Commit d3152c78 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

zodbdump: Use bytes to emit its output

Zodbdump format is text-binary and is saved into files opened in binary
mode. -> We have to emit bytes - not strings - into it, since otherwise
on Python3 it would break.

This needs qq support from pygolang[1] to be able to use qq with both
string and bytestring format, e.g. for

	 "hello %s" % qq(name),	and
	b"hello %s" % qq(name)

to give the same output irregardless of whether name is str or bytes.

[1] pygolang!1
parent ddd5fd03
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ import sys
import logging as log
import re
from golang.gcompat import qq
from golang import func, defer, strconv
from golang import func, defer, strconv, b
# txn_raw_extension returns raw extension from txn metadata
def txn_raw_extension(stor, txn):
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def zodbdump(stor, tidmin, tidmax, hashonly=False, out=asbinstream(sys.stdout)):
for txn in stor.iterator(tidmin, tidmax):
# XXX .status not covered by IStorageTransactionInformation
# XXX but covered by BaseStorage.TransactionRecord
out.write("txn %s %s\nuser %s\ndescription %s\nextension %s\n" % (
out.write(b"txn %s %s\nuser %s\ndescription %s\nextension %s\n" % (
ashex(txn.tid), qq(txn.status),
......@@ -105,33 +105,33 @@ def zodbdump(stor, tidmin, tidmax, hashonly=False, out=asbinstream(sys.stdout)):
objv = txnobjv(txn)
for obj in objv:
entry = "obj %s " % ashex(obj.oid)
entry = b"obj %s " % ashex(obj.oid)
write_data = False
if is None:
entry += "delete"
entry += b"delete"
# was undo and data taken from obj.data_txn
elif obj.data_txn is not None:
entry += "from %s" % ashex(obj.data_txn)
entry += b"from %s" % ashex(obj.data_txn)
# XXX sha1 is hardcoded for now. Dump format allows other hashes.
entry += "%i sha1:%s" % (len(, ashex(sha1(
entry += b"%i sha1:%s" % (len(, ashex(sha1(
write_data = True
if write_data:
if hashonly:
out.write(" -")
out.write(b" -")
# ----------------------------------------
# XPickler is Pickler that tries to save objects stably
......@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ class DumpReader(object):
def _readline(self):
l = self._r.readline()
if l == '':
if l == b'':
self._line = None
return None # EOF
......@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ class DumpReader(object):
objv = []
while 1:
l = self._readline()
if l == '':
if l == b'':
break # empty line - end of transaction
if l is None or not l.startswith(b'obj '):
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ class DumpReader(object):
chunk =
data += chunk
n -= len(chunk)
self.lineno += data.count('\n')
self.lineno += data.count(b'\n')
self._line = None
if data[-1:] != b'\n':
raise RuntimeError('%s+%d: no LF after obj data' % (_ioname(self._r), self.lineno))
......@@ -454,13 +454,13 @@ class Transaction(object):
# zdump returns semi text-binary representation of a record in zodbdump format.
def zdump(self): # -> bytes
z = 'txn %s %s\n' % (ashex(self.tid), qq(self.status))
z += 'user %s\n' % qq(self.user)
z += 'description %s\n' % qq(self.description)
z += 'extension %s\n' % qq(self.extension_bytes)
z = b'txn %s %s\n' % (ashex(self.tid), qq(self.status))
z += b'user %s\n' % qq(self.user)
z += b'description %s\n' % qq(self.description)
z += b'extension %s\n' % qq(self.extension_bytes)
for obj in self.objv:
z += obj.zdump()
z += '\n'
z += b'\n'
return z
......@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ class ObjectDelete(Object):
super(ObjectDelete, self).__init__(oid)
def zdump(self):
return 'obj %s delete\n' % (ashex(self.oid))
return b'obj %s delete\n' % (ashex(self.oid))
# ObjectCopy represents object data copy.
class ObjectCopy(Object):
......@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ class ObjectCopy(Object):
self.copy_from = copy_from
def zdump(self):
return 'obj %s from %s\n' % (ashex(self.oid), ashex(self.copy_from))
return b'obj %s from %s\n' % (ashex(self.oid), ashex(self.copy_from))
# ObjectData represents record with object data.
class ObjectData(Object):
......@@ -507,13 +507,13 @@ class ObjectData(Object):
size = data.size
size = len(data)
z = 'obj %s %d %s:%s' % (ashex(self.oid), size, self.hashfunc, ashex(self.hash_))
z = b'obj %s %d %s:%s' % (ashex(self.oid), size, self.hashfunc, ashex(self.hash_))
if hashonly:
z += ' -'
z += b' -'
z += '\n'
z += b'\n'
z += data
z += '\n'
z += b'\n'
return z
# HashOnly indicated that this ObjectData record contains only hash and does not contain object data.
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