Commit 4931a836 authored by Fatih Acet's avatar Fatih Acet

Improvements to simplify vue template.

parent 9d70a4ba
......@@ -48,21 +48,23 @@ class window.MergeConflictResolver extends Vue
decorateData: (data) ->
headHeaderText = 'HEAD//our changes'
originHeaderText = 'origin//their changes'
for file in data.files
file.parallelLines = { left: [], right: [] }
file.inlineLines = []
file.shortCommitSha = file.commit_sha.slice 0, 7
currentLineType = 'old'
for section in file.sections
{ conflict, lines, id } = section
if conflict
header = { lineType: 'header', id }
file.parallelLines.left.push header
file.parallelLines.right.push header
file.parallelLines.left.push { isHeader: yes, id, text: headHeaderText, cssClass: 'head' }
file.parallelLines.right.push { isHeader: yes, id, text: originHeaderText, cssClass: 'origin' }
header.type = 'old'
file.inlineLines.push header
file.inlineLines.push { isHeader: yes, id, text: headHeaderText, type: 'old', cssClass: 'head' }
for line in lines
if line.type in ['new', 'old'] and currentLineType isnt line.type
......@@ -71,14 +73,15 @@ class window.MergeConflictResolver extends Vue
file.inlineLines.push { lineType: 'emptyLine', text: '<span> </span>' }
line.conflict = conflict
line.cssClass = if line.type is 'old' then 'head' else if line.type is 'new' then 'origin' else ''
file.inlineLines.push line
if conflict
if line.type is 'old'
line = { lineType: 'conflict', lineNumber: line.old_line, text: line.text }
line = { lineType: 'conflict', lineNumber: line.old_line, text: line.text, cssClass: 'head' }
file.parallelLines.left.push line
else if line.type is 'new'
line = { lineType: 'conflict', lineNumber: line.new_line, text: line.text }
line = { lineType: 'conflict', lineNumber: line.new_line, text: line.text, cssClass: 'origin' }
file.parallelLines.right.push line
console.log 'unhandled line type...', line
......@@ -87,9 +90,8 @@ class window.MergeConflictResolver extends Vue
file.parallelLines.right.push { lineType: 'context', lineNumber: line.new_line, text: line.text }
if conflict
file.inlineLines.push { lineType: 'header', id, type: 'new' }
file.inlineLines.push { isHeader: yes, id, type: 'new', text: originHeaderText, cssClass: 'origin' }
console.log data
return data
......@@ -31,23 +31,23 @@
%span {{file.new_path}}
%a.btn.btn-sm View file @{{file.commit_sha.slice(0, 7)}}
%a.btn.btn-sm View file @{{file.shortCommitSha}}
%table{"v-for" => "(key, group) in file.parallelLines"}
%tr.line_holder.parallel{ |
"v-for" => "line in group", |
":class" => "line.lineType != 'context' && (key == 'left' ? 'head' : 'origin')"}
%tr.line_holder.parallel{"v-for" => "line in group", ":class" => "line.cssClass"}
%td.diff-line-num.header{"v-if" => "line.lineType == 'header'"}
%td.line_content.header{"v-if" => "line.lineType == 'header'"}
%strong {{key == 'left' ? 'HEAD//our changes' : 'origin//their changes'}}
%template{"v-if" => "line.isHeader"}
%strong {{line.text}}
%button.btn{"@click" => "handleSelected(, line.lineType)"} Use this
%td.diff-line-num.old_line{"v-if" => "line.lineType != 'header'"}
%template{"v-if" => "!line.isHeader"}
%td.line_content{"v-if" => "line.lineType != 'header'"}
......@@ -58,16 +58,14 @@
%span {{file.new_path}}
%a.btn.btn-sm View file @{{file.commit_sha.slice(0, 7)}}
%a.btn.btn-sm View file @{{file.shortCommitSha}}
%tr.line_holder{ |
"v-for" => "line in file.inlineLines", |
":class" => "line.type == 'old' ? 'head' : line.type == 'new' ? 'origin' : ''"}
%tr.line_holder{"v-for" => "line in file.inlineLines", ":class" => "line.cssClass"}
%template{"v-if" => "line.lineType != 'header'"}
%template{"v-if" => "!line.isHeader"}
%a {{line.old_line}}
......@@ -75,9 +73,9 @@
%template{"v-if" => "line.lineType == 'header'"}
%template{"v-if" => "line.isHeader"}
%strong {{line.type == 'old' ? 'HEAD//our changes' : 'origin//their changes'}}
%strong {{line.text}}
%button.btn{"@click" => "handleSelected(, line.type)"} Use this
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