# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""FileStorage helper to perform pack.

A storage contains an ordered set of object revisions.  When a storage
is packed, object revisions that are not reachable as of the pack time
are deleted.  The notion of reachability is complicated by
backpointers -- object revisions that point to earlier revisions of
the same object.

An object revisions is reachable at a certain time if it is reachable
from the revision of the root at that time or if it is reachable from
a backpointer after that time.

import os

from ZODB.serialize import referencesf
from ZODB.utils import p64, u64, z64

from ZODB.fsIndex import fsIndex
from ZODB.FileStorage.format \
     import FileStorageFormatter, CorruptedDataError, DataHeader, \

class DataCopier(FileStorageFormatter):
    """Mixin class for copying transactions into a storage.

    The restore() and pack() methods share a need to copy data records
    and update pointers to data in earlier transaction records.  This
    class provides the shared logic.

    The mixin extends the FileStorageFormatter with a copy() method.
    It also requires that the concrete class provides the following

    _file -- file with earlier destination data
    _tfile -- destination file for copied data
    _pos -- file pos of destination transaction
    _tindex -- maps oid to data record file pos
    _tvindex -- maps version name to data record file pos

    _tindex and _tvindex are updated by copy().

    The copy() method does not do any locking.

    def _txn_find(self, tid, stop_at_pack):
        # _pos always points just past the last transaction
        pos = self._pos
        while pos > 4:
            self._file.seek(pos - 8)
            pos = pos - u64(self._file.read(8)) - 8
            h = self._file.read(TRANS_HDR_LEN)
            _tid = h[:8]
            if _tid == tid:
                return pos
            if stop_at_pack:
                if h[16] == 'p':
        raise UndoError(None, "Invalid transaction id")

    def _data_find(self, tpos, oid, data):
        # Return backpointer to oid in data record for in transaction at tpos.
        # It should contain a pickle identical to data. Returns 0 on failure.
        # Must call with lock held.
        h = self._read_txn_header(tpos)
        tend = tpos + h.tlen
        pos = self._file.tell()
        while pos < tend:
            h = self._read_data_header(pos)
            if h.oid == oid:
                # Make sure this looks like the right data record
                if h.plen == 0:
                    # This is also a backpointer.  Gotta trust it.
                    return pos
                if h.plen != len(data):
                    # The expected data doesn't match what's in the
                    # backpointer.  Something is wrong.
                    error("Mismatch between data and backpointer at %d", pos)
                    return 0
                _data = self._file.read(h.plen)
                if data != _data:
                    return 0
                return pos
            pos += h.recordlen()
        return 0

    def _restore_pnv(self, oid, prev, version, bp):
        # Find a valid pnv (previous non-version) pointer for this version.

        # If there is no previous record, there can't be a pnv.
        if not prev:
            return None

        pnv = None
        h = self._read_data_header(prev, oid)
        # If the previous record is for a version, it must have
        # a valid pnv.
        if h.version:
            return h.pnv
        elif bp:
            # XXX Not sure the following is always true:
            # The previous record is not for this version, yet we
            # have a backpointer to it.  The current record must
            # be an undo of an abort or commit, so the backpointer
            # must be to a version record with a pnv.
            h2 = self._read_data_header(bp, oid)
            if h2.version:
                return h2.pnv
                warn("restore could not find previous non-version data "
                     "at %d or %d", prev, bp)
                return None

    def _resolve_backpointer(self, prev_txn, oid, data):
        prev_pos = 0
        if prev_txn is not None:
            prev_txn_pos = self._txn_find(prev_txn, 0)
            if prev_txn_pos:
                prev_pos = self._data_find(prev_txn_pos, oid, data)
        return prev_pos

    def copy(self, oid, serial, data, version, prev_txn,
             txnpos, datapos):
        prev_pos = self._resolve_backpointer(prev_txn, oid, data)
        old = self._index.get(oid, 0)
        # Calculate the pos the record will have in the storage.
        here = datapos
        # And update the temp file index
        self._tindex[oid] = here
        if prev_pos:
            # If there is a valid prev_pos, don't write data.
            data = None
        if data is None:
            dlen = 0
            dlen = len(data)
        # Write the recovery data record
        h = DataHeader(oid, serial, old, txnpos, len(version), dlen)
        if version:
            h.version = version
            pnv = self._restore_pnv(oid, old, version, prev_pos)
            if pnv is not None:
                h.pnv = pnv
                h.pnv = old
            # Link to the last record for this version
            h.vprev = self._tvindex.get(version, 0)
            if not h.vprev:
                h.vprev = self._vindex.get(version, 0)
            self._tvindex[version] = here

