Commit 4f015d5f authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

implement a simple Jedi based tool to come up with initial type declarations for code

parent eac91b27
from __future__ import absolute_import
from io import open
from collections import defaultdict
from jedi import Script
from jedi.parser.representation import Function, Module, Import
from Cython.Utils import open_source_file
default_type_map = {
'float': 'double',
'int': 'long',
def analyse(source_path):
Analyse a Python source code file with Jedi.
Returns a mapping from (scope-name, (line, column)) pairs to a name-types mapping.
script = Script(path=source_path)
evaluator = script._evaluator
scoped_names = {}
for statements in script._parser.module().used_names.values():
for statement in statements:
scope = statement.parent
while not isinstance(scope, (Function, Module)):
scope = scope.parent
# hack: work around current Jedi problem with global module variables
if not hasattr(scope, 'scope_names_generator'):
statement_names = statement.get_defined_names()
if not statement_names:
key = (None if isinstance(scope, Module) else str(, scope.start_pos)
names = scoped_names[key]
except KeyError:
names = scoped_names[key] = defaultdict(set)
for name in statement_names:
for name_type in evaluator.find_types(scope, name):
if isinstance(name_type, Import):
type_name = 'object'
type_name =
return scoped_names
def inject_types(source_path, types, type_map=default_type_map, mode='python'):
Hack type declarations into source code file.
@param mode is currently 'python', which means that the generated type declarations use pure Python syntax.
col_and_types_by_line = dict(
# {line: (column, scope_name or None, [(name, type)])}
(k[-1][0], (k[-1][1], k[0], [(n, next(iter(t))) for (n, t) in v.items() if len(t) == 1]))
for (k, v) in types.items())
lines = [u'import cython\n']
with open_source_file(source_path) as f:
for line_no, line in enumerate(f, 1):
if line_no in col_and_types_by_line:
col, scope, types = col_and_types_by_line[line_no]
types = ', '.join('%s=%s' % (name, type_map.get(type_name, type_name))
for name, type_name in types)
if scope is None:
type_decl = u'{indent}cython.declare({types})\n'
type_decl = u'{indent}@cython.locals({types})\n'
lines.append(type_decl.format(indent=' '*col, types=types))
return lines
def main(file_paths=None, overwrite=False):
Main entry point to process a list of .py files and inject type inferred declarations.
if file_paths is None:
import sys
file_paths = sys.argv[1:]
for source_path in file_paths:
types = analyse(source_path)
lines = inject_types(source_path, types)
target_path = source_path + ('' if overwrite else '')
with open(target_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
for line in lines:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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