Commit 0501d5cd authored by ben's avatar ben

Adapted everything to new exploded format

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent 857a3f4b
import re
from log import *
import Globals
# filename_mapping - used to coordinate related filenames
# For instance, some source filenames may contain characters not
# allowed on the mirror end. Also, if a source filename is very long
# (say 240 characters), the extra characters added to related
# increments may put them over the usual 255 character limit.
"""Contains class methods which coordinate related filenames"""
max_filename_length = 255
# If true, enable character quoting, and set characters making
# regex-style range.
chars_to_quote = None
# These compiled regular expressions are used in quoting and unquoting
chars_to_quote_regexp = None
unquoting_regexp = None
# Use given char to quote. Default is set in Globals.
quoting_char = None
def set_init_quote_vals():
"""Set quoting value from Globals on all conns"""
for conn in Globals.connections:
def set_init_quote_vals_local():
"""Set value on local connection, initialize regexps"""
global chars_to_quote
chars_to_quote = Globals.chars_to_quote
if len(Globals.quoting_char) != 1:
Log.FatalError("Expected single character for quoting char,"
"got '%s' instead" % (Globals.quoting_char,))
quoting_char = Globals.quoting_char
def init_quoting_regexps():
"""Compile quoting regular expressions"""
global chars_to_quote_regexp, unquoting_regexp
chars_to_quote_regexp = \
re.compile("[%s%s]" % (chars_to_quote, quoting_char), re.S)
unquoting_regexp = re.compile("%s[0-9]{3}" % quoting_char, re.S)
except re.error:
Log.FatalError("Error '%s' when processing char quote list %s" %
(re.error, chars_to_quote))
def quote(path):
"""Return quoted version of given path
Any characters quoted will be replaced by the quoting char and
the ascii number of the character. For instance, "10:11:12"
would go to "10;05811;05812" if ":" were quoted and ";" were
the quoting character.
return chars_to_quote_regexp.sub(quote_single, path)
def quote_single(match):
"""Return replacement for a single character"""
return "%s%03d" % (quoting_char, ord(
def unquote(path):
"""Return original version of quoted filename"""
return unquoting_regexp.sub(unquote_single, path)
def unquote_single(match):
"""Unquote a single quoted character"""
assert len( == 4
return chr(int([1:]))
def get_quoted_dir_children(rpath):
"""For rpath directory, return list of quoted children in dir"""
if not rpath.isdir(): return []
dir_pairs = [(unquote(filename), filename)
for filename in Robust.listrp(rpath)]
dir_pairs.sort() # sort by real index, not quoted part
child_list = []
for unquoted, filename in dir_pairs:
childrp = rpath.append(unquoted)
return child_list
import re, os
# The current version of rdiff-backup
version = "0.8.0"
# If this is set, use this value in seconds as the current time
# instead of reading it from the clock.
current_time = None
# This determines how many bytes to read at a time when copying
blocksize = 32768
# This is used by the BufferedRead class to determine how many
# bytes to request from the underlying file per read(). Larger
# values may save on connection overhead and latency.
conn_bufsize = 98304
# True if script is running as a server
server = None
# uid and gid of the owner of the rdiff-backup process. This can
# vary depending on the connection.
process_uid = os.getuid()
process_gid = os.getgid()
# If true, when copying attributes, also change target's uid/gid
change_ownership = None
# If true, change the permissions of unwriteable mirror files
# (such as directories) so that they can be written, and then
# change them back. This defaults to 1 just in case the process
# is not running as root (root doesn't need to change
# permissions).
change_mirror_perms = (process_uid != 0)
# If true, temporarily change permissions of unreadable files in
# the source directory to make sure we can read all files.
change_source_perms = None
# If true, try to reset the atimes of the source partition.
preserve_atime = None
# This will be set as soon as the LocalConnection class loads
local_connection = None
# All connections should be added to the following list, so
# further global changes can be propagated to the remote systems.
# The first element should be Globals.local_connection. For a
# server, the second is the connection to the client.
connections = []
# Each process should have a connection number unique to the
# session. The client has connection number 0.
connection_number = 0
# Dictionary pairing connection numbers with connections. Set in
# SetConnections for all connections.
connection_dict = {}
# True if the script is the end that reads the source directory
# for backups. It is true for purely local sessions.
isbackup_reader = None
# Connection of the real backup reader (for which isbackup_reader
# is true)
backup_reader = None
# True if the script is the end that writes to the increment and
# mirror directories. True for purely local sessions.
isbackup_writer = None
# Connection of the backup writer
backup_writer = None
# True if this process is the client invoked by the user
isclient = None
# Connection of the client
client_conn = None
# This list is used by the set function below. When a new
# connection is created with init_connection, its Globals class
# will match this one for all the variables mentioned in this
# list.
changed_settings = []
# rdiff-backup will try to checkpoint its state every
# checkpoint_interval seconds. Then when resuming, at most this
# amount of time is lost.
checkpoint_interval = 20
# The RPath of the rdiff-backup-data directory.
rbdir = None
# Indicates if a resume or a lack of resume is forced. This
# should be None for the default. 0 means don't resume, and 1
# means resume.
resume = None
# If there has been an aborted backup fewer than this many seconds
# ago, attempt to resume it where it left off instead of starting
# a new one.
resume_window = 7200
# This string is used when recognizing and creating time strings.
# If the time_separator is ":", then W3 datetime strings like
# 2001-12-07T04:22:01-07:00 are produced. It can be set to "_" to
# make filenames that don't contain colons, which aren't allowed
# under MS windows NT.
time_separator = ":"
# quoting_enabled is true if we should quote certain characters in
# filenames on the source side (see FilenameMapping for more
# info). chars_to_quote is a string whose characters should be
# quoted, and quoting_char is the character to quote with.
quoting_enabled = None
chars_to_quote = ""
quoting_char = ';'
# If true, emit output intended to be easily readable by a
# computer. False means output is intended for humans.
parsable_output = None
# If true, then hardlinks will be preserved to mirror and recorded
# in the increments directory. There is also a difference here
# between None and 0. When restoring, None or 1 means to preserve
# hardlinks iff can find a hardlink dictionary. 0 means ignore
# hardlink information regardless.
preserve_hardlinks = 1
# If this is false, then rdiff-backup will not compress any
# increments. Default is to compress based on regexp below.
compression = 1
# Increments based on files whose names match this
# case-insensitive regular expression won't be compressed (applies
# to .snapshots and .diffs). The second below will be the
# compiled version of the first.
no_compression_regexp_string = "(?i).*\\.(gz|z|bz|bz2|tgz|zip|rpm|deb|" \
no_compression_regexp = None
# If true, filelists and directory statistics will be split on
# nulls instead of newlines.
null_separator = None
# Determines whether or not ssh will be run with the -C switch
ssh_compression = 1
# If true, print statistics after successful backup
print_statistics = None
# On the reader and writer connections, the following will be
# replaced by the source and mirror Select objects respectively.
select_source, select_mirror = None, None
# On the backup writer connection, holds the main incrementing
# function. Access is provided to increment error counts.
ITR = None
def get(name):
"""Return the value of something in this module"""
return globals()[name]
def is_not_None(name):
"""Returns true if value is not None"""
return globals()[name] is not None
def set(name, val):
"""Set the value of something in this module
Use this instead of writing the values directly if the setting
matters to remote sides. This function updates the
changed_settings list, so other connections know to copy the
globals()[name] = val
def set_integer(name, val):
"""Like set, but make sure val is an integer"""
try: intval = int(val)
except ValueError:
Log.FatalError("Variable %s must be set to an integer -\n"
"received %s instead." % (name, val))
set(name, intval)
def get_dict_val(name, key):
"""Return val from dictionary in this class"""
return globals()[name][key]
def set_dict_val(name, key, val):
"""Set value for dictionary in this class"""
globals()[name][key] = val
def postset_regexp(name, re_string, flags = None):
"""Compile re_string on all existing connections, set to name"""
for conn in connections:
conn.Globals.postset_regexp_local(name, re_string, flags)
def postset_regexp_local(name, re_string, flags):
"""Set name to compiled re_string locally"""
if flags: globals()[name] = re.compile(re_string, flags)
else: globals()[name] = re.compile(re_string)
def set_select(dsrpath, tuplelist, quote_mode, *filelists):
"""Initialize select object using tuplelist
Note that each list in filelists must each be passed as
separate arguments, so each is recognized as a file by the
connection. Otherwise we will get an error because a list
containing files can't be pickled.
global select_source, select_mirror
if dsrpath.source:
select_source = Select(dsrpath, quote_mode)
select_source.ParseArgs(tuplelist, filelists)
select_mirror = Select(dsrpath, quote_mode)
select_mirror.ParseArgs(tuplelist, filelists)
from rpath import * # kludge to avoid circularity - not needed in this module
from selection import *
from __future__ import generators
import cPickle
# hardlink - code for preserving and restoring hardlinks
# If the preserve_hardlinks option is selected, linked files in the
# source directory will be linked in the mirror directory. Linked
# files are treated like any other with respect to incrementing, but a
# database of all links will be recorded at each session, so linked
# files can still be restored from the increments.
"""Hardlink class methods and data
All these functions are meant to be executed on the destination
side. The source side should only transmit inode information.
# In all of these lists of indicies are the values. The keys in
# _inode_ ones are (inode, devloc) pairs.
_src_inode_indicies = {}
_dest_inode_indicies = {}
# The keys for these two are just indicies. They share values
# with the earlier dictionaries.
_src_index_indicies = {}
_dest_index_indicies = {}
# When a linked file is restored, its path is added to this dict,
# so it can be found when later paths being restored are linked to
# it.
_restore_index_path = {}
def get_inode_key(rorp):
"""Return rorp's key for _inode_ dictionaries"""
return (rorp.getinode(), rorp.getdevloc())
def get_indicies(rorp, source):
"""Return a list of similarly linked indicies, using rorp's index"""
if source: dict = _src_index_indicies
else: dict = _dest_index_indicies
try: return dict[rorp.index]
except KeyError: return []
def add_rorp(rorp, source):
"""Process new rorp and update hard link dictionaries
First enter it into src_inode_indicies. If we have already
seen all the hard links, then we can delete the entry.
Everything must stay recorded in src_index_indicies though.
if not rorp.isreg() or rorp.getnumlinks() < 2: return
if source:
inode_dict, index_dict = _src_inode_indicies, _src_index_indicies
else: inode_dict, index_dict = _dest_inode_indicies, _dest_index_indicies
rp_inode_key = get_inode_key(rorp)
if inode_dict.has_key(rp_inode_key):
index_list = inode_dict[rp_inode_key]
if len(index_list) == rorp.getnumlinks():
del inode_dict[rp_inode_key]
else: # make new entry in both src dicts
index_list = [rorp.index]
inode_dict[rp_inode_key] = index_list
index_dict[rorp.index] = index_list
def add_rorp_iter(iter, source):
"""Return new rorp iterator like iter that add_rorp's first"""
for rorp in iter:
add_rorp(rorp, source)
yield rorp
def rorp_eq(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
"""Compare hardlinked for equality
Two files may otherwise seem equal but be hardlinked in
different ways. This function considers them equal enough if
they have been hardlinked correctly to the previously seen
assert src_rorp.index == dest_rorp.index
if (not src_rorp.isreg() or not dest_rorp.isreg() or
src_rorp.getnumlinks() == dest_rorp.getnumlinks() == 1):
return 1 # Hard links don't apply
src_index_list = get_indicies(src_rorp, 1)
dest_index_list = get_indicies(dest_rorp, None)
# If a list only has one element, then it is only hardlinked
# to itself so far, so that is not a genuine difference yet.
if not src_index_list or len(src_index_list) == 1:
return not dest_index_list or len(dest_index_list) == 1
if not dest_index_list or len(dest_index_list) == 1: return None
# Both index lists exist and are non-empty
return src_index_list == dest_index_list # they are always sorted
def islinked(rorp):
"""True if rorp's index is already linked to something on src side"""
return len(get_indicies(rorp, 1)) >= 2
def restore_link(index, rpath):
"""Restores a linked file by linking it
When restoring, all the hardlink data is already present, and
we can only link to something already written. In either
case, add to the _restore_index_path dict, so we know later
that the file is available for hard
Returns true if succeeded in creating rpath, false if must
restore rpath normally.
if index not in _src_index_indicies: return None
for linked_index in _src_index_indicies[index]:
if linked_index in _restore_index_path:
srcpath = _restore_index_path[linked_index]
Log("Restoring %s by hard linking to %s" %
(rpath.path, srcpath), 6)
return 1
_restore_index_path[index] = rpath.path
return None
def link_rp(src_rorp, dest_rpath, dest_root = None):
"""Make dest_rpath into a link analogous to that of src_rorp"""
if not dest_root: dest_root = dest_rpath # use base of dest_rpath
dest_link_rpath = RPath(dest_root.conn, dest_root.base,
get_indicies(src_rorp, 1)[0])
def write_linkdict(rpath, dict, compress = None):
"""Write link data to the rbdata dir
It is stored as the a big pickled dictionary dated to match
the current hardlinks.
assert (Globals.isbackup_writer and
rpath.conn is Globals.local_connection)
tf =
def init():
fp ="wb", compress)
cPickle.dump(dict, fp)
assert not fp.close()
Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (tf,), (rpath,)).execute()
def get_linkrp(data_rpath, time, prefix):
"""Return RPath of linkdata, or None if cannot find"""
for rp in map(data_rpath.append, data_rpath.listdir()):
if (rp.isincfile() and rp.getincbase_str() == prefix and
(rp.getinctype() == 'snapshot' or rp.getinctype() == 'data')
and Time.stringtotime(rp.getinctime()) == time):
return rp
return None
def get_linkdata(data_rpath, time, prefix = 'hardlink_data'):
"""Return index dictionary written by write_linkdata at time"""
rp = get_linkrp(data_rpath, time, prefix)
if not rp: return None
fp ="rb", rp.isinccompressed())
index_dict = cPickle.load(fp)
assert not fp.close()
return index_dict
def final_writedata():
"""Write final checkpoint data to rbdir after successful backup"""
global final_inc
if _src_index_indicies:
Log("Writing hard link data", 6)
if Globals.compression:
final_inc = Globals.rbdir.append("" %
else: final_inc = Globals.rbdir.append("" %
write_linkdict(final_inc, _src_index_indicies, Globals.compression)
else: # no hardlinks, so writing unnecessary
final_inc = None
def retrieve_final(time):
"""Set source index dictionary from hardlink_data file if avail"""
global _src_index_indicies
hd = get_linkdata(Globals.rbdir, time)
if hd is None: return None
_src_index_indicies = hd
return 1
def final_checkpoint(data_rpath):
"""Write contents of the four dictionaries to the data dir
If rdiff-backup receives a fatal error, it may still be able
to save the contents of the four hard link dictionaries.
Because these dictionaries may be big, they are not saved
after every 20 seconds or whatever, but just at the end.
Log("Writing intermediate hard link data to disk", 2)
src_inode_rp = data_rpath.append("hardlink_source_inode_checkpoint."
"" % Time.curtimestr)
src_index_rp = data_rpath.append("hardlink_source_index_checkpoint."
"" % Time.curtimestr)
dest_inode_rp = data_rpath.append("hardlink_dest_inode_checkpoint."
"" % Time.curtimestr)
dest_index_rp = data_rpath.append("hardlink_dest_index_checkpoint."
"" % Time.curtimestr)
for (rp, dict) in ((src_inode_rp, _src_inode_indicies),
(src_index_rp, _src_index_indicies),
(dest_inode_rp, _dest_inode_indicies),
(dest_index_rp, _dest_index_indicies)):
write_linkdict(rp, dict)
def retrieve_checkpoint(data_rpath, time):
"""Retrieve hardlink data from final checkpoint
Return true if the retrieval worked, false otherwise.
global _src_inode_indicies, _src_index_indicies
global _dest_inode_indicies, _dest_index_indicies
src_inode = get_linkdata(data_rpath, time,
src_index = get_linkdata(data_rpath, time,
dest_inode = get_linkdata(data_rpath, time,
dest_index = get_linkdata(data_rpath, time,
except cPickle.UnpicklingError:
Log("Unpickling Error", 2)
return None
if (src_inode is None or src_index is None or
dest_inode is None or dest_index is None): return None
_src_inode_indicies, _src_index_indicies = src_inode, src_index
_dest_inode_indicies, _dest_index_indicies = dest_inode, dest_index
return 1
def remove_all_checkpoints():
"""Remove all hardlink checkpoint information from directory"""
prefix_list = ["hardlink_source_inode_checkpoint",
for rp in map(Globals.rbdir.append, Globals.rbdir.listdir()):
if (rp.isincfile() and rp.getincbase_str() in prefix_list and
(rp.getinctype() == 'snapshot' or rp.getinctype() == 'data')):
from log import *
from robust import *
from rpath import *
import Globals, Time
import getopt, sys, re
from log import *
from lazy import *
from connection import *
from rpath import *
from destructive_stepping import *
from robust import *
from restore import *
from highlevel import *
from manage import *
import Globals, Time, SetConnections
# main - Start here: Read arguments, set global settings, etc.
action = None
remote_cmd, remote_schema = None, None
force = None
select_opts, select_mirror_opts = [], []
select_files = []
def parse_cmdlineoptions(arglist):
"""Parse argument list and set global preferences"""
global args, action, force, restore_timestr, remote_cmd, remote_schema
global remove_older_than_string
def sel_fl(filename):
"""Helper function for including/excluding filelists below"""
try: return open(filename, "r")
except IOError: Log.FatalError("Error opening file %s" % filename)
try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(arglist, "blmr:sv:V",
["backup-mode", "calculate-average",
"change-source-perms", "chars-to-quote=",
"checkpoint-interval=", "current-time=", "exclude=",
"exclude-device-files", "exclude-filelist=",
"exclude-filelist-stdin", "exclude-mirror=",
"exclude-regexp=", "force", "include=",
"include-filelist=", "include-filelist-stdin",
"include-regexp=", "list-increments", "mirror-only",
"no-compression", "no-compression-regexp=",
"no-hard-links", "no-resume", "null-separator",
"parsable-output", "print-statistics", "quoting-char=",
"remote-cmd=", "remote-schema=", "remove-older-than=",
"restore-as-of=", "resume", "resume-window=", "server",
"ssh-no-compression", "terminal-verbosity=",
"test-server", "verbosity", "version", "windows-mode",
except getopt.error, e:
commandline_error("Bad commandline options: %s" % str(e))
for opt, arg in optlist:
if opt == "-b" or opt == "--backup-mode": action = "backup"
elif opt == "--calculate-average": action = "calculate-average"
elif opt == "--change-source-perms":
Globals.set('change_source_perms', 1)
elif opt == "--chars-to-quote":
Globals.set('chars_to_quote', arg)
Globals.set('quoting_enabled', 1)
elif opt == "--checkpoint-interval":
Globals.set_integer('checkpoint_interval', arg)
elif opt == "--current-time":
Globals.set_integer('current_time', arg)
elif opt == "--exclude": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-device-files": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-filelist":
select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-filelist-stdin":
select_opts.append(("--exclude-filelist", "standard input"))
elif opt == "--exclude-mirror":
select_mirror_opts.append(("--exclude", arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-regexp": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--force": force = 1
elif opt == "--include": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--include-filelist":
select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--include-filelist-stdin":
select_opts.append(("--include-filelist", "standard input"))
elif opt == "--include-regexp": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "-l" or opt == "--list-increments":
action = "list-increments"
elif opt == "-m" or opt == "--mirror-only": action = "mirror"
elif opt == "--no-compression": Globals.set("compression", None)
elif opt == "--no-compression-regexp":
Globals.set("no_compression_regexp_string", arg)
elif opt == "--no-hard-links": Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', 0)
elif opt == '--no-resume': Globals.resume = 0
elif opt == "--null-separator": Globals.set("null_separator", 1)
elif opt == "-r" or opt == "--restore-as-of":
restore_timestr, action = arg, "restore-as-of"
elif opt == "--parsable-output": Globals.set('parsable_output', 1)
elif opt == "--print-statistics":
Globals.set('print_statistics', 1)
elif opt == "--quoting-char":
Globals.set('quoting_char', arg)
Globals.set('quoting_enabled', 1)
elif opt == "--remote-cmd": remote_cmd = arg
elif opt == "--remote-schema": remote_schema = arg
elif opt == "--remove-older-than":
remove_older_than_string = arg
action = "remove-older-than"
elif opt == '--resume': Globals.resume = 1
elif opt == '--resume-window':
Globals.set_integer('resume_window', arg)
elif opt == "-s" or opt == "--server": action = "server"
elif opt == "--ssh-no-compression":
Globals.set('ssh_compression', None)
elif opt == "--terminal-verbosity": Log.setterm_verbosity(arg)
elif opt == "--test-server": action = "test-server"
elif opt == "-V" or opt == "--version":
print "rdiff-backup " + Globals.version
elif opt == "-v" or opt == "--verbosity": Log.setverbosity(arg)
elif opt == "--windows-mode":
Globals.set('time_separator', "_")
Globals.set('chars_to_quote', ":")
Globals.set('quoting_enabled', 1)
elif opt == '--windows-time-format':
Globals.set('time_separator', "_")
else: Log.FatalError("Unknown option %s" % opt)
def set_action():
"""Check arguments and try to set action"""
global action
l = len(args)
if not action:
if l == 0: commandline_error("No arguments given")
elif l == 1: action = "restore"
elif l == 2:
if RPath(Globals.local_connection, args[0]).isincfile():
action = "restore"
else: action = "backup"
else: commandline_error("Too many arguments given")
if l == 0 and action != "server" and action != "test-server":
commandline_error("No arguments given")
if l > 0 and action == "server":
commandline_error("Too many arguments given")
if l < 2 and (action == "backup" or action == "mirror" or
action == "restore-as-of"):
commandline_error("Two arguments are required (source, destination).")
if l == 2 and (action == "list-increments" or
action == "remove-older-than"):
commandline_error("Only use one argument, "
"the root of the backup directory")
if l > 2 and action != "calculate-average":
commandline_error("Too many arguments given")
def commandline_error(message):
sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % message)
sys.stderr.write("See the rdiff-backup manual page for instructions\n")
def misc_setup(rps):
"""Set default change ownership flag, umask, relay regexps"""
if ((len(rps) == 2 and rps[1].conn.os.getuid() == 0) or
(len(rps) < 2 and os.getuid() == 0)):
# Allow change_ownership if destination connection is root
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Globals.set('change_ownership', 1)
for rp in rps: rp.setdata() # Update with userinfo
Globals.set("isclient", 1)
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal("client_conn", Globals.local_connection)
# This is because I originally didn't think compiled regexps
# could be pickled, and so must be compiled on remote side.
for conn in Globals.connections: Robust.install_signal_handlers()
def take_action(rps):
"""Do whatever action says"""
if action == "server": PipeConnection(sys.stdin, sys.stdout).Server()
elif action == "backup": Backup(rps[0], rps[1])
elif action == "restore": restore(*rps)
elif action == "restore-as-of": RestoreAsOf(rps[0], rps[1])
elif action == "mirror": Mirror(rps[0], rps[1])
elif action == "test-server": SetConnections.TestConnections()
elif action == "list-increments": ListIncrements(rps[0])
elif action == "remove-older-than": RemoveOlderThan(rps[0])
elif action == "calculate-average": CalculateAverage(rps)
else: raise AssertionError("Unknown action " + action)
def cleanup():
"""Do any last minute cleaning before exiting"""
Log("Cleaning up", 6)
if not Globals.server: SetConnections.CloseConnections()
def Main(arglist):
"""Start everything up!"""
rps = SetConnections.InitRPs(args, remote_schema, remote_cmd)
def Mirror(src_rp, dest_rp):
"""Turn dest_path into a copy of src_path"""
Log("Mirroring %s to %s" % (src_rp.path, dest_rp.path), 5)
mirror_check_paths(src_rp, dest_rp)
# Since no "rdiff-backup-data" dir, use root of destination.
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', dest_rp)
SetConnections.BackupInitConnections(src_rp.conn, dest_rp.conn)
HighLevel.Mirror(src_rp, dest_rp)
def mirror_check_paths(rpin, rpout):
"""Check paths and return rpin, rpout"""
if not rpin.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Source directory %s does not exist" % rpin.path)
if rpout.lstat() and not force: Log.FatalError(
"""Destination %s exists so continuing could mess it up. Run
rdiff-backup with the --force option if you want to mirror anyway.""" %
def Backup(rpin, rpout):
"""Backup, possibly incrementally, src_path to dest_path."""
