From d3ef25630ff2d210f77b72fc4bb4c07442f4e955 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Romain Courteaud <>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 08:46:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Remove buildDeliveryList and collectMovement (DeliveryBuilder
 must be used now).

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 product/ERP5/Tool/ | 402 ----------------------------
 1 file changed, 402 deletions(-)

diff --git a/product/ERP5/Tool/ b/product/ERP5/Tool/
index 1181dfdfcf..9ca8025a37 100755
--- a/product/ERP5/Tool/
+++ b/product/ERP5/Tool/
@@ -739,7 +739,6 @@ class SimulationTool (BaseTool):
       return None
     # Traceability management                  
     security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getTrackingList')
@@ -800,33 +799,6 @@ class SimulationTool (BaseTool):
     # Movement Group Collection / Delivery Creation
-    def collectMovement(self, movement_list,class_list=None,**kw):
-      """
-      group movements in the way we want. Thanks to this method, we are able to retrieve
-      movement classed by order, resource, criterion,....
-      movement_list : the list of movement wich we want to group
-      check_list : the list of classes used to group movements. The order
-                   of the list is important and determines by what we will
-                   group movement first
-                   Typically, check_list is :
-                   [DateMovementGroup,PathMovementGroup,...]
-      """
-      s_tool = self.portal_simulation
-      from Products.ERP5.MovementGroup import OrderMovementGroup, PathMovementGroup
-      from Products.ERP5.MovementGroup import DateMovementGroup, ResourceMovementGroup
-      from Products.ERP5.MovementGroup import VariantMovementGroup, RootMovementGroup
-      if class_list is None:
-        # For compatibility reasons, by default we keep the previous order
-        class_list = [OrderMovementGroup,PathMovementGroup,DateMovementGroup,
-                      ResourceMovementGroup,VariantMovementGroup]
-      my_root_group = RootMovementGroup(class_list=class_list)
-      for movement in movement_list:
-        if not movement in my_root_group.movement_list :
-          my_root_group.append(movement,class_list=class_list)
-      return my_root_group
     def buildOrderList(self, movement_group):
       # Build orders from a list of movements (attached to orders)
@@ -955,380 +927,6 @@ class SimulationTool (BaseTool):
       return order_list
-    def buildDeliveryList(self, movement_group):
-      # Build deliveries from a list of movements
-      LOG('buildDeliveryList root_group',0,movement_group)
-      LOG('buildDeliveryList root_group.__dict__',0,movement_group.__dict__)
-      for group in movement_group.group_list:
-        LOG('buildDeliveryList group.__dict__',0,group.__dict__)
-      LOG('buildDeliveryList nested_class.__dict__',0,movement_group.nested_class.__dict__)
-      def orderGroupProcessing(order_group, delivery_list, reindexable_movement_list, **kw):
-        # Order should never be None
-        LOG("buildDeliveryList", 0, str(order_group.__dict__))
-        if order_group.order is not None:
-          order = self.portal_categories.resolveCategory(order_group.order)
-          if order is not None:
-            # define some variables
-            LOG("order", 0, str(order.__dict__))
-            if order.getPortalType() == 'Purchase Order' :
-              delivery_module = order.getPortalObject().livraison_achat
-              delivery_type = 'Purchase Packing List'
-              delivery_line_type = delivery_type + ' Line'
-              delivery_cell_type = 'Delivery Cell'
-            elif order.getPortalType() == 'Sale Order' :
-              delivery_module = order.getPortalObject().sale_packing_list
-              delivery_type = 'Sale Packing List'
-              delivery_line_type = delivery_type + ' Line'
-              delivery_cell_type = 'Delivery Cell'
-            else :
-              delivery_module = order.getPortalObject().livraison_vente
-              delivery_type = 'Sales Packing List'
-              delivery_line_type = delivery_type + ' Line'
-              delivery_cell_type = 'Delivery Cell'
-          else : # should never be none
-            LOG("order is None", 0, str(order.__dict__))
-            return -1
-        else: # order is None
-          order = None
-          # possible when we build deliveries for tranfer of property
-          delivery_module = self.getPortalObject().livraison_vente
-          delivery_type = 'Sales Packing List'
-          delivery_line_type = delivery_type + ' Line'
-          delivery_cell_type = 'Delivery Cell'
-        for path_group in order_group.group_list:
-          pathGroupProcessing(path_group=path_group,
-                              delivery_module=delivery_module,
-                              delivery_type=delivery_type,
-                              delivery_line_type=delivery_line_type,
-                              delivery_cell_type=delivery_cell_type,
-                              order=order,
-                              delivery_list=delivery_list,
-                              reindexable_movement_list=reindexable_movement_list, **kw)
-        return 0
-      def pathGroupProcessing(path_group, delivery_module, delivery_type, delivery_line_type, delivery_cell_type, order, delivery_list, reindexable_movement_list, default_rule_id=None, **kw):
-        # we create a new delivery for each DateGroup
-        if default_rule_id is 'default_amortisation_rule':
-          pass
-        else:
-          # if path is internal ???
