr x = 2.050000e+00 Attr y = -2.425000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Or3 Or 797 19-APR-2007 15:19:23.41 Body RtBody 19-APR-2007 15:19:23.41 EndBody Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-Or3" Attr x = 2.050000e+00 Attr y = -2.525000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object And19 And 800 19-APR-2007 15:20:06.30 Body RtBody 19-APR-2007 15:20:06.30 EndBody Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 90 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-And" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-And19" Attr x = 1.550000e+00 Attr y = -2.675000e+00 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 Attr mask[2] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp20 GetDp 805 19-APR-2007 15:21:14.81 Body RtBody 19-APR-2007 15:21:14.81 EndBody Body DevBody 19-APR-2007 15:22:25.32 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo.Referenced" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-GetDp20" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.675000e+00 Attr width = 3.786667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object FirstScan49 FirstScan 2230 27-JAN-2010 18:26:53.35 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:26:53.35 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-FirstScan" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-FirstScan49" Attr x = 1.850000e+00 Attr y = -4.325000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp0 CStoSp 2231 27-JAN-2010 18:27:13.63 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:27:13.63 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup4.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp0" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = -4.525000e+00 Attr width = 4.400000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp1 CStoSp 2232 27-JAN-2010 18:27:17.42 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:27:17.42 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup5.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp1" Attr x = 2.400000e+00 Attr y = -4.825000e+00 Attr width = 4.400000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp2 CStoSp 2233 27-JAN-2010 18:27:24.64 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:27:24.64 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup6.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp2" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -5.375000e+00 Attr width = 4.400000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp3 CStoSp 2234 27-JAN-2010 18:27:26.62 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:27:26.62 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup7.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp3" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -5.575000e+00 Attr width = 4.377778e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp4 CStoSp 2235 27-JAN-2010 18:27:28.00 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:27:28.00 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup8.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp4" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -5.775000e+00 Attr width = 4.377778e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp5 CStoSp 2236 27-JAN-2010 18:27:29.19 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:27:29.19 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup9.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp5" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -5.975000e+00 Attr width = 4.400000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object CStoSp6 CStoSp 2237 27-JAN-2010 18:27:30.53 Body RtBody 27-JAN-2010 18:27:30.53 EndBody Body DevBody 27-JAN-2010 18:32:58.96 Attr Object = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-DSup10.DetectText" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 265 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-CStoSp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W-CStoSp6" Attr x = 3.300000e+00 Attr y = -6.175000e+00 Attr width = 4.555556e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject Object Template SEW_Movidrive_EPBFo 2155577344 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody Body DevBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody EndObject EndObject !/** ! @Version 1.0 ! @Group Simulate ! @Code othermanufacturer_sew_movidrive_1sim.pdf ! @Summary Plc simulation object to ABB_ACC800. ! Plc simulation object to ABB_ACC800. ! ! Connect the function object to an object of class or subclass of ! SEW_Movidrive_1. ! ! @b See also ! @classlink SEW_Movidrive_1 othermanufacturer_sew_movidrive_1.html !*/ Object SEW_Movidrive_1Sim $ClassDef 24 27-MAR-2007 10:37:47.89 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:37:20.11 Attr Editor = 0 Attr Method = 0 Attr Flags = 144 EndBody Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Attr StructName = "SEW_Movidrive_1Sim" Attr NextAix = "_X10" EndBody Object PlcConnect $Intern 1 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnect" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$AttrRef" EndBody EndObject Object PlcConnectP $Intern 2 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Attr PgmName = "PlcConnectP" Attr Flags = 67585 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Char" EndBody EndObject Object OpSimNotReady $Intern 3 27-MAR-2007 10:41:51.28 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:42:16.82 Attr PgmName = "OpSimNotReady" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object OpSimWarFlt $Intern 4 27-MAR-2007 10:43:12.33 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:43:21.85 Attr PgmName = "OpSimWarFlt" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object OpSimNoRemote $Intern 5 27-MAR-2007 10:43:39.90 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:43:46.37 Attr PgmName = "OpSimNoRemote" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object OpSimOverCurr $Intern 6 27-MAR-2007 10:47:23.16 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:47:31.65 Attr PgmName = "OpSimOverCurr" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object OpSimGrFlt $Intern 7 27-MAR-2007 10:47:50.94 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:47:59.45 Attr PgmName = "OpSimGrFlt" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object OpSimShopFlt $Intern 8 27-MAR-2007 10:48:21.09 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:48:27.75 Attr PgmName = "OpSimShopFlt" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject Object OpSimPhasFlt $Intern 9 27-MAR-2007 10:48:44.71 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:48:53.49 Attr PgmName = "OpSimPhasFlt" Attr Flags = 1040 Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object DevBody $ObjBodyDef 2 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Attr StructName = "SEW_Movidrive_1Sim" Attr NextAix = "_X2" EndBody Object PlcNode $Buffer 1 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Attr Class = "pwrs:Class-$PlcNode" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object GraphPlcNode $GraphPlcNode 260 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:39:40.28 Attr object_type = 11 Attr parameters[0] = 0 Attr parameters[1] = 9 Attr parameters[2] = 0 Attr parameters[3] = 0 Attr subwindows = 1 Attr subwindow_class[0] = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr graphmethod = 0 Attr graphindex = 0 Attr default_mask[0] = 0 Attr default_mask[1] = 0 Attr segname_annotation = 1 Attr compmethod = 58 Attr compindex = 0 Attr tracemethod = 0 Attr traceindex = 0 Attr connectmethod = 26 Attr executeordermethod = 2 Attr objname = "Movidrive_1Sim" Attr graphname = "Movidrive_1Sim" EndBody EndObject Object RtXtt $RtMenu 261 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Object PlcConnect $MenuRef 262 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2007 10:37:58.79 Attr ButtonName = "PlcConnect" Attr RefAttribute = "PlcConnect" EndBody EndObject EndObject Object Code PlcTemplate 263 27-MAR-2007 10:50:02.59 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 10:50:02.59 EndBody Body DevBody 26-JUN-2007 15:47:11.29 Buffer PlcProgram Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-PlcTemplate" Attr defnamecount[2] = 1 Attr defnamecount[11] = 10 Attr defnamecount[65] = 1 Attr defnamecount[91] = 4 Attr defnamecount[102] = 2 Attr defnamecount[115] = 2 Attr defnamecount[125] = 3 Attr defnamecount[126] = 3 Attr defnamecount[136] = 1 Attr defnamecount[137] = 7 Attr defnamecount[138] = 2 Attr defnamecount[140] = 2 Attr defnamecount[141] = 1 Attr defnamecount[143] = 2 Attr defnamecount[144] = 3 Attr defnamecount[146] = 1 Attr defnamecount[256] = 7 Attr defnamecount[258] = 1 Attr connamecount = 49 EndBuffer EndBody Object W WindowPlc 264 27-MAR-2007 10:50:28.32 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 10:50:28.32 EndBody Body DevBody 26-JUN-2007 15:47:11.29 Attr Modified = "26-JUN-2007 15:47:11.29" Buffer PlcWindow Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-WindowPlc" Attr y = 5.000000e+01 Attr width = 1.000000e+03 Attr heigth = 7.500000e+02 Attr refconcount = 1 EndBuffer EndBody Object cn48 ConAnalog 809 26-JUN-2007 15:47:10.09 Body DevBody 26-JUN-2007 15:47:11.29 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn48" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetIo2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-RunActiv" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.320000e+00 Attr y = 1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.256444e+00 Attr y = 1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn47 ConAnalog 368 27-MAR-2007 11:21:26.56 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn47" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-MaskToD9" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetIo1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.306444e+00 Attr y = 1.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.770000e+00 Attr y = 1.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn45 ConDigital 359 27-MAR-2007 11:13:58.84 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn45" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-MaskToD9" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-ResDp0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.520000e+00 Attr y = 1.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.038000e+00 Attr y = 1.500000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.410000e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.470000e+00 Attr y = 1.550000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn41 ConAnalog 351 27-MAR-2007 11:12:11.88 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn41" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-SpeedRef" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetAo0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.187556e+00 Attr y = 1.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 1.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn40 ConAnalog 349 27-MAR-2007 11:12:02.81 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn40" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Ramp1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-StoAi1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.620000e+00 Attr y = 2.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.350000e+00 Attr y = 2.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn39 ConAnalog 347 27-MAR-2007 11:11:59.16 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn39" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Ramp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-StoAi0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.620000e+00 Attr y = 1.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.350000e+00 Attr y = 1.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn35 ConDigital 339 27-MAR-2007 11:11:01.97 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn35" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-RunActiv" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-ActCurrent" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.568000e+00 Attr y = 1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.660500e+00 Attr y = 1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.660500e+00 Attr y = 2.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 2.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn34 ConDigital 338 27-MAR-2007 11:11:00.01 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn34" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-RunActiv" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-SpeedRef" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.568000e+00 Attr y = 1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.701750e+00 Attr y = 1.950000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.701750e+00 Attr y = 1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.720000e+00 Attr y = 1.900000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn32 ConAnalog 334 27-MAR-2007 11:08:45.15 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn32" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-SpeedRef" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Ramp0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.976889e+00 Attr y = 1.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.064945e+00 Attr y = 1.850000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.064945e+00 Attr y = 1.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 1.800000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn31 ConAnalog 333 27-MAR-2007 11:08:45.15 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn31" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-ActCurrent" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Ramp1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 2.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.990222e+00 Attr y = 2.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.276500e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.420000e+00 Attr y = 3.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn29 ConDigital 319 27-MAR-2007 11:01:29.92 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn29" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Inv0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-DtoMask0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.799000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.100146e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.100146e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn28 ConDigital 318 27-MAR-2007 11:01:28.23 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn28" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp5" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Inv0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.620000e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.297556e+00 Attr y = 7.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.379333e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn27 ConDigital 317 27-MAR-2007 11:01:26.00 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn27" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 1 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Inv1" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-DtoMask0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.799000e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.984500e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.984500e+00 Attr y = 8.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 8.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn26 ConDigital 316 27-MAR-2007 11:01:24.37 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn26" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp6" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Inv1" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.620000e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.304222e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.468556e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.520000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn23 ConDigital 309 27-MAR-2007 11:00:22.07 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn23" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-DtoMask0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp4" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.248667e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 9.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn19 ConDigital 300 27-MAR-2007 10:55:41.54 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn19" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Or2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.670000e+00 Attr y = 1.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.264222e+00 Attr y = 1.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn17 ConDigital 298 27-MAR-2007 10:55:24.75 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn17" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Or1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.264222e+00 Attr y = 1.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.574667e+00 Attr y = 1.200000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.574667e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.670000e+00 Attr y = 1.100000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn16 ConDigital 297 27-MAR-2007 10:55:13.99 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn16" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp2" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Or2" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.670000e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.266444e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn15 ConDigital 296 27-MAR-2007 10:55:11.56 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn15" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Or2" Attr dest_point = 5 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-DtoMask0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.849000e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.080292e+00 Attr y = 1.150000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.080292e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn14 ConDigital 295 27-MAR-2007 10:54:58.24 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn14" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp1" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Or1" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.233111e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.479333e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.479333e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.670000e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn13 ConDigital 294 27-MAR-2007 10:54:52.99 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn13" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Or1" Attr dest_point = 4 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-DtoMask0" Attr point_count = 4 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.849000e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.048361e+00 Attr y = 1.050000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.048361e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn12 ConDigital 293 27-MAR-2007 10:54:49.74 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn12" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp1" Attr dest_point = 1 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Or0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.670000e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.233111e+00 Attr y = 1.000000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.367111e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.570000e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn11 ConDigital 292 27-MAR-2007 10:54:41.21 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn11" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 2 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Or0" Attr dest_point = 3 Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-DtoMask0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.120000e+00 Attr y = 9.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.849000e+00 Attr y = 9.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 1.834500e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 1.920000e+00 Attr y = 1.450000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn10 ConDigital 291 27-MAR-2007 10:54:39.68 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn10" Attr object_type = 23 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConDigital" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Or0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 1.670000e+00 Attr y = 9.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 1.288667e+00 Attr y = 9.500000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] EndBuffer Buffer point[3] EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object cn1 ConAnalog 270 27-MAR-2007 10:51:57.63 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcConnection Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-cn1" Attr object_type = 24 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ConAnalog" Attr attributes = 90 Attr source_point = 6 Attr source_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-DtoMask0" Attr dest_oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-StoIi0" Attr point_count = 2 Buffer point[0] Attr x = 2.570000e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[1] Attr x = 2.381333e+00 Attr y = 8.000000e-01 EndBuffer Buffer point[2] Attr x = 2.275667e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[3] Attr x = 2.370000e+00 Attr y = 1.300000e+00 EndBuffer Buffer point[4] EndBuffer Buffer point[5] EndBuffer Buffer point[6] EndBuffer Buffer point[7] EndBuffer Buffer point[8] EndBuffer Buffer point[9] EndBuffer Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Document0 Document 265 27-MAR-2007 10:50:28.33 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:02:05.45 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 2 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Document" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Document0" Attr x = 5.000000e-01 Attr y = -1.775000e+00 Attr width = 3.400000e+00 Attr heigth = 2.300000e+00 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 EndBuffer Attr DocumentOrientation = 1 Attr DocumentSize = 3 EndBody EndObject Object DtoMask0 DtoMask 266 27-MAR-2007 10:51:34.53 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 10:51:34.53 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-DtoMask" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-DtoMask0" Attr x = 2.100000e+00 Attr y = -1.250000e-01 Attr width = 2.613333e-01 Attr heigth = 4.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1830 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoIi0 StoIi 269 27-MAR-2007 10:51:57.63 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 10:51:57.63 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr IiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.StatusWordSW" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 146 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoIi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-StoIi0" Attr x = 2.550000e+00 Attr y = 2.250000e-01 Attr width = 5.052222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp0 GetDp 279 27-MAR-2007 10:53:03.74 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 10:53:03.74 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim.OpSimOverCurr" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp0" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = 2.500001e-02 Attr width = 4.386667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp1 GetDp 281 27-MAR-2007 10:53:06.91 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 10:53:06.91 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim.OpSimGrFlt" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp1" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.500000e-02 Attr width = 3.831111e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp2 GetDp 283 27-MAR-2007 10:53:11.02 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 10:53:11.02 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim.OpSimShopFlt" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp2" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -1.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.164445e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp3 GetDp 285 27-MAR-2007 10:53:14.80 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 10:53:14.80 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim.OpSimPhasFlt" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp3" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = -2.250001e-01 Attr width = 4.142222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Or0 Or 287 27-MAR-2007 10:54:26.74 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 10:54:26.74 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Or0" Attr x = 1.650000e+00 Attr y = -2.499999e-02 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Or1 Or 288 27-MAR-2007 10:54:28.99 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 10:54:28.99 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Or1" Attr x = 1.650000e+00 Attr y = -1.250000e-01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Or2 Or 289 27-MAR-2007 10:54:31.26 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 10:54:31.26 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 91 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Or" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Or2" Attr x = 1.650000e+00 Attr y = -2.250000e-01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 3 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Text1 Text 301 27-MAR-2007 10:56:27.68 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr Text = "Simulate faults" Attr FrameAttribute = 2 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Text" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Text1" Attr x = 9.000000e-01 Attr y = -6.899995e-02 Attr width = 2.280000e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp4 GetDp 308 27-MAR-2007 11:00:22.07 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:00:22.07 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim.OpSimWarFlt" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp4" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = 7.500003e-02 Attr width = 3.986667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp5 GetDp 310 27-MAR-2007 11:01:02.89 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:01:02.89 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim.OpSimNotReady" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp5" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = 2.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.475556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetDp6 GetDp 312 27-MAR-2007 11:01:10.44 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:01:10.44 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr DpObject = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim.OpSimNoRemote" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 256 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetDp6" Attr x = 8.500000e-01 Attr y = 1.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.542222e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Inv0 Inv 314 27-MAR-2007 11:01:21.77 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:01:21.77 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 102 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Inv" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Inv0" Attr x = 1.600000e+00 Attr y = 2.250000e-01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Inv1 Inv 315 27-MAR-2007 11:01:22.48 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:01:22.48 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 102 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Inv" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Inv1" Attr x = 1.600000e+00 Attr y = 1.250000e-01 Attr width = 1.790000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object SpeedRef Select 320 27-MAR-2007 11:10:31.12 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:08:45.15 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 125 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Select" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-SpeedRef" Attr x = 1.700000e+00 Attr y = -9.750000e-01 Attr width = 2.568889e-01 Attr heigth = 2.000000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 5 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText2 BodyText 321 27-MAR-2007 11:08:45.15 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-BodyText2" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = -1.019000e+00 Attr width = 1.