From 65121be7da0559ae96721a9d5c58ee25f91ab395 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Romain Courteaud <>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 17:51:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Support streaming big file in DMS.

 product/ERP5/Document/ | 292 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 292 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 product/ERP5/Document/

diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/ b/product/ERP5/Document/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4769812343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
+#               2012 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+#                    Romain Courteaud <>
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
+from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet
+from Products.ERP5Type.Base import removeIContentishInterface
+from Products.ERP5.Document.File import File, _MARKER
+from Products.ERP5Type.BTreeData import BTreeData
+from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import FileUpload
+from ZPublisher import HTTPRangeSupport
+from webdav.common import rfc1123_date
+from mimetools import choose_boundary
+from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName, _setCacheHeaders,\
+    _ViewEmulator
+class BigFile(File):
+  """
+  Support storing huge file.
+  No convertion is allowed for now.
+  """
+  meta_type = 'ERP5 Big File'
+  portal_type = 'Big File'
+  # Declarative security
+  security = ClassSecurityInfo()
+  security.declareObjectProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation)
+  # Default Properties
+  property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
+                    , PropertySheet.XMLObject
+                    , PropertySheet.CategoryCore
+                    , PropertySheet.DublinCore
+                    , PropertySheet.Version
+                    , PropertySheet.Reference
+                    , PropertySheet.Document
+                    , PropertySheet.Data
+                    , PropertySheet.ExternalDocument
+                    , PropertySheet.Url
+                    , PropertySheet.Periodicity
+    )
+  # OFS.File has an overloaded __str__ that returns the file content
+  __str__ = object.__str__
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+                            'getData')
+  def getData(self):
+    """Read the full btree
+    """
+    btree = self._baseGetData()
+    if isinstance(btree, BTreeData):
+      return, len(btree))
+    else:
+      return btree
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'updateContentMd5')
+  def updateContentMd5(self):
+    """Update md5 checksum from the original file
+    """
+    self._setContentMd5(None)
+  def _read_data(self, file):
+    n=1 << 20
+    if isinstance(file, str):
+      # Big string: cut it into smaller chunks
+      file = StringIO(file)
+    if isinstance(file, FileUpload) and not file:
+      raise ValueError, 'File not specified'
+    seek(0,2)
+    size=end=file.tell()
+    btree = BTreeData()
+    seek(0)
+    pos = file.tell()
+    while pos < end:
+      next = pos + n
+      if next > end:
+        next = end
+      btree.write(read(next), pos)
+      pos = file.tell()
+    return btree, size
+  def _range_request_handler(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
+    # HTTP Range header handling: return True if we've served a range
+    # chunk out of our data.
+    range = REQUEST.get_header('Range', None)
+    request_range = REQUEST.get_header('Request-Range', None)
+    if request_range is not None:
+      # Netscape 2 through 4 and MSIE 3 implement a draft version
+      # Later on, we need to serve a different mime-type as well.
+      range = request_range
+    if_range = REQUEST.get_header('If-Range', None)
+    if range is not None:
+      ranges = HTTPRangeSupport.parseRange(range)
+      if if_range is not None:
+        # Only send ranges if the data isn't modified, otherwise send
+        # the whole object. Support both ETags and Last-Modified dates!
+        if len(if_range) > 1 and if_range[:2] == 'ts':
+          # ETag:
+          if if_range != self.http__etag():
+            # Modified, so send a normal response. We delete
+            # the ranges, which causes us to skip to the 200
+            # response.
+            ranges = None
+        else:
+          # Date
+          date = if_range.split( ';')[0]
+          try: mod_since=long(DateTime(date).timeTime())
+          except: mod_since=None
+          if mod_since is not None:
+            if self._p_mtime:
+              last_mod = long(self._p_mtime)
+            else:
+              last_mod = long(0)
+            if last_mod > mod_since:
+              # Modified, so send a normal response. We delete
+              # the ranges, which causes us to skip to the 200
+              # response.
+              ranges = None
+      if ranges:
+        # Search for satisfiable ranges.
