/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ /* global Vue */ /* global EnvironmentsService */ //= require vue //= require vue-resource //= require_tree ../services/ //= require ./environment_item (() => { window.gl = window.gl || {}; /** * Given the visibility prop provided by the url query parameter and which * changes according to the active tab we need to filter which environments * should be visible. * * The environments array is a recursive tree structure and we need to filter * both root level environments and children environments. * * In order to acomplish that, both `filterState` and `filterEnvironmnetsByState` * functions work together. * The first one works as the filter that verifies if the given environment matches * the given state. * The second guarantees both root level and children elements are filtered as well. */ const filterState = state => environment => environment.state === state && environment; /** * Given the filter function and the array of environments will return only * the environments that match the state provided to the filter function. * * @param {Function} fn * @param {Array} array * @return {Array} */ const filterEnvironmnetsByState = (fn, arr) => arr.map((item) => { if (item.children) { const filteredChildren = filterEnvironmnetsByState(fn, item.children).filter(Boolean); if (filteredChildren.length) { item.children = filteredChildren; return item; } } return fn(item); }).filter(Boolean); window.gl.environmentsList.EnvironmentsComponent = Vue.component('environment-component', { props: { store: { type: Object, required: true, default: () => ({}), }, }, components: { 'environment-item': window.gl.environmentsList.EnvironmentItem, }, data() { const environmentsData = document.querySelector('#environments-list-view').dataset; return { state: this.store.state, visibility: 'available', isLoading: false, cssContainerClass: environmentsData.cssClass, endpoint: environmentsData.environmentsDataEndpoint, canCreateDeployment: environmentsData.canCreateDeployment, canReadEnvironment: environmentsData.canReadEnvironment, canCreateEnvironment: environmentsData.canCreateEnvironment, projectEnvironmentsPath: environmentsData.projectEnvironmentsPath, projectStoppedEnvironmentsPath: environmentsData.projectStoppedEnvironmentsPath, newEnvironmentPath: environmentsData.newEnvironmentPath, helpPagePath: environmentsData.helpPagePath, commitIconSvg: environmentsData.commitIconSvg, playIconSvg: environmentsData.playIconSvg, }; }, computed: { filteredEnvironments() { return filterEnvironmnetsByState(filterState(this.visibility), this.state.environments); }, scope() { return this.$options.getQueryParameter('scope'); }, canReadEnvironmentParsed() { return this.$options.convertPermissionToBoolean(this.canReadEnvironment); }, canCreateDeploymentParsed() { return this.$options.convertPermissionToBoolean(this.canCreateDeployment); }, canCreateEnvironmentParsed() { return this.$options.convertPermissionToBoolean(this.canCreateEnvironment); }, }, /** * Fetches all the environmnets and stores them. * Toggles loading property. */ created() { gl.environmentsService = new EnvironmentsService(this.endpoint); const scope = this.$options.getQueryParameter('scope'); if (scope) { this.visibility = scope; } this.isLoading = true; return gl.environmentsService.all() .then(resp => resp.json()) .then((json) => { this.store.storeEnvironments(json); this.isLoading = false; }); }, /** * Transforms the url parameter into an object and * returns the one requested. * * @param {String} param * @returns {String} The value of the requested parameter. */ getQueryParameter(parameter) { return window.location.search.substring(1).split('&').reduce((acc, param) => { const paramSplited = param.split('='); acc[paramSplited[0]] = paramSplited[1]; return acc; }, {})[parameter]; }, /** * Converts permission provided as strings to booleans. * @param {String} string * @returns {Boolean} */ convertPermissionToBoolean(string) { return string === 'true'; }, methods: { toggleRow(model) { return this.store.toggleFolder(model.name); }, }, template: ` <div :class="cssContainerClass"> <div class="top-area"> <ul v-if="!isLoading" class="nav-links"> <li v-bind:class="{ 'active': scope === undefined }"> <a :href="projectEnvironmentsPath"> Available <span class="badge js-available-environments-count"> {{state.availableCounter}} </span> </a> </li> <li v-bind:class="{ 'active' : scope === 'stopped' }"> <a :href="projectStoppedEnvironmentsPath"> Stopped <span class="badge js-stopped-environments-count"> {{state.stoppedCounter}} </span> </a> </li> </ul> <div v-if="canCreateEnvironmentParsed && !isLoading" class="nav-controls"> <a :href="newEnvironmentPath" class="btn btn-create"> New environment </a> </div> </div> <div class="environments-container"> <div class="environments-list-loading text-center" v-if="isLoading"> <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i> </div> <div class="blank-state blank-state-no-icon" v-if="!isLoading && state.environments.length === 0"> <h2 class="blank-state-title"> You don't have any environments right now. </h2> <p class="blank-state-text"> Environments are places where code gets deployed, such as staging or production. <br /> <a :href="helpPagePath"> Read more about environments </a> </p> <a v-if="canCreateEnvironmentParsed" :href="newEnvironmentPath" class="btn btn-create"> New Environment </a> </div> <div class="table-holder" v-if="!isLoading && state.environments.length > 0"> <table class="table ci-table environments"> <thead> <tr> <th class="environments-name">Environment</th> <th class="environments-deploy">Last deployment</th> <th class="environments-build">Build</th> <th class="environments-commit">Commit</th> <th class="environments-date"></th> <th class="hidden-xs environments-actions"></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <template v-for="model in filteredEnvironments" v-bind:model="model"> <tr is="environment-item" :model="model" :toggleRow="toggleRow.bind(model)" :can-create-deployment="canCreateDeploymentParsed" :can-read-environment="canReadEnvironmentParsed" :play-icon-svg="playIconSvg" :commit-icon-svg="commitIconSvg"></tr> <tr v-if="model.isOpen && model.children && model.children.length > 0" is="environment-item" v-for="children in model.children" :model="children" :toggleRow="toggleRow.bind(children)" :can-create-deployment="canCreateDeploymentParsed" :can-read-environment="canReadEnvironmentParsed" :play-icon-svg="playIconSvg" :commit-icon-svg="commitIconSvg"> </tr> </template> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> `, }); })();