#!/usr/bin/python ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Vincent Pelletier <vincent@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## # About errors in TIDStorage logs: # - CRITICAL: Decreasing update ignored # This error means that any backup started prior to this error can contain # incomplete transaction data. # This error can happen when TIDStorage did not handle received data in the # right order. # Example: # 3 storages (S1, S2, S3): # They all start at TID=1 value. # 2 transaction (T1, T2): # T1 commits TID 3 on S2, TID 2 on S3 # T2 commits TID 2 on S1, TID 2 on S2 # Due to those TIDs, TIDStorage *should* handle data in this order: # T2begin, T2commit, T1begin, T1commit # Or: # T2begin, T1begin, T2commit, T1commit # Or even, though it denotes a late handling of T2commit: # T2begin, T1begin, T1commit, T2commit # But, if TIDStorage handles data in the following order: # T1begin, T1commit, T2begin, T2commit # *AND* a backup dumps TIDStorage content at a point between T1commit and # T2commit, then the backup will contain T2's commit on S2, which has a # lower TID than T1's commit on that same storage. # # - Abort received, but never began # and # - Commit received, but never began # These erros means that packets were lost/never received. # This should not happen, since network connection is TCP, and TCP # retransmits data. # But it happens frequently if TIDStorage is started when Zope is under # load. This is because Zope attemped to contact TIDStorage at "begin" # step, but could not reach it. Then, at commit (or abort) it could reach # TIDStorage, causing the error message. # This error is bening, because: # - Until bootstrap is complete, no TID is available for backup # - When bootstrap is complete, it means that every ZODB got unlocked # at some point (since TIDStorage commit happens after ZODB tpc_finish # lock release). # - When a transaction sends data to multiple ZODBs, there is a point in # time when ALL impacted ZODBs are locked. # The conclusion of all this is that any transaction started before # TIDStorage was available has necesarily finished (commit or abort) at # the time bootstrap finished. # So no backup can be affected by such message (but backup feasability can # get delayed as locks would delay bootstrap end, and hence TID data # availability). import os import imp import sys import pwd import grp import sets import time import urllib import socket import signal import getopt import SocketServer import threading import traceback from ExchangeProtocol import ClientDisconnected, ExchangeProtocol class TransactionException(Exception): pass class AlwaysIncreasingDict(dict): """ When inserting/updating a value, check that the new one is strictly greater than existing key (or integer 0 value if no value existed for given key). Values are converted to integers before comparison. TODO: - Do not descend from dict to prevent users from avoiding checks. """ def __init__(self, strict=False, *args, **kw): dict.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self._strict = strict def __setitem__(self, key, value): if self.get(key, 0) < value: dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) else: if self._strict: log('CRITICAL: Decreasing update ignored: key=%r %r <= %r' % \ (key, value, self.get(key, 0))) def update(self, other): """ To check for decreases. """ for key, value in other.iteritems(): self[key] = value class TransactionTracker: """ Implement transaction tracking. This class is not thread-safe. A transaction starts with a call to "begin" and ends with a call to "finish" with the same identifier. "finish" returns payload provided at begin (or True if no payload was given) if nothing illegal was detected, otherwise returns False. Illegal cases: - "begin" called twice without intermediate "finish" call - "finish" called without a corresponding "begin" call (this includes calling "finish" twice) """ def __init__(self): self._container = {} def begin(self, identifier, payload=True): if identifier in self._container: raise TransactionException, 'Begin called twice in a row.' self._container[identifier] = payload def finish(self, identifier): if identifier not in self._container: raise TransactionException, 'Finish called without former "begin" call.' return