############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002, 2005 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com> # Romain Courteaud <romain@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass, DTMLFile from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions from Products.ERP5Type.Tool.BaseTool import BaseTool from Products.ERP5 import _dtmldir from zLOG import LOG, PROBLEM from Products.ERP5.Capacity.GLPK import solve from numpy import zeros, resize from DateTime import DateTime from Products.ERP5 import DeliverySolver from Products.ERP5 import TargetSolver from Products.PythonScripts.Utility import allow_class from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import Query, ComplexQuery from Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results import Results from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import mergeZRDBResults from warnings import warn class SimulationTool(BaseTool): """ The SimulationTool implements the ERP5 simulation algorithmics. Examples of applications: - - ERP5 main purpose: - - """ id = 'portal_simulation' meta_type = 'ERP5 Simulation Tool' portal_type = 'Simulation Tool' allowed_types = ( 'ERP5 Applied Rule', ) # Declarative Security security = ClassSecurityInfo() # # ZMI methods # security.declareProtected( Permissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_overview' ) manage_overview = DTMLFile( 'explainSimulationTool', _dtmldir ) def filtered_meta_types(self, user=None): # Filters the list of available meta types. all = SimulationTool.inheritedAttribute('filtered_meta_types')(self) meta_types = [] for meta_type in self.all_meta_types(): if meta_type['name'] in self.allowed_types: meta_types.append(meta_type) return meta_types def tpValues(self) : """ show the content in the left pane of the ZMI """ return self.objectValues() security.declarePrivate('manage_afterAdd') def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container) : """Init permissions right after creation. Permissions in simulation tool are simple: o Each member can access and create some content. o Only manager can view, because simulation can be seen as sensitive information. """ item.manage_permission(Permissions.AddPortalContent, ['Member', 'Author', 'Manager']) item.manage_permission(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, ['Member', 'Auditor', 'Manager']) item.manage_permission(Permissions.View, ['Manager',]) BaseTool.inheritedAttribute('manage_afterAdd')(self, item, container) def solveDelivery(self, delivery, delivery_solver_name, target_solver_name, additional_parameters=None, **kw): """ Solves a delivery by calling first DeliverySolver, then TargetSolver """ return self._solveMovementOrDelivery(delivery, delivery_solver_name, target_solver_name, delivery=1, additional_parameters=additional_parameters, **kw) def solveMovement(self, movement, delivery_solver_name, target_solver_name, additional_parameters=None, **kw): """ Solves a movement by calling first DeliverySolver, then TargetSolver """ return self._solveMovementOrDelivery(movement, delivery_solver_name, target_solver_name, movement=1, additional_parameters=additional_parameters, **kw) def _solveMovementOrDelivery(self, document, delivery_solver_name, target_solver_name, movement=0, delivery=0, additional_parameters=None,**kw): """ Solves a document by calling first DeliverySolver, then TargetSolver """ if movement == delivery: raise ValueError('Parameters movement and delivery have to be' ' different') solve_result = [] for solver_name, solver_module in ((delivery_solver_name, DeliverySolver), (target_solver_name, TargetSolver)): result = None if solver_name is not None: solver_file_path = "%s.%s" % (solver_module.__name__, solver_name) __import__(solver_file_path) solver_file = getattr(solver_module, solver_name) solver_class = getattr(solver_file, solver_name) solver = solver_class(additional_parameters=additional_parameters, **kw) if movement: result = solver.solveMovement(document) if delivery: result = solver.solveDelivery(document) solve_result.append(result) return solve_result ####################################################### # Stock Management def _generatePropertyUidList(self, prop, as_text=0): """ converts relative_url or text (single element or list or dict) to an object usable by buildSQLQuery as_text == 0: tries to lookup an uid from the relative_url as_text == 1: directly passes the argument as text """ if prop is None : return [] category_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_categories') property_uid_list = [] if isinstance(prop, str): if not as_text: prop_value = category_tool.getCategoryValue(prop) if prop_value is None: raise ValueError, 'Category %s does not exists' % prop property_uid_list.append(prop_value.getUid()) else: property_uid_list.append(prop) elif isinstance(prop, (list, tuple)): for property_item in prop : if not as_text: prop_value = category_tool.getCategoryValue(property_item) if prop_value is None: raise ValueError, 'Category %s does not exists' % property_item property_uid_list.append(prop_value.getUid()) else: property_uid_list.append(property_item) elif isinstance(prop, dict): tmp_uid_list = [] if isinstance(prop['query'], str): prop['query'] = [prop['query']] for property_item in prop['query'] : if not as_text: prop_value = category_tool.getCategoryValue(property_item) if prop_value is None: raise ValueError, 'Category %s does not exists' % property_item tmp_uid_list.append(prop_value.getUid()) else: tmp_uid_list.append(property_item) if tmp_uid_list: property_uid_list = {} property_uid_list['operator'] = prop['operator'] property_uid_list['query'] = tmp_uid_list return property_uid_list def _getSimulationStateQuery(self, **kw): simulation_state_dict = self._getSimulationStateDict(**kw) return self._buildSimulationStateQuery(simulation_state_dict=simulation_state_dict) def _buildSimulationStateQuery(self, simulation_state_dict, table='stock'): input_simulation_state = simulation_state_dict.get( 'input_simulation_state') output_simulation_state = simulation_state_dict.get( 'output_simulation_state') simulation_state = simulation_state_dict.get('simulation_state') if simulation_state is not None: simulation_query = Query(operator='IN', **{'%s.simulation_state' % (table, ): simulation_state}) elif input_simulation_state is not None: input_quantity_query = ComplexQuery( ComplexQuery( Query(**{'%s.quantity' % table: '>0'}), Query(**{'%s.is_cancellation' % table: 0}), operator='AND'), ComplexQuery( Query(**{'%s.quantity' % table: '<0'}), Query(**{'%s.is_cancellation' % table: 1}), operator='AND'), operator='OR') input_simulation_query = Query(operator='IN', **{'%s.simulation_state' % (table, ): input_simulation_state}) simulation_query = ComplexQuery(input_quantity_query, input_simulation_query, operator='AND') if output_simulation_state is not None: output_quantity_query = ComplexQuery( ComplexQuery( Query(**{'%s.quantity' % table: '<0'}), Query(**{'%s.is_cancellation' % table: 0}), operator='AND'), ComplexQuery( Query(**{'%s.quantity' % table: '>0'}), Query(**{'%s.is_cancellation' % table: 1}), operator='AND'), operator='OR') output_simulation_query = Query(operator='IN', **{'%s.simulation_state' % (table, ): output_simulation_state}) output_query = ComplexQuery(output_quantity_query, output_simulation_query, operator='AND') simulation_query = ComplexQuery(simulation_query, output_query, operator='OR') else: simulation_query = None return simulation_query def _getSimulationStateDict(self, simulation_state=None, omit_transit=0, input_simulation_state=None, output_simulation_state=None, transit_simulation_state=None, strict_simulation_state=None): """ This method is used in order to give what should be the input_simulation_state or output_simulation_state depending on many parameters """ string_or_list = (str, list, tuple) # Simulation States # If strict_simulation_state is set, we directly put it into the dictionary simulation_dict = {} if strict_simulation_state: if isinstance(simulation_state, string_or_list)\ and simulation_state: simulation_query = Query( **{'stock.simulation_state': simulation_state}) else: # first, we evaluate simulation_state sql_kw = {} if simulation_state and isinstance(simulation_state, string_or_list): if isinstance(simulation_state, str): sql_kw['input_simulation_state'] = [simulation_state] sql_kw['output_simulation_state'] = [simulation_state] else: sql_kw['input_simulation_state'] = simulation_state sql_kw['output_simulation_state'] = simulation_state # then, if omit_transit == 1, we evaluate (simulation_state - # transit_simulation_state) for input_simulation_state if omit_transit: if isinstance(simulation_state, string_or_list)\ and simulation_state: if isinstance(transit_simulation_state, string_or_list)\ and transit_simulation_state: # when we know both are usable, we try to calculate # (simulation_state - transit_simulation_state) if isinstance(simulation_state, str): simulation_state = [simulation_state] if isinstance(transit_simulation_state, str) : transit_simulation_state = [transit_simulation_state] delivered_simulation_state_list = [] for state in simulation_state : if state not in transit_simulation_state : delivered_simulation_state_list.append(state) sql_kw['input_simulation_state'] = delivered_simulation_state_list # alternatively, the user can directly define input_simulation_state # and output_simulation_state if input_simulation_state and isinstance(input_simulation_state, string_or_list): if isinstance(input_simulation_state, str): input_simulation_state = [input_simulation_state] sql_kw['input_simulation_state'] = input_simulation_state if output_simulation_state and isinstance(output_simulation_state, string_or_list): if isinstance(output_simulation_state, str): output_simulation_state = [output_simulation_state] sql_kw['output_simulation_state'] = output_simulation_state # XXX In this case, we must not set sql_kw[input_simumlation_state] before input_simulation_state = None output_simulation_state = None if sql_kw.has_key('input_simulation_state'): input_simulation_state = sql_kw.get('input_simulation_state') if sql_kw.has_key('output_simulation_state'): output_simulation_state = sql_kw.get('output_simulation_state') if input_simulation_state is not None \ or output_simulation_state is not None: sql_kw.pop('input_simulation_state',None) sql_kw.pop('output_simulation_state',None) if input_simulation_state is not None: if output_simulation_state is not None: if input_simulation_state == output_simulation_state: simulation_dict['simulation_state'] = input_simulation_state else: simulation_dict['input_simulation_state'] = input_simulation_state simulation_dict['output_simulation_state'] = output_simulation_state else: simulation_dict['input_simulation_state'] = input_simulation_state elif output_simulation_state is not None: simulation_dict['simulation_state'] = output_simulation_state return simulation_dict def _getOmitQuery(self, query_table=None, omit_input=0, omit_output=0, omit_asset_increase=0, omit_asset_decrease=0, **kw): omit_dict = self._getOmitDict(omit_input=omit_input, omit_output=omit_output, omit_asset_increase=omit_asset_increase, omit_asset_decrease=omit_asset_decrease) return self._buildOmitQuery(query_table=query_table, omit_dict=omit_dict) def _buildOmitQuery(self, query_table, omit_dict): """ Build a specific query in order to take: - negatives quantity values if omit_input - postives quantity values if omit_output - negatives asset price values if omit_asset_increase - positives asset price values if omit_asset_decrease """ omit_query = None omit_input = omit_dict.get('input', False) omit_output = omit_dict.get('output', False) omit_asset_increase = omit_dict.get('asset_increase', False) omit_asset_decrease = omit_dict.get('asset_decrease', False) if omit_input or omit_output\ or omit_asset_increase or omit_asset_decrease: # Make sure to check some conditions condition_expression = \ "%(query_table)s.node_uid <> %(query_table)s.mirror_node_uid \ OR %(query_table)s.section_uid <> %(query_table)s.mirror_section_uid \ OR %(query_table)s.mirror_node_uid IS NULL \ OR %(query_table)s.mirror_section_uid IS NULL \ OR %(query_table)s.payment_uid IS NOT NULL \ " % {'query_table': query_table} if omit_input: quantity_query = ComplexQuery( ComplexQuery( Query(**{'%s.quantity' % query_table: '<0'}), Query(**{'%s.is_cancellation' % query_table: 0}), operator='AND'), ComplexQuery( Query(**{'%s.quantity' % query_table: '>0'}), Query(**{'%s.is_cancellation' % query_table: 1}), operator='AND'), operator='OR') omit_query = ComplexQuery(quantity_query, condition_expression, operator='AND') if omit_output: quantity_query = ComplexQuery( ComplexQuery( Query(**{'%s.quantity' % query_table: '>0'}), Query(**{'%s.is_cancellation' % query_table: 0}), operator='AND'), ComplexQuery( Query(**{'%s.quantity' % query_table: '<0'}), Query(**{'%s.is_cancellation' % query_table: 1}), operator='AND'), operator='OR') output_query = ComplexQuery(quantity_query, condition_expression, operator='AND') if omit_query is not None: omit_query = ComplexQuery(omit_query, output_query, operator='AND') else: omit_query = output_query if omit_asset_increase: asset_price_query = ComplexQuery( ComplexQuery( Query(**{'%s.total_price' % query_table: '<0'}), Query(**{'%s.is_cancellation' % query_table: 0}), operator='AND'), ComplexQuery( Query(**{'%s.total_price' % query_table: '>0'}), Query(**{'%s.is_cancellation' % query_table: 1}), operator='AND'), operator='OR') asset_increase_query = ComplexQuery(asset_price_query, condition_expression, operator='AND') if omit_query is not None: omit_query = ComplexQuery(omit_query, asset_increase_query, operator='AND') else: omit_query = asset_increase_query if omit_asset_decrease: asset_price_query = ComplexQuery( ComplexQuery( Query(**{'%s.total_price' % query_table: '>0'}), Query(**{'%s.is_cancellation' % query_table: 0}), operator='AND'), ComplexQuery( Query(**{'%s.total_price' % query_table: '<0'}), Query(**{'%s.is_cancellation' % query_table: 1}), operator='AND'), operator='OR') asset_decrease_query = ComplexQuery(asset_price_query, condition_expression, operator='AND') if omit_query is not None: omit_query = ComplexQuery(omit_query, asset_decrease_query, operator='AND') else: omit_query = asset_decrease_query return omit_query def _getOmitDict(self, omit_input=False, omit_output=False, omit_asset_increase=False, omit_asset_decrease=False): return { 'input': omit_input, 'output': omit_output, 'asset_increase': omit_asset_increase, 'asset_decrease': omit_asset_decrease, } def _generateSQLKeywordDict(self, table='stock', **kw): sql_kw, new_kw = self._generateKeywordDict(**kw) return self._generateSQLKeywordDictFromKeywordDict(table=table, sql_kw=sql_kw, new_kw=new_kw) def _generateSQLKeywordDictFromKeywordDict(self, table='stock', sql_kw={}, new_kw={}): ctool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_catalog') sql_kw = sql_kw.copy() new_kw = new_kw.copy() # Group-by expression (eg. group_by=['node_uid']) group_by = new_kw.pop('group_by', []) # group by from stock table (eg. group_by_node=True) # prepend table name to avoid ambiguities. column_group_by = new_kw.pop('column_group_by', []) if column_group_by: group_by.extend(['%s.