Commit a033b119 authored by Jondy Zhao's avatar Jondy Zhao

refine slapos-build-installer

parent 82a77cbd
......@@ -510,6 +510,8 @@ Then upload the source packages dist/psutil-1.0.1.tar.gz to http://www.nexedi.or
<para>This chapter descripts how to create a slapos node in the windows which used to test the windows installer self:
<listitem><para>Install cygwin</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition or later version. If you're running X64 environments, install Microsoft Windows SDK v7.0 either.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Install inno-setup, copy all binary files to /opt/inno-setup</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Prepare certificate, key, computer.key, computer.crt</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Run, got it from slapos.package.git/windows/scripts</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Run, got it from slapos.package.git/windows/scripts</para></listitem>
......@@ -8,74 +8,71 @@ if ! source /usr/share/csih/ ; then
exit 1
function show_usage()
# ======================================================================
# Functions
# ======================================================================
function slapos_apply_patch()
echo "This script is used to build slapos node in the Cygwin."
echo ""
echo "Usage: ./"
echo ""
local _filename=$1
local _destpath=$2
local _basename=$(basename ${_filename})
[[ -f ${_filename} ]] ||
cp /opt/git/slapos.package/windows/patches/${_basename} ${_filename} 2>/dev/null ||
wget -c${_basename} -O ${_filename} ||
csih_error "download ${_filename} failed"
csih_inform "download ${_filename} OK"
csih_inform "applay patch ${_filename}"
(cd $(ls -d ${_destpath}) &&
csih_inform "patch at $(pwd)" &&
patch -f --dry-run -p1 < ${_filename} > /dev/null &&
patch -p1 < ${_filename} &&
csih_inform "apply patch ${_filename} OK")
readonly -f show_usage
readonly -f slapos_apply_patch
function slapos_buildout()
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Run the buildout of slapos node
# -----------------------------------------------------------
local _home=$1/slapos
local _cache=$1/download-cache
local _buildcfg=${_home}/buildout.cfg
local _bootstrap=${_home}/
local _buildurl=${2:-}
[[ -z "$1" ]] && csih_error "no slapos path specified"
csih_inform "Starting run buildout of slapos node ..."
csih_inform "mkdir /opt/slapos/log"
mkdir -p ${slapos_home}/log
csih_inform "mkdir ${_home}/log"
mkdir -p ${_home}/log
csih_inform "mkdir /opt/download-cache"
mkdir -p ${slapos_cache}
csih_inform "mkdir ${_cache}"
mkdir -p ${_cache}
[[ ! -f ${slapos_cfg} ]] &&
[[ ! -f ${_buildcfg} ]] &&
echo "[buildout]
extends = ${slapos_url}
download-cache = ${slapos_cache}
prefix = ${buildout:directory}
" > ${slapos_cfg} &&
csih_inform "${slapos_cfg} generated"
[[ -f ${slapos_bootstrap} ]] ||
python -S -c 'import urllib2;print urllib2.urlopen("").read()' > ${slapos_bootstrap} ||
extends = ${_buildurl}
download-cache = ${_cache}
prefix = \${buildout:directory}
" > ${_buildcfg} &&
csih_inform "${_buildcfg} generated"
[[ -f ${_bootstrap} ]] ||
python -S -c 'import urllib2;print urllib2.urlopen("").read()' > ${_bootstrap} ||
csih_error "download failed"
csih_inform "download ${slapos_bootstrap} OK"
csih_inform "download ${_bootstrap} OK"
[[ -x ${slapos_home}/bin/buildout ]] ||
(cd ${slapos_home} && python -S ||
[[ -x ${_home}/bin/buildout ]] ||
(cd ${_home} && python -S ||
csih_error "run failed"
csih_inform "run OK"
csih_inform "start bin/buildout"
(cd ${slapos_home} ; bin/buildout -v -N) || csih_error "bin/buildout failed"
(cd ${_home} ; bin/buildout -v -N) || csih_error "bin/buildout failed"
[[ -f ${_filename} ]] ||
wget -c$(basename ${_filename}) -O ${_filename} ||
csih_error "download ${_filename} failed"
csih_inform "download ${_filename} OK"
csih_inform "applay patch ${_filename}"
(cd $(ls -d ${slapos_home}/eggs/slapos.core-*.egg/) &&
csih_inform "patch at $(pwd)" &&
patch -f --dry-run -p1 < ${_filename} > /dev/null &&
patch -p1 < ${_filename} &&
csih_inform "apply patch ${_filename} OK")
[[ -f ${_filename} ]] ||
wget -c$(basename ${_filename}) -O ${_filename} ||
csih_error "download ${_filename} failed"