        # Write the data or a backpointer
        if data is None:
            if prev_pos:
                # Write a zero backpointer, which indicates an
                # un-creation transaction.

class GC(FileStorageFormatter):

    def __init__(self, file, eof, packtime):
        self._file = file
        self._name = file.name
        self.eof = eof
        self.packtime = packtime
        # packpos: position of first txn header after pack time
        self.packpos = None
        self.oid2curpos = fsIndex() # maps oid to current data record position
        self.oid2verpos = fsIndex() # maps oid to current version data

        # The set of reachable revisions of each object.
        # This set as managed using two data structures.  The first is
        # an fsIndex mapping oids to one data record pos.  Since only
        # a few objects will have more than one revision, we use this
        # efficient data structure to handle the common case.  The
        # second is a dictionary mapping objects to lists of
        # positions; it is used to handle the same number of objects
        # for which we must keep multiple revisions.

        self.reachable = fsIndex()
        self.reach_ex = {}

        # keep ltid for consistency checks during initial scan
        self.ltid = z64

    def isReachable(self, oid, pos):
        """Return 1 if revision of `oid` at `pos` is reachable."""

        rpos = self.reachable.get(oid)
        if rpos is None:
            return 0
        if rpos == pos:
            return 1
        return pos in self.reach_ex.get(oid, [])

    def findReachable(self):
        # These mappings are no longer needed and may consume a lot
        # of space.
        del self.oid2verpos
        del self.oid2curpos

    def buildPackIndex(self):
        pos = 4L
        # We make the initial assumption that the database has been
        # packed before and set unpacked to True only after seeing the
        # first record with a status == " ".  If we get to the packtime
        # and unpacked is still False, we need to watch for a redundant
        # pack.
        unpacked = False
        while pos < self.eof:
            th = self._read_txn_header(pos)
            if th.tid > self.packtime:
            self.checkTxn(th, pos)
            if th.status != "p":
                unpacked = True

            tpos = pos
            end = pos + th.tlen
            pos += th.headerlen()

            while pos < end:
                dh = self._read_data_header(pos)
                self.checkData(th, tpos, dh, pos)
                if dh.version:
                    self.oid2verpos[dh.oid] = pos
                    self.oid2curpos[dh.oid] = pos
                pos += dh.recordlen()

            tlen = self._read_num(pos)
            if tlen != th.tlen:
                self.fail(pos, "redundant transaction length does not "
                          "match initial transaction length: %d != %d",
                          u64(s), th.tlen)
            pos += 8

        self.packpos = pos

        if unpacked:
        # check for a redundant pack.  If the first record following
        # the newly computed packpos has status 'p', then it was
        # packed earlier and the current pack is redudant.
            th = self._read_txn_header(pos)
        except CorruptedDataError, err:
            if err.buf != "":
        if th.status == 'p':
            # Delay import to cope with circular imports.
            # XXX put exceptions in a separate module
            from ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage import FileStorageError
            raise FileStorageError(
                "The database has already been packed to a later time"
                " or no changes have been made since the last pack")

    def findReachableAtPacktime(self, roots):
        """Mark all objects reachable from the oids in roots as reachable."""
        todo = list(roots)
        while todo:
            oid = todo.pop()
            if self.reachable.has_key(oid):

            L = []

            pos = self.oid2curpos.get(oid)
            if pos is not None:

            pos = self.oid2verpos.get(oid)
            if pos is not None:

            if not L:

            pos = L.pop()
            self.reachable[oid] = pos
            if L:
                self.reach_ex[oid] = L

    def findReachableFromFuture(self):
        # In this pass, the roots are positions of object revisions.
        # We add a pos to extra_roots when there is a backpointer to a
        # revision that was not current at the packtime.  The
        # non-current revision could refer to objects that were
        # otherwise unreachable at the packtime.
        extra_roots = []

        pos = self.packpos
        while pos < self.eof:
            th = self._read_txn_header(pos)
            self.checkTxn(th, pos)
            tpos = pos
            end = pos + th.tlen
            pos += th.headerlen()

            while pos < end:
                dh = self._read_data_header(pos)
                self.checkData(th, tpos, dh, pos)

                if dh.back and dh.back < self.packpos:
                    if self.reachable.has_key(dh.oid):
                        L = self.reach_ex.setdefault(dh.oid, [])
                        if dh.back not in L:
                        self.reachable[dh.oid] = dh.back