%s' % (table, x) for x in column_group_by]) # group by from related keys columns (eg. group_by_node_category=True) related_key_group_by = new_kw.pop('related_key_group_by', []) if related_key_group_by: group_by.extend(['%s_%s' % (table, x) for x in related_key_group_by]) # group by involving a related key (eg. group_by=['product_line_uid']) related_key_dict_passthrough_group_by = new_kw.get( 'related_key_dict_passthrough', dict()).pop('group_by', []) if isinstance(related_key_dict_passthrough_group_by, basestring): related_key_dict_passthrough_group_by = ( related_key_dict_passthrough_group_by,) group_by.extend(related_key_dict_passthrough_group_by) if group_by: new_kw['group_by'] = group_by # select expression select_dict = new_kw.get('select_dict', dict()) related_key_select_expression_list = new_kw.pop( 'related_key_select_expression_list', []) for related_key_select in related_key_select_expression_list: select_dict[related_key_select] = '%s_%s' % (table, related_key_select) new_kw['select_dict'] = select_dict # Column values column_value_dict = new_kw.pop('column_value_dict', {}) for key, value in column_value_dict.iteritems(): new_kw['%s.%s' % (table, key)] = value # Related keys # First, the passthrough (acts as default values) for key, value in new_kw.pop('related_key_dict_passthrough', {})\ .iteritems(): new_kw[key] = value # Second, calculated values for key, value in new_kw.pop('related_key_dict', {}).iteritems(): new_kw['%s_%s' % (table, key)] = value # Simulation states matched with input and output omission def joinQueriesIfNeeded(query_a, query_b, operator): if None not in (query_a, query_b): return ComplexQuery(query_a, query_b, operator=operator) elif query_a is not None: return query_a return query_b def getSimulationQuery(simulation_dict, omit_dict): simulation_query = self._buildSimulationStateQuery( simulation_state_dict=simulation_dict, table=table) omit_query = self._buildOmitQuery(query_table=table, omit_dict=omit_dict) return joinQueriesIfNeeded(query_a=simulation_query, query_b=omit_query, operator='AND') regular_query = getSimulationQuery(new_kw.pop('simulation_dict', {}), new_kw.pop('omit_dict', {})) reserved_kw = new_kw.pop('reserved_kw', None) if reserved_kw is not None: reserved_query = getSimulationQuery( reserved_kw.pop('simulation_dict', {}), reserved_kw.pop('omit_dict', {})) simulation_query = joinQueriesIfNeeded(query_a=regular_query, query_b=reserved_query, operator='OR') else: simulation_query = regular_query if simulation_query is not None: new_kw['query'] = simulation_query # Sort on if 'sort_on' in new_kw: table_column_list = ctool.getSQLCatalog()._getCatalogSchema( table=table) sort_on = new_kw['sort_on'] new_sort_on = [] for column_id, sort_direction in sort_on: if column_id in table_column_list: column_id = '%s.%s' % (table, column_id) new_sort_on.append((column_id, sort_direction)) new_kw['sort_on'] = tuple(new_sort_on) # Remove some internal parameters that does not have any meaning for # catalog new_kw.pop('ignore_group_by', None) new_kw.pop('movement_list_mode', None) sql_kw.update(ctool.buildSQLQuery(**new_kw)) return sql_kw def _generateKeywordDict(self, # dates from_date=None, to_date=None, at_date=None, omit_mirror_date=1, # instances resource=None, node=None, payment=None, section=None, mirror_section=None, item=None, function=None, project=None, funding=None, transformed_resource=None, # used for tracking input=0, output=0, # categories resource_category=None, node_category=None, payment_category=None, section_category=None, mirror_section_category=None, function_category=None, project_category=None, funding_category=None, # categories with strict membership resource_category_strict_membership=None, node_category_strict_membership=None, payment_category_strict_membership=None, section_category_strict_membership=None, mirror_section_category_strict_membership=None, function_category_strict_membership=None, project_category_strict_membership=None, funding_category_strict_membership=None, # simulation_state strict_simulation_state=0, simulation_state=None, transit_simulation_state = None, omit_transit=0, input_simulation_state=None, output_simulation_state=None, reserved_kw=None, # variations variation_text=None, sub_variation_text=None, variation_category=None, transformed_variation_text=None, # uids resource_uid=None, node_uid=None, section_uid=None, payment_uid=None, mirror_node_uid=None, mirror_section_uid=None, function_uid=None, project_uid=None, funding_uid=None, # omit input and output omit_input=0, omit_output=0, omit_asset_increase=0, omit_asset_decrease=0, # group by group_by_node=0, group_by_node_category=0, group_by_node_category_strict_membership=0, group_by_mirror_node=0, group_by_mirror_node_category=0, group_by_mirror_node_category_strict_membership=0, group_by_section=0, group_by_section_category=0, group_by_section_category_strict_membership=0, group_by_mirror_section=0, group_by_mirror_section_category=0, group_by_mirror_section_category_strict_membership=0, group_by_payment=0, group_by_payment_category=0, group_by_payment_category_strict_membership=0, group_by_sub_variation=0, group_by_variation=0, group_by_movement=0, group_by_resource=0, group_by_project=0, group_by_project_category=0, group_by_project_category_strict_membership=0, group_by_funding=0, group_by_funding_category=0, group_by_funding_category_strict_membership=0, group_by_function=0, group_by_function_category=0, group_by_function_category_strict_membership=0, group_by_date=0, # sort_on sort_on=None, # keywords for related keys **kw): """ Generates keywords and calls buildSQLQuery - omit_mirror_date: normally, date's parameters are only based on date column. If 0, it also used the mirror_date column. """ new_kw = {} sql_kw = {} # input and output are used by getTrackingList sql_kw['input'] = input sql_kw['output'] = output # Add sort_on parameter if defined if sort_on is not None: new_kw['sort_on'] = sort_on class DictMixIn(dict): def set(dictionary, key, value): result = bool(value) if result: dictionary[key] = value return result def setUIDList(dictionary, key, value, as_text=0): uid_list = self._generatePropertyUidList(value, as_text=as_text) return dictionary.set(key, uid_list) column_value_dict = DictMixIn() if omit_mirror_date: date_dict = {} if from_date : date_dict.setdefault('query', []).append(from_date) date_dict['range'] = 'min' if to_date : date_dict.setdefault('query', []).append(to_date) date_dict['range'] = 'minmax' elif at_date : date_dict.setdefault('query', []).append(at_date) date_dict['range'] = 'minngt' elif to_date : date_dict.setdefault('query', []).append(to_date) date_dict['range'] = 'max' elif at_date : date_dict.setdefault('query', []).append(at_date) date_dict['range'] = 'ngt' if date_dict: column_value_dict['date'] = date_dict else: column_value_dict['date'] = {'query': [to_date], 'range': 'ngt'} column_value_dict['mirror_date'] = {'query': [from_date], 'range': 'nlt'} column_value_dict.set('resource_uid', resource_uid) column_value_dict.set('payment_uid', payment_uid) column_value_dict.set('project_uid', project_uid) column_value_dict.set('funding_uid', funding_uid) column_value_dict.set('function_uid', function_uid) if column_value_dict.set('section_uid', section_uid): sql_kw['section_filtered'] = 1 column_value_dict.set('node_uid', node_uid) column_value_dict.set('mirror_node_uid', mirror_node_uid) column_value_dict.set('mirror_section_uid', mirror_section_uid) column_value_dict.setUIDList('resource_uid', resource) column_value_dict.setUIDList('aggregate_uid', item) column_value_dict.setUIDList('node_uid', node) column_value_dict.setUIDList('payment_uid', payment) column_value_dict.setUIDList('project_uid', project) column_value_dict.setUIDList('funding_uid', funding) column_value_dict.setUIDList('function_uid', function) sql_kw['transformed_uid'] = self._generatePropertyUidList(transformed_resource) if column_value_dict.setUIDList('section_uid', section): sql_kw['section_filtered'] = 1 column_value_dict.setUIDList('mirror_section_uid', mirror_section) column_value_dict.setUIDList('variation_text', variation_text, as_text=1) column_value_dict.setUIDList('sub_variation_text', sub_variation_text, as_text=1) new_kw['column_value_dict'] = column_value_dict.copy() related_key_dict = DictMixIn() # category membership related_key_dict.setUIDList('resource_category_uid', resource_category) related_key_dict.setUIDList('node_category_uid', node_category) related_key_dict.setUIDList('project_category_uid', project_category) related_key_dict.setUIDList('funding_category_uid', funding_category) related_key_dict.setUIDList('function_category_uid', function_category) related_key_dict.setUIDList('payment_category_uid', payment_category) if related_key_dict.setUIDList('section_category_uid', section_category): sql_kw['section_filtered'] = 1 related_key_dict.setUIDList('mirror_section_category_uid', mirror_section_category) # category strict membership related_key_dict.setUIDList('resource_category_strict_membership_uid', resource_category_strict_membership) related_key_dict.setUIDList('node_category_strict_membership_uid', node_category_strict_membership) related_key_dict.setUIDList('project_category_strict_membership_uid', project_category_strict_membership) related_key_dict.setUIDList('funding_category_strict_membership_uid', funding_category_strict_membership) related_key_dict.setUIDList('function_category_strict_membership_uid', function_category_strict_membership) related_key_dict.setUIDList('payment_category_strict_membership_uid', payment_category_strict_membership) if related_key_dict.setUIDList('section_category_strict_membership_uid', section_category_strict_membership): sql_kw['section_filtered'] = 1 related_key_dict.setUIDList( 'mirror_section_category_strict_membership_uid', mirror_section_category_strict_membership) new_kw['related_key_dict'] = related_key_dict.copy() new_kw['related_key_dict_passthrough'] = kw #variation_category_uid_list = self._generatePropertyUidList(variation_category) #if len(variation_category_uid_list) : # new_kw['variationCategory'] = variation_category_uid_list simulation_dict = self._getSimulationStateDict( simulation_state=simulation_state, omit_transit=omit_transit, input_simulation_state=input_simulation_state, output_simulation_state=output_simulation_state, transit_simulation_state=transit_simulation_state, strict_simulation_state=strict_simulation_state) new_kw['simulation_dict'] = simulation_dict omit_dict = self._getOmitDict(omit_input=omit_input, omit_output=omit_output, omit_asset_increase=omit_asset_increase, omit_asset_decrease=omit_asset_decrease) new_kw['omit_dict'] = omit_dict if reserved_kw is not None: if not isinstance(reserved_kw, dict): # Not a dict when taken from URL, so, cast is needed # to make pop method available reserved_kw = dict(reserved_kw) new_reserved_kw = {} reserved_omit_input = reserved_kw.pop('omit_input',0) reserved_omit_output = reserved_kw.pop('omit_output',0) new_reserved_kw['omit_dict'] = self._getOmitDict( omit_input=reserved_omit_input, omit_output=reserved_omit_output) new_reserved_kw['simulation_dict'] = self._getSimulationStateDict(**reserved_kw) new_kw['reserved_kw'] = new_reserved_kw # It is necessary to use here another SQL query (or at least a subquery) # to get _DISTINCT_ uid from predicate_category table. # Otherwise, by using a where_expression, cells which fit conditions # more than one time are counted more than one time, and the resulting # inventory is false # XXX Perhaps is there a better solution add_kw = {} if variation_category is not None and variation_category: where_expression = self.getPortalObject().portal_categories\ .buildSQLSelector( category_list = variation_category, query_table = 'predicate_category') if where_expression != '': add_kw['where_expression'] = where_expression add_kw['predicate_category.uid'] = '!