SetConnections.BackupInitConnections(rpin.conn, rpout.conn)
backup_init_select(rpin, rpout)
backup_init_dirs(rpin, rpout)
RSI = Globals.backup_writer.Resume.ResumeCheck()
if prevtime:
HighLevel.Mirror_and_increment(rpin, rpout, incdir, RSI)
else: HighLevel.Mirror(rpin, rpout, incdir, RSI)
backup_touch_curmirror(rpin, rpout)
def backup_init_select(rpin, rpout):
"""Create Select objects on source and dest connections"""
rpin.conn.Globals.set_select(DSRPath(1, rpin), select_opts,
None, *select_files)
rpout.conn.Globals.set_select(DSRPath(None, rpout), select_mirror_opts, 1)
def backup_init_dirs(rpin, rpout):
"""Make sure rpin and rpout are valid, init data dir and logging"""
global datadir, incdir, prevtime
if rpout.lstat() and not rpout.isdir():
if not force: Log.FatalError("Destination %s exists and is not a "
"directory" % rpout.path)
Log("Deleting %s" % rpout.path, 3)
if not rpin.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Source directory %s does not exist" % rpin.path)
elif not rpin.isdir():
Log.FatalError("Source %s is not a directory" % rpin.path)
datadir = rpout.append("rdiff-backup-data")
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', datadir)
incdir = RPath(rpout.conn, os.path.join(datadir.path, "increments"))
prevtime = backup_get_mirrortime()
if rpout.lstat():
if rpout.isdir() and not rpout.listdir(): # rpout is empty dir
rpout.chmod(0700) # just make sure permissions aren't too lax
elif not datadir.lstat() and not force: Log.FatalError(
"""Destination directory %s exists, but does not look like a
rdiff-backup directory. Running rdiff-backup like this could mess up
what is currently in it. If you want to overwrite it, run
rdiff-backup with the --force option.""" % rpout.path)
if not rpout.lstat():
try: rpout.mkdir()
except os.error:
Log.FatalError("Unable to create directory %s" % rpout.path)
if not datadir.lstat(): datadir.mkdir()
if Log.verbosity > 0:
backup_warn_if_infinite_regress(rpin, rpout)
def backup_warn_if_infinite_regress(rpin, rpout):
"""Warn user if destination area contained in source area"""
if rpout.conn is rpin.conn: # it's meaningful to compare paths
if ((len(rpout.path) > len(rpin.path)+1 and
rpout.path[:len(rpin.path)] == rpin.path and
rpout.path[len(rpin.path)] == '/') or
(rpin.path == "." and rpout.path[0] != '/' and
rpout.path[:2] != '..')):
# Just a few heuristics, we don't have to get every case
if Globals.backup_reader.Globals.select_source.Select(rpout): Log(
"""Warning: The destination directory '%s' may be contained in the
source directory '%s'. This could cause an infinite regress. You
may need to use the --exclude option.""" % (rpout.path, rpin.path), 2)
def backup_get_mirrorrps():
"""Return list of current_mirror rps"""
if not datadir.isdir(): return []
mirrorrps = [datadir.append(fn) for fn in datadir.listdir()
if fn.startswith("current_mirror.")]
return filter(lambda rp: rp.isincfile(), mirrorrps)
def backup_get_mirrortime():
"""Return time in seconds of previous mirror, or None if cannot"""
mirrorrps = backup_get_mirrorrps()
if not mirrorrps: return None
if len(mirrorrps) > 1:
"""Warning: duplicate current_mirror files found. Perhaps something
went wrong during your last backup? Using """ + mirrorrps[-1].path, 2)
timestr = mirrorrps[-1].getinctime()
return Time.stringtotime(timestr)
def backup_touch_curmirror(rpin, rpout):
"""Make a file like to record time
Also updates rpout so mod times don't get messed up.
map(RPath.delete, backup_get_mirrorrps())
mirrorrp = datadir.append("current_mirror.%s.%s" % (Time.curtimestr,
Log("Touching mirror marker %s" % mirrorrp.path, 6)
RPath.copy_attribs(rpin, rpout)
def restore(src_rp, dest_rp = None):
"""Main restoring function
Here src_rp should be an increment file, and if dest_rp is
missing it defaults to the base of the increment.
rpin, rpout = restore_check_paths(src_rp, dest_rp)
time = Time.stringtotime(rpin.getinctime())
restore_common(rpin, rpout, time)
def RestoreAsOf(rpin, target):
"""Secondary syntax for restore operation
rpin - RPath of mirror file to restore (not nec. with correct index)
target - RPath of place to put restored file
restore_check_paths(rpin, target, 1)
try: time = Time.genstrtotime(restore_timestr)
except Time.TimeException, exc: Log.FatalError(str(exc))
restore_common(rpin, target, time)
def restore_common(rpin, target, time):
"""Restore operation common to Restore and RestoreAsOf"""
Log("Starting Restore", 5)
mirror_root, index = restore_get_root(rpin)
mirror = mirror_root.new_index(index)
inc_rpath = datadir.append_path('increments', index)
restore_init_select(mirror_root, target)
Restore.Restore(inc_rpath, mirror, target, time)
def restore_check_paths(rpin, rpout, restoreasof = None):
"""Check paths and return pair of corresponding rps"""
if not restoreasof:
if not rpin.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Source file %s does not exist" % rpin.path)
elif not rpin.isincfile():
Log.FatalError("""File %s does not look like an increment file.
Try restoring from an increment file (the filenames look like
"foobar.2001-09-01T04:49:04-07:00.diff").""" % rpin.path)
if not rpout: rpout = RPath(Globals.local_connection,
if rpout.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Restore target %s already exists, "
"and will not be overwritten." % rpout.path)
return rpin, rpout
def restore_init_select(rpin, rpout):
"""Initialize Select
Unlike the backup selections, here they are on the local
connection, because the backup operation is pipelined in a way
the restore operation isn't.
Globals.set_select(DSRPath(1, rpin), select_mirror_opts, None)
Globals.set_select(DSRPath(None, rpout), select_opts, None, *select_files)
def restore_get_root(rpin):
"""Return (mirror root, index) and set the data dir
The idea here is to keep backing up on the path until we find
a directory that contains "rdiff-backup-data". That is the
mirror root. If the path from there starts
"rdiff-backup-data/increments*", then the index is the
remainder minus that. Otherwise the index is just the path
minus the root.
All this could fail if the increment file is pointed to in a
funny way, using symlinks or somesuch.
global datadir
if rpin.isincfile(): relpath = rpin.getincbase().path
else: relpath = rpin.path
pathcomps = os.path.join(rpin.conn.os.getcwd(), relpath).split("/")
assert len(pathcomps) >= 2 # path should be relative to /
i = len(pathcomps)
while i >= 2:
parent_dir = RPath(rpin.conn, "/".join(pathcomps[:i]))
if (parent_dir.isdir() and
"rdiff-backup-data" in parent_dir.listdir()): break
i = i-1
else: Log.FatalError("Unable to find rdiff-backup-data directory")
rootrp = parent_dir
Log("Using mirror root directory %s" % rootrp.path, 6)
datadir = rootrp.append_path("rdiff-backup-data")
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', datadir)
if not datadir.isdir():
Log.FatalError("Unable to read rdiff-backup-data directory %s" %
from_datadir = tuple(pathcomps[i:])
if not from_datadir or from_datadir[0] != "rdiff-backup-data":
return (rootrp, from_datadir) # in mirror, not increments
assert from_datadir[1] == "increments"
return (rootrp, from_datadir[2:])
def ListIncrements(rp):
"""Print out a summary of the increments and their times"""
mirror_root, index = restore_get_root(rp)
Globals.rbdir = datadir = \
mirrorrp = mirror_root.new_index(index)
inc_rpath = datadir.append_path('increments', index)
incs = Restore.get_inclist(inc_rpath)
mirror_time = Restore.get_mirror_time()
if Globals.parsable_output:
print Manage.describe_incs_parsable(incs, mirror_time, mirrorrp)
else: print Manage.describe_incs_human(incs, mirror_time, mirrorrp)
def CalculateAverage(rps):
"""Print out the average of the given statistics files"""
statobjs = map(lambda rp: StatsObj().read_stats_from_rp(rp), rps)
average_stats = StatsObj().set_to_average(statobjs)
print average_stats.get_stats_logstring(
"Average of %d stat files" % len(rps))
def RemoveOlderThan(rootrp):
"""Remove all increment files older than a certain time"""
datadir = rootrp.append("rdiff-backup-data")
if not datadir.lstat() or not datadir.isdir():
Log.FatalError("Unable to open rdiff-backup-data dir %s" %
try: time = Time.genstrtotime(remove_older_than_string)
except TimeError, exc: Log.FatalError(str(exc))
timep = Time.timetopretty(time)
Log("Deleting increment(s) before %s" % timep, 4)
itimes = [Time.stringtopretty(inc.getinctime())
for inc in Restore.get_inclist(datadir.append("increments"))
if Time.stringtotime(inc.getinctime()) < time]
if not itimes:
Log.FatalError("No increments older than %s found" % timep)
inc_pretty_time = "\n".join(itimes)
if len(itimes) > 1 and not force:
Log.FatalError("Found %d relevant increments, dated:\n%s"
"\nIf you want to delete multiple increments in this way, "
"use the --force." % (len(itimes), inc_pretty_time))
Log("Deleting increment%sat times:\n%s" %
(len(itimes) == 1 and " " or "s ", inc_pretty_time), 3)
Manage.delete_earlier_than(datadir, time)
from statistics import *
"""Misc statistics methods, pertaining to dir and session stat files"""
# This is the RPath of the directory statistics file, and the
# associated open file. It will hold a line of statistics for
# each directory that is backed up.
_dir_stats_rp = None
_dir_stats_fp = None
# This goes at the beginning of the directory statistics file and
# explains the format.
_dir_stats_header = """# rdiff-backup directory statistics file
# Each line is in the following format:
# RelativeDirName %s
""" % " ".join(StatsObj.stat_file_attrs)
def open_dir_stats_file():
"""Open directory statistics file, write header"""
global _dir_stats_fp, _dir_stats_rp
assert not _dir_stats_fp, "Directory file already open"
if Globals.compression: suffix = "data.gz"
else: suffix = "data"
_dir_stats_rp = Inc.get_inc(Globals.rbdir.append("directory_statistics"),
Time.curtime, suffix)
if _dir_stats_rp.lstat():
Log("Warning, statistics file %s already exists, appending" %
_dir_stats_rp.path, 2)
_dir_stats_fp ="ab", Globals.compression)
else: _dir_stats_fp ="wb", Globals.compression)
def write_dir_stats_line(statobj, index):
"""Write info from statobj about rpath to statistics file"""
if Globals.null_separator:
_dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index, None) + "\0")
else: _dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index) + "\n")
def close_dir_stats_file():
"""Close directory statistics file if its open"""
global _dir_stats_fp
if _dir_stats_fp:
_dir_stats_fp = None
def write_session_statistics(statobj):
"""Write session statistics into file, log"""
stat_inc = Inc.get_inc(Globals.rbdir.append("session_statistics"),
Time.curtime, "data")
statobj.StartTime = Time.curtime
statobj.EndTime = time.time()
# include hardlink data and dir stats in size of increments
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks and Hardlink.final_inc:
# include hardlink data in size of increments
statobj.IncrementFiles += 1
statobj.IncrementFileSize += Hardlink.final_inc.getsize()
if _dir_stats_rp and _dir_stats_rp.lstat():
statobj.IncrementFiles += 1
statobj.IncrementFileSize += _dir_stats_rp.getsize()
if Globals.print_statistics:
message = statobj.get_stats_logstring("Session statistics")
from increment import *
import Hardlink
import os, popen2
# rdiff - Invoke rdiff utility to make signatures, deltas, or patch
# All these operations should be done in a relatively safe manner
# using RobustAction and the like.
class RdiffException(Exception): pass
def get_signature(rp):
"""Take signature of rpin file and return in file object"""
Log("Getting signature of %s" % rp.path, 7)
return rp.conn.Rdiff.Popen(['rdiff', 'signature', rp.path])
def get_delta_sigfileobj(sig_fileobj, rp_new):
"""Like get_delta but signature is in a file object"""
sig_tf =, None)
rdiff_popen_obj = get_delta_sigrp(sig_tf, rp_new)
return rdiff_popen_obj
def get_delta_sigrp(rp_signature, rp_new):
"""Take signature rp and new rp, return delta file object"""
assert rp_signature.conn is rp_new.conn
Log("Getting delta of %s with signature %s" %
(rp_new.path, rp_signature.path), 7)
return rp_new.conn.Rdiff.Popen(['rdiff', 'delta',
rp_signature.path, rp_new.path])
def write_delta_action(basis, new, delta, compress = None):
"""Return action writing delta which brings basis to new
If compress is true, the output of rdiff will be gzipped
before written to delta.
sig_tf =, None)
delta_tf =
def init(): write_delta(basis, new, delta_tf, compress, sig_tf)
return Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (sig_tf, delta_tf),
(None, delta))
def write_delta(basis, new, delta, compress = None, sig_tf = None):
"""Write rdiff delta which brings basis to new"""
Log("Writing delta %s from %s -> %s" %
(basis.path, new.path, delta.path), 7)
if not sig_tf: sig_tf =, None)
delta.write_from_fileobj(get_delta_sigrp(sig_tf, new), compress)
def patch_action(rp_basis, rp_delta, rp_out = None,
out_tf = None, delta_compressed = None):
"""Return RobustAction which patches rp_basis with rp_delta
If rp_out is None, put output in rp_basis. Will use TempFile
out_tf it is specified. If delta_compressed is true, the
delta file will be decompressed before processing with rdiff.
if not rp_out: rp_out = rp_basis
else: assert rp_out.conn is rp_basis.conn
if (delta_compressed or
not (isinstance(rp_delta, RPath) and isinstance(rp_basis, RPath)
and rp_basis.conn is rp_delta.conn)):
if delta_compressed:
assert isinstance(rp_delta, RPath)
return patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis,'rb', 1),
rp_out, out_tf)
else: return patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis,'rb'),
rp_out, out_tf)
# Files are uncompressed on same connection, run rdiff
if out_tf is None: out_tf =
def init():
Log("Patching %s using %s to %s via %s" %
(rp_basis.path, rp_delta.path, rp_out.path, out_tf.path), 7)
cmdlist = ["rdiff", "patch", rp_basis.path,
rp_delta.path, out_tf.path]
return_val = rp_basis.conn.os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'rdiff', cmdlist)
if return_val != 0 or not out_tf.lstat():
RdiffException("Error running %s" % cmdlist)
return Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (out_tf,), (rp_out,))
def patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis, delta_fileobj, rp_out = None,
out_tf = None, delta_compressed = None):
"""Like patch_action but diff is given in fileobj form
Nest a writing of a tempfile with the actual patching to
create a new action. We have to nest so that the tempfile
will be around until the patching finishes.
if not rp_out: rp_out = rp_basis
delta_tf =, None)
def init(): delta_tf.write_from_fileobj(delta_fileobj)
def final(init_val): delta_tf.delete()
def error(exc, ran_init, init_val): delta_tf.delete()
write_delta_action = RobustAction(init, final, error)
return Robust.chain(write_delta_action, patch_action(rp_basis, delta_tf,
rp_out, out_tf))
def patch_with_attribs_action(rp_basis, rp_delta, rp_out = None):
"""Like patch_action, but also transfers attributs from rp_delta"""
if not rp_out: rp_out = rp_basis
tf =
return Robust.chain_nested(patch_action(rp_basis, rp_delta, rp_out, tf),
Robust.copy_attribs_action(rp_delta, tf))
def copy_action(rpin, rpout):
"""Use rdiff to copy rpin to rpout, conserving bandwidth"""
if not rpin.isreg() or not rpout.isreg() or rpin.conn is rpout.conn:
# rdiff not applicable, fallback to regular copying
return Robust.copy_action(rpin, rpout)
Log("Rdiff copying %s to %s" % (rpin.path, rpout.path), 6)
delta_tf =, None)
return Robust.chain(write_delta_action(rpout, rpin, delta_tf),
patch_action(rpout, delta_tf),
RobustAction(lambda: None, delta_tf.delete,
lambda exc: delta_tf.delete))
class Popen:
"""Spawn process and treat stdout as file object
Instead of using popen, which evaluates arguments with the shell
and thus may lead to security holes (thanks to Jamie Heilman for
this point), use the popen2 class and discard stdin.
When closed, this object checks to make sure the process exited
cleanly, and executes closing_thunk.
def __init__(self, cmdlist, closing_thunk = None):
"""RdiffFilehook initializer
fileobj is the file we are emulating
thunk is called with no parameters right after the file is closed
assert type(cmdlist) is types.ListType
self.p3obj = popen2.Popen3(cmdlist)
self.fileobj = self.p3obj.fromchild
self.closing_thunk = closing_thunk
self.cmdlist = cmdlist
def set_thunk(self, closing_thunk):
"""Set closing_thunk if not already"""
assert not self.closing_thunk
self.closing_thunk = closing_thunk
def read(self, length = -1): return
def close(self):
closeval = self.fileobj.close()
if self.closing_thunk: self.closing_thunk()
exitval = self.p3obj.poll()
if exitval == 0: return closeval
elif exitval == 256:
Log("Failure probably because %s couldn't be found in PATH."
% self.cmdlist[0], 2)
assert 0, "rdiff not found"
elif exitval == -1:
# There may a race condition where a process closes
# but doesn't provide its exitval fast enough.
Log("Waiting for process to close", 8)
exitval = self.p3obj.poll()
if exitval == 0: return closeval
raise RdiffException("%s exited with non-zero value %d" %
(self.cmdlist, exitval))
from log import *
from robust import *
# setconnections - Parse initial arguments and establish connections
"""Parse args and setup connections
The methods in this class are used once by Main to parse file
descriptions like and to
set up the related connections.
class SetConnectionsException(Exception): pass
# This is the schema that determines how rdiff-backup will open a
# pipe to the remote system. If the file is given as A::B, %s will
# be substituted with A in the schema.
__cmd_schema = 'ssh -C %s rdiff-backup --server'
__cmd_schema_no_compress = 'ssh %s rdiff-backup --server'
# This is a list of remote commands used to start the connections.
# The first is None because it is the local connection.
__conn_remote_cmds = [None]
def InitRPs(arglist, remote_schema = None, remote_cmd = None):
"""Map the given file descriptions into rpaths and return list"""
global __cmd_schema
if remote_schema: __cmd_schema = remote_schema
elif not Globals.ssh_compression: __cmd_schema = __cmd_schema_no_compress
if not arglist: return []
desc_pairs = map(parse_file_desc, arglist)
if filter(lambda x: x[0], desc_pairs): # True if any host_info found
if remote_cmd:
Log.FatalError("The --remote-cmd flag is not compatible "
"with remote file descriptions.")
elif remote_schema:
Log("Remote schema option ignored - no remote file "
"descriptions.", 2)
cmd_pairs = map(desc2cmd_pairs, desc_pairs)
if remote_cmd: # last file description gets remote_cmd
cmd_pairs[-1] = (remote_cmd, cmd_pairs[-1][1])
return map(cmdpair2rp, cmd_pairs)
def cmdpair2rp(cmd_pair):
"""Return RPath from cmd_pair (remote_cmd, filename)"""
cmd, filename = cmd_pair
if cmd: conn = init_connection(cmd)
else: conn = Globals.local_connection
return RPath(conn, filename)
def desc2cmd_pairs(desc_pair):
"""Return pair (remote_cmd, filename) from desc_pair"""
host_info, filename = desc_pair
if not host_info: return (None, filename)
else: return (fill_schema(host_info), filename)
def parse_file_desc(file_desc):
"""Parse file description returning pair (host_info, filename)
In other words, =>
("", "/usr/bin/ls"). The
complication is to allow for quoting of : by a \. If the
string is not separated by :, then the host_info is None.
def check_len(i):
if i >= len(file_desc):
raise SetConnectionsException(
"Unexpected end to file description %s" % file_desc)
host_info_list, i, last_was_quoted = [], 0, None
while 1:
if i == len(file_desc):
return (None, file_desc)
if file_desc[i] == '\\':
i = i+1
last_was_quoted = 1
elif (file_desc[i] == ":" and i > 0 and file_desc[i-1] == ":"
and not last_was_quoted):
host_info_list.pop() # Remove last colon from name
else: last_was_quoted = None
i = i+1
return ("".join(host_info_list), file_desc[i+1:])
def fill_schema(host_info):
"""Fills host_info into the schema and returns remote command"""
return __cmd_schema % host_info
def init_connection(remote_cmd):
"""Run remote_cmd, register connection, and then return it
If remote_cmd is None, then the local connection will be
returned. This also updates some settings on the remote side,
like global settings, its connection number, and verbosity.
if not remote_cmd: return Globals.local_connection
Log("Executing " + remote_cmd, 4)
stdin, stdout = os.popen2(remote_cmd)
conn_number = len(Globals.connections)
conn = PipeConnection(stdout, stdin, conn_number)
check_connection_version(conn, remote_cmd)
Log("Registering connection %d" % conn_number, 7)
init_connection_routing(conn, conn_number, remote_cmd)
return conn
def check_connection_version(conn, remote_cmd):
"""Log warning if connection has different version"""
try: remote_version = conn.Globals.get('version')
except ConnectionReadError, exception:
Couldn't start up the remote connection by executing
Remember that, under the default settings, rdiff-backup must be
installed in the PATH on the remote system. See the man page for more
information.""" % (exception, remote_cmd))
if remote_version != Globals.version:
Log("Warning: Local version %s does not match remote version %s."
% (Globals.version, remote_version), 2)
def init_connection_routing(conn, conn_number, remote_cmd):
"""Called by init_connection, establish routing, conn dict"""
Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] = conn
for other_remote_conn in Globals.connections[1:]:
def init_connection_settings(conn):
"""Tell new conn about log settings and updated globals"""
for setting_name in Globals.changed_settings:
conn.Globals.set(setting_name, Globals.get(setting_name))
def init_connection_remote(conn_number):
"""Run on server side to tell self that have given conn_number"""
Globals.connection_number = conn_number
Globals.local_connection.conn_number = conn_number
Globals.connection_dict[0] = Globals.connections[1]
Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] = Globals.local_connection
def add_redirected_conn(conn_number):
"""Run on server side - tell about redirected connection"""
Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] = \
def UpdateGlobal(setting_name, val):
"""Update value of global variable across all connections"""
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Globals.set(setting_name, val)
def BackupInitConnections(reading_conn, writing_conn):
"""Backup specific connection initialization"""
reading_conn.Globals.set("isbackup_reader", 1)
writing_conn.Globals.set("isbackup_writer", 1)
UpdateGlobal("backup_reader", reading_conn)
UpdateGlobal("backup_writer", writing_conn)
def CloseConnections():
"""Close all connections. Run by client"""
assert not Globals.server
for conn in Globals.connections: conn.quit()
del Globals.connections[1:] # Only leave local connection
Globals.connection_dict = {0: Globals.local_connection}
Globals.backup_reader = Globals.isbackup_reader = \
Globals.backup_writer = Globals.isbackup_writer = None
def TestConnections():
"""Test connections, printing results"""
if len(Globals.connections) == 1: print "No remote connections specified"
for i in range(1, len(Globals.connections)): test_connection(i)
def test_connection(conn_number):
"""Test connection. conn_number 0 is the local connection"""
print "Testing server started by: ", __conn_remote_cmds[conn_number]
conn = Globals.connections[conn_number]
assert conn.pow(2,3) == 8
assert conn.os.path.join("a", "b") == "a/b"
version = conn.reval("lambda: Globals.version")
sys.stderr.write("Server tests failed\n")
if not version == Globals.version:
print """Server may work, but there is a version mismatch:
Local version: %s
Remote version: %s""" % (Globals.version, version)
else: print "Server OK"
from log import *
from rpath import *
from connection import *
import Globals
import time, types, re
import Globals
# ttime - Provide Time class, which contains time related functions.
class TimeException(Exception): pass
_interval_conv_dict = {"s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 3600, "D": 86400,
"W": 7*86400, "M": 30*86400, "Y": 365*86400}
_integer_regexp = re.compile("^[0-9]+$")
_interval_regexp = re.compile("^([0-9]+)([smhDWMY])")
_genstr_date_regexp1 = re.compile("^(?P<year>[0-9]{4})[-/]"
_genstr_date_regexp2 = re.compile("^(?P<month>[0-9]{1,2})[-/]"
curtime = curtimestr = None
def setcurtime(curtime = None):
"""Sets the current time in curtime and curtimestr on all systems"""
t = curtime or time.time()
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Time.setcurtime_local(t, timetostring(t))
def setcurtime_local(timeinseconds, timestr):
"""Only set the current time locally"""
global curtime, curtimestr
curtime, curtimestr = timeinseconds, timestr
def setprevtime(timeinseconds):
"""Sets the previous inc time in prevtime and prevtimestr"""
assert timeinseconds > 0, timeinseconds
timestr = timetostring(timeinseconds)
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Time.setprevtime_local(timeinseconds, timestr)
def setprevtime_local(timeinseconds, timestr):
"""Like setprevtime but only set the local version"""
global prevtime, prevtimestr
prevtime, prevtimestr = timeinseconds, timestr
def timetostring(timeinseconds):
"""Return w3 datetime compliant listing of timeinseconds"""
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H" + Globals.time_separator +
"%M" + Globals.time_separator + "%S",
time.localtime(timeinseconds)) + gettzd()
def stringtotime(timestring):
"""Return time in seconds from w3 timestring
If there is an error parsing the string, or it doesn't look
like a w3 datetime string, return None.
date, daytime = timestring[:19].split("T")
year, month, day = map(int, date.split("-"))
hour, minute, second = map(int,
assert 1900 < year < 2100, year
assert 1 <= month <= 12
assert 1 <= day <= 31
assert 0 <= hour <= 23
assert 0 <= minute <= 59
assert 0 <= second <= 61 # leap seconds
timetuple = (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, -1, -1, -1)
if time.daylight:
utc_in_secs = time.mktime(timetuple) - time.altzone
else: utc_in_secs = time.mktime(timetuple) - time.timezone
return long(utc_in_secs) + tzdtoseconds(timestring[19:])
except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError): return None
def timetopretty(timeinseconds):
"""Return pretty version of time"""
return time.asctime(time.localtime(timeinseconds))
def stringtopretty(timestring):
"""Return pretty version of time given w3 time string"""
return timetopretty(stringtotime(timestring))
def inttopretty(seconds):
"""Convert num of seconds to readable string like "2 hours"."""
partlist = []
hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
if hours > 1: partlist.append("%d hours" % hours)
elif hours == 1: partlist.append("1 hour")
minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
if minutes > 1: partlist.append("%d minutes" % minutes)
elif minutes == 1: partlist.append("1 minute")
if seconds == 1: partlist.append("1 second")
elif not partlist or seconds > 1:
if isinstance(seconds, int) or isinstance(seconds, long):
partlist.append("%s seconds" % seconds)
else: partlist.append("%.2f seconds" % seconds)
return " ".join(partlist)
def intstringtoseconds(interval_string):
"""Convert a string expressing an interval (e.g. "4D2s") to seconds"""
def error():
raise TimeException("""Bad interval string "%s"
Intervals are specified like 2Y (2 years) or 2h30m (2.5 hours). The
allowed special characters are s, m, h, D, W, M, and Y. See the man
page for more information.
