diff --git a/slapos/recipe/README.lamp.txt b/slapos/recipe/README.lamp.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a75a2033a3ed733ff5198bbce92e65b3fcb21ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/README.lamp.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+the lamp recipe help you to deploy simply a php based application on slapos. This recipe is 
+able to setup mariadb, apache and apache-php for your php application, is also capable to
+configure your software during installation to ensure a full compatibility.
+How to use?
+just add this part in your software.cfg to use the lamp.simple module
+egg = slapos.cookbook
+module = lamp.simple
+you also need to extend lamp.cfg
+extends =
+  http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/refs/tags/slapos-0.50:/stack/lamp.cfg
+When you install some software (such as prestashop) you need to remove or rename folder, with slapos you can not 
+access to the www-data directory. to do this, you need to tell to lamp recipe to remove or/and it when software 
+will be instantiated. Some software requires more than rename or delete a folder (manualy create database etc...)
+in this case you need to write a python script and lamp recipe must run it when installing your software.
+How to use?
+the action (move, rename, launch script) only starts when the condition is filled.
+in instance.cfg, add 
+file_token = path_of_file
+and the action will begin when path_of_www-data/path_of_file will be created
+you can also use database to check condition. add 
+table_name = name_of_table
+constraint = sql_where_condition
+name_of_table is the full or partial name(in some cases we can not know the prefix used to create tables) of table
+into mariadb databse for example table_name = admin. if you use
+name_of_table = **, the action will begin when database is ready. 
+constraint is the sql_condition to use when search entry into name_of_table for example constraint = `admin_id`=1
+you can no use file_token and table_name at the same time, otherwise file_token will be used in priority. attention 
+to the conditions that will never be satisfied.
+the action start when condition is true
+1- delete file or folder
+into instance.cfg, use 
+delete = file_or_folder1, file_or_folder2, file_or_folder3 ...
+for example delete = admin 
+2- rename file or folder
+into instance.cfg, use 
+rename = old_name1 => new_name1, old_name2 => new_name2, ... you can also use
+rename = old_name1, old_name2 => new_name2, ... in this case old_name1 will be rename and the new name will be chose
+by joining old_name1 and mysql_user: this should give 
+rename = old_name1 => old_name1-mysql_user, old_name2 => new_name2, ...
+3- launch python script
+use script = ${configure-script:location}/${configure-script:filename} into instance.cfg, add part configure-script
+into software.cfg
+parts = configure-script
+recipe = hexagonit.recipe.download
+location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
+url = url_of_script_name.py
+filename = script_name.py
+download-only = True
+the script_name.py should contain a main module, sys.argv is passed to the main. you can write script_name.py like this
+def setup(args):
+    base_url, htdocs, renamed, mysql_user, mysql_password, mysql_database, mysql_host = args
+    .......
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    setup(sys.argv[1:])
+base_url: is the url of php software
+htdocs: is the path of www-data directory
+mysql_user, mysql_password, mysql_database, mysql_host: is the mariadb parameters
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/README.mkdirectory.txt b/slapos/recipe/README.mkdirectory.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..426282a219dd9e230774b64334f8e8ecf8d6bb87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/README.mkdirectory.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+mkdirectory loops on its options and create the directory joined
+.. Note::
+   Use a slash ``/`` as directory separator. Don't use system dependent separator.
+   The slash will be parsed and replace by the operating system right separator.
+   Only use relative directory to the buildout root directory.
+The created directory won't be added to path list.
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/certificate_authority/__init__.py b/slapos/recipe/certificate_authority/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2bf43ed728565ac7ff4415e8c04a509fd9938c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/certificate_authority/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+import os
+import hashlib
+import ConfigParser
+from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
+class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
+  def setPath(self):
+    self.ca_dir = self.options['ca-dir']
+    self.request_directory = self.options['requests-directory']
+    self.ca_private = self.options['ca-private']
+    self.ca_certs = self.options['ca-certs']
+    self.ca_newcerts = self.options['ca-newcerts']
+    self.ca_crl = self.options['ca-crl']
+    self.ca_key_ext = '.key'
+    self.ca_crt_ext = '.crt'
+  def install(self):
+    path_list = []
+    # XXX: We gotta find better a way to get these options
+    ca_country_code = 'XX'
+    ca_email = 'xx@example.com'
+    ca_state = 'State',
+    ca_city = 'City'
+    ca_company = 'Company'
+    # XXX: end
+    self.setPath()
+    config = dict(ca_dir=self.ca_dir, request_dir=self.request_directory)
+    for f in ['crlnumber', 'serial']:
+      if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, f)):
+        open(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, f), 'w').write('01')
+    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'index.txt')):
+      open(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'index.txt'), 'w').write('')
+    openssl_configuration = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'openssl.cnf')
+    config.update(
+        working_directory=self.ca_dir,
+        country_code=ca_country_code,
+        state=ca_state,
+        city=ca_city,
+        company=ca_company,
+        email_address=ca_email,
+    )
+    self.createFile(openssl_configuration, self.substituteTemplate(
+      self.getTemplateFilename('openssl.cnf.ca.in'), config))
+    ca_wrapper = self.createPythonScript(
+      self.options['wrapper'],
+      '%s.certificate_authority.runCertificateAuthority' % __name__,
+      dict(
+        openssl_configuration=openssl_configuration,
+        openssl_binary=self.options['openssl-binary'],
+        certificate=os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'cacert.pem'),
+        key=os.path.join(self.ca_private, 'cakey.pem'),
+        crl=self.ca_crl,
+        request_dir=self.request_directory
+      )
+    )
+    path_list.append(ca_wrapper)
+    return path_list
+class Request(Recipe):
+  def _options(self, options):
+    if 'name' not in options:
+      options['name'] = self.name
+  def install(self):
+    self.setPath()
+    key_file = self.options['key-file']
+    cert_file = self.options['cert-file']
+    name = self.options['name']
+    hash_ = hashlib.sha512(name).hexdigest()
+    key = os.path.join(self.ca_private, hash_ + self.ca_key_ext)
+    certificate = os.path.join(self.ca_certs, hash_ + self.ca_crt_ext)
+    parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    parser.add_section('certificate')
+    parser.set('certificate', 'name', name)
+    parser.set('certificate', 'key_file', key)
+    parser.set('certificate', 'certificate_file', certificate)
+    parser.write(open(os.path.join(self.request_directory, hash_), 'w'))
+    for link in [key_file, cert_file]:
+      if os.path.islink(link):
+        os.unlink(link)
+      elif os.path.exists(link):
+        raise OSError("%r file should be a symbolic link.")
+    os.symlink(key, key_file)
+    os.symlink(certificate, cert_file)
+    wrapper = self.createPythonScript(
+      self.options['wrapper'],
+      'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute.execute_wait',
+      [ [self.options['executable']],
+        [certificate, key] ],
+    )
+    return [key_file, cert_file, wrapper]
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/certificate_authority/certificate_authority.py b/slapos/recipe/certificate_authority/certificate_authority.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a4af4ab76df89af085dd779e12b5d1a64af37ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/certificate_authority/certificate_authority.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import os
+import subprocess
+import time
+import ConfigParser
+def popenCommunicate(command_list, input=None):
+  subprocess_kw = dict(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+  if input is not None:
+    subprocess_kw.update(stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+  popen = subprocess.Popen(command_list, **subprocess_kw)
+  result = popen.communicate(input)[0]
+  if popen.returncode is None:
+    popen.kill()
+  if popen.returncode != 0:
+    raise ValueError('Issue during calling %r, result was:\n%s' % (
+      command_list, result))
+  return result
+class CertificateAuthority:
+  def __init__(self, key, certificate, openssl_binary,
+      openssl_configuration, request_dir):
+    self.key = key
+    self.certificate = certificate
+    self.openssl_binary = openssl_binary
+    self.openssl_configuration = openssl_configuration
+    self.request_dir = request_dir
+  def checkAuthority(self):
+    file_list = [ self.key, self.certificate ]
+    ca_ready = True
+    for f in file_list:
+      if not os.path.exists(f):
+        ca_ready = False
+        break
+    if ca_ready:
+      return
+    for f in file_list:
+      if os.path.exists(f):
+        os.unlink(f)
+    try:
+      # no CA, let us create new one
+      popenCommunicate([self.openssl_binary, 'req', '-nodes', '-config',
+          self.openssl_configuration, '-new', '-x509', '-extensions',
+          'v3_ca', '-keyout', self.key, '-out', self.certificate,
+          '-days', '10950'], 'Automatic Certificate Authority\n')
+    except:
+      try:
+        for f in file_list:
+          if os.path.exists(f):
+            os.unlink(f)
+      except:
+        # do not raise during cleanup
+        pass
+      raise
+  def _checkCertificate(self, common_name, key, certificate):
+    file_list = [key, certificate]
+    ready = True
+    for f in file_list:
+      if not os.path.exists(f):
+        ready = False
+        break
+    if ready:
+      return False
+    for f in file_list:
+      if os.path.exists(f):
+        os.unlink(f)
+    csr = certificate + '.csr'
+    try:
+      popenCommunicate([self.openssl_binary, 'req', '-config',
+        self.openssl_configuration, '-nodes', '-new', '-keyout',
+        key, '-out', csr, '-days', '3650'],
+        common_name + '\n')
+      try:
+        popenCommunicate([self.openssl_binary, 'ca', '-batch', '-config',
+          self.openssl_configuration, '-out', certificate,
+          '-infiles', csr])
+      finally:
+        if os.path.exists(csr):
+          os.unlink(csr)
+    except:
+      try:
+        for f in file_list:
+          if os.path.exists(f):
+            os.unlink(f)
+      except:
+        # do not raise during cleanup
+        pass
+      raise
+    else:
+      return True
+  def checkRequestDir(self):
+    for request_file in os.listdir(self.request_dir):
+      parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+      parser.readfp(open(os.path.join(self.request_dir, request_file), 'r'))
+      if self._checkCertificate(parser.get('certificate', 'name'),
+          parser.get('certificate', 'key_file'), parser.get('certificate',
+            'certificate_file')):
+        print 'Created certificate %r' % parser.get('certificate', 'name')
+def runCertificateAuthority(ca_conf):
+  ca = CertificateAuthority(ca_conf['key'], ca_conf['certificate'],
+      ca_conf['openssl_binary'], ca_conf['openssl_configuration'],
+      ca_conf['request_dir'])
+  while True:
+    ca.checkAuthority()
+    ca.checkRequestDir()
+    # XXX
+    # Antoine: I really don't like that at all. It wastes useful CPU time.
+    #          I think it would be a greater idea to use pyinotify
+    #          <http://pyinotify.sourceforge.net/>
+    #          Or we could use select() with socket as well.
+    time.sleep(60)
+    # end XXX
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/certificate_authority/template/openssl.cnf.ca.in b/slapos/recipe/certificate_authority/template/openssl.cnf.ca.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a450a68762145e72923635273e06a00e80d34ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/certificate_authority/template/openssl.cnf.ca.in
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# OpenSSL example configuration file.
+# This is mostly being used for generation of certificate requests.
+# This definition stops the following lines choking if HOME isn't
+# defined.
+HOME			= .
+#oid_file		= $ENV::HOME/.oid
+oid_section		= new_oids
+# To use this configuration file with the "-extfile" option of the
+# "openssl x509" utility, name here the section containing the
+# X.509v3 extensions to use:
+# extensions		= 
+# (Alternatively, use a configuration file that has only
+# X.509v3 extensions in its main [= default] section.)
+[ new_oids ]
+# We can add new OIDs in here for use by 'ca', 'req' and 'ts'.
+# Add a simple OID like this:
+# testoid1=
+# Or use config file substitution like this:
+# testoid2=${testoid1}.5.6
+# Policies used by the TSA examples.
+tsa_policy1 =
+tsa_policy2 =
+tsa_policy3 =
+[ ca ]
+default_ca	= CA_default		# The default ca section
+[ CA_default ]
+dir		= %(working_directory)s		# Where everything is kept
+certs		= $dir/certs		# Where the issued certs are kept
+crl_dir		= $dir/crl		# Where the issued crl are kept
+database	= $dir/index.txt	# database index file.
+#unique_subject	= no			# Set to 'no' to allow creation of
+					# several ctificates with same subject.
+new_certs_dir	= $dir/newcerts		# default place for new certs.
+certificate	= $dir/cacert.pem 	# The CA certificate
+serial		= $dir/serial 		# The current serial number
+crlnumber	= $dir/crlnumber	# the current crl number
+					# must be commented out to leave a V1 CRL
+crl		= $dir/crl.pem 		# The current CRL
+private_key	= $dir/private/cakey.pem # The private key
+RANDFILE	= $dir/private/.rand	# private random number file
+x509_extensions	= usr_cert		# The extentions to add to the cert
+# Comment out the following two lines for the "traditional"
+# (and highly broken) format.
+name_opt 	= ca_default		# Subject Name options
+cert_opt 	= ca_default		# Certificate field options
+# Extension copying option: use with caution.
+# copy_extensions = copy
+# Extensions to add to a CRL. Note: Netscape communicator chokes on V2 CRLs
+# so this is commented out by default to leave a V1 CRL.
+# crlnumber must also be commented out to leave a V1 CRL.
+# crl_extensions	= crl_ext
+default_days	= 3650			# how long to certify for
+default_crl_days= 30			# how long before next CRL
+default_md	= default		# use public key default MD
+preserve	= no			# keep passed DN ordering
+# A few difference way of specifying how similar the request should look
+# For type CA, the listed attributes must be the same, and the optional
+# and supplied fields are just that :-)
+policy		= policy_match
+# For the CA policy
+[ policy_match ]
+countryName		= match
+stateOrProvinceName	= match
+organizationName	= match
+organizationalUnitName	= optional
+commonName		= supplied
+emailAddress		= optional
+# For the 'anything' policy
+# At this point in time, you must list all acceptable 'object'
+# types.
+[ policy_anything ]
+countryName		= optional
+stateOrProvinceName	= optional
+localityName		= optional
+organizationName	= optional
+organizationalUnitName	= optional
+commonName		= supplied
+emailAddress		= optional
+[ req ]
+default_bits		= 2048
+default_md		= sha1
+default_keyfile 	= privkey.pem
+distinguished_name	= req_distinguished_name
+#attributes		= req_attributes
+x509_extensions	= v3_ca	# The extentions to add to the self signed cert
+# Passwords for private keys if not present they will be prompted for
+# input_password = secret
+# output_password = secret
+# This sets a mask for permitted string types. There are several options. 
+# default: PrintableString, T61String, BMPString.
+# pkix	 : PrintableString, BMPString (PKIX recommendation before 2004)
+# utf8only: only UTF8Strings (PKIX recommendation after 2004).
+# nombstr : PrintableString, T61String (no BMPStrings or UTF8Strings).
+# MASK:XXXX a literal mask value.
+# WARNING: ancient versions of Netscape crash on BMPStrings or UTF8Strings.
+string_mask = utf8only
+# req_extensions = v3_req # The extensions to add to a certificate request
+[ req_distinguished_name ]
+countryName			= Country Name (2 letter code)
+countryName_value		= %(country_code)s
+countryName_min			= 2
+countryName_max			= 2
+stateOrProvinceName		= State or Province Name (full name)
+stateOrProvinceName_value	= %(state)s
+localityName			= Locality Name (eg, city)
+localityName_value		= %(city)s
+0.organizationName		= Organization Name (eg, company)
+0.organizationName_value	= %(company)s
+# we can do this but it is not needed normally :-)
+#1.organizationName		= Second Organization Name (eg, company)
+#1.organizationName_default	= World Wide Web Pty Ltd
+commonName			= Common Name (eg, your name or your server\'s hostname)
+commonName_max			= 64
+emailAddress			= Email Address
+emailAddress_value = %(email_address)s
+emailAddress_max		= 64
+# SET-ex3			= SET extension number 3
+#[ req_attributes ]
+#challengePassword		= A challenge password
+#challengePassword_min		= 4
+#challengePassword_max		= 20
+#unstructuredName		= An optional company name
+[ usr_cert ]
+# These extensions are added when 'ca' signs a request.
+# This goes against PKIX guidelines but some CAs do it and some software
+# requires this to avoid interpreting an end user certificate as a CA.
+# Here are some examples of the usage of nsCertType. If it is omitted
+# the certificate can be used for anything *except* object signing.
+# This is OK for an SSL server.
+# nsCertType			= server
+# For an object signing certificate this would be used.
+# nsCertType = objsign
+# For normal client use this is typical
+# nsCertType = client, email
+# and for everything including object signing:
+# nsCertType = client, email, objsign
+# This is typical in keyUsage for a client certificate.
+# keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
+# This will be displayed in Netscape's comment listbox.
+nsComment			= "OpenSSL Generated Certificate"
+# PKIX recommendations harmless if included in all certificates.
+# This stuff is for subjectAltName and issuerAltname.
+# Import the email address.
+# subjectAltName=email:copy
+# An alternative to produce certificates that aren't
+# deprecated according to PKIX.
+# subjectAltName=email:move
+# Copy subject details
+# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
+#nsCaRevocationUrl		= http://www.domain.dom/ca-crl.pem
+# This is required for TSA certificates.
+# extendedKeyUsage = critical,timeStamping
+[ v3_req ]
+# Extensions to add to a certificate request
+basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
+keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
+[ v3_ca ]
+# Extensions for a typical CA
+# PKIX recommendation.
+# This is what PKIX recommends but some broken software chokes on critical
+# extensions.
+#basicConstraints = critical,CA:true
+# So we do this instead.
+basicConstraints = CA:true
+# Key usage: this is typical for a CA certificate. However since it will
+# prevent it being used as an test self-signed certificate it is best
+# left out by default.
+# keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign
+# Some might want this also
+# nsCertType = sslCA, emailCA
+# Include email address in subject alt name: another PKIX recommendation
+# subjectAltName=email:copy
+# Copy issuer details
+# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
+# DER hex encoding of an extension: beware experts only!
+# obj=DER:02:03
+# Where 'obj' is a standard or added object
+# You can even override a supported extension:
+# basicConstraints= critical, DER:30:03:01:01:FF
+[ crl_ext ]
+# CRL extensions.
+# Only issuerAltName and authorityKeyIdentifier make any sense in a CRL.
+# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
+[ proxy_cert_ext ]
+# These extensions should be added when creating a proxy certificate
+# This goes against PKIX guidelines but some CAs do it and some software
+# requires this to avoid interpreting an end user certificate as a CA.
+# Here are some examples of the usage of nsCertType. If it is omitted
+# the certificate can be used for anything *except* object signing.
+# This is OK for an SSL server.
+# nsCertType			= server
+# For an object signing certificate this would be used.
+# nsCertType = objsign
+# For normal client use this is typical
+# nsCertType = client, email
+# and for everything including object signing:
+# nsCertType = client, email, objsign
+# This is typical in keyUsage for a client certificate.
+# keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
+# This will be displayed in Netscape's comment listbox.
+nsComment			= "OpenSSL Generated Certificate"
+# PKIX recommendations harmless if included in all certificates.
+# This stuff is for subjectAltName and issuerAltname.
+# Import the email address.
+# subjectAltName=email:copy
+# An alternative to produce certificates that aren't
+# deprecated according to PKIX.
+# subjectAltName=email:move
+# Copy subject details
+# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
+#nsCaRevocationUrl		= http://www.domain.dom/ca-crl.pem
+# This really needs to be in place for it to be a proxy certificate.
+[ tsa ]
+default_tsa = tsa_config1	# the default TSA section
+[ tsa_config1 ]
+# These are used by the TSA reply generation only.
+dir		= /etc/pki/tls		# TSA root directory
+serial		= $dir/tsaserial	# The current serial number (mandatory)
+crypto_device	= builtin		# OpenSSL engine to use for signing
+signer_cert	= $dir/tsacert.pem 	# The TSA signing certificate
+					# (optional)
+certs		= $dir/cacert.pem	# Certificate chain to include in reply
+					# (optional)
+signer_key	= $dir/private/tsakey.pem # The TSA private key (optional)
+default_policy	= tsa_policy1		# Policy if request did not specify it
+					# (optional)
+other_policies	= tsa_policy2, tsa_policy3	# acceptable policies (optional)
+digests		= md5, sha1		# Acceptable message digests (mandatory)
+accuracy	= secs:1, millisecs:500, microsecs:100	# (optional)
+clock_precision_digits  = 0	# number of digits after dot. (optional)
+ordering		= yes	# Is ordering defined for timestamps?
+				# (optional, default: no)
+tsa_name		= yes	# Must the TSA name be included in the reply?
+				# (optional, default: no)
+ess_cert_id_chain	= no	# Must the ESS cert id chain be included?
+				# (optional, default: no)
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/davstorage/__init__.py b/slapos/recipe/davstorage/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae79dd33f2f063a795b6e3b0929659fc29b8ea98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/davstorage/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+from slapos.recipe.librecipe import BaseSlapRecipe
+import os
+import subprocess
+import pkg_resources
+import zc.buildout
+import zc.recipe.egg
+import sys
+class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
+  def getTemplateFilename(self, template_name):
+    return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
+        'template/%s' % template_name)
+  def _install(self):
+    self.path_list = []
+    self.requirements, self.ws = self.egg.working_set()
+    document_root = self.createDataDirectory('www')
+    apache_config = self.installApache(document_root)
+    self.setConnectionUrl(scheme='webdavs',
+                          host=apache_config['ip'],
+                          port=apache_config['port'],
+                          auth=(apache_config['user'],
+                                apache_config['password']))
+    return self.path_list
+  def installApache(self, document_root, ip=None, port=None):
+    if ip is None:
+      ip=self.getGlobalIPv6Address()
+    if port is None:
+      port = '9080'
+    htpasswd_config = self.createHtpasswd()
+    ssl_config = self.createCertificate(size=2048)
+    apache_config = dict(
+      pid_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'httpd.pid'),
+      lock_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'httpd.lock'),
+      davlock_db=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'davdb.lock'),
+      ip=ip,
+      port=port,
+      error_log=os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'httpd-error.log'),
+      access_log=os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'httpd-access.log'),
+      document_root=document_root,
+      modules_dir=self.options['apache_modules_dir'],
+      mime_types=self.options['apache_mime_file'],
+      server_root=self.work_directory,
+      email_address='admin@vifib.net',
+      htpasswd_file=htpasswd_config['htpasswd_file'],
+      ssl_certificate=ssl_config['certificate'],
+      ssl_key=ssl_config['key'],
+    )
+    httpd_config_file = self.createConfigurationFile('httpd.conf',
+      self.substituteTemplate(self.getTemplateFilename('httpd.conf.in'),
+                              apache_config))
+    self.path_list.append(httpd_config_file)
+    apache_runner = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+      [('httpd', 'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')],
+      self.ws, sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory,
+      arguments=[self.options['apache_binary'],
+                 '-f', httpd_config_file,
+                 '-DFOREGROUND',
+                ]
+    )[0]
+    self.path_list.append(apache_runner)
+    return dict(ip=apache_config['ip'],
+                port=apache_config['port'],
+                user=htpasswd_config['user'],
+                password=htpasswd_config['password']
+               )
+  def createHtpasswd(self):
+    htpasswd = self.createConfigurationFile('htpasswd', '')
+    self.path_list.append(htpasswd)
+    password = self.generatePassword()
+    user = 'user'
+    subprocess.check_call([self.options['apache_htpasswd'],
+                           '-bc', htpasswd,
+                           user, password
+                          ])
+    return dict(htpasswd_file=htpasswd,
+                user=user,
+                password=password)
+  def createCertificate(self, size=1024, subject='/C=FR/L=Marcq-en-Baroeul/O=Nexedi'):
+    key_file = os.path.join(self.etc_directory, 'httpd.key')
+    self.path_list.append(key_file)
+    certificate_file = os.path.join(self.etc_directory, 'httpd.crt')
+    self.path_list.append(certificate_file)
+    subprocess.check_call([self.options['openssl_binary'],
+                           'req', '-x509', '-nodes',
+                           '-newkey', 'rsa:%s' % size,
+                           '-subj', str(subject),
+                           '-out', certificate_file,
+                           '-keyout', key_file
+                          ])
+    return dict(key=key_file,
+                certificate=certificate_file)
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/davstorage/template/httpd.conf.in b/slapos/recipe/davstorage/template/httpd.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..515593e8cff5e37dbb88bc8ff15b6c78a843a490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/davstorage/template/httpd.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ServerRoot "%(server_root)s"
+Listen [%(ip)s]:%(port)s
+# Needed modules
+LoadModule authn_file_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_authn_file.so"
+LoadModule authz_host_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_authz_host.so"
+LoadModule authz_user_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_authz_user.so"
+LoadModule auth_basic_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_auth_basic.so"
+LoadModule auth_digest_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_auth_digest.so"
+LoadModule log_config_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_log_config.so"
+LoadModule headers_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_headers.so"
+LoadModule setenvif_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_setenvif.so"
+LoadModule ssl_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_ssl.so"
+LoadModule mime_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_mime.so"
+LoadModule dav_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_dav.so"
+LoadModule dav_fs_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_dav_fs.so"
+LoadModule dir_module "%(modules_dir)s/mod_dir.so"
+ServerAdmin %(email_address)s
+# Quiet Server header (if not, Apache give its life history)
+# It's safer
+ServerTokens ProductOnly
+DocumentRoot "%(document_root)s"
+PidFile "%(pid_file)s"
+LockFile "%(lock_file)s"
+DavLockDB "%(davlock_db)s"
+<Directory />
+    Options FollowSymLinks
+    AllowOverride None
+    Order deny,allow
+    Deny from all
+<Directory %(document_root)s>
+    Options Indexes MultiViews
+    AllowOverride None
+    Order allow,deny
+    Allow from all
+    Dav On
+    # Security Rules to avoid DDoS Attacks
+    DavDepthInfinity Off
+    LimitXMLRequestBody 0
+    # Cross-Origin Resources Sharing
+    Header always set Access-Control-Max-Age "0"
+    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
+    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, PROPFIND"
+    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-HTTP-Method-Override, Accept, Authorization, Depth"
+    SetEnvIf Origin "(.+)" ORIGIN=$1
+    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin %%{ORIGIN}e
+    AuthType Basic
+    AuthName "WebDAV Storage"
+    AuthUserFile "%(htpasswd_file)s"
+    <LimitExcept OPTIONS>
+        Require valid-user
+    </LimitExcept>
+ErrorLog "%(error_log)s"
+LogLevel warn
+LogFormat "%%h %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b \"%%{Referer}i\" \"%%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
+LogFormat "%%h %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b" common
+CustomLog "%(access_log)s" common
+DefaultType text/plain
+TypesConfig "%(mime_types)s"
+AddType application/x-compress .Z
+AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
+SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
+SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
+SSLEngine on
+SSLCertificateFile "%(ssl_certificate)s"
+SSLCertificateKeyFile "%(ssl_key)s"
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/dcron.py b/slapos/recipe/dcron.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3bb1336c597ca3d61b8760eec020ef66a3fd6e4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/dcron.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+import os
+from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
+class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
+  def install(self):
+    self.logger.info("Installing dcron...")
+    path_list = []
+    cronstamps = self.options['cronstamps']
+    cron_d = self.options['cron-entries']
+    crontabs = self.options['crontabs']
+    catcher = self.options['catcher']
+    binary = self.options['binary']
+    script = self.createPythonScript(binary,
+      'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute.execute',
+      [self.options['dcrond-binary'].strip(), '-s', cron_d, '-c', crontabs,
+       '-t', cronstamps, '-f', '-l', '5', '-M', catcher]
+      )
+    path_list.append(script)
+    self.logger.debug('Main cron executable created at : %r', script)
+    self.logger.info("dcron successfully installed.")
