# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2008 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Deheunynck Thibaut <thibaut@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## import unittest import transaction from Products.ERP5Form.Form import ERP5Form from DocumentTemplate import String from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase from Products.ERP5Form.Selection import Selection from Testing import ZopeTestCase from Products.ERP5OOo.tests.utils import Validator from Acquisition import aq_base from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import get_request from Products.ERP5.Document.Document import VALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_LIST from Products.ERP5Type.Core.Folder import Folder from lxml import etree HTTP_OK = 200 debug = 0 class TestOOoChart(ERP5TypeTestCase, ZopeTestCase.Functional): """Tests OOoChart a and this render for ERP5.""" form_id = 'TestOOochart_viewForm' ooo_chart_id = 'my_ooochart' nb_persons = 10 content_type = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics' def getTitle(self): return 'Test OOoChart' def getBusinessTemplateList(self): return ('erp5_base', 'erp5_ui_test', 'erp5_odt_style', 'erp5_ods_style',) def afterSetUp(self): self.auth = 'ERP5TypeTestCase:' portal = self.getPortal() container = portal.portal_skins.custom if self.form_id not in container.objectIds(): container._setObject(self.form_id, ERP5Form(self.form_id, 'View')) form = getattr(container, self.form_id) # create some persons in person_module self.createPersons() # add a ListBox field form.manage_addField('listbox', 'listbox', 'ListBox') form.listbox.ListBox_setPropertyList(field_list_method='zCountDocumentPerOwner', field_count_method='', field_columns=['owner | Owner', 'owner_count | Owner Count', 'number_count | Reference Count'], ) # create a Field OOoChart form.manage_addField(self.ooo_chart_id, self.ooo_chart_id, 'OOoChart') # create a Field OOoChart form.manage_addField('your_ooochart', 'your_ooochart', 'OOoChart') # create a ZSQL Method sql = """SELECT owner, count(uid) AS owner_count, count(reference) AS number_count FROM catalog WHERE portal_type = 'Person' GROUP BY owner ORDER BY owner_count DESC""" template = String(source_string=sql) container.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod('zCountDocumentPerOwner', 'zCountDocumentPerOwner', 'erp5_sql_connection', '', template) # enable preference preference = self.getPortal().portal_preferences.default_site_preference preference.setPriority(1) if preference.getPreferenceState() == 'disabled': self.getWorkflowTool().doActionFor(ob=preference, action='enable_action', wf_id='preference_workflow') self.validator = Validator() transaction.commit() self.tic() def createPersons(self): """ Create 10 persons in person_module """ module = self.getPersonModule() if len(module.objectIds()) == 0: for i in range(self.nb_persons): module.newContent(portal_type='Person', id='person%s' % i) def _validate(self, odf_file_data): error_list = self.validator.validate(odf_file_data) if error_list: self.fail(''.join(error_list)) def test_ooo_chart(self): portal = self.getPortal() # Does the form exist ? self.assertTrue(self.form_id in portal.portal_skins.custom.objectIds()) getattr(aq_base(portal.portal_skins.custom), self.form_id) form = getattr(portal.portal_skins.custom, self.form_id) #listbox = form.listbox listbox = getattr(form, 'listbox') self.assertEquals(listbox.meta_type, 'ListBox') request = get_request() request['here'] = portal.portal_skins.custom line_list = [l for l in listbox.get_value('default', render_format='list', REQUEST=request) ] # listbox is empty? self.assertEquals(2, len(line_list)) # Does the field OOoChart exist ? ooochart = getattr(form, self.ooo_chart_id) self.assertEquals(ooochart.meta_type, 'OOoChart') response = self.publish( '/%s/%s/%s?render_format=&display=medium' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id, self.ooo_chart_id), self.auth ) # test render raw self.assertEquals(HTTP_OK, response.getStatus()) content_type = response.getHeader('content-type') # test content type : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics self.assertTrue(content_type.startswith(self.content_type), content_type) content_disposition = response.getHeader('content-disposition') self.assertEquals('attachment', content_disposition.split(';')[0]) # Test ODG (zip) body = response.getBody() # Test Validation Relax NG self._validate(body) from Products.ERP5OOo.OOoUtils import OOoParser parser = OOoParser() parser.openFromString(body) content_xml_view = parser.oo_files['content.xml'] doc_view = etree.fromstring(content_xml_view) xpath = '//@*[name() = "xlink:href"]' num_object = doc_view.xpath(xpath)[0][2:] content_xml_build = parser.oo_files['%s/content.xml' % num_object] doc_build = etree.fromstring(content_xml_build) xpath = '//@*[name() = "office:value"]' value_list = doc_build.xpath(xpath) # Test the data presence in the file XML self.assertNotEquals(0, len(value_list)) # 2 values because there are - 10 document created by a owner # - 0 Reference count self.assertEquals(2, len(value_list)) # Test the differents render # render image for image_format in STANDARD_IMAGE_FORMAT_LIST: response = self.publish( '/%s/%s/%s?render_format=%s&display=medium' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id, self.ooo_chart_id, image_format), self.auth ) self.assertEquals(HTTP_OK, response.getStatus(), '%s rendering failed: %s' % (image_format, response.getStatus())) # render pdf response = self.publish( '/%s/%s/%s?render_format=pdf&display=medium' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id, self.ooo_chart_id), self.auth ) self.assertEquals(HTTP_OK, response.getStatus()) # Change some params and restart (circle, bar, ...) # chart type : circle form.my_ooochart.manage_edit_xmlrpc(dict(chart_type='chart:circle')) response = self.publish( '/%s/%s/%s?render_format=&display=medium' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id, self.ooo_chart_id), self.auth ) # Test ODG (zip) with other params body = response.getBody() # Test Validation Relax NG self._validate(body) # chart type : line form.my_ooochart.manage_edit_xmlrpc(dict(chart_type='chart:line')) response = self.publish( '/%s/%s/%s?render_format=&display=medium' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id, self.ooo_chart_id), self.auth ) # Test ODG (zip) with other params body = response.getBody() # Test Validation Relax NG self._validate(body) #chart type : scatter form.my_ooochart.manage_edit_xmlrpc(dict(chart_type='chart:scatter')) response = self.publish( '/%s/%s/%s?render_format=&display=medium' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id, self.ooo_chart_id), self.auth ) # Test ODG (zip) with other params body = response.getBody() # Test Validation Relax NG self._validate(body) def test_proxy_ooo_chart(self): portal = self.getPortal() # Does the form exist ? self.assertTrue(self.form_id in portal.portal_skins.custom.objectIds()) getattr(aq_base(portal.portal_skins.custom), self.form_id) form = getattr(portal.portal_skins.custom, self.form_id) #Proxify the Field my_ooochart form.proxifyField({self.ooo_chart_id:'TestOOochart_viewForm.your_ooochart'}) # Does the field OOoChart exist ? ooochart = getattr(form, self.ooo_chart_id) self.assertEquals(ooochart.meta_type, 'ProxyField') response = self.publish( '/%s/%s/%s?render_format=&display=medium' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id, self.ooo_chart_id), self.auth ) # test render raw self.assertEquals(HTTP_OK, response.getStatus()) content_type = response.getHeader('content-type') # test content type : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics self.assertTrue(content_type.startswith(self.content_type), content_type) content_disposition = response.getHeader('content-disposition') self.assertEquals('inline', content_disposition.split(';')[0]) # Test ODG (zip) body = response.getBody() # Test Validation Relax NG self._validate(body) from Products.ERP5OOo.OOoUtils import OOoParser parser = OOoParser() parser.openFromString(body) content_xml_view = parser.oo_files['content.xml'] doc_view = etree.fromstring(content_xml_view) xpath = '//@*[name() = "xlink:href"]' num_object = doc_view.xpath(xpath)[0][2:] content_xml_build = parser.oo_files['%s/content.xml' % num_object] doc_build = etree.fromstring(content_xml_build) xpath = '//@*[name() = "office:value"]' value_list = doc_build.xpath(xpath) # Test the data presence in the file XML self.assertNotEquals(0, len(value_list)) # 2 values because there are - 10 document created by a owner # - 0 Reference count self.assertEquals(2, len(value_list)) # Test the differents render # render image for image_format in VALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_LIST: response = self.publish( '/%s/%s/%s?render_format=%s&display=medium' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id, self.ooo_chart_id, image_format), self.auth ) self.assertEquals(HTTP_OK, response.getStatus(), '%s rendering failed: %s' % (image_format, response.getStatus())) # render pdf response = self.publish( '/%s/%s/%s?render_format=pdf&display=medium' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id, self.ooo_chart_id), self.auth ) self.assertEquals(HTTP_OK, response.getStatus()) # Change some params and restart (circle, bar, ...) # chart type : circle form.my_ooochart.manage_edit_xmlrpc(dict(chart_type='chart:circle')) response = self.publish( '/%s/%s/%s?render_format=&display=medium' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id, self.ooo_chart_id), self.auth ) # Test ODG (zip) with other params body = response.getBody() # Test Validation Relax NG self._validate(body) # chart type : line form.my_ooochart.manage_edit_xmlrpc(dict(chart_type='chart:line')) response = self.publish( '/%s/%s/%s?render_format=&display=medium' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id, self.ooo_chart_id), self.auth ) # Test ODG (zip) with other params body = response.getBody() # Test Validation Relax NG self._validate(body) #chart type : scatter form.my_ooochart.manage_edit_xmlrpc(dict(chart_type='chart:scatter')) response = self.publish( '/%s/%s/%s?render_format=&display=medium' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id, self.ooo_chart_id), self.auth ) # Test ODG (zip) with other params body = response.getBody() # Test Validation Relax NG self._validate(body) def test_ods_style(self): # simple rendering of a chart in ods style self.portal.changeSkin('ODS') response = self.publish( '/%s/%s' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id), self.auth, handle_errors=False ) self.assertEquals(HTTP_OK, response.getStatus()) body = response.getBody() self._validate(body) def test_odt_style(self): # simple rendering of a chart in odt style self.portal.changeSkin('ODT') response = self.publish( '/%s/%s' % (self.portal.getId(), self.form_id), self.auth, handle_errors=False ) self.assertEquals(HTTP_OK, response.getStatus()) body = response.getBody() self._validate(body) def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestOOoChart)) return suite