=NULL' add_kw['group_by_expression'] = 'uid' add_query = self.portal_catalog(**add_kw) uid_list = [] for line in add_query: uid_list.append(line.uid) new_kw['where_expression'] = '( %s )' % ' OR '.join( ['catalog.uid=%s' % uid for uid in uid_list]) # build the group by expression # if we group by a criterion, we also add this criterion to the select # expression, unless it is already selected in Resource_zGetInventoryList # the caller can also pass select_dict or select_list. select_expression, # which is deprecated in ZSQLCatalog is not supported here. select_dict = kw.get('select_dict', {}) # we support select_list, if passed select_list = kw.get('select_list', []) for select_key in kw.get('select_list', []): select_dict[select_key] = None new_kw['select_dict'] = select_dict related_key_select_expression_list = [] column_group_by_expression_list = [] related_key_group_by_expression_list = [] if group_by_node: column_group_by_expression_list.append('node_uid') if group_by_mirror_node: column_group_by_expression_list.append('mirror_node_uid') if group_by_section: column_group_by_expression_list.append('section_uid') if group_by_mirror_section: column_group_by_expression_list.append('mirror_section_uid') if group_by_payment: column_group_by_expression_list.append('payment_uid') if group_by_sub_variation: column_group_by_expression_list.append('sub_variation_text') if group_by_variation: column_group_by_expression_list.append('variation_text') if group_by_movement: column_group_by_expression_list.append('uid') if group_by_resource: column_group_by_expression_list.append('resource_uid') if group_by_project: column_group_by_expression_list.append('project_uid') if group_by_funding: column_group_by_expression_list.append('funding_uid') if group_by_function: column_group_by_expression_list.append('function_uid') if group_by_date: column_group_by_expression_list.append('date') if column_group_by_expression_list: new_kw['column_group_by'] = column_group_by_expression_list if group_by_section_category: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append('section_category_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append('section_category_uid') if group_by_section_category_strict_membership: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append( 'section_category_strict_membership_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append( 'section_category_strict_membership_uid') if group_by_mirror_section_category: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append('mirror_section_category_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append('mirror_section_category_uid') if group_by_mirror_section_category_strict_membership: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append( 'mirror_section_category_strict_membership_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append( 'mirror_section_category_strict_membership_uid') if group_by_node_category: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append('node_category_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append('node_category_uid') if group_by_node_category_strict_membership: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append( 'node_category_strict_membership_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append( 'node_category_strict_membership_uid') if group_by_mirror_node_category: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append('mirror_node_category_uid') if group_by_mirror_node_category_strict_membership: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append( 'mirror_node_category_strict_membership_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append( 'mirror_node_category_strict_membership_uid') if group_by_payment_category: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append('payment_category_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append('payment_category_uid') if group_by_payment_category_strict_membership: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append( 'payment_category_strict_membership_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append( 'payment_category_strict_membership_uid') if group_by_function_category: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append('function_category_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append('function_category_uid') if group_by_function_category_strict_membership: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append( 'function_category_strict_membership_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append( 'function_category_strict_membership_uid') if group_by_project_category: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append('project_category_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append('project_category_uid') if group_by_project_category_strict_membership: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append( 'project_category_strict_membership_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append( 'project_category_strict_membership_uid') if group_by_funding_category: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append('funding_category_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append('funding_category_uid') if group_by_funding_category_strict_membership: related_key_group_by_expression_list.append( 'funding_category_strict_membership_uid') related_key_select_expression_list.append( 'funding_category_strict_membership_uid') if related_key_group_by_expression_list: new_kw['related_key_group_by'] = related_key_group_by_expression_list if related_key_select_expression_list: new_kw['related_key_select_expression_list'] =\ related_key_select_expression_list return sql_kw, new_kw ####################################################### # Inventory management security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getInventory') def getInventory(self, src__=0, simulation_period='', **kw): """ Returns an inventory of a single or multiple resources on a single or multiple nodes as a single float value from_date (>=) - only take rows which date is >= from_date to_date (<) - only take rows which date is < to_date at_date (<=) - only take rows which date is <= at_date resource (only in generic API in simulation) node - only take rows in stock table which node_uid is equivalent to node payment - only take rows in stock table which payment_uid is equivalent to payment section - only take rows in stock table which section_uid is equivalent to section mirror_section - only take rows in stock table which mirror_section_uid is mirror_section resource_category - only take rows in stock table which resource_uid is member of resource_category node_category - only take rows in stock table which node_uid is member of section_category payment_category - only take rows in stock table which payment_uid is in section_category section_category - only take rows in stock table which section_uid is member of section_category mirror_section_category - only take rows in stock table which mirror_section_uid is member of mirror_section_category node_filter - only take rows in stock table which node_uid matches node_filter payment_filter - only take rows in stock table which payment_uid matches payment_filter section_filter - only take rows in stock table which section_uid matches section_filter mirror_section_filter - only take rows in stock table which mirror_section_uid matches mirror_section_filter variation_text - only take rows in stock table with specified variation_text. This needs to be extended with some kind of variation_category ? XXX this way of implementing variation selection is far from perfect sub_variation_text - only take rows in stock table with specified variation_text variation_category - variation or list of possible variations (it is not a cross-search ; SQL query uses OR) simulation_state - only take rows with specified simulation_state transit_simulation_state - specifies which states are transit states omit_transit - do not evaluate transit_simulation_state input_simulation_state - only take rows with specified simulation_state and quantity > 0 output_simulation_state - only take rows with specified simulation_state and quantity < 0 ignore_variation - do not take into account variation in inventory calculation (useless on getInventory, but useful on getInventoryList) standardise - provide a standard quantity rather than an SKU (XXX not implemented yet) omit_simulation - doesn't take into account simulation movements only_accountable - Only take into account accountable movements. By default, only movements for which isAccountable() is true will be taken into account. omit_input - doesn't take into account movement with quantity > 0 omit_output - doesn't take into account movement with quantity < 0 omit_asset_increase - doesn't take into account movement with asset_price > 0 omit_asset_decrease - doesn't take into account movement with asset_price < 0 selection_domain, selection_report - see ListBox group_by_variation - (useless on getInventory, but useful on getInventoryList) group_by_node - (useless on getInventory, but useful on getInventoryList) group_by_mirror_node - (useless on getInventory, but useful on getInventoryList) group_by_sub_variation - (useless on getInventory, but useful on getInventoryList) group_by_movement - (useless on getInventory, but useful on getInventoryList) precision - the precision used to round quantities and prices. metric_type - convert the results to a specific metric_type quantity_unit - display results using this specific quantity unit transformed_resource - one, or several resources. list resources that can be produced using those resources as input in a transformation. relative_resource_url for each returned line will point to the transformed resource, while the stock will be the stock of the produced resource, expressed in number of transformed resources. transformed_variation_text - to be used with transformed_resource, to to refine the transformation selection only to those using variated resources as input. **kw - if we want extended selection with more keywords (but bad performance) check what we can do with buildSQLQuery NOTE: we may want to define a parameter so that we can select the kind of inventory statistics we want to display (ex. sum, average, cost, etc.) """ # JPS: this is a hint for implementation of xxx_filter arguments # node_uid_count = portal_catalog.countResults(**node_filter) # if node_uid_count not too big: # node_uid_list = cache(portal_catalog(**node_filter)) # pass this list to ZSQL method # else: # build a table in MySQL # and join that table with the stock table method = getattr(self,'get%sInventoryList' % simulation_period) kw['ignore_group_by'] = 1 result = method(inventory_list=0, src__=src__, **kw) if src__: return result total_result = 0.0 if len(result) > 0: if len(result) != 1: raise ValueError, 'Sorry we must have only one' result = result[0] if hasattr(result, "converted_quantity"): total_result = result.converted_quantity else: inventory = result.total_quantity if inventory is not None: total_result = inventory return total_result security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCurrentInventory') def getCurrentInventory(self, **kw): """ Returns current inventory """ return self.getInventory(simulation_period='Current', **kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAvailableInventory') def getAvailableInventory(self, **kw): """ Returns available inventory (current inventory - reserved_inventory) """ return self.getInventory(simulation_period='Available', **kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getFutureInventory') def getFutureInventory(self, **kw): """ Returns future inventory """ return self.getInventory(simulation_period='Future', **kw) def _getDefaultGroupByParameters(self, ignore_group_by=0, group_by_node=0, group_by_mirror_node=0, group_by_section=0, group_by_mirror_section=0, group_by_payment=0, group_by_project=0, group_by_funding=0, group_by_function=0, group_by_variation=0, group_by_sub_variation=0, group_by_movement=0, group_by_date=0, group_by_section_category=0, group_by_section_category_strict_membership=0, group_by_resource=None, movement_list_mode=0, group_by=None, **ignored): """ Set defaults group_by parameters If ignore_group_by is true, this function returns an empty dict. If any group-by is provided, automatically group by resource aswell unless group_by_resource is explicitely set to false. If no group by is provided, use the default group by: movement, node and resource, unless movement_list_mode is true, in that case, group by movement, node, resource and date (this is historically the default in getMovementHistoryList), section, mirror_section and payment (this is to make sure two lines will appear when we are, for instance both source and destination, implementation might not be optimal, because it uses lots of group by statements in SQL). """ new_group_by_dict = {} if not ignore_group_by and group_by is None: if group_by_node or group_by_mirror_node or group_by_section or \ group_by_project or group_by_funding or group_by_function or \ group_by_mirror_section or group_by_payment or \ group_by_sub_variation or group_by_variation or \ group_by_movement or group_by_date or group_by_section_category or\ group_by_section_category_strict_membership: if group_by_resource is None: group_by_resource = 1 new_group_by_dict['group_by_resource'] = group_by_resource elif group_by_resource is None: new_group_by_dict['group_by_movement'] = 1 new_group_by_dict['group_by_node'] = 1 new_group_by_dict['group_by_resource'] = 1 if movement_list_mode: new_group_by_dict['group_by_date'] = 1 new_group_by_dict['group_by_mirror_node'] = 1 new_group_by_dict['group_by_section'] = 1 new_group_by_dict['group_by_mirror_section'] = 1 