csih_inform "download ${_filename} OK"
csih_inform "applay patch ${_filename}"
(cd $(ls -d ${slapos_home}/eggs/supervisor-*.egg) &&
csih_inform "patch at $(pwd)" &&
patch -f --dry-run -p1 < ${_filename} > /dev/null &&
patch -p1 < ${_filename} &&
csih_inform "apply patch ${_filename} OK")
slapos_apply_patch "~/slapos-core-format.patch" "${_home}/eggs/slapos.core-*.egg/"
slapos_apply_patch "~/supervisor-cygwin.patch" "${_home}/eggs/supervisor-*.egg/"
csih_inform "Run buildout of slapos node OK"
echo ""
......@@ -91,11 +88,7 @@ echo ""
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Local variable
# -----------------------------------------------------------
declare -r slapos_home=/opt/slapos
declare -r slapos_cache=/opt/download-cache
declare -r slapos_url=
declare -r slapos_cfg=${slapos_home}/buildout.cfg
declare -r slapos_bootstrap=${slapos_home}/
declare -r slapos_path=${1:-/opt}
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Command line options
......@@ -125,7 +118,7 @@ done
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Build SlapOS
# -----------------------------------------------------------
slapos_buildout ${slapos_path}
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# End script
#! /bin/bash
# This script is used to build slapos installer of windows. There are 2
# scripts need to run in prior:
# This script is used to build slapos installer of windows. It's running
# only in the SlapOS Cygwin bootstrap node. The directory structures of
# bootstrap node looks like:
# ./cygwin-packages Cygwin local packages
# ./setup.exe Cygwin setup file
# ./cygwin The root path of cygwin
# In the cygwin bootstrap node, the following files are required:
# /opt/inno-setup
# Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition or later version
# Microsoft Windows SDK v7.0 if you're in 64-bits environments
# Before run this script, you need first run to update
# slapos node:
# ./ /opt/buildout
# In this script, it will do:
# * Prepare sources
# * Prepare the sources required by installer
# * Build ipwin/regpwd/ovpn-server/ovpn-client
# * Make installer
......@@ -32,7 +46,10 @@ function show_usage()
echo "Usage:"
echo ""
echo " ./slapos-build-installer"
echo " ./slapos-build-installer [slapos-path]"
echo ""
echo " slapos-path: specify slapos root path, the buildout.cfg will be put in"
echo " slapos-path/slapos. The default value is /opt/buildout"
echo ""
readonly -f show_usage
......@@ -43,12 +60,6 @@ readonly -f show_usage
csih_inform "Starting build Slapos Windows installer ..."
echo ""
# ======================================================================
# Constants
# ======================================================================
declare -r cygwin_home=$(cygpath -a $(cygpath -w /)\\.. | sed -e "s%/$%%")
declare -r ISCC=${cygwin_home}/inno-setup/ISCC.exe
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Start script
# -----------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -63,9 +74,8 @@ while test $# -gt 0; do
-h | --help)
exit 0
exit 1
......@@ -73,21 +83,35 @@ while test $# -gt 0; do
# ======================================================================
# Constants
# ======================================================================
declare -r cygwin_home=$(cygpath -m $(cygpath -w /)\\.. | sed -e "s%/$%%")
declare -r ISCC=$(cyypath -m /opt/inno-setup/ISCC.exe)
declare -r slapos_path=${1:-/opt/buildout}
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Prepare the sources used to build installer
# Build slapos
# -----------------------------------------------------------
csih_inform "Preparing the sources used to build installer ..."
slapos_buildout ${slapos_path} ${slapos_url}
(rm -rf /opt/slapos/slapos.tar.gz; cd /opt ; tar czf slapos.tar.gz slapos/ ; mv slapos.tar.gz slapos/) ||
(cd ${slapos_path} ; tar czf slapos.tar.gz slapos/ ; mv slapos.tar.gz /opt/slapos) ||
csih_error "create slapos.tar.gz failed"
csih_inform "tar package /opt/slapos/slapos.tar.gz generated"
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Prepare the sources used to build installer
# -----------------------------------------------------------
csih_inform "Preparing the sources used to build installer ..."
