"storage/csv/ha_tina.cc" did not exist on "c4cc1173155f020f60186bb4b1a25f96d4ded0d1"
Commit 107587d5 authored by Fabien Morin's avatar Fabien Morin

add 1 to KnowledgePad_generateAjaxCall parameters, this is to...

add 1 to KnowledgePad_generateAjaxCall parameters, this is to ignore_security_check : in case of rss gadget displayed to annonymous users, we want the user to be able to refress the rss feed (But move gadget and configure it is not allowed)

git-svn-id: https://svn.erp5.org/repos/public/erp5/trunk@30531 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent e433da71
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
<!-- Refresh -->\n
<a class="right" tal:attributes="onclick python:real_context.KnowledgePad_generateAjaxCall(context_url+\'/\'+form_id,box,box_id)"><img alt="" tal:attributes="onload python:\'if(\\\'\'+rss_title.replace(\'\\\'\',\'\')+\'\\\'==\\\'Please enter a valid Rss or Atom url in the edit form\\\'){showElement(\\\'edit_form_\'+box.getId()+\'\\\');;}\'" src="refresh.png"/></a>\n
<a class="right" tal:attributes="onclick python:real_context.KnowledgePad_generateAjaxCall(context_url+\'/\'+form_id,box,box_id, {}, 1)"><img alt="" tal:attributes="onload python:\'if(\\\'\'+rss_title.replace(\'\\\'\',\'\')+\'\\\'==\\\'Please enter a valid Rss or Atom url in the edit form\\\'){showElement(\\\'edit_form_\'+box.getId()+\'\\\');;}\'" src="refresh.png"/></a>\n
<!-- Feed Title -->\n
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\ No newline at end of file
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