new_group_by_dict['group_by_payment'] = 1 return new_group_by_dict security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getInventoryList') def getInventoryList(self, src__=0, optimisation__=True, ignore_variation=0, standardise=0, omit_simulation=0, only_accountable=True, default_stock_table='stock', selection_domain=None, selection_report=None, statistic=0, inventory_list=1, precision=None, connection_id=None, **kw): """ Returns a list of inventories for a single or multiple resources on a single or multiple nodes, grouped by resource, node, section, etc. Every line defines an inventory value for a given group of resource, node, section. NOTE: we may want to define a parameter so that we can select the kind of inventory statistics we want to display (ex. sum, average, cost, etc.) Optimisation queries. Optimisation of a stock lookup is done to avoid a table scan of all lines corresponding to a given node, section or payment, because they grow with time and query time should not. First query: Fetch fitting full inventory dates. For each node, section or payment, find the first anterior full inventory. Second query: Fetch full inventory amounts. Fetch values of inventory identified in the first query. Third query: Classic stock table read. Fetch all rows in stock table which are posterior to the inventory. Final result Add results of the second and third queries, and return it. Missing optimisations: - In a getInventory case where everything is specified for the resource, it's not required for the inventory to be full, it just need to be done for the right resource. If the resource isn't completely defined, we require inventory to be full, which is implemented. - Querying multiple nodes/categories/payments in one call prevents from using optimisation, it should be equivalent to multiple calls on individual nodes/categories/payments. - """ getCategory = self.getPortalObject().portal_categories.getCategoryUid result_column_id_dict = {} metric_type = kw.pop('metric_type', None) quantity_unit = kw.pop('quantity_unit', None) quantity_unit_uid = None if quantity_unit is not None: if isinstance(quantity_unit, str): quantity_unit_uid = getCategory(quantity_unit, 'quantity_unit') if quantity_unit_uid is not None: result_column_id_dict['converted_quantity'] = None if metric_type is None: # use the default metric type metric_type = quantity_unit.split("/", 1)[0] elif isinstance(quantity_unit, (int, float)): # quantity_unit used to be a numerical parameter.. raise ValueError('Numeric values for quantity_unit are not supported') convert_quantity_result = False if metric_type is not None: metric_type_uid = getCategory(metric_type, 'metric_type') if metric_type_uid is not None: convert_quantity_result = True kw['metric_type_uid'] = Query( metric_type_uid=metric_type_uid, table_alias_list=(("measure", "measure"),)) if src__: sql_source_list = [] # If no group at all, give a default sort group by kw.update(self._getDefaultGroupByParameters(**kw)) sql_kw, new_kw = self._generateKeywordDict(**kw) stock_sql_kw = self._generateSQLKeywordDictFromKeywordDict( table=default_stock_table, sql_kw=sql_kw, new_kw=new_kw) Resource_zGetFullInventoryDate = \ getattr(self, 'Resource_zGetFullInventoryDate', None) EQUAL_DATE_TABLE_ID = 'inventory_stock' GREATER_THAN_DATE_TABLE_ID = 'stock' buildSQLQuery = self.getPortalObject().portal_catalog.buildSQLQuery optimisation_success = optimisation__ and ('from_date' not in kw) and \ Resource_zGetFullInventoryDate is not None and \ (GREATER_THAN_DATE_TABLE_ID == default_stock_table) # Generate first query parameter dict if optimisation_success: def getFirstQueryParameterDict(query_generator_kw): optimisation_success = True AVAILABLE_CRITERIONS_IN_INVENTORY_TABLE = ['node_uid', 'section_uid', 'payment_uid'] # Only column group by are supported in full inventories group_by_list = query_generator_kw.get('column_group_by', []) column_value_dict = query_generator_kw.get('column_value_dict', {}) new_group_by_list = [] new_column_value_dict = {} for criterion_id in AVAILABLE_CRITERIONS_IN_INVENTORY_TABLE: criterion_value_list = column_value_dict.get(criterion_id, []) if not isinstance(criterion_value_list, (list, tuple)): criterion_value_list = [criterion_value_list] if len(criterion_value_list) > 0: if len(criterion_value_list) > 1: # Impossible to optimise if there is more than one possible # value per criterion. optimisation_success = False break new_column_value_dict[criterion_id] = criterion_value_list new_group_by_list.append(criterion_id) elif criterion_id in group_by_list: new_group_by_list.append(criterion_id) group_by_expression = ', '.join(new_group_by_list) column_id_list = new_column_value_dict.keys() column_value_list_list = new_column_value_dict.values() date_value_list = column_value_dict.get('date', {}).get('query', []) where_expression = None if len(date_value_list) == 1: date = date_value_list[0] # build a query for date to take range into account date_query_result = buildSQLQuery(**{ 'inventory.date': { 'query': date, 'range': column_value_dict.get('date', {}).get('range', []) }, 'query_table': None, }) if date_query_result['where_expression'] not in ('',None): where_expression = date_query_result['where_expression'] elif len(date_value_list) > 1: # When more than one date is provided, we must not optimise. # Also, as we should never end up here (the only currently known # case where there are 2 dates is when a from_date is provided # along with either an at_date or a to_date, and we disable # optimisation when from_date is given), emit a log. # This can happen if there are more date parameters than mentioned # above. LOG('SimulationTool', PROBLEM, 'There is more than one date condition' ' so optimisation got disabled. The result of this call will be' ' correct but it requires investigation as some cases might' ' have gone unnoticed and produced wrong results.') optimisation_success = False return {'group_by_expression': group_by_expression, 'column_id_list': column_id_list, 'column_value_list_list': column_value_list_list, 'where_expression' : where_expression,}, optimisation_success first_query_param_dict, optimisation_success = getFirstQueryParameterDict(new_kw) if optimisation_success: if len(first_query_param_dict['column_id_list']): inventory_date_line_list = self.Resource_zGetFullInventoryDate( **first_query_param_dict) if src__: sql_source_list.append( self.Resource_zGetFullInventoryDate(src__=src__, **first_query_param_dict)) # Check that all expected uids have been found, otherwise a full # inventory of a node/section/payment might be missing. if len(inventory_date_line_list) >= max([len(x) for x in \ first_query_param_dict['column_value_list_list']]): # Generate a where expression which filters on dates retrieved # in the first query to be used in the second query. # Also, generate a where expression to use in the third query, # since it is based on the same data. # XXX: uggly duplicated query generation code # XXX: duplicates SQL variable formatting present in # ERP5Type/patches/sqlvar.py about datetime SQL columns. # Note: This code can generate queries like: # date = 2000/01/01 and date >= 2001/01/01 # When latest full inventory is at 2000/01/01 and given # from_date is 2001/01/01. # It is not a serious problem since MySQL detects incompatible # conditions and immediately returns (with 0 rows). # get search key definitions from portal_catalog ctool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_catalog') portal_catalog = ctool.getSQLCatalog() keyword_search_keys = list(portal_catalog.sql_catalog_keyword_search_keys) datetime_search_keys = list(portal_catalog.sql_catalog_datetime_search_keys) full_text_search_keys = list(portal_catalog.sql_catalog_full_text_search_keys) search_key_mapping = dict(key_alias_dict = None, keyword_search_keys = keyword_search_keys, datetime_search_keys = datetime_search_keys, full_text_search_keys = full_text_search_keys) equal_date_query_list = [] greater_than_date_query_list = [] for inventory_date_line_dict in \ inventory_date_line_list.dictionaries(): date = inventory_date_line_dict['date'] non_date_value_dict = dict([(k, v) for k, v \ in inventory_date_line_dict.iteritems() if k != 'date']) equal_date_query_list.append( ComplexQuery( ComplexQuery(operator='AND', *[Query(**{'%s.%s' % (EQUAL_DATE_TABLE_ID, k): v}) \ for k, v in non_date_value_dict.iteritems()]), Query(**{'%s.date' % (EQUAL_DATE_TABLE_ID, ): date}), operator='AND')) greater_than_date_query_list.append( ComplexQuery( ComplexQuery(operator='AND', *[Query(**{'%s.%s' % (GREATER_THAN_DATE_TABLE_ID, k): \ v}) \ for k, v in non_date_value_dict.iteritems()]), # 'Use explicitly Universal' otherwise DateTime # search key will convert it to UTC one more time Query(**{'%s.date' % (GREATER_THAN_DATE_TABLE_ID, ): date, 'range': 'nlt'}), operator='AND')) assert len(equal_date_query_list) == \ len(greater_than_date_query_list) assert len(equal_date_query_list) > 0 equal_date_query = buildSQLQuery(query=ComplexQuery(operator='OR', *equal_date_query_list), query_table=None)['where_expression'] greater_than_date_query = buildSQLQuery(query=ComplexQuery(operator='OR', *greater_than_date_query_list), query_table=None)['where_expression'] inventory_stock_sql_kw = \ self._generateSQLKeywordDictFromKeywordDict( table=EQUAL_DATE_TABLE_ID, sql_kw=sql_kw, new_kw=new_kw) inventory_stock_where_query = \ inventory_stock_sql_kw.get('where_expression', '(1)') assert isinstance(inventory_stock_where_query, basestring) \ and len(inventory_stock_where_query) inventory_stock_sql_kw['where_expression'] = '(%s) AND (%s)' % \ (inventory_stock_where_query, equal_date_query) where_query = stock_sql_kw.get('where_expression', '(1)') assert isinstance(where_query, basestring) and len(where_query) stock_sql_kw['where_expression'] = '(%s) AND (%s)' % \ (where_query, greater_than_date_query) # Get initial inventory amount initial_inventory_line_list = self.Resource_zGetInventoryList( stock_table_id=EQUAL_DATE_TABLE_ID, src__=src__, ignore_variation=ignore_variation, standardise=standardise, omit_simulation=omit_simulation, only_accountable=only_accountable, selection_domain=selection_domain, selection_report=selection_report, precision=precision, inventory_list=inventory_list, statistic=statistic, quantity_unit_uid=quantity_unit_uid, convert_quantity_result=convert_quantity_result, **inventory_stock_sql_kw) # Get delta inventory delta_inventory_line_list = self.Resource_zGetInventoryList( stock_table_id=GREATER_THAN_DATE_TABLE_ID, src__=src__, ignore_variation=ignore_variation, standardise=standardise, omit_simulation=omit_simulation, only_accountable=only_accountable, selection_domain=selection_domain, selection_report=selection_report, precision=precision, inventory_list=inventory_list, statistic=statistic, quantity_unit_uid=quantity_unit_uid, convert_quantity_result=convert_quantity_result, **stock_sql_kw) # Match & add initial and delta inventories if src__: sql_source_list.extend((initial_inventory_line_list, delta_inventory_line_list)) else: if 'column_group_by' in new_kw: group_by_id_list = [] group_by_id_list_append = group_by_id_list.append for group_by_id in new_kw['column_group_by']: if group_by_id == 'uid': group_by_id_list_append('stock_uid') else: group_by_id_list_append(group_by_id) def getInventoryListKey(line): """ Generate a key based on values used in SQL group_by """ return tuple([line[x] for x in group_by_id_list]) else: def getInventoryListKey(line): """ No group by criterion, regroup everything. """ return 'dummy_key' result_column_id_dict['inventory'] = None result_column_id_dict['total_quantity'] = None result_column_id_dict['total_price'] = None def addLineValues(line_a=None, line_b=None): """ Addition columns of 2 lines and return a line with same schema. If one of the parameters is None, returns the other parameters. Arithmetic modifications on additions: None + x = x None + None = None """ if line_a is None: return line_b if line_b is None: return line_a # Create a new Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results.Results.__class__ # instance to add the line values. # the logic for the 5 lines below is taken from # Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results.Results.__getitem__ Result = line_a.__class__ parent = line_a.aq_parent result = Result((), parent) if parent is not None: result = result.__of__(parent) for key in line_a.__record_schema__: value = line_a[key] if key in result_column_id_dict: value_b = line_b[key] if None not in (value, value_b): result[key] = value + value_b elif value is not None: result[key] = value else: result[key] = value_b elif line_a[key] == line_b[key]: result[key] = line_a[key] elif key not in ('date', 'stock_uid', 'path'): LOG('InventoryTool.getInventoryList.addLineValues', PROBLEM, 'mismatch for %s column: %s and %s' % \ (key, line_a[key], line_b[key])) return result inventory_list_dict = {} for line_list in (initial_inventory_line_list, delta_inventory_line_list): for line in line_list: line_key = getInventoryListKey(line) line_a = inventory_list_dict.get(line_key) inventory_list_dict[line_key] = addLineValues(line_a, line) ## XXX: Returns a dict instead of an <r> instance ## As long as they are accessed like dicts it's ok, but... #result = inventory_list_dict.values() sorted_inventory_list = inventory_list_dict.values() sort_on = new_kw.get('sort_on', tuple()) if len(sort_on) != 0: def cmp_inventory_line(line_a, line_b): """ Compare 2 inventory lines and sort them according to sort_on parameter. """ result = 0 for key, sort_direction in sort_on: if not(key in line_a and key in line_b): raise Exception, "Impossible to sort result since " \ "columns sort happens on are not available in " \ "result." result = cmp(line_a[key], line_b[key]) if result != 0: if len(sort_direction[0]) and \ sort_direction[0].upper() != 'A': # Default sort is ascending, if a sort is given and # it does not start with an 'A' then reverse sort. # Tedious syntax checking is MySQL's job, and # happened when queries were executed. result *= -1 break return result sorted_inventory_list.sort(cmp_inventory_line) result = Results((delta_inventory_line_list.