+    return path_list
+class Part(GenericBaseRecipe):
+  def _options(self, options):
+    if 'name' not in options:
+      options['name'] = self.name
+  def install(self):
+    cron_d = self.options['cron-entries']
+    filename = os.path.join(cron_d, 'name')
+    with open(filename, 'w') as part:
+      part.write('%(frequency)s %(command)s\n' % {
+        'frequency': self.options['frequency'],
+        'command': self.options['command'],
+      })
+    return [filename]
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/duplicity.py b/slapos/recipe/duplicity.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e5d5d56887e67e30e7596068ba7040a21c7dcf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/duplicity.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
+class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
+  def install(self):
+    remote_url = self.options['remote_backup']
+    backup_directory = self.options['directory']
+    wrapper = self.createPythonScript(
+      self.options['wrapper'],
+      'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute.execute',
+      [self.options['duplicity_binary'], '--no-encryption',
+       backup_directory, remote_url]
+    )
+    return [wrapper]
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/erp5/__init__.py b/slapos/recipe/erp5/__init__.py
index f9c478a1b632311514dcccbc3531721e6ad46ffc..03c7fb227c56cc4f450e889ef8ecfcb96a2622d2 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/erp5/__init__.py
+++ b/slapos/recipe/erp5/__init__.py
@@ -74,10 +74,11 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     if self.parameter_dict.get("slap_software_type", "").lower() == "cluster":
       # Site access is done by HAProxy
-      zope_access, site_access = self.installZopeCluster()
+      zope_access, site_access, key_access = self.installZopeCluster(ca_conf)
       zope_access = self.installZopeStandalone()
       site_access = zope_access
+      key_access = None
     key, certificate = self.requestCertificate('Login Based Access')
     apache_conf = dict(
@@ -96,9 +97,9 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
       connection_dict["site_url"] = self.installFrontendZopeApache(
-        ip=self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), port=13001, name=frontend_name,
-        frontend_path='/%s' % self.site_id, backend_path='/%s' % self.site_id,
-        backend_url="http://%s" % site_access, key=frontend_key,
+        ip=self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), port=4443, name=frontend_name,
+        frontend_path='/', backend_path='',
+        backend_url=apache_conf['apache_login'], key=frontend_key,
     default_bt5_list = []
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     self.installERP5Site(user, password, zope_access, mysql_conf,
              conversion_server_conf, memcached_conf, kumo_conf,
-             self.site_id, default_bt5_list)
+             self.site_id, default_bt5_list, ca_conf)
     self.installTestRunner(ca_conf, mysql_conf, conversion_server_conf,
                            memcached_conf, kumo_conf)
@@ -120,6 +121,11 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
+    if key_access is not None:
+      connection_dict['key_access'] = key_access
+    if self.options.get('fulltext_search', None) == 'sphinx':
+      sphinx_searchd = self.installSphinxSearchd(ip=self.getLocalIPv4Address())
+      connection_dict.update(**sphinx_searchd)
     return self.path_list
@@ -128,19 +134,82 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     zodb_dir = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'zodb')
-    zodb_root_path = os.path.join(zodb_dir, 'root.fs')
+    zodb_root_path = os.path.join(zodb_dir, 'main.fs')
     thread_amount_per_zope = int(self.options.get(
                                  'single_zope_thread_amount', 4))
+    zodb_cache_size = int(self.options.get('zodb_cache_size', 5000))
     return self.installZope(ip=self.getLocalIPv4Address(),
           port=12000 + 1, name='zope_%s' % 1,
-            dict(zodb_root_path=zodb_root_path)), with_timerservice=True,
+            dict(zodb_root_path=zodb_root_path,
+                 zodb_cache_size=zodb_cache_size)),
+            with_timerservice=True,
-  def installZopeCluster(self):
+  def installKeyAuthorisationApache(self, ipv6, port, backend, key, certificate,
+      ca_conf, key_auth_path='/'):
+    if ipv6:
+      ip = self.getGlobalIPv6Address()
+    else:
+      ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
+    ssl_template = """SSLEngine on
+SSLVerifyClient require
+RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER %%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN}s
+SSLCertificateFile %(key_auth_certificate)s
+SSLCertificateKeyFile %(key_auth_key)s
+SSLCACertificateFile %(ca_certificate)s
+SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
+    apache_conf = self._getApacheConfigurationDict('key_auth_apache', ip, port)
+    apache_conf['ssl_snippet'] = ssl_template % dict(
+        key_auth_certificate=certificate,
+        key_auth_key=key,
+        ca_certificate=ca_conf['ca_certificate'],
+        ca_crl=ca_conf['ca_crl']
+        )
+    prefix = 'ssl_key_auth_apache'
+    rewrite_rule_template = \
+      "RewriteRule (.*) http://%(backend)s%(key_auth_path)s$1 [L,P]"
+    path_template = pkg_resources.resource_string('slapos.recipe.erp5',
+      'template/apache.zope.conf.path.in')
+    path = path_template % dict(path='/')
+    d = dict(
+          path=path,
+          backend=backend,
+          backend_path='/',
+          port=apache_conf['port'],
+          vhname=path.replace('/', ''),
+          key_auth_path=key_auth_path,
+    )
+    rewrite_rule = rewrite_rule_template % d
+    apache_conf.update(**dict(
+      path_enable=path,
+      rewrite_rule=rewrite_rule
+    ))
+    apache_config_file = self.createConfigurationFile(prefix + '.conf',
+        pkg_resources.resource_string('slapos.recipe.erp5',
+          'template/apache.zope.conf.in') % apache_conf)
+    self.path_list.append(apache_config_file)
+    self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([(
+      'key_auth_apache',
+        'slapos.recipe.erp5.apache', 'runApache')], self.ws,
+          sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
+            dict(
+              required_path_list=[certificate, key, ca_conf['ca_certificate'],
+                ca_conf['ca_crl']],
+              binary=self.options['httpd_binary'],
+              config=apache_config_file
+            )
+          ]))
+    if ipv6:
+      return 'https://[%(ip)s:%(port)s]' % apache_conf
+    else:
+      return 'https://%(ip)s:%(port)s' % apache_conf
+  def installZopeCluster(self, ca_conf=None):
     """ Install ERP5 using ZEO Cluster
     site_check_path = '/%s/getId' % self.site_id
@@ -153,6 +222,9 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     user_node_amount = int(self.options.get(
                    "cluster_user_node_amount", 2))
+    key_auth_node_amount = int(self.options.get(
+                   "key_auth_node_amount", 0))
     ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
     storage_dict = self._requestZeoFileStorage('Zeo Server 1', 'main')
@@ -161,6 +233,8 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     # XXX How to define good values for this?
     mount_point = '/'
+    zodb_cache_size = 5000
+    zeo_client_cache_size = '20MB'
     check_path = '/erp5/account_module'
     known_tid_storage_identifier_dict = {}
@@ -172,7 +246,8 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
         self.getTemplateFilename('zope-zeo-snippet.conf.in'), dict(
         address='%s:%s' % (storage_dict['ip'], storage_dict['port']),
-        mount_point=mount_point
+        mount_point=mount_point, zodb_cache_size=zodb_cache_size,
+        zeo_client_cache_size=zeo_client_cache_size
     zope_port = 12000
@@ -203,11 +278,28 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     login_haproxy = self.installHaproxy(ip, 15001, 'login',
                                site_check_path, login_url_list)
+    key_access = None
+    if key_auth_node_amount > 0:
+      service_url_list = []
+      for i in range(key_auth_node_amount):
+        zope_port += 1
+        service_url_list.append(self.installZope(ip, zope_port,
+          'zope_service_%s' % i, with_timerservice=False,
+          zodb_configuration_string=zodb_configuration_string,
+          tidstorage_config=tidstorage_config))
+      service_haproxy = self.installHaproxy(ip, 15000, 'service',
+          site_check_path, service_url_list)
+      key_auth_key, key_auth_certificate = self.requestCertificate(
+          'Key Based Access')
+      key_access = self.installKeyAuthorisationApache(True, 15500,
+          service_haproxy, key_auth_key, key_auth_certificate, ca_conf)
             known_tid_storage_identifier_dict, 'http://' + login_haproxy)
-    return login_url_list[-1], login_haproxy
+    return login_url_list[-1], login_haproxy, key_access
   def _requestZeoFileStorage(self, server_name, storage_name):
     """Local, slap.request compatible, call to ask for filestorage on Zeo
@@ -342,6 +434,27 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
+  def installSphinxSearchd(self, ip, port=9312, sql_port=9306):
+    data_directory = self.createDataDirectory('sphinx')
+    sphinx_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile('sphinx.conf',
+      self.substituteTemplate(self.getTemplateFilename('sphinx.conf.in'), dict(
+          ip_address=ip,
+          port=port,
+          sql_port=sql_port,
+          data_directory=data_directory,
+          log_directory=self.log_directory,
+          )))
+    self.path_list.append(sphinx_conf_path)
+    wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('sphinx_searchd',
+     'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')], self.ws, sys.executable,
+      self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
+        self.options['sphinx_searchd_binary'].strip(), '-c', sphinx_conf_path, '--nodetach']
+      )[0]
+    self.path_list.append(wrapper)
+    return dict(sphinx_searchd_ip=ip,
+                sphinx_searchd_port=port,
+                sphinx_searchd_sql_port=sql_port)
   def installTestRunner(self, ca_conf, mysql_conf, conversion_server_conf,
                         memcached_conf, kumo_conf):
     """Installs bin/runUnitTest executable to run all tests using
@@ -546,14 +659,24 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
   def installHaproxy(self, ip, port, name, server_check_path, url_list):
-    server_template = """  server %(name)s %(address)s cookie %(name)s check inter 20s rise 2 fall 4"""
+    # inter must be quite short in order to detect quickly an unresponsive node
+    #      and to detect quickly a node which is back
+    # rise must be minimal possible : 1, indeed, a node which is back don't need
+    #      to sleep more time and we can give him work immediately
+    # fall should be quite sort. with inter at 3, and fall at 2, a node will be
+    #      considered as dead after 6 seconds.
+    # maxconn should be set as the maximum thread we have per zope, like this
+    #      haproxy will manage the queue of request with the possibility to
+    #      move a request to another node if the initially selected one is dead
+    server_template = """  server %(name)s %(address)s cookie %(name)s check inter 3s rise 1 fall 2 maxconn %(cluster_zope_thread_amount)s"""
     config = dict(name=name, ip=ip, port=port,
     i = 1
     server_list = []
+    cluster_zope_thread_amount = self.options.get('cluster_zope_thread_amount', 1)
     for url in url_list:
       server_list.append(server_template % dict(name='%s_%s' % (name, i),
-        address=url))
+        address=url, cluster_zope_thread_amount=cluster_zope_thread_amount))
       i += 1
     config['server_text'] = '\n'.join(server_list)
     haproxy_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile('haproxy_%s.cfg' % name,
@@ -640,10 +763,14 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     return user, password
   def installERP5Site(self, user, password, zope_access, mysql_conf,
-          conversion_server_conf=None, memcached_conf=None, kumo_conf=None,
-          erp5_site_id='erp5', default_bt5_list=[]):
-    """ Create a script controlled by supervisor, which creates a erp5
-    site on current available zope and mysql environment"""
+                      conversion_server_conf=None, memcached_conf=None,
+                      kumo_conf=None,
+                      erp5_site_id='erp5', default_bt5_list=[], ca_conf={},
+                      supervisor_controlled=True):
+    """
+    Create  a script  to  automatically set  up  an erp5  site (controlled  by
+    supervisor by default) on available zope and mysql environments.
+    """
     conversion_server = None
     if conversion_server_conf is not None:
       conversion_server = "%s:%s" % (conversion_server_conf['conversion_server_ip'],
@@ -660,9 +787,12 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     bt5_repository_list = self.parameter_dict.get("bt5_repository_list", "").split() \
       or getattr(self, 'bt5_repository_list', [])
-    self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('erp5_update',
+    erp5_update_directory = supervisor_controlled and self.wrapper_directory or \
+        self.bin_directory
+    script = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('erp5_update',
             __name__ + '.erp5', 'updateERP5')], self.ws,
-                  sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory,
+                  sys.executable, erp5_update_directory,
                              [user, password, zope_access],
@@ -670,7 +800,12 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
-                             bt5_repository_list]))
+                             bt5_repository_list,
+                             ca_conf.get('certificate_authority_path'),
+                             self.options.get('openssl_binary')])
+    self.path_list.extend(script)
     return []
   def installZeo(self, ip):
@@ -713,6 +848,26 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     return zeo_configuration_dict
+  def installRepozo(self, zodb_root_path):
+    """
+    Add only repozo to cron (e.g. without tidstorage) allowing full
+    and incremental backups.
+    """
+    backup_path = self.createBackupDirectory('zodb')
+    repozo_cron_path = os.path.join(self.cron_d, 'repozo')
+    repozo_cron_file = open(repozo_cron_path, 'w')
+    try:
+      repozo_cron_file.write('''
+0 0 * * 0 %(repozo_binary)s --backup --full --file="%(zodb_root_path)s" --repository="%(backup_path)s"
+0 * * * * %(repozo_binary)s --backup --file="%(zodb_root_path)s" --repository="%(backup_path)s"
+''' % dict(repozo_binary=self.options['repozo_binary'],
+           zodb_root_path=zodb_root_path,
+           backup_path=backup_path))
+    finally:
+      repozo_cron_file.close()
+    self.path_list.append(repozo_cron_path)
   def installTidStorage(self, ip, port, known_tid_storage_identifier_dict,
     """Install TidStorage with all required backup tools
@@ -825,10 +980,6 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
                              self.erp5_directory, 'Products'))
     zope_config['products'] = '\n'.join(prefixed_products)
     zope_config['address'] = '%s:%s' % (ip, port)
-    zope_environment_list = []
-    for envk, envv in zope_environment.iteritems():
-      zope_environment_list.append('%s %s' % (envk, envv))
-    zope_config['environment'] = "\n".join(zope_environment_list)
     zope_wrapper_template_location = self.getTemplateFilename('zope.conf.in')
     zope_conf_content = self.substituteTemplate(
@@ -851,10 +1002,11 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     # Create init script
     wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([(name,
-     'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')], self.ws, sys.executable,
+     'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'executee')], self.ws, sys.executable,
       self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
-        self.options['runzope_binary'].strip(), '-C', zope_conf_path]
-      )[0]
+        [self.options['runzope_binary'].strip(), '-C', zope_conf_path],
+        zope_environment
+      ])[0]
     return zope_config['address']
@@ -915,9 +1067,6 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
         'template/apache.ssl-snippet.conf.in') % dict(
         login_certificate=certificate, login_key=key)
-    rewrite_rule_template = \
-        "RewriteRule ^%(path)s($|/.*) %(backend_url)s/VirtualHostBase/https/%(server_name)s:%(port)s%(backend_path)s/VirtualHostRoot/_vh_%(vhname)s$1 [L,P]\n"
     path = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__,
            'template/apache.zope.conf.path-protected.in') % \
               dict(path='/', access_control_string='none')
@@ -931,14 +1080,24 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
       path += path_template % dict(path=frontend_path,
-    d = dict(
+    rewrite_rule_template = \
+        "RewriteRule ^%(path)s($|/.*) %(backend_url)s/VirtualHostBase/https/%(server_name)s:%(port)s%(backend_path)s/VirtualHostRoot/%(vhname)s$1 [L,P]\n"
+    if frontend_path not in ["", None, "/"]:
+      vhname = "_vh_%s" % frontend_path.replace('/', '')
+    else:
+      vhname = ""
+      frontend_path = ""
+    rewrite_rule = rewrite_rule_template % dict(
-          vhname=frontend_path.replace('/', ''),
+          vhname=vhname,
-    rewrite_rule = rewrite_rule_template % d
@@ -987,7 +1146,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
   def installMysqlServer(self, ip, port, database='erp5', user='user',
       test_database='test_erp5', test_user='test_user', template_filename=None,
       parallel_test_database_amount=100, mysql_conf=None, with_backup=True,
-      with_maatkit=True):
+      with_percona_toolkit=True):
     if mysql_conf is None:
       mysql_conf = {}
     backup_directory = self.createBackupDirectory('mysql')
@@ -1096,29 +1255,46 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
       open(mysql_backup_cron, 'w').write('0 0 * * * ' + backup_controller)
-    if with_maatkit:
+    if with_percona_toolkit:
       # maatkit installation
-      for mk_script_name in (
-          'mk-variable-advisor',
-          'mk-table-usage',
-          'mk-visual-explain',
-          'mk-config-diff',
-          'mk-deadlock-logger',
-          'mk-error-log',
-          'mk-index-usage',
-          'mk-query-advisor',
+      for pt_script_name in (
+          'pt-archiver',
+          'pt-config-diff',
+          'pt-deadlock-logger',
+          'pt-duplicate-key-checker',
+          'pt-fifo-split',
+          'pt-find',
+          'pt-fk-error-logger',
+          'pt-heartbeat',
+          'pt-index-usage',
+          'pt-kill',
+          'pt-log-player',
+          'pt-online-schema-change',
+          'pt-query-advisor',
+          'pt-query-digest',
+          'pt-show-grants',
+          'pt-slave-delay',
+          'pt-slave-find',
+          'pt-slave-restart',
+          'pt-table-checksum',
+          'pt-table-sync',
+          'pt-tcp-model',
+          'pt-trend',
+          'pt-upgrade',
+          'pt-variable-advisor',
+          'pt-visual-explain',
-        mk_argument_list = [self.options['perl_binary'],
-            self.options['%s_binary' % mk_script_name],
+        pt_argument_list = [self.options['perl_binary'],
+            self.options['%s_binary' % pt_script_name],
             '--defaults-file=%s' % mysql_conf_path,
             '--socket=%s' %mysql_conf['socket'].strip(), '--user=root',
         environment = dict(PATH='%s' % self.bin_directory)
-        mk_exe = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([(
-          mk_script_name,'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'executee')],
+        pt_exe = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([(
+          pt_script_name,'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'executee')],
           self.ws, sys.executable, self.bin_directory, arguments=[
-            mk_argument_list, environment])[0]
-        self.path_list.append(mk_exe)
+            pt_argument_list, environment])[0]
+        self.path_list.append(pt_exe)
     # The return could be more explicit database, user ...
     return mysql_conf
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/erp5/erp5.py b/slapos/recipe/erp5/erp5.py
index bf99ad1150549a9c3ec602d00248b0b71c84d572..c5cadbade50f191ca6927d6aac0dc06a199976f8 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/erp5/erp5.py
+++ b/slapos/recipe/erp5/erp5.py
@@ -37,12 +37,14 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
   erp5_catalog_storage = "erp5_mysql_innodb_catalog"
   header_dict = {}
-  sleeping_time = 120
+  sleeping_time = 300
+  short_sleeping_time = 60
   def __init__(self, user, password, host,
       site_id, mysql_url, memcached_address,
       conversion_server_address, persistent_cache_address,
-      bt5_list, bt5_repository_list):
+      bt5_list, bt5_repository_list, certificate_authority_path,
+      openssl_binary):
     authentication_string = '%s:%s' % (user, password)
     base64string = base64.encodestring(authentication_string).strip()
@@ -54,13 +56,17 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
     self.business_template_repository_list = bt5_repository_list
     self.business_template_list = bt5_list
     self.memcached_address = memcached_address
-    self.persintent_cached_address = persistent_cache_address
+    self.persistent_cached_address = persistent_cache_address
     self.mysql_url = mysql_url
     host, port = conversion_server_address.split(":")
     self.conversion_server_address = host
     self.conversion_server_port = int(port)
+    # Certificate Authority Tool configuration
+    self.certificate_authority_path = certificate_authority_path
+    self.openssl_binary = openssl_binary
   def log(self, level, message):
     date = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")
     print "%s - %s : %s" % (date, level, message)
@@ -147,34 +153,25 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
     return [i for i in self.business_template_repository_list
                     if i not in found_list]
-  def getMissingBusinessTemplateList(self):
-    bt5_dict = self.getSystemSignatureDict("business_template_dict", [])
-    found_bt5_list = bt5_dict.keys()
-    return [bt for bt in self.business_template_list\
-                          if bt not in found_bt5_list]
-  def isBusinessTemplateUpdated(self):
-    return len(self.getMissingBusinessTemplateList()) == 0
-  def isBusinessTemplateRepositoryUpdated(self):
-    return len(self.getMissingBusinessTemplateRepositoryList()) == 0
+  def getMissingBusinessTemplateSet(self):
+    found_dict = self.getSystemSignatureDict("business_template_dict", {})
+    return set(self.business_template_list).difference(found_dict)
   def updateBusinessTemplateList(self):
     """ Update Business Template Configuration, including the repositories
-    if not self.isBusinessTemplateUpdated():
-      # Before update the business templates, it is required to make
-      # sure the repositories are updated.
-      if not self.isBusinessTemplateRepositoryUpdated():
-        # Require to update Business template Repository
-        repository_list = self.getSystemSignatureDict(
-           "business_template_repository_list", [])
-        repository_list.extend(self.getMissingBusinessTemplateRepositoryList())
-        self._setRepositoryList(repository_list)
+    missing_business_template_set = self.getMissingBusinessTemplateSet()
+    if missing_business_template_set:
+      # Before updating  the business templates,  it is required to  make sure
+      # the  repositories are  updated,  thus  update them  even  if they  are
+      # already present because there may be new business templates...
+      repository_list = self.getSystemSignatureDict(
+        "business_template_repository_list", [])
+      repository_list.extend(self.getMissingBusinessTemplateRepositoryList())
+      self._setRepositoryList(repository_list)
       # Require to update Business template
-      for bt in self.getMissingBusinessTemplateList():
-        self._installBusinessTemplateList([bt])
+      self._installBusinessTemplateList(list(missing_business_template_set))
       return True
     return False
@@ -186,18 +183,20 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
   def _installBusinessTemplateList(self, name_list, update_catalog=False):
     """ Install a Business Template on Remote ERP5 setup """
-    set_path = "/%s/portal_templates/installBusinessTemplatesFromRepositories" % self.site_id
+    set_path = "/%s/portal_templates/installBusinessTemplateListFromRepository" % self.site_id
     self.POST(set_path, {"template_list": name_list,
                          "only_newer": 1,
-                         "update_catalog": int(update_catalog)})
+                         "update_catalog": int(update_catalog),
+                         "activate": 1,
+                         "install_dependency": 1})
-  def _createActiveSystemPreference(self):
+  def _createActiveSystemPreference(self, edit_kw={}):
     """ Assert that at least one enabled System Preference is present on
         the erp5 instance.
     self.log("INFO", "Try to create New System Preference into ERP5!")
     path = "/%s/portal_preferences/createActiveSystemPreference" % self.site_id
-    status, data = self.POST(path, {})
+    status, data = self.POST(path, edit_kw)
     if status != 200:
       self.log("ERROR", "Unable to create System Preference, an error ocurred %s." % data)
@@ -217,18 +216,62 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
     if None in [host_key, port_key]:
       self.log("ERROR", "Unable to find the Active System Preference to Update!")
-      self._createActiveSystemPreference()
+      self._createActiveSystemPreference(
+          {"preferred_ooodoc_server_address" : self.conversion_server_address,
+           "preferred_ooodoc_server_port_number": self.conversion_server_port })
       return True
     is_updated = self._assertAndUpdateDocument(host_key, self.conversion_server_address,
-    is_updated = is_updated or self._assertAndUpdateDocument(port_key,
+    is_updated = self._assertAndUpdateDocument(port_key,
-         "setPreferredOoodocServerPortNumber")
+         "setPreferredOoodocServerPortNumber") or is_updated
     return is_updated
+  def updateCertificateAuthority(self):
+    """ Update the certificate authority only if is not configured yet """
+    if self.isCertificateAuthorityAvailable():
+      if self.isCertificateAuthorityConfigured():
+        return True
+      path = "/%s/portal_certificate_authority/" \
+             "manage_editCertificateAuthorityTool" % self.site_id
+      self.POST(path, {"certificate_authority_path": self.certificate_authority_path,
+                       "openssl_binary": self.openssl_binary})
+  def isCertificateAuthorityAvailable(self):
+    """ Check if certificate Authority is available. """
+    external_connection_dict = self.system_signature_dict[
+      'external_connection_dict']
+    if 'portal_certificate_authority/certificate_authority_path' in \
+      external_connection_dict:
+      return True
+    return False
+  def isCertificateAuthorityConfigured(self):
+    """ Check if certificate Authority is configured correctly. """
+    external_connection_dict = self.system_signature_dict[
+      'external_connection_dict']
+    if self.certificate_authority_path == external_connection_dict.get(
+          'portal_certificate_authority/certificate_authority_path') and \
+       self.openssl_binary == external_connection_dict.get(
+          'portal_certificate_authority/openssl_binary'):
+      return True
+    return False
+  def isCertificateAuthorityConfigured(self):
+    """ Check if certificate Authority is configured correctly. """
+    external_connection_dict = self.system_signature_dict[
+      'external_connection_dict']
+    if self.certificate_authority_path == external_connection_dict.get(
+          'portal_certificate_authority/certificate_authority_path') and \
+       self.openssl_binary == external_connection_dict.get(
+          'portal_certificate_authority/openssl_binary'):
+      return True
+    return False
   def updateMemcached(self):
     # Assert Memcached configuration
@@ -239,7 +282,7 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
     # Assert Persistent cache configuration (Kumofs)
-      self.persintent_cached_address,
+      self.persistent_cached_address,
   def _assertAndUpdateDocument(self, key, expected_value, update_method):
@@ -258,24 +301,9 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
       return True
     return False
-  def updateMysql(self):
-    """ This API is not implemented yet, because it is not needed to
-    update Mysql Connection on ERP5 Sites.
-    """
-    pass
-  def updatePortalActivities(self):
-    """ This API is not implemented yet, because it is not needed for
-        a single instance configuration. This method should define which
-        instances will handle activities, which one will distribute
-        activities
-    """
-    pass
   def updateERP5Site(self):
     if not self.isERP5Present():
-      url = '/manage_addProduct/ERP5/manage_addERP5Site'
-      self.POST(url, {
+      self.POST('/manage_addProduct/ERP5/manage_addERP5Site', {
           "id": self.site_id,
           "erp5_catalog_storage": self.erp5_catalog_storage,
           "erp5_sql_connection_string": self.mysql_url,
@@ -286,54 +314,30 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
   def _hasActivityPresent(self):
     activity_dict = self.getSystemSignatureDict("activity_dict")
     if activity_dict["total"] > 0:
+      self.log("DEBUG", "Waiting for activities on ERP5...")
       return True
+    return False
   def _hasFailureActivity(self):
     activity_dict = self.getSystemSignatureDict("activity_dict")
     if activity_dict["failure"] > 0:
+       self.log("ERROR", "Update progress found Failure activities" +\
+                         "and it will not be able to progress until" +\
+                         " activites issue be solved")
        return True
-  def _updatePreRequiredBusinessTemplateList(self):
-    """ Update only the first part of bt5."""
-    # This list contains the minimal set of bt5 required to install
-    # portal_introspections. Move portal_introspection to erp5_core
-    # can remove this set.
-    pre_required_business_template_list = [i for i in self.business_template_list\
-                if i.startswith("erp5_full_text") or i == "erp5_base"]
-    if len(self.business_template_repository_list) > 0 and \
-         len(pre_required_business_template_list):
-      pre_required_business_template_list.insert(0, "erp5_core_proxy_field_legacy")
-      self._setRepositoryList(self.business_template_repository_list)
-      time.sleep(30)
-      for bt in pre_required_business_template_list:
-        update_catalog = bt.endswith("_catalog")
-        self._installBusinessTemplateList([bt], update_catalog)
-    else:
-      self.log("ERROR", "Unable to install erp5_base, it is not on your " +\
-               "requested business templates list. Once it is installed " +\
-               "setup will continue")
+    return False
   def run(self):
     """ Keep running until kill"""
     while 1:
-      time.sleep(30)
+      time.sleep(self.short_sleeping_time)
       if not self.updateERP5Site():
-        if self.getSystemSignatureDict() is None:
-          self.log("INFO", "The erp5_base is not installed yet, trying to " +\
-                           "install it before continue.")
-          self._updatePreRequiredBusinessTemplateList()
-          time.sleep(60)
+        if self._hasFailureActivity():
+          time.sleep(self.sleeping_time)
         if self._hasActivityPresent():
-          self.log("DEBUG", "Waiting for activities on ERP5...")
-          if self._hasFailureActivity():
-            self.log("ERROR", "Update progress found " +\
-                     "Failure activities and it will not progress until " +\
-                     " activites issue be solved")
         if self.updateBusinessTemplateList():
@@ -341,11 +345,8 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
         if self.updateConversionServer():
-          # If update Conversion Server adds a bit more delay to continue
-          # To wait for activiies.
-          time.sleep(60)
+        self.updateCertificateAuthority()
 def updateERP5(argument_list):
@@ -356,6 +357,8 @@ def updateERP5(argument_list):
   conversion_server_address = argument_list[4]
   persistent_cache_provider = argument_list[5]
   bt5_list = argument_list[6]
+  certificate_authority_path = argument_list[8]
+  openssl_binary = argument_list[9]
   bt5_repository_list = []
   if len(argument_list) > 7:
@@ -374,6 +377,8 @@ def updateERP5(argument_list):
-    bt5_repository_list=bt5_repository_list)
+    bt5_repository_list=bt5_repository_list,
+    certificate_authority_path=certificate_authority_path,
+    openssl_binary=openssl_binary)
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/apache.ssl-snippet.conf.in b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/apache.ssl-snippet.conf.in
index 0dd6e653d59bd2e9e85f5fd29b140d96814cd8a0..f85a164cb87fee8995a4ee4bfe8f99a18906cc80 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/apache.ssl-snippet.conf.in
+++ b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/apache.ssl-snippet.conf.in
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ SSLCertificateKeyFile %(login_key)s
 SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
 SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
+SSLProxyEngine On
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/apache.zope.conf.in b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/apache.zope.conf.in
index 131040d535278991f7d2f71b68c90c7224bf3953..f24a5327b68651531f1f7e25832dfd36d85cded3 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/apache.zope.conf.in
+++ b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/apache.zope.conf.in
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ RequestHeader unset REMOTE_USER
 # Log configuration
 ErrorLog "%(error_log)s"
-LogFormat "%%h %%{REMOTE_USER}i %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b \"%%{Referer}i\" \"%%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
-LogFormat "%%h %%{REMOTE_USER}i %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b" common
-CustomLog "%(access_log)s" common
+# Default apache log format with request time in microsecond at the end
+LogFormat "%%h %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b \"%%{Referer}i\" \"%%{User-Agent}i\" %%D" combined
+CustomLog "%(access_log)s" combined
 # Directory protection
 <Directory />
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/haproxy.cfg.in b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/haproxy.cfg.in
index 4087c1a4eacdc46a4af9c374417471ed265a7062..aa8f8a865ecb58d166cfebcc911c681780651ae8 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/haproxy.cfg.in
+++ b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/haproxy.cfg.in
@@ -9,10 +9,25 @@ defaults
   retries 1
   option redispatch
   maxconn 2000
-  timeout server 3000s
-  timeout queue 5s
-  timeout connect 10s
-  timeout client 3600s
+  # it is useless to have timeout much bigger than the one of apache.
+  # By default apache use 300s, so we set slightly more in order to
+  # make sure that apache will first stop the connection.
+  timeout server 305s
+  # Stop waiting in queue for a zope to become available.
+  # If no zope can be reached after one minute, consider the request will
+  # never succeed.
+  timeout queue 60s
+  # The connection should be immediate on LAN,
+  # so we should not set more than 5 seconds, and it could be already too much
+  timeout connect 5s
+  # As requested in haproxy doc, make this "at least equal to timeout server".
