extends =

parts +=

eggs += slapos.core

module = vifib

# Recipe zerokspot.recipe.git is disabled, as is not possible to change its
# environment to use localy delivered git.
# plone.recipe.command can do same job, but it is controllable which binary
# will be used
recipe = plone.recipe.command
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
stop-on-error = true
repository = http://git.erp5.org/repos/slapos.core.git
branch = master
revision = f95ca3ccda07292895939ef9b48678acb5f524ce
command = ${git:location}/bin/git clone --quiet -b ${:branch} ${:repository} ${:location} && if [ -n ${:revision} ]; then cd ${:location} && ${git:location}/bin/git reset --quiet --hard ${:revision} ; fi
update-command = cd ${:location} && ${git:location}/bin/git pull --quiet && if [ -n ${:revision} ]; then cd ${:location} && ${git:location}/bin/git reset --quiet --hard ${:revision} ; fi

# XXX: workaround for zc.buildout bug, as list += ends up with adding new entry
#      after newline
list = ${erp5:location}/bt5 ${erp5:location}/product/ERP5/bootstrap ${vifib:location}/master/bt5

# XXX: Lack of eggification workaround
# list of products, possible to extend, it is passed in reversed way
# to allow overriding during extending profile
list = ${products-deps:location} ${erp5:location}/product ${vifib:location}/master/product