self._container.pop(identifier) class TIDServer(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): """ Exchange data with connected peer. TODO: - Implement socket buffering. """ def log(self, message): log('%r: %s' % (self.client_address, message)) def dump(self): tid_dict = self._tid_storage.dump() self._field_exchange.send_dict(tid_dict) def begin(self): identifier = self._field_exchange.recv_field() storage_id_list = self._field_exchange.recv_list() self._tid_storage.begin(identifier, storage_id_list) def abort(self): identifier = self._field_exchange.recv_field() self._tid_storage.abort(identifier) def commit(self): identifier = self._field_exchange.recv_field() tid_dict = self._field_exchange.recv_dict() self._tid_storage.commit(identifier, tid_dict) def bootstraped(self): self._field_exchange.send_int(has_bootstraped and 1 or 0) def handle(self): global tid_storage self._tid_storage = tid_storage self._field_exchange = ExchangeProtocol(socket=self.request) command_mapping = { 'begin': self.begin, 'abort': self.abort, 'commit': self.commit, 'dump': self.dump, 'bootstraped': self.bootstraped, } self.log('Connected') try: # Intercept ClientDisconnected exception to stop thread nicely instead # of crashing. # Log all others exceptions. while True: received = self._field_exchange.recv_field() command_str = received.lower() if command_str == 'quit': break method = command_mapping.get(command_str) if method is not None: # Intercept all errors to log it instead of causing disconnection. # Except, of course, the ClientDisconnected exception itself. try: method() except ClientDisconnected: raise except: self.log('\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))) except ClientDisconnected: pass except: self.log('\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))) self.log('Client disconnected') self.request.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.request.close() return class TIDStorage: """ Store ZODB TIDs for multiple ZODBs. Designed to be a singleton. Thread-safe. Consequently, transactions are not bound to a specific connection: If a connection is cut after a "begin", reconnecting and issuing "abort" or "commit" is valid. TODO: - Use smaller locking areas - Improve decision taking algorythm in _unregisterTransactionID (implies modifying _registerTransactionIDAndStorageID). """ _storage_id_lock = threading.RLock() _next_full_dump = None _next_dump = None _tid_file = None _burst_period = None _full_dump_period = None def __init__(self, tid_file_path=None, burst_period=None, full_dump_period=None): self._transaction_tracker = TransactionTracker() self._storage = AlwaysIncreasingDict(strict=True) self._transcient = AlwaysIncreasingDict() self._storage_id_to_transaction_id_list_dict = {} self._transaction_id_to_storage_id_list_dict = {} self._storage_id_to_storage_id_set_dict = {} if tid_file_path is not None: self._tid_file = LogFile(tid_file_path) self._burst_period = burst_period self._full_dump_period = full_dump_period now = time.time() if full_dump_period is not None: self._next_full_dump = now if burst_period is not None: self._next_dump = now self._since_last_burst = sets.Set() def __repr__(self): result = [] append = result.append self._storage_id_lock.acquire() try: append('_storage_id_to_transaction_id_list_dict=' + \ repr(self._storage_id_to_transaction_id_list_dict)) append('_transaction_id_to_storage_id_list_dict=' + \ repr(self._transaction_id_to_storage_id_list_dict)) append('_storage_id_to_storage_id_set_dict=' + \ repr(self._storage_id_to_storage_id_set_dict)) append('_transcient=' + repr(self._transcient)) append('_storage=' + repr(self._storage)) finally: self._storage_id_lock.release() return '\n'.join(result) def _registerTransactionIDAndStorageID(self, transaction_id, storage_id_list): assert len(storage_id_list) != 0 assert self._storage_id_lock.acquire(False) try: # Update transaction_id -> storage_id_list assert transaction_id not in self._transaction_id_to_storage_id_list_dict self._transaction_id_to_storage_id_list_dict[transaction_id] = storage_id_list storage_id_set = sets.Set(storage_id_list) storage_id_set_id_set = sets.Set() for storage_id in storage_id_list: # Update storage_id -> transaction_id_list identifier_set = self._storage_id_to_transaction_id_list_dict.get(storage_id) if