+  timeout client 305s
+  # Use "option httpclose" to not preserve client & server persistent connections
+  # while handling every incoming request individually, dispatching them one after
+  # another to servers, in HTTP close mode. This is really needed when haproxy
+  # is configured with maxconn to 1, without this options browser are unable
+  # to render a page
+  option httpclose
 listen %(name)s %(ip)s:%(port)s
   cookie  SERVERID insert
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/initmysql.sql.in b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/initmysql.sql.in
index 93256efae53bda3e52a30142bb01cf7bbed66312..981ffbc65a0d3ee40c2f7f565899f0ce25fb5e53 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/initmysql.sql.in
+++ b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/initmysql.sql.in
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS %(mysql_database)s;
 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %(mysql_database)s.* TO %(mysql_user)s@'%%' IDENTIFIED BY '%(mysql_password)s';
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %(mysql_database)s.* TO %(mysql_user)s@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '%(mysql_password)s';
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/logrotate_entry.in b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/logrotate_entry.in
index bfa2abf0970af28f8cab98793db9b09db85d1847..14461dccf875d9ae57ef4728bc77525855a20041 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/logrotate_entry.in
+++ b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/logrotate_entry.in
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 %(file_list)s {
-  rotate 30
+  rotate 3650
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/sphinx.conf.in b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/sphinx.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..984c4b0b605b35009678dc07dfea2ac2f052934e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/sphinx.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+## index definition
+# realtime index
+# you can run INSERT, REPLACE, and DELETE on this index on the fly
+# using MySQL protocol (see 'listen' directive below)
+index erp5
+	# 'rt' index type must be specified to use RT index
+	type			= rt
+	# index files path and file name, without extension
+	# mandatory, path must be writable, extensions will be auto-appended
+	path			= %(data_directory)s/erp5
+	# RAM chunk size limit
+	# RT index will keep at most this much data in RAM, then flush to disk
+	# optional, default is 32M
+	#
+	# rt_mem_limit		= 512M
+	# full-text field declaration
+	# multi-value, mandatory
+	rt_field		= SearchableText
+	# unsigned integer attribute declaration
+	# multi-value (an arbitrary number of attributes is allowed), optional
+	# declares an unsigned 32-bit attribute
+	rt_attr_uint		= uid
+	# RT indexes currently support the following attribute types:
+	# uint, bigint, float, timestamp, string
+	#
+	# rt_attr_bigint		= guid
+	# rt_attr_float		= gpa
+	# rt_attr_timestamp	= ts_added
+	# rt_attr_string		= author
+	# document attribute values (docinfo) storage mode
+	# optional, default is 'extern'
+	# known values are 'none', 'extern' and 'inline'
+	# docinfo			= extern
+	# memory locking for cached data (.spa and .spi), to prevent swapping
+	# optional, default is 0 (do not mlock)
+	# requires searchd to be run from root
+	# mlock			= 0
+	# a list of morphology preprocessors to apply
+	# optional, default is empty
+	#
+	# builtin preprocessors are 'none', 'stem_en', 'stem_ru', 'stem_enru',
+	# 'soundex', and 'metaphone'; additional preprocessors available from
+	# libstemmer are 'libstemmer_XXX', where XXX is algorithm code
+	# (see libstemmer_c/libstemmer/modules.txt)
+	#
+	# morphology		= stem_en, stem_ru, soundex
+	# morphology		= libstemmer_german
+	# morphology		= libstemmer_sv
+	morphology		= stem_en
+	# minimum word length at which to enable stemming
+	# optional, default is 1 (stem everything)
+	#
+	# min_stemming_len	= 1
+	# stopword files list (space separated)
+	# optional, default is empty
+	# contents are plain text, charset_table and stemming are both applied
+	#
+	# stopwords		= %(data_directory)s/erp5/stopwords.txt
+	# wordforms file, in "mapfrom > mapto" plain text format
+	# optional, default is empty
+	#
+	# wordforms		= %(data_directory)s/erp5/wordforms.txt
+	# tokenizing exceptions file
+	# optional, default is empty
+	#
+	# plain text, case sensitive, space insensitive in map-from part
+	# one "Map Several Words => ToASingleOne" entry per line
+	#
+	# exceptions		= %(data_directory)s/erp5/exceptions.txt
+	# minimum indexed word length
+	# default is 1 (index everything)
+	min_word_len		= 1
+	# charset encoding type
+	# optional, default is 'sbcs'
+	# known types are 'sbcs' (Single Byte CharSet) and 'utf-8'
+	charset_type		= utf-8
+	# charset definition and case folding rules "table"
+	# optional, default value depends on charset_type
+	#
+	# defaults are configured to include English and Russian characters only
+	# you need to change the table to include additional ones
+	# this behavior MAY change in future versions
+	#
+	# 'sbcs' default value is
+	# charset_table		= 0..9, A..Z->a..z, _, a..z, U+A8->U+B8, U+B8, U+C0..U+DF->U+E0..U+FF, U+E0..U+FF
+	#
+	# 'utf-8' default value is
+	# charset_table		= 0..9, A..Z->a..z, _, a..z, U+410..U+42F->U+430..U+44F, U+430..U+44F
+	charset_table		= \
+		U+00C0->a, U+00C1->a, U+00C2->a, U+00C3->a, U+00C4->a, U+00C5->a, U+00E0->a, U+00E1->a, U+00E2->a, U+00E3->a, U+00E4->a, U+00E5->a, U+0100->a, U+0101->a, U+0102->a, U+0103->a, U+010300->a, U+0104->a, U+0105->a, U+01CD->a, U+01CE->a, U+01DE->a, U+01DF->a,  \
+		U+01E0->a, U+01E1->a, U+01FA->a, U+01FB->a, U+0200->a, U+0201->a, U+0202->a, U+0203->a, U+0226->a, U+0227->a, U+023A->a, U+0250->a, U+04D0->a, U+04D1->a, U+1D2C->a, U+1D43->a, U+1D44->a, U+1D8F->a, U+1E00->a, U+1E01->a, U+1E9A->a, U+1EA0->a, U+1EA1->a,  \
+		U+1EA2->a, U+1EA3->a, U+1EA4->a, U+1EA5->a, U+1EA6->a, U+1EA7->a, U+1EA8->a, U+1EA9->a, U+1EAA->a, U+1EAB->a, U+1EAC->a, U+1EAD->a, U+1EAE->a, U+1EAF->a, U+1EB0->a, U+1EB1->a, U+1EB2->a, U+1EB3->a, U+1EB4->a, U+1EB5->a, U+1EB6->a, U+1EB7->a, U+2090->a,  \
+		U+2C65->a, U+0180->b, U+0181->b, U+0182->b, U+0183->b, U+0243->b, U+0253->b, U+0299->b, U+16D2->b, U+1D03->b, U+1D2E->b, U+1D2F->b, U+1D47->b, U+1D6C->b, U+1D80->b, U+1E02->b, U+1E03->b, U+1E04->b, U+1E05->b, U+1E06->b, U+1E07->b, U+00C7->c, U+00E7->c,  \
+		U+0106->c, U+0107->c, U+0108->c, U+0109->c, U+010A->c, U+010B->c, U+010C->c, U+010D->c, U+0187->c, U+0188->c, U+023B->c, U+023C->c, U+0255->c, U+0297->c, U+1D9C->c, U+1D9D->c, U+1E08->c, U+1E09->c, U+212D->c, U+2184->c, U+010E->d, U+010F->d, U+0110->d,  \
+		U+0111->d, U+0189->d, U+018A->d, U+018B->d, U+018C->d, U+01C5->d, U+01F2->d, U+0221->d, U+0256->d, U+0257->d, U+1D05->d, U+1D30->d, U+1D48->d, U+1D6D->d, U+1D81->d, U+1D91->d, U+1E0A->d, U+1E0B->d, U+1E0C->d, U+1E0D->d, U+1E0E->d, U+1E0F->d, U+1E10->d,  \
+		U+1E11->d, U+1E12->d, U+1E13->d, U+00C8->e, U+00C9->e, U+00CA->e, U+00CB->e, U+00E8->e, U+00E9->e, U+00EA->e, U+00EB->e, U+0112->e, U+0113->e, U+0114->e, U+0115->e, U+0116->e, U+0117->e, U+0118->e, U+0119->e, U+011A->e, U+011B->e, U+018E->e, U+0190->e,  \
+		U+01DD->e, U+0204->e, U+0205->e, U+0206->e, U+0207->e, U+0228->e, U+0229->e, U+0246->e, U+0247->e, U+0258->e, U+025B->e, U+025C->e, U+025D->e, U+025E->e, U+029A->e, U+1D07->e, U+1D08->e, U+1D31->e, U+1D32->e, U+1D49->e, U+1D4B->e, U+1D4C->e, U+1D92->e,  \
+		U+1D93->e, U+1D94->e, U+1D9F->e, U+1E14->e, U+1E15->e, U+1E16->e, U+1E17->e, U+1E18->e, U+1E19->e, U+1E1A->e, U+1E1B->e, U+1E1C->e, U+1E1D->e, U+1EB8->e, U+1EB9->e, U+1EBA->e, U+1EBB->e, U+1EBC->e, U+1EBD->e, U+1EBE->e, U+1EBF->e, U+1EC0->e, U+1EC1->e,  \
+		U+1EC2->e, U+1EC3->e, U+1EC4->e, U+1EC5->e, U+1EC6->e, U+1EC7->e, U+2091->e, U+0191->f, U+0192->f, U+1D6E->f, U+1D82->f, U+1DA0->f, U+1E1E->f, U+1E1F->f, U+011C->g, U+011D->g, U+011E->g, U+011F->g, U+0120->g, U+0121->g, U+0122->g, U+0123->g, U+0193->g,  \
+		U+01E4->g, U+01E5->g, U+01E6->g, U+01E7->g, U+01F4->g, U+01F5->g, U+0260->g, U+0261->g, U+0262->g, U+029B->g, U+1D33->g, U+1D4D->g, U+1D77->g, U+1D79->g, U+1D83->g, U+1DA2->g, U+1E20->g, U+1E21->g, U+0124->h, U+0125->h, U+0126->h, U+0127->h, U+021E->h,  \
+		U+021F->h, U+0265->h, U+0266->h, U+029C->h, U+02AE->h, U+02AF->h, U+02B0->h, U+02B1->h, U+1D34->h, U+1DA3->h, U+1E22->h, U+1E23->h, U+1E24->h, U+1E25->h, U+1E26->h, U+1E27->h, U+1E28->h, U+1E29->h, U+1E2A->h, U+1E2B->h, U+1E96->h, U+210C->h, U+2C67->h,  \
+		U+2C68->h, U+2C75->h, U+2C76->h, U+00CC->i, U+00CD->i, U+00CE->i, U+00CF->i, U+00EC->i, U+00ED->i, U+00EE->i, U+00EF->i, U+010309->i, U+0128->i, U+0129->i, U+012A->i, U+012B->i, U+012C->i, U+012D->i, U+012E->i, U+012F->i, U+0130->i, U+0131->i, U+0197->i,  \
+		U+01CF->i, U+01D0->i, U+0208->i, U+0209->i, U+020A->i, U+020B->i, U+0268->i, U+026A->i, U+040D->i, U+0418->i, U+0419->i, U+0438->i, U+0439->i, U+0456->i, U+1D09->i, U+1D35->i, U+1D4E->i, U+1D62->i, U+1D7B->i, U+1D96->i, U+1DA4->i, U+1DA6->i, U+1DA7->i,  \
+		U+1E2C->i, U+1E2D->i, U+1E2E->i, U+1E2F->i, U+1EC8->i, U+1EC9->i, U+1ECA->i, U+1ECB->i, U+2071->i, U+2111->i, U+0134->j, U+0135->j, U+01C8->j, U+01CB->j, U+01F0->j, U+0237->j, U+0248->j, U+0249->j, U+025F->j, U+0284->j, U+029D->j, U+02B2->j, U+1D0A->j,  \
+		U+1D36->j, U+1DA1->j, U+1DA8->j, U+0136->k, U+0137->k, U+0198->k, U+0199->k, U+01E8->k, U+01E9->k, U+029E->k, U+1D0B->k, U+1D37->k, U+1D4F->k, U+1D84->k, U+1E30->k, U+1E31->k, U+1E32->k, U+1E33->k, U+1E34->k, U+1E35->k, U+2C69->k, U+2C6A->k, U+0139->l,  \
+		U+013A->l, U+013B->l, U+013C->l, U+013D->l, U+013E->l, U+013F->l, U+0140->l, U+0141->l, U+0142->l, U+019A->l, U+01C8->l, U+0234->l, U+023D->l, U+026B->l, U+026C->l, U+026D->l, U+029F->l, U+02E1->l, U+1D0C->l, U+1D38->l, U+1D85->l, U+1DA9->l, U+1DAA->l,  \
+		U+1DAB->l, U+1E36->l, U+1E37->l, U+1E38->l, U+1E39->l, U+1E3A->l, U+1E3B->l, U+1E3C->l, U+1E3D->l, U+2C60->l, U+2C61->l, U+2C62->l, U+019C->m, U+026F->m, U+0270->m, U+0271->m, U+1D0D->m, U+1D1F->m, U+1D39->m, U+1D50->m, U+1D5A->m, U+1D6F->m, U+1D86->m,  \
+		U+1DAC->m, U+1DAD->m, U+1E3E->m, U+1E3F->m, U+1E40->m, U+1E41->m, U+1E42->m, U+1E43->m, U+00D1->n, U+00F1->n, U+0143->n, U+0144->n, U+0145->n, U+0146->n, U+0147->n, U+0148->n, U+0149->n, U+019D->n, U+019E->n, U+01CB->n, U+01F8->n, U+01F9->n, U+0220->n,  \
+		U+0235->n, U+0272->n, U+0273->n, U+0274->n, U+1D0E->n, U+1D3A->n, U+1D3B->n, U+1D70->n, U+1D87->n, U+1DAE->n, U+1DAF->n, U+1DB0->n, U+1E44->n, U+1E45->n, U+1E46->n, U+1E47->n, U+1E48->n, U+1E49->n, U+1E4A->n, U+1E4B->n, U+207F->n, U+00D2->o, U+00D3->o,  \
+		U+00D4->o, U+00D5->o, U+00D6->o, U+00D8->o, U+00F2->o, U+00F3->o, U+00F4->o, U+00F5->o, U+00F6->o, U+00F8->o, U+01030F->o, U+014C->o, U+014D->o, U+014E->o, U+014F->o, U+0150->o, U+0151->o, U+0186->o, U+019F->o, U+01A0->o, U+01A1->o, U+01D1->o, U+01D2->o,  \
+		U+01EA->o, U+01EB->o, U+01EC->o, U+01ED->o, U+01FE->o, U+01FF->o, U+020C->o, U+020D->o, U+020E->o, U+020F->o, U+022A->o, U+022B->o, U+022C->o, U+022D->o, U+022E->o, U+022F->o, U+0230->o, U+0231->o, U+0254->o, U+0275->o, U+043E->o, U+04E6->o, U+04E7->o,  \
+		U+04E8->o, U+04E9->o, U+04EA->o, U+04EB->o, U+1D0F->o, U+1D10->o, U+1D11->o, U+1D12->o, U+1D13->o, U+1D16->o, U+1D17->o, U+1D3C->o, U+1D52->o, U+1D53->o, U+1D54->o, U+1D55->o, U+1D97->o, U+1DB1->o, U+1E4C->o, U+1E4D->o, U+1E4E->o, U+1E4F->o, U+1E50->o,  \
+		U+1E51->o, U+1E52->o, U+1E53->o, U+1ECC->o, U+1ECD->o, U+1ECE->o, U+1ECF->o, U+1ED0->o, U+1ED1->o, U+1ED2->o, U+1ED3->o, U+1ED4->o, U+1ED5->o, U+1ED6->o, U+1ED7->o, U+1ED8->o, U+1ED9->o, U+1EDA->o, U+1EDB->o, U+1EDC->o, U+1EDD->o, U+1EDE->o, U+1EDF->o,  \
+		U+1EE0->o, U+1EE1->o, U+1EE2->o, U+1EE3->o, U+2092->o, U+2C9E->o, U+2C9F->o, U+01A4->p, U+01A5->p, U+1D18->p, U+1D3E->p, U+1D56->p, U+1D71->p, U+1D7D->p, U+1D88->p, U+1E54->p, U+1E55->p, U+1E56->p, U+1E57->p, U+2C63->p, U+024A->q, U+024B->q, U+02A0->q,  \
+		U+0154->r, U+0155->r, U+0156->r, U+0157->r, U+0158->r, U+0159->r, U+0210->r, U+0211->r, U+0212->r, U+0213->r, U+024C->r, U+024D->r, U+0279->r, U+027A->r, U+027B->r, U+027C->r, U+027D->r, U+027E->r, U+027F->r, U+0280->r, U+0281->r, U+02B3->r, U+02B4->r,  \
+		U+02B5->r, U+02B6->r, U+1D19->r, U+1D1A->r, U+1D3F->r, U+1D63->r, U+1D72->r, U+1D73->r, U+1D89->r, U+1DCA->r, U+1E58->r, U+1E59->r, U+1E5A->r, U+1E5B->r, U+1E5C->r, U+1E5D->r, U+1E5E->r, U+1E5F->r, U+211C->r, U+2C64->r, U+00DF->s, U+015A->s, U+015B->s,  \
+		U+015C->s, U+015D->s, U+015E->s, U+015F->s, U+0160->s, U+0161->s, U+017F->s, U+0218->s, U+0219->s, U+023F->s, U+0282->s, U+02E2->s, U+1D74->s, U+1D8A->s, U+1DB3->s, U+1E60->s, U+1E61->s, U+1E62->s, U+1E63->s, U+1E64->s, U+1E65->s, U+1E66->s, U+1E67->s,  \
+		U+1E68->s, U+1E69->s, U+1E9B->s, U+0162->t, U+0163->t, U+0164->t, U+0165->t, U+0166->t, U+0167->t, U+01AB->t, U+01AC->t, U+01AD->t, U+01AE->t, U+021A->t, U+021B->t, U+0236->t, U+023E->t, U+0287->t, U+0288->t, U+1D1B->t, U+1D40->t, U+1D57->t, U+1D75->t,  \
+		U+1DB5->t, U+1E6A->t, U+1E6B->t, U+1E6C->t, U+1E6D->t, U+1E6E->t, U+1E6F->t, U+1E70->t, U+1E71->t, U+1E97->t, U+2C66->t, U+00D9->u, U+00DA->u, U+00DB->u, U+00DC->u, U+00F9->u, U+00FA->u, U+00FB->u, U+00FC->u, U+010316->u, U+0168->u, U+0169->u, U+016A->u,  \
+		U+016B->u, U+016C->u, U+016D->u, U+016E->u, U+016F->u, U+0170->u, U+0171->u, U+0172->u, U+0173->u, U+01AF->u, U+01B0->u, U+01D3->u, U+01D4->u, U+01D5->u, U+01D6->u, U+01D7->u, U+01D8->u, U+01D9->u, U+01DA->u, U+01DB->u, U+01DC->u, U+0214->u, U+0215->u,  \
+		U+0216->u, U+0217->u, U+0244->u, U+0289->u, U+1D1C->u, U+1D1D->u, U+1D1E->u, U+1D41->u, U+1D58->u, U+1D59->u, U+1D64->u, U+1D7E->u, U+1D99->u, U+1DB6->u, U+1DB8->u, U+1E72->u, U+1E73->u, U+1E74->u, U+1E75->u, U+1E76->u, U+1E77->u, U+1E78->u, U+1E79->u,  \
+		U+1E7A->u, U+1E7B->u, U+1EE4->u, U+1EE5->u, U+1EE6->u, U+1EE7->u, U+1EE8->u, U+1EE9->u, U+1EEA->u, U+1EEB->u, U+1EEC->u, U+1EED->u, U+1EEE->u, U+1EEF->u, U+1EF0->u, U+1EF1->u, U+01B2->v, U+0245->v, U+028B->v, U+028C->v, U+1D20->v, U+1D5B->v, U+1D65->v,  \
+		U+1D8C->v, U+1DB9->v, U+1DBA->v, U+1E7C->v, U+1E7D->v, U+1E7E->v, U+1E7F->v, U+2C74->v, U+0174->w, U+0175->w, U+028D->w, U+02B7->w, U+1D21->w, U+1D42->w, U+1E80->w, U+1E81->w, U+1E82->w, U+1E83->w, U+1E84->w, U+1E85->w, U+1E86->w, U+1E87->w, U+1E88->w,  \
+		U+1E89->w, U+1E98->w, U+02E3->x, U+1D8D->x, U+1E8A->x, U+1E8B->x, U+1E8C->x, U+1E8D->x, U+2093->x, U+00DD->y, U+00FD->y, U+00FF->y, U+0176->y, U+0177->y, U+0178->y, U+01B3->y, U+01B4->y, U+0232->y, U+0233->y, U+024E->y, U+024F->y, U+028E->y, U+028F->y,  \
+		U+02B8->y, U+1E8E->y, U+1E8F->y, U+1E99->y, U+1EF2->y, U+1EF3->y, U+1EF4->y, U+1EF5->y, U+1EF6->y, U+1EF7->y, U+1EF8->y, U+1EF9->y, U+0179->z, U+017A->z, U+017B->z, U+017C->z, U+017D->z, U+017E->z, U+01B5->z, U+01B6->z, U+0224->z, U+0225->z, U+0240->z,  \
+		U+0290->z, U+0291->z, U+1D22->z, U+1D76->z, U+1D8E->z, U+1DBB->z, U+1DBC->z, U+1DBD->z, U+1E90->z, U+1E91->z, U+1E92->z, U+1E93->z, U+1E94->z, U+1E95->z, U+2128->z, U+2C6B->z, U+2C6C->z, U+00C6->U+00E6, U+01E2->U+00E6, U+01E3->U+00E6, U+01FC->U+00E6,  \
+		U+01FD->U+00E6, U+1D01->U+00E6, U+1D02->U+00E6, U+1D2D->U+00E6, U+1D46->U+00E6, U+00E6, U+0622->U+0627, U+0623->U+0627, U+0624->U+0648, U+0625->U+0627, U+0626->U+064A, U+06C0->U+06D5, U+06C2->U+06C1, U+06D3->U+06D2, U+FB50->U+0671, U+FB51->U+0671, U+FB52->U+067B,  \
+		U+FB53->U+067B, U+FB54->U+067B, U+FB56->U+067E, U+FB57->U+067E, U+FB58->U+067E, U+FB5A->U+0680, U+FB5B->U+0680, U+FB5C->U+0680, U+FB5E->U+067A, U+FB5F->U+067A, U+FB60->U+067A, U+FB62->U+067F, U+FB63->U+067F, U+FB64->U+067F, U+FB66->U+0679, U+FB67->U+0679,  \
+		U+FB68->U+0679, U+FB6A->U+06A4, U+FB6B->U+06A4, U+FB6C->U+06A4, U+FB6E->U+06A6, U+FB6F->U+06A6, U+FB70->U+06A6, U+FB72->U+0684, U+FB73->U+0684, U+FB74->U+0684, U+FB76->U+0683, U+FB77->U+0683, U+FB78->U+0683, U+FB7A->U+0686, U+FB7B->U+0686, U+FB7C->U+0686,  \
+		U+FB7E->U+0687, U+FB7F->U+0687, U+FB80->U+0687, U+FB82->U+068D, U+FB83->U+068D, U+FB84->U+068C, U+FB85->U+068C, U+FB86->U+068E, U+FB87->U+068E, U+FB88->U+0688, U+FB89->U+0688, U+FB8A->U+0698, U+FB8B->U+0698, U+FB8C->U+0691, U+FB8D->U+0691, U+FB8E->U+06A9,  \
+		U+FB8F->U+06A9, U+FB90->U+06A9, U+FB92->U+06AF, U+FB93->U+06AF, U+FB94->U+06AF, U+FB96->U+06B3, U+FB97->U+06B3, U+FB98->U+06B3, U+FB9A->U+06B1, U+FB9B->U+06B1, U+FB9C->U+06B1, U+FB9E->U+06BA, U+FB9F->U+06BA, U+FBA0->U+06BB, U+FBA1->U+06BB, U+FBA2->U+06BB,  \
+		U+FBA4->U+06C0, U+FBA5->U+06C0, U+FBA6->U+06C1, U+FBA7->U+06C1, U+FBA8->U+06C1, U+FBAA->U+06BE, U+FBAB->U+06BE, U+FBAC->U+06BE, U+FBAE->U+06D2, U+FBAF->U+06D2, U+FBB0->U+06D3, U+FBB1->U+06D3, U+FBD3->U+06AD, U+FBD4->U+06AD, U+FBD5->U+06AD, U+FBD7->U+06C7,  \
+		U+FBD8->U+06C7, U+FBD9->U+06C6, U+FBDA->U+06C6, U+FBDB->U+06C8, U+FBDC->U+06C8, U+FBDD->U+0677, U+FBDE->U+06CB, U+FBDF->U+06CB, U+FBE0->U+06C5, U+FBE1->U+06C5, U+FBE2->U+06C9, U+FBE3->U+06C9, U+FBE4->U+06D0, U+FBE5->U+06D0, U+FBE6->U+06D0, U+FBE8->U+0649,  \
+		U+FBFC->U+06CC, U+FBFD->U+06CC, U+FBFE->U+06CC, U+0621, U+0627..U+063A, U+0641..U+064A, U+0660..U+0669, U+066E, U+066F, U+0671..U+06BF, U+06C1, U+06C3..U+06D2, U+06D5, U+06EE..U+06FC, U+06FF, U+0750..U+076D, U+FB55, U+FB59, U+FB5D, U+FB61, U+FB65, U+FB69,  \
+		U+FB6D, U+FB71, U+FB75, U+FB79, U+FB7D, U+FB81, U+FB91, U+FB95, U+FB99, U+FB9D, U+FBA3, U+FBA9, U+FBAD, U+FBD6, U+FBE7, U+FBE9, U+FBFF, U+0531..U+0556->U+0561..U+0586, U+0561..U+0586, U+0587, U+09DC->U+09A1, U+09DD->U+09A2, U+09DF->U+09AF, U+09F0->U+09AC,  \
+		U+09F1->U+09AC, U+0985..U+0990, U+0993..U+09B0, U+09B2, U+09B6..U+09B9, U+09CE, U+09E0, U+09E1, U+09E6..U+09EF, U+F900->U+8C48, U+F901->U+66F4, U+F902->U+8ECA, U+F903->U+8CC8, U+F904->U+6ED1, U+F905->U+4E32, U+F906->U+53E5, U+F907->U+9F9C, U+F908->U+9F9C,  \
+		U+F909->U+5951, U+F90A->U+91D1, U+F90B->U+5587, U+F90C->U+5948, U+F90D->U+61F6, U+F90E->U+7669, U+F90F->U+7F85, U+F910->U+863F, U+F911->U+87BA, U+F912->U+88F8, U+F913->U+908F, U+F914->U+6A02, U+F915->U+6D1B, U+F916->U+70D9, U+F917->U+73DE, U+F918->U+843D,  \
+		U+F919->U+916A, U+F91A->U+99F1, U+F91B->U+4E82, U+F91C->U+5375, U+F91D->U+6B04, U+F91E->U+721B, U+F91F->U+862D, U+F920->U+9E1E, U+F921->U+5D50, U+F922->U+6FEB, U+F923->U+85CD, U+F924->U+8964, U+F925->U+62C9, U+F926->U+81D8, U+F927->U+881F, U+F928->U+5ECA,  \
+		U+F929->U+6717, U+F92A->U+6D6A, U+F92B->U+72FC, U+F92C->U+90CE, U+F92D->U+4F86, U+F92E->U+51B7, U+F92F->U+52DE, U+F930->U+64C4, U+F931->U+6AD3, U+F932->U+7210, U+F933->U+76E7, U+F934->U+8001, U+F935->U+8606, U+F936->U+865C, U+F937->U+8DEF, U+F938->U+9732,  \
+		U+F939->U+9B6F, U+F93A->U+9DFA, U+F93B->U+788C, U+F93C->U+797F, U+F93D->U+7DA0, U+F93E->U+83C9, U+F93F->U+9304, U+F940->U+9E7F, U+F941->U+8AD6, U+F942->U+58DF, U+F943->U+5F04, U+F944->U+7C60, U+F945->U+807E, U+F946->U+7262, U+F947->U+78CA, U+F948->U+8CC2,  \
+		U+F949->U+96F7, U+F94A->U+58D8, U+F94B->U+5C62, U+F94C->U+6A13, U+F94D->U+6DDA, U+F94E->U+6F0F, U+F94F->U+7D2F, U+F950->U+7E37, U+F951->U+964B, U+F952->U+52D2, U+F953->U+808B, U+F954->U+51DC, U+F955->U+51CC, U+F956->U+7A1C, U+F957->U+7DBE, U+F958->U+83F1,  \
+		U+F959->U+9675, U+F95A->U+8B80, U+F95B->U+62CF, U+F95C->U+6A02, U+F95D->U+8AFE, U+F95E->U+4E39, U+F95F->U+5BE7, U+F960->U+6012, U+F961->U+7387, U+F962->U+7570, U+F963->U+5317, U+F964->U+78FB, U+F965->U+4FBF, U+F966->U+5FA9, U+F967->U+4E0D, U+F968->U+6CCC,  \
+		U+F969->U+6578, U+F96A->U+7D22, U+F96B->U+53C3, U+F96C->U+585E, U+F96D->U+7701, U+F96E->U+8449, U+F96F->U+8AAA, U+F970->U+6BBA, U+F971->U+8FB0, U+F972->U+6C88, U+F973->U+62FE, U+F974->U+82E5, U+F975->U+63A0, U+F976->U+7565, U+F977->U+4EAE, U+F978->U+5169,  \
+		U+F979->U+51C9, U+F97A->U+6881, U+F97B->U+7CE7, U+F97C->U+826F, U+F97D->U+8AD2, U+F97E->U+91CF, U+F97F->U+52F5, U+F980->U+5442, U+F981->U+5973, U+F982->U+5EEC, U+F983->U+65C5, U+F984->U+6FFE, U+F985->U+792A, U+F986->U+95AD, U+F987->U+9A6A, U+F988->U+9E97,  \
+		U+F989->U+9ECE, U+F98A->U+529B, U+F98B->U+66C6, U+F98C->U+6B77, U+F98D->U+8F62, U+F98E->U+5E74, U+F98F->U+6190, U+F990->U+6200, U+F991->U+649A, U+F992->U+6F23, U+F993->U+7149, U+F994->U+7489, U+F995->U+79CA, U+F996->U+7DF4, U+F997->U+806F, U+F998->U+8F26,  \
+		U+F999->U+84EE, U+F99A->U+9023, U+F99B->U+934A, U+F99C->U+5217, U+F99D->U+52A3, U+F99E->U+54BD, U+F99F->U+70C8, U+F9A0->U+88C2, U+F9A1->U+8AAA, U+F9A2->U+5EC9, U+F9A3->U+5FF5, U+F9A4->U+637B, U+F9A5->U+6BAE, U+F9A6->U+7C3E, U+F9A7->U+7375, U+F9A8->U+4EE4,  \
+		U+F9A9->U+56F9, U+F9AA->U+5BE7, U+F9AB->U+5DBA, U+F9AC->U+601C, U+F9AD->U+73B2, U+F9AE->U+7469, U+F9AF->U+7F9A, U+F9B0->U+8046, U+F9B1->U+9234, U+F9B2->U+96F6, U+F9B3->U+9748, U+F9B4->U+9818, U+F9B5->U+4F8B, U+F9B6->U+79AE, U+F9B7->U+91B4, U+F9B8->U+96B8,  \
