diff --git a/amari/drb.py b/amari/drb.py
index fc62dbfe712647ca22a8183628945a7a66dfbd32..8a52d7236bb2c47dc480cdb55d83f90bede269b4 100644
--- a/amari/drb.py
+++ b/amari/drb.py
@@ -21,11 +21,23 @@
 - Sampler converts information about data flows obtained via ue_get[stats] into
   Samples that represent bursts of continuous transmissions.
+- _x_stats_srv uses Sampler to process data flows at 100Hz rate and aggregates
+  results into information needed to compute E-UTRAN IP Throughput KPI. The
+  information is emitted in the form of synthetic x.drb_stats message whose
+  generation is integrated into amari.xlog package.
+See the following related 3GPP standards references:
+    - TS 32.450 6.3.1 "E-UTRAN IP Throughput"
+    - TS 32.425 4.4.6 "IP Throughput measurements"
-from golang import func
-from golang import time
+from xlte import amari
+from golang import chan, select, default, nilchan, func, defer
+from golang import sync, time
 import math
 import sys
@@ -623,6 +635,292 @@ def __repr__(s):
 # ----------------------------------------
+# _x_stats_srv provides server for x.drb_stats queries.
+# To do so it polls eNB every 10ms at 100Hz frequency with `ue_get[stats]`
+# and tries to further improve accuracy of retrieved DL/UL samples timing
+# towards 1ms via heuristic on how much transport blocks were tx/rx'ed
+# during each observation.
+# This heuristic can be used unless eNB is congested. To detect congestion
+# _x_stats_srv also polls eNB with `stats` at the same 100Hz frequency and
+# synchronized in time with `ue_get[stats]`. The congestion is detected by
+# dl_use_avg / ul_use_avg being close to 1.
+# Since we can detect only the fact of likely congestion, but not the level
+# of congestion, nor other details related to QCIs priorities, for congested
+# case the heuristic is not used and throughput is reported via rough, but
+# relatively true, interval estimates.
+# NOTE we cannot go polling to higher than 100Hz frequency, since enb
+# rate-limits websocket requests to execute not faster than 10ms each.
+def _x_stats_srv(ctx, reqch: chan, conn: amari.Conn):
+    未t_rate = 10*tti
+    # rx_ue_get_stats sends `ue_get[stats]` request and returns server response.
+    rtt_ue_stats = _IncStats() # time it takes to send ue_get and to receive response
+    未t_ue_stats  = _IncStats() # 未(ue_stats.timestamp)
+    t_ue_stats   = None        # last ue_stats.timestamp
+    def rx_ue_get_stats(ctx): # -> ue_stats
+        nonlocal t_ue_stats
+        t_tx = time.now()
+        ue_stats = conn.req(ctx, 'ue_get', {'stats': True})
+        t_rx = time.now()
+        rtt_ue_stats.add(t_rx-t_tx)
+        t = ue_stats['utc']
+        if t_ue_stats is not None:
+            未t_ue_stats.add(t-t_ue_stats)
+        t_ue_stats = t
+        return ue_stats
+    # rx_stats sends `stats` request and returns server response.
+    # we need to query stats to get dl_use/ul_use.
+    # Establish separate connection for that since if we use the same conn for
+    # both ue_get and stats queries, due to overall 100Hz rate-limiting, ue_get
+    # would be retrieved at only 50Hz rate. With separate connection for stats
+    # we can retrieve both ue_get and stats each at 100Hz simultaneously.
+    conn_stats = amari.connect(ctx, conn.wsuri)
+    defer(conn_stats.close)
+    rtt_stats = _IncStats() # like rtt_ue_stats but for stat instead of ue_get
+    未t_stats  = _IncStats() # 未(stats.timestamp)
+    t_stats   = None        # last stats.timestamp
+    def rx_stats(ctx): # -> stats
+        nonlocal t_stats
+        t_tx = time.now()
+        stats = conn_stats.req(ctx, 'stats', {})
+        t_rx = time.now()
+        rtt_stats.add(t_rx-t_tx)
+        t = stats['utc']
+        if t_stats is not None:
+            未t_stats.add(t-t_stats)
+        t_stats = t
+        return stats
+    # issue first dummy stats. It won't report most of statistics due to
+    # initial_delay=0, but it will make the next stats query avoid pausing for 0.4s.
+    conn_stats.req(ctx, 'stats', {'initial_delay': 0})
+    # rx_all simultaneously issues `ue_get[stats]` and `stats` requests and returns server responses.
+    # the requests are issued synchronized in time.