-          # JPS NEW
-          if path_group.source is None or path_group.destination is None:
-            # Production Path
-            LOG("Builder",0, "Strange Path %s " % path_group.source)
-            LOG("Builder",0, "Strange Path %s " % path_group.destination)
-          LOG("Builder path_group in pathGroupProcessing",0, path_group.__dict__)
-          if path_group.source is None or path_group.destination is None:
-            pass
-            #delivery_module = self.rapport_fabrication
-            #delivery_type = 'Production Report'
-            #delivery_line_type = 'Production Report Line'
-            #delivery_cell_type = 'Production Report Cell'
-          elif path_group.destination.find('site/Stock_PF') >= 0 and \
-              path_group.source.find('site/Piquage') >= 0:
-            delivery_module = self.livraison_fabrication
-            delivery_type = 'Production Packing List'
-            delivery_line_type = delivery_type + ' Line'
-            delivery_cell_type = 'Delivery Cell'
-          elif path_group.source.find('site/Stock_MP') >= 0 and \
-              path_group.destination.find('site/Piquage') >= 0:
-            delivery_module = self.livraison_fabrication
-            delivery_type = 'Production Packing List'
-            delivery_line_type = delivery_type + ' Line'
-            delivery_cell_type = 'Delivery Cell'
-          for date_group in path_group.group_list :
-            dateGroupProcessing(date_group=date_group,
-                                path_group=path_group,
-                                delivery_module=delivery_module,
-                                delivery_type=delivery_type,
-                                delivery_line_type=delivery_line_type,
-                                delivery_cell_type=delivery_cell_type,
-                                order=order,
-                                delivery_list=delivery_list,
-                                reindexable_movement_list=reindexable_movement_list,
-                                default_rule_id=default_rule_id, **kw)
-      def dateGroupProcessing(date_group, path_group, delivery_module, delivery_type, delivery_line_type, delivery_cell_type, order, delivery_list, reindexable_movement_list, default_rule_id=None, resource=None, **kw):
-        if default_rule_id == 'default_amortisation_rule':
-          accounting_transaction_data_list = {}
-          for path_group in date_group.group_list:
-            source_section = path_group.source_section
-            destination_section = path_group.destination_section
-            source = path_group.source
-            destination = path_group.destination
-            accounting_transaction_data = accounting_transaction_data_list.get( (source_section, destination_section), None)
-            if accounting_transaction_data is None:
-              accounting_transaction_data_list[ (source_section, destination_section) ] = {}
-              accounting_transaction_data = accounting_transaction_data_list.get( (source_section, destination_section), None)
-            quantity = 0
-            source_movement_list = []
-            for movement in path_group.movement_list:
-              if movement.getDeliveryValue() is None:
-                quantity += movement.getQuantity()
-                source_movement_list.append(movement)
-            accounting_transaction_data[ (source, destination) ] = (quantity, source_movement_list)
-            if len(source_movement_list) == 0:
-              del accounting_transaction_data[ (source, destination) ]
-          for (source_section, destination_section), accounting_transaction_data in accounting_transaction_data_list.items():
-            if len(accounting_transaction_data.items()) > 0:
-              new_delivery_id = str(delivery_module.generateNewId())
-              accounting_transaction = delivery_module.newContent(portal_type = delivery_type,
-                                                id = new_delivery_id,
-                                                start_date = date_group.start_date,
-                                                stop_date = date_group.stop_date,
-                                                source_section = source_section,
-                                                destination_section = destination_section
-                                                )
-              accounting_transaction.setResource(resource)
-              for (source, destination), (quantity, source_movement_list) in accounting_transaction_data.items():
-                new_transaction_line_id = str(accounting_transaction.generateNewId())
-                accounting_transaction_line = accounting_transaction.newContent(type_name = delivery_line_type,
-                                                  id = new_transaction_line_id,
-                                                  source = source,
-                                                  destination = destination)
-                accounting_transaction_line = accounting_transaction[new_transaction_line_id]
-                accounting_transaction_line.setQuantity(quantity)
-                accounting_transaction_line.setResource(resource)
-                for movement in source_movement_list:
-                  movement.setDeliveryValue(accounting_transaction_line)
-                  movement.recursiveImmediateReindexObject()
-        else:
-          # Create a new packing list
-          new_delivery_id = str(delivery_module.generateNewId())