""" % interval_string)
if len(interval_string) < 2: error()
total = 0
while interval_string:
match = _interval_regexp.match(interval_string)
if not match: error()
num, ext = int(,
if not ext in _interval_conv_dict or num < 0: error()
total += num*_interval_conv_dict[ext]
interval_string = interval_string[match.end(0):]
return total
def gettzd():
"""Return w3's timezone identification string.
Expresed as [+/-]hh:mm. For instance, PST is -08:00. Zone is
coincides with what localtime(), etc., use.
if time.daylight: offset = -1 * time.altzone/60
else: offset = -1 * time.timezone/60
if offset > 0: prefix = "+"
elif offset < 0: prefix = "-"
else: return "Z" # time is already in UTC
hours, minutes = map(abs, divmod(offset, 60))
assert 0 <= hours <= 23
assert 0 <= minutes <= 59
return "%s%02d%s%02d" % (prefix, hours,
Globals.time_separator, minutes)
def tzdtoseconds(tzd):
"""Given w3 compliant TZD, return how far ahead UTC is"""
if tzd == "Z": return 0
assert len(tzd) == 6 # only accept forms like +08:00 for now
assert (tzd[0] == "-" or tzd[0] == "+") and \
tzd[3] == Globals.time_separator
return -60 * (60 * int(tzd[:3]) + int(tzd[4:]))
def cmp(time1, time2):
"""Compare time1 and time2 and return -1, 0, or 1"""
if type(time1) is types.StringType:
time1 = stringtotime(time1)
assert time1 is not None
if type(time2) is types.StringType:
time2 = stringtotime(time2)
assert time2 is not None
if time1 < time2: return -1
elif time1 == time2: return 0
else: return 1
def genstrtotime(timestr, curtime = None):
"""Convert a generic time string to a time in seconds"""
if curtime is None: curtime = globals()['curtime']
if timestr == "now": return curtime
def error():
raise TimeException("""Bad time string "%s"
The acceptible time strings are intervals (like "3D64s"), w3-datetime
strings, like "2002-04-26T04:22:01-07:00" (strings like
"2002-04-26T04:22:01" are also acceptable - rdiff-backup will use the
current time zone), or ordinary dates like 2/4/1997 or 2001-04-23
(various combinations are acceptable, but the month always precedes
the day).""" % timestr)
# Test for straight integer
if return int(timestr)
# Test for w3-datetime format, possibly missing tzd
t = stringtotime(timestr) or stringtotime(timestr+gettzd())
if t: return t
try: # test for an interval, like "2 days ago"
return curtime - intstringtoseconds(timestr)
except TimeException: pass
# Now check for dates like 2001/3/23
match = or \
if not match: error()
timestr = "%s-%02d-%02dT00:00:00%s" % ('year'),
int('month')), int('day')), gettzd())
t = stringtotime(timestr)
if t: return t
else: error()
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import types, os, tempfile, cPickle, shutil, traceback import types, os, tempfile, cPickle, shutil, traceback
####################################################################### #######################################################################
...@@ -38,10 +37,9 @@ class LocalConnection(Connection): ...@@ -38,10 +37,9 @@ class LocalConnection(Connection):
self.conn_number = 0 # changed by SetConnections for server self.conn_number = 0 # changed by SetConnections for server
def __getattr__(self, name): def __getattr__(self, name):
try: return globals()[name] if name in globals(): return globals()[name]
except KeyError: elif isinstance(__builtins__, dict): return __builtins__[name]
try: return __builtins__.__dict__[name] else: return __builtins__.__dict__[name]
except KeyError: raise NameError, name
def __setattr__(self, name, value): def __setattr__(self, name, value):
globals()[name] = value globals()[name] = value
...@@ -56,11 +54,6 @@ class LocalConnection(Connection): ...@@ -56,11 +54,6 @@ class LocalConnection(Connection):
def quit(self): pass def quit(self): pass
Globals.local_connection = LocalConnection()
# Following changed by server in SetConnections
Globals.connection_dict[0] = Globals.local_connection
class ConnectionRequest: class ConnectionRequest:
"""Simple wrapper around a PipeConnection request""" """Simple wrapper around a PipeConnection request"""
...@@ -493,3 +486,30 @@ class VirtualFile: ...@@ -493,3 +486,30 @@ class VirtualFile:
line = self.readline() line = self.readline()
if not line: break if not line: break
yield line yield line
# everything has to be available here for remote connection's use, but
# put at bottom to reduce circularities.
import Globals, Time, Rdiff, Hardlink, FilenameMapping
from static import *
from lazy import *
from log import *
from iterfile import *
from connection import *
from rpath import *
from robust import *
from rorpiter import *
from destructive_stepping import *
from selection import *
from statistics import *
from increment import *
from restore import *
from manage import *
from highlevel import *
Globals.local_connection = LocalConnection()
# Following changed by server in SetConnections
Globals.connection_dict[0] = Globals.local_connection
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import types import types
execfile("") from rpath import *
from lazy import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -206,3 +207,6 @@ class DestructiveSteppingFinalizer(ErrorITR): ...@@ -206,3 +207,6 @@ class DestructiveSteppingFinalizer(ErrorITR):
if self.dsrpath: self.dsrpath.write_changes() if self.dsrpath: self.dsrpath.write_changes()
from log import *
from robust import *
import Globals
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
execfile("") from static import *
from log import *
from rpath import *
from robust import *
from increment import *
from destructive_stepping import *
from rorpiter import *
import Globals, Hardlink, MiscStats
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -248,7 +255,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct: ...@@ -248,7 +255,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
"""Apply diffs and finalize, with checkpointing and statistics""" """Apply diffs and finalize, with checkpointing and statistics"""
collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators(diffs, cls.initial_dsiter2) collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators(diffs, cls.initial_dsiter2)
finalizer, ITR = cls.get_finalizer(), cls.get_MirrorITR(inc_rpath) finalizer, ITR = cls.get_finalizer(), cls.get_MirrorITR(inc_rpath)
Stats.open_dir_stats_file() MiscStats.open_dir_stats_file()
dsrp, finished_dsrp = None, None dsrp, finished_dsrp = None, None
try: try:
...@@ -266,15 +273,15 @@ class HLDestinationStruct: ...@@ -266,15 +273,15 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
except: cls.handle_last_error(finished_dsrp, finalizer, ITR) except: cls.handle_last_error(finished_dsrp, finalizer, ITR)
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata() if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata()
Stats.close_dir_stats_file() MiscStats.close_dir_stats_file()
Stats.write_session_statistics(ITR) MiscStats.write_session_statistics(ITR)
SaveState.checkpoint_remove() SaveState.checkpoint_remove()
def patch_increment_and_finalize(cls, dest_rpath, diffs, inc_rpath): def patch_increment_and_finalize(cls, dest_rpath, diffs, inc_rpath):
"""Apply diffs, write increment if necessary, and finalize""" """Apply diffs, write increment if necessary, and finalize"""
collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators(diffs, cls.initial_dsiter2) collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators(diffs, cls.initial_dsiter2)
finalizer, ITR = cls.get_finalizer(), cls.get_ITR(inc_rpath) finalizer, ITR = cls.get_finalizer(), cls.get_ITR(inc_rpath)
Stats.open_dir_stats_file() MiscStats.open_dir_stats_file()
dsrp, finished_dsrp = None, None dsrp, finished_dsrp = None, None
try: try:
...@@ -293,8 +300,8 @@ class HLDestinationStruct: ...@@ -293,8 +300,8 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
except: cls.handle_last_error(finished_dsrp, finalizer, ITR) except: cls.handle_last_error(finished_dsrp, finalizer, ITR)
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata() if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata()
Stats.close_dir_stats_file() MiscStats.close_dir_stats_file()
Stats.write_session_statistics(ITR) MiscStats.write_session_statistics(ITR)
SaveState.checkpoint_remove() SaveState.checkpoint_remove()
def handle_last_error(cls, dsrp, finalizer, ITR): def handle_last_error(cls, dsrp, finalizer, ITR):
import traceback import traceback
execfile("") from static import *
from statistics import *
from lazy import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -256,7 +258,7 @@ class IncrementITR(ErrorITR, StatsITR): ...@@ -256,7 +258,7 @@ class IncrementITR(ErrorITR, StatsITR):
self.end_stats(diff_rorp, dsrp, self.incrp) self.end_stats(diff_rorp, dsrp, self.incrp)
if self.mirror_isdirectory or dsrp.isdir(): if self.mirror_isdirectory or dsrp.isdir():
Stats.write_dir_stats_line(self, dsrp.index) MiscStats.write_dir_stats_line(self, dsrp.index)
def branch_process(self, subinstance): def branch_process(self, subinstance):
"""Update statistics, and the has_changed flag if change in branch""" """Update statistics, and the has_changed flag if change in branch"""
...@@ -286,8 +288,15 @@ class MirrorITR(ErrorITR, StatsITR): ...@@ -286,8 +288,15 @@ class MirrorITR(ErrorITR, StatsITR):
"""Update statistics when leaving""" """Update statistics when leaving"""
self.end_stats(self.diff_rorp, self.mirror_dsrp) self.end_stats(self.diff_rorp, self.mirror_dsrp)
if self.mirror_dsrp.isdir(): if self.mirror_dsrp.isdir():
Stats.write_dir_stats_line(self, self.mirror_dsrp.index) MiscStats.write_dir_stats_line(self, self.mirror_dsrp.index)
def branch_process(self, subinstance): def branch_process(self, subinstance):
"""Update statistics with subdirectory results""" """Update statistics with subdirectory results"""
self.add_file_stats(subinstance) self.add_file_stats(subinstance)
from log import *
from rpath import *
from robust import *
from rorpiter import *
import Globals, Time, MiscStats
import cPickle import cPickle
import Globals
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import os, stat, types import os, stat, types
from static import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -324,3 +324,7 @@ class ErrorITR(IterTreeReducer): ...@@ -324,3 +324,7 @@ class ErrorITR(IterTreeReducer):
Log("Error '%s' processing %s" % (exc, filename), 2) Log("Error '%s' processing %s" % (exc, filename), 2)
# Put at bottom to prevent (viciously) circular module dependencies
from robust import *
from log import *
import time, sys, traceback import time, sys, traceback, types
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@ class Logger: ...@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@ class Logger:
def FatalError(self, message): def FatalError(self, message):
self("Fatal Error: " + message, 1) self("Fatal Error: " + message, 1)
Globals.Main.cleanup() Main.cleanup()
sys.exit(1) sys.exit(1)
def exception_to_string(self): def exception_to_string(self):
...@@ -158,3 +157,4 @@ class Logger: ...@@ -158,3 +157,4 @@ class Logger:
logging_func(self.exception_to_string(), verbosity) logging_func(self.exception_to_string(), verbosity)
Log = Logger() Log = Logger()
import Globals, Main
execfile("") from __future__ import generators
from static import *
from log import *
import Globals, Time
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import tempfile import tempfile
from static import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -362,3 +362,10 @@ class RestoreCombinedData: ...@@ -362,3 +362,10 @@ class RestoreCombinedData:
else: RPath.copy(inc, target) else: RPath.copy(inc, target)
else: raise RestoreError("Unknown inctype %s" % inctype) else: raise RestoreError("Unknown inctype %s" % inctype)
RPath.copy_attribs(inc, target) RPath.copy_attribs(inc, target)
from log import *
from destructive_stepping import *
from rpath import *
from rorpiter import *
import Globals, Time, Rdiff, Hardlink, FilenameMapping, SetConnections
import tempfile, errno, signal import tempfile, errno, signal, cPickle
execfile("") from static import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class Robust: ...@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class Robust:
""" """
try: return function(*args) try: return function(*args)
except (EnvironmentError, SkipFileException, DSRPPermError, except (EnvironmentError, SkipFileException, DSRPPermError,
RPathException, RdiffException), exc: RPathException, Rdiff.RdiffException), exc:
TracebackArchive.add() TracebackArchive.add()
if (not isinstance(exc, EnvironmentError) or if (not isinstance(exc, EnvironmentError) or
(errno.errorcode[exc[0]] in (errno.errorcode[exc[0]] in
...@@ -356,6 +356,8 @@ class TempFileManager: ...@@ -356,6 +356,8 @@ class TempFileManager:
MakeClass(TempFileManager) MakeClass(TempFileManager)
from rpath import *
class TempFile(RPath): class TempFile(RPath):
"""Like an RPath, but keep track of which ones are still here""" """Like an RPath, but keep track of which ones are still here"""
def rename(self, rp_dest): def rename(self, rp_dest):
...@@ -642,3 +644,9 @@ class ResumeSessionInfo: ...@@ -642,3 +644,9 @@ class ResumeSessionInfo:
self.last_index = last_index self.last_index = last_index
self.last_definitive = last_definitive self.last_definitive = last_definitive
self.ITR, self.finalizer, = ITR, finalizer self.ITR, self.finalizer, = ITR, finalizer
from log import *
from destructive_stepping import *
import Time, Rdiff
from highlevel import *
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import tempfile, UserList import tempfile, UserList, types
from static import *
from log import *
from rpath import *
from robust import *
from iterfile import *
import Globals, Rdiff, Hardlink
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
import os, stat, re, sys, shutil, gzip import os, stat, re, sys, shutil, gzip
from static import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -778,6 +778,10 @@ class RPathFileHook: ...@@ -778,6 +778,10 @@ class RPathFileHook:
self.closing_thunk() self.closing_thunk()
return result return result
# Import these late to avoid circular dependencies
from lazy import *
from selection import *
from destructive_stepping import *
class RpathDeleter(IterTreeReducer): class RpathDeleter(IterTreeReducer):
"""Delete a directory. Called by RPath.delete()""" """Delete a directory. Called by RPath.delete()"""
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import re import re
from log import *
from robust import *
from destructive_stepping import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -521,3 +524,4 @@ probably isn't what you meant.""" % ...@@ -521,3 +524,4 @@ probably isn't what you meant.""" %
else: res = res + re.escape(c) else: res = res + re.escape(c)
return res return res
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
# static - MakeStatic and MakeClass # static - MakeStatic and MakeClass
execfile("") from lazy import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -277,73 +277,7 @@ class StatsITR(IterTreeReducer, StatsObj): ...@@ -277,73 +277,7 @@ class StatsITR(IterTreeReducer, StatsObj):
self.__dict__[attr] += subinstance.__dict__[attr] self.__dict__[attr] += subinstance.__dict__[attr]
class Stats: from log import *
"""Misc statistics methods, pertaining to dir and session stat files""" from increment import *
# This is the RPath of the directory statistics file, and the from robust import *
# associated open file. It will hold a line of statistics for import Globals
# each directory that is backed up.
_dir_stats_rp = None
_dir_stats_fp = None
# This goes at the beginning of the directory statistics file and
# explains the format.
_dir_stats_header = """# rdiff-backup directory statistics file
# Each line is in the following format:
# RelativeDirName %s
""" % " ".join(StatsObj.stat_file_attrs)
def open_dir_stats_file(cls):
"""Open directory statistics file, write header"""
assert not cls._dir_stats_fp, "Directory file already open"
if Globals.compression: suffix = "data.gz"
else: suffix = "data"
cls._dir_stats_rp = Inc.get_inc(Globals.rbdir.append(
"directory_statistics"), Time.curtime, suffix)
if cls._dir_stats_rp.lstat():
Log("Warning, statistics file %s already exists, appending" %
cls._dir_stats_rp.path, 2)
cls._dir_stats_fp ="ab",
else: cls._dir_stats_fp = \"wb", Globals.compression)
def write_dir_stats_line(cls, statobj, index):
"""Write info from statobj about rpath to statistics file"""
if Globals.null_separator:
cls._dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index, None) + "\0")
else: cls._dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index) + "\n")
def close_dir_stats_file(cls):
"""Close directory statistics file if its open"""
if cls._dir_stats_fp:
cls._dir_stats_fp = None
def write_session_statistics(cls, statobj):
"""Write session statistics into file, log"""
stat_inc = Inc.get_inc(Globals.rbdir.append("session_statistics"),
Time.curtime, "data")
statobj.StartTime = Time.curtime
statobj.EndTime = time.time()
# include hardlink data and dir stats in size of increments
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks and Hardlink.final_inc:
# include hardlink data in size of increments
statobj.IncrementFiles += 1
statobj.IncrementFileSize += Hardlink.final_inc.getsize()
if cls._dir_stats_rp and cls._dir_stats_rp.lstat():
statobj.IncrementFiles += 1
statobj.IncrementFileSize += cls._dir_stats_rp.getsize()
if Globals.print_statistics:
message = statobj.get_stats_logstring("Session statistics")
import re
from log import *
import Globals
# filename_mapping - used to coordinate related filenames
# For instance, some source filenames may contain characters not
# allowed on the mirror end. Also, if a source filename is very long
# (say 240 characters), the extra characters added to related
# increments may put them over the usual 255 character limit.
"""Contains class methods which coordinate related filenames"""
max_filename_length = 255
# If true, enable character quoting, and set characters making
# regex-style range.
chars_to_quote = None
# These compiled regular expressions are used in quoting and unquoting
chars_to_quote_regexp = None
unquoting_regexp = None
# Use given char to quote. Default is set in Globals.
quoting_char = None
def set_init_quote_vals():
"""Set quoting value from Globals on all conns"""
for conn in Globals.connections:
def set_init_quote_vals_local():
"""Set value on local connection, initialize regexps"""
global chars_to_quote
chars_to_quote = Globals.chars_to_quote
if len(Globals.quoting_char) != 1:
Log.FatalError("Expected single character for quoting char,"
"got '%s' instead" % (Globals.quoting_char,))
quoting_char = Globals.quoting_char
def init_quoting_regexps():
"""Compile quoting regular expressions"""
global chars_to_quote_regexp, unquoting_regexp
chars_to_quote_regexp = \
re.compile("[%s%s]" % (chars_to_quote, quoting_char), re.S)
unquoting_regexp = re.compile("%s[0-9]{3}" % quoting_char, re.S)
except re.error:
Log.FatalError("Error '%s' when processing char quote list %s" %
(re.error, chars_to_quote))
def quote(path):
"""Return quoted version of given path
Any characters quoted will be replaced by the quoting char and
the ascii number of the character. For instance, "10:11:12"
would go to "10;05811;05812" if ":" were quoted and ";" were
the quoting character.
return chars_to_quote_regexp.sub(quote_single, path)
def quote_single(match):
"""Return replacement for a single character"""
return "%s%03d" % (quoting_char, ord(
def unquote(path):
"""Return original version of quoted filename"""
return unquoting_regexp.sub(unquote_single, path)
def unquote_single(match):
"""Unquote a single quoted character"""
assert len( == 4
return chr(int([1:]))
def get_quoted_dir_children(rpath):
"""For rpath directory, return list of quoted children in dir"""
if not rpath.isdir(): return []
dir_pairs = [(unquote(filename), filename)
for filename in Robust.listrp(rpath)]
dir_pairs.sort() # sort by real index, not quoted part
child_list = []
for unquoted, filename in dir_pairs:
childrp = rpath.append(unquoted)
return child_list
import re, os
# The current version of rdiff-backup
version = "0.8.0"
# If this is set, use this value in seconds as the current time
# instead of reading it from the clock.
current_time = None
# This determines how many bytes to read at a time when copying
blocksize = 32768
# This is used by the BufferedRead class to determine how many
# bytes to request from the underlying file per read(). Larger
# values may save on connection overhead and latency.
conn_bufsize = 98304
# True if script is running as a server
server = None
# uid and gid of the owner of the rdiff-backup process. This can
# vary depending on the connection.
process_uid = os.getuid()
process_gid = os.getgid()
# If true, when copying attributes, also change target's uid/gid
change_ownership = None
# If true, change the permissions of unwriteable mirror files
# (such as directories) so that they can be written, and then
# change them back. This defaults to 1 just in case the process
# is not running as root (root doesn't need to change
# permissions).
change_mirror_perms = (process_uid != 0)
# If true, temporarily change permissions of unreadable files in
# the source directory to make sure we can read all files.
change_source_perms = None
# If true, try to reset the atimes of the source partition.
preserve_atime = None
# This will be set as soon as the LocalConnection class loads
local_connection = None
# All connections should be added to the following list, so
# further global changes can be propagated to the remote systems.
# The first element should be Globals.local_connection. For a
# server, the second is the connection to the client.
connections = []
# Each process should have a connection number unique to the
# session. The client has connection number 0.
connection_number = 0
# Dictionary pairing connection numbers with connections. Set in
# SetConnections for all connections.
connection_dict = {}
# True if the script is the end that reads the source directory
# for backups. It is true for purely local sessions.
isbackup_reader = None
# Connection of the real backup reader (for which isbackup_reader
# is true)
backup_reader = None
# True if the script is the end that writes to the increment and
# mirror directories. True for purely local sessions.
isbackup_writer = None
# Connection of the backup writer
backup_writer = None
# True if this process is the client invoked by the user
isclient = None
# Connection of the client
client_conn = None
# This list is used by the set function below. When a new
# connection is created with init_connection, its Globals class
# will match this one for all the variables mentioned in this
# list.
changed_settings = []
# rdiff-backup will try to checkpoint its state every
# checkpoint_interval seconds. Then when resuming, at most this
# amount of time is lost.
checkpoint_interval = 20
# The RPath of the rdiff-backup-data directory.
rbdir = None
# Indicates if a resume or a lack of resume is forced. This
# should be None for the default. 0 means don't resume, and 1
# means resume.
resume = None
# If there has been an aborted backup fewer than this many seconds
# ago, attempt to resume it where it left off instead of starting
# a new one.
resume_window = 7200
# This string is used when recognizing and creating time strings.
# If the time_separator is ":", then W3 datetime strings like
# 2001-12-07T04:22:01-07:00 are produced. It can be set to "_" to
# make filenames that don't contain colons, which aren't allowed
# under MS windows NT.
time_separator = ":"
# quoting_enabled is true if we should quote certain characters in
# filenames on the source side (see FilenameMapping for more
# info). chars_to_quote is a string whose characters should be
# quoted, and quoting_char is the character to quote with.
quoting_enabled = None
chars_to_quote = ""
quoting_char = ';'
# If true, emit output intended to be easily readable by a
# computer. False means output is intended for humans.
parsable_output = None
# If true, then hardlinks will be preserved to mirror and recorded
# in the increments directory. There is also a difference here
# between None and 0. When restoring, None or 1 means to preserve
# hardlinks iff can find a hardlink dictionary. 0 means ignore
# hardlink information regardless.
preserve_hardlinks = 1
# If this is false, then rdiff-backup will not compress any
# increments. Default is to compress based on regexp below.
compression = 1
# Increments based on files whose names match this
# case-insensitive regular expression won't be compressed (applies
# to .snapshots and .diffs). The second below will be the
# compiled version of the first.
no_compression_regexp_string = "(?i).*\\.(gz|z|bz|bz2|tgz|zip|rpm|deb|" \
no_compression_regexp = None
# If true, filelists and directory statistics will be split on
# nulls instead of newlines.
null_separator = None
# Determines whether or not ssh will be run with the -C switch
ssh_compression = 1
# If true, print statistics after successful backup
print_statistics = None
# On the reader and writer connections, the following will be
# replaced by the source and mirror Select objects respectively.
select_source, select_mirror = None, None
# On the backup writer connection, holds the main incrementing
# function. Access is provided to increment error counts.
ITR = None
def get(name):
"""Return the value of something in this module"""
return globals()[name]
def is_not_None(name):
"""Returns true if value is not None"""
return globals()[name] is not None
def set(name, val):
"""Set the value of something in this module
Use this instead of writing the values directly if the setting
matters to remote sides. This function updates the
changed_settings list, so other connections know to copy the
globals()[name] = val
def set_integer(name, val):
"""Like set, but make sure val is an integer"""
try: intval = int(val)
except ValueError:
Log.FatalError("Variable %s must be set to an integer -\n"
"received %s instead." % (name, val))
set(name, intval)
def get_dict_val(name, key):
"""Return val from dictionary in this class"""
return globals()[name][key]
def set_dict_val(name, key, val):
"""Set value for dictionary in this class"""
globals()[name][key] = val
def postset_regexp(name, re_string, flags = None):
"""Compile re_string on all existing connections, set to name"""
for conn in connections:
conn.Globals.postset_regexp_local(name, re_string, flags)
def postset_regexp_local(name, re_string, flags):
"""Set name to compiled re_string locally"""
if flags: globals()[name] = re.compile(re_string, flags)
else: globals()[name] = re.compile(re_string)
def set_select(dsrpath, tuplelist, quote_mode, *filelists):
"""Initialize select object using tuplelist
Note that each list in filelists must each be passed as
separate arguments, so each is recognized as a file by the
connection. Otherwise we will get an error because a list
containing files can't be pickled.
global select_source, select_mirror
if dsrpath.source:
select_source = Select(dsrpath, quote_mode)
select_source.ParseArgs(tuplelist, filelists)
select_mirror = Select(dsrpath, quote_mode)
select_mirror.ParseArgs(tuplelist, filelists)
from rpath import * # kludge to avoid circularity - not needed in this module
from selection import *
from __future__ import generators
import cPickle
# hardlink - code for preserving and restoring hardlinks
# If the preserve_hardlinks option is selected, linked files in the
# source directory will be linked in the mirror directory. Linked
# files are treated like any other with respect to incrementing, but a
# database of all links will be recorded at each session, so linked
# files can still be restored from the increments.
"""Hardlink class methods and data
All these functions are meant to be executed on the destination
side. The source side should only transmit inode information.
# In all of these lists of indicies are the values. The keys in
# _inode_ ones are (inode, devloc) pairs.
_src_inode_indicies = {}
_dest_inode_indicies = {}
# The keys for these two are just indicies. They share values
# with the earlier dictionaries.
_src_index_indicies = {}
_dest_index_indicies = {}
# When a linked file is restored, its path is added to this dict,
# so it can be found when later paths being restored are linked to
# it.
_restore_index_path = {}
def get_inode_key(rorp):
"""Return rorp's key for _inode_ dictionaries"""
return (rorp.getinode(), rorp.getdevloc())
def get_indicies(rorp, source):
"""Return a list of similarly linked indicies, using rorp's index"""
if source: dict = _src_index_indicies
else: dict = _dest_index_indicies
try: return dict[rorp.index]
except KeyError: return []
def add_rorp(rorp, source):
"""Process new rorp and update hard link dictionaries
First enter it into src_inode_indicies. If we have already
seen all the hard links, then we can delete the entry.