+		U+F9B9->U+60E1, U+F9BA->U+4E86, U+F9BB->U+50DA, U+F9BC->U+5BEE, U+F9BD->U+5C3F, U+F9BE->U+6599, U+F9BF->U+6A02, U+F9C0->U+71CE, U+F9C1->U+7642, U+F9C2->U+84FC, U+F9C3->U+907C, U+F9C4->U+9F8D, U+F9C5->U+6688, U+F9C6->U+962E, U+F9C7->U+5289, U+F9C8->U+677B,  \
+		U+F9C9->U+67F3, U+F9CA->U+6D41, U+F9CB->U+6E9C, U+F9CC->U+7409, U+F9CD->U+7559, U+F9CE->U+786B, U+F9CF->U+7D10, U+F9D0->U+985E, U+F9D1->U+516D, U+F9D2->U+622E, U+F9D3->U+9678, U+F9D4->U+502B, U+F9D5->U+5D19, U+F9D6->U+6DEA, U+F9D7->U+8F2A, U+F9D8->U+5F8B,  \
+		U+F9D9->U+6144, U+F9DA->U+6817, U+F9DB->U+7387, U+F9DC->U+9686, U+F9DD->U+5229, U+F9DE->U+540F, U+F9DF->U+5C65, U+F9E0->U+6613, U+F9E1->U+674E, U+F9E2->U+68A8, U+F9E3->U+6CE5, U+F9E4->U+7406, U+F9E5->U+75E2, U+F9E6->U+7F79, U+F9E7->U+88CF, U+F9E8->U+88E1,  \
+		U+F9E9->U+91CC, U+F9EA->U+96E2, U+F9EB->U+533F, U+F9EC->U+6EBA, U+F9ED->U+541D, U+F9EE->U+71D0, U+F9EF->U+7498, U+F9F0->U+85FA, U+F9F1->U+96A3, U+F9F2->U+9C57, U+F9F3->U+9E9F, U+F9F4->U+6797, U+F9F5->U+6DCB, U+F9F6->U+81E8, U+F9F7->U+7ACB, U+F9F8->U+7B20,  \
+		U+F9F9->U+7C92, U+F9FA->U+72C0, U+F9FB->U+7099, U+F9FC->U+8B58, U+F9FD->U+4EC0, U+F9FE->U+8336, U+F9FF->U+523A, U+FA00->U+5207, U+FA01->U+5EA6, U+FA02->U+62D3, U+FA03->U+7CD6, U+FA04->U+5B85, U+FA05->U+6D1E, U+FA06->U+66B4, U+FA07->U+8F3B, U+FA08->U+884C,  \
+		U+FA09->U+964D, U+FA0A->U+898B, U+FA0B->U+5ED3, U+FA0C->U+5140, U+FA0D->U+55C0, U+FA10->U+585A, U+FA12->U+6674, U+FA15->U+51DE, U+FA16->U+732A, U+FA17->U+76CA, U+FA18->U+793C, U+FA19->U+795E, U+FA1A->U+7965, U+FA1B->U+798F, U+FA1C->U+9756, U+FA1D->U+7CBE,  \
+		U+FA1E->U+7FBD, U+FA20->U+8612, U+FA22->U+8AF8, U+FA25->U+9038, U+FA26->U+90FD, U+FA2A->U+98EF, U+FA2B->U+98FC, U+FA2C->U+9928, U+FA2D->U+9DB4, U+FA30->U+4FAE, U+FA31->U+50E7, U+FA32->U+514D, U+FA33->U+52C9, U+FA34->U+52E4, U+FA35->U+5351, U+FA36->U+559D,  \
+		U+FA37->U+5606, U+FA38->U+5668, U+FA39->U+5840, U+FA3A->U+58A8, U+FA3B->U+5C64, U+FA3C->U+5C6E, U+FA3D->U+6094, U+FA3E->U+6168, U+FA3F->U+618E, U+FA40->U+61F2, U+FA41->U+654F, U+FA42->U+65E2, U+FA43->U+6691, U+FA44->U+6885, U+FA45->U+6D77, U+FA46->U+6E1A,  \
+		U+FA47->U+6F22, U+FA48->U+716E, U+FA49->U+722B, U+FA4A->U+7422, U+FA4B->U+7891, U+FA4C->U+793E, U+FA4D->U+7949, U+FA4E->U+7948, U+FA4F->U+7950, U+FA50->U+7956, U+FA51->U+795D, U+FA52->U+798D, U+FA53->U+798E, U+FA54->U+7A40, U+FA55->U+7A81, U+FA56->U+7BC0,  \
+		U+FA57->U+7DF4, U+FA58->U+7E09, U+FA59->U+7E41, U+FA5A->U+7F72, U+FA5B->U+8005, U+FA5C->U+81ED, U+FA5D->U+8279, U+FA5E->U+8279, U+FA5F->U+8457, U+FA60->U+8910, U+FA61->U+8996, U+FA62->U+8B01, U+FA63->U+8B39, U+FA64->U+8CD3, U+FA65->U+8D08, U+FA66->U+8FB6,  \
+		U+FA67->U+9038, U+FA68->U+96E3, U+FA69->U+97FF, U+FA6A->U+983B, U+FA70->U+4E26, U+FA71->U+51B5, U+FA72->U+5168, U+FA73->U+4F80, U+FA74->U+5145, U+FA75->U+5180, U+FA76->U+52C7, U+FA77->U+52FA, U+FA78->U+559D, U+FA79->U+5555, U+FA7A->U+5599, U+FA7B->U+55E2,  \
+		U+FA7C->U+585A, U+FA7D->U+58B3, U+FA7E->U+5944, U+FA7F->U+5954, U+FA80->U+5A62, U+FA81->U+5B28, U+FA82->U+5ED2, U+FA83->U+5ED9, U+FA84->U+5F69, U+FA85->U+5FAD, U+FA86->U+60D8, U+FA87->U+614E, U+FA88->U+6108, U+FA89->U+618E, U+FA8A->U+6160, U+FA8B->U+61F2,  \
+		U+FA8C->U+6234, U+FA8D->U+63C4, U+FA8E->U+641C, U+FA8F->U+6452, U+FA90->U+6556, U+FA91->U+6674, U+FA92->U+6717, U+FA93->U+671B, U+FA94->U+6756, U+FA95->U+6B79, U+FA96->U+6BBA, U+FA97->U+6D41, U+FA98->U+6EDB, U+FA99->U+6ECB, U+FA9A->U+6F22, U+FA9B->U+701E,  \
+		U+FA9C->U+716E, U+FA9D->U+77A7, U+FA9E->U+7235, U+FA9F->U+72AF, U+FAA0->U+732A, U+FAA1->U+7471, U+FAA2->U+7506, U+FAA3->U+753B, U+FAA4->U+761D, U+FAA5->U+761F, U+FAA6->U+76CA, U+FAA7->U+76DB, U+FAA8->U+76F4, U+FAA9->U+774A, U+FAAA->U+7740, U+FAAB->U+78CC,  \
+		U+FAAC->U+7AB1, U+FAAD->U+7BC0, U+FAAE->U+7C7B, U+FAAF->U+7D5B, U+FAB0->U+7DF4, U+FAB1->U+7F3E, U+FAB2->U+8005, U+FAB3->U+8352, U+FAB4->U+83EF, U+FAB5->U+8779, U+FAB6->U+8941, U+FAB7->U+8986, U+FAB8->U+8996, U+FAB9->U+8ABF, U+FABA->U+8AF8, U+FABB->U+8ACB,  \
+		U+FABC->U+8B01, U+FABD->U+8AFE, U+FABE->U+8AED, U+FABF->U+8B39, U+FAC0->U+8B8A, U+FAC1->U+8D08, U+FAC2->U+8F38, U+FAC3->U+9072, U+FAC4->U+9199, U+FAC5->U+9276, U+FAC6->U+967C, U+FAC7->U+96E3, U+FAC8->U+9756, U+FAC9->U+97DB, U+FACA->U+97FF, U+FACB->U+980B,  \
+		U+FACC->U+983B, U+FACD->U+9B12, U+FACE->U+9F9C, U+FACF->U+2284A, U+FAD0->U+22844, U+FAD1->U+233D5, U+FAD2->U+3B9D, U+FAD3->U+4018, U+FAD4->U+4039, U+FAD5->U+25249, U+FAD6->U+25CD0, U+FAD7->U+27ED3, U+FAD8->U+9F43, U+FAD9->U+9F8E, U+2F800->U+4E3D, U+2F801->U+4E38,  \
+		U+2F802->U+4E41, U+2F803->U+20122, U+2F804->U+4F60, U+2F805->U+4FAE, U+2F806->U+4FBB, U+2F807->U+5002, U+2F808->U+507A, U+2F809->U+5099, U+2F80A->U+50E7, U+2F80B->U+50CF, U+2F80C->U+349E, U+2F80D->U+2063A, U+2F80E->U+514D, U+2F80F->U+5154, U+2F810->U+5164,  \
+		U+2F811->U+5177, U+2F812->U+2051C, U+2F813->U+34B9, U+2F814->U+5167, U+2F815->U+518D, U+2F816->U+2054B, U+2F817->U+5197, U+2F818->U+51A4, U+2F819->U+4ECC, U+2F81A->U+51AC, U+2F81B->U+51B5, U+2F81C->U+291DF, U+2F81D->U+51F5, U+2F81E->U+5203, U+2F81F->U+34DF,  \
+		U+2F820->U+523B, U+2F821->U+5246, U+2F822->U+5272, U+2F823->U+5277, U+2F824->U+3515, U+2F825->U+52C7, U+2F826->U+52C9, U+2F827->U+52E4, U+2F828->U+52FA, U+2F829->U+5305, U+2F82A->U+5306, U+2F82B->U+5317, U+2F82C->U+5349, U+2F82D->U+5351, U+2F82E->U+535A,  \
+		U+2F82F->U+5373, U+2F830->U+537D, U+2F831->U+537F, U+2F832->U+537F, U+2F833->U+537F, U+2F834->U+20A2C, U+2F835->U+7070, U+2F836->U+53CA, U+2F837->U+53DF, U+2F838->U+20B63, U+2F839->U+53EB, U+2F83A->U+53F1, U+2F83B->U+5406, U+2F83C->U+549E, U+2F83D->U+5438,  \
+		U+2F83E->U+5448, U+2F83F->U+5468, U+2F840->U+54A2, U+2F841->U+54F6, U+2F842->U+5510, U+2F843->U+5553, U+2F844->U+5563, U+2F845->U+5584, U+2F846->U+5584, U+2F847->U+5599, U+2F848->U+55AB, U+2F849->U+55B3, U+2F84A->U+55C2, U+2F84B->U+5716, U+2F84C->U+5606,  \
+		U+2F84D->U+5717, U+2F84E->U+5651, U+2F84F->U+5674, U+2F850->U+5207, U+2F851->U+58EE, U+2F852->U+57CE, U+2F853->U+57F4, U+2F854->U+580D, U+2F855->U+578B, U+2F856->U+5832, U+2F857->U+5831, U+2F858->U+58AC, U+2F859->U+214E4, U+2F85A->U+58F2, U+2F85B->U+58F7,  \
+		U+2F85C->U+5906, U+2F85D->U+591A, U+2F85E->U+5922, U+2F85F->U+5962, U+2F860->U+216A8, U+2F861->U+216EA, U+2F862->U+59EC, U+2F863->U+5A1B, U+2F864->U+5A27, U+2F865->U+59D8, U+2F866->U+5A66, U+2F867->U+36EE, U+2F868->U+36FC, U+2F869->U+5B08, U+2F86A->U+5B3E,  \
+		U+2F86B->U+5B3E, U+2F86C->U+219C8, U+2F86D->U+5BC3, U+2F86E->U+5BD8, U+2F86F->U+5BE7, U+2F870->U+5BF3, U+2F871->U+21B18, U+2F872->U+5BFF, U+2F873->U+5C06, U+2F874->U+5F53, U+2F875->U+5C22, U+2F876->U+3781, U+2F877->U+5C60, U+2F878->U+5C6E, U+2F879->U+5CC0,  \
+		U+2F87A->U+5C8D, U+2F87B->U+21DE4, U+2F87C->U+5D43, U+2F87D->U+21DE6, U+2F87E->U+5D6E, U+2F87F->U+5D6B, U+2F880->U+5D7C, U+2F881->U+5DE1, U+2F882->U+5DE2, U+2F883->U+382F, U+2F884->U+5DFD, U+2F885->U+5E28, U+2F886->U+5E3D, U+2F887->U+5E69, U+2F888->U+3862,  \
+		U+2F889->U+22183, U+2F88A->U+387C, U+2F88B->U+5EB0, U+2F88C->U+5EB3, U+2F88D->U+5EB6, U+2F88E->U+5ECA, U+2F88F->U+2A392, U+2F890->U+5EFE, U+2F891->U+22331, U+2F892->U+22331, U+2F893->U+8201, U+2F894->U+5F22, U+2F895->U+5F22, U+2F896->U+38C7, U+2F897->U+232B8,  \
+		U+2F898->U+261DA, U+2F899->U+5F62, U+2F89A->U+5F6B, U+2F89B->U+38E3, U+2F89C->U+5F9A, U+2F89D->U+5FCD, U+2F89E->U+5FD7, U+2F89F->U+5FF9, U+2F8A0->U+6081, U+2F8A1->U+393A, U+2F8A2->U+391C, U+2F8A3->U+6094, U+2F8A4->U+226D4, U+2F8A5->U+60C7, U+2F8A6->U+6148,  \
+		U+2F8A7->U+614C, U+2F8A8->U+614E, U+2F8A9->U+614C, U+2F8AA->U+617A, U+2F8AB->U+618E, U+2F8AC->U+61B2, U+2F8AD->U+61A4, U+2F8AE->U+61AF, U+2F8AF->U+61DE, U+2F8B0->U+61F2, U+2F8B1->U+61F6, U+2F8B2->U+6210, U+2F8B3->U+621B, U+2F8B4->U+625D, U+2F8B5->U+62B1,  \
+		U+2F8B6->U+62D4, U+2F8B7->U+6350, U+2F8B8->U+22B0C, U+2F8B9->U+633D, U+2F8BA->U+62FC, U+2F8BB->U+6368, U+2F8BC->U+6383, U+2F8BD->U+63E4, U+2F8BE->U+22BF1, U+2F8BF->U+6422, U+2F8C0->U+63C5, U+2F8C1->U+63A9, U+2F8C2->U+3A2E, U+2F8C3->U+6469, U+2F8C4->U+647E,  \
+		U+2F8C5->U+649D, U+2F8C6->U+6477, U+2F8C7->U+3A6C, U+2F8C8->U+654F, U+2F8C9->U+656C, U+2F8CA->U+2300A, U+2F8CB->U+65E3, U+2F8CC->U+66F8, U+2F8CD->U+6649, U+2F8CE->U+3B19, U+2F8CF->U+6691, U+2F8D0->U+3B08, U+2F8D1->U+3AE4, U+2F8D2->U+5192, U+2F8D3->U+5195,  \
+		U+2F8D4->U+6700, U+2F8D5->U+669C, U+2F8D6->U+80AD, U+2F8D7->U+43D9, U+2F8D8->U+6717, U+2F8D9->U+671B, U+2F8DA->U+6721, U+2F8DB->U+675E, U+2F8DC->U+6753, U+2F8DD->U+233C3, U+2F8DE->U+3B49, U+2F8DF->U+67FA, U+2F8E0->U+6785, U+2F8E1->U+6852, U+2F8E2->U+6885,  \
+		U+2F8E3->U+2346D, U+2F8E4->U+688E, U+2F8E5->U+681F, U+2F8E6->U+6914, U+2F8E7->U+3B9D, U+2F8E8->U+6942, U+2F8E9->U+69A3, U+2F8EA->U+69EA, U+2F8EB->U+6AA8, U+2F8EC->U+236A3, U+2F8ED->U+6ADB, U+2F8EE->U+3C18, U+2F8EF->U+6B21, U+2F8F0->U+238A7, U+2F8F1->U+6B54,  \
+		U+2F8F2->U+3C4E, U+2F8F3->U+6B72, U+2F8F4->U+6B9F, U+2F8F5->U+6BBA, U+2F8F6->U+6BBB, U+2F8F7->U+23A8D, U+2F8F8->U+21D0B, U+2F8F9->U+23AFA, U+2F8FA->U+6C4E, U+2F8FB->U+23CBC, U+2F8FC->U+6CBF, U+2F8FD->U+6CCD, U+2F8FE->U+6C67, U+2F8FF->U+6D16, U+2F900->U+6D3E,  \
+		U+2F901->U+6D77, U+2F902->U+6D41, U+2F903->U+6D69, U+2F904->U+6D78, U+2F905->U+6D85, U+2F906->U+23D1E, U+2F907->U+6D34, U+2F908->U+6E2F, U+2F909->U+6E6E, U+2F90A->U+3D33, U+2F90B->U+6ECB, U+2F90C->U+6EC7, U+2F90D->U+23ED1, U+2F90E->U+6DF9, U+2F90F->U+6F6E,  \
+		U+2F910->U+23F5E, U+2F911->U+23F8E, U+2F912->U+6FC6, U+2F913->U+7039, U+2F914->U+701E, U+2F915->U+701B, U+2F916->U+3D96, U+2F917->U+704A, U+2F918->U+707D, U+2F919->U+7077, U+2F91A->U+70AD, U+2F91B->U+20525, U+2F91C->U+7145, U+2F91D->U+24263, U+2F91E->U+719C,  \
+		U+2F91F->U+243AB, U+2F920->U+7228, U+2F921->U+7235, U+2F922->U+7250, U+2F923->U+24608, U+2F924->U+7280, U+2F925->U+7295, U+2F926->U+24735, U+2F927->U+24814, U+2F928->U+737A, U+2F929->U+738B, U+2F92A->U+3EAC, U+2F92B->U+73A5, U+2F92C->U+3EB8, U+2F92D->U+3EB8,  \
+		U+2F92E->U+7447, U+2F92F->U+745C, U+2F930->U+7471, U+2F931->U+7485, U+2F932->U+74CA, U+2F933->U+3F1B, U+2F934->U+7524, U+2F935->U+24C36, U+2F936->U+753E, U+2F937->U+24C92, U+2F938->U+7570, U+2F939->U+2219F, U+2F93A->U+7610, U+2F93B->U+24FA1, U+2F93C->U+24FB8,  \
+		U+2F93D->U+25044, U+2F93E->U+3FFC, U+2F93F->U+4008, U+2F940->U+76F4, U+2F941->U+250F3, U+2F942->U+250F2, U+2F943->U+25119, U+2F944->U+25133, U+2F945->U+771E, U+2F946->U+771F, U+2F947->U+771F, U+2F948->U+774A, U+2F949->U+4039, U+2F94A->U+778B, U+2F94B->U+4046,  \
+		U+2F94C->U+4096, U+2F94D->U+2541D, U+2F94E->U+784E, U+2F94F->U+788C, U+2F950->U+78CC, U+2F951->U+40E3, U+2F952->U+25626, U+2F953->U+7956, U+2F954->U+2569A, U+2F955->U+256C5, U+2F956->U+798F, U+2F957->U+79EB, U+2F958->U+412F, U+2F959->U+7A40, U+2F95A->U+7A4A,  \
+		U+2F95B->U+7A4F, U+2F95C->U+2597C, U+2F95D->U+25AA7, U+2F95E->U+25AA7, U+2F95F->U+7AEE, U+2F960->U+4202, U+2F961->U+25BAB, U+2F962->U+7BC6, U+2F963->U+7BC9, U+2F964->U+4227, U+2F965->U+25C80, U+2F966->U+7CD2, U+2F967->U+42A0, U+2F968->U+7CE8, U+2F969->U+7CE3,  \
+		U+2F96A->U+7D00, U+2F96B->U+25F86, U+2F96C->U+7D63, U+2F96D->U+4301, U+2F96E->U+7DC7, U+2F96F->U+7E02, U+2F970->U+7E45, U+2F971->U+4334, U+2F972->U+26228, U+2F973->U+26247, U+2F974->U+4359, U+2F975->U+262D9, U+2F976->U+7F7A, U+2F977->U+2633E, U+2F978->U+7F95,  \
+		U+2F979->U+7FFA, U+2F97A->U+8005, U+2F97B->U+264DA, U+2F97C->U+26523, U+2F97D->U+8060, U+2F97E->U+265A8, U+2F97F->U+8070, U+2F980->U+2335F, U+2F981->U+43D5, U+2F982->U+80B2, U+2F983->U+8103, U+2F984->U+440B, U+2F985->U+813E, U+2F986->U+5AB5, U+2F987->U+267A7,  \
+		U+2F988->U+267B5, U+2F989->U+23393, U+2F98A->U+2339C, U+2F98B->U+8201, U+2F98C->U+8204, U+2F98D->U+8F9E, U+2F98E->U+446B, U+2F98F->U+8291, U+2F990->U+828B, U+2F991->U+829D, U+2F992->U+52B3, U+2F993->U+82B1, U+2F994->U+82B3, U+2F995->U+82BD, U+2F996->U+82E6,  \
+		U+2F997->U+26B3C, U+2F998->U+82E5, U+2F999->U+831D, U+2F99A->U+8363, U+2F99B->U+83AD, U+2F99C->U+8323, U+2F99D->U+83BD, U+2F99E->U+83E7, U+2F99F->U+8457, U+2F9A0->U+8353, U+2F9A1->U+83CA, U+2F9A2->U+83CC, U+2F9A3->U+83DC, U+2F9A4->U+26C36, U+2F9A5->U+26D6B,  \
+		U+2F9A6->U+26CD5, U+2F9A7->U+452B, U+2F9A8->U+84F1, U+2F9A9->U+84F3, U+2F9AA->U+8516, U+2F9AB->U+273CA, U+2F9AC->U+8564, U+2F9AD->U+26F2C, U+2F9AE->U+455D, U+2F9AF->U+4561, U+2F9B0->U+26FB1, U+2F9B1->U+270D2, U+2F9B2->U+456B, U+2F9B3->U+8650, U+2F9B4->U+865C,  \
+		U+2F9B5->U+8667, U+2F9B6->U+8669, U+2F9B7->U+86A9, U+2F9B8->U+8688, U+2F9B9->U+870E, U+2F9BA->U+86E2, U+2F9BB->U+8779, U+2F9BC->U+8728, U+2F9BD->U+876B, U+2F9BE->U+8786, U+2F9BF->U+45D7, U+2F9C0->U+87E1, U+2F9C1->U+8801, U+2F9C2->U+45F9, U+2F9C3->U+8860,  \
+		U+2F9C4->U+8863, U+2F9C5->U+27667, U+2F9C6->U+88D7, U+2F9C7->U+88DE, U+2F9C8->U+4635, U+2F9C9->U+88FA, U+2F9CA->U+34BB, U+2F9CB->U+278AE, U+2F9CC->U+27966, U+2F9CD->U+46BE, U+2F9CE->U+46C7, U+2F9CF->U+8AA0, U+2F9D0->U+8AED, U+2F9D1->U+8B8A, U+2F9D2->U+8C55,  \
+		U+2F9D3->U+27CA8, U+2F9D4->U+8CAB, U+2F9D5->U+8CC1, U+2F9D6->U+8D1B, U+2F9D7->U+8D77, U+2F9D8->U+27F2F, U+2F9D9->U+20804, U+2F9DA->U+8DCB, U+2F9DB->U+8DBC, U+2F9DC->U+8DF0, U+2F9DD->U+208DE, U+2F9DE->U+8ED4, U+2F9DF->U+8F38, U+2F9E0->U+285D2, U+2F9E1->U+285ED,  \
+		U+2F9E2->U+9094, U+2F9E3->U+90F1, U+2F9E4->U+9111, U+2F9E5->U+2872E, U+2F9E6->U+911B, U+2F9E7->U+9238, U+2F9E8->U+92D7, U+2F9E9->U+92D8, U+2F9EA->U+927C, U+2F9EB->U+93F9, U+2F9EC->U+9415, U+2F9ED->U+28BFA, U+2F9EE->U+958B, U+2F9EF->U+4995, U+2F9F0->U+95B7,  \
+		U+2F9F1->U+28D77, U+2F9F2->U+49E6, U+2F9F3->U+96C3, U+2F9F4->U+5DB2, U+2F9F5->U+9723, U+2F9F6->U+29145, U+2F9F7->U+2921A, U+2F9F8->U+4A6E, U+2F9F9->U+4A76, U+2F9FA->U+97E0, U+2F9FB->U+2940A, U+2F9FC->U+4AB2, U+2F9FD->U+29496, U+2F9FE->U+980B, U+2F9FF->U+980B,  \
+		U+2FA00->U+9829, U+2FA01->U+295B6, U+2FA02->U+98E2, U+2FA03->U+4B33, U+2FA04->U+9929, U+2FA05->U+99A7, U+2FA06->U+99C2, U+2FA07->U+99FE, U+2FA08->U+4BCE, U+2FA09->U+29B30, U+2FA0A->U+9B12, U+2FA0B->U+9C40, U+2FA0C->U+9CFD, U+2FA0D->U+4CCE, U+2FA0E->U+4CED,  \
+		U+2FA0F->U+9D67, U+2FA10->U+2A0CE, U+2FA11->U+4CF8, U+2FA12->U+2A105, U+2FA13->U+2A20E, U+2FA14->U+2A291, U+2FA15->U+9EBB, U+2FA16->U+4D56, U+2FA17->U+9EF9, U+2FA18->U+9EFE, U+2FA19->U+9F05, U+2FA1A->U+9F0F, U+2FA1B->U+9F16, U+2FA1C->U+9F3B, U+2FA1D->U+2A600,  \
+		U+2F00->U+4E00, U+2F01->U+4E28, U+2F02->U+4E36, U+2F03->U+4E3F, U+2F04->U+4E59, U+2F05->U+4E85, U+2F06->U+4E8C, U+2F07->U+4EA0, U+2F08->U+4EBA, U+2F09->U+513F, U+2F0A->U+5165, U+2F0B->U+516B, U+2F0C->U+5182, U+2F0D->U+5196, U+2F0E->U+51AB, U+2F0F->U+51E0,  \
+		U+2F10->U+51F5, U+2F11->U+5200, U+2F12->U+529B, U+2F13->U+52F9, U+2F14->U+5315, U+2F15->U+531A, U+2F16->U+5338, U+2F17->U+5341, U+2F18->U+535C, U+2F19->U+5369, U+2F1A->U+5382, U+2F1B->U+53B6, U+2F1C->U+53C8, U+2F1D->U+53E3, U+2F1E->U+56D7, U+2F1F->U+571F,  \
+		U+2F20->U+58EB, U+2F21->U+5902, U+2F22->U+590A, U+2F23->U+5915, U+2F24->U+5927, U+2F25->U+5973, U+2F26->U+5B50, U+2F27->U+5B80, U+2F28->U+5BF8, U+2F29->U+5C0F, U+2F2A->U+5C22, U+2F2B->U+5C38, U+2F2C->U+5C6E, U+2F2D->U+5C71, U+2F2E->U+5DDB, U+2F2F->U+5DE5,  \
+		U+2F30->U+5DF1, U+2F31->U+5DFE, U+2F32->U+5E72, U+2F33->U+5E7A, U+2F34->U+5E7F, U+2F35->U+5EF4, U+2F36->U+5EFE, U+2F37->U+5F0B, U+2F38->U+5F13, U+2F39->U+5F50, U+2F3A->U+5F61, U+2F3B->U+5F73, U+2F3C->U+5FC3, U+2F3D->U+6208, U+2F3E->U+6236, U+2F3F->U+624B,  \
+		U+2F40->U+652F, U+2F41->U+6534, U+2F42->U+6587, U+2F43->U+6597, U+2F44->U+65A4, U+2F45->U+65B9, U+2F46->U+65E0, U+2F47->U+65E5, U+2F48->U+66F0, U+2F49->U+6708, U+2F4A->U+6728, U+2F4B->U+6B20, U+2F4C->U+6B62, U+2F4D->U+6B79, U+2F4E->U+6BB3, U+2F4F->U+6BCB,  \
+		U+2F50->U+6BD4, U+2F51->U+6BDB, U+2F52->U+6C0F, U+2F53->U+6C14, U+2F54->U+6C34, U+2F55->U+706B, U+2F56->U+722A, U+2F57->U+7236, U+2F58->U+723B, U+2F59->U+723F, U+2F5A->U+7247, U+2F5B->U+7259, U+2F5C->U+725B, U+2F5D->U+72AC, U+2F5E->U+7384, U+2F5F->U+7389,  \
+		U+2F60->U+74DC, U+2F61->U+74E6, U+2F62->U+7518, U+2F63->U+751F, U+2F64->U+7528, U+2F65->U+7530, U+2F66->U+758B, U+2F67->U+7592, U+2F68->U+7676, U+2F69->U+767D, U+2F6A->U+76AE, U+2F6B->U+76BF, U+2F6C->U+76EE, U+2F6D->U+77DB, U+2F6E->U+77E2, U+2F6F->U+77F3,  \
+		U+2F70->U+793A, U+2F71->U+79B8, U+2F72->U+79BE, U+2F73->U+7A74, U+2F74->U+7ACB, U+2F75->U+7AF9, U+2F76->U+7C73, U+2F77->U+7CF8, U+2F78->U+7F36, U+2F79->U+7F51, U+2F7A->U+7F8A, U+2F7B->U+7FBD, U+2F7C->U+8001, U+2F7D->U+800C, U+2F7E->U+8012, U+2F7F->U+8033,  \
+		U+2F80->U+807F, U+2F81->U+8089, U+2F82->U+81E3, U+2F83->U+81EA, U+2F84->U+81F3, U+2F85->U+81FC, U+2F86->U+820C, U+2F87->U+821B, U+2F88->U+821F, U+2F89->U+826E, U+2F8A->U+8272, U+2F8B->U+8278, U+2F8C->U+864D, U+2F8D->U+866B, U+2F8E->U+8840, U+2F8F->U+884C,  \
+		U+2F90->U+8863, U+2F91->U+897E, U+2F92->U+898B, U+2F93->U+89D2, U+2F94->U+8A00, U+2F95->U+8C37, U+2F96->U+8C46, U+2F97->U+8C55, U+2F98->U+8C78, U+2F99->U+8C9D, U+2F9A->U+8D64, U+2F9B->U+8D70, U+2F9C->U+8DB3, U+2F9D->U+8EAB, U+2F9E->U+8ECA, U+2F9F->U+8F9B,  \
+		U+2FA0->U+8FB0, U+2FA1->U+8FB5, U+2FA2->U+9091, U+2FA3->U+9149, U+2FA4->U+91C6, U+2FA5->U+91CC, U+2FA6->U+91D1, U+2FA7->U+9577, U+2FA8->U+9580, U+2FA9->U+961C, U+2FAA->U+96B6, U+2FAB->U+96B9, U+2FAC->U+96E8, U+2FAD->U+9751, U+2FAE->U+975E, U+2FAF->U+9762,  \
+		U+2FB0->U+9769, U+2FB1->U+97CB, U+2FB2->U+97ED, U+2FB3->U+97F3, U+2FB4->U+9801, U+2FB5->U+98A8, U+2FB6->U+98DB, U+2FB7->U+98DF, U+2FB8->U+9996, U+2FB9->U+9999, U+2FBA->U+99AC, U+2FBB->U+9AA8, U+2FBC->U+9AD8, U+2FBD->U+9ADF, U+2FBE->U+9B25, U+2FBF->U+9B2F,  \
+		U+2FC0->U+9B32, U+2FC1->U+9B3C, U+2FC2->U+9B5A, U+2FC3->U+9CE5, U+2FC4->U+9E75, U+2FC5->U+9E7F, U+2FC6->U+9EA5, U+2FC7->U+9EBB, U+2FC8->U+9EC3, U+2FC9->U+9ECD, U+2FCA->U+9ED1, U+2FCB->U+9EF9, U+2FCC->U+9EFD, U+2FCD->U+9F0E, U+2FCE->U+9F13, U+2FCF->U+9F20,  \
+		U+2FD0->U+9F3B, U+2FD1->U+9F4A, U+2FD2->U+9F52, U+2FD3->U+9F8D, U+2FD4->U+9F9C, U+2FD5->U+9FA0, U+3042->U+3041, U+3044->U+3043, U+3046->U+3045, U+3048->U+3047, U+304A->U+3049, U+304C->U+304B, U+304E->U+304D, U+3050->U+304F, U+3052->U+3051, U+3054->U+3053,  \
+		U+3056->U+3055, U+3058->U+3057, U+305A->U+3059, U+305C->U+305B, U+305E->U+305D, U+3060->U+305F, U+3062->U+3061, U+3064->U+3063, U+3065->U+3063, U+3067->U+3066, U+3069->U+3068, U+3070->U+306F, U+3071->U+306F, U+3073->U+3072, U+3074->U+3072, U+3076->U+3075,  \
+		U+3077->U+3075, U+3079->U+3078, U+307A->U+3078, U+307C->U+307B, U+307D->U+307B, U+3084->U+3083, U+3086->U+3085, U+3088->U+3087, U+308F->U+308E, U+3094->U+3046, U+3095->U+304B, U+3096->U+3051, U+30A2->U+30A1, U+30A4->U+30A3, U+30A6->U+30A5, U+30A8->U+30A7,  \
+		U+30AA->U+30A9, U+30AC->U+30AB, U+30AE->U+30AD, U+30B0->U+30AF, U+30B2->U+30B1, U+30B4->U+30B3, U+30B6->U+30B5, U+30B8->U+30B7, U+30BA->U+30B9, U+30BC->U+30BB, U+30BE->U+30BD, U+30C0->U+30BF, U+30C2->U+30C1, U+30C5->U+30C4, U+30C7->U+30C6, U+30C9->U+30C8,  \
+		U+30D0->U+30CF, U+30D1->U+30CF, U+30D3->U+30D2, U+30D4->U+30D2, U+30D6->U+30D5, U+30D7->U+30D5, U+30D9->U+30D8, U+30DA->U+30D8, U+30DC->U+30DB, U+30DD->U+30DB, U+30E4->U+30E3, U+30E6->U+30E5, U+30E8->U+30E7, U+30EF->U+30EE, U+30F4->U+30A6, U+30AB->U+30F5,  \
+		U+30B1->U+30F6, U+30F7->U+30EF, U+30F8->U+30F0, U+30F9->U+30F1, U+30FA->U+30F2, U+30AF->U+31F0, U+30B7->U+31F1, U+30B9->U+31F2, U+30C8->U+31F3, U+30CC->U+31F4, U+30CF->U+31F5, U+30D2->U+31F6, U+30D5->U+31F7, U+30D8->U+31F8, U+30DB->U+31F9, U+30E0->U+31FA,  \
+		U+30E9->U+31FB, U+30EA->U+31FC, U+30EB->U+31FD, U+30EC->U+31FE, U+30ED->U+31FF, U+FF66->U+30F2, U+FF67->U+30A1, U+FF68->U+30A3, U+FF69->U+30A5, U+FF6A->U+30A7, U+FF6B->U+30A9, U+FF6C->U+30E3, U+FF6D->U+30E5, U+FF6E->U+30E7, U+FF6F->U+30C3, U+FF71->U+30A1,  \
+		U+FF72->U+30A3, U+FF73->U+30A5, U+FF74->U+30A7, U+FF75->U+30A9, U+FF76->U+30AB, U+FF77->U+30AD, U+FF78->U+30AF, U+FF79->U+30B1, U+FF7A->U+30B3, U+FF7B->U+30B5, U+FF7C->U+30B7, U+FF7D->U+30B9, U+FF7E->U+30BB, U+FF7F->U+30BD, U+FF80->U+30BF, U+FF81->U+30C1,  \
+		U+FF82->U+30C3, U+FF83->U+30C6, U+FF84->U+30C8, U+FF85->U+30CA, U+FF86->U+30CB, U+FF87->U+30CC, U+FF88->U+30CD, U+FF89->U+30CE, U+FF8A->U+30CF, U+FF8B->U+30D2, U+FF8C->U+30D5, U+FF8D->U+30D8, U+FF8E->U+30DB, U+FF8F->U+30DE, U+FF90->U+30DF, U+FF91->U+30E0,  \
+		U+FF92->U+30E1, U+FF93->U+30E2, U+FF94->U+30E3, U+FF95->U+30E5, U+FF96->U+30E7, U+FF97->U+30E9, U+FF98->U+30EA, U+FF99->U+30EB, U+FF9A->U+30EC, U+FF9B->U+30ED, U+FF9C->U+30EF, U+FF9D->U+30F3, U+FFA0->U+3164, U+FFA1->U+3131, U+FFA2->U+3132, U+FFA3->U+3133,  \
+		U+FFA4->U+3134, U+FFA5->U+3135, U+FFA6->U+3136, U+FFA7->U+3137, U+FFA8->U+3138, U+FFA9->U+3139, U+FFAA->U+313A, U+FFAB->U+313B, U+FFAC->U+313C, U+FFAD->U+313D, U+FFAE->U+313E, U+FFAF->U+313F, U+FFB0->U+3140, U+FFB1->U+3141, U+FFB2->U+3142, U+FFB3->U+3143,  \