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 4.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Low = 0" EndBody EndObject Object Ramp0 Ramp 322 27-MAR-2007 11:08:45.15 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:08:45.15 Attr RampUp = 2.500000e+02 Attr RampDown = 1.000000e+02 Attr RampUpAbs = 1 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 126 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Ramp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Ramp0" Attr x = 2.100000e+00 Attr y = -8.749999e-01 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText3 BodyText 323 27-MAR-2007 11:08:45.15 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-BodyText3" Attr x = 2.150000e+00 Attr y = -9.690000e-01 Attr width = 1.791111e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Upp = 250 Down = 100" EndBody EndObject Object ActCurrent Select 324 27-MAR-2007 11:10:15.21 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:10:17.46 Attr High = 1.000000e+02 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 125 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Select" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-ActCurrent" Attr x = 1.700000e+00 Attr y = -1.225000e+00 Attr width = 2.702222e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 4 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object Ramp1 Ramp 325 27-MAR-2007 11:08:45.15 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:08:45.15 Attr RampUp = 7.000000e+00 Attr RampDown = 7.000000e+00 Attr RampUpAbs = 1 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 126 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-Ramp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-Ramp1" Attr x = 2.100000e+00 Attr y = -1.225000e+00 Attr width = 2.300000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object BodyText4 BodyText 326 27-MAR-2007 11:08:45.15 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-BodyText4" Attr x = 2.150000e+00 Attr y = -1.319000e+00 Attr width = 1.480000e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "Upp = 7 Down = 7" EndBody EndObject Object BodyText5 BodyText 327 27-MAR-2007 11:08:45.15 Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-BodyText" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-BodyText5" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = -1.319000e+00 Attr width = 1.657778e-01 Attr heigth = 9.400000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" EndBuffer Attr Text = "High = 100 Low = 0" EndBody EndObject Object RunActiv MaskToD 335 27-MAR-2007 11:10:52.11 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:10:43.22 EndBody Body DevBody 26-JUN-2007 15:47:11.29 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-MaskToD" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-RunActiv" Attr x = 1.300000e+00 Attr y = -1.025000e+00 Attr width = 2.480000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 4 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAi0 StoAi 346 27-MAR-2007 11:11:59.16 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:11:59.16 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr AiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ActSpeed" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 115 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-StoAi0" Attr x = 2.600000e+00 Attr y = -7.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.363333e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object StoAi1 StoAi 348 27-MAR-2007 11:12:02.81 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:12:02.81 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr AiObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ActCurrent" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 115 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-StoAi" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-StoAi1" Attr x = 2.600000e+00 Attr y = -1.125000e+00 Attr width = 4.518889e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetAo0 GetAo 350 27-MAR-2007 11:12:11.88 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:12:11.88 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr AoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.RefSpeed" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 65 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetAo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetAo0" Attr x = 8.000000e-01 Attr y = -8.750000e-01 Attr width = 3.875556e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object ResDp0 ResDp 354 27-MAR-2007 11:13:25.70 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:13:25.70 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr Object = "$PlcFo:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim.OpSimWarFlt" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 258 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-ResDp" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-ResDp0" Attr x = 2.500000e+00 Attr y = -5.250000e-01 Attr width = 4.496667e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object MaskToD9 MaskToD 356 27-MAR-2007 11:13:37.51 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:13:37.51 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 11 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-MaskToD" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-MaskToD9" Attr x = 1.750000e+00 Attr y = -5.750000e-01 Attr width = 2.680000e-01 Attr heigth = 1.500000e-01 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[0] = 1 Attr mask[1] = 64 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIo1 GetIo 367 27-MAR-2007 11:21:26.56 Body RtBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:26.56 EndBody Body DevBody 27-MAR-2007 11:21:36.78 Attr IoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ControlWordCW" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 144 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetIo1" Attr x = 8.000000e-01 Attr y = -4.750000e-01 Attr width = 4.564444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject Object GetIo2 GetIo 808 26-JUN-2007 15:47:00.91 Body RtBody 26-JUN-2007 15:47:00.91 EndBody Body DevBody 26-JUN-2007 15:47:11.29 Attr IoObject = "$PlcMain:OtherManufacturer-Class-SEW_Movidrive_1.ControlWordCW" Buffer PlcNode Attr object_type = 144 Attr cid = "pwrb:Class-GetIo" Attr oid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W-GetIo2" Attr x = 7.500000e-01 Attr y = -9.250001e-01 Attr width = 4.564444e-01 Attr heigth = 5.000000e-02 Attr woid = "OtherManufacturer:Class-SEW_Movidrive_1Sim-Code-W" Attr mask[1] = 1 EndBuffer EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject Object Template SEW_Movidrive_1Sim 2154004480 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody Body DevBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 EndBody EndObject EndObject EndObject EndVolume