Everything must stay recorded in src_index_indicies though.
if not rorp.isreg() or rorp.getnumlinks() < 2: return
if source:
inode_dict, index_dict = _src_inode_indicies, _src_index_indicies
else: inode_dict, index_dict = _dest_inode_indicies, _dest_index_indicies
rp_inode_key = get_inode_key(rorp)
if inode_dict.has_key(rp_inode_key):
index_list = inode_dict[rp_inode_key]
if len(index_list) == rorp.getnumlinks():
del inode_dict[rp_inode_key]
else: # make new entry in both src dicts
index_list = [rorp.index]
inode_dict[rp_inode_key] = index_list
index_dict[rorp.index] = index_list
def add_rorp_iter(iter, source):
"""Return new rorp iterator like iter that add_rorp's first"""
for rorp in iter:
add_rorp(rorp, source)
yield rorp
def rorp_eq(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
"""Compare hardlinked for equality
Two files may otherwise seem equal but be hardlinked in
different ways. This function considers them equal enough if
they have been hardlinked correctly to the previously seen
assert src_rorp.index == dest_rorp.index
if (not src_rorp.isreg() or not dest_rorp.isreg() or
src_rorp.getnumlinks() == dest_rorp.getnumlinks() == 1):
return 1 # Hard links don't apply
src_index_list = get_indicies(src_rorp, 1)
dest_index_list = get_indicies(dest_rorp, None)
# If a list only has one element, then it is only hardlinked
# to itself so far, so that is not a genuine difference yet.
if not src_index_list or len(src_index_list) == 1:
return not dest_index_list or len(dest_index_list) == 1
if not dest_index_list or len(dest_index_list) == 1: return None
# Both index lists exist and are non-empty
return src_index_list == dest_index_list # they are always sorted
def islinked(rorp):
"""True if rorp's index is already linked to something on src side"""
return len(get_indicies(rorp, 1)) >= 2
def restore_link(index, rpath):
"""Restores a linked file by linking it
When restoring, all the hardlink data is already present, and
we can only link to something already written. In either
case, add to the _restore_index_path dict, so we know later
that the file is available for hard
Returns true if succeeded in creating rpath, false if must
restore rpath normally.
if index not in _src_index_indicies: return None
for linked_index in _src_index_indicies[index]:
if linked_index in _restore_index_path:
srcpath = _restore_index_path[linked_index]
Log("Restoring %s by hard linking to %s" %
(rpath.path, srcpath), 6)
return 1
_restore_index_path[index] = rpath.path
return None
def link_rp(src_rorp, dest_rpath, dest_root = None):
"""Make dest_rpath into a link analogous to that of src_rorp"""
if not dest_root: dest_root = dest_rpath # use base of dest_rpath
dest_link_rpath = RPath(dest_root.conn, dest_root.base,
get_indicies(src_rorp, 1)[0])
def write_linkdict(rpath, dict, compress = None):
"""Write link data to the rbdata dir
It is stored as the a big pickled dictionary dated to match
the current hardlinks.
assert (Globals.isbackup_writer and
rpath.conn is Globals.local_connection)
tf =
def init():
fp ="wb", compress)
cPickle.dump(dict, fp)
assert not fp.close()
Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (tf,), (rpath,)).execute()
def get_linkrp(data_rpath, time, prefix):
"""Return RPath of linkdata, or None if cannot find"""
for rp in map(data_rpath.append, data_rpath.listdir()):
if (rp.isincfile() and rp.getincbase_str() == prefix and
(rp.getinctype() == 'snapshot' or rp.getinctype() == 'data')
and Time.stringtotime(rp.getinctime()) == time):
return rp
return None
def get_linkdata(data_rpath, time, prefix = 'hardlink_data'):
"""Return index dictionary written by write_linkdata at time"""
rp = get_linkrp(data_rpath, time, prefix)
if not rp: return None
fp ="rb", rp.isinccompressed())
index_dict = cPickle.load(fp)
assert not fp.close()
return index_dict
def final_writedata():
"""Write final checkpoint data to rbdir after successful backup"""
global final_inc
if _src_index_indicies:
Log("Writing hard link data", 6)
if Globals.compression:
final_inc = Globals.rbdir.append("" %
else: final_inc = Globals.rbdir.append("" %
write_linkdict(final_inc, _src_index_indicies, Globals.compression)
else: # no hardlinks, so writing unnecessary
final_inc = None
def retrieve_final(time):
"""Set source index dictionary from hardlink_data file if avail"""
global _src_index_indicies
hd = get_linkdata(Globals.rbdir, time)
if hd is None: return None
_src_index_indicies = hd
return 1
def final_checkpoint(data_rpath):
"""Write contents of the four dictionaries to the data dir
If rdiff-backup receives a fatal error, it may still be able
to save the contents of the four hard link dictionaries.
Because these dictionaries may be big, they are not saved
after every 20 seconds or whatever, but just at the end.
Log("Writing intermediate hard link data to disk", 2)
src_inode_rp = data_rpath.append("hardlink_source_inode_checkpoint."
"" % Time.curtimestr)
src_index_rp = data_rpath.append("hardlink_source_index_checkpoint."
"" % Time.curtimestr)
dest_inode_rp = data_rpath.append("hardlink_dest_inode_checkpoint."
"" % Time.curtimestr)
dest_index_rp = data_rpath.append("hardlink_dest_index_checkpoint."
"" % Time.curtimestr)
for (rp, dict) in ((src_inode_rp, _src_inode_indicies),
(src_index_rp, _src_index_indicies),
(dest_inode_rp, _dest_inode_indicies),
(dest_index_rp, _dest_index_indicies)):
write_linkdict(rp, dict)
def retrieve_checkpoint(data_rpath, time):
"""Retrieve hardlink data from final checkpoint
Return true if the retrieval worked, false otherwise.
global _src_inode_indicies, _src_index_indicies
global _dest_inode_indicies, _dest_index_indicies
src_inode = get_linkdata(data_rpath, time,
src_index = get_linkdata(data_rpath, time,
dest_inode = get_linkdata(data_rpath, time,
dest_index = get_linkdata(data_rpath, time,
except cPickle.UnpicklingError:
Log("Unpickling Error", 2)
return None
if (src_inode is None or src_index is None or
dest_inode is None or dest_index is None): return None
_src_inode_indicies, _src_index_indicies = src_inode, src_index
_dest_inode_indicies, _dest_index_indicies = dest_inode, dest_index
return 1
def remove_all_checkpoints():
"""Remove all hardlink checkpoint information from directory"""
prefix_list = ["hardlink_source_inode_checkpoint",
for rp in map(Globals.rbdir.append, Globals.rbdir.listdir()):
if (rp.isincfile() and rp.getincbase_str() in prefix_list and
(rp.getinctype() == 'snapshot' or rp.getinctype() == 'data')):
from log import *
from robust import *
from rpath import *
import Globals, Time
import getopt, sys, re
from log import *
from lazy import *
from connection import *
from rpath import *
from destructive_stepping import *
from robust import *
from restore import *
from highlevel import *
from manage import *
import Globals, Time, SetConnections
# main - Start here: Read arguments, set global settings, etc.
action = None
remote_cmd, remote_schema = None, None
force = None
select_opts, select_mirror_opts = [], []
select_files = []
def parse_cmdlineoptions(arglist):
"""Parse argument list and set global preferences"""
global args, action, force, restore_timestr, remote_cmd, remote_schema
global remove_older_than_string
def sel_fl(filename):
"""Helper function for including/excluding filelists below"""
try: return open(filename, "r")
except IOError: Log.FatalError("Error opening file %s" % filename)
try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(arglist, "blmr:sv:V",
["backup-mode", "calculate-average",
"change-source-perms", "chars-to-quote=",
"checkpoint-interval=", "current-time=", "exclude=",
"exclude-device-files", "exclude-filelist=",
"exclude-filelist-stdin", "exclude-mirror=",
"exclude-regexp=", "force", "include=",
"include-filelist=", "include-filelist-stdin",
"include-regexp=", "list-increments", "mirror-only",
"no-compression", "no-compression-regexp=",
"no-hard-links", "no-resume", "null-separator",
"parsable-output", "print-statistics", "quoting-char=",
"remote-cmd=", "remote-schema=", "remove-older-than=",
"restore-as-of=", "resume", "resume-window=", "server",
"ssh-no-compression", "terminal-verbosity=",
"test-server", "verbosity", "version", "windows-mode",
except getopt.error, e:
commandline_error("Bad commandline options: %s" % str(e))
for opt, arg in optlist:
if opt == "-b" or opt == "--backup-mode": action = "backup"
elif opt == "--calculate-average": action = "calculate-average"
elif opt == "--change-source-perms":
Globals.set('change_source_perms', 1)
elif opt == "--chars-to-quote":
Globals.set('chars_to_quote', arg)
Globals.set('quoting_enabled', 1)
elif opt == "--checkpoint-interval":
Globals.set_integer('checkpoint_interval', arg)
elif opt == "--current-time":
Globals.set_integer('current_time', arg)
elif opt == "--exclude": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-device-files": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-filelist":
select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-filelist-stdin":
select_opts.append(("--exclude-filelist", "standard input"))
elif opt == "--exclude-mirror":
select_mirror_opts.append(("--exclude", arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-regexp": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--force": force = 1
elif opt == "--include": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--include-filelist":
select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--include-filelist-stdin":
select_opts.append(("--include-filelist", "standard input"))
elif opt == "--include-regexp": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "-l" or opt == "--list-increments":
action = "list-increments"
elif opt == "-m" or opt == "--mirror-only": action = "mirror"
elif opt == "--no-compression": Globals.set("compression", None)
elif opt == "--no-compression-regexp":
Globals.set("no_compression_regexp_string", arg)
elif opt == "--no-hard-links": Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', 0)
elif opt == '--no-resume': Globals.resume = 0
elif opt == "--null-separator": Globals.set("null_separator", 1)
elif opt == "-r" or opt == "--restore-as-of":
restore_timestr, action = arg, "restore-as-of"
elif opt == "--parsable-output": Globals.set('parsable_output', 1)
elif opt == "--print-statistics":
Globals.set('print_statistics', 1)
elif opt == "--quoting-char":
Globals.set('quoting_char', arg)
Globals.set('quoting_enabled', 1)
elif opt == "--remote-cmd": remote_cmd = arg
elif opt == "--remote-schema": remote_schema = arg
elif opt == "--remove-older-than":
remove_older_than_string = arg
action = "remove-older-than"
elif opt == '--resume': Globals.resume = 1
elif opt == '--resume-window':
Globals.set_integer('resume_window', arg)
elif opt == "-s" or opt == "--server": action = "server"
elif opt == "--ssh-no-compression":
Globals.set('ssh_compression', None)
elif opt == "--terminal-verbosity": Log.setterm_verbosity(arg)
elif opt == "--test-server": action = "test-server"
elif opt == "-V" or opt == "--version":
print "rdiff-backup " + Globals.version
elif opt == "-v" or opt == "--verbosity": Log.setverbosity(arg)
elif opt == "--windows-mode":
Globals.set('time_separator', "_")
Globals.set('chars_to_quote', ":")
Globals.set('quoting_enabled', 1)
elif opt == '--windows-time-format':
Globals.set('time_separator', "_")
else: Log.FatalError("Unknown option %s" % opt)
def set_action():
"""Check arguments and try to set action"""
global action
l = len(args)
if not action:
if l == 0: commandline_error("No arguments given")
elif l == 1: action = "restore"
elif l == 2:
if RPath(Globals.local_connection, args[0]).isincfile():
action = "restore"
else: action = "backup"
else: commandline_error("Too many arguments given")
if l == 0 and action != "server" and action != "test-server":
commandline_error("No arguments given")
if l > 0 and action == "server":
commandline_error("Too many arguments given")
if l < 2 and (action == "backup" or action == "mirror" or
action == "restore-as-of"):
commandline_error("Two arguments are required (source, destination).")
if l == 2 and (action == "list-increments" or
action == "remove-older-than"):
commandline_error("Only use one argument, "
"the root of the backup directory")
if l > 2 and action != "calculate-average":
commandline_error("Too many arguments given")
def commandline_error(message):
sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % message)
sys.stderr.write("See the rdiff-backup manual page for instructions\n")
def misc_setup(rps):
"""Set default change ownership flag, umask, relay regexps"""
if ((len(rps) == 2 and rps[1].conn.os.getuid() == 0) or
(len(rps) < 2 and os.getuid() == 0)):
# Allow change_ownership if destination connection is root
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Globals.set('change_ownership', 1)
for rp in rps: rp.setdata() # Update with userinfo
Globals.set("isclient", 1)
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal("client_conn", Globals.local_connection)
# This is because I originally didn't think compiled regexps
# could be pickled, and so must be compiled on remote side.
for conn in Globals.connections: Robust.install_signal_handlers()
def take_action(rps):
"""Do whatever action says"""
if action == "server": PipeConnection(sys.stdin, sys.stdout).Server()
elif action == "backup": Backup(rps[0], rps[1])
elif action == "restore": restore(*rps)
elif action == "restore-as-of": RestoreAsOf(rps[0], rps[1])
elif action == "mirror": Mirror(rps[0], rps[1])
elif action == "test-server": SetConnections.TestConnections()
elif action == "list-increments": ListIncrements(rps[0])
elif action == "remove-older-than": RemoveOlderThan(rps[0])
elif action == "calculate-average": CalculateAverage(rps)
else: raise AssertionError("Unknown action " + action)
def cleanup():
"""Do any last minute cleaning before exiting"""
Log("Cleaning up", 6)
if not Globals.server: SetConnections.CloseConnections()
def Main(arglist):
"""Start everything up!"""
rps = SetConnections.InitRPs(args, remote_schema, remote_cmd)
def Mirror(src_rp, dest_rp):
"""Turn dest_path into a copy of src_path"""
Log("Mirroring %s to %s" % (src_rp.path, dest_rp.path), 5)
mirror_check_paths(src_rp, dest_rp)
# Since no "rdiff-backup-data" dir, use root of destination.
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', dest_rp)
SetConnections.BackupInitConnections(src_rp.conn, dest_rp.conn)
HighLevel.Mirror(src_rp, dest_rp)
def mirror_check_paths(rpin, rpout):
"""Check paths and return rpin, rpout"""
if not rpin.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Source directory %s does not exist" % rpin.path)
if rpout.lstat() and not force: Log.FatalError(
"""Destination %s exists so continuing could mess it up. Run
rdiff-backup with the --force option if you want to mirror anyway.""" %
def Backup(rpin, rpout):
"""Backup, possibly incrementally, src_path to dest_path."""
SetConnections.BackupInitConnections(rpin.conn, rpout.conn)
backup_init_select(rpin, rpout)
backup_init_dirs(rpin, rpout)
RSI = Globals.backup_writer.Resume.ResumeCheck()
if prevtime:
HighLevel.Mirror_and_increment(rpin, rpout, incdir, RSI)
else: HighLevel.Mirror(rpin, rpout, incdir, RSI)
backup_touch_curmirror(rpin, rpout)
def backup_init_select(rpin, rpout):
"""Create Select objects on source and dest connections"""
rpin.conn.Globals.set_select(DSRPath(1, rpin), select_opts,
None, *select_files)
rpout.conn.Globals.set_select(DSRPath(None, rpout), select_mirror_opts, 1)
def backup_init_dirs(rpin, rpout):
"""Make sure rpin and rpout are valid, init data dir and logging"""
global datadir, incdir, prevtime
if rpout.lstat() and not rpout.isdir():
if not force: Log.FatalError("Destination %s exists and is not a "
"directory" % rpout.path)
Log("Deleting %s" % rpout.path, 3)
if not rpin.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Source directory %s does not exist" % rpin.path)
elif not rpin.isdir():
Log.FatalError("Source %s is not a directory" % rpin.path)
datadir = rpout.append("rdiff-backup-data")
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', datadir)
incdir = RPath(rpout.conn, os.path.join(datadir.path, "increments"))
prevtime = backup_get_mirrortime()
if rpout.lstat():
if rpout.isdir() and not rpout.listdir(): # rpout is empty dir
rpout.chmod(0700) # just make sure permissions aren't too lax
elif not datadir.lstat() and not force: Log.FatalError(
"""Destination directory %s exists, but does not look like a
rdiff-backup directory. Running rdiff-backup like this could mess up
what is currently in it. If you want to overwrite it, run
rdiff-backup with the --force option.""" % rpout.path)
if not rpout.lstat():
try: rpout.mkdir()
except os.error:
Log.FatalError("Unable to create directory %s" % rpout.path)
if not datadir.lstat(): datadir.mkdir()
if Log.verbosity > 0:
backup_warn_if_infinite_regress(rpin, rpout)
def backup_warn_if_infinite_regress(rpin, rpout):
"""Warn user if destination area contained in source area"""
if rpout.conn is rpin.conn: # it's meaningful to compare paths
if ((len(rpout.path) > len(rpin.path)+1 and
rpout.path[:len(rpin.path)] == rpin.path and
rpout.path[len(rpin.path)] == '/') or
(rpin.path == "." and rpout.path[0] != '/' and
rpout.path[:2] != '..')):
# Just a few heuristics, we don't have to get every case
if Globals.backup_reader.Globals.select_source.Select(rpout): Log(
"""Warning: The destination directory '%s' may be contained in the
source directory '%s'. This could cause an infinite regress. You
may need to use the --exclude option.""" % (rpout.path, rpin.path), 2)
def backup_get_mirrorrps():
"""Return list of current_mirror rps"""
if not datadir.isdir(): return []
mirrorrps = [datadir.append(fn) for fn in datadir.listdir()
if fn.startswith("current_mirror.")]
return filter(lambda rp: rp.isincfile(), mirrorrps)
def backup_get_mirrortime():
"""Return time in seconds of previous mirror, or None if cannot"""
mirrorrps = backup_get_mirrorrps()
if not mirrorrps: return None
if len(mirrorrps) > 1:
"""Warning: duplicate current_mirror files found. Perhaps something
went wrong during your last backup? Using """ + mirrorrps[-1].path, 2)
timestr = mirrorrps[-1].getinctime()
return Time.stringtotime(timestr)
def backup_touch_curmirror(rpin, rpout):
"""Make a file like to record time
Also updates rpout so mod times don't get messed up.
map(RPath.delete, backup_get_mirrorrps())
mirrorrp = datadir.append("current_mirror.%s.%s" % (Time.curtimestr,
Log("Touching mirror marker %s" % mirrorrp.path, 6)
RPath.copy_attribs(rpin, rpout)
def restore(src_rp, dest_rp = None):
"""Main restoring function
Here src_rp should be an increment file, and if dest_rp is
missing it defaults to the base of the increment.
rpin, rpout = restore_check_paths(src_rp, dest_rp)
time = Time.stringtotime(rpin.getinctime())
restore_common(rpin, rpout, time)
def RestoreAsOf(rpin, target):
"""Secondary syntax for restore operation
rpin - RPath of mirror file to restore (not nec. with correct index)
target - RPath of place to put restored file
restore_check_paths(rpin, target, 1)
try: time = Time.genstrtotime(restore_timestr)
except Time.TimeException, exc: Log.FatalError(str(exc))
restore_common(rpin, target, time)
def restore_common(rpin, target, time):
"""Restore operation common to Restore and RestoreAsOf"""
Log("Starting Restore", 5)
mirror_root, index = restore_get_root(rpin)
mirror = mirror_root.new_index(index)
inc_rpath = datadir.append_path('increments', index)
restore_init_select(mirror_root, target)
Restore.Restore(inc_rpath, mirror, target, time)
def restore_check_paths(rpin, rpout, restoreasof = None):
"""Check paths and return pair of corresponding rps"""
if not restoreasof:
if not rpin.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Source file %s does not exist" % rpin.path)
elif not rpin.isincfile():
Log.FatalError("""File %s does not look like an increment file.
Try restoring from an increment file (the filenames look like
"foobar.2001-09-01T04:49:04-07:00.diff").""" % rpin.path)
if not rpout: rpout = RPath(Globals.local_connection,
if rpout.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Restore target %s already exists, "
"and will not be overwritten." % rpout.path)
return rpin, rpout
def restore_init_select(rpin, rpout):
"""Initialize Select
Unlike the backup selections, here they are on the local
connection, because the backup operation is pipelined in a way
the restore operation isn't.
Globals.set_select(DSRPath(1, rpin), select_mirror_opts, None)
Globals.set_select(DSRPath(None, rpout), select_opts, None, *select_files)
def restore_get_root(rpin):
"""Return (mirror root, index) and set the data dir
The idea here is to keep backing up on the path until we find
a directory that contains "rdiff-backup-data". That is the
mirror root. If the path from there starts
"rdiff-backup-data/increments*", then the index is the
remainder minus that. Otherwise the index is just the path
minus the root.
All this could fail if the increment file is pointed to in a
funny way, using symlinks or somesuch.
global datadir
if rpin.isincfile(): relpath = rpin.getincbase().path
else: relpath = rpin.path
pathcomps = os.path.join(rpin.conn.os.getcwd(), relpath).split("/")
assert len(pathcomps) >= 2 # path should be relative to /
i = len(pathcomps)
while i >= 2:
parent_dir = RPath(rpin.conn, "/".join(pathcomps[:i]))
if (parent_dir.isdir() and
"rdiff-backup-data" in parent_dir.listdir()): break
i = i-1
else: Log.FatalError("Unable to find rdiff-backup-data directory")
rootrp = parent_dir
Log("Using mirror root directory %s" % rootrp.path, 6)
datadir = rootrp.append_path("rdiff-backup-data")
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', datadir)
if not datadir.isdir():
Log.FatalError("Unable to read rdiff-backup-data directory %s" %
from_datadir = tuple(pathcomps[i:])
if not from_datadir or from_datadir[0] != "rdiff-backup-data":
return (rootrp, from_datadir) # in mirror, not increments
assert from_datadir[1] == "increments"
return (rootrp, from_datadir[2:])
def ListIncrements(rp):
"""Print out a summary of the increments and their times"""
mirror_root, index = restore_get_root(rp)
Globals.rbdir = datadir = \
mirrorrp = mirror_root.new_index(index)
inc_rpath = datadir.append_path('increments', index)
incs = Restore.get_inclist(inc_rpath)
mirror_time = Restore.get_mirror_time()
if Globals.parsable_output:
print Manage.describe_incs_parsable(incs, mirror_time, mirrorrp)
else: print Manage.describe_incs_human(incs, mirror_time, mirrorrp)
def CalculateAverage(rps):
"""Print out the average of the given statistics files"""
statobjs = map(lambda rp: StatsObj().read_stats_from_rp(rp), rps)
average_stats = StatsObj().set_to_average(statobjs)
print average_stats.get_stats_logstring(
"Average of %d stat files" % len(rps))
def RemoveOlderThan(rootrp):
"""Remove all increment files older than a certain time"""
datadir = rootrp.append("rdiff-backup-data")
if not datadir.lstat() or not datadir.isdir():
Log.FatalError("Unable to open rdiff-backup-data dir %s" %
try: time = Time.genstrtotime(remove_older_than_string)
except TimeError, exc: Log.FatalError(str(exc))
timep = Time.timetopretty(time)
Log("Deleting increment(s) before %s" % timep, 4)
itimes = [Time.stringtopretty(inc.getinctime())
for inc in Restore.get_inclist(datadir.append("increments"))
if Time.stringtotime(inc.getinctime()) < time]
if not itimes:
Log.FatalError("No increments older than %s found" % timep)
inc_pretty_time = "\n".join(itimes)
if len(itimes) > 1 and not force:
Log.FatalError("Found %d relevant increments, dated:\n%s"
"\nIf you want to delete multiple increments in this way, "
"use the --force." % (len(itimes), inc_pretty_time))
Log("Deleting increment%sat times:\n%s" %
(len(itimes) == 1 and " " or "s ", inc_pretty_time), 3)
Manage.delete_earlier_than(datadir, time)
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Read component files of rdiff-backup, and glue them together after
removing unnecessary bits."""