+		U+FFB4->U+3144, U+FFB5->U+3145, U+FFB6->U+3146, U+FFB7->U+3147, U+FFB8->U+3148, U+FFB9->U+3149, U+FFBA->U+314A, U+FFBB->U+314B, U+FFBC->U+314C, U+FFBD->U+314D, U+FFBE->U+314E, U+FFC2->U+314F, U+FFC3->U+3150, U+FFC4->U+3151, U+FFC5->U+3152, U+FFC6->U+3153,  \
+		U+FFC7->U+3154, U+FFCA->U+3155, U+FFCB->U+3156, U+FFCC->U+3157, U+FFCD->U+3158, U+FFCE->U+3159, U+FFCF->U+315A, U+FFD2->U+315B, U+FFD3->U+315C, U+FFD4->U+315D, U+FFD5->U+315E, U+FFD6->U+315F, U+FFD7->U+3160, U+FFDA->U+3161, U+FFDB->U+3162, U+FFDC->U+3163,  \
+		U+3131->U+1100, U+3132->U+1101, U+3133->U+11AA, U+3134->U+1102, U+3135->U+11AC, U+3136->U+11AD, U+3137->U+1103, U+3138->U+1104, U+3139->U+1105, U+313A->U+11B0, U+313B->U+11B1, U+313C->U+11B2, U+313D->U+11B3, U+313E->U+11B4, U+313F->U+11B5, U+3140->U+111A,  \
+		U+3141->U+1106, U+3142->U+1107, U+3143->U+1108, U+3144->U+1121, U+3145->U+1109, U+3146->U+110A, U+3147->U+110B, U+3148->U+110C, U+3149->U+110D, U+314A->U+110E, U+314B->U+110F, U+314C->U+1110, U+314D->U+1111, U+314E->U+1112, U+314F->U+1161, U+3150->U+1162,  \
+		U+3151->U+1163, U+3152->U+1164, U+3153->U+1165, U+3154->U+1166, U+3155->U+1167, U+3156->U+1168, U+3157->U+1169, U+3158->U+116A, U+3159->U+116B, U+315A->U+116C, U+315B->U+116D, U+315C->U+116E, U+315D->U+116F, U+315E->U+1170, U+315F->U+1171, U+3160->U+1172,  \
+		U+3161->U+1173, U+3162->U+1174, U+3163->U+1175, U+3165->U+1114, U+3166->U+1115, U+3167->U+11C7, U+3168->U+11C8, U+3169->U+11CC, U+316A->U+11CE, U+316B->U+11D3, U+316C->U+11D7, U+316D->U+11D9, U+316E->U+111C, U+316F->U+11DD, U+3170->U+11DF, U+3171->U+111D,  \
+		U+3172->U+111E, U+3173->U+1120, U+3174->U+1122, U+3175->U+1123, U+3176->U+1127, U+3177->U+1129, U+3178->U+112B, U+3179->U+112C, U+317A->U+112D, U+317B->U+112E, U+317C->U+112F, U+317D->U+1132, U+317E->U+1136, U+317F->U+1140, U+3180->U+1147, U+3181->U+114C,  \
+		U+3182->U+11F1, U+3183->U+11F2, U+3184->U+1157, U+3185->U+1158, U+3186->U+1159, U+3187->U+1184, U+3188->U+1185, U+3189->U+1188, U+318A->U+1191, U+318B->U+1192, U+318C->U+1194, U+318D->U+119E, U+318E->U+11A1, U+A490->U+A408, U+A491->U+A1B9, U+4E00..U+9FBB,  \
+		U+3400..U+4DB5, U+20000..U+2A6D6, U+FA0E, U+FA0F, U+FA11, U+FA13, U+FA14, U+FA1F, U+FA21, U+FA23, U+FA24, U+FA27, U+FA28, U+FA29, U+3105..U+312C, U+31A0..U+31B7, U+3041, U+3043, U+3045, U+3047, U+3049, U+304B, U+304D, U+304F, U+3051, U+3053, U+3055, U+3057,  \
+		U+3059, U+305B, U+305D, U+305F, U+3061, U+3063, U+3066, U+3068, U+306A..U+306F, U+3072, U+3075, U+3078, U+307B, U+307E..U+3083, U+3085, U+3087, U+3089..U+308E, U+3090..U+3093, U+30A1, U+30A3, U+30A5, U+30A7, U+30A9, U+30AD, U+30AF, U+30B3, U+30B5, U+30BB,  \
+		U+30BD, U+30BF, U+30C1, U+30C3, U+30C4, U+30C6, U+30CA, U+30CB, U+30CD, U+30CE, U+30DE, U+30DF, U+30E1, U+30E2, U+30E3, U+30E5, U+30E7, U+30EE, U+30F0..U+30F3, U+30F5, U+30F6, U+31F0, U+31F1, U+31F2, U+31F3, U+31F4, U+31F5, U+31F6, U+31F7, U+31F8, U+31F9,  \
+		U+31FA, U+31FB, U+31FC, U+31FD, U+31FE, U+31FF, U+AC00..U+D7A3, U+1100..U+1159, U+1161..U+11A2, U+11A8..U+11F9, U+A000..U+A48C, U+A492..U+A4C6, U+2C80->U+2C81, U+2C81, U+2C82->U+2C83, U+2C83, U+2C84->U+2C85, U+2C85, U+2C86->U+2C87, U+2C87, U+2C88->U+2C89,  \
+		U+2C89, U+2C8A->U+2C8B, U+2C8B, U+2C8C->U+2C8D, U+2C8D, U+2C8E->U+2C8F, U+2C8F, U+2C90->U+2C91, U+2C91, U+2C92->U+2C93, U+2C93, U+2C94->U+2C95, U+2C95, U+2C96->U+2C97, U+2C97, U+2C98->U+2C99, U+2C99, U+2C9A->U+2C9B, U+2C9B, U+2C9C->U+2C9D, U+2C9D, U+2C9E->U+2C9F,  \
+		U+2C9F, U+2CA0->U+2CA1, U+2CA1, U+2CA2->U+2CA3, U+2CA3, U+2CA4->U+2CA5, U+2CA5, U+2CA6->U+2CA7, U+2CA7, U+2CA8->U+2CA9, U+2CA9, U+2CAA->U+2CAB, U+2CAB, U+2CAC->U+2CAD, U+2CAD, U+2CAE->U+2CAF, U+2CAF, U+2CB0->U+2CB1, U+2CB1, U+2CB2->U+2CB3, U+2CB3, U+2CB4->U+2CB5,  \
+		U+2CB5, U+2CB6->U+2CB7, U+2CB7, U+2CB8->U+2CB9, U+2CB9, U+2CBA->U+2CBB, U+2CBB, U+2CBC->U+2CBD, U+2CBD, U+2CBE->U+2CBF, U+2CBF, U+2CC0->U+2CC1, U+2CC1, U+2CC2->U+2CC3, U+2CC3, U+2CC4->U+2CC5, U+2CC5, U+2CC6->U+2CC7, U+2CC7, U+2CC8->U+2CC9, U+2CC9, U+2CCA->U+2CCB,  \
+		U+2CCB, U+2CCC->U+2CCD, U+2CCD, U+2CCE->U+2CCF, U+2CCF, U+2CD0->U+2CD1, U+2CD1, U+2CD2->U+2CD3, U+2CD3, U+2CD4->U+2CD5, U+2CD5, U+2CD6->U+2CD7, U+2CD7, U+2CD8->U+2CD9, U+2CD9, U+2CDA->U+2CDB, U+2CDB, U+2CDC->U+2CDD, U+2CDD, U+2CDE->U+2CDF, U+2CDF, U+2CE0->U+2CE1,  \
+		U+2CE1, U+2CE2->U+2CE3, U+2CE3, U+0400->U+0435, U+0401->U+0435, U+0402->U+0452, U+0452, U+0403->U+0433, U+0404->U+0454, U+0454, U+0405->U+0455, U+0455, U+0406->U+0456, U+0407->U+0456, U+0457->U+0456, U+0456, U+0408..U+040B->U+0458..U+045B, U+0458..U+045B,  \
+		U+040C->U+043A, U+040D->U+0438, U+040E->U+0443, U+040F->U+045F, U+045F, U+0450->U+0435, U+0451->U+0435, U+0453->U+0433, U+045C->U+043A, U+045D->U+0438, U+045E->U+0443, U+0460->U+0461, U+0461, U+0462->U+0463, U+0463, U+0464->U+0465, U+0465, U+0466->U+0467,  \
+		U+0467, U+0468->U+0469, U+0469, U+046A->U+046B, U+046B, U+046C->U+046D, U+046D, U+046E->U+046F, U+046F, U+0470->U+0471, U+0471, U+0472->U+0473, U+0473, U+0474->U+0475, U+0476->U+0475, U+0477->U+0475, U+0475, U+0478->U+0479, U+0479, U+047A->U+047B, U+047B,  \
+		U+047C->U+047D, U+047D, U+047E->U+047F, U+047F, U+0480->U+0481, U+0481, U+048A->U+0438, U+048B->U+0438, U+048C->U+044C, U+048D->U+044C, U+048E->U+0440, U+048F->U+0440, U+0490->U+0433, U+0491->U+0433, U+0490->U+0433, U+0491->U+0433, U+0492->U+0433, U+0493->U+0433,  \
+		U+0494->U+0433, U+0495->U+0433, U+0496->U+0436, U+0497->U+0436, U+0498->U+0437, U+0499->U+0437, U+049A->U+043A, U+049B->U+043A, U+049C->U+043A, U+049D->U+043A, U+049E->U+043A, U+049F->U+043A, U+04A0->U+043A, U+04A1->U+043A, U+04A2->U+043D, U+04A3->U+043D,  \
+		U+04A4->U+043D, U+04A5->U+043D, U+04A6->U+043F, U+04A7->U+043F, U+04A8->U+04A9, U+04A9, U+04AA->U+0441, U+04AB->U+0441, U+04AC->U+0442, U+04AD->U+0442, U+04AE->U+0443, U+04AF->U+0443, U+04B0->U+0443, U+04B1->U+0443, U+04B2->U+0445, U+04B3->U+0445, U+04B4->U+04B5,  \
+		U+04B5, U+04B6->U+0447, U+04B7->U+0447, U+04B8->U+0447, U+04B9->U+0447, U+04BA->U+04BB, U+04BB, U+04BC->U+04BD, U+04BE->U+04BD, U+04BF->U+04BD, U+04BD, U+04C0->U+04CF, U+04CF, U+04C1->U+0436, U+04C2->U+0436, U+04C3->U+043A, U+04C4->U+043A, U+04C5->U+043B,  \
+		U+04C6->U+043B, U+04C7->U+043D, U+04C8->U+043D, U+04C9->U+043D, U+04CA->U+043D, U+04CB->U+0447, U+04CC->U+0447, U+04CD->U+043C, U+04CE->U+043C, U+04D0->U+0430, U+04D1->U+0430, U+04D2->U+0430, U+04D3->U+0430, U+04D4->U+00E6, U+04D5->U+00E6, U+04D6->U+0435,  \
+		U+04D7->U+0435, U+04D8->U+04D9, U+04DA->U+04D9, U+04DB->U+04D9, U+04D9, U+04DC->U+0436, U+04DD->U+0436, U+04DE->U+0437, U+04DF->U+0437, U+04E0->U+04E1, U+04E1, U+04E2->U+0438, U+04E3->U+0438, U+04E4->U+0438, U+04E5->U+0438, U+04E6->U+043E, U+04E7->U+043E,  \
+		U+04E8->U+043E, U+04E9->U+043E, U+04EA->U+043E, U+04EB->U+043E, U+04EC->U+044D, U+04ED->U+044D, U+04EE->U+0443, U+04EF->U+0443, U+04F0->U+0443, U+04F1->U+0443, U+04F2->U+0443, U+04F3->U+0443, U+04F4->U+0447, U+04F5->U+0447, U+04F6->U+0433, U+04F7->U+0433,  \
+		U+04F8->U+044B, U+04F9->U+044B, U+04FA->U+0433, U+04FB->U+0433, U+04FC->U+0445, U+04FD->U+0445, U+04FE->U+0445, U+04FF->U+0445, U+0410..U+0418->U+0430..U+0438, U+0419->U+0438, U+0430..U+0438, U+041A..U+042F->U+043A..U+044F, U+043A..U+044F, U+0929->U+0928,  \
+		U+0931->U+0930, U+0934->U+0933, U+0958->U+0915, U+0959->U+0916, U+095A->U+0917, U+095B->U+091C, U+095C->U+0921, U+095D->U+0922, U+095E->U+092B, U+095F->U+092F, U+0904..U+0928, U+092A..U+0930, U+0932, U+0933, U+0935..U+0939, U+0960, U+0961, U+0966..U+096F,  \
+		U+097B..U+097F, U+10FC->U+10DC, U+10D0..U+10FA, U+10A0..U+10C5->U+2D00..U+2D25, U+2D00..U+2D25, U+0386->U+03B1, U+0388->U+03B5, U+0389->U+03B7, U+038A->U+03B9, U+038C->U+03BF, U+038E->U+03C5, U+038F->U+03C9, U+0390->U+03B9, U+03AA->U+03B9, U+03AB->U+03C5,  \
+		U+03AC->U+03B1, U+03AD->U+03B5, U+03AE->U+03B7, U+03AF->U+03B9, U+03B0->U+03C5, U+03CA->U+03B9, U+03CB->U+03C5, U+03CC->U+03BF, U+03CD->U+03C5, U+03CE->U+03C9, U+03D0->U+03B2, U+03D1->U+03B8, U+03D2->U+03C5, U+03D3->U+03C5, U+03D4->U+03C5, U+03D5->U+03C6,  \
+		U+03D6->U+03C0, U+03D8->U+03D9, U+03DA->U+03DB, U+03DC->U+03DD, U+03DE->U+03DF, U+03E0->U+03E1, U+03E2->U+03E3, U+03E4->U+03E5, U+03E6->U+03E7, U+03E8->U+03E9, U+03EA->U+03EB, U+03EC->U+03ED, U+03EE->U+03EF, U+03F0->U+03BA, U+03F1->U+03C1, U+03F2->U+03C3,  \
+		U+03F4->U+03B8, U+03F5->U+03B5, U+03F6->U+03B5, U+03F7->U+03F8, U+03F9->U+03C3, U+03FA->U+03FB, U+1F00->U+03B1, U+1F01->U+03B1, U+1F02->U+03B1, U+1F03->U+03B1, U+1F04->U+03B1, U+1F05->U+03B1, U+1F06->U+03B1, U+1F07->U+03B1, U+1F08->U+03B1, U+1F09->U+03B1,  \
+		U+1F0A->U+03B1, U+1F0B->U+03B1, U+1F0C->U+03B1, U+1F0D->U+03B1, U+1F0E->U+03B1, U+1F0F->U+03B1, U+1F10->U+03B5, U+1F11->U+03B5, U+1F12->U+03B5, U+1F13->U+03B5, U+1F14->U+03B5, U+1F15->U+03B5, U+1F18->U+03B5, U+1F19->U+03B5, U+1F1A->U+03B5, U+1F1B->U+03B5,  \
+		U+1F1C->U+03B5, U+1F1D->U+03B5, U+1F20->U+03B7, U+1F21->U+03B7, U+1F22->U+03B7, U+1F23->U+03B7, U+1F24->U+03B7, U+1F25->U+03B7, U+1F26->U+03B7, U+1F27->U+03B7, U+1F28->U+03B7, U+1F29->U+03B7, U+1F2A->U+03B7, U+1F2B->U+03B7, U+1F2C->U+03B7, U+1F2D->U+03B7,  \
+		U+1F2E->U+03B7, U+1F2F->U+03B7, U+1F30->U+03B9, U+1F31->U+03B9, U+1F32->U+03B9, U+1F33->U+03B9, U+1F34->U+03B9, U+1F35->U+03B9, U+1F36->U+03B9, U+1F37->U+03B9, U+1F38->U+03B9, U+1F39->U+03B9, U+1F3A->U+03B9, U+1F3B->U+03B9, U+1F3C->U+03B9, U+1F3D->U+03B9,  \
+		U+1F3E->U+03B9, U+1F3F->U+03B9, U+1F40->U+03BF, U+1F41->U+03BF, U+1F42->U+03BF, U+1F43->U+03BF, U+1F44->U+03BF, U+1F45->U+03BF, U+1F48->U+03BF, U+1F49->U+03BF, U+1F4A->U+03BF, U+1F4B->U+03BF, U+1F4C->U+03BF, U+1F4D->U+03BF, U+1F50->U+03C5, U+1F51->U+03C5,  \
+		U+1F52->U+03C5, U+1F53->U+03C5, U+1F54->U+03C5, U+1F55->U+03C5, U+1F56->U+03C5, U+1F57->U+03C5, U+1F59->U+03C5, U+1F5B->U+03C5, U+1F5D->U+03C5, U+1F5F->U+03C5, U+1F60->U+03C9, U+1F61->U+03C9, U+1F62->U+03C9, U+1F63->U+03C9, U+1F64->U+03C9, U+1F65->U+03C9,  \
+		U+1F66->U+03C9, U+1F67->U+03C9, U+1F68->U+03C9, U+1F69->U+03C9, U+1F6A->U+03C9, U+1F6B->U+03C9, U+1F6C->U+03C9, U+1F6D->U+03C9, U+1F6E->U+03C9, U+1F6F->U+03C9, U+1F70->U+03B1, U+1F71->U+03B1, U+1F72->U+03B5, U+1F73->U+03B5, U+1F74->U+03B7, U+1F75->U+03B7,  \
+		U+1F76->U+03B9, U+1F77->U+03B9, U+1F78->U+03BF, U+1F79->U+03BF, U+1F7A->U+03C5, U+1F7B->U+03C5, U+1F7C->U+03C9, U+1F7D->U+03C9, U+1F80->U+03B1, U+1F81->U+03B1, U+1F82->U+03B1, U+1F83->U+03B1, U+1F84->U+03B1, U+1F85->U+03B1, U+1F86->U+03B1, U+1F87->U+03B1,  \
+		U+1F88->U+03B1, U+1F89->U+03B1, U+1F8A->U+03B1, U+1F8B->U+03B1, U+1F8C->U+03B1, U+1F8D->U+03B1, U+1F8E->U+03B1, U+1F8F->U+03B1, U+1F90->U+03B7, U+1F91->U+03B7, U+1F92->U+03B7, U+1F93->U+03B7, U+1F94->U+03B7, U+1F95->U+03B7, U+1F96->U+03B7, U+1F97->U+03B7,  \
+		U+1F98->U+03B7, U+1F99->U+03B7, U+1F9A->U+03B7, U+1F9B->U+03B7, U+1F9C->U+03B7, U+1F9D->U+03B7, U+1F9E->U+03B7, U+1F9F->U+03B7, U+1FA0->U+03C9, U+1FA1->U+03C9, U+1FA2->U+03C9, U+1FA3->U+03C9, U+1FA4->U+03C9, U+1FA5->U+03C9, U+1FA6->U+03C9, U+1FA7->U+03C9,  \
+		U+1FA8->U+03C9, U+1FA9->U+03C9, U+1FAA->U+03C9, U+1FAB->U+03C9, U+1FAC->U+03C9, U+1FAD->U+03C9, U+1FAE->U+03C9, U+1FAF->U+03C9, U+1FB0->U+03B1, U+1FB1->U+03B1, U+1FB2->U+03B1, U+1FB3->U+03B1, U+1FB4->U+03B1, U+1FB6->U+03B1, U+1FB7->U+03B1, U+1FB8->U+03B1,  \
+		U+1FB9->U+03B1, U+1FBA->U+03B1, U+1FBB->U+03B1, U+1FBC->U+03B1, U+1FC2->U+03B7, U+1FC3->U+03B7, U+1FC4->U+03B7, U+1FC6->U+03B7, U+1FC7->U+03B7, U+1FC8->U+03B5, U+1FC9->U+03B5, U+1FCA->U+03B7, U+1FCB->U+03B7, U+1FCC->U+03B7, U+1FD0->U+03B9, U+1FD1->U+03B9,  \
+		U+1FD2->U+03B9, U+1FD3->U+03B9, U+1FD6->U+03B9, U+1FD7->U+03B9, U+1FD8->U+03B9, U+1FD9->U+03B9, U+1FDA->U+03B9, U+1FDB->U+03B9, U+1FE0->U+03C5, U+1FE1->U+03C5, U+1FE2->U+03C5, U+1FE3->U+03C5, U+1FE4->U+03C1, U+1FE5->U+03C1, U+1FE6->U+03C5, U+1FE7->U+03C5,  \
+		U+1FE8->U+03C5, U+1FE9->U+03C5, U+1FEA->U+03C5, U+1FEB->U+03C5, U+1FEC->U+03C1, U+1FF2->U+03C9, U+1FF3->U+03C9, U+1FF4->U+03C9, U+1FF6->U+03C9, U+1FF7->U+03C9, U+1FF8->U+03BF, U+1FF9->U+03BF, U+1FFA->U+03C9, U+1FFB->U+03C9, U+1FFC->U+03C9, U+0391..U+03A1->U+03B1..U+03C1,  \
+		U+03B1..U+03C1, U+03A3..U+03A9->U+03C3..U+03C9, U+03C3..U+03C9, U+03C2, U+03D9, U+03DB, U+03DD, U+03DF, U+03E1, U+03E3, U+03E5, U+03E7, U+03E9, U+03EB, U+03ED, U+03EF, U+03F3, U+03F8, U+03FB, U+0A85..U+0A8C, U+0A8F, U+0A90, U+0A93..U+0AB0, U+0AB2, U+0AB3,  \
+		U+0AB5..U+0AB9, U+0AE0, U+0AE1, U+0AE6..U+0AEF, U+0A33->U+0A32, U+0A36->U+0A38, U+0A59->U+0A16, U+0A5A->U+0A17, U+0A5B->U+0A1C, U+0A5E->U+0A2B, U+0A05..U+0A0A, U+0A0F, U+0A10, U+0A13..U+0A28, U+0A2A..U+0A30, U+0A32, U+0A35, U+0A38, U+0A39, U+0A5C, U+0A66..U+0A6F,  \
+		U+FB1D->U+05D9, U+FB1F->U+05F2, U+FB20->U+05E2, U+FB21->U+05D0, U+FB22->U+05D3, U+FB23->U+05D4, U+FB24->U+05DB, U+FB25->U+05DC, U+FB26->U+05DD, U+FB27->U+05E8, U+FB28->U+05EA, U+FB2A->U+05E9, U+FB2B->U+05E9, U+FB2C->U+05E9, U+FB2D->U+05E9, U+FB2E->U+05D0,  \
+		U+FB2F->U+05D0, U+FB30->U+05D0, U+FB31->U+05D1, U+FB32->U+05D2, U+FB33->U+05D3, U+FB34->U+05D4, U+FB35->U+05D5, U+FB36->U+05D6, U+FB38->U+05D8, U+FB39->U+05D9, U+FB3A->U+05DA, U+FB3B->U+05DB, U+FB3C->U+05DC, U+FB3E->U+05DE, U+FB40->U+05E0, U+FB41->U+05E1,  \
+		U+FB43->U+05E3, U+FB44->U+05E4, U+FB46->U+05E6, U+FB47->U+05E7, U+FB48->U+05E8, U+FB49->U+05E9, U+FB4A->U+05EA, U+FB4B->U+05D5, U+FB4C->U+05D1, U+FB4D->U+05DB, U+FB4E->U+05E4, U+FB4F->U+05D0, U+05D0..U+05F2, U+0C85..U+0C8C, U+0C8E..U+0C90, U+0C92..U+0CA8,  \
+		U+0CAA..U+0CB3, U+0CB5..U+0CB9, U+0CE0, U+0CE1, U+0CE6..U+0CEF, U+1900..U+191C, U+1930..U+1938, U+1946..U+194F, U+0D05..U+0D0C, U+0D0E..U+0D10, U+0D12..U+0D28, U+0D2A..U+0D39, U+0D60, U+0D61, U+0D66..U+0D6F, U+0B94->U+0B92, U+0B85..U+0B8A, U+0B8E..U+0B90,  \
+		U+0B92, U+0B93, U+0B95, U+0B99, U+0B9A, U+0B9C, U+0B9E, U+0B9F, U+0BA3, U+0BA4, U+0BA8..U+0BAA, U+0BAE..U+0BB9, U+0BE6..U+0BEF, U+0E01..U+0E30, U+0E32, U+0E33, U+0E40..U+0E46, U+0E50..U+0E5B, U+FF10..U+FF19->0..9, U+FF21..U+FF3A->a..z, U+FF41..U+FF5A->a..z,  \
+		0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z
+	# ignored characters list
+	# optional, default value is empty
+	#
+	# ignore_chars		= U+00AD
+	# minimum word prefix length to index
+	# optional, default is 0 (do not index prefixes)
+	#
+	# min_prefix_len		= 0
+	# minimum word infix length to index
+	# optional, default is 0 (do not index infixes)
+	#
+	# min_infix_len		= 0
+	# list of fields to limit prefix/infix indexing to
+	# optional, default value is empty (index all fields in prefix/infix mode)
+	#
+	# prefix_fields		= filename
+	# infix_fields		= url, domain
+	# enable star-syntax (wildcards) when searching prefix/infix indexes
+	# search-time only, does not affect indexing, can be 0 or 1
+	# optional, default is 0 (do not use wildcard syntax)
+	#
+	# enable_star		= 1
+	# expand keywords with exact forms and/or stars when searching fit indexes
+	# search-time only, does not affect indexing, can be 0 or 1
+	# optional, default is 0 (do not expand keywords)
+	#
+	# expand_keywords		= 1
+	# n-gram length to index, for CJK indexing
+	# only supports 0 and 1 for now, other lengths to be implemented
+	# optional, default is 0 (disable n-grams)
+	#
+	ngram_len		= 1
+	# n-gram characters list, for CJK indexing
+	# optional, default is empty
+	#
+	ngram_chars		= U+4E00..U+9FBB, U+3400..U+4DB5, U+20000..U+2A6D6, U+FA0E, U+FA0F, U+FA11, U+FA13, U+FA14, U+FA1F, U+FA21, U+FA23, U+FA24, U+FA27, U+FA28, U+FA29, U+3105..U+312C, U+31A0..U+31B7, U+3041, U+3043, U+3045, U+3047, U+3049, U+304B, U+304D, U+304F, U+3051, U+3053, U+3055, U+3057, U+3059, U+305B, U+305D, U+305F, U+3061, U+3063, U+3066, U+3068, U+306A..U+306F, U+3072, U+3075, U+3078, U+307B, U+307E..U+3083, U+3085, U+3087, U+3089..U+308E, U+3090..U+3093, U+30A1, U+30A3, U+30A5, U+30A7, U+30A9, U+30AD, U+30AF, U+30B3, U+30B5, U+30BB, U+30BD, U+30BF, U+30C1, U+30C3, U+30C4, U+30C6, U+30CA, U+30CB, U+30CD, U+30CE, U+30DE, U+30DF, U+30E1, U+30E2, U+30E3, U+30E5, U+30E7, U+30EE, U+30F0..U+30F3, U+30F5, U+30F6, U+31F0, U+31F1, U+31F2, U+31F3, U+31F4, U+31F5, U+31F6, U+31F7, U+31F8, U+31F9, U+31FA, U+31FB, U+31FC, U+31FD, U+31FE, U+31FF, U+AC00..U+D7A3, U+1100..U+1159, U+1161..U+11A2, U+11A8..U+11F9, U+A000..U+A48C, U+A492..U+A4C6
+	# phrase boundary characters list
+	# optional, default is empty
+	#
+	# phrase_boundary		= ., ?, !, U+2026 # horizontal ellipsis
+	# phrase boundary word position increment
+	# optional, default is 0
+	#
+	# phrase_boundary_step	= 100
+	# blended characters list
+	# blended chars are indexed both as separators and valid characters
+	# for instance, AT&T will results in 3 tokens ("at", "t", and "at&t")
+	# optional, default is empty
+	#
+	# blend_chars		= +, &, U+23
+	# blended token indexing mode
+	# a comma separated list of blended token indexing variants
+	# known variants are trim_none, trim_head, trim_tail, trim_both, skip_pure
+	# optional, default is trim_none
+	#
+	# blend_mode		= trim_tail, skip_pure
+	# whether to strip HTML tags from incoming documents
+	# known values are 0 (do not strip) and 1 (do strip)
+	# optional, default is 0
+	html_strip		= 0
+	# what HTML attributes to index if stripping HTML
+	# optional, default is empty (do not index anything)
+	#
+	# html_index_attrs	= img=alt,title; a=title;
+	# what HTML elements contents to strip
+	# optional, default is empty (do not strip element contents)
+	#
+	# html_remove_elements	= style, script
+	# whether to preopen index data files on startup
+	# optional, default is 0 (do not preopen), searchd-only
+	#
+	# preopen			= 1
+	# whether to keep dictionary (.spi) on disk, or cache it in RAM
+	# optional, default is 0 (cache in RAM), searchd-only
+	#
+	# ondisk_dict		= 1
+	# whether to enable in-place inversion (2x less disk, 90-95% speed)
+	# optional, default is 0 (use separate temporary files), indexer-only
+	#
+	# inplace_enable		= 1
+	# in-place fine-tuning options
+	# optional, defaults are listed below
+	#
+	# inplace_hit_gap		= 0 # preallocated hitlist gap size
+	# inplace_docinfo_gap	= 0 # preallocated docinfo gap size
+	# inplace_reloc_factor	= 0.1 # relocation buffer size within arena
+	# inplace_write_factor	= 0.1 # write buffer size within arena
+	# whether to index original keywords along with stemmed versions
+	# enables "=exactform" operator to work
+	# optional, default is 0
+	#
+	# index_exact_words	= 1
+	# position increment on overshort (less that min_word_len) words
+	# optional, allowed values are 0 and 1, default is 1
+	#
+	# overshort_step		= 1
+	# position increment on stopword
+	# optional, allowed values are 0 and 1, default is 1
+	#
+	# stopword_step		= 1
+	# hitless words list
+	# positions for these keywords will not be stored in the index
+	# optional, allowed values are 'all', or a list file name
+	#
+	# hitless_words		= all
+	# hitless_words		= hitless.txt
+	# detect and index sentence and paragraph boundaries
+	# required for the SENTENCE and PARAGRAPH operators to work
+	# optional, allowed values are 0 and 1, default is 0
+	#
+	# index_sp			= 1
+	# index zones, delimited by HTML/XML tags
+	# a comma separated list of tags and wildcards
+	# required for the ZONE operator to work
+	# optional, default is empty string (do not index zones)
+	#
+	# index_zones		= title, h*, th
+## searchd settings
+	# [hostname:]port[:protocol], or /unix/socket/path to listen on
+	# known protocols are 'sphinx' (SphinxAPI) and 'mysql41' (SphinxQL)
+	#
+	# multi-value, multiple listen points are allowed
+	# optional, defaults are 9312:sphinx and 9306:mysql41, as below
+	#
+	# listen			=
+	# listen			=
+	# listen			= 9312
+	# listen			= /var/run/searchd.sock
+	listen			= %(ip_address)s:%(port)s:sphinx
+	listen			= %(ip_address)s:%(sql_port)s:mysql41
+	# log file, searchd run info is logged here
+	# optional, default is 'searchd.log'
+	log			= %(log_directory)s/sphinx-searchd.log
+	# query log file, all search queries are logged here
+	# optional, default is empty (do not log queries)
+	query_log		= %(log_directory)s/sphinx-query.log
+	# client read timeout, seconds
+	# optional, default is 5
+	read_timeout		= 5
+	# request timeout, seconds
+	# optional, default is 5 minutes
+	client_timeout		= 300
+	# maximum amount of children to fork (concurrent searches to run)
+	# optional, default is 0 (unlimited)
+	max_children		= 30
+	# PID file, searchd process ID file name
+	# mandatory
+	pid_file		= %(data_directory)s/sphinx-searchd.pid
+	# max amount of matches the daemon ever keeps in RAM, per-index
+	# default is 1000 (just like Google)
+	max_matches		= 1000
+	# seamless rotate, prevents rotate stalls if precaching huge datasets
+	# optional, default is 1
+	seamless_rotate		= 1
+	# whether to forcibly preopen all indexes on startup
+	# optional, default is 0 (do not preopen)
+	preopen_indexes		= 0
+	# whether to unlink .old index copies on succesful rotation.
