/* eslint-disable space-before-function-paren, quotes, comma-dangle, dot-notation, indent, quote-props, no-var, padded-blocks, max-len */
/*= require merge_request_widget */
/*= require lib/utils/timeago.js */

(function() {
  describe('MergeRequestWidget', function() {
    beforeEach(function() {
      window.notifyPermissions = function() {};
      window.notify = function() {};
      this.opts = {
        ci_status_url: "http://sampledomain.local/ci/getstatus",
        ci_environments_status_url: "http://sampledomain.local/ci/getenvironmentsstatus",
        ci_status: "",
        ci_message: {
          normal: "Build {{status}} for \"{{title}}\"",
          preparing: "{{status}} build for \"{{title}}\""
        ci_title: {
          preparing: "{{status}} build",
          normal: "Build {{status}}"
        gitlab_icon: "gitlab_logo.png",
        builds_path: "http://sampledomain.local/sampleBuildsPath"
      this["class"] = new window.gl.MergeRequestWidget(this.opts);

    describe('getCIEnvironmentsStatus', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        this.ciEnvironmentsStatusData = [{
          created_at: '2016-09-12T13:38:30.636Z',
          environment_id: 1,
          environment_name: 'env1',
          external_url: 'https://test-url.com',
          external_url_formatted: 'test-url.com'

        spyOn(jQuery, 'getJSON').and.callFake((req, cb) => {

      it('should call renderEnvironments when the environments property is set', function() {
         const spy = spyOn(this.class, 'renderEnvironments').and.stub();

       it('should not call renderEnvironments when the environments property is not set', function() {
         this.ciEnvironmentsStatusData = null;
         const spy = spyOn(this.class, 'renderEnvironments').and.stub();

    return describe('getCIStatus', function() {
      beforeEach(function() {
        this.ciStatusData = {
          "title": "Sample MR title",
          "sha": "12a34bc5",
          "status": "success",
          "coverage": 98

        spyOn(jQuery, 'getJSON').and.callFake((function(_this) {
          return function(req, cb) {
            return cb(_this.ciStatusData);
      it('should call showCIStatus even if a notification should not be displayed', function() {
        var spy;
        spy = spyOn(this["class"], 'showCIStatus').and.stub();
        return expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this.ciStatusData.status);
      it('should call showCIStatus when a notification should be displayed', function() {
        var spy;
        spy = spyOn(this["class"], 'showCIStatus').and.stub();
        return expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this.ciStatusData.status);
      it('should call showCICoverage when the coverage rate is set', function() {
        var spy;
        spy = spyOn(this["class"], 'showCICoverage').and.stub();
        return expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this.ciStatusData.coverage);
      it('should not call showCICoverage when the coverage rate is not set', function() {
        var spy;
        this.ciStatusData.coverage = null;
        spy = spyOn(this["class"], 'showCICoverage').and.stub();
        return expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
      it('should not display a notification on the first check after the widget has been created', function() {
        var spy;
        spy = spyOn(window, 'notify');
        this["class"] = new window.gl.MergeRequestWidget(this.opts);
        return expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