import os
def mystrip(filename):
"""Open filename, read input, strip appropriately, and return contents"""
fp = open(filename, "r")
lines = fp.readlines()
i = 0
while(lines[i][:60] !=
i = i+1
return "".join(lines[i:]).strip() + "\n\n\n"
files = ["", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", ""]
os.system("cp rdiff-backup")
outfp = open("rdiff-backup", "a")
for file in files:
os.system("chmod 755 rdiff-backup")
from statistics import *
"""Misc statistics methods, pertaining to dir and session stat files"""
# This is the RPath of the directory statistics file, and the
# associated open file. It will hold a line of statistics for
# each directory that is backed up.
_dir_stats_rp = None
_dir_stats_fp = None
# This goes at the beginning of the directory statistics file and
# explains the format.
_dir_stats_header = """# rdiff-backup directory statistics file
# Each line is in the following format:
# RelativeDirName %s
""" % " ".join(StatsObj.stat_file_attrs)
def open_dir_stats_file():
"""Open directory statistics file, write header"""
global _dir_stats_fp, _dir_stats_rp
assert not _dir_stats_fp, "Directory file already open"
if Globals.compression: suffix = "data.gz"
else: suffix = "data"
_dir_stats_rp = Inc.get_inc(Globals.rbdir.append("directory_statistics"),
Time.curtime, suffix)
if _dir_stats_rp.lstat():
Log("Warning, statistics file %s already exists, appending" %
_dir_stats_rp.path, 2)
_dir_stats_fp ="ab", Globals.compression)
else: _dir_stats_fp ="wb", Globals.compression)
def write_dir_stats_line(statobj, index):
"""Write info from statobj about rpath to statistics file"""
if Globals.null_separator:
_dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index, None) + "\0")
else: _dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index) + "\n")
def close_dir_stats_file():
"""Close directory statistics file if its open"""
global _dir_stats_fp
if _dir_stats_fp:
_dir_stats_fp = None
def write_session_statistics(statobj):
"""Write session statistics into file, log"""
stat_inc = Inc.get_inc(Globals.rbdir.append("session_statistics"),
Time.curtime, "data")
statobj.StartTime = Time.curtime
statobj.EndTime = time.time()
# include hardlink data and dir stats in size of increments
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks and Hardlink.final_inc:
# include hardlink data in size of increments
statobj.IncrementFiles += 1
statobj.IncrementFileSize += Hardlink.final_inc.getsize()
if _dir_stats_rp and _dir_stats_rp.lstat():
statobj.IncrementFiles += 1
statobj.IncrementFileSize += _dir_stats_rp.getsize()
if Globals.print_statistics:
message = statobj.get_stats_logstring("Session statistics")
from increment import *
import Hardlink
import os, popen2
# rdiff - Invoke rdiff utility to make signatures, deltas, or patch
# All these operations should be done in a relatively safe manner
# using RobustAction and the like.
class RdiffException(Exception): pass
def get_signature(rp):
"""Take signature of rpin file and return in file object"""
Log("Getting signature of %s" % rp.path, 7)
return rp.conn.Rdiff.Popen(['rdiff', 'signature', rp.path])
def get_delta_sigfileobj(sig_fileobj, rp_new):
"""Like get_delta but signature is in a file object"""
sig_tf =, None)
rdiff_popen_obj = get_delta_sigrp(sig_tf, rp_new)
return rdiff_popen_obj
def get_delta_sigrp(rp_signature, rp_new):
"""Take signature rp and new rp, return delta file object"""
assert rp_signature.conn is rp_new.conn
Log("Getting delta of %s with signature %s" %
(rp_new.path, rp_signature.path), 7)
return rp_new.conn.Rdiff.Popen(['rdiff', 'delta',
rp_signature.path, rp_new.path])
def write_delta_action(basis, new, delta, compress = None):
"""Return action writing delta which brings basis to new
If compress is true, the output of rdiff will be gzipped
before written to delta.
sig_tf =, None)
delta_tf =
def init(): write_delta(basis, new, delta_tf, compress, sig_tf)
return Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (sig_tf, delta_tf),
(None, delta))
def write_delta(basis, new, delta, compress = None, sig_tf = None):
"""Write rdiff delta which brings basis to new"""
Log("Writing delta %s from %s -> %s" %
(basis.path, new.path, delta.path), 7)
if not sig_tf: sig_tf =, None)
delta.write_from_fileobj(get_delta_sigrp(sig_tf, new), compress)
def patch_action(rp_basis, rp_delta, rp_out = None,
out_tf = None, delta_compressed = None):
"""Return RobustAction which patches rp_basis with rp_delta
If rp_out is None, put output in rp_basis. Will use TempFile
out_tf it is specified. If delta_compressed is true, the
delta file will be decompressed before processing with rdiff.
if not rp_out: rp_out = rp_basis
else: assert rp_out.conn is rp_basis.conn
if (delta_compressed or
not (isinstance(rp_delta, RPath) and isinstance(rp_basis, RPath)
and rp_basis.conn is rp_delta.conn)):
if delta_compressed:
assert isinstance(rp_delta, RPath)
return patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis,'rb', 1),
rp_out, out_tf)
else: return patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis,'rb'),
rp_out, out_tf)
# Files are uncompressed on same connection, run rdiff
if out_tf is None: out_tf =
def init():
Log("Patching %s using %s to %s via %s" %
(rp_basis.path, rp_delta.path, rp_out.path, out_tf.path), 7)
cmdlist = ["rdiff", "patch", rp_basis.path,
rp_delta.path, out_tf.path]
return_val = rp_basis.conn.os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'rdiff', cmdlist)
if return_val != 0 or not out_tf.lstat():
RdiffException("Error running %s" % cmdlist)
return Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (out_tf,), (rp_out,))
def patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis, delta_fileobj, rp_out = None,
out_tf = None, delta_compressed = None):
"""Like patch_action but diff is given in fileobj form
Nest a writing of a tempfile with the actual patching to
create a new action. We have to nest so that the tempfile
will be around until the patching finishes.
if not rp_out: rp_out = rp_basis
delta_tf =, None)
def init(): delta_tf.write_from_fileobj(delta_fileobj)
def final(init_val): delta_tf.delete()
def error(exc, ran_init, init_val): delta_tf.delete()
write_delta_action = RobustAction(init, final, error)
return Robust.chain(write_delta_action, patch_action(rp_basis, delta_tf,
rp_out, out_tf))
def patch_with_attribs_action(rp_basis, rp_delta, rp_out = None):
"""Like patch_action, but also transfers attributs from rp_delta"""
if not rp_out: rp_out = rp_basis
tf =
return Robust.chain_nested(patch_action(rp_basis, rp_delta, rp_out, tf),
Robust.copy_attribs_action(rp_delta, tf))
def copy_action(rpin, rpout):
"""Use rdiff to copy rpin to rpout, conserving bandwidth"""
if not rpin.isreg() or not rpout.isreg() or rpin.conn is rpout.conn:
# rdiff not applicable, fallback to regular copying
return Robust.copy_action(rpin, rpout)
Log("Rdiff copying %s to %s" % (rpin.path, rpout.path), 6)
delta_tf =, None)
return Robust.chain(write_delta_action(rpout, rpin, delta_tf),
patch_action(rpout, delta_tf),
RobustAction(lambda: None, delta_tf.delete,
lambda exc: delta_tf.delete))
class Popen:
"""Spawn process and treat stdout as file object
Instead of using popen, which evaluates arguments with the shell
and thus may lead to security holes (thanks to Jamie Heilman for
this point), use the popen2 class and discard stdin.
When closed, this object checks to make sure the process exited
cleanly, and executes closing_thunk.
def __init__(self, cmdlist, closing_thunk = None):
"""RdiffFilehook initializer
fileobj is the file we are emulating
thunk is called with no parameters right after the file is closed
assert type(cmdlist) is types.ListType
self.p3obj = popen2.Popen3(cmdlist)
self.fileobj = self.p3obj.fromchild
self.closing_thunk = closing_thunk
self.cmdlist = cmdlist
def set_thunk(self, closing_thunk):
"""Set closing_thunk if not already"""
assert not self.closing_thunk
self.closing_thunk = closing_thunk
def read(self, length = -1): return
def close(self):
closeval = self.fileobj.close()
if self.closing_thunk: self.closing_thunk()
exitval = self.p3obj.poll()
if exitval == 0: return closeval
elif exitval == 256:
Log("Failure probably because %s couldn't be found in PATH."
% self.cmdlist[0], 2)
assert 0, "rdiff not found"
elif exitval == -1:
# There may a race condition where a process closes
# but doesn't provide its exitval fast enough.
Log("Waiting for process to close", 8)
exitval = self.p3obj.poll()
if exitval == 0: return closeval
raise RdiffException("%s exited with non-zero value %d" %
(self.cmdlist, exitval))
from log import *
from robust import *
# setconnections - Parse initial arguments and establish connections
"""Parse args and setup connections
The methods in this class are used once by Main to parse file
descriptions like and to
set up the related connections.
class SetConnectionsException(Exception): pass
# This is the schema that determines how rdiff-backup will open a
# pipe to the remote system. If the file is given as A::B, %s will
# be substituted with A in the schema.
__cmd_schema = 'ssh -C %s rdiff-backup --server'
__cmd_schema_no_compress = 'ssh %s rdiff-backup --server'
# This is a list of remote commands used to start the connections.
# The first is None because it is the local connection.
__conn_remote_cmds = [None]
def InitRPs(arglist, remote_schema = None, remote_cmd = None):
"""Map the given file descriptions into rpaths and return list"""
global __cmd_schema
if remote_schema: __cmd_schema = remote_schema
elif not Globals.ssh_compression: __cmd_schema = __cmd_schema_no_compress
if not arglist: return []
desc_pairs = map(parse_file_desc, arglist)
if filter(lambda x: x[0], desc_pairs): # True if any host_info found
if remote_cmd:
Log.FatalError("The --remote-cmd flag is not compatible "
"with remote file descriptions.")
elif remote_schema:
Log("Remote schema option ignored - no remote file "
"descriptions.", 2)
cmd_pairs = map(desc2cmd_pairs, desc_pairs)
if remote_cmd: # last file description gets remote_cmd
cmd_pairs[-1] = (remote_cmd, cmd_pairs[-1][1])
return map(cmdpair2rp, cmd_pairs)
def cmdpair2rp(cmd_pair):
"""Return RPath from cmd_pair (remote_cmd, filename)"""
cmd, filename = cmd_pair
if cmd: conn = init_connection(cmd)
else: conn = Globals.local_connection
return RPath(conn, filename)
def desc2cmd_pairs(desc_pair):
"""Return pair (remote_cmd, filename) from desc_pair"""
host_info, filename = desc_pair
if not host_info: return (None, filename)
else: return (fill_schema(host_info), filename)
def parse_file_desc(file_desc):
"""Parse file description returning pair (host_info, filename)
In other words, =>
("", "/usr/bin/ls"). The
complication is to allow for quoting of : by a \. If the
string is not separated by :, then the host_info is None.
def check_len(i):
if i >= len(file_desc):
raise SetConnectionsException(
"Unexpected end to file description %s" % file_desc)
host_info_list, i, last_was_quoted = [], 0, None
while 1:
if i == len(file_desc):
return (None, file_desc)
if file_desc[i] == '\\':
i = i+1
last_was_quoted = 1
elif (file_desc[i] == ":" and i > 0 and file_desc[i-1] == ":"
and not last_was_quoted):
host_info_list.pop() # Remove last colon from name
else: last_was_quoted = None
i = i+1
return ("".join(host_info_list), file_desc[i+1:])
def fill_schema(host_info):
"""Fills host_info into the schema and returns remote command"""
return __cmd_schema % host_info
def init_connection(remote_cmd):
"""Run remote_cmd, register connection, and then return it
If remote_cmd is None, then the local connection will be
returned. This also updates some settings on the remote side,
like global settings, its connection number, and verbosity.
if not remote_cmd: return Globals.local_connection
Log("Executing " + remote_cmd, 4)
stdin, stdout = os.popen2(remote_cmd)
conn_number = len(Globals.connections)
conn = PipeConnection(stdout, stdin, conn_number)
check_connection_version(conn, remote_cmd)
Log("Registering connection %d" % conn_number, 7)
init_connection_routing(conn, conn_number, remote_cmd)
return conn
def check_connection_version(conn, remote_cmd):
"""Log warning if connection has different version"""
try: remote_version = conn.Globals.get('version')
except ConnectionReadError, exception:
Couldn't start up the remote connection by executing
Remember that, under the default settings, rdiff-backup must be
installed in the PATH on the remote system. See the man page for more
information.""" % (exception, remote_cmd))
if remote_version != Globals.version:
Log("Warning: Local version %s does not match remote version %s."
% (Globals.version, remote_version), 2)
def init_connection_routing(conn, conn_number, remote_cmd):
"""Called by init_connection, establish routing, conn dict"""
Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] = conn
for other_remote_conn in Globals.connections[1:]:
def init_connection_settings(conn):
"""Tell new conn about log settings and updated globals"""
for setting_name in Globals.changed_settings:
conn.Globals.set(setting_name, Globals.get(setting_name))
def init_connection_remote(conn_number):
"""Run on server side to tell self that have given conn_number"""
Globals.connection_number = conn_number
Globals.local_connection.conn_number = conn_number
Globals.connection_dict[0] = Globals.connections[1]
Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] = Globals.local_connection
def add_redirected_conn(conn_number):
"""Run on server side - tell about redirected connection"""
Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] = \
def UpdateGlobal(setting_name, val):
"""Update value of global variable across all connections"""
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Globals.set(setting_name, val)
def BackupInitConnections(reading_conn, writing_conn):
"""Backup specific connection initialization"""
reading_conn.Globals.set("isbackup_reader", 1)
writing_conn.Globals.set("isbackup_writer", 1)
UpdateGlobal("backup_reader", reading_conn)
UpdateGlobal("backup_writer", writing_conn)
def CloseConnections():
"""Close all connections. Run by client"""
assert not Globals.server
for conn in Globals.connections: conn.quit()
del Globals.connections[1:] # Only leave local connection
Globals.connection_dict = {0: Globals.local_connection}
Globals.backup_reader = Globals.isbackup_reader = \
Globals.backup_writer = Globals.isbackup_writer = None
def TestConnections():
"""Test connections, printing results"""
if len(Globals.connections) == 1: print "No remote connections specified"
for i in range(1, len(Globals.connections)): test_connection(i)
def test_connection(conn_number):
"""Test connection. conn_number 0 is the local connection"""
print "Testing server started by: ", __conn_remote_cmds[conn_number]
conn = Globals.connections[conn_number]
assert conn.pow(2,3) == 8
assert conn.os.path.join("a", "b") == "a/b"
version = conn.reval("lambda: Globals.version")
sys.stderr.write("Server tests failed\n")
if not version == Globals.version:
print """Server may work, but there is a version mismatch:
Local version: %s
Remote version: %s""" % (Globals.version, version)
else: print "Server OK"
from log import *
from rpath import *
from connection import *
import Globals
import time, types, re
import Globals
# ttime - Provide Time class, which contains time related functions.
class TimeException(Exception): pass
_interval_conv_dict = {"s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 3600, "D": 86400,
"W": 7*86400, "M": 30*86400, "Y": 365*86400}
_integer_regexp = re.compile("^[0-9]+$")
_interval_regexp = re.compile("^([0-9]+)([smhDWMY])")
_genstr_date_regexp1 = re.compile("^(?P<year>[0-9]{4})[-/]"
_genstr_date_regexp2 = re.compile("^(?P<month>[0-9]{1,2})[-/]"
curtime = curtimestr = None
def setcurtime(curtime = None):
"""Sets the current time in curtime and curtimestr on all systems"""
t = curtime or time.time()
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Time.setcurtime_local(t, timetostring(t))
def setcurtime_local(timeinseconds, timestr):
"""Only set the current time locally"""
global curtime, curtimestr
curtime, curtimestr = timeinseconds, timestr
def setprevtime(timeinseconds):
"""Sets the previous inc time in prevtime and prevtimestr"""
assert timeinseconds > 0, timeinseconds
timestr = timetostring(timeinseconds)
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Time.setprevtime_local(timeinseconds, timestr)
def setprevtime_local(timeinseconds, timestr):
"""Like setprevtime but only set the local version"""
global prevtime, prevtimestr
prevtime, prevtimestr = timeinseconds, timestr
def timetostring(timeinseconds):
"""Return w3 datetime compliant listing of timeinseconds"""
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H" + Globals.time_separator +
"%M" + Globals.time_separator + "%S",
time.localtime(timeinseconds)) + gettzd()
def stringtotime(timestring):
"""Return time in seconds from w3 timestring
If there is an error parsing the string, or it doesn't look
like a w3 datetime string, return None.
date, daytime = timestring[:19].split("T")
year, month, day = map(int, date.split("-"))
hour, minute, second = map(int,
assert 1900 < year < 2100, year
assert 1 <= month <= 12
assert 1 <= day <= 31
assert 0 <= hour <= 23
assert 0 <= minute <= 59
assert 0 <= second <= 61 # leap seconds
timetuple = (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, -1, -1, -1)
if time.daylight:
utc_in_secs = time.mktime(timetuple) - time.altzone
else: utc_in_secs = time.mktime(timetuple) - time.timezone
return long(utc_in_secs) + tzdtoseconds(timestring[19:])
except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError): return None
def timetopretty(timeinseconds):
"""Return pretty version of time"""
return time.asctime(time.localtime(timeinseconds))
def stringtopretty(timestring):
"""Return pretty version of time given w3 time string"""
return timetopretty(stringtotime(timestring))
def inttopretty(seconds):
"""Convert num of seconds to readable string like "2 hours"."""
partlist = []
hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
if hours > 1: partlist.append("%d hours" % hours)
elif hours == 1: partlist.append("1 hour")
minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
if minutes > 1: partlist.append("%d minutes" % minutes)
elif minutes == 1: partlist.append("1 minute")
if seconds == 1: partlist.append("1 second")
elif not partlist or seconds > 1:
if isinstance(seconds, int) or isinstance(seconds, long):
partlist.append("%s seconds" % seconds)
else: partlist.append("%.2f seconds" % seconds)
return " ".join(partlist)
def intstringtoseconds(interval_string):
"""Convert a string expressing an interval (e.g. "4D2s") to seconds"""
def error():
raise TimeException("""Bad interval string "%s"
Intervals are specified like 2Y (2 years) or 2h30m (2.5 hours). The
allowed special characters are s, m, h, D, W, M, and Y. See the man
page for more information.
""" % interval_string)
if len(interval_string) < 2: error()
total = 0
while interval_string:
match = _interval_regexp.match(interval_string)
if not match: error()
num, ext = int(,
if not ext in _interval_conv_dict or num < 0: error()
total += num*_interval_conv_dict[ext]
interval_string = interval_string[match.end(0):]
return total
def gettzd():
"""Return w3's timezone identification string.
Expresed as [+/-]hh:mm. For instance, PST is -08:00. Zone is
coincides with what localtime(), etc., use.
if time.daylight: offset = -1 * time.altzone/60
else: offset = -1 * time.timezone/60
if offset > 0: prefix = "+"
elif offset < 0: prefix = "-"
else: return "Z" # time is already in UTC
hours, minutes = map(abs, divmod(offset, 60))
assert 0 <= hours <= 23
assert 0 <= minutes <= 59
return "%s%02d%s%02d" % (prefix, hours,
Globals.time_separator, minutes)
def tzdtoseconds(tzd):
"""Given w3 compliant TZD, return how far ahead UTC is"""
if tzd == "Z": return 0
assert len(tzd) == 6 # only accept forms like +08:00 for now
assert (tzd[0] == "-" or tzd[0] == "+") and \
tzd[3] == Globals.time_separator
return -60 * (60 * int(tzd[:3]) + int(tzd[4:]))
def cmp(time1, time2):
"""Compare time1 and time2 and return -1, 0, or 1"""
if type(time1) is types.StringType:
time1 = stringtotime(time1)
assert time1 is not None
if type(time2) is types.StringType:
time2 = stringtotime(time2)
assert time2 is not None
if time1 < time2: return -1
elif time1 == time2: return 0
else: return 1
def genstrtotime(timestr, curtime = None):
"""Convert a generic time string to a time in seconds"""
if curtime is None: curtime = globals()['curtime']
if timestr == "now": return curtime
def error():
raise TimeException("""Bad time string "%s"
The acceptible time strings are intervals (like "3D64s"), w3-datetime
strings, like "2002-04-26T04:22:01-07:00" (strings like
"2002-04-26T04:22:01" are also acceptable - rdiff-backup will use the
current time zone), or ordinary dates like 2/4/1997 or 2001-04-23
(various combinations are acceptable, but the month always precedes
the day).""" % timestr)
# Test for straight integer
if return int(timestr)
# Test for w3-datetime format, possibly missing tzd
t = stringtotime(timestr) or stringtotime(timestr+gettzd())
if t: return t
try: # test for an interval, like "2 days ago"
return curtime - intstringtoseconds(timestr)
except TimeException: pass
# Now check for dates like 2001/3/23
match = or \
if not match: error()
timestr = "%s-%02d-%02dT00:00:00%s" % ('year'),
int('month')), int('day')), gettzd())
t = stringtotime(timestr)
if t: return t
else: error()
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import types, os, tempfile, cPickle, shutil, traceback import types, os, tempfile, cPickle, shutil, traceback
####################################################################### #######################################################################
...@@ -38,10 +37,9 @@ class LocalConnection(Connection): ...@@ -38,10 +37,9 @@ class LocalConnection(Connection):
self.conn_number = 0 # changed by SetConnections for server self.conn_number = 0 # changed by SetConnections for server
def __getattr__(self, name): def __getattr__(self, name):
try: return globals()[name] if name in globals(): return globals()[name]
except KeyError: elif isinstance(__builtins__, dict): return __builtins__[name]
try: return __builtins__.__dict__[name] else: return __builtins__.__dict__[name]
except KeyError: raise NameError, name
def __setattr__(self, name, value): def __setattr__(self, name, value):
globals()[name] = value globals()[name] = value
...@@ -56,11 +54,6 @@ class LocalConnection(Connection): ...@@ -56,11 +54,6 @@ class LocalConnection(Connection):
def quit(self): pass def quit(self): pass
Globals.local_connection = LocalConnection()
# Following changed by server in SetConnections
Globals.connection_dict[0] = Globals.local_connection
class ConnectionRequest: class ConnectionRequest:
"""Simple wrapper around a PipeConnection request""" """Simple wrapper around a PipeConnection request"""
...@@ -493,3 +486,30 @@ class VirtualFile: ...@@ -493,3 +486,30 @@ class VirtualFile:
line = self.readline() line = self.readline()
if not line: break if not line: break
yield line yield line
# everything has to be available here for remote connection's use, but
# put at bottom to reduce circularities.
import Globals, Time, Rdiff, Hardlink, FilenameMapping
from static import *
from lazy import *
from log import *
from iterfile import *
from connection import *
from rpath import *
from robust import *
from rorpiter import *
from destructive_stepping import *
from selection import *
from statistics import *
from increment import *
from restore import *
from manage import *
from highlevel import *
Globals.local_connection = LocalConnection()
# Following changed by server in SetConnections
Globals.connection_dict[0] = Globals.local_connection
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import types import types
execfile("") from rpath import *
from lazy import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -206,3 +207,6 @@ class DestructiveSteppingFinalizer(ErrorITR): ...@@ -206,3 +207,6 @@ class DestructiveSteppingFinalizer(ErrorITR):
if self.dsrpath: self.dsrpath.write_changes() if self.dsrpath: self.dsrpath.write_changes()
from log import *
from robust import *
import Globals
import re
# filename_mapping - used to coordinate related filenames
# For instance, some source filenames may contain characters not
# allowed on the mirror end. Also, if a source filename is very long
# (say 240 characters), the extra characters added to related
# increments may put them over the usual 255 character limit.
class FilenameMapping:
"""Contains class methods which coordinate related filenames"""
max_filename_length = 255
# If true, enable character quoting, and set characters making
# regex-style range.
chars_to_quote = None
# These compiled regular expressions are used in quoting and unquoting
chars_to_quote_regexp = None
unquoting_regexp = None
# Use given char to quote. Default is set in Globals.
quoting_char = None
def set_init_quote_vals(cls):
"""Set quoting value from Globals on all conns"""
for conn in Globals.connections:
def set_init_quote_vals_local(cls):
"""Set value on local connection, initialize regexps"""
cls.chars_to_quote = Globals.chars_to_quote
if len(Globals.quoting_char) != 1:
Log.FatalError("Expected single character for quoting char,"
"got '%s' instead" % (Globals.quoting_char,))
cls.quoting_char = Globals.quoting_char
def init_quoting_regexps(cls):
"""Compile quoting regular expressions"""
cls.chars_to_quote_regexp = \
re.compile("[%s%s]" % (cls.chars_to_quote,
cls.quoting_char), re.S)
cls.unquoting_regexp = \
re.compile("%s[0-9]{3}" % cls.quoting_char, re.S)
except re.error:
Log.FatalError("Error '%s' when processing char quote list %s" %
(re.error, cls.chars_to_quote))
def quote(cls, path):
"""Return quoted version of given path
Any characters quoted will be replaced by the quoting char and
the ascii number of the character. For instance, "10:11:12"
would go to "10;05811;05812" if ":" were quoted and ";" were
the quoting character.