+    未_ue_stats = _IncStats() # ue_stats.timestamp - stats.timestamp
+    def rx_all(ctx): # -> ue_stats, stats
+        uq = chan(1)
+        sq = chan(1)
+        _, _rx = select(
+            ctx.done().recv,        # 0
+            (ueget_reqch.send, uq), # 1
+        )
+        if _ == 0:
+            raise ctx.err()
+        _, _rx = select(
+            ctx.done().recv,        # 0
+            (stats_reqch.send, sq), # 1
+        )
+        if _ == 0:
+            raise ctx.err()
+        ue_stats = stats = None
+        while ue_stats is None  or  stats is None:
+            _, _rx = select(
+                ctx.done().recv,    # 0
+                uq.recv,            # 1
+                sq.recv,            # 2
+            )
+            if _ == 0:
+                raise ctx.err()
+            if _ == 1:
+                ue_stats = _rx
+                uq = nilchan
+            if _ == 2:
+                stats = _rx
+                sq = nilchan
+        未_ue_stats.add(ue_stats['utc'] - stats['utc'])
+        return ue_stats, stats
+    ueget_reqch = chan()
+    def Trx_ue_get(ctx):
+        while 1:
+            _, _rx = select(
+                ctx.done().recv,    # 0
+                ueget_reqch.recv,   # 1
+            )
+            if _ == 0:
+                raise ctx.err()
+            retq = _rx
+            ue_stats = rx_ue_get_stats(ctx)
+            retq.send(ue_stats) # cap = 1
+    stats_reqch = chan()
+    def Trx_stats(ctx):
+        while 1:
+            _, _rx = select(
+                ctx.done().recv,    # 0
+                stats_reqch.recv,   # 1
+            )
+            if _ == 0:
+                raise ctx.err()
+            retq = _rx
+            stats = rx_stats(ctx)
+            retq.send(stats) # cap = 1
+    # Tmain is the main thread that drives the process overall
+    def Tmain(ctx):
+        nonlocal rtt_ue_stats, 未t_ue_stats
+        nonlocal rtt_stats, 未t_stats
+        nonlocal 未_ue_stats
+        t_req = time.now()
+        ue_stats, stats = rx_all(ctx)
+        S = Sampler(ue_stats, stats)
+        qci_危dl = {}  # qci -> _危  for dl
+        qci_危ul = {}  # ----//---- for ul
+        class _危:
+            __slots__ = (
+                'tx_bytes',
+                'tx_time',
+                'tx_time_err',
+                'tx_time_notailtti',
+                'tx_time_notailtti_err',
+                'tx_nsamples',
+            )
+            def __init__(危):
+                for x in 危.__slots__:
+                    setattr(危, x, 0)
+        # account accounts samples into 危tx_time/危tx_bytes in qci_危.
+        def account(qci_危, qci_samples):
+            for qci, samplev in qci_samples.items():
+                危 = qci_危.get(qci)
+                if 危 is None:
+                    危 = qci_危[qci] = _危()
+                for s in samplev:
+                    # do not account short transmissions
+                    # ( tx with 1 tti should be ignored per standard, but it is
+                    #   also that small ICMP messages span 2 transport blocks sometimes )
+                    t_lo = s.tx_time - s.tx_time_err
+                    t_hi = s.tx_time + s.tx_time_err
+                    if t_hi <= 1*tti  or  (t_hi <= 2 and s.tx_bytes < 1000):
+                        continue
+                    危.tx_nsamples += 1
+                    危.tx_bytes    += s.tx_bytes
+                    危.tx_time     += s.tx_time
+                    危.tx_time_err += s.tx_time_err
+                    # also aggregate .tx_time without tail tti (IP Throughput KPI needs this)
+                    tt_hi = math.ceil(t_hi/tti - 1) # in tti
+                    tt_lo = t_lo / tti              # in tti
+                    if tt_lo > 1:
+                        tt_lo = math.ceil(tt_lo - 1)
+                    tt     = (tt_lo + tt_hi) / 2
+                    tt_err = (tt_hi - tt_lo) / 2
+                    危.tx_time_notailtti     += tt     * tti
+                    危.tx_time_notailtti_err += tt_err * tti
+        while 1:
+            # TODO explicitly detect underrun?
+            _, _rx = select(
+                ctx.done().recv,    # 0
+                reqch.recv,         # 1
+                default,            # 2
+            )
+            if _ == 0:
+                raise ctx.err()
+            if _ == 1:
+                # client requests to retrieve message for accumulated data
+                opts, respch = _rx
+                # TODO verify/handle opts?