\ _searchable_result_columns(), tuple(sorted_inventory_list))) else: # Not all required full inventories are found optimisation_success = False else: # Not enough criterions to trigger optimisation optimisation_success = False if not optimisation_success: result = self.Resource_zGetInventoryList( stock_table_id=default_stock_table, src__=src__, ignore_variation=ignore_variation, standardise=standardise, omit_simulation=omit_simulation, only_accountable=only_accountable, selection_domain=selection_domain, selection_report=selection_report, precision=precision, inventory_list=inventory_list, connection_id=connection_id, statistic=statistic, quantity_unit_uid=quantity_unit_uid, convert_quantity_result=convert_quantity_result, **stock_sql_kw) if src__: sql_source_list.append(result) if src__: result = ';\n-- NEXT QUERY\n'.join(sql_source_list) return result security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getConvertedInventoryList') def getConvertedInventoryList(self, simulation_period='', **kw): """ Return list of inventory with a 'converted_quantity' additional column, which contains the sum of measurements for the specified metric type, expressed in the 'quantity_unit' unit. metric_type - category quantity_unit - category """ warn('getConvertedInventoryList is Deprecated, use ' \ 'getInventory instead.', DeprecationWarning) method = getattr(self,'get%sInventoryList' % simulation_period) return method(**kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAllInventoryList') def getAllInventoryList(self, src__=0, **kw): """ Returns list of inventory, for all periods. Performs 1 SQL request for each simulation state, and merge the results. Rename relevant columns with a '${simulation}_' prefix (ex: 'total_price' -> 'current_total_price'). """ columns = ('total_quantity', 'total_price', 'converted_quantity') # Guess the columns to use to identify each row, by looking at the GROUP # clause. Note that the call to 'mergeZRDBResults' will crash if the GROUP # clause contains a column not requested in the SELECT clause. kw.update(self._getDefaultGroupByParameters(**kw), ignore_group_by=1) group_by_list = self._generateKeywordDict(**kw)[1].get('group_by', ()) results = [] edit_result = {} get_false_value = lambda row, column_name: row.get(column_name) or 0 for simulation in 'current', 'available', 'future': method = getattr(self, 'get%sInventoryList' % simulation.capitalize()) rename = {'inventory': None} # inventory column is deprecated for column in columns: rename[column] = new_name = '%s_%s' % (simulation, column) edit_result[new_name] = get_false_value results += (method(src__=src__, **kw), rename), if src__: return ';\n-- NEXT QUERY\n'.join(r[0] for r in results) return mergeZRDBResults(results, group_by_list, edit_result) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCurrentInventoryList') def getCurrentInventoryList(self, omit_transit=1, transit_simulation_state=None, **kw): """ Returns list of current inventory grouped by section or site """ kw['simulation_state'] = self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList() + \ self.getPortalTransitInventoryStateList() if transit_simulation_state is None: transit_simulation_state = self.getPortalTransitInventoryStateList() return self.getInventoryList( omit_transit=omit_transit, transit_simulation_state=transit_simulation_state, **kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAvailableInventoryList') def getAvailableInventoryList(self, omit_transit=1, transit_simulation_state=None, **kw): """ Returns list of current inventory grouped by section or site """ if transit_simulation_state is None: transit_simulation_state = self.getPortalTransitInventoryStateList() kw['simulation_state'] = self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList() + \ self.getPortalTransitInventoryStateList() reserved_kw = {'simulation_state': self.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList(), 'transit_simulation_state': transit_simulation_state, 'omit_input': 1} return self.getInventoryList(reserved_kw=reserved_kw, omit_transit=omit_transit, transit_simulation_state=transit_simulation_state, **kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getFutureInventoryList') def getFutureInventoryList(self, **kw): """ Returns list of future inventory grouped by section or site """ kw['simulation_state'] = tuple( list(self.getPortalFutureInventoryStateList()) + \ list(self.getPortalTransitInventoryStateList()) + \ list(self.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList()) + \ list(self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList())) return self.getInventoryList(**kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getInventoryStat') def getInventoryStat(self, simulation_period='', **kw): """ getInventoryStat is the pending to getInventoryList in order to provide statistics on getInventoryList lines in ListBox such as: total of inventories, number of variations, number of different nodes, etc. """ kw['group_by_variation'] = 0 method = getattr(self,'get%sInventoryList' % simulation_period) return method(statistic=1, inventory_list=0, ignore_group_by=1, **kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCurrentInventoryStat') def getCurrentInventoryStat(self, **kw): """ Returns statistics of current inventory grouped by section or site """ return self.getInventoryStat(simulation_period='Current', **kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAvailableInventoryStat') def getAvailableInventoryStat(self, **kw): """ Returns statistics of available inventory grouped by section or site """ return self.getInventoryStat(simulation_period='Available', **kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getFutureInventoryStat') def getFutureInventoryStat(self, **kw): """ Returns statistics of future inventory grouped by section or site """ return self.getInventoryStat(simulation_period='Future', **kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getInventoryChart') def getInventoryChart(self, src__=0, **kw): """ Returns a list of couples derived from getInventoryList in order to feed a chart renderer. Each couple consist of a label (node, section, payment, combination of node & section, etc.) and an inventory value. Mostly useful for charts in ERP5 forms. """ result = self.getInventoryList(src__=src__, **kw) if src__ : return result return map(lambda r: (r.node_title, r.total_quantity), result) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCurrentInventoryChart') def getCurrentInventoryChart(self, **kw): """ Returns list of current inventory grouped by section or site """ kw['simulation_state'] = self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList() return self.getInventoryChart(**kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getFutureInventoryChart') def getFutureInventoryChart(self, **kw): """ Returns list of future inventory grouped by section or site """ kw['simulation_state'] = tuple( list(self.getPortalFutureInventoryStateList()) + \ list(self.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList()) + \ list(self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList())) return self.getInventoryChart(**kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getInventoryAssetPrice') def getInventoryAssetPrice(self, src__=0, simulation_period='', valuation_method=None, **kw): """ Same thing as getInventory but returns an asset price rather than an inventory. If valuation method is None, returns the sum of total prices. Else it should be a string, in: Filo Fifo WeightedAverage MonthlyWeightedAverage MovingAverage When using a specific valuation method, a resource_uid is expected as well as one of (section_uid or node_uid). """ if valuation_method is None: method = getattr(self,'get%sInventoryList' % simulation_period) kw['ignore_group_by'] = 1 result = method( src__=src__, inventory_list=0, **kw) if src__ : return result if len(result) == 0: return 0.0 total_result = 0.0 for result_line in result: if result_line.total_price is not None: total_result += result_line.total_price return total_result if valuation_method not in ('Fifo', 'Filo', 'WeightedAverage', 'MonthlyWeightedAverage', 'MovingAverage'): raise ValueError("Invalid valuation method: %s" % valuation_method) assert 'node_uid' in kw or 'section_uid' in kw sql_kw = self._generateSQLKeywordDict(**kw) if 'section_uid' in kw: # ignore internal movements sql_kw['where_expression'] += ' AND ' \ 'NOT(stock.section_uid<=>stock.mirror_section_uid)' result = self.Resource_zGetAssetPrice( valuation_method=valuation_method, **sql_kw) if len(result) > 0: return result[-1].total_asset_price security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCurrentInventoryAssetPrice') def getCurrentInventoryAssetPrice(self, **kw): """ Returns list of current inventory grouped by section or site """ kw['simulation_state'] = self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList() return self.getInventoryAssetPrice(simulation_period='Current',**kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAvailableInventoryAssetPrice') def getAvailableInventoryAssetPrice(self, **kw): """ Returns list of available inventory grouped by section or site (current inventory - deliverable) """ kw['simulation_state'] = tuple( list(self.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList()) + \ list(self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList())) return self.getInventoryAssetPrice(**kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getFutureInventoryAssetPrice') def getFutureInventoryAssetPrice(self, **kw): """ Returns list of future inventory grouped by section or site """ kw['simulation_state'] = tuple( list(self.getPortalFutureInventoryStateList()) + \ list(self.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList()) + \ list(self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList())) return self.getInventoryAssetPrice(**kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getInventoryHistoryList') def getInventoryHistoryList(self, src__=0, ignore_variation=0, standardise=0, omit_simulation=0, only_accountable=True, omit_input=0, omit_output=0, selection_domain=None, selection_report=None, precision=None, **kw): """ Returns a time based serie of inventory values for a single or a group of resource, node, section, etc. This is useful to list the evolution with time of inventory values (quantity, asset price). TODO: - make sure getInventoryHistoryList can return cumulative values calculated by SQL (JPS) """ sql_kw = self._generateSQLKeywordDict(**kw) return self.Resource_getInventoryHistoryList( src__=src__, ignore_variation=ignore_variation, standardise=standardise, omit_simulation=omit_simulation, only_accountable=only_accountable, omit_input=omit_input, omit_output=omit_output, selection_domain=selection_domain, selection_report=selection_report, precision=precision, **sql_kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getInventoryHistoryChart') def getInventoryHistoryChart(self, src__=0, ignore_variation=0, standardise=0, omit_simulation=0, only_accountable=True, omit_input=0, omit_output=0, selection_domain=None, selection_report=None, precision=None, **kw): """ getInventoryHistoryChart is the pensing to getInventoryHistoryList to ease the rendering of time based graphs which show the evolution of one ore more inventories. Each item in the serie consists of time, value and "colour" (multiple graphs can be drawn for example for each variation of a resource) """ sql_kw = self._generateSQLKeywordDict(**kw) return self.Resource_getInventoryHistoryChart( src__=src__, ignore_variation=ignore_variation, standardise=standardise, omit_simulation=omit_simulation, only_accountable=only_accountable, omit_input=omit_input, omit_output=omit_output, selection_domain=selection_domain, selection_report=selection_report, precision=precision, **sql_kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getMovementHistoryList') def getMovementHistoryList(self, src__=0, ignore_variation=0, standardise=0, omit_simulation=0, omit_input=0, omit_output=0, only_accountable=True, omit_asset_increase=0, omit_asset_decrease=0, selection_domain=None, selection_report=None, initial_running_total_quantity=0, initial_running_total_price=0, precision=None, **kw): """Returns a list of movements which modify the inventory for a single or a group of resource, node, section, etc. A running total quantity and a running total price are available on brains. The initial values can be passed, in case you want to have an "initial summary line". """ kw['movement_list_mode'] = 1 kw.update(self._getDefaultGroupByParameters(**kw)) sql_kw = self._generateSQLKeywordDict(**kw) return self.Resource_zGetMovementHistoryList( src__=src__, ignore_variation=ignore_variation, standardise=standardise, omit_simulation=omit_simulation, only_accountable=only_accountable, omit_input=omit_input, omit_output=omit_output, omit_asset_increase=omit_asset_increase, omit_asset_decrease=omit_asset_decrease, selection_domain=selection_domain, selection_report=selection_report, initial_running_total_quantity= initial_running_total_quantity, initial_running_total_price= initial_running_total_price, precision=precision, **sql_kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getMovementHistoryStat') def