resiliency test: update documentation.

parent 6cf02ddb
......@@ -11,13 +11,15 @@ release using the dedicated test software-type made for the occasion).
This is quite useful if you simply want to run the resiliency tests without having the whole
dedicated test infrastructure.
The third entry point, "bin/runUnitTestTestNode" is basically the same as the first one, but used to be run inside of
a classical, "Unit Test"-style erp5testnode.
This module contains:
* The code to start the test from a testnode / manually
* A Resiliency Test Suite framework (in suites/), used to easily write new
* A Resiliency Test Suite framework (in suites/, used to easily write new
test suites
* A list of test suites
* A list of test suites (in suites/)
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