identifier_set is None: identifier_set = self._storage_id_to_transaction_id_list_dict[storage_id] = sets.Set() assert transaction_id not in identifier_set identifier_set.add(transaction_id) # Prepare the update storage_id -> storage_id_set existing_storage_id_set = self._storage_id_to_storage_id_set_dict.get(storage_id, None) if existing_storage_id_set is not None: storage_id_set.union_update(existing_storage_id_set) storage_id_set_id_set.add(id(existing_storage_id_set)) # Update storage_id -> storage_id_set # Cannot use iteritems because dict is modified in the loop. for key, value in self._storage_id_to_storage_id_set_dict.items(): if id(value) in storage_id_set_id_set: self._storage_id_to_storage_id_set_dict[key] = storage_id_set for storage_id in storage_id_set: self._storage_id_to_storage_id_set_dict[storage_id] = storage_id_set finally: self._storage_id_lock.release() def _unregisterTransactionID(self, transaction_id): """ Also transfers from self._transcient to self._storage. """ assert self._storage_id_lock.acquire(False) try: # Update transaction_id -> storage_id_list and retrieve storage_id_list # Raises if not found storage_id_list = self._transaction_id_to_storage_id_list_dict.pop(transaction_id) # Update storage_id -> transaction_id_list for storage_id in storage_id_list: identifier_set = self._storage_id_to_transaction_id_list_dict[storage_id] # Raises if not found identifier_set.remove(transaction_id) if len(identifier_set) == 0: del self._storage_id_to_transaction_id_list_dict[storage_id] # Update storage_id -> storage_id_set # Raises if not found storage_id_set = self._storage_id_to_storage_id_set_dict[storage_id] # Raises if not found storage_id_set.remove(storage_id) if has_bootstraped: if self._tid_file is not None: now = time.time() can_full_dump = (self._next_full_dump is not None) and (self._next_full_dump < now) can_dump = (not can_full_dump) and (self._next_dump is not None) and (self._next_dump < now) record_for_dump = can_dump or (self._next_dump is not None) append_to_file = (can_dump or can_full_dump) else: append_to_file = record_for_dump = can_dump = can_full_dump = False for key, value in self._storage_id_to_storage_id_set_dict.iteritems(): if len(value) == 0 and key in self._transcient: self._storage[key] = self._transcient.pop(key) if record_for_dump: self._since_last_burst.add(key) if append_to_file: if can_full_dump: to_dump_dict = self._storage dump_code = 'f' else: to_dump_dict = dict([(key, self._storage[key]) for key in self._since_last_burst]) dump_code = 'd' if len(to_dump_dict): self._tid_file.write('%.02f %s %r\n' % (now, dump_code, to_dump_dict)) if can_full_dump: self._next_full_dump = now + self._full_dump_period if self._next_dump is not None: self._next_dump = now + self._burst_period self._since_last_burst.clear() else: doBootstrap() finally: self._storage_id_lock.release() def dump(self): self._storage_id_lock.acquire() try: return self._storage.copy() finally: self._storage_id_lock.release() def dump_transcient(self): self._storage_id_lock.acquire() try: return self._transcient.copy() finally: self._storage_id_lock.release() def begin(self, transaction_id, storage_id_list): self._storage_id_lock.acquire() try: self._transaction_tracker.begin(transaction_id, storage_id_list) self._registerTransactionIDAndStorageID(transaction_id, storage_id_list) finally: self._storage_id_lock.release() def abort(self, transaction_id): self._storage_id_lock.acquire() try: try: self._transaction_tracker.finish(transaction_id) except TransactionException: # Overwrite exception message raise TransactionException, 'Abort received, but never began' self._unregisterTransactionID(transaction_id) finally: self._storage_id_lock.release() def commit(self, transaction_id, tid_dict): self._storage_id_lock.acquire() try: try: storage_id_list = self._transaction_tracker.finish(transaction_id) except TransactionException: # Overwrite exception message raise TransactionException, 'Commit received, but never began' check_dict = tid_dict.copy() for storage_id in storage_id_list: del check_dict[storage_id] assert len(check_dict) == 0 self._transcient.update(tid_dict) self._unregisterTransactionID(transaction_id) finally: self._storage_id_lock.release() class BootstrapContent(threading.Thread): """ Thread used to bootstrap TIDStorage content. This must be started at first client request, and must be run only once. Global boolean "has_bootstraped" is set to true once it succeeded. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): threading.Thread.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.setDaemon(True) def run(self): """ Contact all zopes to serialize all their storages. """ global has_bootstraped base_url = options.base_url if base_url is not None: log('Bootstrap started') storage_id_to_object_path_dict = {} for key, value in options.known_tid_storage_identifier_dict.iteritems(): mountpoint = value[2] if mountpoint is None: log('Skipping bootstrap of storage %s because its mountpoint is unknown.' % (key, )) else: storage_id_to_object_path_dict[key] = mountpoint target_storage_id_set = sets.ImmutableSet(storage_id_to_object_path_dict.keys()) known_storage_id_set = sets.ImmutableSet(tid_storage.dump_transcient().keys()) to_check_storage_id_set = target_storage_id_set - known_storage_id_set while len(to_check_storage_id_set) and can_bootstrap: serialize_url = None for storage_id in to_check_storage_id_set: if can_bootstrap and storage_id not in tid_storage.dump_transcient().keys(): serialize_url = base_url % (storage_id_to_object_path_dict[storage_id], ) try: # Query a Zope, which will contact this process in return to store # the new TID number, making the given storage known. page = urllib.urlopen(serialize_url) except Exception, message: log('Exception during bootstrap (%r):\n%s' % (serialize_url, ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))) else: log('Opened %r: %r' % (serialize_url, page.read())) # Let some time for zope to contact TIDStorage back and fill the gaps. time.sleep(5) known_storage_id_set = sets.ImmutableSet(tid_storage.dump_transcient().keys()) to_check_storage_id_set = target_storage_id_set - known_storage_id_set if len(to_check_storage_id_set): log('Bootstrap in progress... Mising storages: %r' % (to_check_storage_id_set, )) # Retry a bit later time.sleep(60) if len(to_check_storage_id_set) == 0: log('Bootstrap done (%i storages).' % (len(target_storage_id_set), )) has_bootstraped = True else: log('Bootstrap did not happen because base_url was not given.') has_bootstraped = True bootstrap_content = BootstrapContent() has_bootstraped = False can_bootstrap = True bootstrap_lock = threading.RLock() def doBootstrap(): acquired = bootstrap_lock.acquire(False) if acquired: try: if not bootstrap_content.isAlive(): bootstrap_content.start() finally: bootstrap_lock.release() def log(message): print >> sys.stdout, '%s: %s' % (time.asctime(), message) class PoliteThreadingTCPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer): daemon_threads = True allow_reuse_address = True def main(address, port): server = PoliteThreadingTCPServer((address, port), TIDServer) try: try: log('Server listening.') server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: log('Shuting down (received KeyboardInterrupt).') finally: global can_bootstrap can_bootstrap = False server.server_close() def openLog(): return open(options.logfile_name, 'a', 0) def HUPHandler(signal_number, stack): log('Rotating logfile...') sys.stdout = sys.stderr = openLog() log('Logfile rotated') def USR1Handler(signal_number, stack): log(repr(tid_storage)) def TERMHandler(signal_number, stack): log('Received SIGTERM, exiting.') raise KeyboardInterrupt, 'Killed by SIGTERM' def usage(): print """ Usage: %(arg0)s [-h] [-n|--nofork|--fg] [-l|--log] [-p|--port] [-a|--address] [--pidfile] [--user] [--group] [-s|--status-file] [-b|--burst-period] [-F|--full-dump-period] [-c|--config] -h Display this help. -n --nofork --fg Do not fork in background. -l filename --log filename Log to given filename, instead of default %(logfile_name)s. -p number --port number Listen to given port number, intead of default %(port)i. -a address --address address Listen to interface runing given address, instead of default %(address)s. --pidfile file_path If forking, this file will contain the pid of forked process. If this argument is not provided, pid is written to %(pidfile_name)s. --user user_name Run as specified user. Also, retrieve user's group and run as this group. --group group_name Run as