getMovementHistoryStat(self, src__=0, ignore_variation=0, standardise=0, omit_simulation=0, only_accountable=True, omit_input=0, omit_output=0, selection_domain=None, selection_report=None, precision=None, **kw): """ getMovementHistoryStat is the pending to getMovementHistoryList for ListBox stat """ sql_kw = self._generateSQLKeywordDict(**kw) return self.Resource_zGetInventory(src__=src__, ignore_variation=ignore_variation, standardise=standardise, omit_simulation=omit_simulation, only_accountable=only_accountable, omit_input=omit_input, omit_output=omit_output, selection_domain=selection_domain, selection_report=selection_report, precision=precision, **sql_kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getNextNegativeInventoryDate') def getNextNegativeInventoryDate(self, src__=0, **kw): """ Returns statistics of inventory grouped by section or site """ #sql_kw = self._generateSQLKeywordDict(order_by_expression='stock.date', **kw) #sql_kw['group_by_expression'] = 'stock.uid' #sql_kw['order_by_expression'] = 'stock.date' result = self.getInventoryList(src__=src__, sort_on = (('date', 'ascending'),), group_by_movement=1, **kw) if src__ : return result total_inventory = 0. for inventory in result: if inventory['inventory'] is not None: total_inventory += inventory['inventory'] if total_inventory < 0: return inventory['date'] return None ####################################################### # Traceability management security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getTrackingList') def getTrackingList(self, src__=0, selection_domain=None, selection_report=None, strict_simulation_state=1, history=0, **kw) : """ Returns a list of items in the form uid (of item) date node_uid section_uid resource_uid variation_text delivery_uid If at_date is provided, returns the a list which answers to the question "where are those items at this date" or "which are those items which are there a this date" If at_date is not provided, returns a history of positions which answers the question "where have those items been between this time and this time". This will be handled by something like getTrackingHistoryList This method is only suitable for singleton items (an item which can only be at a single place at a given time). Such items include containers, serial numbers (ex. for engine), rolls with subrolls, This method is not suitable for batches (ex. a coloring batch). For such items, standard getInventoryList method is appropriate Parameters are the same as for getInventory. Default sort orders is based on dates, reverse. from_date (>=) - to_date (<) - at_date (<=) - only take rows which date is <= at_date history (boolean) - keep history variations resource (only in generic API in simulation) node - only take rows in stock table which node_uid is equivalent to node section - only take rows in stock table which section_uid is equivalent to section resource_category - only take rows in stock table which resource_uid is in resource_category node_category - only take rows in stock table which node_uid is in section_category section_category - only take rows in stock table which section_uid is in section_category variation_text - only take rows in stock table with specified variation_text this needs to be extended with some kind of variation_category ? XXX this way of implementing variation selection is far from perfect variation_category - variation or list of possible variations simulation_state - only take rows with specified simulation_state selection_domain, selection_report - see ListBox **kw - if we want extended selection with more keywords (but bad performance) check what we can do with buildSQLQuery Extra parameters for getTrackingList : item input - if set, answers to the question "which are those items which have been delivered for the first time after from_date". Cannot be used with output output - if set, answers to the question "which are those items which have been delivered for the last time before at_date or to_date". Cannot be used with input """ new_kw = self._generateSQLKeywordDict(table='item',strict_simulation_state=strict_simulation_state,**kw) for key in ('at_date', 'to_date'): value = kw.get(key, None) if value is not None: if isinstance(value, DateTime): value = value.toZone('UTC').ISO() value = '%s' % (value, ) # Do not remove dates in new_kw, they are required in # order to do a "select item left join item on date" new_kw[key] = value # Extra parameters for the SQL Method new_kw['join_on_item'] = not history and (new_kw.get('at_date') or \ new_kw.get('to_date') or \ new_kw.get('input') or \ new_kw.get('output')) new_kw['date_condition_in_join'] = not (new_kw.get('input') or new_kw.get('output')) # Pass simulation state to request if kw.has_key('item.simulation_state'): new_kw['simulation_state_list'] = kw['item.simulation_state'] else: new_kw['simulation_state_list'] = None return self.Resource_zGetTrackingList(src__=src__, selection_domain=selection_domain, selection_report=selection_report, **new_kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCurrentTrackingList') def getCurrentTrackingList(self, **kw): """ Returns list of current inventory grouped by section or site """ kw['item.simulation_state'] = self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList() return self.getTrackingList(**kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCurrentTrackingHistoryList') def getCurrentTrackingHistoryList(self, **kw): """ Returns list of current inventory grouped by section or site """ kw['item.simulation_state'] = self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList() return self.getTrackingHistoryList(**kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getTrackingHistoryList') def getTrackingHistoryList(self, **kw): """ Returns history list of inventory grouped by section or site """ kw['history'] = 1 return self.getTrackingList(**kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getFutureTrackingList') def getFutureTrackingList(self, **kw): """ Returns list of future inventory grouped by section or site """ kw['item.simulation_state'] = tuple(list(self.getPortalFutureInventoryStateList()) + list(self.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList()) + list(self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList())) return self.getTrackingList(**kw) ####################################################### # Capacity Management security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'updateCapacity' ) def updateCapacity(self, node): capacity_item_list = [] for o in node.contentValues(): if o.isCapacity(): # Do whatever is needed capacity_item_list += o.asCapacityItemList() pass # Do whatever with capacity_item_list # and store the resulting new capacity in node node._capacity_item_list = capacity_item_list security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'isMovementInsideCapacity' ) def isMovementInsideCapacity(self, movement): """ Purpose: provide answer to customer for the question "can you do it ?" movement: date source destination (2 nodes) source_section ... """ # Get nodes and dat source_node = movement.getSourceValue() destination_node = movement.getDestinationValue() start_date = movement.getStartDate() stop_date = movement.getStopDate() # Return result return self.isNodeInsideCapacity(source_node, start_date, additional_movement=movement, sign=1) and self.isNodeInsideCapacity(destination_node, stop_date, additional_movement=movement, sign=-1) security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'isNodeInsideCapacity' ) def isNodeInsideCapacity(self, node, date, simulation_state=None, additional_movement=None, sign=1): """ Purpose: decide if a node is consistent with its capacity definitions at a certain date (ie. considreing the stock / production history """ # First get the current inventory situation for this node inventory_list = node.getInventoryList(XXXXX) # Add additional movement if additional_movement: inventory_list = inventory_list + sign * additional_movement # needs to be implemented # Return answer return self.isAmountListInsideCapacity(node, inventory_list) security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'isAmountListInsideCapacity' ) def isAmountListInsideCapacity(self, node, amount_list, resource_aggregation_base_category=None, resource_aggregation_depth=None): """ Purpose: decide if a list of amounts is consistent with the capacity of a node If any resource in amount_list is missing in the capacity of the node, resource aggregation is performed, based on resource_aggregation_base_category. If the base category is not specified, it is an error (should guess instead?). The resource aggregation is done at the level of resource_aggregation_depth in the tree of categories. If resource_aggregation_depth is not specified, it's an error. Assumptions: amount_list is an association list, like ((R1 V1) (R2 V2)). node has an attribute '_capacity_item_list' which is a list of association lists. resource_aggregation_base_category is a Base Category object or a list of Base Category objects or None. resource_aggregation_depth is a strictly positive integer or None. """ # Make a copy of the attribute _capacity_item_list, because it may be necessary # to modify it for resource aggregation. capacity_item_list = node._capacity_item_list[:] # Make a mapping between resources and its indices. resource_map = {} index = 0 for alist in capacity_item_list: for pair in alist: resource = pair[0] # LOG('isAmountListInsideCapacity', 0, # "resource is %s" % repr(resource)) if resource not in resource_map: resource_map[resource] = index index += 1 # Build a point from the amount list. point = zeros(index, 'd') # Fill up zeros for safety. mask_map = {} # This is used to skip items in amount_list. for amount in amount_list: if amount[0] in mask_map: continue # This will fail, if amount_list has any different resource from the capacity. # If it has any different point, then we should ...... # # There would be two possible different solutions: # 1) If a missing resource is a meta-resource of resources supported by the capacity, # it is possible to add the resource into the capacity by aggregation. # 2) If a missing resource has a meta-resource as a parent and the capacity supports # the meta-resource directly or indirectly (`indirectly' means `by aggregation'), # it is possible to convert the missing resource into the meta-resource. # # However, another way has been implemented here. This does the following, if the resource # is not present in the capacity: # 1) If the value is zero, just ignore the resource, because zero is always acceptable. # 2) Attempt to aggregate resources both of the capacity and of the amount list. This aggregation # is performed at the depth of 'resource_aggregation_depth' under the base category # 'resource_aggregation_base_category'. # resource = amount[0] if resource in resource_map: point[resource_map[amount[0]]] = amount[1] else: if amount[1] == 0: # If the value is zero, no need to consider. pass elif resource_aggregation_base_category is None or resource_aggregation_depth is None: # XXX use an appropriate error class # XXX should guess a base category instead of emitting an exception raise RuntimeError, "The resource '%s' is not found in the capacity, and the argument 'resource_aggregation_base_category' or the argument 'resource_aggregation_depth' is not specified" % resource else: # It is necessary to aggregate resources, to guess the capacity of this resource. def getAggregationResourceUrl(url, depth): # Return a partial url of the argument 'url'. # If 'url' is '/foo/bar/baz' and 'depth' is 2, return '/foo/bar'. pos = 0 for i in range(resource_aggregation_depth): pos = url.find('/', pos+1) if pos < 0: break if pos < 0: return None pos = url.find('/', pos+1) if pos < 0: pos = len(url) return url[:pos] def getAggregatedResourceList(aggregation_url, category, resource_list): # Return a list of resources which should be aggregated. 'aggregation_url' is used # for a top url of those resources. 