return cls.chars_to_quote_regexp.sub(cls.quote_single, path)
def quote_single(cls, match):
"""Return replacement for a single character"""
return "%s%03d" % (cls.quoting_char, ord(
def unquote(cls, path):
"""Return original version of quoted filename"""
return cls.unquoting_regexp.sub(cls.unquote_single, path)
def unquote_single(cls, match):
"""Unquote a single quoted character"""
assert len( == 4
return chr(int([1:]))
def get_quoted_dir_children(cls, rpath):
"""For rpath directory, return list of quoted children in dir"""
if not rpath.isdir(): return []
dir_pairs = [(cls.unquote(filename), filename)
for filename in Robust.listrp(rpath)]
dir_pairs.sort() # sort by real index, not quoted part
child_list = []
for unquoted, filename in dir_pairs:
childrp = rpath.append(unquoted)
return child_list
import re, os
# globals - aggregate some configuration options
class Globals:
# The current version of rdiff-backup
version = "0.8.0"
# If this is set, use this value in seconds as the current time
# instead of reading it from the clock.
current_time = None
# This determines how many bytes to read at a time when copying
blocksize = 32768
# This is used by the BufferedRead class to determine how many
# bytes to request from the underlying file per read(). Larger
# values may save on connection overhead and latency.
conn_bufsize = 98304
# True if script is running as a server
server = None
# uid and gid of the owner of the rdiff-backup process. This can
# vary depending on the connection.
process_uid = os.getuid()
process_gid = os.getgid()
# If true, when copying attributes, also change target's uid/gid
change_ownership = None
# If true, change the permissions of unwriteable mirror files
# (such as directories) so that they can be written, and then
# change them back. This defaults to 1 just in case the process
# is not running as root (root doesn't need to change
# permissions).
change_mirror_perms = (process_uid != 0)
# If true, temporarily change permissions of unreadable files in
# the source directory to make sure we can read all files.
change_source_perms = None
# If true, try to reset the atimes of the source partition.
preserve_atime = None
# This will be set as soon as the LocalConnection class loads
local_connection = None
# All connections should be added to the following list, so
# further global changes can be propagated to the remote systems.
# The first element should be Globals.local_connection. For a
# server, the second is the connection to the client.
connections = []
# Each process should have a connection number unique to the
# session. The client has connection number 0.
connection_number = 0
# Dictionary pairing connection numbers with connections. Set in
# SetConnections for all connections.
connection_dict = {}
# True if the script is the end that reads the source directory
# for backups. It is true for purely local sessions.
isbackup_reader = None
# Connection of the real backup reader (for which isbackup_reader
# is true)
backup_reader = None
# True if the script is the end that writes to the increment and
# mirror directories. True for purely local sessions.
isbackup_writer = None
# Connection of the backup writer
backup_writer = None
# True if this process is the client invoked by the user
isclient = None
# Connection of the client
client_conn = None
# This list is used by the set function below. When a new
# connection is created with init_connection, its Globals class
# will match this one for all the variables mentioned in this
# list.
changed_settings = []
# rdiff-backup will try to checkpoint its state every
# checkpoint_interval seconds. Then when resuming, at most this
# amount of time is lost.
checkpoint_interval = 20
# The RPath of the rdiff-backup-data directory.
rbdir = None
# Indicates if a resume or a lack of resume is forced. This
# should be None for the default. 0 means don't resume, and 1
# means resume.
resume = None
# If there has been an aborted backup fewer than this many seconds
# ago, attempt to resume it where it left off instead of starting
# a new one.
resume_window = 7200
# This string is used when recognizing and creating time strings.
# If the time_separator is ":", then W3 datetime strings like
# 2001-12-07T04:22:01-07:00 are produced. It can be set to "_" to
# make filenames that don't contain colons, which aren't allowed
# under MS windows NT.
time_separator = ":"
# quoting_enabled is true if we should quote certain characters in
# filenames on the source side (see FilenameMapping for more
# info). chars_to_quote is a string whose characters should be
# quoted, and quoting_char is the character to quote with.
quoting_enabled = None
chars_to_quote = ""
quoting_char = ';'
# If true, emit output intended to be easily readable by a
# computer. False means output is intended for humans.
parsable_output = None
# If true, then hardlinks will be preserved to mirror and recorded
# in the increments directory. There is also a difference here
# between None and 0. When restoring, None or 1 means to preserve
# hardlinks iff can find a hardlink dictionary. 0 means ignore
# hardlink information regardless.
preserve_hardlinks = 1
# If this is false, then rdiff-backup will not compress any
# increments. Default is to compress based on regexp below.
compression = 1
# Increments based on files whose names match this
# case-insensitive regular expression won't be compressed (applies
# to .snapshots and .diffs). The second below will be the
# compiled version of the first.
no_compression_regexp_string = "(?i).*\\.(gz|z|bz|bz2|tgz|zip|rpm|deb|" \
no_compression_regexp = None
# If true, filelists and directory statistics will be split on
# nulls instead of newlines.
null_separator = None
# Determines whether or not ssh will be run with the -C switch
ssh_compression = 1
# If true, print statistics after successful backup
print_statistics = None
# On the reader and writer connections, the following will be
# replaced by the source and mirror Select objects respectively.
select_source, select_mirror = None, None
# On the backup writer connection, holds the main incrementing
# function. Access is provided to increment error counts.
ITR = None
def get(cls, name):
"""Return the value of something in this class"""
return cls.__dict__[name]
get = classmethod(get)
def is_not_None(cls, name):
"""Returns true if value is not None"""
return cls.__dict__[name] is not None
is_not_None = classmethod(is_not_None)
def set(cls, name, val):
"""Set the value of something in this class
Use this instead of writing the values directly if the setting
matters to remote sides. This function updates the
changed_settings list, so other connections know to copy the
cls.__dict__[name] = val
set = classmethod(set)
def set_integer(cls, name, val):
"""Like set, but make sure val is an integer"""
try: intval = int(val)
except ValueError:
Log.FatalError("Variable %s must be set to an integer -\n"
"received %s instead." % (name, val))
cls.set(name, intval)
set_integer = classmethod(set_integer)
def get_dict_val(cls, name, key):
"""Return val from dictionary in this class"""
return cls.__dict__[name][key]
get_dict_val = classmethod(get_dict_val)
def set_dict_val(cls, name, key, val):
"""Set value for dictionary in this class"""
cls.__dict__[name][key] = val
set_dict_val = classmethod(set_dict_val)
def postset_regexp(cls, name, re_string, flags = None):
"""Compile re_string on all existing connections, set to name"""
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Globals.postset_regexp_local(name, re_string, flags)
postset_regexp = classmethod(postset_regexp)
def postset_regexp_local(cls, name, re_string, flags):
"""Set name to compiled re_string locally"""
if flags: cls.__dict__[name] = re.compile(re_string, flags)
else: cls.__dict__[name] = re.compile(re_string)
postset_regexp_local = classmethod(postset_regexp_local)
def set_select(cls, dsrpath, tuplelist, quote_mode, *filelists):
"""Initialize select object using tuplelist
Note that each list in filelists must each be passed as
separate arguments, so each is recognized as a file by the
connection. Otherwise we will get an error because a list
containing files can't be pickled.
if dsrpath.source:
cls.select_source = Select(dsrpath, quote_mode)
cls.select_source.ParseArgs(tuplelist, filelists)
cls.select_mirror = Select(dsrpath, quote_mode)
cls.select_mirror.ParseArgs(tuplelist, filelists)
set_select = classmethod(set_select)
# hardlink - code for preserving and restoring hardlinks
# If the preserve_hardlinks option is selected, linked files in the
# source directory will be linked in the mirror directory. Linked
# files are treated like any other with respect to incrementing, but a
# database of all links will be recorded at each session, so linked
# files can still be restored from the increments.
class Hardlink:
"""Hardlink class methods and data
All these functions are meant to be executed on the destination
side. The source side should only transmit inode information.
# In all of these lists of indicies are the values. The keys in
# _inode_ ones are (inode, devloc) pairs.
_src_inode_indicies = {}
_dest_inode_indicies = {}
# The keys for these two are just indicies. They share values
# with the earlier dictionaries.
_src_index_indicies = {}
_dest_index_indicies = {}
# When a linked file is restored, its path is added to this dict,
# so it can be found when later paths being restored are linked to
# it.
_restore_index_path = {}
def get_inode_key(cls, rorp):
"""Return rorp's key for _inode_ dictionaries"""
return (rorp.getinode(), rorp.getdevloc())
def get_indicies(cls, rorp, source):
"""Return a list of similarly linked indicies, using rorp's index"""
if source: dict = cls._src_index_indicies
else: dict = cls._dest_index_indicies
try: return dict[rorp.index]
except KeyError: return []
def add_rorp(cls, rorp, source):
"""Process new rorp and update hard link dictionaries
First enter it into src_inode_indicies. If we have already
seen all the hard links, then we can delete the entry.
Everything must stay recorded in src_index_indicies though.
if not rorp.isreg() or rorp.getnumlinks() < 2: return
if source: inode_dict, index_dict = (cls._src_inode_indicies,
else: inode_dict, index_dict = (cls._dest_inode_indicies,
rp_inode_key = cls.get_inode_key(rorp)
if inode_dict.has_key(rp_inode_key):
index_list = inode_dict[rp_inode_key]
if len(index_list) == rorp.getnumlinks():
del inode_dict[rp_inode_key]
else: # make new entry in both src dicts
index_list = [rorp.index]
inode_dict[rp_inode_key] = index_list
index_dict[rorp.index] = index_list
def add_rorp_iter(cls, iter, source):
"""Return new rorp iterator like iter that cls.add_rorp's first"""
for rorp in iter:
cls.add_rorp(rorp, source)
yield rorp
def rorp_eq(cls, src_rorp, dest_rorp):
"""Compare hardlinked for equality
Two files may otherwise seem equal but be hardlinked in
different ways. This function considers them equal enough if
they have been hardlinked correctly to the previously seen
assert src_rorp.index == dest_rorp.index
if (not src_rorp.isreg() or not dest_rorp.isreg() or
src_rorp.getnumlinks() == dest_rorp.getnumlinks() == 1):
return 1 # Hard links don't apply
src_index_list = cls.get_indicies(src_rorp, 1)
dest_index_list = cls.get_indicies(dest_rorp, None)
# If a list only has one element, then it is only hardlinked
# to itself so far, so that is not a genuine difference yet.
if not src_index_list or len(src_index_list) == 1:
return not dest_index_list or len(dest_index_list) == 1
if not dest_index_list or len(dest_index_list) == 1: return None
# Both index lists exist and are non-empty
return src_index_list == dest_index_list # they are always sorted
def islinked(cls, rorp):
"""True if rorp's index is already linked to something on src side"""
return len(cls.get_indicies(rorp, 1)) >= 2
def restore_link(cls, index, rpath):
"""Restores a linked file by linking it
When restoring, all the hardlink data is already present, and
we can only link to something already written. In either
case, add to the _restore_index_path dict, so we know later
that the file is available for hard
Returns true if succeeded in creating rpath, false if must
restore rpath normally.
if index not in cls._src_index_indicies: return None
for linked_index in cls._src_index_indicies[index]:
if linked_index in cls._restore_index_path:
srcpath = cls._restore_index_path[linked_index]
Log("Restoring %s by hard linking to %s" %
(rpath.path, srcpath), 6)
return 1
cls._restore_index_path[index] = rpath.path
return None
def link_rp(cls, src_rorp, dest_rpath, dest_root = None):
"""Make dest_rpath into a link analogous to that of src_rorp"""
if not dest_root: dest_root = dest_rpath # use base of dest_rpath
dest_link_rpath = RPath(dest_root.conn, dest_root.base,
cls.get_indicies(src_rorp, 1)[0])
def write_linkdict(cls, rpath, dict, compress = None):
"""Write link data to the rbdata dir
It is stored as the a big pickled dictionary dated to match
the current hardlinks.
assert (Globals.isbackup_writer and
rpath.conn is Globals.local_connection)
tf =
def init():
fp ="wb", compress)
cPickle.dump(dict, fp)
assert not fp.close()
Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (tf,), (rpath,)).execute()
def get_linkrp(cls, data_rpath, time, prefix):
"""Return RPath of linkdata, or None if cannot find"""
for rp in map(data_rpath.append, data_rpath.listdir()):
if (rp.isincfile() and rp.getincbase_str() == prefix and
(rp.getinctype() == 'snapshot' or rp.getinctype() == 'data')
and Time.stringtotime(rp.getinctime()) == time):
return rp
return None
def get_linkdata(cls, data_rpath, time, prefix = 'hardlink_data'):
"""Return index dictionary written by write_linkdata at time"""
rp = cls.get_linkrp(data_rpath, time, prefix)
if not rp: return None
fp ="rb", rp.isinccompressed())
index_dict = cPickle.load(fp)
assert not fp.close()
return index_dict
def final_writedata(cls):
"""Write final checkpoint data to rbdir after successful backup"""
if not cls._src_index_indicies: # no hardlinks, so writing unnecessary
cls.final_inc = None
Log("Writing hard link data", 6)
if Globals.compression:
cls.final_inc = Globals.rbdir.append("" %
else: cls.final_inc = Globals.rbdir.append("" %
cls._src_index_indicies, Globals.compression)
def retrieve_final(cls, time):
"""Set source index dictionary from hardlink_data file if avail"""
hd = cls.get_linkdata(Globals.rbdir, time)
if hd is None: return None
cls._src_index_indicies = hd
return 1
def final_checkpoint(cls, data_rpath):
"""Write contents of the four dictionaries to the data dir
If rdiff-backup receives a fatal error, it may still be able
to save the contents of the four hard link dictionaries.
Because these dictionaries may be big, they are not saved
after every 20 seconds or whatever, but just at the end.
Log("Writing intermediate hard link data to disk", 2)
src_inode_rp = data_rpath.append("hardlink_source_inode_checkpoint."
"" % Time.curtimestr)
src_index_rp = data_rpath.append("hardlink_source_index_checkpoint."
"" % Time.curtimestr)
dest_inode_rp = data_rpath.append("hardlink_dest_inode_checkpoint."
"" % Time.curtimestr)
dest_index_rp = data_rpath.append("hardlink_dest_index_checkpoint."
"" % Time.curtimestr)
for (rp, dict) in ((src_inode_rp, cls._src_inode_indicies),
(src_index_rp, cls._src_index_indicies),
(dest_inode_rp, cls._dest_inode_indicies),
(dest_index_rp, cls._dest_index_indicies)):
cls.write_linkdict(rp, dict)
def retrieve_checkpoint(cls, data_rpath, time):
"""Retrieve hardlink data from final checkpoint
Return true if the retrieval worked, false otherwise.
src_inode = cls.get_linkdata(data_rpath, time,
src_index = cls.get_linkdata(data_rpath, time,
dest_inode = cls.get_linkdata(data_rpath, time,
dest_index = cls.get_linkdata(data_rpath, time,
except cPickle.UnpicklingError:
Log("Unpickling Error", 2)
return None
if (src_inode is None or src_index is None or
dest_inode is None or dest_index is None): return None
cls._src_inode_indicies = src_inode
cls._src_index_indicies = src_index
cls._dest_inode_indicies = dest_inode
cls._dest_index_indicies = dest_index
return 1
def remove_all_checkpoints(cls):
"""Remove all hardlink checkpoint information from directory"""
prefix_list = ["hardlink_source_inode_checkpoint",
for rp in map(Globals.rbdir.append, Globals.rbdir.listdir()):
if (rp.isincfile() and rp.getincbase_str() in prefix_list and
(rp.getinctype() == 'snapshot' or rp.getinctype() == 'data')):
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
execfile("") from static import *
from log import *
from rpath import *
from robust import *
from increment import *
from destructive_stepping import *
from rorpiter import *
import Globals, Hardlink, MiscStats
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -248,7 +255,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct: ...@@ -248,7 +255,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
"""Apply diffs and finalize, with checkpointing and statistics""" """Apply diffs and finalize, with checkpointing and statistics"""
collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators(diffs, cls.initial_dsiter2) collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators(diffs, cls.initial_dsiter2)
finalizer, ITR = cls.get_finalizer(), cls.get_MirrorITR(inc_rpath) finalizer, ITR = cls.get_finalizer(), cls.get_MirrorITR(inc_rpath)
Stats.open_dir_stats_file() MiscStats.open_dir_stats_file()
dsrp, finished_dsrp = None, None dsrp, finished_dsrp = None, None
try: try:
...@@ -266,15 +273,15 @@ class HLDestinationStruct: ...@@ -266,15 +273,15 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
except: cls.handle_last_error(finished_dsrp, finalizer, ITR) except: cls.handle_last_error(finished_dsrp, finalizer, ITR)
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata() if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata()
Stats.close_dir_stats_file() MiscStats.close_dir_stats_file()
Stats.write_session_statistics(ITR) MiscStats.write_session_statistics(ITR)
SaveState.checkpoint_remove() SaveState.checkpoint_remove()
def patch_increment_and_finalize(cls, dest_rpath, diffs, inc_rpath): def patch_increment_and_finalize(cls, dest_rpath, diffs, inc_rpath):
"""Apply diffs, write increment if necessary, and finalize""" """Apply diffs, write increment if necessary, and finalize"""
collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators(diffs, cls.initial_dsiter2) collated = RORPIter.CollateIterators(diffs, cls.initial_dsiter2)
finalizer, ITR = cls.get_finalizer(), cls.get_ITR(inc_rpath) finalizer, ITR = cls.get_finalizer(), cls.get_ITR(inc_rpath)
Stats.open_dir_stats_file() MiscStats.open_dir_stats_file()
dsrp, finished_dsrp = None, None dsrp, finished_dsrp = None, None
try: try:
...@@ -293,8 +300,8 @@ class HLDestinationStruct: ...@@ -293,8 +300,8 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
except: cls.handle_last_error(finished_dsrp, finalizer, ITR) except: cls.handle_last_error(finished_dsrp, finalizer, ITR)
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata() if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata()
Stats.close_dir_stats_file() MiscStats.close_dir_stats_file()
Stats.write_session_statistics(ITR) MiscStats.write_session_statistics(ITR)
SaveState.checkpoint_remove() SaveState.checkpoint_remove()
def handle_last_error(cls, dsrp, finalizer, ITR): def handle_last_error(cls, dsrp, finalizer, ITR):
import traceback import traceback
execfile("") from static import *
from statistics import *
from lazy import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -256,7 +258,7 @@ class IncrementITR(ErrorITR, StatsITR): ...@@ -256,7 +258,7 @@ class IncrementITR(ErrorITR, StatsITR):
self.end_stats(diff_rorp, dsrp, self.incrp) self.end_stats(diff_rorp, dsrp, self.incrp)
if self.mirror_isdirectory or dsrp.isdir(): if self.mirror_isdirectory or dsrp.isdir():
Stats.write_dir_stats_line(self, dsrp.index) MiscStats.write_dir_stats_line(self, dsrp.index)
def branch_process(self, subinstance): def branch_process(self, subinstance):
"""Update statistics, and the has_changed flag if change in branch""" """Update statistics, and the has_changed flag if change in branch"""
...@@ -286,8 +288,15 @@ class MirrorITR(ErrorITR, StatsITR): ...@@ -286,8 +288,15 @@ class MirrorITR(ErrorITR, StatsITR):
"""Update statistics when leaving""" """Update statistics when leaving"""
self.end_stats(self.diff_rorp, self.mirror_dsrp) self.end_stats(self.diff_rorp, self.mirror_dsrp)
if self.mirror_dsrp.isdir(): if self.mirror_dsrp.isdir():
Stats.write_dir_stats_line(self, self.mirror_dsrp.index) MiscStats.write_dir_stats_line(self, self.mirror_dsrp.index)
def branch_process(self, subinstance): def branch_process(self, subinstance):
"""Update statistics with subdirectory results""" """Update statistics with subdirectory results"""
self.add_file_stats(subinstance) self.add_file_stats(subinstance)
from log import *
from rpath import *
from robust import *
from rorpiter import *
import Globals, Time, MiscStats
import cPickle import cPickle
import Globals
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import os, stat, types import os, stat, types
from static import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -324,3 +324,7 @@ class ErrorITR(IterTreeReducer): ...@@ -324,3 +324,7 @@ class ErrorITR(IterTreeReducer):
Log("Error '%s' processing %s" % (exc, filename), 2) Log("Error '%s' processing %s" % (exc, filename), 2)
# Put at bottom to prevent (viciously) circular module dependencies
from robust import *
from log import *
import time, sys, traceback import time, sys, traceback, types
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@ class Logger: ...@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@ class Logger:
def FatalError(self, message): def FatalError(self, message):
self("Fatal Error: " + message, 1) self("Fatal Error: " + message, 1)
Globals.Main.cleanup() Main.cleanup()
sys.exit(1) sys.exit(1)
def exception_to_string(self): def exception_to_string(self):
...@@ -158,3 +157,4 @@ class Logger: ...@@ -158,3 +157,4 @@ class Logger:
logging_func(self.exception_to_string(), verbosity) logging_func(self.exception_to_string(), verbosity)
Log = Logger() Log = Logger()
import Globals, Main
import getopt, sys, re
# main - Start here: Read arguments, set global settings, etc.
class Main:
def __init__(self):
self.action = None
self.remote_cmd, self.remote_schema = None, None
self.force = None
self.select_opts, self.select_mirror_opts = [], []
self.select_files = []
def parse_cmdlineoptions(self, arglist):
"""Parse argument list and set global preferences"""
def sel_fl(filename):
"""Helper function for including/excluding filelists below"""
try: return open(filename, "r")
except IOError: Log.FatalError("Error opening file %s" % filename)
try: optlist, self.args = getopt.getopt(arglist, "blmr:sv:V",
["backup-mode", "calculate-average",
"change-source-perms", "chars-to-quote=",
"checkpoint-interval=", "current-time=", "exclude=",
"exclude-device-files", "exclude-filelist=",
"exclude-filelist-stdin", "exclude-mirror=",
"exclude-regexp=", "force", "include=",
"include-filelist=", "include-filelist-stdin",
"include-regexp=", "list-increments", "mirror-only",
"no-compression", "no-compression-regexp=",
"no-hard-links", "no-resume", "null-separator",
"parsable-output", "print-statistics", "quoting-char=",
"remote-cmd=", "remote-schema=", "remove-older-than=",
"restore-as-of=", "resume", "resume-window=", "server",
"ssh-no-compression", "terminal-verbosity=",
"test-server", "verbosity", "version", "windows-mode",
except getopt.error, e:
self.commandline_error("Bad commandline options: %s" % str(e))
for opt, arg in optlist:
if opt == "-b" or opt == "--backup-mode": self.action = "backup"
elif opt == "--calculate-average":
self.action = "calculate-average"
elif opt == "--change-source-perms":
Globals.set('change_source_perms', 1)
elif opt == "--chars-to-quote":
Globals.set('chars_to_quote', arg)
Globals.set('quoting_enabled', 1)
elif opt == "--checkpoint-interval":
Globals.set_integer('checkpoint_interval', arg)
elif opt == "--current-time":
Globals.set_integer('current_time', arg)
elif opt == "--exclude": self.select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-device-files":
self.select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-filelist":
self.select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-filelist-stdin":
"standard input"))
elif opt == "--exclude-mirror":
self.select_mirror_opts.append(("--exclude", arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-regexp": self.select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--force": self.force = 1
elif opt == "--include": self.select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--include-filelist":
self.select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--include-filelist-stdin":
"standard input"))
elif opt == "--include-regexp":
self.select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "-l" or opt == "--list-increments":
self.action = "list-increments"
elif opt == "-m" or opt == "--mirror-only": self.action = "mirror"
elif opt == "--no-compression": Globals.set("compression", None)
elif opt == "--no-compression-regexp":
Globals.set("no_compression_regexp_string", arg)
elif opt == "--no-hard-links": Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', 0)
elif opt == '--no-resume': Globals.resume = 0
elif opt == "--null-separator": Globals.set("null_separator", 1)
elif opt == "-r" or opt == "--restore-as-of":
self.restore_timestr = arg
self.action = "restore-as-of"
elif opt == "--parsable-output": Globals.set('parsable_output', 1)
elif opt == "--print-statistics":
Globals.set('print_statistics', 1)
elif opt == "--quoting-char":
Globals.set('quoting_char', arg)
Globals.set('quoting_enabled', 1)
elif opt == "--remote-cmd": self.remote_cmd = arg
elif opt == "--remote-schema": self.remote_schema = arg
elif opt == "--remove-older-than":
self.remove_older_than_string = arg
self.action = "remove-older-than"
elif opt == '--resume': Globals.resume = 1
elif opt == '--resume-window':
Globals.set_integer('resume_window', arg)
elif opt == "-s" or opt == "--server": self.action = "server"
elif opt == "--ssh-no-compression":
Globals.set('ssh_compression', None)
elif opt == "--terminal-verbosity": Log.setterm_verbosity(arg)
elif opt == "--test-server": self.action = "test-server"
elif opt == "-V" or opt == "--version":
print "rdiff-backup " + Globals.version
elif opt == "-v" or opt == "--verbosity": Log.setverbosity(arg)
elif opt == "--windows-mode":
Globals.set('time_separator', "_")
Globals.set('chars_to_quote', ":")
Globals.set('quoting_enabled', 1)
elif opt == '--windows-time-format':
Globals.set('time_separator', "_")
else: Log.FatalError("Unknown option %s" % opt)
def set_action(self):
"""Check arguments and try to set self.action"""
l = len(self.args)
if not self.action:
if l == 0: self.commandline_error("No arguments given")
elif l == 1: self.action = "restore"
elif l == 2:
if RPath(Globals.local_connection, self.args[0]).isincfile():
self.action = "restore"
else: self.action = "backup"
else: self.commandline_error("Too many arguments given")
if l == 0 and self.action != "server" and self.action != "test-server":
self.commandline_error("No arguments given")
if l > 0 and self.action == "server":
self.commandline_error("Too many arguments given")
if l < 2 and (self.action == "backup" or self.action == "mirror" or
self.action == "restore-as-of"):
self.commandline_error("Two arguments are required "
"(source, destination).")
if l == 2 and (self.action == "list-increments" or
self.action == "remove-older-than"):
self.commandline_error("Only use one argument, "
"the root of the backup directory")
if l > 2 and self.action != "calculate-average":
self.commandline_error("Too many arguments given")
def commandline_error(self, message):
sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % message)
sys.stderr.write("See the rdiff-backup manual page for instructions\n")
def misc_setup(self, rps):
"""Set default change ownership flag, umask, relay regexps"""
if ((len(rps) == 2 and rps[1].conn.os.getuid() == 0) or
(len(rps) < 2 and os.getuid() == 0)):
# Allow change_ownership if destination connection is root
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Globals.set('change_ownership', 1)
for rp in rps: rp.setdata() # Update with userinfo
Globals.set("isclient", 1)
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal("client_conn", Globals.local_connection)
# This is because I originally didn't think compiled regexps
# could be pickled, and so must be compiled on remote side.
for conn in Globals.connections: Robust.install_signal_handlers()
def take_action(self, rps):
"""Do whatever self.action says"""
if self.action == "server":
PipeConnection(sys.stdin, sys.stdout).Server()
elif self.action == "backup": self.Backup(rps[0], rps[1])
elif self.action == "restore": self.Restore(*rps)
elif self.action == "restore-as-of": self.RestoreAsOf(rps[0], rps[1])
elif self.action == "mirror": self.Mirror(rps[0], rps[1])
elif self.action == "test-server": SetConnections.TestConnections()
elif self.action == "list-increments": self.ListIncrements(rps[0])
elif self.action == "remove-older-than": self.RemoveOlderThan(rps[0])
elif self.action == "calculate-average": self.CalculateAverage(rps)
else: raise AssertionError("Unknown action " + self.action)
def cleanup(self):
"""Do any last minute cleaning before exiting"""
Log("Cleaning up", 6)
if not Globals.server: SetConnections.CloseConnections()
def Main(self, arglist):
"""Start everything up!"""
rps = SetConnections.InitRPs(self.args,
self.remote_schema, self.remote_cmd)
def Mirror(self, src_rp, dest_rp):
"""Turn dest_path into a copy of src_path"""
Log("Mirroring %s to %s" % (src_rp.path, dest_rp.path), 5)
self.mirror_check_paths(src_rp, dest_rp)
# Since no "rdiff-backup-data" dir, use root of destination.
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', dest_rp)
SetConnections.BackupInitConnections(src_rp.conn, dest_rp.conn)
HighLevel.Mirror(src_rp, dest_rp)
def mirror_check_paths(self, rpin, rpout):
"""Check paths and return rpin, rpout"""
if not rpin.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Source directory %s does not exist" % rpin.path)
if rpout.lstat() and not self.force:
"""Destination %s exists so continuing could mess it up. Run
rdiff-backup with the --force option if you want to mirror anyway.""" %
def Backup(self, rpin, rpout):
"""Backup, possibly incrementally, src_path to dest_path."""