+                # wrap-up flows and account finalized samples
+                qci_dl, qci_ul = S.finish()
+                account(qci_危dl, qci_dl)
+                account(qci_危ul, qci_ul)
+                _debug()
+                _debug('rtt_ue:     %s  ms' % rtt_ue_stats .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
+                _debug('未t_ue:      %s  ms' % 未t_ue_stats  .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
+                _debug('rtt_stats:  %s  ms' % rtt_stats    .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
+                _debug('未t_stats:   %s  ms' % 未t_stats     .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
+                _debug('未(ue,stat): %s  ms' % 未_ue_stats   .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
+                qci_dict = {}
+                危0 = _危()
+                for qci in set(qci_危dl.keys()) .union(qci_危ul.keys()):
+                    危dl = qci_危dl.get(qci, 危0)
+                    危ul = qci_危ul.get(qci, 危0)
+                    qci_dict[qci] = {
+                         'dl_tx_bytes':               危dl.tx_bytes,
+                         'dl_tx_time':                危dl.tx_time,
+                         'dl_tx_time_err':            危dl.tx_time_err,
+                         'dl_tx_time_notailtti':      危dl.tx_time_notailtti,
+                         'dl_tx_time_notailtti_err':  危dl.tx_time_notailtti_err,
+                         'dl_tx_nsamples':            危dl.tx_nsamples,
+                         'ul_tx_bytes':               危ul.tx_bytes,
+                         'ul_tx_time':                危ul.tx_time,
+                         'ul_tx_time_err':            危ul.tx_time_err,
+                         'ul_tx_time_notailtti':      危ul.tx_time_notailtti,
+                         'ul_tx_time_notailtti_err':  危ul.tx_time_notailtti_err,
+                         'u;_tx_nsamples':            危ul.tx_nsamples,
+                    }
+                r = {'time':       ue_stats['time'],
+                     'utc':        ue_stats['utc'],
+                     'qci_dict':   qci_dict,
+                     '未t_ueget': {
+                        'min': 未t_ue_stats.min,
+                        'avg': 未t_ue_stats.avg(),
+                        'max': 未t_ue_stats.max,
+                        'std': 未t_ue_stats.std(),
+                     },
+                     '未_ueget_vs_stats': {
+                        'min': 未_ue_stats.min,
+                        'avg': 未_ue_stats.avg(),
+                        'max': 未_ue_stats.max,
+                        'std': 未_ue_stats.std(),
+                     },
+                }
+                respch.send(r)
+                # reset
+                qci_危dl = {}
+                qci_危ul = {}
+                rtt_ue_stats = _IncStats()
+                未t_ue_stats  = _IncStats()
+                rtt_stats    = _IncStats()
+                未t_stats     = _IncStats()
+                未_ue_stats   = _IncStats()
+            # sync time to keep t_req' - t_req 鈮� 未t_rate
+            # this should automatically translate to 未t(ue_stats) 鈮� 未t_rate
+            t = time.now()
+            未tsleep = 未t_rate - (t - t_req)
+            if 未tsleep > 0:
+                time.sleep(未tsleep)
+            # retrieve ue_get[stats] and stats data for next frame from enb
+            t_req = time.now()
+            ue_stats, stats = rx_all(ctx)
+            # pass data to sampler and account already detected samples
+            qci_dl, qci_ul = S.add(ue_stats, stats)
+            account(qci_危dl, qci_dl)
+            account(qci_危ul, qci_ul)
+    # run everything
+    wg = sync.WorkGroup(ctx)
+    wg.go(Trx_ue_get)
+    wg.go(Trx_stats)
+    wg.go(Tmain)
+    wg.wait()
 # _IncStats incrementally computes statistics on provided values.
 # Provide values via .add().
diff --git a/amari/xlog.py b/amari/xlog.py
index 90df5328cd4d75e66faa00b7c1aa37daeed53db7..ffa8b001e87c8a119b8de9e7372b7a6fff766c5d 100644
--- a/amari/xlog.py
+++ b/amari/xlog.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 - use Reader to read logged information from xlog.
-(*) for example result of stats, ue_get and erab_get queries.
+(*) for example result of stats, ue_get, erab_get and synthetic queries.
 # XLog protocol
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 from xlte import amari
+from xlte.amari import drb
 import json
 import traceback
@@ -196,14 +197,32 @@ class _XLogger:
         wg = sync.WorkGroup(ctx)
+        # spawn servers to handle queries with synthetic messages
+        xmsgsrv_dict = {}
+        for l in xl.logspecv:
+            if l.query in _xmsg_registry:
+                xsrv = _XMsgServer(l.query, _xmsg_registry[l.query])
+                xmsgsrv_dict[l.query] = xsrv
+                xsrv_ready = chan() # wait for xmsg._runCtx to be initialized
+                wg.go(xsrv.run, conn, xsrv_ready)
+                xsrv_ready.recv()
         # spawn main logger
-        wg.go(xl._xlog1, conn)
+        wg.go(xl._xlog1, conn, xmsgsrv_dict)
-    def _xlog1(xl, ctx, conn):
+    def _xlog1(xl, ctx, conn, xmsgsrv_dict):
+        # req_ queries either amari service directly, or an extra message service.