+	# optional, default is 1 (do unlink)
+	unlink_old		= 1
+	# attribute updates periodic flush timeout, seconds
+	# updates will be automatically dumped to disk this frequently
+	# optional, default is 0 (disable periodic flush)
+	#
+	# attr_flush_period	= 900
+	# instance-wide ondisk_dict defaults (per-index value take precedence)
+	# optional, default is 0 (precache all dictionaries in RAM)
+	#
+	# ondisk_dict_default	= 1
+	# MVA updates pool size
+	# shared between all instances of searchd, disables attr flushes!
+	# optional, default size is 1M
+	mva_updates_pool	= 1M
+	# max allowed network packet size
+	# limits both query packets from clients, and responses from agents
+	# optional, default size is 8M
+	max_packet_size		= 8M
+	# crash log path
+	# searchd will (try to) log crashed query to 'crash_log_path.PID' file
+	# optional, default is empty (do not create crash logs)
+	#
+	# crash_log_path		= %(log_directory)s
+	# max allowed per-query filter count
+	# optional, default is 256
+	max_filters		= 256
+	# max allowed per-filter values count
+	# optional, default is 4096
+	max_filter_values	= 4096
+	# socket listen queue length
+	# optional, default is 5
+	#
+	# listen_backlog		= 5
+	# per-keyword read buffer size
+	# optional, default is 256K
+	#
+	# read_buffer		= 256K
+	# unhinted read size (currently used when reading hits)
+	# optional, default is 32K
+	#
+	# read_unhinted		= 32K
+	# max allowed per-batch query count (aka multi-query count)
+	# optional, default is 32
+	max_batch_queries	= 32
+	# max common subtree document cache size, per-query
+	# optional, default is 0 (disable subtree optimization)
+	#
+	# subtree_docs_cache	= 4M
+	# max common subtree hit cache size, per-query
+	# optional, default is 0 (disable subtree optimization)
+	#
+	# subtree_hits_cache	= 8M
+	# multi-processing mode (MPM)
+	# known values are none, fork, prefork, and threads
+	# optional, default is fork
+	#
+	workers			= threads # for RT to work
+	# max threads to create for searching local parts of a distributed index
+	# optional, default is 0, which means disable multi-threaded searching
+	# should work with all MPMs (ie. does NOT require workers=threads)
+	#
+	# dist_threads		= 4
+	# binlog files path; use empty string to disable binlog
+	# optional, default is build-time configured data directory
+	#
+	binlog_path		= # disable logging
+	# binlog_path		= %(data_directory)s # binlog.001 etc will be created there
+	# binlog flush/sync mode
+	# 0 means flush and sync every second
+	# 1 means flush and sync every transaction
+	# 2 means flush every transaction, sync every second
+	# optional, default is 2
+	#
+	# binlog_flush		= 2
+	# binlog per-file size limit
+	# optional, default is 128M, 0 means no limit
+	#
+	# binlog_max_log_size	= 256M
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zeo.conf.in b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zeo.conf.in
index a37dd6cd78993affe4e027ab60a6d9816567fb9b..94ffbb7859acf2d1f92306b0557cb985497d115e 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zeo.conf.in
+++ b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zeo.conf.in
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 # ZEO configuration file generated by SlapOS
   address %(zeo_ip)s:%(zeo_port)s
-  read-only false
-  invalidation-queue-size 100
   pid-filename %(zeo_pid)s
@@ -10,6 +8,7 @@
+    dateformat
     path %(zeo_event_log)s
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zope-zeo-snippet.conf.in b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zope-zeo-snippet.conf.in
index 71ff1567956b72075cd497c164bf7464dbab9397..dbd9bcac222f08ad6697e74c5e8cd62017ce9648 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zope-zeo-snippet.conf.in
+++ b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zope-zeo-snippet.conf.in
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 <zodb_db %(storage_name)s>
+  cache-size %(zodb_cache_size)d
   mount-point %(mount_point)s
+    cache-size %(zeo_client_cache_size)s
     server %(address)s
     storage %(storage_name)s
     name %(storage_name)s
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zope-zodb-snippet.conf.in b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zope-zodb-snippet.conf.in
index d0b3ed1357779e9f4db7c93b2df16848874eb8ce..4eb6a051bdcbc2a575d34bf9f299dfdfb43b1596 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zope-zodb-snippet.conf.in
+++ b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zope-zodb-snippet.conf.in
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 <zodb_db root>
+    cache-size %(zodb_cache_size)d
       path %(zodb_root_path)s
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zope.conf.in b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zope.conf.in
index 90a1ac96b1f9d5e3f50c93ee149939b91b845d57..e8576401314fb57a5154abd98bba69cb744f43d6 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zope.conf.in
+++ b/slapos/recipe/erp5/template/zope.conf.in
@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@ instancehome $INSTANCE
 # Used products
-# Environment override
+# Environment is setup in running wrapper script
+# Reason: zope.conf is read too late for some componets
 # No need to debug
 debug-mode off
@@ -34,11 +32,13 @@ lock-filename %(lock-filename)s
 # Logging configuration
+    dateformat
     path %(event_log)s
 <logger access>
+    dateformat
     path %(z2_log)s
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/kvm/__init__.py b/slapos/recipe/kvm/__init__.py
index 24ea90a059fc4643496d03bc14c9d7b348da26c5..40c123135c85fddd8b483295c3664e09872f2899 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/kvm/__init__.py
+++ b/slapos/recipe/kvm/__init__.py
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ import hashlib
 class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
+  # To avoid magic numbers
+  VNC_BASE_PORT = 5900
   def _install(self):
     Set the connection dictionnary for the computer partition and create a list
@@ -49,43 +52,58 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     self.path_list = []
     self.requirements, self.ws           = self.egg.working_set()
-    self.cron_d                          = self.installCrond()    
+    self.cron_d                          = self.installCrond()
     self.ca_conf                         = self.installCertificateAuthority()
     self.key_path, self.certificate_path = self.requestCertificate('noVNC')
+    # Install the socket_connection_attempt script
+    catcher = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+      [('check_port_listening', __name__ + 'socket_connection_attempt', 'connection_attempt')],
+      self.ws,
+      sys.executable,
+      self.bin_directory,
+    )
+    # Save the check_port_listening script path
+    check_port_listening_script = catcher[0]
+    # Get the port_listening_promise template path, and save it
+    self.port_listening_promise_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
+      __name__, 'template/port_listening_promise.in')
+    self.port_listening_promise_conf = dict(
+     check_port_listening_script=check_port_listening_script,
+    )
     kvm_conf = self.installKvm(vnc_ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address())
-    vnc_port = 5900 + kvm_conf['vnc_display']
+    vnc_port = Recipe.VNC_BASE_PORT + kvm_conf['vnc_display']
     noVNC_conf = self.installNoVnc(source_ip   = self.getGlobalIPv6Address(),
                                    source_port = 6080,
                                    target_ip   = kvm_conf['vnc_ip'],
-                                   target_port = vnc_port,
-                                   python_path = kvm_conf['python_path'])
+                                   target_port = vnc_port)
         url = "https://[%s]:%s/vnc.html?host=[%s]&port=%s&encrypt=1" % (noVNC_conf['source_ip'],
-                                                     ), 
+                                                     ),
         password = kvm_conf['vnc_passwd']))
     return self.path_list
   def installKvm(self, vnc_ip):
-    Create kvm configuration dictionnary and instanciate a wrapper for kvm and 
-    kvm controller 
+    Create kvm configuration dictionnary and instanciate a wrapper for kvm and
+    kvm controller
     Parameters : IP the vnc server is listening on
     Returns    : Dictionnary kvm_conf
     kvm_conf = dict(vnc_ip = vnc_ip)
     connection_found = False
     for tap_interface, dummy in self.parameter_dict['ip_list']:
       # Get an ip associated to a tap interface
@@ -95,13 +113,13 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
       raise NotImplementedError("Do not support ip without tap interface")
     kvm_conf['tap_interface'] = tap_interface
     # Disk path
     kvm_conf['disk_path'] = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory,
     kvm_conf['socket_path'] = os.path.join(self.var_directory, 'qmp_socket')
     # XXX Weak password
-    ##XXX -Vivien: add an option to generate one password for all instances 
+    ##XXX -Vivien: add an option to generate one password for all instances
     # and/or to input it yourself
     kvm_conf['vnc_passwd'] = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(4))
@@ -120,7 +138,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
           int(self.options['disk_size']))], shell=True)
       if retcode != 0:
         raise OSError, "Disk creation failed!"
     # Options nbd_ip and nbd_port are provided by slapos master
     kvm_conf['nbd_ip']   = self.parameter_dict['nbd_ip']
     kvm_conf['nbd_port'] = self.parameter_dict['nbd_port']
@@ -134,41 +152,48 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     kvm_conf['ram_size']    = self.options['ram_size']
     kvm_conf['vnc_display'] = 1
     # Instanciate KVM
-    kvm_template_location = pkg_resources.resource_filename(          
-                                             __name__, os.path.join(         
-                                             'template', 'kvm_run.in'))     
-    kvm_runner_path = self.createRunningWrapper("kvm",                        
+    kvm_template_location = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
+      __name__, 'template/kvm_run.in')
+    kvm_runner_path = self.createRunningWrapper("kvm",
     # Instanciate KVM controller
-    kvm_controller_template_location = pkg_resources.resource_filename(          
-                                             __name__, os.path.join(         
-                                             'template',
-                                             'kvm_controller_run.in' ))     
-    kvm_controller_runner_path = self.createRunningWrapper("kvm_controller",                        
+    kvm_controller_template_location = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
+      __name__, 'template/kvm_controller_run.in')
+    kvm_controller_runner_path = self.createRunningWrapper("kvm_controller",
     # Instanciate Slapmonitor
     ##slapmonitor_runner_path = self.instanciate_wrapper("slapmonitor",
     #    [database_path, pid_file_path, python_path])
     # Instanciate Slapreport
     ##slapreport_runner_path = self.instanciate_wrapper("slapreport",
     #    [database_path, python_path])
+    # Add VNC promise
+    self.port_listening_promise_conf.update(
+      hostname=kvm_conf['vnc_ip'],
+      port=Recipe.VNC_BASE_PORT + kvm_conf['vnc_display'],
+    )
+    self.createPromiseWrapper("vnc_promise",
+        self.substituteTemplate(self.port_listening_promise_path,
+                                self.port_listening_promise_conf,
+                               )
+                             )
     return kvm_conf
-  def installNoVnc(self, source_ip, source_port, target_ip, target_port, 
-                   python_path):
+  def installNoVnc(self, source_ip, source_port, target_ip, target_port):
     Create noVNC configuration dictionnary and instanciate Websockify proxy
@@ -181,14 +206,20 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     noVNC_conf = {}
-    noVNC_conf['source_ip']   = source_ip                                          
+    noVNC_conf['source_ip']   = source_ip
     noVNC_conf['source_port'] = source_port
+    # Install numpy.
+    # XXX-Cedric : this looks like a hack. Do we have better solution, knowing
+    # That websockify is not an egg?
+    numpy = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(['numpy'], self.options['eggs-directory'])
+    environment = dict(PYTHONPATH='%s' % numpy.entries[0])
     # Instanciate Websockify
     websockify_runner_path = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('websockify',
-      'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute_wait')], self.ws,
+      'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'executee_wait')], self.ws,
       sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
-        [python_path.strip(),
+        [sys.executable.strip(),
@@ -197,11 +228,22 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
          '%s:%s' % (source_ip, source_port),
          '%s:%s' % (target_ip, target_port)],
-        [self.certificate_path, self.key_path]]
+        [self.certificate_path, self.key_path],
+        environment]
+    # Add noVNC promise
+    self.port_listening_promise_conf.update(hostname=noVNC_conf['source_ip'],
+                                            port=noVNC_conf['source_port'],
+                                           )
+    self.createPromiseWrapper("novnc_promise",
+        self.substituteTemplate(self.port_listening_promise_path,
+                                self.port_listening_promise_conf,
+                               )
+                             )
     return noVNC_conf
   def linkBinary(self):
@@ -225,7 +267,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
       os.symlink(target, link)
       self.logger.debug('Created link %r -> %r' % (link, target))
   def installCertificateAuthority(self, ca_country_code='XX',
       ca_email='xx@example.com', ca_state='State', ca_city='City',
@@ -284,7 +326,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
       ca_crl=os.path.join(config['ca_dir'], 'crl'),
   def requestCertificate(self, name):
     hash = hashlib.sha512(name).hexdigest()
     key = os.path.join(self.ca_private, hash + self.ca_key_ext)
@@ -296,7 +338,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     parser.set('certificate', 'certificate_file', certificate)
     parser.write(open(os.path.join(self.ca_request_dir, hash), 'w'))
     return key, certificate
   def installCrond(self):
     timestamps = self.createDataDirectory('cronstamps')
     cron_output = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'cron-output')
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/kvm/socket_connection_attempt.py b/slapos/recipe/kvm/socket_connection_attempt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dfd9fad4b930518c6ef94a88c69ed40ce6b22539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/kvm/socket_connection_attempt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import socket
+import sys
+def connection_attempt():
+  try:
+    hostname, port = sys.argv[1:3]
+  except ValueError:
+    print >> sys.stderr, """Bad command line.
+  Usage: %s hostname|ip port""" % sys.argv[0]
+    sys.exit(1)
+  connection_okay = False
+  try:
+    s = socket.create_connection((hostname, port))
+    connection_okay = True
+    s.close()
+  except (socket.error, socket.timeout):
+    connection_okay = False
+  if not connection_okay:
+    print >> sys.stderr, "%(port)s on %(ip)s isn't listening" % {
+      'port': port, 'ip': hostname
+    }
+    sys.exit(127)
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/kvm/template/port_listening_promise.in b/slapos/recipe/kvm/template/port_listening_promise.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..15fa390d01e38096cfb8a9d01356bf1687e3f740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/kvm/template/port_listening_promise.in
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+"%(check_port_listening_script)s" "%(hostname)s" "%(port)s"
+exit $?
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/lamp/__init__.py b/slapos/recipe/lamp/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64af4334163cc01532300f91a6e5b810861ea6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/lamp/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+from slapos.recipe.librecipe import BaseSlapRecipe
+import os
+import shutil
+import pkg_resources
+import zc.buildout
+import sys
+import zc.recipe.egg
+import urlparse
+class BaseRecipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
+  def getTemplateFilename(self, template_name):
+    return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
+        'template/%s' % template_name)
+  def installMysqlServer(self, ip=None, port=None):
+    if ip is None:
+      ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
+    if port is None:
+      port = '3306'
+    mysql_conf = dict(
+        ip=ip,
+        data_directory=os.path.join(self.data_root_directory,
+          'mysql'),
+        tcp_port=port,
+        pid_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'mysqld.pid'),
+        socket=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'mysqld.sock'),
+        error_log=os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'mysqld.log'),
+        slow_query_log=os.path.join(self.log_directory,
+        'mysql-slow.log'),
+        database='appdb',
+        user='appuser',
+        password=self.generatePassword(),
+    )
+    self._createDirectory(mysql_conf['data_directory'])
+    mysql_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile("my.cnf",
+        self.substituteTemplate(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
+        'template/my.cnf.in'), mysql_conf))
+    mysql_script = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__,
+        'template/mysqlinit.sql.in') % mysql_conf
+    self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('mysql_update',
+      __name__ + '.mysql', 'updateMysql')], self.ws,
+      sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict(
+        mysql_script=mysql_script,
+        mysql_binary=self.options['mysql_binary'].strip(),
+        mysql_upgrade_binary=self.options['mysql_upgrade_binary'].strip(),
+        socket=mysql_conf['socket'],
+        )]))
+    self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('mysqld',
+      __name__ + '.mysql', 'runMysql')], self.ws,
+        sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict(
+        mysql_install_binary=self.options['mysql_install_binary'].strip(),
+        mysqld_binary=self.options['mysqld_binary'].strip(),
+        data_directory=mysql_conf['data_directory'].strip(),
+        mysql_binary=self.options['mysql_binary'].strip(),
+        socket=mysql_conf['socket'].strip(),
+        configuration_file=mysql_conf_path,
+       )]))
+    self.path_list.extend([mysql_conf_path])
+    return dict(
+      mysql_host=mysql_conf['ip'],
+      mysql_port=mysql_conf['tcp_port'],
+      mysql_user=mysql_conf['user'],
+      mysql_password=mysql_conf['password'],
+      mysql_database=mysql_conf['database'],
+    )
+  def createHtdocs(self, source, document_root):
+    source = self.options['source'].strip()
+    document_root = self.createDataDirectory('htdocs')
+    for p in os.listdir(document_root):
+      path = os.path.join(document_root, p)
+      if os.path.isdir(path):
+        shutil.rmtree(path)
+      else:
+        os.unlink(path)
+    for p in os.listdir(source):
+      path = os.path.join(source, p)
+      if os.path.isdir(path):
+        shutil.copytree(path, os.path.join(document_root, p))
+      else:
+        shutil.copy2(path, os.path.join(document_root, p))
+  def installApache(self, document_root, ip=None, port=None):
+    if ip is None:
+      ip=self.getGlobalIPv6Address()
+    if port is None:
+      port = '9080'
+    apache_config = dict(
+        pid_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'httpd.pid'),
+        lock_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'httpd.lock'),
+        ip=ip,
+        port=port,
+        error_log=os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'httpd-error.log'),
+        access_log=os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'httpd-access.log'),
+        document_root=document_root,
+        php_ini_dir=self.etc_directory
+    )
+    config_file = self.createConfigurationFile('httpd.conf',
+        self.substituteTemplate(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
+          'template/apache.in'), apache_config))
+    self.path_list.append(config_file)
+    self.path_list.append(self.createConfigurationFile('php.ini',
+        self.substituteTemplate(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
+          'template/php.ini.in'), dict(tmp_directory=self.tmp_directory))))
+    self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([(
+      'httpd',
+        __name__ + '.apache', 'runApache')], self.ws,
+          sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
+            dict(
+              required_path_list=[],
+              binary=self.options['httpd_binary'],
+              config=config_file
+            )
+          ]))
+    return 'http://[%s]:%s' % (ip, port)
+  def createConfiguration(self, template, document_root, destination, d):
+    directory = os.path.dirname(destination)
+    file = os.path.basename(destination)
+    path = document_root
+    if directory:
+      path = os.path.join(document_root, directory)
+      if not os.path.exists(path):
+        os.makedirs(path)
+    destination = os.path.join(path, file)
+    open(destination, 'w').write(open(template, 'r').read() % d)
+  def configureInstallation(self, document_root, mysql_conf, url):
+    """Start process which can launch python scripts, move or remove files or 
+    directories when installing software.
+    """
+    if not self.options.has_key('delete') and not self.options.has_key('rename') and not\
+        self.options.has_key('chmod') and not self.options.has_key('script'):
+      return
+    delete = []
+    chmod = []
+    data = []
+    rename = []
+    rename_list = ""
+    argument = [self.options['lampconfigure_directory'].strip()]
+    if not self.options.has_key('file_token'):
+      argument = argument + ["-d", mysql_conf['mysql_database'],
+                             "-H", mysql_conf['mysql_host'], "-P", mysql_conf['mysql_port'],
+                             "-p", mysql_conf['mysql_password'], "-u", mysql_conf['mysql_user'],
+                             "--table", self.options['table_name'].strip(), "--cond",
+                             self.options['constraint'].strip()]
+    else:
+      argument = argument + ["-f", self.options['file_token'].strip()]
+    argument += ["-t", document_root]
+    if self.options.has_key('delete'):
+      delete = ["delete"]
+      for fname in self.options['delete'].split(','):
+        delete.append(fname.strip())
+    if self.options.has_key('rename'):
+      for fname in self.options['rename'].split(','):
+        if fname.find("=>") < 0:
+          old_name = fname
+          fname = []
+          fname.append(old_name)
+          fname.append(old_name + '-' + mysql_conf['mysql_user'])
+        else:
+          fname = fname.split("=>")
+        cmd = ["rename"]
+        if self.options.has_key('rename_chmod'):
+          cmd += ["--chmod", self.options['rename_chmod'].strip()]
+        rename.append(cmd + [fname[0].strip(), fname[1].strip()])
+        rename_list += fname[0] + "=>" + fname[1] + " "
+    if self.options.has_key('chmod'):
+      chmod = ["chmod ", self.options['mode'].strip()]
+      for fname in self.options['chmod'].split(','):
+        chmod.append(fname.strip())
+    if self.options.has_key('script') and \
+        self.options['script'].strip().endswith(".py"):
+      data = ["run", self.options['script'].strip(), "-v", mysql_conf['mysql_database'], url, document_root]
+    self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+        [('configureInstall', __name__ + '.runner', 'executeRunner')], self.ws,
+        sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[argument, delete, rename,
+            chmod, data]))
+    return rename_list
+class Static(BaseRecipe):
+  def _install(self):
+    self.path_list = []
+    self.requirements, self.ws = self.egg.working_set()
+    document_root = self.createDataDirectory('htdocs')
+    self.createHtdocs(self.options['source'].strip(), document_root)
+    url = self.installApache(document_root)
+    self.setConnectionDict(dict(url = url))
+    return self.path_list
+class Simple(BaseRecipe):
+  def _install(self):
+    self.path_list = []
+    self.requirements, self.ws = self.egg.working_set()
+    document_root = self.createDataDirectory('htdocs')
+    self.createHtdocs(self.options['source'].strip(), document_root)
+    mysql_conf = self.installMysqlServer()
+    url = self.installApache(document_root)
+    renamed = self.configureInstallation(document_root, mysql_conf, url)
+    self.setConnectionDict(dict(
+      url=url,
+      rename=renamed,
+      **mysql_conf
+    ))
+    if self.options.has_key('template') and self.options.has_key('configuration'):
+      self.createConfiguration(self.options['template'], document_root,
+          self.options['configuration'], mysql_conf)
+    return self.path_list
+class Request(BaseRecipe):
+  def _install(self):
+    self.path_list = []
+    self.requirements, self.ws = self.egg.working_set()
+    software_type = self.parameter_dict['slap_software_type']
+    document_root = self.createDataDirectory('htdocs')
+    self.createHtdocs(self.options['source'].strip(), document_root)
+    if software_type == 'Backuped':
+      davstorage = self.request(self.options['davstorage-software-url'],
+        software_type, 'Backup Server').getConnectionParameter('url')
+      parameters = {'remote_backup': davstorage}
+    elif software_type == 'PersonnalBackup':
+      parameters = {'remote_backup': self.parameter_dict['remote_backup']}
+    else:
+      parameters = {}
+    mysql = self.request(self.options['mariadb-software-url'],
+      software_type, 'MariaDB Server', partition_parameter_kw=parameters
+    ).getConnectionParameter('url')
+    mysql_parsed = urlparse.urlparse(mysql)
+    mysql_host, mysql_port = mysql_parsed.hostname, mysql_parsed.port
+    if mysql_parsed.scheme == 'mysqls': # Listen over stunnel
+      mysql_host, mysql_port = self.installStunnelClient(mysql_host,
+                                                         mysql_port)
+    mysql_conf = dict(mysql_database=mysql_parsed.path.strip('/'),
+                      mysql_user=mysql_parsed.username,
+                      mysql_password=mysql_parsed.password,
+                      mysql_host='%s:%s' % (mysql_host,mysql_port))
+    url = self.installApache(document_root)
+    self.setConnectionDict(dict(
+      url=url,
+    ))
+    self.createConfiguration(self.options['template'], document_root,
+        self.options['configuration'], mysql_conf)
+    return self.path_list
+  def installStunnelClient(self, remote_host, remote_port):
+    local_host = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
+    local_port = 8888
+    stunnel_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile('stunnel.conf',
+      self.substituteTemplate(
+      self.getTemplateFilename('stunnel.conf.in'), {
+        'log': os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'stunnel.log'),
+        'pid_file': os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'stunnel.pid'),
+        'remote_host': remote_host, 'remote_port': remote_port,
+        'local_host': local_host, 'local_port': local_port,
+      }))
+    wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('stunnel',
+      'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')], self.ws,
+      sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
+        self.options['stunnel_binary'].strip(), stunnel_conf_path]
+      )[0]
+    self.path_list.append(wrapper)
+    return (local_host, local_port,)
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/lamp/apache.py b/slapos/recipe/lamp/apache.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..861f787d09fed9c80b38f561528fbd86b5c7ad44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/lamp/apache.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+def runApache(args):
+  sleep = 60
+  conf = args[0]
+  while True:
+    ready = True
+    for f in conf.get('required_path_list', []):
+      if not os.path.exists(f):
+        print 'File %r does not exists, sleeping for %s' % (f, sleep)
+        ready = False
+    if ready:
+      break
+    time.sleep(sleep)
+  apache_wrapper_list = [conf['binary'], '-f', conf['config'], '-DFOREGROUND']
+  apache_wrapper_list.extend(sys.argv[1:])
+  sys.stdout.flush()
+  sys.stderr.flush()
+  os.execl(apache_wrapper_list[0], *apache_wrapper_list)
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/lamp/mysql.py b/slapos/recipe/lamp/mysql.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c0f399084738ea3aee5020e33d1cf2b5f3db730d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/lamp/mysql.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import os
+import subprocess
+import time
+import sys
+def runMysql(args):
+  sleep = 60
+  conf = args[0]
+  mysqld_wrapper_list = [conf['mysqld_binary'], '--defaults-file=%s' %
+      conf['configuration_file']]
+  # we trust mysql_install that if mysql directory is available mysql was
+  # correctly initalised
+  if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(conf['data_directory'], 'mysql')):
+    while True:
+      # XXX: Protect with proper root password
+      popen = subprocess.Popen([conf['mysql_install_binary'],
+        '--skip-name-resolve', '--no-defaults', '--datadir=%s' %
+        conf['data_directory']],
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+      result = popen.communicate()[0]
+      if popen.returncode is None or popen.returncode != 0:
+        print "Failed to initialise server.\nThe error was: %s" % result
+        print "Waiting for %ss and retrying" % sleep
+        time.sleep(sleep)
+      else:
+        print "Mysql properly initialised"
+        break
+  else:
+    print "MySQL already initialised"
+  print "Starting %r" % mysqld_wrapper_list[0]
+  sys.stdout.flush()
+  sys.stderr.flush()
+  os.execl(mysqld_wrapper_list[0], *mysqld_wrapper_list)
+def updateMysql(args):
+  conf = args[0]
+  sleep = 30
+  is_succeed = False
+  while True:
+    if not is_succeed:
+      mysql_upgrade_list = [conf['mysql_upgrade_binary'], '--no-defaults', '--user=root', '--socket=%s' % conf['socket']]
+      mysql_upgrade = subprocess.Popen(mysql_upgrade_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+      result = mysql_upgrade.communicate()[0]
+      if mysql_upgrade.returncode is None:
+        mysql_upgrade.kill()
+      if mysql_upgrade.returncode != 0 and not 'is already upgraded' in result:
+        print "Command %r failed with result:\n%s" % (mysql_upgrade_list, result)
+        print 'Sleeping for %ss and retrying' % sleep
+      else:
+        if mysql_upgrade.returncode == 0:
+          print "MySQL database upgraded with result:\n%s" % result
+        else:
+          print "No need to upgrade MySQL database"
+        mysql_script = conf.get('mysql_script')
+        if mysql_script:
+          mysql_list = [conf['mysql_binary'].strip(), '--no-defaults', '-B', '--user=root', '--socket=%s' % conf['socket']]
+          mysql = subprocess.Popen(mysql_list, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+              stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+          result = mysql.communicate(conf['mysql_script'])[0]
+          if mysql.returncode is None:
+            mysql.kill()
+          if mysql.returncode != 0:
+            print 'Command %r failed with:\n%s' % (mysql_list, result)
+            print 'Sleeping for %ss and retrying' % sleep
+          else:
+            is_succeed = True
+            print 'SlapOS initialisation script succesfully applied on database.'
+    sys.stdout.flush()
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+    time.sleep(sleep)
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/lamp/runner.py b/slapos/recipe/lamp/runner.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ec60ce88a9ec26dda687520d288b148509019c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/lamp/runner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import sys
+import subprocess
+def executeRunner(args):
+  """Start the instance configure. this may run a python script, move or/and rename 
+  file or directory when dondition is filled. the condition may be when file exist or when an entry
+  exist into database.
+  """
+  arguments, delete, rename, chmod, data = args
+  if delete != []:
+    print "Calling lampconfigure with 'delete' arguments"
+    result = subprocess.Popen(arguments + delete)
+    result.wait()
+  if rename != []:
+    for parameters in rename:
+      print "Calling lampconfigure with 'rename' arguments"
+      result = subprocess.Popen(arguments + parameters)
+      result.wait()
+  if chmod != []:
+    print "Calling lampconfigure with 'chmod' arguments"
+    result = subprocess.Popen(arguments + chmod)
+    result.wait()
+  if data != []:
+    print "Calling lampconfigure with 'run' arguments"
+    result = subprocess.Popen(arguments + data)
+    result.wait()
+    return
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/apache.in b/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/apache.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d7d6a94d878c91a13533a3af66c426a2dde3490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/apache.in
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Apache static configuration
+# Automatically generated
+# Basic server configuration
+PidFile "%(pid_file)s"
+LockFile "%(lock_file)s"
+Listen %(ip)s:%(port)s
+PHPINIDir %(php_ini_dir)s
+ServerAdmin someone@email
+DefaultType text/plain
+TypesConfig conf/mime.types
+AddType application/x-compress .Z
+AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
+AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php5 .php4
+AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
+# Log configuration
+ErrorLog "%(error_log)s"
+LogLevel warn
+LogFormat "%%h %%{REMOTE_USER}i %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b \"%%{Referer}i\" \"%%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
+LogFormat "%%h %%{REMOTE_USER}i %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b" common
+CustomLog "%(access_log)s" common
+# Directory protection
+<Directory />
+    Options FollowSymLinks
+    AllowOverride None
+    Order deny,allow
+    Deny from all
+<Directory %(document_root)s>
+  Options FollowSymLinks
+  AllowOverride All
+  Order allow,deny
+  Allow from all
+DocumentRoot %(document_root)s
+DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
+# List of modules
+LoadModule authz_host_module modules/mod_authz_host.so
+LoadModule log_config_module modules/mod_log_config.so
+LoadModule setenvif_module modules/mod_setenvif.so
+LoadModule version_module modules/mod_version.so
+LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
+LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
+LoadModule mime_module modules/mod_mime.so
+LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so
+LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so
+LoadModule negotiation_module modules/mod_negotiation.so
+LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
+LoadModule headers_module modules/mod_headers.so
+LoadModule dir_module modules/mod_dir.so
+LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so
+LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so
+LoadModule env_module modules/mod_env.so
+LoadModule autoindex_module modules/mod_autoindex.so
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/my.cnf.in b/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/my.cnf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..043fb3ad56bbea3b3e35766a9b019cd8dbf7cc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/my.cnf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# ERP5 buildout my.cnf template based on my-huge.cnf shipped with mysql
+# The MySQL server
+# ERP5 by default requires InnoDB storage. MySQL by default fallbacks to using
+# different engine, like MyISAM. Such behaviour generates problems only, when
+# tables requested as InnoDB are silently created with MyISAM engine.
+# Loud fail is really required in such case.
+port = %(tcp_port)s
+bind-address = %(ip)s
+socket = %(socket)s
+datadir = %(data_directory)s
+pid-file = %(pid_file)s
+log-error = %(error_log)s
+log-slow-file = %(slow_query_log)s
+long_query_time = 5
+max_allowed_packet = 128M
+query_cache_size = 32M
+plugin-load = ha_innodb_plugin.so
+# The following are important to configure and depend a lot on to the size of
+# your database and the available resources.
+#innodb_buffer_pool_size = 4G
+#innodb_log_file_size = 256M
+#innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
+# Some dangerous settings you may want to uncomment if you only want
+# performance or less disk access. Useful for unit tests.
+#innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0
+#innodb_flush_method = nosync
+#innodb_doublewrite = 0
+#sync_frm = 0
+# Uncomment the following if you need binary logging, which is recommended
+# on production instances (either for replication or incremental backups).