-          delivery = delivery_module.newContent(type_name = delivery_type,
-                                    id = new_delivery_id,
-                                    start_date = date_group.start_date,
-                                    stop_date = date_group.stop_date,
-                                    source = path_group.source,
-                                    destination = path_group.destination,
-                                    source_section = path_group.source_section,
-                                    destination_section = path_group.destination_section,
-                                    )
-          if order is not None :
-            delivery.edit(title = order.getTitle(),
-                          causality_value = order,
-                          incoterm = order.getIncoterm(),
-                          delivery_mode = order.getDeliveryMode()
-                          )
-          # the new delivery is added to the delivery_list
-          delivery_list.append(delivery)
-  #        LOG('Livraison créée',0,str(delivery.getId()))
-          # Create each delivery_line in the new delivery
-          for resource_group in date_group.group_list :
-            resourceGroupProcessing(resource_group=resource_group,
-                                    delivery=delivery,
-                                    delivery_type=delivery_type,
-                                    delivery_line_type=delivery_line_type,
-                                    delivery_cell_type=delivery_cell_type,
-                                    delivery_list=delivery_list,
-                                    reindexable_movement_list=reindexable_movement_list, **kw)
-      def resourceGroupProcessing(resource_group, delivery, delivery_type, delivery_line_type, delivery_cell_type, delivery_list, reindexable_movement_list, delivery_module=None, default_rule_id=None, **kw):
-        if default_rule_id == 'default_amortisation_rule':
-          resource = resource_group.resource
-          for date_group in resource_group.group_list:
-            dateGroupProcessing(date_group=date_group,
-                                path_group=None,
-                                delivery_module=delivery_module,
-                                delivery_type=delivery_type,
-                                delivery_line_type=delivery_line_type,
-                                delivery_cell_type=delivery_cell_type,
-                                order=None,
-                                delivery_list=delivery_list,
-                                reindexable_movement_list=reindexable_movement_list,
-                                default_rule_id=default_rule_id,
-                                resource=resource)
-        else:
-          if delivery_type == 'Production Report':
-            if resource_group.resource.find('operation') == 0:
-              delivery_line_type = 'Production Report Operation'
-            else:
-              delivery_line_type = 'Production Report Component'
-          #new_delivery_line_id = str(delivery.generateNewId())
-          delivery_line = delivery.newContent(type_name = delivery_line_type,
-                                              resource = resource_group.resource,
-                                            )
-          line_variation_category_list = []
-          line_variation_base_category_dict = {}
-          # compute line_variation_base_category_list and
-          # line_variation_category_list for new delivery_line
-          for variant_group in resource_group.group_list :
-            for variation_item in variant_group.category_list :
-              if not variation_item in line_variation_category_list :
-                line_variation_category_list.append(variation_item)
-                variation_base_category_items = variation_item.split('/')
-                if len(variation_base_category_items) > 0 :
-                  line_variation_base_category_dict[variation_base_category_items[0]] = 1
-          # update variation_base_category_list and line_variation_category_list for delivery_line
-          line_variation_base_category_list = line_variation_base_category_dict.keys()
-          delivery_line._setVariationBaseCategoryList(line_variation_base_category_list)
-          delivery_line.setVariationCategoryList(line_variation_category_list)
-          # IMPORTANT : delivery cells are automatically created during setVariationCategoryList
-          # update quantity for each delivery_cell
-          for variant_group in resource_group.group_list:
-            #LOG('Variant_group examin?,0,str(variant_group.category_list))
-            object_to_update = None
-            # if there is no variation of the resource, update delivery_line with quantities and price
-            if len(variant_group.category_list) == 0 :
-              object_to_update = delivery_line
-            # else find which delivery_cell is represented by variant_group
-            else :
-              categories_identity = 0
-              #LOG('Before Check cell',0,str(delivery_cell_type))
-              #LOG('Before Check cell',0,str(delivery_line.contentValues()))
-              for delivery_cell in delivery_line.contentValues(
-                                                    filter={'portal_type':delivery_cell_type}) :
-                #LOG('Check cell',0,str(delivery_cell))
-                if len(variant_group.category_list) == len(delivery_cell.getVariationCategoryList()) :
