# # Pyrex Scanner # #import pickle import cPickle as pickle import os import platform import stat import sys from time import time from Cython import Plex from Cython.Plex import Scanner from Cython.Plex.Errors import UnrecognizedInput from Errors import CompileError, error from Lexicon import string_prefixes, make_lexicon plex_version = getattr(Plex, '_version', None) #print "Plex version:", plex_version ### debug_scanner = 0 trace_scanner = 0 scanner_debug_flags = 0 scanner_dump_file = None binary_lexicon_pickle = 1 notify_lexicon_unpickling = 0 notify_lexicon_pickling = 1 lexicon = None #----------------------------------------------------------------- def hash_source_file(path): # Try to calculate a hash code for the given source file. # Returns an empty string if the file cannot be accessed. #print "Hashing", path ### import md5 try: try: f = open(path, "rU") text = f.read() except IOError, e: print "Unable to hash scanner source file (%s)" % e return "" finally: f.close() # Normalise spaces/tabs. We don't know what sort of # space-tab substitution the file may have been # through, so we replace all spans of spaces and # tabs by a single space. import re text = re.sub("[ \t]+", " ", text) hash = md5.new(text).hexdigest() return hash def open_pickled_lexicon(expected_hash): # Try to open pickled lexicon file and verify that # it matches the source file. Returns the opened # file if successful, otherwise None. ??? f = None result = None if os.path.exists(lexicon_pickle): try: f = open(lexicon_pickle, "rb") actual_hash = pickle.load(f) if actual_hash == expected_hash: result = f f = None else: print "Lexicon hash mismatch:" ### print " expected", expected_hash ### print " got ", actual_hash ### except IOError, e: print "Warning: Unable to read pickled lexicon", lexicon_pickle print e if f: f.close() return result def try_to_unpickle_lexicon(): global lexicon, lexicon_pickle, lexicon_hash dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) source_file = os.path.join(dir, "Lexicon.py") lexicon_hash = hash_source_file(source_file) lexicon_pickle = os.path.join(dir, "Lexicon.pickle") f = open_pickled_lexicon(expected_hash = lexicon_hash) if f: if notify_lexicon_unpickling: t0 = time() print "Unpickling lexicon..." lexicon = pickle.load(f) f.close() if notify_lexicon_unpickling: t1 = time() print "Done (%.2f seconds)" % (t1 - t0) def create_new_lexicon(): global lexicon t0 = time() print "Creating lexicon..." lexicon = make_lexicon() t1 = time() print "Done (%.2f seconds)" % (t1 - t0) def pickle_lexicon(): f = None try: f = open(lexicon_pickle, "wb") except IOError: print "Warning: Unable to save pickled lexicon in", lexicon_pickle if f: if notify_lexicon_pickling: t0 = time() print "Pickling lexicon..." pickle.dump(lexicon_hash, f, binary_lexicon_pickle) pickle.dump(lexicon, f, binary_lexicon_pickle) f.close() if notify_lexicon_pickling: t1 = time() print "Done (%.2f seconds)" % (t1 - t0) def get_lexicon(): global lexicon if not lexicon and plex_version is None: try_to_unpickle_lexicon() if not lexicon: create_new_lexicon() if plex_version is None: pickle_lexicon() return lexicon #------------------------------------------------------------------ reserved_words = [ "global", "include", "ctypedef", "cdef", "def", "class", "print", "del", "pass", "break", "continue", "return", "raise", "import", "exec", "try", "except", "finally", "while", "if", "elif", "else", "for", "in", "assert", "and", "or", "not", "is", "in", "lambda", "from", "NULL", "cimport", "by", "with", "cpdef", "DEF", "IF", "ELIF", "ELSE" ] class Method: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.__name__ = name # for Plex tracing def __call__(self, stream, text): return getattr(stream, self.name)(text) #------------------------------------------------------------------ def build_resword_dict(): d = {} for word in reserved_words: d[word] = 1 return d #------------------------------------------------------------------ class CompileTimeScope(object): def __init__(self, outer = None): self.entries = {} self.outer = outer def declare(self, name, value): self.entries[name] = value def lookup_here(self, name): return self.entries[name] def lookup(self, name): try: return self.lookup_here(name) except KeyError: outer = self.outer if outer: return outer.lookup(name) else: raise def initial_compile_time_env(): benv = CompileTimeScope() names = ('UNAME_SYSNAME', 'UNAME_NODENAME', 'UNAME_RELEASE', 'UNAME_VERSION', 'UNAME_MACHINE') for name, value in zip(names, platform.uname()): benv.declare(name, value) import __builtin__ names = ('False', 'True', 'abs', 'bool', 'chr', 'cmp', 'complex', 'dict', 'divmod', 'enumerate', 'float', 'hash', 'hex', 'int', 'len', 'list', 'long', 'map', 'max', 'min', 'oct', 'ord', 'pow', 'range', 'reduce', 'repr', 'round', 'slice', 'str', 'sum', 'tuple', 'xrange', 'zip') for name in names: benv.declare(name, getattr(__builtin__, name)) denv = CompileTimeScope(benv) return denv #------------------------------------------------------------------ class PyrexScanner(Scanner): # context Context Compilation context # type_names set Identifiers to be treated as type names # compile_time_env dict Environment for conditional compilation # compile_time_eval boolean In a true conditional compilation context # compile_time_expr boolean In a compile-time expression context resword_dict = build_resword_dict() def __init__(self, file, filename, parent_scanner = None, type_names = None, context = None): Scanner.