+        def req_(ctx, query, opts):  # -> resp_raw
+            if query in xmsgsrv_dict:
+                query_xsrv = xmsgsrv_dict[query]
+                _, resp_raw = query_xsrv.req_(ctx, opts)
+            else:
+                _, resp_raw = conn.req_(ctx, query, opts)
+            return resp_raw
         # emit config_get after attach
-        _, cfg_raw = conn.req_('config_get', {})
+        cfg_raw = req_(ctx, 'config_get', {})
         # loop emitting requested logspecs
@@ -247,10 +266,83 @@ class _XLogger:
                 if _ == 0:
                     raise ctx.err()
-            _, resp_raw = conn.req_(logspec.query, opts)
+            resp_raw = req_(ctx, logspec.query, opts)
+# _XMsgServer represents a server for handling particular synthetic requests.
+# for example the server for synthetic x.drb_stats query.
+class _XMsgServer:
+    def __init__(xsrv, name, f):
+        xsrv.name = name        # str               message name, e.g. "x.drb_stats"
+        xsrv._func = f          # func(ctx, conn)   to run the service
+        xsrv._reqch = chan()    # chan<respch>      to send requests to the service
+        xsrv._runCtx = None     # context           not done while .run is running
+    # run runs the extra server on amari service attached to via conn.
+    @func
+    def run(xsrv, ctx, conn: amari.Conn, ready: chan):
+        xsrv._runCtx, cancel = context.with_cancel(ctx)
+        defer(cancel)
+        ready.close()
+        # establish dedicated conn2 so that server does not semantically
+        # affect requests issued by main logger. For example if we do not and
+        # main logger queries stats, and x.drb_stats server also queries stats
+        # internally, then data received by main logger will cover only small
+        # random period of time instead of full wanted period.
+        conn2 = amari.connect(ctx, conn.wsuri)
+        defer(conn2.close)
+        xsrv._func(ctx, xsrv._reqch, conn2)
+    # req queries the server and returns its response.
+    @func
+    def req_(xsrv, ctx, opts):  # -> resp, resp_raw
+        origCtx = ctx
+        ctx, cancel = context.merge(ctx, xsrv._runCtx)  # need only merge_cancel
+        defer(cancel)
+        respch = chan(1)
+        _, _rx = select(
+            ctx.done().recv,                        # 0
+            (xsrv._reqch.send, (opts, respch)),     # 1
+        )
+        if _ == 0:
+            if xsrv._runCtx.err()  and  not origCtx.err():
+                raise RuntimeError("%s server is down" % xsrv.name)
+            raise ctx.err()
+        _, _rx = select(
+            ctx.done().recv,    # 0
+            respch.recv,        # 1
+        )
+        if _ == 0:
+            if xsrv._runCtx.err()  and  not origCtx.err():
+                raise RuntimeError("%s server is down" % xsrv.name)
+            raise ctx.err()
+        resp = _rx
+        r = {'message': xsrv.name}  # place 'message' first
+        r.update(resp)
+        resp = r
+        resp_raw = json.dumps(resp,
+                              separators=(',', ':'),  # most compact, like Amari does
+                              ensure_ascii=False)     # so that e.g. 未t comes as is
+        return resp, resp_raw
+# @_xmsg registers func f to provide server for extra messages with specified name.
+_xmsg_registry = {} # name -> xsrv_func(ctx, reqch, conn)
+def _xmsg(name, f, doc1):
+    assert name not in _xmsg_registry
+    f.xlog_doc1 = doc1
+    _xmsg_registry[name] = f
+_xmsg("x.drb_stats", drb._x_stats_srv, "retrieve statistics about data radio bearers")
 # ----------------------------------------
 # Reader wraps IO reader to read information generated by xlog.
@@ -435,11 +527,18 @@ Example for <logspec>+:
     stats[samples,rf]/30s  ue_get[stats]  erab_get/10s  qos_flow_get
+Besides queries supported by Amarisoft LTE stack natively, support for the
+following synthetic queries is also provided:
     -h  --help            show this help
-""" % LogSpec.DEFAULT_PERIOD, file=out)
+""" % (LogSpec.DEFAULT_PERIOD,
+       '\n'.join("    %-14s %s" % (q, f.xlog_doc1)
+                for q, f in sorted(_xmsg_registry.items()))),
 def main(ctx, argv):