import logging from random import choice from neo.protocol import Packet, OUT_OF_DATE_STATE, STORAGE_NODE_TYPE, \ INVALID_OID, INVALID_TID, RUNNING_STATE from neo.connection import ClientConnection from import StorageEventHandler class Partition(object): """This class abstracts the state of a partition.""" def __init__(self, rid): self.rid = rid self.tid = None def getRID(self): return self.rid def getCriticalTID(self): return self.tid def setCriticalTID(self, tid): self.tid = tid def safe(self, pending_tid_list): if self.tid is None: return False for tid in pending_tid_list: if self.tid >= tid: return False return True class ReplicationEventHandler(StorageEventHandler): """This class handles events for replications.""" def connectionCompleted(self, conn): # Nothing to do. pass def connectionFailed(self, conn): logging.error('replication is stopped due to connection failure') def timeoutExpired(self, conn): logging.error('replication is stopped due to timeout') def connectionClosed(self, conn): logging.error('replication is stopped due to close') def peerBroken(self, conn): logging.error('replication is stopped due to breakage') def handleAcceptNodeIdentification(self, conn, packet, node_type, uuid, ip_address, port, num_partitions, num_replicas): # Nothing to do. pass def handleAnswerTIDs(self, conn, packet, tid_list): app = if tid_list: # If I have pending TIDs, check which TIDs I don't have, and # request the data. present_tid_list = tid_set = set(tid_list) present_tid_set = set(present_tid_list) tid_set -= present_tid_set for tid in tid_set: msg_id = conn.getNextId() p = Packet() p.askTransactionInformation(msg_id, tid) conn.addPacket(p) conn.expectMessage(timeout = 300) # And, ask more TIDs. app.replicator.tid_offset += 1000 offset = app.replicator.tid_offset msg_id = conn.getNextId() p = Packet() p.askTIDs(msg_id, offset, offset + 1000, app.replicator.current_partition.getRID()) conn.addPacket(p) conn.expectMessage(timeout = 300) else: # If no more TID, a replication of transactions is finished. # So start to replicate objects now. msg_id = conn.getNextId() p = Packet() p.askOIDs(msg_id, 0, 1000, app.replicator.current_partition.getRID()) conn.addPacket(p) conn.expectMessage(timeout = 300) app.replicator.oid_offset = 0 def handleAnswerTransactionInformation(self, conn, packet, tid, user, desc, ext, oid_list): app = # Directly store the transaction., (), (oid_list, user, desc, ext), True) def handleAnswerOIDs(self, conn, packet, oid_list): app = if oid_list: # Pick one up, and ask the history. oid = oid_list.pop() msg_id = conn.getNextId() p = Packet() p.askObjectHistory(msg_id, oid, 0, 1000) conn.addPacket(p) conn.expectMessage(timeout = 300) app.replicator.serial_offset = 0 app.replicator.oid_list = oid_list else: # Nothing remains, so the replication for this partition is # finished. app.replicator.replication_done = True def handleAnswerObjectHistory(self, conn, packet, oid, history_list): app = if history_list: # Check if I have objects, request those which I don't have. raise NotImplementedError else: # This OID is finished. So advance to next. oid_list = app.replicator.oid_list if oid_list: # If I have more pending OIDs, pick one up. oid = oid_list.pop() msg_id = conn.getNextId() p = Packet() p.askObjectHistory(msg_id, oid, 0, 1000) conn.addPacket(p) conn.expectMessage(timeout = 300) app.replicator.serial_offset = 0 else: # Otherwise, acquire more OIDs. app.replicator.oid_offset += 1000 offset = app.replicator.oid_offset msg_id = conn.getNextId() p = Packet() p.askOIDs(msg_id, offset, offset + 1000, app.replicator.current_partition.getRID()) conn.addPacket(p) conn.expectMessage(timeout = 300) class Replicator(object): """This class handles replications of objects and transactions. Assumptions: - Client nodes recognize partition changes reasonably quickly. - When an out of date partition is added, next transaction ID is given after the change is notified and serialized. Procedures: - Get the last TID right after a partition is added. This TID is called a "critical TID", because this and TIDs before this may not be present in this storage node yet. After a critical TID, all transactions must exist in this storage node. - Check if a primary master node still has pending transactions before and at a critical TID. If so, I must wait for them to be committed or aborted. - In order to copy