SetConnections.BackupInitConnections(rpin.conn, rpout.conn)
self.backup_init_select(rpin, rpout)
self.backup_init_dirs(rpin, rpout)
RSI = Globals.backup_writer.Resume.ResumeCheck()
if self.prevtime:
HighLevel.Mirror_and_increment(rpin, rpout, self.incdir, RSI)
else: HighLevel.Mirror(rpin, rpout, self.incdir, RSI)
self.backup_touch_curmirror(rpin, rpout)
def backup_init_select(self, rpin, rpout):
"""Create Select objects on source and dest connections"""
rpin.conn.Globals.set_select(DSRPath(1, rpin), self.select_opts,
None, *self.select_files)
rpout.conn.Globals.set_select(DSRPath(None, rpout),
self.select_mirror_opts, 1)
def backup_init_dirs(self, rpin, rpout):
"""Make sure rpin and rpout are valid, init data dir and logging"""
if rpout.lstat() and not rpout.isdir():
if not self.force:
Log.FatalError("Destination %s exists and is not a "
"directory" % rpout.path)
Log("Deleting %s" % rpout.path, 3)
if not rpin.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Source directory %s does not exist" % rpin.path)
elif not rpin.isdir():
Log.FatalError("Source %s is not a directory" % rpin.path)
self.datadir = rpout.append("rdiff-backup-data")
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', self.datadir)
self.incdir = RPath(rpout.conn, os.path.join(self.datadir.path,
self.prevtime = self.backup_get_mirrortime()
if rpout.lstat():
if rpout.isdir() and not rpout.listdir(): # rpout is empty dir
rpout.chmod(0700) # just make sure permissions aren't too lax
elif not self.datadir.lstat() and not self.force:
"""Destination directory %s exists, but does not look like a
rdiff-backup directory. Running rdiff-backup like this could mess up
what is currently in it. If you want to overwrite it, run
rdiff-backup with the --force option.""" % rpout.path)
if not rpout.lstat():
try: rpout.mkdir()
except os.error:
Log.FatalError("Unable to create directory %s" % rpout.path)
if not self.datadir.lstat(): self.datadir.mkdir()
if Log.verbosity > 0:
self.backup_warn_if_infinite_regress(rpin, rpout)
def backup_warn_if_infinite_regress(self, rpin, rpout):
"""Warn user if destination area contained in source area"""
if rpout.conn is rpin.conn: # it's meaningful to compare paths
if ((len(rpout.path) > len(rpin.path)+1 and
rpout.path[:len(rpin.path)] == rpin.path and
rpout.path[len(rpin.path)] == '/') or
(rpin.path == "." and rpout.path[0] != '/' and
rpout.path[:2] != '..')):
# Just a few heuristics, we don't have to get every case
if Globals.backup_reader.Globals.select_source \
.Select(rpout): Log(
"""Warning: The destination directory '%s' may be contained in the
source directory '%s'. This could cause an infinite regress. You
may need to use the --exclude option.""" % (rpout.path, rpin.path), 2)
def backup_get_mirrorrps(self):
"""Return list of current_mirror rps"""
if not self.datadir.isdir(): return []
mirrorrps = [self.datadir.append(fn) for fn in self.datadir.listdir()
if fn.startswith("current_mirror.")]
return filter(lambda rp: rp.isincfile(), mirrorrps)
def backup_get_mirrortime(self):
"""Return time in seconds of previous mirror, or None if cannot"""
mirrorrps = self.backup_get_mirrorrps()
if not mirrorrps: return None
if len(mirrorrps) > 1:
"""Warning: duplicate current_mirror files found. Perhaps something
went wrong during your last backup? Using """ + mirrorrps[-1].path, 2)
timestr = mirrorrps[-1].getinctime()
return Time.stringtotime(timestr)
def backup_touch_curmirror(self, rpin, rpout):
"""Make a file like to record time
Also updates rpout so mod times don't get messed up.
map(RPath.delete, self.backup_get_mirrorrps())
mirrorrp = self.datadir.append("current_mirror.%s.%s" %
(Time.curtimestr, "data"))
Log("Touching mirror marker %s" % mirrorrp.path, 6)
RPath.copy_attribs(rpin, rpout)
def Restore(self, src_rp, dest_rp = None):
"""Main restoring function
Here src_rp should be an increment file, and if dest_rp is
missing it defaults to the base of the increment.
rpin, rpout = self.restore_check_paths(src_rp, dest_rp)
time = Time.stringtotime(rpin.getinctime())
self.restore_common(rpin, rpout, time)
def RestoreAsOf(self, rpin, target):
"""Secondary syntax for restore operation
rpin - RPath of mirror file to restore (not nec. with correct index)
target - RPath of place to put restored file
self.restore_check_paths(rpin, target, 1)
try: time = Time.genstrtotime(self.restore_timestr)
except TimeException, exc: Log.FatalError(str(exc))
self.restore_common(rpin, target, time)
def restore_common(self, rpin, target, time):
"""Restore operation common to Restore and RestoreAsOf"""
Log("Starting Restore", 5)
mirror_root, index = self.restore_get_root(rpin)
mirror = mirror_root.new_index(index)
inc_rpath = self.datadir.append_path('increments', index)
self.restore_init_select(mirror_root, target)
Restore.Restore(inc_rpath, mirror, target, time)
def restore_check_paths(self, rpin, rpout, restoreasof = None):
"""Check paths and return pair of corresponding rps"""
if not restoreasof:
if not rpin.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Source file %s does not exist" % rpin.path)
elif not rpin.isincfile():
Log.FatalError("""File %s does not look like an increment file.
Try restoring from an increment file (the filenames look like
"foobar.2001-09-01T04:49:04-07:00.diff").""" % rpin.path)
if not rpout: rpout = RPath(Globals.local_connection,
if rpout.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Restore target %s already exists, "
"and will not be overwritten." % rpout.path)
return rpin, rpout
def restore_init_select(self, rpin, rpout):
"""Initialize Select
Unlike the backup selections, here they are on the local
connection, because the backup operation is pipelined in a way
the restore operation isn't.
Globals.set_select(DSRPath(1, rpin), self.select_mirror_opts, None)
Globals.set_select(DSRPath(None, rpout), self.select_opts, None,
def restore_get_root(self, rpin):
"""Return (mirror root, index) and set the data dir
The idea here is to keep backing up on the path until we find
a directory that contains "rdiff-backup-data". That is the
mirror root. If the path from there starts
"rdiff-backup-data/increments*", then the index is the
remainder minus that. Otherwise the index is just the path
minus the root.
All this could fail if the increment file is pointed to in a
funny way, using symlinks or somesuch.
if rpin.isincfile(): relpath = rpin.getincbase().path
else: relpath = rpin.path
pathcomps = os.path.join(rpin.conn.os.getcwd(), relpath).split("/")
assert len(pathcomps) >= 2 # path should be relative to /
i = len(pathcomps)
while i >= 2:
parent_dir = RPath(rpin.conn, "/".join(pathcomps[:i]))
if (parent_dir.isdir() and
"rdiff-backup-data" in parent_dir.listdir()): break
i = i-1
else: Log.FatalError("Unable to find rdiff-backup-data directory")
self.rootrp = rootrp = parent_dir
Log("Using mirror root directory %s" % rootrp.path, 6)
self.datadir = rootrp.append_path("rdiff-backup-data")
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', self.datadir)
if not self.datadir.isdir():
Log.FatalError("Unable to read rdiff-backup-data directory %s" %
from_datadir = tuple(pathcomps[i:])
if not from_datadir or from_datadir[0] != "rdiff-backup-data":
return (rootrp, from_datadir) # in mirror, not increments
assert from_datadir[1] == "increments"
return (rootrp, from_datadir[2:])
def ListIncrements(self, rp):
"""Print out a summary of the increments and their times"""
mirror_root, index = self.restore_get_root(rp)
Globals.rbdir = datadir = \
mirrorrp = mirror_root.new_index(index)
inc_rpath = datadir.append_path('increments', index)
incs = Restore.get_inclist(inc_rpath)
mirror_time = Restore.get_mirror_time()
if Globals.parsable_output:
print Manage.describe_incs_parsable(incs, mirror_time, mirrorrp)
else: print Manage.describe_incs_human(incs, mirror_time, mirrorrp)
def CalculateAverage(self, rps):
"""Print out the average of the given statistics files"""
statobjs = map(lambda rp: StatsObj().read_stats_from_rp(rp), rps)
average_stats = StatsObj().set_to_average(statobjs)
print average_stats.get_stats_logstring(
"Average of %d stat files" % len(rps))
def RemoveOlderThan(self, rootrp):
"""Remove all increment files older than a certain time"""
datadir = rootrp.append("rdiff-backup-data")
if not datadir.lstat() or not datadir.isdir():
Log.FatalError("Unable to open rdiff-backup-data dir %s" %
try: time = Time.genstrtotime(self.remove_older_than_string)
except TimeError, exc: Log.FatalError(str(exc))
timep = Time.timetopretty(time)
Log("Deleting increment(s) before %s" % timep, 4)
itimes = [Time.stringtopretty(inc.getinctime())
for inc in Restore.get_inclist(datadir.append("increments"))
if Time.stringtotime(inc.getinctime()) < time]
if not itimes:
Log.FatalError("No increments older than %s found" % timep)
inc_pretty_time = "\n".join(itimes)
if len(itimes) > 1 and not self.force:
Log.FatalError("Found %d relevant increments, dated:\n%s"
"\nIf you want to delete multiple increments in this way, "
"use the --force." % (len(itimes), inc_pretty_time))
Log("Deleting increment%sat times:\n%s" %
(len(itimes) == 1 and " " or "s ", inc_pretty_time), 3)
Manage.delete_earlier_than(datadir, time)
Globals.Main = Main()
if __name__ == "__main__" and not globals().has_key('__no_execute__'):
execfile("") from __future__ import generators
from static import *
from log import *
import Globals, Time
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
import os, popen2
# rdiff - Invoke rdiff utility to make signatures, deltas, or patch
class RdiffException(Exception): pass
class Rdiff:
"""Contains static methods for rdiff operations
All these operations should be done in a relatively safe manner
using RobustAction and the like.
def get_signature(rp):
"""Take signature of rpin file and return in file object"""
Log("Getting signature of %s" % rp.path, 7)
return rp.conn.RdiffPopen(['rdiff', 'signature', rp.path])
def get_delta_sigfileobj(sig_fileobj, rp_new):
"""Like get_delta but signature is in a file object"""
sig_tf =, None)
rdiff_popen_obj = Rdiff.get_delta_sigrp(sig_tf, rp_new)
return rdiff_popen_obj
def get_delta_sigrp(rp_signature, rp_new):
"""Take signature rp and new rp, return delta file object"""
assert rp_signature.conn is rp_new.conn
Log("Getting delta of %s with signature %s" %
(rp_new.path, rp_signature.path), 7)
return rp_new.conn.RdiffPopen(['rdiff', 'delta',
rp_signature.path, rp_new.path])
def write_delta_action(basis, new, delta, compress = None):
"""Return action writing delta which brings basis to new
If compress is true, the output of rdiff will be gzipped
before written to delta.
sig_tf =, None)
delta_tf =
def init(): Rdiff.write_delta(basis, new, delta_tf, compress, sig_tf)
return Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (sig_tf, delta_tf),
(None, delta))
def write_delta(basis, new, delta, compress = None, sig_tf = None):
"""Write rdiff delta which brings basis to new"""
Log("Writing delta %s from %s -> %s" %
(basis.path, new.path, delta.path), 7)
if not sig_tf: sig_tf =, None)
delta.write_from_fileobj(Rdiff.get_delta_sigrp(sig_tf, new), compress)
def patch_action(rp_basis, rp_delta, rp_out = None,
out_tf = None, delta_compressed = None):
"""Return RobustAction which patches rp_basis with rp_delta
If rp_out is None, put output in rp_basis. Will use TempFile
out_tf it is specified. If delta_compressed is true, the
delta file will be decompressed before processing with rdiff.
if not rp_out: rp_out = rp_basis
else: assert rp_out.conn is rp_basis.conn
if (delta_compressed or
not (isinstance(rp_delta, RPath) and isinstance(rp_basis, RPath)
and rp_basis.conn is rp_delta.conn)):
if delta_compressed:
assert isinstance(rp_delta, RPath)
return Rdiff.patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis,'rb', 1),
rp_out, out_tf)
else: return Rdiff.patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis,'rb'),
rp_out, out_tf)
# Files are uncompressed on same connection, run rdiff
if out_tf is None: out_tf =
def init():
Log("Patching %s using %s to %s via %s" %
(rp_basis.path, rp_delta.path, rp_out.path, out_tf.path), 7)
cmdlist = ["rdiff", "patch", rp_basis.path,
rp_delta.path, out_tf.path]
return_val = rp_basis.conn.os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'rdiff', cmdlist)
if return_val != 0 or not out_tf.lstat():
RdiffException("Error running %s" % cmdlist)
return Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (out_tf,), (rp_out,))
def patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis, delta_fileobj, rp_out = None,
out_tf = None, delta_compressed = None):
"""Like patch_action but diff is given in fileobj form
Nest a writing of a tempfile with the actual patching to
create a new action. We have to nest so that the tempfile
will be around until the patching finishes.
if not rp_out: rp_out = rp_basis
delta_tf =, None)
def init(): delta_tf.write_from_fileobj(delta_fileobj)
def final(init_val): delta_tf.delete()
def error(exc, ran_init, init_val): delta_tf.delete()
write_delta_action = RobustAction(init, final, error)
return Robust.chain(write_delta_action,
Rdiff.patch_action(rp_basis, delta_tf,
rp_out, out_tf))
def patch_with_attribs_action(rp_basis, rp_delta, rp_out = None):
"""Like patch_action, but also transfers attributs from rp_delta"""
if not rp_out: rp_out = rp_basis
tf =
return Robust.chain_nested(
Rdiff.patch_action(rp_basis, rp_delta, rp_out, tf),
Robust.copy_attribs_action(rp_delta, tf))
def copy_action(rpin, rpout):
"""Use rdiff to copy rpin to rpout, conserving bandwidth"""
if not rpin.isreg() or not rpout.isreg() or rpin.conn is rpout.conn:
# rdiff not applicable, fallback to regular copying
return Robust.copy_action(rpin, rpout)
Log("Rdiff copying %s to %s" % (rpin.path, rpout.path), 6)
delta_tf =, None)
return Robust.chain(Rdiff.write_delta_action(rpout, rpin, delta_tf),
Rdiff.patch_action(rpout, delta_tf),
RobustAction(lambda: None, delta_tf.delete,
lambda exc: delta_tf.delete))
class RdiffPopen:
"""Spawn process and treat stdout as file object
Instead of using popen, which evaluates arguments with the shell
and thus may lead to security holes (thanks to Jamie Heilman for
this point), use the popen2 class and discard stdin.
When closed, this object checks to make sure the process exited
cleanly, and executes closing_thunk.
def __init__(self, cmdlist, closing_thunk = None):
"""RdiffFilehook initializer
fileobj is the file we are emulating
thunk is called with no parameters right after the file is closed
assert type(cmdlist) is types.ListType
self.p3obj = popen2.Popen3(cmdlist)
self.fileobj = self.p3obj.fromchild
self.closing_thunk = closing_thunk
self.cmdlist = cmdlist
def set_thunk(self, closing_thunk):
"""Set closing_thunk if not already"""
assert not self.closing_thunk
self.closing_thunk = closing_thunk
def read(self, length = -1): return
def close(self):
closeval = self.fileobj.close()
if self.closing_thunk: self.closing_thunk()
exitval = self.p3obj.poll()
if exitval == 0: return closeval
elif exitval == 256:
Log("Failure probably because %s couldn't be found in PATH."
% self.cmdlist[0], 2)
assert 0, "rdiff not found"
elif exitval == -1:
# There may a race condition where a process closes
# but doesn't provide its exitval fast enough.
Log("Waiting for process to close", 8)
exitval = self.p3obj.poll()
if exitval == 0: return closeval
raise RdiffException("%s exited with non-zero value %d" %
(self.cmdlist, exitval))
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import tempfile import tempfile
from static import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -362,3 +362,10 @@ class RestoreCombinedData: ...@@ -362,3 +362,10 @@ class RestoreCombinedData:
else: RPath.copy(inc, target) else: RPath.copy(inc, target)
else: raise RestoreError("Unknown inctype %s" % inctype) else: raise RestoreError("Unknown inctype %s" % inctype)
RPath.copy_attribs(inc, target) RPath.copy_attribs(inc, target)
from log import *
from destructive_stepping import *
from rpath import *
from rorpiter import *
import Globals, Time, Rdiff, Hardlink, FilenameMapping, SetConnections
import tempfile, errno, signal import tempfile, errno, signal, cPickle
execfile("") from static import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class Robust: ...@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class Robust:
""" """
try: return function(*args) try: return function(*args)
except (EnvironmentError, SkipFileException, DSRPPermError, except (EnvironmentError, SkipFileException, DSRPPermError,
RPathException, RdiffException), exc: RPathException, Rdiff.RdiffException), exc:
TracebackArchive.add() TracebackArchive.add()
if (not isinstance(exc, EnvironmentError) or if (not isinstance(exc, EnvironmentError) or
(errno.errorcode[exc[0]] in (errno.errorcode[exc[0]] in
...@@ -356,6 +356,8 @@ class TempFileManager: ...@@ -356,6 +356,8 @@ class TempFileManager:
MakeClass(TempFileManager) MakeClass(TempFileManager)
from rpath import *
class TempFile(RPath): class TempFile(RPath):
"""Like an RPath, but keep track of which ones are still here""" """Like an RPath, but keep track of which ones are still here"""
def rename(self, rp_dest): def rename(self, rp_dest):
...@@ -642,3 +644,9 @@ class ResumeSessionInfo: ...@@ -642,3 +644,9 @@ class ResumeSessionInfo:
self.last_index = last_index self.last_index = last_index
self.last_definitive = last_definitive self.last_definitive = last_definitive
self.ITR, self.finalizer, = ITR, finalizer self.ITR, self.finalizer, = ITR, finalizer
from log import *
from destructive_stepping import *
import Time, Rdiff
from highlevel import *
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import tempfile, UserList import tempfile, UserList, types
from static import *
from log import *
from rpath import *
from robust import *
from iterfile import *
import Globals, Rdiff, Hardlink
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
import os, stat, re, sys, shutil, gzip import os, stat, re, sys, shutil, gzip
from static import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -778,6 +778,10 @@ class RPathFileHook: ...@@ -778,6 +778,10 @@ class RPathFileHook:
self.closing_thunk() self.closing_thunk()
return result return result
# Import these late to avoid circular dependencies
from lazy import *
from selection import *
from destructive_stepping import *
class RpathDeleter(IterTreeReducer): class RpathDeleter(IterTreeReducer):
"""Delete a directory. Called by RPath.delete()""" """Delete a directory. Called by RPath.delete()"""
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import re import re
from log import *
from robust import *
from destructive_stepping import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -521,3 +524,4 @@ probably isn't what you meant.""" % ...@@ -521,3 +524,4 @@ probably isn't what you meant.""" %
else: res = res + re.escape(c) else: res = res + re.escape(c)
return res return res
# setconnections - Parse initial arguments and establish connections
class SetConnectionsException(Exception): pass
class SetConnections:
"""Parse args and setup connections
The methods in this class are used once by Main to parse file
descriptions like and to
set up the related connections.
# This is the schema that determines how rdiff-backup will open a
# pipe to the remote system. If the file is given as A::B, %s will
# be substituted with A in the schema.
__cmd_schema = 'ssh -C %s rdiff-backup --server'
__cmd_schema_no_compress = 'ssh %s rdiff-backup --server'
# This is a list of remote commands used to start the connections.
# The first is None because it is the local connection.
__conn_remote_cmds = [None]
def InitRPs(cls, arglist, remote_schema = None, remote_cmd = None):
"""Map the given file descriptions into rpaths and return list"""
if remote_schema: cls.__cmd_schema = remote_schema
elif not Globals.ssh_compression:
cls.__cmd_schema = cls.__cmd_schema_no_compress
if not arglist: return []
desc_pairs = map(cls.parse_file_desc, arglist)
if filter(lambda x: x[0], desc_pairs): # True if any host_info found
if remote_cmd:
Log.FatalError("The --remote-cmd flag is not compatible "
"with remote file descriptions.")
elif remote_schema:
Log("Remote schema option ignored - no remote file "
"descriptions.", 2)
cmd_pairs = map(cls.desc2cmd_pairs, desc_pairs)
if remote_cmd: # last file description gets remote_cmd
cmd_pairs[-1] = (remote_cmd, cmd_pairs[-1][1])
return map(cls.cmdpair2rp, cmd_pairs)
def cmdpair2rp(cls, cmd_pair):
"""Return RPath from cmd_pair (remote_cmd, filename)"""
cmd, filename = cmd_pair
if cmd: conn = cls.init_connection(cmd)
else: conn = Globals.local_connection
return RPath(conn, filename)
def desc2cmd_pairs(cls, desc_pair):
"""Return pair (remote_cmd, filename) from desc_pair"""
host_info, filename = desc_pair
if not host_info: return (None, filename)
else: return (cls.fill_schema(host_info), filename)
def parse_file_desc(cls, file_desc):
"""Parse file description returning pair (host_info, filename)
In other words, =>
("", "/usr/bin/ls"). The
complication is to allow for quoting of : by a \. If the
string is not separated by :, then the host_info is None.
def check_len(i):
if i >= len(file_desc):
raise SetConnectionsException(
"Unexpected end to file description %s" % file_desc)
host_info_list, i, last_was_quoted = [], 0, None
while 1:
if i == len(file_desc):
return (None, file_desc)
if file_desc[i] == '\\':
i = i+1
last_was_quoted = 1
elif (file_desc[i] == ":" and i > 0 and file_desc[i-1] == ":"
and not last_was_quoted):
host_info_list.pop() # Remove last colon from name
else: last_was_quoted = None
i = i+1
return ("".join(host_info_list), file_desc[i+1:])
def fill_schema(cls, host_info):
"""Fills host_info into the schema and returns remote command"""
return cls.__cmd_schema % host_info
def init_connection(cls, remote_cmd):
"""Run remote_cmd, register connection, and then return it
If remote_cmd is None, then the local connection will be
returned. This also updates some settings on the remote side,
like global settings, its connection number, and verbosity.
if not remote_cmd: return Globals.local_connection
Log("Executing " + remote_cmd, 4)
stdin, stdout = os.popen2(remote_cmd)
conn_number = len(Globals.connections)
conn = PipeConnection(stdout, stdin, conn_number)
cls.check_connection_version(conn, remote_cmd)
Log("Registering connection %d" % conn_number, 7)
cls.init_connection_routing(conn, conn_number, remote_cmd)
return conn
def check_connection_version(cls, conn, remote_cmd):
"""Log warning if connection has different version"""
try: remote_version = conn.Globals.get('version')
except ConnectionReadError, exception:
Couldn't start up the remote connection by executing
Remember that, under the default settings, rdiff-backup must be
installed in the PATH on the remote system. See the man page for more
information.""" % (exception, remote_cmd))
if remote_version != Globals.version:
Log("Warning: Local version %s does not match remote version %s."