specified group. If both --user and --group are specified, --group must come last. -s file_name --status-file file_name Append stored TIDs to file. See also "burst-period" and "full-dump-period". If not provided, no dump ever happens. -b seconds --burst-period seconds Defines the age of last write after which an incremental write can happen. Such write only contain what changed since last write. If not provided, no incremental write is done. -F seconds --full-dump-period seconds How many seconds must separate complete dumps to status file. Those writes contain the complete current state. If both a full dump and an incremental write can happen, full dump takes precedence. If not provided, no full dump is done. -c file_name --config file_name Use given file as options file. It must be a python file. See sample_options.py for possible values. If provided and if configuration file defines base_url and known_tid_storage_identifier_dict variables, this program will cause generation of all tids before first write to status file. """ % {'arg0': sys.argv[0], 'logfile_name': Options.logfile_name, 'pidfile_name': Options.pidfile_name, 'port': Options.port, 'address': Options.address} class Options: port = 9001 address = '' logfile_name = 'tidstorage.log' pidfile_name = 'tidstorage.pid' fork = True setuid = None setgid = None status_file = None burst_period = None full_dump_period = None known_tid_storage_identifier_dict = {} base_url = None config_file_name = None options = Options() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hnfl:p:a:s:b:F:c:', ['help', 'nofork', 'fg', 'log=', 'port=', 'address=', 'pidfile=', 'user=', 'group=', 'status-file=', 'burst-period=', 'full-dump-period=', 'config=']) except: usage() raise for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ('-n', '--fg', '--nofork'): options.fork = False elif opt in ('-l', '--log'): options.logfile_name = arg elif opt in ('-p', '--port'): options.port = int(arg) elif opt in ('-a', '--address'): options.address = arg elif opt == '--pidfile': options.pidfile_name = arg elif opt == '--user': pw = pwd.getpwnam(arg) options.setuid = pw.pw_uid options.setgid = pw.pw_gid elif opt == '--group': options.setgid = grp.getgrnam(arg).gr_gid elif opt in ('-s', '--status-file'): options.status_file = arg elif opt in ('-b', '--burst-period'): options.burst_period = int(arg) elif opt in ('-F', '--full-dump-period'): options.full_dump_period = int(arg) elif opt in ('-c', '--config'): config_file_name = arg if config_file_name is not None: config_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(config_file_name))[0] config_path = os.path.dirname(config_file_name) if len(config_path): config_path = [config_path] else: config_path = sys.path file, path, description = imp.find_module(config_file, config_path) module = imp.load_module(config_file, file, path, description) file.close() for option_id in [x for x in dir(Options) if x[:1] != '_']: if option_id not in options.__dict__ and hasattr(module, option_id): setattr(options, option_id, getattr(module, option_id)) if options.pidfile_name is not None: options.pidfile_name = os.path.abspath(options.pidfile_name) if options.logfile_name is not None: options.logfile_name = os.path.abspath(options.logfile_name) if options.status_file is not None: options.status_file = os.path.abspath(options.status_file) if options.setgid is not None: os.setgid(options.setgid) if options.setuid is not None: os.setuid(options.setuid) tid_storage = TIDStorage(tid_file_path=options.status_file, burst_period=options.burst_period, full_dump_period=options.full_dump_period) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, HUPHandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, USR1Handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, TERMHandler) if options.fork: os.chdir('/') os.umask(027) logfile = openLog() pidfile = open(options.pidfile_name, 'w') pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: os.setsid() pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: pidfile.close() os.close(0) os.close(1) os.close(2) sys.stdout = sys.stderr = logfile main(options.address, options.port) log('Exiting.') else: pidfile.write(str(pid)) pidfile.close() os._exit(0) else: os._exit(0) else: main(options.address, options.port)