Commit 30a3eec6 authored by Jondy Zhao's avatar Jondy Zhao

Fix netifaces issue, so can get correct ifaddresses.

parent c2a99c9e
......@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ class Interface(object):
return True
# check existence on interface for ipv6
_, result = callAndRead(['ip', 'addr', 'list', interface_name])
_, result = callAndRead(['ip', '-6', 'addr', 'list', interface_name])
for l in result.split('\n'):
if address in l:
if 'tentative' in l:
......@@ -1331,14 +1331,6 @@ def tracing_monkeypatch(config):
def main(*args):
"Run default configuration."
if sys.platform in ('cygwin',):
callAndRead = lambda args, flag=True : args.insert(0, '/bin/sh') \
or real_callAndRead(args, flag)
f = netifaces.ifaddresses
netifaces.ifaddresses = lambda s,f=f:reduce( \
lambda x,y:[x.__setitem__(k,v + x.get(k,[])) for k,v in y.iteritems()] and x, \
filter(None, [f(i) for i in netifaces.interfaces() if i.startswith(s)]),{})
# Parse arguments
usage = "usage: %s [options] CONFIGURATION_FILE" % sys.argv[0]
options, configuration_file_path = Parser(usage=usage).check_args(args)
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