data, first get the list of TIDs. This is done part by part, because the list can be very huge. When getting a part of the list, I verify if they are in my database, and ask data only for non-existing TIDs. This is performed until the check reaches a critical TID. - Next, get the list of OIDs. And, for each OID, ask the history, namely, a list of serials. This is also done part by part, and I ask only non-existing data. """ def __init__(self, app): = app self.new_partition_list = self._getOutdatedPartitionList() self.partition_list = [] self.current_partition = None self.current_connection = None self.critical_tid_dict = {} self.waiting_for_unfinished_tids = False self.unfinished_tid_list = None self.replication_done = True # Find a connection to a primary master node. uuid = app.primary_master_node.getUUID() for conn in app.em.getConnectionList(): if isinstance(conn, ClientConnection) and conn.getUUID() == uuid: self.primary_master_connection = conn break def reset(self): """Reset attributes to restart replicating.""" self.current_partition = None self.current_connection = None self.waiting_for_unfinished_tids = False self.unfinished_tid_list = None self.replication_done = True def _getOutdatedPartitionList(self): app = partition_list = [] for offset in xrange(app.num_partitions): for uuid, state in if uuid == app.uuid and state == OUT_OF_DATE_STATE: partition_list.append(Partition(offset)) return partition_list def pending(self): """Return whether there is any pending partition.""" return len(self.partition_list) or len(self.new_partition_list) def setCriticalTID(self, packet, tid): """This is a callback from OperationEventHandler.""" msg_id = packet.getId() try: for partition in self.critical_tid_dict[msg_id]: partition.setCriticalTID(tid) del self.critical_tid_dict[msg_id] except KeyError: pass def _askCriticalTID(self): conn = self.primary_master_connection msg_id = conn.getNextId() conn.addPacket(Packet().askLastIDs(msg_id)) conn.expectMessage(msg_id) self.critical_tid_dict[msg_id] = self.new_partition_list self.partition_list.extend(self.new_partition_list) self.new_partition_list = [] def setUnfinishedTIDList(self, tid_list): """This is a callback from OperationEventHandler.""" self.waiting_for_unfinished_tids = False self.unfinished_tid_list = tid_list def _askUnfinishedTIDs(self): conn = self.primary_master_connection msg_id = conn.getNextId() conn.addPacket(Packet().askUnfinishedTIDs(msg_id)) conn.expectMessage(msg_id) self.waiting_for_unfinished_tids = True def _startReplication(self): # Choose a storage node for the source. app = try: cell_list =, True) node_list = [cell.getNode() for cell in cell_list if cell.getNodeState() == RUNNING_STATE] node = choice(node_list) except: # Not operational. return addr = node.getServer() if self.current_connection is not None: if self.current_connection.getAddress() == addr: # I can reuse the same connection. pass else: self.current_connection.close() self.current_connection = None if self.current_connection is None: handler = ReplicationEventHandler(app) self.current_connection = ClientConnection(app.em, handler, addr = addr) msg_id = self.current_connection.getNextId() p = Packet() p.requestNodeIdentification(msg_id, STORAGE_NODE_TYPE, app.uuid, app.server[0], app.server[1], self.current_connection.addPacket(p) self.current_connection.expectMessage(msg_id) self.tid_offset = 0 msg_id = self.current_connection.getNextId() p = Packet() p.askTIDs(msg_id, 0, 1000, self.current_partition.getRID()) self.current_connection.addPacket(p) self.current_connection.expectMessage(timeout = 300) self.replication_done = False def act(self): # If the new partition list is not empty, I must ask a critical # TID to a primary master node. if self.new_partition_list: self._askCriticalTID() if self.current_partition is None: # I need to choose something. if self.waiting_for_unfinished_tids: # Still waiting. return elif self.unfinished_tid_list is not None: # Try to select something. for partition in self.partition_list: if self.current_partition = partition self.unfinished_tid_list = None break else: # Not yet. self.unfinished_tid_list = None return self._startReplication() else: # Ask pending transactions. self._askUnfinishedTIDs() else: if self.replication_done: try: self.partition_list.remove(self.current_partition) except ValueError: pass self.current_partition = None