Commit 9f2212cf authored by wenjie.zheng's avatar wenjie.zheng

ERP5WorkflowMethod class created, correct all workflow5 indacation to ERP5Workflow.

parent 6dbab7ce
......@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ _MARKER = []
global registered_workflow_method_set
wildcard_interaction_method_id_match = re.compile(r'[[.?*+{(\\]').search
workflow_method_registry = [] # XXX A set() would be better but would require a hash in WorkflowMethod class
erp5workflow_method_registry =[]
def resetRegisteredWorkflowMethod(portal_type=None):
......@@ -117,8 +118,14 @@ def resetRegisteredWorkflowMethod(portal_type=None):
for method in workflow_method_registry:
class WorkflowMethod(Method):
def resetRegisteredERP5WorkflowMethod(portal_type=None):
TODO: unwrap workflow methos which were standard methods initially
for method in erp5workflow_method_registry:
class ERP5WorkflowMethod(Method):
def __init__(self, method, id=None, reindex=1):
method - a callable object or a method
......@@ -182,7 +189,7 @@ class WorkflowMethod(Method):
for wf_id, transition_list in invoke_once_dict.iteritems():
valid_transition_list = []
for transition_id in transition_list:
once_transition_key = ('Products.ERP5Type.Base.WorkflowMethod.__call__',
once_transition_key = ('Products.ERP5Type.Base.ERP5WorkflowMethod.__call__',
wf_id, transition_id, instance_path)
once_transition_dict[(wf_id, transition_id)] = once_transition_key
if once_transition_key not in transactional_variable:
......@@ -198,39 +205,138 @@ class WorkflowMethod(Method):
if not candidate_transition_item_list:
return apply(self.__dict__['_m'], (instance,) + args, kw)
#=============== Workflow5 Project, Wenjie, Dec 2014 =====================
### Access the ERP5Type workflow_list
if instance.getTypeInfo().getTypeWorkflowList() != []:
if instance.getTypeInfo().getTypeWorkflowList():
wf5_module = instance.getPortalObject().getDefaultModule(portal_type="Workflow")
### Build the list of method which is call and will be invoked.
valid_transition_item_list = []
for wf_id, transition_list in candidate_transition_item_list:
valid_list = []
for transition_id in transition_list:
if wf5_module._getOb(wf_id).isWorkflow5MethodSupported(instance, wf5_module._getOb(wf_id)._getOb(transition_id)):
if wf5_module._getOb(wf_id).isERP5WorkflowMethodSupported(instance, wf5_module._getOb(wf_id)._getOb(transition_id)):
#if wf5_module._getOb(wf_id)._getOb(transition_id) in instance.getCategoryStateValue().getDestinationValueList():
once_transition_key = once_transition_dict.get((wf_id, transition_id))
transactional_variable[once_transition_key] = 1
raise UnsupportedWorkflowMethod(instance, wf_id, transition_id)
#else: ### don't do anything if no supported
#raise UnsupportedWorkflowMethod(instance, wf_id, transition_id)
if valid_list:
valid_transition_item_list.append((wf_id, valid_list))
### Execute method
for wf_id, transition_list in valid_transition_item_list:
for tr in transition_list:
#raise NotImplementedError (tr)
method5 = wf5_module._getOb(wf_id)._getOb(tr)
#=================================== wf5 =================================
def registerERP5TransitionAlways(self, portal_type, workflow_id, transition_id):
Transitions registered as always will be invoked always
transition_list = self._invoke_always.setdefault(portal_type, {}).setdefault(workflow_id, [])
if transition_id not in transition_list: transition_list.append(transition_id)
def registerERP5TransitionOncePerTransaction(self, portal_type, workflow_id, transition_id):
Transitions registered as one per transactions will be invoked
only once per transaction
transition_list = self._invoke_once.setdefault(portal_type, {}).setdefault(workflow_id, [])
if transition_id not in transition_list: transition_list.append(transition_id)
def registerERP5(self):
Registers the method so that _aq_reset may later reset it
class WorkflowMethod(Method):
def __init__(self, method, id=None, reindex=1):
method - a callable object or a method
id - the workflow transition id. This is useful
to emulate "old" CMF behaviour but is
somehow inconsistent with the new registration based
approach implemented here.
We store id as _transition_id and use it
to register the transition for each portal
type and each workflow for which it is
self._m = method
if id is None:
self._transition_id = method.__name__
self._transition_id = id
# Only publishable methods can be published as interactions
# A pure private method (ex. _doNothing) can not be published
# This is intentional to prevent methods such as submit, share to
# be called from a URL. If someone can show that this way
# is wrong (ex. for remote operation of a site), let us know.
if not method.__name__.startswith('_'):
self.__name__ = method.__name__
for func_id in ['func_code', 'func_defaults', 'func_dict', 'func_doc', 'func_globals', 'func_name']:
setattr(self, func_id, getattr(method, func_id, None))
self._invoke_once = {}
self._invoke_always = {} # Store in a dict all workflow IDs which require to
# invoke wrapWorkflowMethod at every call
# during the same transaction
def getTransitionId(self):
return self._transition_id
def __call__(self, instance, *args, **kw):
Invoke the wrapped method, and deal with the results.