-                  #LOG('Parse category',0,str(delivery_cell.getVariationCategoryList()))
-                  for category in delivery_cell.getVariationCategoryList() :
-                    if not category in variant_group.category_list :
-                      #LOG('Not found category',0,str(category))
-                      break
-                  else :
-                    categories_identity = 1
-                if categories_identity :
-                  object_to_update = delivery_cell
-                  break
-            # compute quantity, quantity and price for delivery_cell or delivery_line and
-            # build relation between simulation_movement and delivery_cell or delivery_line
-            if object_to_update is not None :
-              cell_quantity = 0
-              cell_total_price = 0
-              for movement in variant_group.movement_list :
-                LOG('SimulationTool, movement.getPhysicalPath',0,movement.getPhysicalPath())
-                LOG('SimulationTool, movement.showDict',0,movement.showDict())
-                cell_quantity += movement.getNetConvertedQuantity()
-                try:
-                  cell_total_price += movement.getNetConvertedQuantity()*movement.getPrice() # XXX WARNING - ADD PRICED QUANTITY
-                except:
-                  cell_total_price = None
-                if movement.getPortalType() == 'Simulation Movement' :
-                  # update every simulation_movement
-                  # we set delivery_value and target dates and quantity
-                  movement._setDeliveryValue(object_to_update)
-                  movement._setQuantity(movement.getQuantity())
-                  movement._setEfficiency(movement.getEfficiency())
-                  movement._setStartDate(movement.getStartDate())
-                  movement._setStopDate(movement.getStopDate())
-                  movement._setSource(movement.getSource())
-                  movement._setDestination(movement.getDestination())
-                  movement._setSourceSection(movement.getSourceSection())
-                  movement._setDestinationSection(movement.getDestinationSection())
-                  # We will reindex later
-                  reindexable_movement_list.append(movement)
-              if cell_quantity <> 0 and cell_total_price is not None:
-                average_price = cell_total_price/cell_quantity
-              else :
-                average_price = 0
-              #LOG('object mis à jour',0,str(object_to_update.getRelativeUrl()))
-              object_to_update._edit(quantity = cell_quantity,
-                                     price = average_price,
-                                     force_update = 1,
-                                    )
-      delivery_list = []
-      reindexable_movement_list = []
-      if movement_group is not None:
-        # Verify the rule used to build the movements
-        default_rule_id = None
-        if len(movement_group.movement_list) > 0:
-          f = getattr(movement_group.movement_list[0], 'getRootAppliedRule', None)
-          if f is not None:
-            applied_rule = f()
-            default_rule_id = applied_rule.getSpecialiseId()
-        if default_rule_id == 'default_amortisation_rule':
-          delivery_module = self.getPortalObject().accounting
-          delivery_type = 'Amortisation Transaction'
-          delivery_line_type = delivery_type + ' Line'
-          delivery_cell_type = None
-          for resource_group in movement_group.group_list:
-            resourceGroupProcessing(resource_group=resource_group,
-                                    delivery=None,
-                                    delivery_module=delivery_module,
-                                    delivery_type=delivery_type,
-                                    delivery_line_type=delivery_line_type,
-                                    delivery_cell_type=delivery_cell_type,
-                                    delivery_list=delivery_list,
-                                    reindexable_movement_list=reindexable_movement_list,
-                                    default_rule_id=default_rule_id)
-          for movement in movement_group.movement_list:
-            movement.immediateReindexObject()
-        else:
-          for order_group in movement_group.group_list:
-            if orderGroupProcessing(order_group=order_group,
-                                    delivery_list=delivery_list,
-                                    reindexable_movement_list=reindexable_movement_list) == -1:
-              return delivery_list
-      # If we reach this point, it means we could
-      # create deliveries
-      # get_transaction().commit()
-      # Now, let us index what must be indexed
-      # Since we comitted changes, there should be no risk of conflict
-      LOG('reindexable_movement_list',0,reindexable_movement_list)
-      for movement in reindexable_movement_list:
-        LOG('will reindex this object: ',0,movement)
-        # We have to use 'immediate' to bypass the activity tool,
-        # because we will depend on these objects when we try to call buildInvoiceList
-        # movement.reindexObject() # we do it now because we need to
-        movement.immediateReindexObject() # we do it now because we need to
-                                 # update category relation
-      # Now return deliveries which were created
-      return delivery_list
     # Capacity Management
     security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'updateCapacity' )