+        satisfiable = 0
+        for start, end in ranges:
+          if start < self.getSize():
+            satisfiable = 1
+            break
+        if not satisfiable:
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Range',
+              'bytes */%d' % self.getSize())
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes')
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Last-Modified',
+              rfc1123_date(self._p_mtime))
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', self.content_type)
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Length', self.getSize())
+          RESPONSE.setStatus(416)
+          return True
+        ranges = HTTPRangeSupport.expandRanges(ranges, self.getSize())
+        if len(ranges) == 1:
+          # Easy case, set extra header and return partial set.
+          start, end = ranges[0]
+          size = end - start
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Last-Modified',
+              rfc1123_date(self._p_mtime))
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', self.content_type)
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Length', size)
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes')
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Range',
+              'bytes %d-%d/%d' % (start, end - 1, self.getSize()))
+          RESPONSE.setStatus(206) # Partial content
+          data = self._baseGetData()
+          if isinstance(data, str):
+            RESPONSE.write(data[start:end])
+            return True
+          iterator = data.iterate(start, end-start)
+          try:
+            while 1:
+              RESPONSE.write(
+          except StopIteration:
+            pass
+          return True
+        else:
+          boundary = choose_boundary()
+          # Calculate the content length
+          size = (8 + len(boundary) + # End marker length
+              len(ranges) * (         # Constant lenght per set
+                  49 + len(boundary) + len(self.content_type) +
+                  len('%d' % self.getSize())))
+          for start, end in ranges:
+            # Variable length per set
+            size = (size + len('%d%d' % (start, end - 1)) +
+                end - start)
+          # Some clients implement an earlier draft of the spec, they
+          # will only accept x-byteranges.
+          draftprefix = (request_range is not None) and 'x-' or ''
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Length', size)
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes')
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Last-Modified',
+              rfc1123_date(self._p_mtime))
+          RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type',
+              'multipart/%sbyteranges; boundary=%s' % (
+                  draftprefix, boundary))
+          RESPONSE.setStatus(206) # Partial content
+          data = self._baseGetData()
+          for start, end in ranges:
+            RESPONSE.write('\r\n--%s\r\n' % boundary)
+            RESPONSE.write('Content-Type: %s\r\n' %
+                self.content_type)
+            RESPONSE.write(
+                'Content-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d\r\n\r\n' % (
+                    start, end - 1, self.getSize()))
+            if isinstance(data, str):
+              RESPONSE.write(data[start:end])
+            else:
+              iterator = data.iterate(start, end-start)
+              try:
+                while 1:
+                  RESPONSE.write(
+              except StopIteration:
+                pass
+          RESPONSE.write('\r\n--%s--\r\n' % boundary)
+          return True
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'index_html')
+  def index_html(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE, format=_MARKER, inline=_MARKER, **kw):
+    """
+      Support streaming
+    """
+    if self._range_request_handler(REQUEST, RESPONSE):
+      # we served a chunk of content in response to a range request.
+      return ''
+    web_cache_kw = kw.copy()
+    if format is not _MARKER:
+      web_cache_kw['format'] = format
+    _setCacheHeaders(_ViewEmulator().__of__(self), web_cache_kw)
+    if format is _MARKER and not kw:
+      # conversion parameters is mandatory to download the converted content.
+      # By default allways return view action.
+      # for all WevDAV access return raw content.
+      return self.view()
+    if format is _MARKER:
+      format = None
+    data = self._baseGetData()
+    mime = self.getContentType()
+    RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Length', len(data))
+    RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', mime)
+    if inline is _MARKER:
+      # by default, use inline for text and image formats
+      inline = False
+    if not inline:
+      # need to return it as attachment
+      filename = self.getStandardFilename(format=format)
+      RESPONSE.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'Private') # workaround for Internet Explorer's bug
+      RESPONSE.setHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes')
+    iterator = data.iterate()
+    try:
+      while 1:
+        RESPONSE.write(
+    except StopIteration:
+      pass
+    return ''
+# CMFFile also brings the IContentishInterface on CMF 2.2, remove it.