                if dh.version and dh.pnv:
                    if self.reachable.has_key(dh.oid):
                        L = self.reach_ex.setdefault(dh.oid, [])
                        if dh.pnv not in L:
                        self.reachable[dh.oid] = dh.back

                pos += dh.recordlen()

            tlen = self._read_num(pos)
            if tlen != th.tlen:
                self.fail(pos, "redundant transaction length does not "
                          "match initial transaction length: %d != %d",
                          u64(s), th.tlen)
            pos += 8

        for pos in extra_roots:
            refs = self.findrefs(pos)

    def findrefs(self, pos):
        """Return a list of oids referenced as of packtime."""
        dh = self._read_data_header(pos)
        # Chase backpointers until we get to the record with the refs
        while dh.back:
            dh = self._read_data_header(dh.back)
        if dh.plen:
            return referencesf(self._file.read(dh.plen))
            return []

class PackCopier(DataCopier):

    # PackCopier has to cope with _file and _tfile being the
    # same file.  The copy() implementation is written assuming
    # that they are different, so that using one object doesn't
    # mess up the file pointer for the other object.

    # PackCopier overrides _resolve_backpointer() and _restore_pnv()
    # to guarantee that they keep the file pointer for _tfile in
    # the right place.

    def __init__(self, f, index, vindex, tindex, tvindex):
        self._file = f
        self._tfile = f
        self._index = index
        self._vindex = vindex
        self._tindex = tindex
        self._tvindex = tvindex
        self._pos = None

    def setTxnPos(self, pos):
        self._pos = pos

    def _resolve_backpointer(self, prev_txn, oid, data):
        pos = self._tfile.tell()
            return DataCopier._resolve_backpointer(self, prev_txn, oid, data)

    def _restore_pnv(self, oid, prev, version, bp):
        pos = self._tfile.tell()
            return DataCopier._restore_pnv(self, oid, prev, version, bp)

class FileStoragePacker(FileStorageFormatter):

    # path is the storage file path.
    # stop is the pack time, as a TimeStamp.
    # la and lr are the acquire() and release() methods of the storage's lock.
    # cla and clr similarly, for the storage's commit lock.
    # current_size is the storage's _pos.  All valid data at the start
    # lives before that offset (there may be a checkpoint transaction in
    # progress after it).
    def __init__(self, path, stop, la, lr, cla, clr, current_size):
        self._name = path
        self._file = open(path, "rb")
        self._stop = stop
        self.locked = 0
        self.file_end = current_size

        self.gc = GC(self._file, self.file_end, self._stop)

        # The packer needs to acquire the parent's commit lock
        # during the copying stage, so the two sets of lock acquire
        # and release methods are passed to the constructor.
        self._lock_acquire = la
        self._lock_release = lr
        self._commit_lock_acquire = cla
        self._commit_lock_release = clr

        # The packer will use several indexes.
        # index: oid -> pos
        # vindex: version -> pos of XXX
        # tindex: oid -> pos, for current txn
        # tvindex: version -> pos of XXX, for current txn
        # oid2tid: not used by the packer

        self.index = fsIndex()
        self.vindex = {}
        self.tindex = {}
        self.tvindex = {}
        self.oid2tid = {}
        self.toid2tid = {}
        self.toid2tid_delete = {}

        # Index for non-version data.  This is a temporary structure
        # to reduce I/O during packing
        self.nvindex = fsIndex()

    def pack(self):
        # Pack copies all data reachable at the pack time or later.
        # Copying occurs in two phases.  In the first phase, txns
        # before the pack time are copied if the contain any reachable
        # data.  In the second phase, all txns after the pack time
        # are copied.
        # Txn and data records contain pointers to previous records.
        # Because these pointers are stored as file offsets, they
        # must be updated when we copy data.

