diff --git a/doc/integration/README.md b/doc/integration/README.md
index fd330dd7a7deae5c9bd99398697ad2705d34b46d..ddbd570ac6c9ed37b61e303be07adc7c66b26849 100644
--- a/doc/integration/README.md
+++ b/doc/integration/README.md
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ See the documentation below for details on how to configure these services.
 - [OmniAuth](omniauth.md) Sign in via Twitter, GitHub, GitLab.com, Google, Bitbucket, Facebook, Shibboleth, SAML, Crowd and Azure
 - [SAML](saml.md) Configure GitLab as a SAML 2.0 Service Provider
 - [CAS](cas.md) Configure GitLab to sign in using CAS
-- [Slack](slack.md) Integrate with the Slack chat service
 - [OAuth2 provider](oauth_provider.md) OAuth2 application creation
 - [Gmail actions buttons](gmail_action_buttons_for_gitlab.md) Adds GitLab actions to messages
 - [reCAPTCHA](recaptcha.md) Configure GitLab to use Google reCAPTCHA for new users
diff --git a/doc/integration/slack.md b/doc/integration/slack.md
index 11f956fed3eb57e5141d1b0e85806c2c69b7e200..8cd151fbf950531d77f47cb0bddf29c569d1a65b 100644
--- a/doc/integration/slack.md
+++ b/doc/integration/slack.md
@@ -1,40 +1 @@
-# Slack integration
-## On Slack
-To enable Slack integration you must create an Incoming WebHooks integration on Slack:
-1.  [Sign in to Slack](https://slack.com/signin)
-1.  Visit [Incoming WebHooks](https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook/)
-1.  Choose the channel name you want to send notifications to.
-1.  Click **Add Incoming WebHooks Integration**
-    - Optional step; You can change bot's name and avatar by clicking modifying the bot name or avatar under **Integration Settings**.
-1. Copy the **Webhook URL**, we'll need this later for GitLab.
-## On GitLab
-After Slack is ready we need to setup GitLab. Here are the steps to achieve this.
-1.  Sign in to GitLab
-1.  Pick the repository you want.
-1.  Navigate to Settings -> Services -> Slack
-1. Pick the triggers you want to activate and respective channel (`#general` by default).
-1.  Fill in your Slack details
-    - Webhook: Paste the Webhook URL from the step above
-    - Username: Fill this in if you want to change the username of the bot
-    - Mark it as active
-1. Save your settings
-Have fun :)
-*P.S. You can set "branch,pushed,Compare changes" as highlight words on your Slack profile settings, so that you can be aware of new commits when somebody pushes them.*
+This document was moved to [project_services/slack.md](../project_services/slack.md).
diff --git a/doc/project_services/img/slack_configuration.png b/doc/project_services/img/slack_configuration.png
index d3ebe5969af1e8422a9085b2dbe094ef30a9636b..b8de8a56db7bcd9da6944f76238f9e6012951017 100644
Binary files a/doc/project_services/img/slack_configuration.png and b/doc/project_services/img/slack_configuration.png differ
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index 4ed33838f7cbbb219998d5d77525e0e4108d9439..3cfe77c9f851464350afc323ea9e4773e60b0ce9 100644
--- a/doc/project_services/slack.md
+++ b/doc/project_services/slack.md
@@ -1,26 +1,50 @@
 # Slack Service
-Go to your project's **Settings > Services > Slack** and you will see a checkbox with the following events that can be triggered:
+## On Slack
-* Push
-* Issue
-* Merge request
-* Note
-* Tag push
-* Build
-* Wiki page
+To enable Slack integration you must create an incoming webhook integration on
-Below each of these event checkboxes you will have an input to insert which Slack channel do you want to send that event message,
-`#general` channel is default.
+1. [Sign in to Slack](https://slack.com/signin)
+1. Visit [Incoming WebHooks](https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook/)
+1. Choose the channel name you want to send notifications to.
+1. Click **Add Incoming WebHooks Integration**
+1. Copy the **Webhook URL**, we'll need this later for GitLab.
+## On GitLab
-![Slack configuration](img/slack_configuration.png)
+After you set up Slack, it's time to set up GitLab.
+Go to your project's **Settings > Services > Slack** and you will see a
+checkbox with the following events that can be triggered:
+- Push
+- Issue
+- Merge request
+- Note
+- Tag push
+- Build
+- Wiki page
+Bellow each of these event checkboxes, you will have an input field to insert
+which Slack channel you want to send that event message, with `#general`
+being the default. Enter your preferred channel **without** the hash sign (`#`).
+At the end, fill in your Slack details:
 | Field | Description |
 | ----- | ----------- |
-| `Webhook`   | The incoming webhook url which you have to setup on slack. (https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook/) |
-| `Username`   | Optional username which can be on messages sent to slack. |
-| `notify only broken builds`    | Notify only about broken builds, when build events are marked to be sent.|
+| **Webhook**  | The [incoming webhook URL][slackhook] which you have to setup on Slack. |
+| **Username** | Optional username which can be on messages sent to slack. Fill this in if you want to change the username of the bot. |
+| **Notify only broken builds** | If you choose to enable the **Build** event and you want to be only notified about failed builds. |
+After you are all done, click **Save changes** for the changes to take effect.
+You can set "branch,pushed,Compare changes" as highlight words on your Slack
+profile settings, so that you can be aware of new commits when somebody pushes
+![Slack configuration](img/slack_configuration.png)
+[slackhook]: https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook