Commit e6d856b1 authored by iv's avatar iv

Add links for better browsing experience.

parent 0b747c8d
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class WebDAV(MethodView):
data = ''
if os.path.isdir(localpath):
data = "\n".join(app.fs_handler.get_children(request.path))
data = render_template('get_collection.html', link_list=app.fs_handler.get_children(request.path))
elif os.path.isfile(localpath):
data_resource = app.fs_handler.get_data(request.path)
......@@ -409,16 +409,14 @@ def system():
return "system info"
def links():
def link_page():
TODO: nice set of links to useful local pages
+ HOWTO use the server
the_links = '<div><ul>'
the_links += '\n'.join(['<li>%s: %s </li>' % (what, where)
link_correspondance = ([ (what, where)
for what, where in URI_BEGINNING_PATH.iteritems()])
the_links += '</ul></div>'
return the_links
return render_template('link_page.html', link_correspondance=link_correspondance)
if __name__ == '__main__':
{% for link in link_list %}
<li> <a href={{ link }}>{{ link }}</a> </li>
{% endfor %}
{% for link in link_correspondance %}
<li> <a href={{ link[1] }}>{{ link[0] }}</a> </li>
{% endfor %}
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