'category' is a base category for the aggregation. aggregated_resource_list = [] for resource in resource_list: for url in resource.getCategoryMembershipList(category, base=1): if url.startswith(aggregation_url): aggregated_resource_list.append(resource) return aggregated_resource_list def getAggregatedItemList(item_list, resource_list, aggregation_resource): # Return a list of association lists, which is a result of an aggregation. # 'resource_list' is a list of resources which should be aggregated. # 'aggregation_resource' is a category object which is a new resource created by # this aggregation. # 'item_list' is a list of association lists. new_item_list = [] for alist in item_list: new_val = 0 new_alist = [] # If a resource is not a aggregated, then add it to the new alist as it is. # Otherwise, aggregate it to a single value. for pair in alist: if pair[0] in resource_list: new_val += pair[1] else: new_alist.append(pair) # If it is zero, ignore this alist, as it is nonsense. if new_val != 0: new_alist.append([aggregation_resource, new_val]) new_item_list.append(new_alist) return new_item_list # Convert this to a string if necessary, for convenience. if not isinstance(resource_aggregation_base_category, (tuple, list)): resource_aggregation_base_category = (resource_aggregation_base_category,) done = 0 # LOG('isAmountListInsideCapacity', 0, # "resource_aggregation_base_category is %s" % repr(resource_aggregation_base_category)) for category in resource_aggregation_base_category: for resource_url in resource.getCategoryMembershipList(category, base=1): aggregation_url = getAggregationResourceUrl(resource_url, resource_aggregation_depth) if aggregation_url is None: continue aggregated_resource_list = getAggregatedResourceList (aggregation_url, category, resource_map.keys()) # If any, do the aggregation. if len(aggregated_resource_list) > 0: aggregation_resource = self.portal_categories.resolveCategory(aggregation_url) # Add the resource to the mapping. # LOG('aggregation_resource', 0, str(aggregation_resource)) resource_map[aggregation_resource] = index index += 1 # Add the resource to the point. point = resize(point, (index,)) val = 0 for aggregated_amount in amount_list: for url in aggregated_amount[0].getCategoryMembershipList(category, base=1): if url.startswith(aggregation_url): val += aggregated_amount[1] mask_map[aggregated_amount[0]] = None break point[index-1] = val # Add capacity definitions of the resource into the capacity. capacity_item_list += getAggregatedItemList(capacity_item_list, aggregated_resource_list, aggregation_resource) done = 1 break if done: break if not done: raise RuntimeError, "Aggregation failed" # Build a matrix from the capacity item list. # LOG('resource_map', 0, str(resource_map)) matrix = zeros((len(capacity_item_list)+1, index), 'd') for index in range(len(capacity_item_list)): for pair in capacity_item_list[index]: matrix[index,resource_map[pair[0]]] = pair[1] # LOG('isAmountListInsideCapacity', 0, # "matrix = %s, point = %s, capacity_item_list = %s" % (str(matrix), str(point), str(capacity_item_list))) return solve(matrix, point) # Asset Price Calculation def updateAssetPrice(self, resource, variation_text, section_category, node_category, strict_membership=0, simulation_state=None): if simulation_state is None: simulation_state = self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList() category_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_categories') section_value = category_tool.resolveCategory(section_category) node_value = category_tool.resolveCategory(node_category) # Initialize price current_asset_price = 0.0 # Missing: initial inventory price !!! current_inventory = 0.0 # Parse each movement brain_list = self.Resource_zGetMovementHistoryList(resource=[resource], variation_text=variation_text, section_category=section_category, node_category=node_category, strict_membership=strict_membership, simulation_state=simulation_state) # strict_membership not taken into account # We select movements related to certain nodes (ex. Stock) and sections (ex.Coramy Group) result = [] for b in brain_list: m = b.getObject() if m is not None: previous_inventory = current_inventory inventory_quantity = b.quantity # We should use the aggregated quantity provided by Resource_zGetMovementHistoryList quantity = m.getQuantity() # The movement quantity is important to determine the meaning of source and destination # Maybe we should take care of target qty in delired deliveries if quantity is None: quantity = 0.0 if m.getSourceValue() is None: # This is a production movement or an inventory movement # Use Industrial Price current_inventory += inventory_quantity # Update inventory if m.getPortalType() in ('Inventory Line', 'Inventory Cell'): # XX should be replaced by isInventory ??? asset_price = m.getPrice() if asset_price in (0.0, None): asset_price = current_asset_price # Use current price if no price defined else: # this is a production asset_price = m.getIndustrialPrice() if asset_price is None: asset_price = current_asset_price # Use current price if no price defined result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(), m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Production or Inventory', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) elif m.getDestinationValue() is None: # This is a consumption movement or an inventory movement current_inventory += inventory_quantity # Update inventory asset_price = current_asset_price result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Consumption or Inventory', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) elif m.getSourceValue().isAcquiredMemberOf(node_category) and m.getDestinationValue().isAcquiredMemberOf(node_category): # This is an internal movement current_inventory += inventory_quantity # Update inventory asset_price = current_asset_price result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Internal', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) elif m.getSourceValue().isAcquiredMemberOf(node_category) and quantity < 0: # This is a physically inbound movement - try to use commercial price if m.getSourceSectionValue() is None: # No meaning current_inventory += inventory_quantity # Update inventory asset_price = current_asset_price result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Error', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) elif m.getDestinationSectionValue() is None: # No meaning current_inventory += inventory_quantity # Update inventory asset_price = current_asset_price result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Error', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) elif m.getDestinationSectionValue().isAcquiredMemberOf(section_category): current_inventory += inventory_quantity # Update inventory if m.getDestinationValue().isAcquiredMemberOf('site/Piquage'): # Production asset_price = m.getIndustrialPrice() if asset_price is None: asset_price = current_asset_price # Use current price if no price defined result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Production', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) else: # Inbound from same section asset_price = current_asset_price result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Inbound same section', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) else: current_inventory += inventory_quantity # Update inventory asset_price = m.getPrice() result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Inbound different section', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) elif m.getDestinationValue().isAcquiredMemberOf(node_category) and quantity > 0: # This is a physically inbound movement - try to use commercial price if m.getSourceSectionValue() is None: # No meaning current_inventory += inventory_quantity # Update inventory asset_price = current_asset_price result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Error', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) elif m.getDestinationSectionValue() is None: # No meaning current_inventory += inventory_quantity # Update inventory asset_price = current_asset_price result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Error', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) elif m.getSourceSectionValue().isAcquiredMemberOf(section_category): current_inventory += inventory_quantity # Update inventory if m.getSourceValue().isAcquiredMemberOf('site/Piquage'): # Production asset_price = m.getIndustrialPrice() if asset_price is None: asset_price = current_asset_price # Use current price if no price defined result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Production', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) else: # Inbound from same section asset_price = current_asset_price result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Inbound same section', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) else: current_inventory += inventory_quantity # Update inventory asset_price = m.getPrice() result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Inbound different section', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) else: # Outbound movement current_inventory += inventory_quantity # Update inventory asset_price = current_asset_price result.append((m.getRelativeUrl(),m.getStartDate(), m.getSource(), m.getSourceSection(), m.getDestination(), m.getDestinationSection(), m.getQuantity(), 'Outbound', 'Price: %s' % asset_price )) # Update asset_price if current_inventory > 0: if inventory_quantity is not None: # Update price with an average of incoming goods and current goods current_asset_price = ( current_asset_price * previous_inventory + asset_price * inventory_quantity ) / float(current_inventory) else: # New price is the price of incoming goods - negative stock has no meaning for asset calculation current_asset_price = asset_price result.append(('###New Asset Price', current_asset_price, 'New Inventory', current_inventory)) # Update Asset Price on the right side if m.getSourceSectionValue() is not None and m.getSourceSectionValue().isAcquiredMemberOf(section_category): # for each movement, source section is member of one and one only accounting category # therefore there is only one and one only source asset price m._setSourceAssetPrice(current_asset_price) #quantity = m.getInventoriatedQuantity() #if quantity: # #total_asset_price = - current_asset_price * quantity # #m.Movement_zSetSourceTotalAssetPrice(uid=m.getUid(), total_asset_price = total_asset_price) # m._setSourceAssetPrice(current_asset_price) if m.getDestinationSectionValue() is not None and m.getDestinationSectionValue().isMemberOf(section_category): # for each movement, destination section is member of one and one only accounting category # therefore there is only one and one only destination asset price m._setDestinationAssetPrice(current_asset_price) #quantity = m.getInventoriatedQuantity() #if quantity: # total_asset_price = current_asset_price * quantity # m.Movement_zSetDestinationTotalAssetPrice(uid=m.getUid(), total_asset_price = total_asset_price) # Global reindexing required afterwards in any case: so let us do it now # Until we get faster methods (->reindexObject()) #m.immediateReindexObject() m.reindexObject() #m.activate(priority=7).immediateReindexObject() # Too slow return result # Used for mergeDeliveryList. class MergeDeliveryListError(Exception): pass security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'mergeDeliveryList' ) def mergeDeliveryList(self, delivery_list): """ Merge multiple deliveries into one delivery. All delivery lines are merged into the first one. The first one is therefore called main_delivery here. The others are cancelled. Return the main delivery. """ # Sanity checks. if len(delivery_list) == 0: raise self.MergeDeliveryListError, "No delivery is passed" elif len(delivery_list) == 1: raise self.MergeDeliveryListError, "Only one delivery is passed" main_delivery = delivery_list[0] delivery_list = delivery_list[1:] # Another sanity check. It is necessary for them to be identical in some attributes. for delivery in delivery_list: for attr in ('portal_type', 'simulation_state', 'source', 'destination', 'source_section', 'destination_section', 'source_decision', 'destination_decision', 'source_administration', 'destination_administration', 'source_payment', 'destination_payment'): main_value = main_delivery.getProperty(attr) value = delivery.getProperty(attr) if main_value != value: raise self.MergeDeliveryListError, \ "%s is not the same between %s and %s (%s and %s)" % (attr, delivery.getId(), main_delivery.getId(), value, main_value) # One more sanity check. Check if discounts are the same, if any. main_discount_list = main_delivery.contentValues(filter = {'portal_type': self.getPortalDiscountTypeList()}) for delivery in delivery_list: discount_list = delivery.contentValues(filter = {'portal_type': self.getPortalDiscountTypeList()}) if len(main_discount_list) != len(discount_list): raise self.MergeDeliveryListError, "Discount is not the same between %s and %s" % (delivery.getId(), main_delivery.getId()) for discount in discount_list: for main_discount in main_discount_list: if discount.getDiscount() == main_discount.getDiscount() \ and discount.getDiscountRatio() == main_discount.getDiscountRatio() \ and discount.getDiscountType() == main_discount.getDiscountType() \ and discount.getImmediateDiscount() == main_discount.getImmediateDiscount(): break else: raise self.MergeDeliveryListError, "Discount is not the same between %s and %s" % (delivery.getId(), main_delivery.getId()) # One more sanity check. Check if payment conditions are the same, if any. main_payment_condition_list = main_delivery.contentValues(filter = {'portal_type': self.getPortalPaymentConditionTypeList()}) for delivery in delivery_list: payment_condition_list = delivery.contentValues(filter = {'portal_type': self.getPortalPaymentConditionTypeList()}) if len(main_payment_condition_list) != len(payment_condition_list): raise self.MergeDeliveryListError, "Payment Condition is not the same between %s and %s" % (delivery.getId(), main_delivery.getId()) for condition in payment_condition_list: for main_condition in main_payment_condition_list: if condition.getPaymentMode() == main_condition.getPaymentMode() \ and condition.getPaymentAdditionalTerm() == main_condition.getPaymentAdditionalTerm() \ and condition.getPaymentAmount() == main_condition.getPaymentAmount() \ and condition.getPaymentEndOfMonth() == main_condition.getPaymentEndOfMonth() \ and condition.getPaymentRatio() == main_condition.getPaymentRatio() \ and condition.getPaymentTerm() == main_condition.getPaymentTerm(): break else: raise self.MergeDeliveryListError, "Payment Condition is not the same between %s and %s" % (delivery.getId(), main_delivery.getId()) # Make sure that all activities are flushed, to get simulation movements from delivery cells. for delivery in delivery_list: for order in delivery.getCausalityValueList(portal_type = self.getPortalOrderTypeList()): for applied_rule in order.getCausalityRelatedValueList(portal_type = 'Applied Rule'): applied_rule.flushActivity(invoke = 1) for causality_related_delivery in delivery.getCausalityValueList(portal_type = self.getPortalDeliveryTypeList()): for applied_rule in causality_related_delivery.getCausalityRelatedValueList(portal_type = 'Applied Rule'): applied_rule.flushActivity(invoke = 1) # Get a list of simulated movements and invoice movements. main_simulated_movement_list = main_delivery.getSimulatedMovementList() main_invoice_movement_list = main_delivery.getInvoiceMovementList() simulated_movement_list = main_simulated_movement_list[:] invoice_movement_list = main_invoice_movement_list[:] for delivery in delivery_list: simulated_movement_list.extend(delivery.getSimulatedMovementList()) invoice_movement_list.extend(delivery.getInvoiceMovementList()) #for movement in simulated_movement_list + invoice_movement_list: # parent = movement.aq_parent # LOG('mergeDeliveryList', 0, 'movement = %s, parent = %s, movement.getPortalType() = %s, parent.getPortalType() = %s' % (repr(movement), repr(parent), repr(movement.getPortalType()), repr(parent.getPortalType()))) LOG('mergeDeliveryList', 0, 'simulated_movement_list = %s, invoice_movement_list = %s' % (str(simulated_movement_list), str(invoice_movement_list))) for main_movement_list, movement_list in \ ((main_simulated_movement_list, simulated_movement_list), (main_invoice_movement_list, invoice_movement_list)): root_group = self.collectMovement(movement_list, check_order = 0, check_path = 0, check_date = 0, check_criterion = 1, check_resource = 1, check_base_variant = 1, check_variant = 1) for criterion_group in root_group.group_list: LOG('mergeDeliveryList dump tree', 0, 'criterion = %s, movement_list = %s, group_list = %s' % (repr(criterion_group.criterion), repr(criterion_group.movement_list), repr(criterion_group.group_list))) for resource_group in criterion_group.group_list: LOG('mergeDeliveryList dump tree', 0, 'resource = %s, movement_list = %s, group_list = %s' % (repr(resource_group.resource), repr(resource_group.movement_list), repr(resource_group.group_list))) for base_variant_group in resource_group.group_list: LOG('mergeDeliveryList dump tree', 0, 'base_category_list = %s, movement_list = %s, group_list = %s' % (repr(base_variant_group.base_category_list), repr(base_variant_group.movement_list), repr(base_variant_group.group_list))) for variant_group in base_variant_group.group_list: LOG('mergeDeliveryList dump tree', 0, 'category_list = %s, movement_list = %s, group_list = %s' % (repr(variant_group.category_list), repr(variant_group.movement_list), repr(variant_group.group_list))) for criterion_group in root_group.group_list: for resource_group in criterion_group.group_list: for base_variant_group in resource_group.group_list: # Get a list of categories. category_dict = {} for variant_group in base_variant_group.group_list: for category in variant_group.category_list: category_dict[category] = 1 category_list = category_dict.keys() # Try to find a delivery line. delivery_line = None for movement in base_variant_group.movement_list: if movement in main_movement_list: if movement.aq_parent.getPortalType() in self.getPortalSimulatedMovementTypeList() \ or movement.aq_parent.getPortalType() in self.getPortalInvoiceMovementTypeList(): delivery_line = movement.aq_parent else: delivery_line = movement LOG('mergeDeliveryList', 0, 'delivery_line %s is found: criterion = %s, resource = %s, base_category_list = %s' % (repr(delivery_line), repr(criterion_group.criterion), repr(resource_group.resource), repr(base_variant_group.base_category_list))) break if delivery_line is None: # Not found. So create a new delivery line. movement = base_variant_group.movement_list[0] if movement.aq_parent.getPortalType() in self.getPortalSimulatedMovementTypeList() \ or movement.aq_parent.getPortalType() in self.getPortalInvoiceMovementTypeList(): delivery_line_type = movement.aq_parent.getPortalType() else: delivery_line_type = movement.getPortalType() delivery_line = main_delivery.newContent(portal_type = delivery_line_type, resource = resource_group.resource) LOG('mergeDeliveryList', 0, 'New delivery_line %s is created: criterion = %s, resource = %s, base_category_list = %s' % (repr(delivery_line), repr(criterion_group.criterion), repr(resource_group.resource), repr(base_variant_group.base_category_list))) # Update the base categories and categories. #LOG('mergeDeliveryList', 0, 'base_category_list = %s, category_list = %s' % (repr(base_category_list), repr(category_list))) delivery_line.setVariationBaseCategoryList(base_variant_group.base_category_list) delivery_line.setVariationCategoryList(category_list) object_to_update = None for variant_group in base_variant_group.group_list: if len(variant_group.category_list) == 0: object_to_update = delivery_line else: for delivery_cell in delivery_line.contentValues(): predicate_value_list = delivery_cell.getPredicateValueList() LOG('mergeDeliveryList', 0, 'delivery_cell = %s, predicate_value_list = %s, variant_group.category_list = %s' % (repr(delivery_cell), repr(predicate_value_list), repr(variant_group.category_list))) if len(predicate_value_list) == len(variant_group.category_list): for category in variant_group.category_list: if category not in predicate_value_list: break else: object_to_update = delivery_cell break #LOG('mergeDeliveryList', 0, 'object_to_update = %s' % repr(object_to_update)) if object_to_update is not None: cell_price = object_to_update.getPrice() or 0.0 cell_quantity = object_to_update.getQuantity() or 0.0 cell_target_quantity = object_to_update.getNetConvertedTargetQuantity() or 0.0 # XXX What to do ? cell_total_price = cell_target_quantity * cell_price cell_category_list = list(object_to_update.getCategoryList()) for movement in variant_group.movement_list: if movement in main_movement_list: continue LOG('mergeDeliveryList', 0, 'movement = %s' % repr(movement)) cell_quantity += movement.getQuantity() cell_target_quantity += movement.getNetConvertedTargetQuantity() try: # XXX WARNING - ADD PRICED QUANTITY cell_price = movement.getPrice() cell_total_price += movement.getNetConvertedTargetQuantity() * cell_price except TypeError: cell_total_price = None for category in movement.getCategoryList(): if category not in cell_category_list: cell_category_list.append(category) # Make sure that simulation movements point to an appropriate delivery line or # delivery cell. if hasattr(movement, 'getDeliveryRelatedValueList'): for simulation_movement in \ movement.getDeliveryRelatedValueList(portal_type = 'Simulation Movement'): simulation_movement.setDeliveryValue(object_to_update) #simulation_movement.reindexObject() if hasattr(movement, 'getOrderRelatedValueList'): for simulation_movement in \ movement.getOrderRelatedValueList(portal_type = 'Simulation Movement'): simulation_movement.setOrderValue(object_to_update) #simulation_movement.reindexObject() if cell_target_quantity != 0 and cell_total_price is not None: average_price = cell_total_price / cell_target_quantity else: average_price = 0 LOG('mergeDeliveryList', 0, 'object_to_update = %s, cell_category_list = %s, cell_target_quantity = %s, cell_quantity = %s, average_price = %s' % (repr(object_to_update), repr(cell_category_list), repr(cell_target_quantity), repr(cell_quantity), repr(average_price))) object_to_update.setCategoryList(cell_category_list) if object_to_update.getPortalType() in self.getPortalSimulatedMovementTypeList(): object_to_update.edit(target_quantity = cell_target_quantity, quantity = cell_quantity, price = average_price, ) elif object_to_update.getPortalType() in self.getPortalInvoiceMovementTypeList(): # Invoices do not have target quantities, and the price never change. object_to_update.edit(quantity = cell_quantity, price = cell_price, ) else: raise self.MergeDeliveryListError, "Unknown portal type %s" % str(object_to_update.getPortalType()) #object_to_update.immediateReindexObject() else: raise self.MergeDeliveryListError, "No object to update" # Merge containers. Just copy them from other deliveries into the main. for delivery in delivery_list: container_id_list = delivery.contentIds(filter = {'portal_type': self.getPortalContainerTypeList()}) if len(container_id_list) > 0: copy_data = delivery.manage_copyObjects(ids = container_id_list) new_id_list = main_delivery.manage_pasteObjects(copy_data) # Unify the list of causality. causality_list = main_delivery.getCausalityValueList() for delivery in delivery_list: for causality in delivery.getCausalityValueList(): if causality not in causality_list: causality_list.append(causality) LOG("mergeDeliveryList", 0, "causality_list = %s" % str(causality_list)) main_delivery.setCausalityValueList(causality_list) # Cancel deliveries. for delivery in delivery_list: LOG("mergeDeliveryList", 0, "cancelling %s" % repr(delivery)) delivery.cancel() # Reindex the main delivery. main_delivery.reindexObject() return main_delivery ####################################################### # Sequence security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getSequence') def getSequence(self, **kw): """ getSequence is take the same parameters as Sequence constructor, and return a Sequence. """ return Sequence(**kw) ####################################################### # Time Management security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAvailableTime') def getAvailableTime(self, from_date=None, to_date=None, portal_type=[], node=[], resource=[], src__=0, **kw): """ Calculate available time for a node Returns an inventory of a single or multiple resources on a single node as a single float value from_date (>=) - only take rows which mirror_date is >= from_date to_date (<) - only take rows which date is < to_date node - only take rows in stock table which node_uid is equivalent to node resource - only take rows in stock table which resource_uid is equivalent to resource portal_type - only take rows in stock table which portal_type is in portal_type parameter """ # XXX For now, consider that from_date and to_date are required if (from_date is None) or (to_date is None): raise NotImplementedError, \ "getAvailableTime does not managed yet None values" # Calculate portal_type if portal_type == []: portal_type = self.getPortalCalendarPeriodTypeList() simulation_state = self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList() + \ self.getPortalTransitInventoryStateList() + \ self.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList() sql_result = self.Person_zGetAvailableTime( from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date, portal_type=portal_type, node=node, resource=resource, simulation_state=simulation_state, src__=src__, **kw) if not src__: result = 0 if len(sql_result) == 1: result = sql_result[0].total_quantity else: result = sql_result return result security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAvailableTimeSequence') def getAvailableTimeSequence(self, from_date, to_date, portal_type=[], node=[], resource=[], src__=0, **kw): """ Calculate available time for a node in multiple period of time. Each row is the available time for a specific period node - only take rows in stock table which node_uid is equivalent to node portal_type - only take rows in stock table which portal_type is in portal_type parameter resource - only take rows in stock table which resource_uid is equivalent to resource from_date (>=) - return period which start >= from_date to_date (<) - return period which start < to_date second, minute, hour, day, month, year - duration of each time period (cumulative) """ # Calculate portal_type if portal_type == []: portal_type = self.getPortalCalendarPeriodTypeList() sequence = Sequence(from_date, to_date, **kw) for sequence_item in sequence: setattr(sequence_item, 'total_quantity', self.getAvailableTime( from_date=sequence_item.from_date, to_date=sequence_item.to_date, portal_type=portal_type, node=node, resource=resource, src__=src__)) return sequence from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import addToDate class SequenceItem: """ SequenceItem define a time period. period. """ def __init__(self, from_date, to_date): self.from_date = from_date self.to_date = to_date class Sequence: """ Sequence is a iterable object, which calculate a range of time period. """ def __init__(self, from_date, to_date, second=None, minute=None, hour=None, day=None, month=None, year=None): """ Calculate a list of time period. Time period is a 2-tuple of 2 DateTime, which represent the from date and to date of the period. The start date of a period is calculated with the rule start_date of the previous + period duration from_date (>=) - return period which start >= from_date to_date (<) - return period which start < to_date second, minute, hour, day, month, year - duration of each time period (cumulative) at least one of those parameters must be specified. """ if not (second or minute or hour or day or month or year): raise ValueError('Period duration must be specified') self.item_list = [] # Calculate all time period current_from_date = from_date while current_from_date < to_date: current_to_date = addToDate(current_from_date, second=second, minute=minute, hour=hour, day=day, month=month, year=year) self.item_list.append(SequenceItem(current_from_date, current_to_date)) current_from_date = current_to_date def __len__(self): return len(self.item_list) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.item_list[key] def __contains__(self, value): return (value in self.item_list) def __iter__(self): for x in self.item_list: yield x InitializeClass(Sequence) allow_class(Sequence) InitializeClass(SequenceItem) allow_class(SequenceItem) InitializeClass(SimulationTool)