__init__(self, get_lexicon(), file, filename) if parent_scanner: self.context = parent_scanner.context self.type_names = parent_scanner.type_names self.compile_time_env = parent_scanner.compile_time_env self.compile_time_eval = parent_scanner.compile_time_eval self.compile_time_expr = parent_scanner.compile_time_expr else: self.context = context self.type_names = type_names self.compile_time_env = initial_compile_time_env() self.compile_time_eval = 1 self.compile_time_expr = 0 self.trace = trace_scanner self.indentation_stack = [0] self.indentation_char = None self.bracket_nesting_level = 0 self.begin('INDENT') self.sy = '' self.next() def current_level(self): return self.indentation_stack[-1] def open_bracket_action(self, text): self.bracket_nesting_level = self.bracket_nesting_level + 1 return text def close_bracket_action(self, text): self.bracket_nesting_level = self.bracket_nesting_level - 1 return text def newline_action(self, text): if self.bracket_nesting_level == 0: self.begin('INDENT') self.produce('NEWLINE', '') string_states = { "'": 'SQ_STRING', '"': 'DQ_STRING', "'''": 'TSQ_STRING', '"""': 'TDQ_STRING' } def begin_string_action(self, text): if text[:1] in string_prefixes: text = text[1:] self.begin(self.string_states[text]) self.produce('BEGIN_STRING') def end_string_action(self, text): self.begin('') self.produce('END_STRING') def unclosed_string_action(self, text): self.end_string_action(text) self.error("Unclosed string literal") def indentation_action(self, text): self.begin('') # Indentation within brackets should be ignored. #if self.bracket_nesting_level > 0: # return # Check that tabs and spaces are being used consistently. if text: c = text[0] #print "Scanner.indentation_action: indent with", repr(c) ### if self.indentation_char is None: self.indentation_char = c #print "Scanner.indentation_action: setting indent_char to", repr(c) else: if self.indentation_char <> c: self.error("Mixed use of tabs and spaces") if text.replace(c, "") <> "": self.error("Mixed use of tabs and spaces") # Figure out how many indents/dedents to do current_level = self.current_level() new_level = len(text) #print "Changing indent level from", current_level, "to", new_level ### if new_level == current_level: return elif new_level > current_level: #print "...pushing level", new_level ### self.indentation_stack.append(new_level) self.produce('INDENT', '') else: while new_level < self.current_level(): #print "...popping level", self.indentation_stack[-1] ### self.indentation_stack.pop() self.produce('DEDENT', '') #print "...current level now", self.current_level() ### if new_level <> self.current_level(): self.error("Inconsistent indentation") def eof_action(self, text): while len(self.indentation_stack) > 1: self.produce('DEDENT', '') self.indentation_stack.pop() self.produce('EOF', '') def next(self): try: sy, systring = self.read() except UnrecognizedInput: self.error("Unrecognized character") if sy == 'IDENT' and systring in self.resword_dict: sy = systring self.sy = sy self.systring = systring if debug_scanner: _, line, col = self.position() if not self.systring or self.sy == self.systring: t = self.sy else: t = "%s %s" % (self.sy, self.systring) print "--- %3d %2d %s" % (line, col, t) def put_back(self, sy, systring): self.unread(self.sy, self.systring) self.sy = sy self.systring = systring def unread(self, token, value): # This method should be added to Plex self.queue.insert(0, (token, value)) def add_type_name(self, name): self.type_names[name] = 1 def looking_at_type_name(self): return self.sy == 'IDENT' and self.systring in self.type_names def error(self, message, pos = None): if pos is None: pos = self.position() if self.sy == 'INDENT': error(pos, "Possible inconsistent indentation") raise error(pos, message) def expect(self, what, message = None): if self.sy == what: self.next() else: self.expected(what, message) def expect_keyword(self, what, message = None): if self.sy == 'IDENT' and self.systring == what: self.next() else: self.expected(what, message) def expected(self, what, message): if message: self.error(message) else: self.error("Expected '%s'" % what) def expect_indent(self): self.expect('INDENT', "Expected an increase in indentation level") def expect_dedent(self): self.expect('DEDENT', "Expected a decrease in indentation level") def expect_newline(self, message = "Expected a newline"): # Expect either a newline or end of file if self.sy <> 'EOF': self.expect('NEWLINE', message)