% (Globals.version, remote_version), 2)
def init_connection_routing(cls, conn, conn_number, remote_cmd):
"""Called by init_connection, establish routing, conn dict"""
Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] = conn
for other_remote_conn in Globals.connections[1:]:
def init_connection_settings(cls, conn):
"""Tell new conn about log settings and updated globals"""
for setting_name in Globals.changed_settings:
conn.Globals.set(setting_name, Globals.get(setting_name))
def init_connection_remote(cls, conn_number):
"""Run on server side to tell self that have given conn_number"""
Globals.connection_number = conn_number
Globals.local_connection.conn_number = conn_number
Globals.connection_dict[0] = Globals.connections[1]
Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] = Globals.local_connection
def add_redirected_conn(cls, conn_number):
"""Run on server side - tell about redirected connection"""
Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] = \
def UpdateGlobal(cls, setting_name, val):
"""Update value of global variable across all connections"""
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Globals.set(setting_name, val)
def BackupInitConnections(cls, reading_conn, writing_conn):
"""Backup specific connection initialization"""
reading_conn.Globals.set("isbackup_reader", 1)
writing_conn.Globals.set("isbackup_writer", 1)
cls.UpdateGlobal("backup_reader", reading_conn)
cls.UpdateGlobal("backup_writer", writing_conn)
def CloseConnections(cls):
"""Close all connections. Run by client"""
assert not Globals.server
for conn in Globals.connections: conn.quit()
del Globals.connections[1:] # Only leave local connection
Globals.connection_dict = {0: Globals.local_connection}
Globals.backup_reader = Globals.isbackup_reader = \
Globals.backup_writer = Globals.isbackup_writer = None
def TestConnections(cls):
"""Test connections, printing results"""
if len(Globals.connections) == 1:
print "No remote connections specified"
for i in range(1, len(Globals.connections)):
def test_connection(cls, conn_number):
"""Test connection. conn_number 0 is the local connection"""
print "Testing server started by: ", \
conn = Globals.connections[conn_number]
assert conn.pow(2,3) == 8
assert conn.os.path.join("a", "b") == "a/b"
version = conn.reval("lambda: Globals.version")
sys.stderr.write("Server tests failed\n")
if not version == Globals.version:
print """Server may work, but there is a version mismatch:
Local version: %s
Remote version: %s""" % (Globals.version, version)
else: print "Server OK"
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
# static - MakeStatic and MakeClass # static - MakeStatic and MakeClass
execfile("") from lazy import *
####################################################################### #######################################################################
# #
...@@ -277,73 +277,7 @@ class StatsITR(IterTreeReducer, StatsObj): ...@@ -277,73 +277,7 @@ class StatsITR(IterTreeReducer, StatsObj):
self.__dict__[attr] += subinstance.__dict__[attr] self.__dict__[attr] += subinstance.__dict__[attr]
class Stats: from log import *
"""Misc statistics methods, pertaining to dir and session stat files""" from increment import *
# This is the RPath of the directory statistics file, and the from robust import *
# associated open file. It will hold a line of statistics for import Globals
# each directory that is backed up.
_dir_stats_rp = None
_dir_stats_fp = None
# This goes at the beginning of the directory statistics file and
# explains the format.
_dir_stats_header = """# rdiff-backup directory statistics file
# Each line is in the following format:
# RelativeDirName %s
""" % " ".join(StatsObj.stat_file_attrs)
def open_dir_stats_file(cls):
"""Open directory statistics file, write header"""
assert not cls._dir_stats_fp, "Directory file already open"
if Globals.compression: suffix = "data.gz"
else: suffix = "data"
cls._dir_stats_rp = Inc.get_inc(Globals.rbdir.append(
"directory_statistics"), Time.curtime, suffix)
if cls._dir_stats_rp.lstat():
Log("Warning, statistics file %s already exists, appending" %
cls._dir_stats_rp.path, 2)
cls._dir_stats_fp ="ab",
else: cls._dir_stats_fp = \"wb", Globals.compression)
def write_dir_stats_line(cls, statobj, index):
"""Write info from statobj about rpath to statistics file"""
if Globals.null_separator:
cls._dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index, None) + "\0")
else: cls._dir_stats_fp.write(statobj.get_stats_line(index) + "\n")
def close_dir_stats_file(cls):
"""Close directory statistics file if its open"""
if cls._dir_stats_fp:
cls._dir_stats_fp = None
def write_session_statistics(cls, statobj):
"""Write session statistics into file, log"""
stat_inc = Inc.get_inc(Globals.rbdir.append("session_statistics"),
Time.curtime, "data")
statobj.StartTime = Time.curtime
statobj.EndTime = time.time()
# include hardlink data and dir stats in size of increments
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks and Hardlink.final_inc:
# include hardlink data in size of increments
statobj.IncrementFiles += 1
statobj.IncrementFileSize += Hardlink.final_inc.getsize()
if cls._dir_stats_rp and cls._dir_stats_rp.lstat():
statobj.IncrementFiles += 1
statobj.IncrementFileSize += cls._dir_stats_rp.getsize()
if Globals.print_statistics:
message = statobj.get_stats_logstring("Session statistics")
import time, types, re
# ttime - Provide Time class, which contains time related functions.
class TimeException(Exception): pass
class Time:
"""Functions which act on the time"""
_interval_conv_dict = {"s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 3600, "D": 86400,
"W": 7*86400, "M": 30*86400, "Y": 365*86400}
_integer_regexp = re.compile("^[0-9]+$")
_interval_regexp = re.compile("^([0-9]+)([smhDWMY])")
_genstr_date_regexp1 = re.compile("^(?P<year>[0-9]{4})[-/]"
_genstr_date_regexp2 = re.compile("^(?P<month>[0-9]{1,2})[-/]"
def setcurtime(cls, curtime = None):
"""Sets the current time in curtime and curtimestr on all systems"""
t = curtime or time.time()
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Time.setcurtime_local(t, cls.timetostring(t))
def setcurtime_local(cls, timeinseconds, timestr):
"""Only set the current time locally"""
cls.curtime = timeinseconds
cls.curtimestr = timestr
def setprevtime(cls, timeinseconds):
"""Sets the previous inc time in prevtime and prevtimestr"""
assert timeinseconds > 0, timeinseconds
timestr = cls.timetostring(timeinseconds)
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Time.setprevtime_local(timeinseconds, timestr)
def setprevtime_local(cls, timeinseconds, timestr):
"""Like setprevtime but only set the local version"""
cls.prevtime = timeinseconds
cls.prevtimestr = timestr
def timetostring(cls, timeinseconds):
"""Return w3 datetime compliant listing of timeinseconds"""
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H" + Globals.time_separator +
"%M" + Globals.time_separator + "%S",
time.localtime(timeinseconds)) + cls.gettzd()
def stringtotime(cls, timestring):
"""Return time in seconds from w3 timestring
If there is an error parsing the string, or it doesn't look
like a w3 datetime string, return None.
date, daytime = timestring[:19].split("T")
year, month, day = map(int, date.split("-"))
hour, minute, second = map(int,
assert 1900 < year < 2100, year
assert 1 <= month <= 12
assert 1 <= day <= 31
assert 0 <= hour <= 23
assert 0 <= minute <= 59
assert 0 <= second <= 61 # leap seconds
timetuple = (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, -1, -1, -1)
if time.daylight:
utc_in_secs = time.mktime(timetuple) - time.altzone
else: utc_in_secs = time.mktime(timetuple) - time.timezone
return long(utc_in_secs) + cls.tzdtoseconds(timestring[19:])
except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError): return None
def timetopretty(cls, timeinseconds):
"""Return pretty version of time"""
return time.asctime(time.localtime(timeinseconds))
def stringtopretty(cls, timestring):
"""Return pretty version of time given w3 time string"""
return cls.timetopretty(cls.stringtotime(timestring))
def inttopretty(cls, seconds):
"""Convert num of seconds to readable string like "2 hours"."""
partlist = []
hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
if hours > 1: partlist.append("%d hours" % hours)
elif hours == 1: partlist.append("1 hour")
minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
if minutes > 1: partlist.append("%d minutes" % minutes)
elif minutes == 1: partlist.append("1 minute")
if seconds == 1: partlist.append("1 second")
elif not partlist or seconds > 1:
if isinstance(seconds, int) or isinstance(seconds, long):
partlist.append("%s seconds" % seconds)
else: partlist.append("%.2f seconds" % seconds)
return " ".join(partlist)
def intstringtoseconds(cls, interval_string):
"""Convert a string expressing an interval (e.g. "4D2s") to seconds"""
def error():
raise TimeException("""Bad interval string "%s"
Intervals are specified like 2Y (2 years) or 2h30m (2.5 hours). The
allowed special characters are s, m, h, D, W, M, and Y. See the man
page for more information.
""" % interval_string)
if len(interval_string) < 2: error()
total = 0
while interval_string:
match = cls._interval_regexp.match(interval_string)
if not match: error()
num, ext = int(,
if not ext in cls._interval_conv_dict or num < 0: error()
total += num*cls._interval_conv_dict[ext]
interval_string = interval_string[match.end(0):]
return total
def gettzd(cls):
"""Return w3's timezone identification string.
Expresed as [+/-]hh:mm. For instance, PST is -08:00. Zone is
coincides with what localtime(), etc., use.
if time.daylight: offset = -1 * time.altzone/60
else: offset = -1 * time.timezone/60
if offset > 0: prefix = "+"
elif offset < 0: prefix = "-"
else: return "Z" # time is already in UTC
hours, minutes = map(abs, divmod(offset, 60))
assert 0 <= hours <= 23
assert 0 <= minutes <= 59
return "%s%02d%s%02d" % (prefix, hours,
Globals.time_separator, minutes)
def tzdtoseconds(cls, tzd):
"""Given w3 compliant TZD, return how far ahead UTC is"""
if tzd == "Z": return 0
assert len(tzd) == 6 # only accept forms like +08:00 for now
assert (tzd[0] == "-" or tzd[0] == "+") and \
tzd[3] == Globals.time_separator
return -60 * (60 * int(tzd[:3]) + int(tzd[4:]))
def cmp(cls, time1, time2):
"""Compare time1 and time2 and return -1, 0, or 1"""
if type(time1) is types.StringType:
time1 = cls.stringtotime(time1)
assert time1 is not None
if type(time2) is types.StringType:
time2 = cls.stringtotime(time2)
assert time2 is not None
if time1 < time2: return -1
elif time1 == time2: return 0
else: return 1
def genstrtotime(cls, timestr, curtime = None):
"""Convert a generic time string to a time in seconds"""
if curtime is None: curtime = cls.curtime
if timestr == "now": return curtime
def error():
raise TimeException("""Bad time string "%s"
The acceptible time strings are intervals (like "3D64s"), w3-datetime
strings, like "2002-04-26T04:22:01-07:00" (strings like
"2002-04-26T04:22:01" are also acceptable - rdiff-backup will use the
current time zone), or ordinary dates like 2/4/1997 or 2001-04-23
(various combinations are acceptable, but the month always precedes
the day).""" % timestr)
# Test for straight integer
if return int(timestr)
# Test for w3-datetime format, possibly missing tzd
t = cls.stringtotime(timestr) or cls.stringtotime(timestr+cls.gettzd())
if t: return t
try: # test for an interval, like "2 days ago"
return curtime - cls.intstringtoseconds(timestr)
except TimeException: pass
# Now check for dates like 2001/3/23
match = or \
if not match: error()
timestr = "%s-%02d-%02dT00:00:00%s" % \
('year'), int('month')),
int('day')), cls.gettzd())
t = cls.stringtotime(timestr)
if t: return t
else: error()
...@@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ the server. Otherwise will start the server without a chdir. ...@@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ the server. Otherwise will start the server without a chdir.
import os, sys import os, sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1: os.chdir(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1: os.chdir(sys.argv[1])
#PipeConnection(sys.stdin, sys.stdout).Server() #PipeConnection(sys.stdin, sys.stdout).Server()
os.system("/home/ben/prog/python/rdiff-backup/src/rdiff-backup --server") #os.system("/home/ben/prog/python/rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup --server")
os.system("/home/ben/prog/python/rdiff-backup/testing/ /home/ben/prog/python/rdiff-backup/src")
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Used to emulate a remote connection by changing directories.
Like chdir-wrapper, but this time run the 'rdiff-backup' script, not
some other special thing.
import os, sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1: os.chdir(sys.argv[1])
#PipeConnection(sys.stdin, sys.stdout).Server()
os.system("/home/ben/prog/python/rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup --server")
"""commontest - Some functions and constants common to several test cases""" """commontest - Some functions and constants common to several test cases"""
import os import os, sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../src")
from rpath import *
from destructive_stepping import *
from highlevel import *
import Globals, Hardlink, SetConnections, Main
SourceDir = "../src" SourceDir = "../src"
AbsCurdir = os.getcwd() # Absolute path name of current directory AbsCurdir = os.getcwd() # Absolute path name of current directory
...@@ -7,12 +12,6 @@ AbsTFdir = AbsCurdir+"/testfiles" ...@@ -7,12 +12,6 @@ AbsTFdir = AbsCurdir+"/testfiles"
MiscDir = "../misc" MiscDir = "../misc"
__no_execute__ = 1 # Keeps the actual rdiff-backup program from running __no_execute__ = 1 # Keeps the actual rdiff-backup program from running
def rbexec(src_file):
"""Changes to the source directory, execfile src_file, return"""
execfile(src_file, globals())
def Myrm(dirstring): def Myrm(dirstring):
"""Run myrm on given directory string""" """Run myrm on given directory string"""
assert not os.system("%s/myrm %s" % (MiscDir, dirstring)) assert not os.system("%s/myrm %s" % (MiscDir, dirstring))
...@@ -77,9 +76,9 @@ def InternalBackup(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir, ...@@ -77,9 +76,9 @@ def InternalBackup(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir,
% (SourceDir, dest_dir) % (SourceDir, dest_dir)
rpin, rpout = SetConnections.InitRPs([src_dir, dest_dir], remote_schema) rpin, rpout = SetConnections.InitRPs([src_dir, dest_dir], remote_schema)
_get_main().misc_setup([rpin, rpout]) Main.misc_setup([rpin, rpout])
_get_main().Backup(rpin, rpout) Main.Backup(rpin, rpout)
_get_main().cleanup() Main.cleanup()
def InternalMirror(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir, def InternalMirror(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir,
write_data = None): write_data = None):
...@@ -94,8 +93,8 @@ def InternalMirror(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir, ...@@ -94,8 +93,8 @@ def InternalMirror(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir,
% (SourceDir, dest_dir) % (SourceDir, dest_dir)
rpin, rpout = SetConnections.InitRPs([src_dir, dest_dir], remote_schema) rpin, rpout = SetConnections.InitRPs([src_dir, dest_dir], remote_schema)
_get_main().misc_setup([rpin, rpout]) Main.misc_setup([rpin, rpout])
_get_main().backup_init_select(rpin, rpout) Main.backup_init_select(rpin, rpout)
if not rpout.lstat(): rpout.mkdir() if not rpout.lstat(): rpout.mkdir()
if write_data: # use rdiff-backup-data dir to checkpoint if write_data: # use rdiff-backup-data dir to checkpoint
data_dir = rpout.append("rdiff-backup-data") data_dir = rpout.append("rdiff-backup-data")
...@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ def InternalMirror(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir, ...@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ def InternalMirror(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir,
SaveState.init_filenames() SaveState.init_filenames()
HighLevel.Mirror(rpin, rpout, Globals.rbdir.append("increments")) HighLevel.Mirror(rpin, rpout, Globals.rbdir.append("increments"))
else: HighLevel.Mirror(rpin, rpout) else: HighLevel.Mirror(rpin, rpout)
_get_main().cleanup() Main.cleanup()
def InternalRestore(mirror_local, dest_local, mirror_dir, dest_dir, time): def InternalRestore(mirror_local, dest_local, mirror_dir, dest_dir, time):
"""Restore mirror_dir to dest_dir at given time """Restore mirror_dir to dest_dir at given time
...@@ -132,12 +131,11 @@ def InternalRestore(mirror_local, dest_local, mirror_dir, dest_dir, time): ...@@ -132,12 +131,11 @@ def InternalRestore(mirror_local, dest_local, mirror_dir, dest_dir, time):
remote_schema) remote_schema)
Time.setcurtime() Time.setcurtime()
inc = get_increment_rp(mirror_rp, time) inc = get_increment_rp(mirror_rp, time)
if inc: if inc: Main.restore(get_increment_rp(mirror_rp, time), dest_rp)
_get_main().Restore(get_increment_rp(mirror_rp, time), dest_rp)
else: # use alternate syntax else: # use alternate syntax
_get_main().restore_timestr = str(time) Main.restore_timestr = str(time)
_get_main().RestoreAsOf(mirror_rp, dest_rp) Main.RestoreAsOf(mirror_rp, dest_rp)
_get_main().cleanup() Main.cleanup()
def get_increment_rp(mirror_rp, time): def get_increment_rp(mirror_rp, time):
"""Return increment rp matching time in seconds""" """Return increment rp matching time in seconds"""
...@@ -154,14 +152,7 @@ def _reset_connections(src_rp, dest_rp): ...@@ -154,14 +152,7 @@ def _reset_connections(src_rp, dest_rp):
#Globals.connections = [Globals.local_connection] #Globals.connections = [Globals.local_connection]
#Globals.connection_dict = {0: Globals.local_connection} #Globals.connection_dict = {0: Globals.local_connection}
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', None) SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', None)
_get_main().misc_setup([src_rp, dest_rp]) Main.misc_setup([src_rp, dest_rp])
def _get_main():
"""Set Globals.Main if it doesn't exist, and return"""
try: return Globals.Main
except AttributeError:
Globals.Main = Main()
return Globals.Main
def CompareRecursive(src_rp, dest_rp, compare_hardlinks = 1, def CompareRecursive(src_rp, dest_rp, compare_hardlinks = 1,
equality_func = None, exclude_rbdir = 1, equality_func = None, exclude_rbdir = 1,
import unittest, types, tempfile, os, sys import unittest, types, tempfile, os, sys
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") from connection import *
import Globals
class LocalConnectionTest(unittest.TestCase): class LocalConnectionTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the dummy connection""" """Test the dummy connection"""
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import unittest import unittest
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") from rpath import *
from selection import *
import Globals
Log.setverbosity(4) Log.setverbosity(4)
import unittest, os, re, sys import unittest, os, re, sys
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") from log import *
from rpath import *
import Globals
"""Regression tests""" """Regression tests"""
Globals.exclude_mirror_regexps = [re.compile(".*/rdiff-backup-data")] Globals.exclude_mirror_regexps = [re.compile(".*/rdiff-backup-data")]
Log.setverbosity(7) Log.setverbosity(7)
lc = Globals.local_connection lc = Globals.local_connection
...@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ class PathSetter(unittest.TestCase): ...@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ class PathSetter(unittest.TestCase):
def reset_schema(self): def reset_schema(self):
self.rb_schema = SourceDir + \ self.rb_schema = SourceDir + \
"/rdiff-backup -v3 --remote-schema './chdir-wrapper %s' " "/../rdiff-backup -v3 --remote-schema './chdir-wrapper2 %s' "
def refresh(self, *rp_list): def refresh(self, *rp_list):
"""Reread data for the given rps""" """Reread data for the given rps"""
import os, unittest import os, unittest
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") from rpath import *
import Globals, Hardlink
Log.setverbosity(7) Log.setverbosity(7)
import unittest import unittest
from commontest import *
execfile("") import Globals, SetConnections
class RemoteMirrorTest(unittest.TestCase): class RemoteMirrorTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test mirroring""" """Test mirroring"""
import unittest, os import unittest, os
from commontest import *
execfile("") from log import *
rbexec("") from rpath import *
from restore import *
lc = Globals.local_connection lc = Globals.local_connection
Globals.change_source_perms = 1 Globals.change_source_perms = 1
import unittest, StringIO import unittest, StringIO
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") from iterfile import *
class testIterFile(unittest.TestCase): class testIterFile(unittest.TestCase):
import unittest, os, signal, sys, random, time import unittest, os, signal, sys, random, time
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") from log import *
import Globals, Main
"""Test consistency by killing rdiff-backup as it is backing up""" """Test consistency by killing rdiff-backup as it is backing up"""
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import unittest, pickle import unittest, pickle
from commontest import *
execfile("") from lazy import *
class Iterators(unittest.TestCase): class Iterators(unittest.TestCase):
one_to_100 = lambda s: iter(range(1, 101)) one_to_100 = lambda s: iter(range(1, 101))
import unittest, random import unittest, random
from commontest import *
execfile("") from log import *
rbexec("") from selection import *
import Globals, Rdiff
Log.setverbosity(6) Log.setverbosity(6)
import unittest, os import unittest, os
from commontest import *
execfile("") from log import *
rbexec("") from rpath import *
import Globals, SetConnections
"""Regression tests """Regression tests
...@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ class PathSetter(unittest.TestCase): ...@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ class PathSetter(unittest.TestCase):
"""Return (prefix, connection) tuple""" """Return (prefix, connection) tuple"""
if path: if path:
return (return_path, return (return_path,
SetConnections.init_connection("python ./chdir-wrapper "+path)) SetConnections.init_connection("./chdir-wrapper "+path))
else: return ('./', Globals.local_connection) else: return ('./', Globals.local_connection)
def get_src_rp(self, path): def get_src_rp(self, path):
...@@ -193,25 +194,25 @@ class IncrementTest2(PathSetter): ...@@ -193,25 +194,25 @@ class IncrementTest2(PathSetter):
Time.setcurtime() Time.setcurtime()
SaveState.init_filenames() SaveState.init_filenames()
_get_main().backup_init_select(Local.inc1rp, Local.rpout) Main.backup_init_select(Local.inc1rp, Local.rpout)
HighLevel.Mirror(self.inc1rp, self.rpout) HighLevel.Mirror(self.inc1rp, self.rpout)
assert CompareRecursive(Local.inc1rp, Local.rpout) assert CompareRecursive(Local.inc1rp, Local.rpout)
Time.setcurtime() Time.setcurtime()
Time.setprevtime(999500000) Time.setprevtime(999500000)
_get_main().backup_init_select(self.inc2rp, self.rpout) Main.backup_init_select(self.inc2rp, self.rpout)
HighLevel.Mirror_and_increment(self.inc2rp, self.rpout, self.rpout_inc) HighLevel.Mirror_and_increment(self.inc2rp, self.rpout, self.rpout_inc)
assert CompareRecursive(Local.inc2rp, Local.rpout) assert CompareRecursive(Local.inc2rp, Local.rpout)
Time.setcurtime() Time.setcurtime()
Time.setprevtime(999510000) Time.setprevtime(999510000)
_get_main().backup_init_select(self.inc3rp, self.rpout) Main.backup_init_select(self.inc3rp, self.rpout)
HighLevel.Mirror_and_increment(self.inc3rp, self.rpout, self.rpout_inc) HighLevel.Mirror_and_increment(self.inc3rp, self.rpout, self.rpout_inc)
assert CompareRecursive(Local.inc3rp, Local.rpout) assert CompareRecursive(Local.inc3rp, Local.rpout)
Time.setcurtime() Time.setcurtime()
Time.setprevtime(999520000) Time.setprevtime(999520000)
_get_main().backup_init_select(self.inc4rp, self.rpout) Main.backup_init_select(self.inc4rp, self.rpout)
HighLevel.Mirror_and_increment(self.inc4rp, self.rpout, self.rpout_inc) HighLevel.Mirror_and_increment(self.inc4rp, self.rpout, self.rpout_inc)
assert CompareRecursive(Local.inc4rp, Local.rpout) assert CompareRecursive(Local.inc4rp, Local.rpout)
...@@ -419,8 +420,8 @@ class MirrorTest(PathSetter): ...@@ -419,8 +420,8 @@ class MirrorTest(PathSetter):
def Mirror(self, rpin, rpout, write_increments = 1): def Mirror(self, rpin, rpout, write_increments = 1):
"""Like HighLevel.Mirror, but run misc_setup first""" """Like HighLevel.Mirror, but run misc_setup first"""
_get_main().misc_setup([rpin, rpout]) Main.misc_setup([rpin, rpout])
_get_main().backup_init_select(rpin, rpout) Main.backup_init_select(rpin, rpout)
if write_increments: if write_increments:
HighLevel.Mirror(rpin, rpout, HighLevel.Mirror(rpin, rpout,
rpout.append_path("rdiff-backup-data/increments")) rpout.append_path("rdiff-backup-data/increments"))
import unittest import unittest
from commontest import *
from log import *
from restore import *
import Globals
Log.setverbosity(3) Log.setverbosity(3)
import os, unittest import os, unittest
from commontest import *
from rpath import *
from robust import *
class TestRobustAction(unittest.TestCase): class TestRobustAction(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test some robust actions""" """Test some robust actions"""
import unittest, os import unittest, os
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") from log import *
import Globals
"""Root tests """Root tests
import unittest import unittest
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") from log import *
from rpath import *
from rorpiter import *
import Globals
#Log.setverbosity(8) #Log.setverbosity(8)
import os, cPickle, sys, unittest import os, cPickle, sys, unittest
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") from rpath import *
class RPathTest(unittest.TestCase): class RPathTest(unittest.TestCase):
from __future__ import generators from __future__ import generators
import re, StringIO, unittest import re, StringIO, unittest
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") from selection import *
from destructive_stepping import *
import Globals
class MatchingTest(unittest.TestCase): class MatchingTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test matching of file names against various selection functions""" """Test matching of file names against various selection functions"""
...@@ -21,12 +21,10 @@ if len(sys.argv) > 2: ...@@ -21,12 +21,10 @@ if len(sys.argv) > 2:
sys.exit(1) sys.exit(1)
try: try:
if len(sys.argv) == 2: if len(sys.argv) == 2: sys.path.insert(0, sys.argv[1])
olddir = os.getcwd() import Globals
os.chdir(sys.argv[1]) from connection import *
execfile("") except (OSError, IOError, ImportError):
if len(sys.argv) == 2: os.chdir(olddir)
except (OSError, IOError):
print_usage() print_usage()
raise raise
import unittest import unittest
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") import SetConnections
class SetConnectionsTest(unittest.TestCase): class SetConnectionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Set SetConnections Class""" """Set SetConnections Class"""
...@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ class SetConnectionsTest(unittest.TestCase): ...@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ class SetConnectionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
assert pfd("foobar") == (None, "foobar") assert pfd("foobar") == (None, "foobar")
assert pfd(r"hello\::there") == (None, "hello\::there") assert pfd(r"hello\::there") == (None, "hello\::there")
self.assertRaises(SetConnectionsException, pfd, r"hello\:there::") self.assertRaises(SetConnections.SetConnectionsException,
self.assertRaises(SetConnectionsException, pfd, "foobar\\") pfd, r"hello\:there::")
pfd, "foobar\\")
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
import unittest, types import unittest, types
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") from static import *
class D: class D:
import unittest import unittest
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") from statistics import *
class StatsObjTest(unittest.TestCase): class StatsObjTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test StatsObj class""" """Test StatsObj class"""
import unittest import unittest
execfile("") from commontest import *
rbexec("") import Globals, Time
class TimeTest(unittest.TestCase): class TimeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testConversion(self): def testConversion(self):
...@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class TimeTest(unittest.TestCase): ...@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class TimeTest(unittest.TestCase):
i2s = Time.intstringtoseconds i2s = Time.intstringtoseconds
for s in ["32", "", "d", "231I", "MM", "s", "-2h"]: for s in ["32", "", "d", "231I", "MM", "s", "-2h"]:
try: i2s(s) try: i2s(s)
except TimeException: pass except Time.TimeException: pass
else: assert 0, s else: assert 0, s
assert i2s("7D") == 7*86400 assert i2s("7D") == 7*86400
assert i2s("232s") == 232 assert i2s("232s") == 232
...@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ class TimeTest(unittest.TestCase): ...@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ class TimeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testGenericStringErrors(self): def testGenericStringErrors(self):
"""Test genstrtotime on some bad strings""" """Test genstrtotime on some bad strings"""
g2t = Time.genstrtotime g2t = Time.genstrtotime
self.assertRaises(TimeException, g2t, "hello") self.assertRaises(Time.TimeException, g2t, "hello")
self.assertRaises(TimeException, g2t, "") self.assertRaises(Time.TimeException, g2t, "")
self.assertRaises(TimeException, g2t, "3q") self.assertRaises(Time.TimeException, g2t, "3q")
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
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