+# Force utf8 usage
+collation_server = utf8_unicode_ci
+character_set_server = utf8
+socket = %(socket)s
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/mysqlinit.sql.in b/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/mysqlinit.sql.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9189d8d13005b57f36817409f9f873eaec5ef189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/mysqlinit.sql.in
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %(database)s.* TO %(user)s@localhost IDENTIFIED BY %(password)r;
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %(database)s.* TO %(user)s@'%%' IDENTIFIED BY %(password)r;
+GRANT SHOW DATABASES ON *.* TO %(user)s@localhost IDENTIFIED BY %(password)r;
+GRANT SHOW DATABASES ON *.* TO %(user)s@'%%' IDENTIFIED BY %(password)r;
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/php.ini.in b/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/php.ini.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..76dfd3a88e64902fd08f2bcc5f2318a3c7ed6a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/php.ini.in
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+engine = On
+safe_mode = Off
+expose_php = Off
+error_reporting = E_ALL & ~(E_DEPRECATED|E_NOTICE|E_WARNING)
+display_errors = On
+display_startup_errors = Off
+log_errors = On
+log_errors_max_len = 1024
+ignore_repeated_errors = Off
+ignore_repeated_source = Off
+session.save_path = "%(tmp_directory)s"
+session.auto_start = 0
+date.timezone = Europe/Paris
+file_uploads = On
+upload_max_filesize = 16M
+post_max_size = 16M
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/stunnel.conf.in b/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/stunnel.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f72634ec3d8f258c5b7caf4ea1e8adf47e9f8847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/lamp/template/stunnel.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+foreground = yes
+output = %(log)s
+pid = %(pid_file)s
+syslog = no
+client = yes
+accept = %(local_host)s:%(local_port)s
+connect = %(remote_host)s:%(remote_port)s
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/librecipe/__init__.py b/slapos/recipe/librecipe/__init__.py
index e0eb9d547d421d05f9067d909e8ae1a008c54228..9a892bf0d85c78dfb6aa432c78e2643c1e43ea25 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/librecipe/__init__.py
+++ b/slapos/recipe/librecipe/__init__.py
@@ -33,9 +33,16 @@ from hashlib import md5
 import stat
 import netaddr
 import time
+import re
+import urlparse
+# Use to do from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
+from generic import GenericBaseRecipe
+from genericslap import GenericSlapRecipe
 class BaseSlapRecipe:
   """Base class for all slap.recipe.*"""
   def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
     """Default initialisation"""
     self.name = name
@@ -60,6 +67,7 @@ class BaseSlapRecipe:
     self.destroy_script_location = os.path.join(self, self.work_directory,
         'sbin', 'destroy')
+    self.promise_directory = os.path.join(self.etc_directory, 'promise')
     # default directory structure information
     self.default_directory_list = [
@@ -71,6 +79,7 @@ class BaseSlapRecipe:
       self.etc_directory, # CP/etc - configuration container
       self.wrapper_directory, # CP/etc/run - for wrappers
       self.wrapper_report_directory, # CP/etc/report - for report wrappers
+      self.promise_directory, # CP/etc/promise - for promise checking scripts
       self.var_directory, # CP/var - partition "internal" container for logs,
                           # and another metadata
       self.wrapper_xml_report_directory, # CP/var/xml_report - for xml_report wrappers
@@ -81,16 +90,19 @@ class BaseSlapRecipe:
     # SLAP related information
     slap_connection = buildout['slap_connection']
-    self.computer_id=slap_connection['computer_id']
-    self.computer_partition_id=slap_connection['partition_id']
-    self.server_url=slap_connection['server_url']
-    self.software_release_url=slap_connection['software_release_url']
-    self.key_file=slap_connection.get('key_file')
-    self.cert_file=slap_connection.get('cert_file')
+    self.computer_id = slap_connection['computer_id']
+    self.computer_partition_id = slap_connection['partition_id']
+    self.server_url = slap_connection['server_url']
+    self.software_release_url = slap_connection['software_release_url']
+    self.key_file = slap_connection.get('key_file')
+    self.cert_file = slap_connection.get('cert_file')
     # setup egg to give possibility to generate scripts
     self.egg = zc.recipe.egg.Egg(buildout, options['recipe'], options)
+    # Hook options
+    self._options(options)
     # setup auto uninstall/install
@@ -243,3 +255,55 @@ class BaseSlapRecipe:
   def _install(self):
     """Hook which shall be implemented in children class"""
     raise NotImplementedError('Shall be implemented by subclass')
+  def _options(self, options):
+    """Hook which can be implemented in children class"""
+    pass
+  def createPromiseWrapper(self, promise_name, file_content):
+    """Create a promise wrapper.
+    This wrapper aim to check if the software release is doing its job.
+    Return the promise file path.
+    """
+    promise_path = os.path.join(self.promise_directory, promise_name)
+    self._writeExecutable(promise_path, file_content)
+    return promise_path
+  def setConnectionUrl(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    url = self._unparseUrl(*args, **kwargs)
+    self.setConnectionDict(dict(url=url))
+  def _unparseUrl(self, scheme, host, path='', params='', query='',
+                  fragment='', port=None, auth=None):
+    """Join a url with auth, host, and port.
+    * auth can be either a login string or a tuple (login, password).
+    * if the host is an ipv6 address, brackets will be added to surround it.
+    """
+    # XXX-Antoine: I didn't find any standard module to join an url with
+    # login, password, ipv6 host and port.
+    # So instead of copy and past in every recipe I factorized it right here.
+    netloc = ''
+    if auth is not None:
+      auth = tuple(auth)
+      netloc = str(auth[0]) # Login
+      if len(auth) > 1:
+        netloc += ':%s' % auth[1] # Password
+      netloc += '@'
+    # host is an ipv6 address whithout brackets
+    if ':' in host and not re.match(r'^\[.*\]$', host):
+      netloc += '[%s]' % host
+    else:
+      netloc += str(host)
+    if port is not None:
+      netloc += ':%s' % port
+    url = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment))
+    return url
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/librecipe/execute.py b/slapos/recipe/librecipe/execute.py
index ec2862116b0787b16c75287cbc89bdf860d73d94..d9e04caafc0ac84b76458ae72c98aef9bd4d1010 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/librecipe/execute.py
+++ b/slapos/recipe/librecipe/execute.py
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ def execute_wait(args):
         ready = False
     if ready:
+    # XXX: It's the same as ../ca/certificate_authoritiy.py
+    #      We should use pyinotify as well. Or select() on socket.
   os.execv(exec_list[0], exec_list + sys.argv[1:])
@@ -39,6 +41,25 @@ def executee(args):
     env[k] = v
   os.execve(exec_list[0], exec_list + sys.argv[1:], env)
+def executee_wait(args):
+  """Portable execution with process replacement and environment manipulation"""
+  exec_list = list(args[0])
+  file_list = list(args[1])
+  environment = args[2]
+  env = os.environ.copy()
+  for k,v in environment.iteritems():
+    env[k] = v
+  sleep = 60
+  while True:
+    ready = True
+    for f in file_list:
+      if not os.path.exists(f):
+        print 'File %r does not exists, sleeping for %s' % (f, sleep)
+        ready = False
+    if ready:
+      break
+    time.sleep(sleep)
+  os.execve(exec_list[0], exec_list + sys.argv[1:], env)
 def sig_handler(signal, frame):
   print 'Received signal %r, killing children and exiting' % signal
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/librecipe/generic.py b/slapos/recipe/librecipe/generic.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a203ce9b4714b772996843c8ae6001827e1dc61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/librecipe/generic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import inspect
+import pkg_resources
+import zc.buildout
+class GenericBaseRecipe(object):
+  TRUE_VALUES = ['y', 'yes', '1', 'true']
+  def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+    """Recipe initialisation"""
+    self.name = name
+    self.options = options
+    self.buildout = buildout
+    self.logger = logging.getLogger(name)
+    self._options(options) # Options Hook
+    self._ws = self.getWorkingSet()
+  def update(self):
+    """By default update method does the same thing than install"""
+    return self.install()
+  def install(self):
+    """Install method of the recipe. This must be overriden in child
+    classes """
+    raise NotImplementedError("install method is not implemented.")
+  def getWorkingSet(self):
+    """If you want do override the default working set"""
+    egg = zc.recipe.egg.Egg(self.buildout, 'slapos.cookbook',
+                                  self.options.copy())
+    requirements, ws = egg.working_set()
+    return ws
+  def _options(self, options):
+    """Options Hook method. This method can be overriden in child classes"""
+    return
+  def createFile(self, name, content, mode=0600):
+    """Create a file with content
+    The parent directory should exists, else it would raise IOError"""
+    with open(name, 'w') as fileobject:
+      fileobject.write(content)
+      os.chmod(fileobject.name, mode)
+    return os.path.abspath(name)
+  def createExecutable(self, name, content, mode=0700):
+    return self.createFile(name, content, mode)
+  def createPythonScript(self, name, absolute_function, arguments=''):
+    """Create a python script using zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts
+     * function should look like 'module.function', or only 'function'
+       if it is a builtin function."""
+    absolute_function = tuple(absolute_function.rsplit('.', 1))
+    if len(absolute_function) == 1:
+      absolute_function = ('__builtin__',) + absolute_function
+    if len(absolute_function) != 2:
+      raise ValueError("A non valid function was given")
+    module, function = absolute_function
+    path, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(name))
+    script = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+      [(filename, module, function)], self._ws, sys.executable,
+      path, arguments=arguments)[0]
+    return script
+  def substituteTemplate(self, template_location, mapping_dict):
+    """Read from file template_location an substitute content with
+       mapping_dict douing a dummy python format."""
+    with open(template_location, 'r') as template:
+      return template.read() % mapping_dict
+  def getTemplateFilename(self, template_name):
+    caller = inspect.stack()[1]
+    caller_frame = caller[0]
+    name = caller_frame.f_globals['__name__']
+    return pkg_resources.resource_filename(name,
+        'template/%s' % template_name)
+  def generatePassword(self, len_=32):
+    # TODO: implement a real password generator which remember the last
+    # call.
+    return "insecure"
+  def isTrueValue(self, value):
+    return str(value).lower() in GenericBaseRecipe.TRUE_VALUES
+  def optionIsTrue(self, optionname, default=None):
+    return self.isTrueValue(self.options[optionname])
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/librecipe/genericslap.py b/slapos/recipe/librecipe/genericslap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0181a0da6c78852e5051ca30bef9e97e20fb34e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/librecipe/genericslap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+import logging
+from slapos import slap
+import zc.buildout
+import zc.recipe.egg
+import time
+import re
+import urlparse
+class GenericSlapRecipe(object):
+  """Base class for all slap.recipe.*"""
+  def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+    """Default initialisation"""
+    self.name = name
+    options['eggs'] = 'slapos.cookbook'
+    self.options = options
+    self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.name)
+    self.slap = slap.slap()
+    # SLAP related information
+    slap_connection = buildout['slap-connection']
+    self.computer_id = slap_connection['computer-id']
+    self.computer_partition_id = slap_connection['partition-id']
+    self.server_url = slap_connection['server-url']
+    self.software_release_url = slap_connection['software-release-url']
+    self.key_file = slap_connection.get('key-file')
+    self.cert_file = slap_connection.get('cert-file')
+    # setup egg to give possibility to generate scripts
+    self.egg = zc.recipe.egg.Egg(buildout, options['recipe'], options)
+    # Hook options
+    self._options(options)
+    # setup auto uninstall/install
+    self._setupAutoInstallUninstall()
+  def _setupAutoInstallUninstall(self):
+    """By default SlapOS recipes are reinstalled each time"""
+    # Note: It is possible to create in future subclass which will do no-op in
+    # this method
+    self.options['slapos-timestamp'] = str(time.time())
+  def install(self):
+    self.slap.initializeConnection(self.server_url, self.key_file,
+        self.cert_file)
+    self.computer_partition = self.slap.registerComputerPartition(
+      self.computer_id,
+      self.computer_partition_id)
+    self.request = self.computer_partition.request
+    self.setConnectionDict = self.computer_partition.setConnectionDict
+    self.parameter_dict = self.computer_partition.getInstanceParameterDict()
+    # call children part of install
+    path_list = self._install()
+    return path_list
+  update = install
+  def _install(self):
+    """Hook which shall be implemented in children class"""
+    raise NotImplementedError('Shall be implemented by subclass')
+  def _options(self, options):
+    """Hook which can be implemented in children class"""
+    pass
+  def setConnectionUrl(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    url = self._unparseUrl(*args, **kwargs)
+    self.setConnectionDict(dict(url=url))
+  def _unparseUrl(self, scheme, host, path='', params='', query='',
+                  fragment='', port=None, auth=None):
+    """Join a url with auth, host, and port.
+    * auth can be either a login string or a tuple (login, password).
+    * if the host is an ipv6 address, brackets will be added to surround it.
+    """
+    # XXX-Antoine: I didn't find any standard module to join an url with
+    # login, password, ipv6 host and port.
+    # So instead of copy and past in every recipe I factorized it right here.
+    netloc = ''
+    if auth is not None:
+      auth = tuple(auth)
+      netloc = str(auth[0]) # Login
+      if len(auth) > 1:
+        netloc += ':%s' % auth[1] # Password
+      netloc += '@'
+    # host is an ipv6 address whithout brackets
+    if ':' in host and not re.match(r'^\[.*\]$', host):
+      netloc += '[%s]' % host
+    else:
+      netloc += str(host)
+    if port is not None:
+      netloc += ':%s' % port
+    url = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment))
+    return url
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/logrotate.py b/slapos/recipe/logrotate.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9551952d80696883462224718d686139ccfda66e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/logrotate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+import os
+from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
+class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
+  def _options(self, options):
+    if 'name' not in options:
+      options['name'] = self.name
+  def install(self):
+    path_list = []
+    logrotate_backup = self.options['backup']
+    logrotate_d = self.options['logrotate-entries']
+    logrotate_conf_file = self.options['conf']
+    logrotate_conf = []
+    logrotate_conf.append("include %s" % logrotate_d)
+    logrotate_conf.append("olddir %s" % logrotate_backup)
+    logrotate_conf.append("dateext")
+    frequency = 'daily'
+    if 'frequency' in self.options:
+      frequency = self.options['frequency']
+    logrotate_conf.append(frequency)
+    num_rotate = 30
+    if 'num-rotate' in self.options:
+      num_rotate = self.options['num-rotate']
+    logrotate_conf.append("rotate %s" % num_rotate)
+    logrotate_conf.append("compress")
+    logrotate_conf.append("compresscmd %s" % self.options['gzip-binary'])
+    logrotate_conf.append("compressoptions -9")
+    logrotate_conf.append("uncompresscmd %s" % self.options['gunzip-binary'])
+    logrotate_conf_file = self.createFile(logrotate_conf_file, '\n'.join(logrotate_conf))
+    logrotate_conf.append(logrotate_conf_file)
+    state_file = self.options['state-file']
+    logrotate = self.createPythonScript(
+      self.options['wrapper'],
+      'slapos.recipe.librecipe.exceute.execute',
+      [self.options['logrotate-binary'], '-s', state_file, logrotate_conf_file, ]
+    )
+    path_list.append(logrotate)
+    return path_list
+class Part(GenericBaseRecipe):
+  def _options(self, options):
+    if 'name' not in options:
+      options['name'] = self.name
+  def install(self):
+    logrotate_d = self.options['logrotate-entries']
+    part_path = os.path.join(logrotate_d, self.options['name'])
+    conf = []
+    if 'frequency' in self.options:
+      conf.append(self.options['frequency'])
+    if 'num-rotate' in self.options:
+      conf.append('rotate %s' % self.options['num-rotate'])
+    if 'post' in self.options:
+      conf.append("postrotate\n%s\nendscript" % self.options['post'])
+    if 'pre' in self.options:
+      conf.append("prerotate\n%s\nendscript" % self.options['pre'])
+    if self.optionIsTrue('sharedscripts', False):
+      conf.append("sharedscripts")
+    if self.optionIsTrue('notifempty', False):
+      conf.append('notifempty')
+    if self.optionIsTrue('create', True):
+      conf.append('create')
+    log = self.options['log']
+    self.createFile(os.path.join(logrotate_d, self.options['name']),
+                    "%(logfiles)s {\n%(conf)s\n}" % {
+                      'logfiles': log,
+                      'conf': '\n'.join(conf),
+                    }
+                   )
+    return [part_path]
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/mkdirectory.py b/slapos/recipe/mkdirectory.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d715da3d5932d5d0ecac8b69813cb47bdc057335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/mkdirectory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+import os
+from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
+class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
+  def _options(self, options):
+    self.directory = options.copy()
+    del self.directory['recipe']
+    str_mode = '0700'
+    if 'mode' in self.directory:
+      str_mode = self.directory['mode']
+      del self.directory['mode']
+    self.mode = int(str_mode, 8)
+  def install(self):
+    for directory in self.directory.values():
+      path = directory
+      if not os.path.exists(path):
+        os.mkdir(path, self.mode)
+      elif not os.path.isdir(path):
+        raise OSError("%s path exits, but it's not a directory.")
+    return []
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/mysql/__init__.py b/slapos/recipe/mysql/__init__.py
index 0976d0411d1a17a09ca65920d0fecffa308ed5ac..14c63140ff21d62b50dcf3218bd8083eaec151bc 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/mysql/__init__.py
+++ b/slapos/recipe/mysql/__init__.py
@@ -24,312 +24,135 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
-from slapos.recipe.librecipe import BaseSlapRecipe
-import hashlib
+from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
 import os
-import pkg_resources
-import sys
-import zc.buildout
-import ConfigParser
-class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
-  def getTemplateFilename(self, template_name):
-    return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
-        'template/%s' % template_name)
+class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
-  def _install(self):
-    self.path_list = []
+  def _options(self, options):
+    options['password'] = self.generatePassword()
-    self.requirements, self.ws = self.egg.working_set()
-    # self.cron_d is a directory, where cron jobs can be registered
-    self.cron_d = self.installCrond()
-    self.logrotate_d, self.logrotate_backup = self.installLogrotate()
-    mysql_conf = self.installMysqlServer(self.getLocalIPv4Address(), 45678)
-    ca_conf = self.installCertificateAuthority()
-    key, certificate = self.requestCertificate('MySQL')
-    stunnel_conf = self.installStunnel(self.getGlobalIPv6Address(),
-        self.getLocalIPv4Address(), 12345, mysql_conf['tcp_port'],
-        certificate, key, ca_conf['ca_crl'],
-        ca_conf['certificate_authority_path'])
-    self.linkBinary()
-    self.setConnectionDict(dict(
-      stunnel_ip = stunnel_conf['public_ip'],
-      stunnel_port = stunnel_conf['public_port'],
-      mysql_database = mysql_conf['mysql_database'],
-      mysql_user = mysql_conf['mysql_user'],
-      mysql_password = mysql_conf['mysql_password'],
-    ))
-    return self.path_list
+  def install(self):
+    path_list = []
-  def linkBinary(self):
-    """Links binaries to instance's bin directory for easier exposal"""
-    for linkline in self.options.get('link_binary_list', '').splitlines():
-      if not linkline:
-        continue
-      target = linkline.split()
-      if len(target) == 1:
-        target = target[0]
-        path, linkname = os.path.split(target)
-      else:
-        linkname = target[1]
-        target = target[0]
-      link = os.path.join(self.bin_directory, linkname)
-      if os.path.lexists(link):
-        if not os.path.islink(link):
-          raise zc.buildout.UserError(
-              'Target link already %r exists but it is not link' % link)
-        os.unlink(link)
-      os.symlink(target, link)
-      self.logger.debug('Created link %r -> %r' % (link, target))
-      self.path_list.append(link)
+    template_filename = self.getTemplateFilename('my.cnf.in')
-  def installCrond(self):
-    timestamps = self.createDataDirectory('cronstamps')
-    cron_output = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'cron-output')
-    self._createDirectory(cron_output)
-    catcher = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('catchcron',
-      __name__ + '.catdatefile', 'catdatefile')], self.ws, sys.executable,
-      self.bin_directory, arguments=[cron_output])[0]
-    self.path_list.append(catcher)
-    cron_d = os.path.join(self.etc_directory, 'cron.d')
-    crontabs = os.path.join(self.etc_directory, 'crontabs')
-    self._createDirectory(cron_d)
-    self._createDirectory(crontabs)
-    wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('crond',
-      'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')], self.ws, sys.executable,
-      self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
-        self.options['dcrond_binary'].strip(), '-s', cron_d, '-c', crontabs,
-        '-t', timestamps, '-f', '-l', '5', '-M', catcher]
-      )[0]
-    self.path_list.append(wrapper)
-    return cron_d
-  def installLogrotate(self):
-    """Installs logortate main configuration file and registers its to cron"""
-    logrotate_d = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.etc_directory,
-      'logrotate.d'))
-    self._createDirectory(logrotate_d)
-    logrotate_backup = self.createBackupDirectory('logrotate')
-    logrotate_conf = self.createConfigurationFile("logrotate.conf",
-        "include %s" % logrotate_d)
-    logrotate_cron = os.path.join(self.cron_d, 'logrotate')
-    state_file = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'logrotate.status')
-    open(logrotate_cron, 'w').write('0 0 * * * %s -s %s %s' %
-        (self.options['logrotate_binary'], state_file, logrotate_conf))
-    self.path_list.extend([logrotate_d, logrotate_conf, logrotate_cron])
-    return logrotate_d, logrotate_backup
+    mysql_conf = dict(
+        ip=self.options['ip'],
+        data_directory=self.options['data-directory'],
+        tcp_port=self.options['port'],
+        pid_file=self.options['pid-file'],
+        socket=self.options['socket'],
+        error_log=self.options['error-log'],
+        slow_query_log=self.options['slow-query-log'],
+        mysql_database=self.options['database'],
+        mysql_user=self.options['user'],
+        mysql_password=self.options['password'],
+    )
-  def registerLogRotation(self, name, log_file_list, postrotate_script):
-    """Register new log rotation requirement"""
-    open(os.path.join(self.logrotate_d, name), 'w').write(
-        self.substituteTemplate(self.getTemplateFilename(
-          'logrotate_entry.in'),
-          dict(file_list=' '.join(['"'+q+'"' for q in log_file_list]),
-            postrotate=postrotate_script, olddir=self.logrotate_backup)))
+    mysql_binary = self.options['mysql-binary']
+    socket = self.options['socket'],
+    post_rotate = self.createPythonScript(
+      self.options['logrotate-post'],
+      'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute.execute',
+      [mysql_binary, '--no-defaults', '-B', '--socket=%s' % socket, '-e',
+       'FLUSH LOGS']
+    )
+    path_list.append(post_rotate)
-  def installCertificateAuthority(self, ca_country_code='XX',
-      ca_email='xx@example.com', ca_state='State', ca_city='City',
-      ca_company='Company'):
-    backup_path = self.createBackupDirectory('ca')
-    self.ca_dir = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'ca')
-    self._createDirectory(self.ca_dir)
-    self.ca_request_dir = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'requests')
-    self._createDirectory(self.ca_request_dir)
-    config = dict(ca_dir=self.ca_dir, request_dir=self.ca_request_dir)
-    self.ca_private = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'private')
-    self.ca_certs = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'certs')
-    self.ca_crl = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'crl')
-    self.ca_newcerts = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'newcerts')
-    self.ca_key_ext = '.key'
-    self.ca_crt_ext = '.crt'
-    for d in [self.ca_private, self.ca_crl, self.ca_newcerts, self.ca_certs]:
-      self._createDirectory(d)
-    for f in ['crlnumber', 'serial']:
-      if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, f)):
-        open(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, f), 'w').write('01')
-    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'index.txt')):
-      open(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'index.txt'), 'w').write('')
-    openssl_configuration = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'openssl.cnf')
-    config.update(
-        working_directory=self.ca_dir,
-        country_code=ca_country_code,
-        state=ca_state,
-        city=ca_city,
-        company=ca_company,
-        email_address=ca_email,
+    mysql_conf_file = self.createFile(
+      self.options['conf-file'],
+      self.substituteTemplate(template_filename, mysql_conf)
-    self._writeFile(openssl_configuration, pkg_resources.resource_string(
-      __name__, 'template/openssl.cnf.ca.in') % config)
-    self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([
-      ('certificate_authority',
-        __name__ + '.certificate_authority', 'runCertificateAuthority')],
-        self.ws, sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict(
-          openssl_configuration=openssl_configuration,
-          openssl_binary=self.options['openssl_binary'],
-          certificate=os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'cacert.pem'),
-          key=os.path.join(self.ca_private, 'cakey.pem'),
-          crl=os.path.join(self.ca_crl),
-          request_dir=self.ca_request_dir
-          )]))
-    # configure backup
-    backup_cron = os.path.join(self.cron_d, 'ca_rdiff_backup')
-    open(backup_cron, 'w').write(
-        '''0 0 * * * %(rdiff_backup)s %(source)s %(destination)s'''%dict(
-          rdiff_backup=self.options['rdiff_backup_binary'],
-          source=self.ca_dir,
-          destination=backup_path))
-    self.path_list.append(backup_cron)
+    path_list.append(mysql_conf_file)
+    mysql_script_list = []
-    return dict(
-      ca_certificate=os.path.join(config['ca_dir'], 'cacert.pem'),
-      ca_crl=os.path.join(config['ca_dir'], 'crl'),
-      certificate_authority_path=config['ca_dir']
+    init_script = self.substituteTemplate(
+      self.getTemplateFilename('initmysql.sql.in'),
+      {
+        'mysql_database': mysql_conf['mysql_database'],
+        'mysql_user': mysql_conf['mysql_user'],
+        'mysql_password': mysql_conf['mysql_password']
+      }
+    mysql_script_list.append(init_script)
+    mysql_script_list.append('EXIT')
+    mysql_script = '\n'.join(mysql_script_list)
-  def requestCertificate(self, name):
-    hash = hashlib.sha512(name).hexdigest()
-    key = os.path.join(self.ca_private, hash + self.ca_key_ext)
-    certificate = os.path.join(self.ca_certs, hash + self.ca_crt_ext)
-    parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    parser.add_section('certificate')
-    parser.set('certificate', 'name', name)
-    parser.set('certificate', 'key_file', key)
-    parser.set('certificate', 'certificate_file', certificate)
-    parser.write(open(os.path.join(self.ca_request_dir, hash), 'w'))
-    return key, certificate
+    mysql_upgrade_binary = self.options['mysql-upgrade-binary']
+    mysql_update = self.createPythonScript(
+      self.options['update-wrapper'],
+      '%s.mysql.updateMysql' % __name__,
+      dict(
+        mysql_script=mysql_script,
+        mysql_binary=mysql_binary,
+        mysql_upgrade_binary=mysql_upgrade_binary,
+        socket=socket,
+      )
+    )
+    path_list.append(mysql_update)
-  def installStunnel(self, public_ip, private_ip, public_port, private_port,
-      ca_certificate, key, ca_crl, ca_path):
-    """Installs stunnel"""
-    template_filename = self.getTemplateFilename('stunnel.conf.in')
-    log = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'stunnel.log')
-    pid_file = os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'stunnel.pid')
-    stunnel_conf = dict(
-        public_ip=public_ip,
-        private_ip=private_ip,
-        public_port=public_port,
-        pid_file=pid_file,
-        log=log,
-        cert = ca_certificate,
-        key = key,
-        ca_crl = ca_crl,
-        ca_path = ca_path,
-        private_port = private_port,
+    mysqld_binary = self.options['mysqld-binary']
+    mysqld = self.createPythonScript(
+      self.options['wrapper'],
+      '%s.mysql.runMysql' % __name__,
+      dict(
+        mysql_install_binary=self.options['mysql-install-binary'],
+        mysqld_binary=mysqld_binary,
+        data_directory=mysql_conf['data_directory'],
+        mysql_binary=mysql_binary,
+        socket=socket,
+        configuration_file=mysql_conf_file,
+       )
-    stunnel_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile("stunnel.conf",
-        self.substituteTemplate(template_filename,
-          stunnel_conf))
-    wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('stunnel',
-      'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute_wait')], self.ws,
-      sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
-        [self.options['stunnel_binary'].strip(), stunnel_conf_path],
-        [ca_certificate, key]]
-      )[0]
-    self.path_list.append(wrapper)
-    return stunnel_conf
+    path_list.append(mysqld)
-  def installMysqlServer(self, ip, port, database='db', user='user',
-      template_filename=None, mysql_conf=None):
-    if mysql_conf is None:
-      mysql_conf = {}
-    backup_directory = self.createBackupDirectory('mysql')
-    if template_filename is None:
-      template_filename = self.getTemplateFilename('my.cnf.in')
-    error_log = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'mysqld.log')
-    slow_query_log = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'mysql-slow.log')
-    mysql_conf.update(
-        ip=ip,
-        data_directory=os.path.join(self.data_root_directory,
-          'mysql'),
-        tcp_port=port,
-        pid_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'mysqld.pid'),
-        socket=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'mysqld.sock'),
-        error_log=error_log,
-        slow_query_log=slow_query_log,
-        mysql_database=database,
-        mysql_user=user,
-        mysql_password=self.generatePassword(),
+    # backup configuration
+    mysqldump_binary = self.options['mysqldump-binary']
+    backup_directory = self.options['backup-directory']
+    pending_backup_dir = self.options['backup-pending-directory']
+    dump_filename = self.options['dumpname']
+    mysqldump_cmd = [mysqldump_binary,
+                     mysql_conf['mysql_database'],
+                     '-u', 'root',
+                     '-S', mysql_conf['socket'].strip(),
+                     '--single-transaction', '--opt',
+                    ]
+    dump_file = os.path.join(backup_directory, dump_filename)
+    tmpdump_file = os.path.join(pending_backup_dir, dump_filename)
+    backup_script = self.createPythonScript(
+      self.options['backup-script'],
+      '%s.backup.do_backup' % __name__,
+      {
+        'mysqldump': mysqldump_cmd,
+        'gzip': self.options['gzip-binary'],
+        'tmpdump': tmpdump_file,
+        'dumpfile': dump_file,
+      },
-    self.registerLogRotation('mysql', [error_log, slow_query_log],
-        '%(mysql_binary)s --no-defaults -B --user=root '
-        '--socket=%(mysql_socket)s -e "FLUSH LOGS"' % dict(
-          mysql_binary=self.options['mysql_binary'],
-          mysql_socket=mysql_conf['socket']))
-    self._createDirectory(mysql_conf['data_directory'])
+    path_list.append(backup_script)
-    mysql_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile("my.cnf",
-        self.substituteTemplate(template_filename,
-          mysql_conf))
+    # Recovering backup
+    if self.optionIsTrue('recovering', default=False):
+      recovering_script = self.createPythonScript(
+        self.options['recovering-wrapper'],
+        '%s.recover.import_remote_dump' % __name__,
+        {
+          'lock_file': os.path.join(self.work_directory,
+                                    'import_done'),
+          'database': mysql_conf['mysql_database'],
+          'mysql_binary': self.options['mysql-binary'],
+          'mysql_socket': mysql_conf['socket'],
+          'duplicity_binary': self.options['duplicity-binary'],
+          'remote_backup': self.parameter_dict['remote-backup'],
+          'local_directory': self.mysql_backup_directory,
+          'dump_name': dump_filename,
+          'zcat_binary': self.options['zcat-binary'],
+        }
+      )
+      path_list.append(recovering_script)
-    mysql_script_list = []
-    for x_database, x_user, x_password in \
-          [(mysql_conf['mysql_database'],
-            mysql_conf['mysql_user'],
-            mysql_conf['mysql_password']),
-          ]:
-      mysql_script_list.append(pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__,
-                     'template/initmysql.sql.in') % {
-                        'mysql_database': x_database,
-                        'mysql_user': x_user,
-                        'mysql_password': x_password})
-    mysql_script_list.append('EXIT')
-    mysql_script = '\n'.join(mysql_script_list)
-    self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('mysql_update',
-      __name__ + '.mysql', 'updateMysql')], self.ws,
-      sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict(
-        mysql_script=mysql_script,
-        mysql_binary=self.options['mysql_binary'].strip(),
-        mysql_upgrade_binary=self.options['mysql_upgrade_binary'].strip(),
-        socket=mysql_conf['socket'],
-        )]))
-    self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('mysqld',
-      __name__ + '.mysql', 'runMysql')], self.ws,
-        sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict(
-        mysql_install_binary=self.options['mysql_install_binary'].strip(),
-        mysqld_binary=self.options['mysqld_binary'].strip(),
-        data_directory=mysql_conf['data_directory'].strip(),
-        mysql_binary=self.options['mysql_binary'].strip(),
-        socket=mysql_conf['socket'].strip(),
-        configuration_file=mysql_conf_path,
-       )]))
-    self.path_list.extend([mysql_conf_path])
-    # backup configuration
-    backup_directory = self.createBackupDirectory('mysql')
-    full_backup = os.path.join(backup_directory, 'full')
-    incremental_backup = os.path.join(backup_directory, 'incremental')
-    self._createDirectory(full_backup)
-    self._createDirectory(incremental_backup)
-    innobackupex_argument_list = [self.options['perl_binary'],
-        self.options['innobackupex_binary'],
-        '--defaults-file=%s' % mysql_conf_path,
-        '--socket=%s' %mysql_conf['socket'].strip(), '--user=root']
-    environment = dict(PATH='%s' % self.bin_directory)
-    innobackupex_incremental = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([(
-      'innobackupex_incremental', 'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'executee')],
-      self.ws, sys.executable, self.bin_directory, arguments=[
-        innobackupex_argument_list + ['--incremental'],
-        environment])[0]
-    self.path_list.append(innobackupex_incremental)
-    innobackupex_full = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('innobackupex_full',
-      'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'executee')], self.ws,
-      sys.executable, self.bin_directory, arguments=[
-        innobackupex_argument_list,
-        environment])[0]
-    self.path_list.append(innobackupex_full)
-    backup_controller = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([
-      ('innobackupex_controller', __name__ + '.innobackupex', 'controller')],
-      self.ws, sys.executable, self.bin_directory,
-      arguments=[innobackupex_incremental, innobackupex_full, full_backup,
-        incremental_backup])[0]
-    self.path_list.append(backup_controller)
-    mysql_backup_cron = os.path.join(self.cron_d, 'mysql_backup')
-    open(mysql_backup_cron, 'w').write('0 0 * * * ' + backup_controller)
-    self.path_list.append(mysql_backup_cron)
-    # The return could be more explicit database, user ...