[[ -f ${_filename} ]] ||
wget -c -O ${_filename} ||
csih_error "download ${_filename} failed"
csih_inform "Got ${_filename}"
[[ -f ${_filename} ]] ||
wget -c -O ${_filename} ||
csih_error "download ${_filename} failed"
csih_inform "Got ${_filename}"
......@@ -97,7 +121,7 @@ csih_inform "Got ${_filename}"
csih_error "clone failed"
csih_inform "clone/pull OK"
if csih_is_vista ; then
if check_os_is_wow64 ; then
csih_inform "making babeld for vista or above ..."
(cd /opt/git/slapos.package/windows/babeld ; WINVER=VISTA make) ||
csih_error "make babeld failed"
......@@ -108,8 +132,8 @@ else
[[ ! -f ${_filename} ]] &&
(cd /opt/git/slapos.package/windows/scripts ; gcc -o regpwd.exe regpwd.c) &&
(cd /opt/git/slapos.package/windows/scripts ; gcc -o regpwd.exe regpwd.c) ||
csih_error "make regpwd.exe failed"
csih_inform "make regpwd.exe"
......@@ -128,11 +152,13 @@ csih_inform "extracting ${_filename} ..."
csih_error "extract ${_filename} failed"
[[ -f ${_filename} ]] ||
wget -c --no-check-certificate -O ${_filename} ||
csih_error "download ${_filename} failed"
csih_inform "Got ${_filename}"
[[ -f ${_filename} ]] ||
wget -c -O ${_filename} ||
csih_error "download ${_filename} failed"
csih_inform "Got ${_filename}"
......@@ -142,19 +168,19 @@ csih_inform "updating re6stnet.git ..."
(cd /opt/git ; git clone -b cygwin ||
csih_error "clone/pull re6stnet.git failed"
# # Now package i686-w64-mingw32-gcc isn't installed, so ignore it in temporary
# csih_inform "building ovpn-client and ovpn-server ..."
# for _name in ovpn-client ovpn-server ; do
# (cd /opt/git/re6stnet/re6st ; i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -o ${_name}.exe ${_name}.c ovpn-pipe.c) ||
# csih_error "build ${_name}.exe failed"
# csih_inform "build ${_name}.exe OK"
# done
csih_inform "building ovpn-client and ovpn-server ..."
for _name in ovpn-client ovpn-server ; do
(cd /opt/git/re6stnet/re6st ; i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -o ${_name}.exe ${_name}.c ovpn-pipe.c) ||
csih_error "build ${_name}.exe failed"
csih_inform "build ${_name}.exe OK"
csih_inform "creating re6stnet source package ..."
(cd /opt/git/re6stnet ; python sdist) ||
csih_error "create re6stnet source package failed"
[[ -f ${_filename} ]] ||
wget -c -O ${_filename} ||
csih_error "download ${_filename} failed"
csih_inform "Got ${_filename}"
......@@ -163,17 +189,10 @@ csih_inform "extracting ${_filename} ..."
(cd /opt ; tar xzf ${_filename} --no-same-owner) ||
csih_error "extract ${_filename} failed"
# This command need microsoft sdk to build, so we just copy it
if check_os_is_wow64 ; then
wget -c ${_url} -O ${_filename} ||
csih_error_multi "download ${_filename} failed" " from ${_url}"
csih_inform "Got ${_filename}"
csih_inform " from ${_url}"
/opt/git/slapos.package/windows/ipwin/ipwin/build.bat "batch" ||
csih_error "build ipwin.exe failed"
csih_inform "build ${_filename} OK"
csih_inform "Prepare the sources OK"
echo ""
......@@ -183,7 +202,7 @@ echo ""
# -----------------------------------------------------------
_output_dir=$(cygpath -a -w $(cygpath -w /)\\.. | sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g')
_output_dir=$(cygpath -a -w $(cygpath -w /opt/publish) | sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g')
_source_dir=$(cygpath -a -w $(cygpath -w /)\\.. | sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g')
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