Commit 626e8cb9 authored by Lars Buitinck's avatar Lars Buitinck

document memoryview attributes better

parent a9963a76
......@@ -457,14 +457,14 @@ converted back to Cython-space memoryviews at any time.
They have the following attributes:
* shape
* strides
* suboffsets
* ndim
* size
* itemsize
* nbytes
* base
* ``shape``: size in each dimension, as a tuple.
* ``strides``: stride along each dimension, in bytes.
* ``suboffsets``
* ``ndim``: number of dimensions.
* ``size``: total number of items in the view (product of the shape).
* ``itemsize``: size, in bytes, of the items in the view.
* ``nbytes``: equal to ``size`` times ``itemsize``.
* ``base``
And of course the aforementioned ``T`` attribute (:ref:`view_transposing`).
These attributes have the same semantics as in NumPy_. For instance, to
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