-    return mysql_conf
+    return path_list
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/mysql/backup.py b/slapos/recipe/mysql/backup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..590771d6b73a33bf8014c8b15b6a60fb2ba905aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/mysql/backup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import subprocess
+import os
+# Replace mysqldump | gzip > tmpdump && mv -f tmpdump dumpfile
+def do_backup(kwargs):
+  mysqldump_cmd = kwargs['mysqldump']
+  gzip_bin = kwargs['gzip']
+  tmpdump = kwargs['tmpdump']
+  dumpfile = kwargs['dumpfile']
+  # mysqldump | gzip > tmpdump
+  with open(tmpdump, 'w') as output:
+    mysqldump = subprocess.Popen(mysqldump_cmd,
+                                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+    gzip = subprocess.Popen([gzip_bin],
+                            stdin=mysqldump.stdout,
+                            stdout=output,
+                            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+    mysqldump.stdout.close()
+    if gzip.wait() != 0:
+      raise ValueError("Gzip return a non zero value.")
+  os.rename(tmpdump, dumpfile)
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/mysql/catdatefile.py b/slapos/recipe/mysql/catdatefile.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3de298b272cce0eba88570aa6734ee74115e58e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/mysql/catdatefile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+def catdatefile(args):
+  directory = args[0]
+  try:
+    suffix = args[1]
+  except IndexError:
+    suffix = '.log'
+  f = open(os.path.join(directory,
+    time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M.%s') + suffix), 'aw')
+  for line in sys.stdin.read():
+    f.write(line)
+  f.close()
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/mysql/mysql.py b/slapos/recipe/mysql/mysql.py
index e2036076a611cd308755a93f77c763ba91e3fb73..24812bc8503756845f016acd07089819bfdf66d9 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/mysql/mysql.py
+++ b/slapos/recipe/mysql/mysql.py
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ import time
 import sys
-def runMysql(args):
+def runMysql(conf):
   sleep = 60
-  conf = args[0]
   mysqld_wrapper_list = [conf['mysqld_binary'], '--defaults-file=%s' %
   # we trust mysql_install that if mysql directory is available mysql was
@@ -16,8 +15,8 @@ def runMysql(args):
       # XXX: Protect with proper root password
       # XXX: Follow http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/default-privileges.html
       popen = subprocess.Popen([conf['mysql_install_binary'],
-        '--skip-name-resolve', '--no-defaults', '--datadir=%s' %
-        conf['data_directory']],
+        '--skip-name-resolve', '--skip-host-cache', '--no-defaults',
+        '--datadir=%s' % conf['data_directory']],
         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
       result = popen.communicate()[0]
       if popen.returncode is None or popen.returncode != 0:
@@ -35,8 +34,7 @@ def runMysql(args):
   os.execl(mysqld_wrapper_list[0], *mysqld_wrapper_list)
-def updateMysql(args):
-  conf = args[0]
+def updateMysql(conf):
   sleep = 30
   is_succeed = False
   while True:
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/mysql/recover.py b/slapos/recipe/mysql/recover.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7641321a9ddab55a290af8bb9ad0faff97fd0af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/mysql/recover.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+import subprocess
+def import_remote_dump(kwargs):
+  # Get data from kwargs
+  lock_file = kwargs['lock_file']
+  database = kwargs['database']
+  mysql_binary = kwargs['mysql_binary']
+  mysql_socket = kwargs['mysql_socket']
+  duplicity_binary = kwargs['duplicity_binary']
+  remote_backup = kwargs['remote_backup']
+  local_directory = kwargs['local_directory']
+  dump_name = kwargs['dump_name']
+  zcat_binary = kwargs['zcat_binary']
+  # The script start really here
+  if os.path.exists(lock_file):
+    sys.exit(127)
+  while subprocess.call([mysql_binary, '--socket=%s' % mysql_socket,
+                         '-u', 'root', '-e', 'use %s;' % database]) != 0:
+    time.sleep(10)
+  subprocess.check_call([duplicity_binary, 'restore', '--no-encryption',
+                         remote_backup, local_directory])
+  zcat = subprocess.Popen([zcat_binary, os.path.join(local_directory,
+                                                     dump_name)],
+                          stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+  mysql = subprocess.Popen([mysql_binary, '--socket=%s' % mysql_socket,
+                            '-D', database, '-u', 'root'],
+                           stdin=zcat.stdout)
+  zcat.stdout.close()
+  returncode = mysql.poll()
+  if returncode == 0:
+    open(lock_file, 'w').close() # Just a touch
+  sys.exit(returncode)
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/publishurl.py b/slapos/recipe/publishurl.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98655433a986cc414050498cf0933e5fae7fd5e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/publishurl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+import zc.buildout
+from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericSlapRecipe
+class Recipe(GenericSlapRecipe):
+  def _options(self, options):
+    self.useparts = True
+    if 'url' in options:
+      self.useparts = False
+      self.url = options['url']
+    else:
+      self.urlparts = {}
+      if 'scheme' not in options:
+        raise zc.buildout.UserError("No scheme specified.")
+      else:
+        self.urlparts.update(scheme=options['scheme'])
+      if 'host' not in options:
+        raise zc.buildout.UserError("No host specified.")
+      else:
+        self.urlparts.update(host=options['host'])
+  def _install(self):
+    if self.useparts:
+      for option in ['path', 'params', 'query', 'fragment', 'port']:
+        if option in self.options:
+          self.urlparts[option] = self.options[option]
+      if 'user' in self.options:
+        self.urlparts.update(auth=(self.options['user'],))
+        if 'password' in self.options:
+          self.urlparts.update(auth=(self.options['user'],
+                                     self.options['password']))
+      self.setConnectionUrl(**self.urlparts)
+    else:
+      self.setConnectionDict(dict(url=self.url))
+    return []
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/request.py b/slapos/recipe/request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66de7394bdac9e8564661ede2866d2b0009b209e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+import logging
+import os
+from slapos import slap as slapmodule
+class Recipe(object):
+  def parseMultiValues(self, string):
+    return dict([ [str(column).strip() for column in line.split('=', 1)]
+                 for line in str(string).splitlines() if '=' in line])
+  def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+    self.logger = logging.getLogger(name)
+    slap = slapmodule.slap()
+    slap_connection = buildout['slap_connection']
+    self.software_release_url = slap_connection['software_release_url']
+    # XXX: Dirty network interation stuff
+    slap.initializeConnection(slap_connection['server_url'],
+                              slap_connection.get('key_file'),
+                              slap_connection.get('cert_file'),
+                             )
+    computer_partition = slap.registerComputerPartition(
+      slap_connection['computer_id'], slap_connection['partition_id'])
+    self.request = computer_partition.request
+    if 'software-url' not in options:
+      options['software-url'] = self.software_release_url
+    if 'name' not in options:
+      options['name'] = name
+    self.return_parameters = []
+    if 'return' in options:
+      self.return_parameters = [str(parameter).strip()
+                               for parameter in options['return'].splitlines()]
+    else:
+      self.logger.warning("No parameter to return to main instance."
+                          "Be careful about that...")
+    software_type = 'RootInstanceSoftware'
+    if 'software-type' in options:
+      software_type = options['software-type']
+    filter_kw = {}
+    if 'sla' in options:
+      filter_kw = self.parseMultiValues(options['sla'])
+    partition_parameter_kw = {}
+    if 'config' in options:
+      partition_parameter_kw = self.parseMultiValues(options['config'])
+    instance = self.request(options['software-url'], software_type,
+      options['name'], partition_parameter_kw=partition_parameter_kw,
+        filter_kw=filter_kw)
+    result = {}
+    for param in self.return_parameters:
+      result[param] = instance.getConnectionParameter(param)
+    # Return the connections parameters in options dict
+    for key, value in result.items():
+      options['connection-%s' % key] = value
+  def install(self):
+    return []
+  update = install
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/simplelogger.py b/slapos/recipe/simplelogger.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..494ef81f1b8278783dc8c7bc0a4384c6d01f1e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/simplelogger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+import shutil
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
+def log(args):
+  directory, suffix = args
+  filename = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M.%s') + suffix
+  with open(os.path.join(directory, filename), 'aw') as logfile:
+    shutil.copyfileobj(sys.stdin, logfile)
+class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
+  def install(self):
+    self.logger.info("Simple logger installation")
+    binary = self.options['binary']
+    output = self.options['output']
+    suffix = self.options.get('suffix', '.log')
+    script = self.createPythonScript(binary,
+                                     'slapos.recipe.simplelogger.log',
+                                     arguments=[output, suffix])
+    self.logger.debug("Logger script created at : %r", script)
+    self.logger.info("Simple logger installed.")
+    return [script]
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/softwaretype.py b/slapos/recipe/softwaretype.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..661adfbe1f3d9c851472744b5e690ffd848c26d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/softwaretype.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+import os
+import sys
+import copy
+from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+import subprocess
+import slapos.slap
+import netaddr
+import logging
+import zc.buildout
+class Recipe:
+  def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+    self.buildout = buildout
+    self.options = options
+    self.name = name
+    self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.name)
+  def _getIpAddress(self, test_method):
+    """Internal helper method to fetch ip address"""
+    if not 'ip_list' in self.parameter_dict:
+      raise AttributeError
+    for name, ip in self.parameter_dict['ip_list']:
+      if test_method(ip):
+        return ip
+    raise AttributeError
+  def getLocalIPv4Address(self):
+    """Returns local IPv4 address available on partition"""
+    # XXX: Lack checking for locality of address
+    return self._getIpAddress(netaddr.valid_ipv4)
+  def getGlobalIPv6Address(self):
+    """Returns global IPv6 address available on partition"""
+    # XXX: Lack checking for globality of address
+    return self._getIpAddress(netaddr.valid_ipv6)
+  def install(self):
+    slap = slapos.slap.slap()
+    slap_connection = self.buildout['slap_connection']
+    computer_id = slap_connection['computer_id']
+    computer_partition_id = slap_connection['partition_id']
+    server_url = slap_connection['server_url']
+    key_file = slap_connection.get('key_file')
+    cert_file = slap_connection.get('cert_file')
+    slap.initializeConnection(server_url, key_file, cert_file)
+    self.computer_partition = slap.registerComputerPartition(
+      computer_id,
+      computer_partition_id)
+    self.parameter_dict = self.computer_partition.getInstanceParameterDict()
+    software_type = self.parameter_dict['slap_software_type']
+    if software_type not in self.options:
+      if 'default' in self.options:
+        software_type = 'default'
+      else:
+        raise zc.buildout.UserError("This software type isn't mapped. And"
+                                    "there's no default software type.")
+    instance_file_path = self.options[software_type]
+    if not os.path.exists(instance_file_path):
+      raise zc.buildout.UserError("The specified buildout config file does not"
+                                  "exist.")
+    buildout = ConfigParser()
+    with open(instance_file_path) as instance_path:
+      buildout.readfp(instance_path)
+    buildout.set('buildout', 'installed',
+                 '.installed-%s.cfg' % software_type)
+    buildout.add_section('slap-parameter')
+    for parameter, value in self.parameter_dict.items():
+      buildout.set('slap-parameter', parameter, value)
+    buildout.add_section('slap-network-information')
+    buildout.set('slap-network-information', 'local-ipv4', 
+                 self.getLocalIPv4Address())
+    buildout.set('slap-network-information', 'global-ipv6', 
+                 self.getGlobalIPv6Address())
+    # Copy/paste slap_connection
+    buildout.add_section('slap-connection')
+    for key, value in self.buildout['slap_connection'].iteritems():
+      # XXX: Waiting for SlapBaseRecipe to use dash instead of underscores
+      buildout.set('slap-connection', key.replace('_', '-'), value)
+    work_directory = os.path.abspath(self.buildout['buildout'][
+      'directory'])
+    buildout_filename = os.path.join(work_directory,
+                                     'buildout-%s.cfg' % software_type)
+    with open(buildout_filename, 'w') as buildout_file:
+      buildout.write(buildout_file)
+    # XXX-Antoine: We gotta find a better way to do this. I tried to check
+    # out how slapgrid-cp was running buildout. But it is worse than that.
+    command_line_args = copy.copy(sys.argv) + ['-c', buildout_filename]
+    self.logger.info("Invoking commandline : '%s'",
+                     ' '.join(command_line_args))
+    subprocess.check_call(command_line_args, cwd=work_directory,
+                          env=os.environ.copy())
+    return []
+  update = install
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/stunnel/__init__.py b/slapos/recipe/stunnel/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06bad67a21d0942f8d2077777083ea709c86a0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/stunnel/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+import itertools
+import zc.buildout
+from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
+class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
+  def _options(self, options):
+    self.types = ['local', 'remote']
+    self.datas = ['address', 'port']
+    for type_ in self.types:
+      for data in self.datas:
+        opt = '%s-%s' % (type_, data)
+        if opt not in options:
+          raise zc.buildout.UserError("No %s for %s connections." % (data, type_))
+    self.isClient = self.optionIsTrue('client', default=False)
+    if self.isClient:
+      self.logger.info("Client mode")
+    else:
+      self.logger.info("Server mode")
+    if 'name' not in options:
+      options['name'] = self.name
+  def install(self):
+    path_list = []
+    conf = {}
+    gathered_options = ['%s-%s' % option
+                       for option in itertools.product(self.types,
+                                                        self.datas)]
+    for option in gathered_options:
+      # XXX: Because the options are using dash and the template uses
+      # underscore
+      conf[option.replace('-', '_')] = self.options[option]
+    pid_file = self.options['pid-file']
+    conf.update(pid_file=pid_file)
+    path_list.append(pid_file)
+    log_file = self.options['log-file']
+    conf.update(log=log_file)
+    if self.isClient:
+      template = self.getTemplateFilename('client.conf.in')
+    else:
+      template = self.getTemplateFilename('server.conf.in')
+      key = self.options['key-file']
+      cert = self.options['cert-file']
+      conf.update(key=key, cert=cert)
+    conf_file = self.createFile(
+      self.options['config-file'],
+      self.substituteTemplate(template, conf))
+    path_list.append(conf_file)
+    wrapper = self.createPythonScript(
+      self.options['wrapper'],
+      'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute.execute',
+      [self.options['stunnel-binary'], conf_file]
+    )
+    path_list.append(wrapper)
+    return path_list
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/stunnel/template/client.conf.in b/slapos/recipe/stunnel/template/client.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f72634ec3d8f258c5b7caf4ea1e8adf47e9f8847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/stunnel/template/client.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+foreground = yes
+output = %(log)s
+pid = %(pid_file)s
+syslog = no
+client = yes
+accept = %(local_host)s:%(local_port)s
+connect = %(remote_host)s:%(remote_port)s
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/stunnel/template/server.conf.in b/slapos/recipe/stunnel/template/server.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e53bbc5c11aadee509cae300a54086d1b957cc4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/recipe/stunnel/template/server.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+foreground = yes
+output = %(log)s
+pid = %(pid_file)s
+syslog = no
+key = %(key)s
+cert = %(cert)s
+accept = %(remote_address)s:%(remote_port)s
+connect = %(local_address)s:%(local_port)s
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/vifib.py b/slapos/recipe/vifib.py
index 833def71752d05f688b3272201612a750de89203..55ec2243b508aeb3e05114585825ca9e0e59f59d 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/vifib.py
+++ b/slapos/recipe/vifib.py
@@ -31,60 +31,8 @@ import zc.buildout
 import sys
 class Recipe(slapos.recipe.erp5.Recipe):
-  default_bt5_list = []
-  def installKeyAuthorisationApache(self, ip, port, backend, key, certificate,
-      ca_conf, key_auth_path='/erp5/portal_slap'):
-    ssl_template = """SSLEngine on
-SSLVerifyClient require
-RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER %%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN}s
-SSLCertificateFile %(key_auth_certificate)s
-SSLCertificateKeyFile %(key_auth_key)s
-SSLCACertificateFile %(ca_certificate)s
-SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
-    apache_conf = self._getApacheConfigurationDict('key_auth_apache', ip, port)
-    apache_conf['ssl_snippet'] = ssl_template % dict(
-        key_auth_certificate=certificate,
-        key_auth_key=key,
-        ca_certificate=ca_conf['ca_certificate'],
-        ca_crl=ca_conf['ca_crl']
-        )
-    prefix = 'ssl_key_auth_apache'
-    rewrite_rule_template = \
-      "RewriteRule (.*) http://%(backend)s%(key_auth_path)s$1 [L,P]"
-    path_template = pkg_resources.resource_string('slapos.recipe.erp5',
-      'template/apache.zope.conf.path.in')
-    path = path_template % dict(path='/')
-    d = dict(
-          path=path,
-          backend=backend,
-          backend_path='/',
-          port=apache_conf['port'],
-          vhname=path.replace('/', ''),
-          key_auth_path=key_auth_path,
-    )
-    rewrite_rule = rewrite_rule_template % d
-    apache_conf.update(**dict(
-      path_enable=path,
-      rewrite_rule=rewrite_rule
-    ))
-    apache_config_file = self.createConfigurationFile(prefix + '.conf',
-        pkg_resources.resource_string('slapos.recipe.erp5',
-          'template/apache.zope.conf.in') % apache_conf)
-    self.path_list.append(apache_config_file)
-    self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([(
-      'key_auth_apache',
-        'slapos.recipe.erp5.apache', 'runApache')], self.ws,
-          sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
-            dict(
-              required_path_list=[certificate, key, ca_conf['ca_certificate'],
-                ca_conf['ca_crl']],
-              binary=self.options['httpd_binary'],
-              config=apache_config_file
-            )
-          ]))
-    return 'https://%(ip)s:%(port)s' % apache_conf
+  default_bt5_list = []
   def _getZeoClusterDict(self):
     site_path = '/erp5/'
@@ -119,8 +67,8 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
         self.getTemplateFilename('zope-zeo-snippet.conf.in'), dict(
         address='%s:%s' % (storage_dict['ip'], storage_dict['port']),
-        mount_point=mount_point
-        )))
+        mount_point=mount_point, zodb_cache_size=self.zodb_cache_size,
+        zeo_client_cache_size=self.zeo_client_cache_size)))
     tidstorage_config = dict(host=self.getLocalIPv4Address(), port='6001')
     zodb_configuration_string = '\n'.join(zodb_configuration_list)
     zope_port = 12000
@@ -150,9 +98,15 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
     apache_login = self.installBackendApache(self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), 15000,
         login_haproxy, backend_key, backend_certificate)
+    # Install Frontend
+    frontend_domain_name = self.parameter_dict.get("domain_name", 'vifib')
+    frontend_key, frontend_certificate = \
+                  self.requestCertificate(frontend_domain_name)
     apache_frontend_login = self.installFrontendZopeApache(
-        self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), 4443, 'vifib', '/',
-        apache_login, '/', backend_key, backend_certificate)
+        self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), 4443, frontend_domain_name, '/',
+        apache_login, '', frontend_key, frontend_certificate)
     # Four Web Service Nodes (Machine access)
     service_url_list = []
     for i in (1, 2, 3, 4):
@@ -166,9 +120,9 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
     key_auth_key, key_auth_certificate = self.requestCertificate(
         'Key Based Access')
-    apache_keyauth = self.installKeyAuthorisationApache(
-        self.getLocalIPv4Address(), 15500, service_haproxy, key_auth_key,
-        key_auth_certificate, ca_conf, key_auth_path=self.key_auth_path)
+    apache_keyauth = self.installKeyAuthorisationApache(False, 15500,
+        service_haproxy, key_auth_key, key_auth_certificate, ca_conf,
+        key_auth_path=self.key_auth_path)
     memcached_conf = self.installMemcached(ip=self.getLocalIPv4Address(),
     kumo_conf = self.installKumo(self.getLocalIPv4Address())
@@ -179,7 +133,7 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
     # Connect direct to Zope to create the instance.
     self.installERP5Site(user, password, service_url_list[-1], mysql_conf,
              conversion_server_conf, memcached_conf, kumo_conf,
-             self.site_id, self.default_bt5_list)
+             self.site_id, self.default_bt5_list, ca_conf)
@@ -191,12 +145,6 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
       conversion_server_url='%(conversion_server_ip)s:%(conversion_server_port)s' %
-      # openssl binary might be removed, as soon as CP environment will be
-      # fully controlled
-      openssl_binary=self.options['openssl_binary'],
-      # As soon as there would be Vifib ERP5 configuration and possibility to
-      # call it over the network this can be removed
-      certificate_authority_path=ca_conf['certificate_authority_path'],
       # as installERP5Site is not trusted (yet) and this recipe is production
       # ready expose more information
       mysql_url='%(mysql_database)s@%(ip)s:%(tcp_port)s %(mysql_user)s %(mysql_password)s' % mysql_conf,
@@ -213,13 +161,14 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
     user, password = self.installERP5()
     zodb_dir = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'zodb')
-    zodb_root_path = os.path.join(zodb_dir, 'root.fs')
+    zodb_root_path = os.path.join(zodb_dir, 'main.fs')
     ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
     zope_port = '18080'
     zope_access = self.installZope(ip, zope_port, 'zope_development',
-          dict(zodb_root_path=zodb_root_path)),
+          dict(zodb_root_path=zodb_root_path,
+            zodb_cache_size=self.zodb_cache_size)),
           thread_amount=8, with_timerservice=True)
     service_haproxy = self.installHaproxy(ip, 15000, 'service',
         self.site_check_path, [zope_access])
@@ -238,7 +187,7 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
     self.installERP5Site(user, password, zope_access, mysql_conf,
              conversion_server_conf, memcached_conf, kumo_conf,
-             self.site_id, self.default_bt5_list)
+             self.site_id, self.default_bt5_list, ca_conf)
       development_zope='http://%s:%s/' % (ip, zope_port),
@@ -249,12 +198,6 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
       conversion_server_url='%(conversion_server_ip)s:%(conversion_server_port)s' %
-      # openssl binary might be removed, as soon as CP environment will be
-      # fully controlled
-      openssl_binary=self.options['openssl_binary'],
-      # As soon as there would be Vifib ERP5 configuration and possibility to
-      # call it over the network this can be removed
-      certificate_authority_path=ca_conf['certificate_authority_path'],
       # as installERP5Site is not trusted (yet) and this recipe is production
       # ready expose more information
       mysql_url='%(mysql_database)s@%(ip)s:%(tcp_port)s %(mysql_user)s %(mysql_password)s' % mysql_conf,
@@ -267,6 +210,9 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
     self.path_list = []
     self.requirements, self.ws = self.egg.working_set()
     # self.cron_d is a directory, where cron jobs can be registered
+    self.zodb_cache_size = int(self.options.get('zodb_cache_size', 5000))
+    self.zeo_client_cache_size = self.options.get('zeo_client_cache_size',
+      '20MB')
     self.cron_d = self.installCrond()
     self.logrotate_d, self.logrotate_backup = self.installLogrotate()
     self.killpidfromfile = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
@@ -276,8 +222,6 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
     if self.parameter_dict.get("flavour", "default") == 'configurator':
       self.default_bt5_list = self.options.get("configurator_bt5_list", '').split()
-    if self.parameter_dict.get('development', 'false').lower() == 'true':
-      return self.installDevelopment()
     if self.parameter_dict.get('production', 'false').lower() == 'true':
       return self.installProduction()
-    raise NotImplementedError('Flavour of instance have to be given.')
+    return self.installDevelopment()
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/xwiki/__init__.py b/slapos/recipe/xwiki/__init__.py
index 8dbfcd7c72ebf544072c2a6828d4c9194b62b070..5f55423d78a69e38c42c7af950decb57887aabb6 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/xwiki/__init__.py
+++ b/slapos/recipe/xwiki/__init__.py
@@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ import zc.buildout
 class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
   def _install(self):
+    self.requirements, self.ws = self.egg.working_set()
     parameter_dict = self.computer_partition.getInstanceParameterDict()
-    ipv4 = self.getLocalIPv4Address(parameter_dict)
-    ipv6 = self.getGlobalIPv6Address(parameter_dict)
+    ipv4 = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
+    ipv6 = self.getGlobalIPv6Address()
-    self.install_mysql_server_configuration(self.getLocalIPv4Address(parameter_dict))
+    self.install_mysql_server_configuration(ipv4)
     port = '8900'
     tomcat_home = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'tomcat')
@@ -56,8 +57,8 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
-    shutil.copy(self.options['hsql_location'].strip(), os.path.join(tomcat_lib,
-      'hsqldb.jar'))
+    shutil.copy(self.options['jdbc_location'].strip(), os.path.join(tomcat_lib,
+      'jdbc.jar'))
     # headless mode
     self._writeFile(os.path.join(tomcat_home, 'bin', 'setenv.sh'), '''#!/bin/sh
 export JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Djava.awt.headless=true"
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/xwiki/template/hibernate.cfg.xml.in b/slapos/recipe/xwiki/template/hibernate.cfg.xml.in
index 91196e74a928ca7c008ed82396aa8c074eb4586e..78d25f78bfa77b23b263ef21875e237470d5995b 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/xwiki/template/hibernate.cfg.xml.in
+++ b/slapos/recipe/xwiki/template/hibernate.cfg.xml.in
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
          Uncomment if you want to use MySQL and comment out other database configurations.
          We need to set the sql_mode to a less strict value, see XWIKI-1945
-    <property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://%(mysql_ip)s:%(mysql_port)s/xwiki?useServerPrepStmts=false&amp;useUnicode=true&amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8&amp;sessionVariables=sql_mode=''</property>
+    <property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://%(mysql_ip)s:%(mysql_port)s/xwiki?useServerPrepStmts=false&amp;useUnicode=true&amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8&amp;sessionVariables=&amp;sql_mode=''</property>
     <property name="connection.username">xwiki</property>
     <property name="connection.password">xwiki</property>
     <property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/xwiki/template/my.cnf.in b/slapos/recipe/xwiki/template/my.cnf.in
index 5e2742175bab0e7406b7e9c01d586f9b2859fb8a..09171fb6d9837199f4030f574791df31c251dc54 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/xwiki/template/my.cnf.in
+++ b/slapos/recipe/xwiki/template/my.cnf.in
@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ query_cache_size = 32M
 # Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
 thread_concurrency = 8
-# Disable Federated by default
 # Replication Master Server (default)
 # binary logging is required for replication
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/zabbixagent/__init__.py b/slapos/recipe/zabbixagent/__init__.py
index ef587e32ae39bb410ddb7107283990a9c9c22540..41d9a469b6f38417bf5ba754ea51d8d354846e7a 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/zabbixagent/__init__.py
+++ b/slapos/recipe/zabbixagent/__init__.py
@@ -79,35 +79,50 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
     return cron_d
-  def _install(self):
-    self.path_list = []
-    self.requirements, self.ws = self.egg.working_set()
-    # self.cron_d is a directory, where cron jobs can be registered
-    self.cron_d = self.installCrond()
-    self.logrotate_d, self.logrotate_backup = self.installLogrotate()
-    zabbix_log_file = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'zabbix_agentd.log')
-    self.registerLogRotation('zabbix_agentd', [zabbix_log_file])
-    zabbix_agentd = dict(
+  def installZabbixAgentd(self, ip, port, hostname, server_ip,
+                          user_parameter_string=''):
+    log_file = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'zabbix_agentd.log')
+    self.registerLogRotation('zabbix_agentd', [log_file])
+    zabbix_agentd_conf = dict(
       pid_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, "zabbix_agentd.pid"),
-      log_file=zabbix_log_file,
-      ip=self.getGlobalIPv6Address(),
-      server=self.parameter_dict['server'],
-      hostname=self.parameter_dict['hostname'],
-      port='10050'
-    )
-    zabbix_agentd_conf = self.createConfigurationFile("zabbix_agentd.conf",
-         pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__,
-         'template/zabbix_agentd.conf.in') % zabbix_agentd)
-    self.path_list.append(zabbix_agentd_conf)
+      log_file=log_file,
+      ip=ip,
+      server=server_ip,
+      hostname=hostname,
+      port=port,
+      user_parameter_string=user_parameter_string)
+    zabbix_agentd_path = self.createConfigurationFile(
+      "zabbix_agentd.conf",
+      pkg_resources.resource_string(
+        __name__, 'template/zabbix_agentd.conf.in') % zabbix_agentd_conf)
+    self.path_list.append(zabbix_agentd_path)
     wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('zabbixagentd',
       'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')], self.ws, sys.executable,
       self.bin_directory, arguments=[
         self.options['zabbix_agentd_binary'].strip(), '-c',
-        zabbix_agentd_conf])[0]
+        zabbix_agentd_path])[0]
       ('zabbixagentd', __name__ + '.svcdaemon', 'svcdaemon')],
       self.ws, sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict(
-        real_binary=wrapper, pid_file=zabbix_agentd['pid_file'])]))
-    self.setConnectionDict(dict(ip=zabbix_agentd['ip'],
-      name=zabbix_agentd['hostname'], port=zabbix_agentd['port']))
+        real_binary=wrapper, pid_file=zabbix_agentd_conf['pid_file'])]))
+    return zabbix_agentd_conf
+  def _install(self):
+    self.path_list = []
+    self.requirements, self.ws = self.egg.working_set()
+    # self.cron_d is a directory, where cron jobs can be registered
+    self.cron_d = self.installCrond()
+    self.logrotate_d, self.logrotate_backup = self.installLogrotate()
+    zabbix_agentd_conf = self.installZabbixAgentd(self.getGlobalIPv6Address(),
+                                                  10050,
+                                                  self.parameter_dict['hostname'],
+                                                  self.parameter_dict['server'])
+    self.setConnectionDict(dict(ip=zabbix_agentd_conf['ip'],
+      name=zabbix_agentd_conf['hostname'], port=zabbix_agentd_conf['port']))
     return self.path_list
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/zabbixagent/template/zabbix_agentd.conf.in b/slapos/recipe/zabbixagent/template/zabbix_agentd.conf.in
index 9aef9930ca937ea7e1ef55a667676b2303b0d0c5..d5ba48be5664ebecc7c7d980d583e74086cbb9fd 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/zabbixagent/template/zabbix_agentd.conf.in
+++ b/slapos/recipe/zabbixagent/template/zabbix_agentd.conf.in
@@ -229,3 +229,5 @@ ListenIP=%(ip)s
 # Mandatory: no
 # Default:
 # UserParameter=