        # XXX Need to add sanity checking to pack


        # Setup the destination file and copy the metadata.
        # XXX rename from _tfile to something clearer
        self._tfile = open(self._name + ".pack", "w+b")

        self._copier = PackCopier(self._tfile, self.index, self.vindex,
                                  self.tindex, self.tvindex)

        ipos, opos = self.copyToPacktime()
        assert ipos == self.gc.packpos
        if ipos == opos:
            # pack didn't free any data.  there's no point in continuing.
            os.remove(self._name + ".pack")
            return None
        self.locked = 1
            self._file.seek(0, 2)
            self.file_end = self._file.tell()
        if ipos < self.file_end:

        # OK, we've copied everything. Now we need to wrap things up.
        pos = self._tfile.tell()

        return pos

    def copyToPacktime(self):
        offset = 0L  # the amount of space freed by packing
        pos = self._metadata_size
        new_pos = pos

        while pos < self.gc.packpos:
            th = self._read_txn_header(pos)
            new_tpos, pos = self.copyDataRecords(pos, th)

            if new_tpos:
                new_pos = self._tfile.tell() + 8
                tlen = new_pos - new_tpos - 8
                # Update the transaction length
                self._tfile.seek(new_tpos + 8)
                self._tfile.seek(new_pos - 8)

            tlen = self._read_num(pos)
            if tlen != th.tlen:
                self.fail(pos, "redundant transaction length does not "
                          "match initial transaction length: %d != %d",
                          u64(s), th.tlen)
            pos += 8

        return pos, new_pos

    def fetchBackpointer(self, oid, back):
        """Return data and refs backpointer `back` to object `oid.

        If `back` is 0 or ultimately resolves to 0, return None
        and None.  In this case, the transaction undoes the object
        if back == 0:
            return None
        data, tid = self._loadBackTxn(oid, back, 0)
        return data

    def copyDataRecords(self, pos, th):
        """Copy any current data records between pos and tend.

        Returns position of txn header in output file and position
        of next record in the input file.

        If any data records are copied, also write txn header (th).
        copy = 0
        new_tpos = 0L
        tend = pos + th.tlen
        pos += th.headerlen()
        while pos < tend:
            h = self._read_data_header(pos)
            if not self.gc.isReachable(h.oid, pos):
                pos += h.recordlen()
            pos += h.recordlen()

            # If we are going to copy any data, we need to copy
            # the transaction header.  Note that we will need to
            # patch up the transaction length when we are done.
            if not copy:
                th.status = "p"
                s = th.asString()
                new_tpos = self._tfile.tell()
                new_pos = new_tpos + len(s)
                copy = 1

            if h.plen:
                data = self._file.read(h.plen)
                # If a current record has a backpointer, fetch
                # refs and data from the backpointer.  We need
                # to write the data in the new record.
                data = self.fetchBackpointer(h.oid, h.back)

            self.writePackedDataRecord(h, data, new_tpos)
            new_pos = self._tfile.tell()

        return new_tpos, pos

    def writePackedDataRecord(self, h, data, new_tpos):
        # Update the header to reflect current information, then write
        # it to the output file.
        if data is None:
            data = ""
        h.prev = 0
        h.back = 0
        h.plen = len(data)
        h.tloc = new_tpos
        pos = self._tfile.tell()
        if h.version:
            h.pnv = self.index.get(h.oid, 0)
            h.vprev = self.vindex.get(h.version, 0)
            self.vindex[h.version] = pos
        self.index[h.oid] = pos
        if h.version:
            self.vindex[h.version] = pos
        if not data:
            # Packed records never have backpointers (?).
            # If there is no data, write a z64 backpointer.
            # This is a George Bailey event.

    def copyRest(self, ipos):
        # After the pack time, all data records are copied.
        # Copy one txn at a time, using copy() for data.

        # Release the commit lock every 20 copies
        self._lock_counter = 0

            while 1:
                ipos = self.copyOne(ipos)
        except CorruptedDataError, err:
            # The last call to copyOne() will raise
            # CorruptedDataError, because it will attempt to read past
            # the end of the file.  Double-check that the exception
            # occurred for this reason.
            self._file.seek(0, 2)
            endpos = self._file.tell()
            if endpos != err.pos:

    def copyOne(self, ipos):
        # The call below will raise CorruptedDataError at EOF.
        th = self._read_txn_header(ipos)
        self._lock_counter += 1
        if self._lock_counter % 20 == 0:
        pos = self._tfile.tell()
        tend = ipos + th.tlen
        ipos += th.headerlen()

        while ipos < tend:
            h = self._read_data_header(ipos)
            ipos += h.recordlen()
            prev_txn = None
            if h.plen:
                data = self._file.read(h.plen)
                data = self.fetchBackpointer(h.oid, h.back)
                if h.back:
                    prev_txn = self.getTxnFromData(h.oid, h.back)

            self._copier.copy(h.oid, h.tid, data, h.version,
                              prev_txn, pos, self._tfile.tell())

        tlen = self._tfile.tell() - pos
        assert tlen == th.tlen
        ipos += 8

        if self._lock_counter % 20 == 0:
        return ipos