if getattr(self, '__name__', None) in ('getPhysicalPath', 'getId'):
# To prevent infinite recursion, 2 methods must have special treatment
# this is clearly not the best way to implement this but it is
# already better than what we had. I (JPS) would prefer to use
# critical sections in this part of the code and a
# thread variable which tells in which semantic context the code
# should be executed. - XXX
return self._m(instance, *args, **kw)
# Build a list of transitions which may need to be invoked
instance_path = instance.getPhysicalPath()
portal_type = instance.portal_type
transactional_variable = getTransactionalVariable()
invoke_once_dict = self._invoke_once.get(portal_type, {})
valid_invoke_once_item_list = []
# Only keep those transitions which were never invoked
once_transition_dict = {}
# New implementation does not use any longer wrapWorkflowMethod
# but directly calls the workflow methods
for wf_id, transition_list in invoke_once_dict.iteritems():
valid_transition_list = []
for transition_id in transition_list:
once_transition_key = ('Products.ERP5Type.Base.WorkflowMethod.__call__',
wf_id, transition_id, instance_path)
once_transition_dict[(wf_id, transition_id)] = once_transition_key
if once_transition_key not in transactional_variable:
if valid_transition_list:
valid_invoke_once_item_list.append((wf_id, valid_transition_list))
candidate_transition_item_list = valid_invoke_once_item_list + \
self._invoke_always.get(portal_type, {}).items()
#LOG('candidate_transition_item_list %s' % self.__name__, 0, str(candidate_transition_item_list))
# Try to return immediately if there are no transition to invoke
if not candidate_transition_item_list:
return apply(self.__dict__['_m'], (instance,) + args, kw)
# Prepare a list of transitions which should be invoked.
# This list is based on the results of isWorkflowMethodSupported.
# An interaction is ignored if the guard prevents execution.
# Otherwise, an exception is raised if the workflow transition does not
# exist from the current state, or if the guard rejects it.
wf = getattr(instance.getPortalObject(), 'portal_workflow') # portal_workflow is a list!
except AttributeError:
......@@ -292,8 +398,6 @@ class WorkflowMethod(Method):
# rare and specific cases like data migration. That's why it is implemented
# with temporary monkey-patching, instead of slowing down __call__ with yet
# another condition.
_do_interaction = __call__
_no_interaction_lock = threading.Lock()
_no_interaction_log = None
......@@ -378,6 +482,7 @@ def _aq_reset():
class PropertyHolder(object):
isRADContent = 1
WORKFLOW_METHOD_MARKER = ('Base._doNothing',)
RESERVED_PROPERTY_SET = set(('_constraints', '_properties', '_categories',
'__implements__', 'property_sheets',
......@@ -387,6 +492,7 @@ class PropertyHolder(object):
self.__name__ = name = ClassSecurityInfo() # We create a new security info object
self.workflow_method_registry = {}
self.erp5workflow_method_registry ={}
self._categories = []
self._properties = []
......@@ -414,6 +520,23 @@ class PropertyHolder(object):
def registerERP5WorkflowMethod(self, id, wf_id, tr_id, once_per_transaction=0):
portal_type = self.portal_type
ERP5workflow_method = getattr(self, id, None)
if ERP5workflow_method is None:
# XXX: We should pass 'tr_id' as second parameter.
ERP5workflow_method = ERP5WorkflowMethod(Base._doNothing)
setattr(self, id, ERP5workflow_method)
if once_per_transaction:
def declareProtected(self, permission, accessor_name):
It is possible to gain 30% of accessor RAM footprint
......@@ -461,12 +584,26 @@ class PropertyHolder(object):
or (isinstance(x[1], types.TupleType)
and x[1] is PropertyHolder.WORKFLOW_METHOD_MARKER)]
def getERP5WorkflowMethodItemList(self):
Return a list of tuple (id, method) for every workflow method
return [x for x in self._getPropertyHolderItemList() if isinstance(x[1], ERP5WorkflowMethod)
or (isinstance(x[1], types.TupleType)
and x[1] is PropertyHolder.ERP5WORKFLOW_METHOD_MARKER)]
def getWorkflowMethodIdList(self):
Return the list of workflow method IDs
return [x[0] for x in self.getWorkflowMethodItemList()]
def getERP5WorkflowMethodIdList(self):
Return the list of workflow method IDs
return [x[0] for x in self.getERP5WorkflowMethodItemList()]
def _getClassDict(self, klass, inherited=1, local=1):
Return a dict for every property of a class
......@@ -522,26 +659,26 @@ def getClassPropertyList(klass):
if p not in ps_list])
return ps_list
# =================== Workflow5 Project, Wenjie, Dec 2014 ======================
# =================== ERP5Workflow Project, Wenjie, Dec 2014 ======================
### this function will be used in /product/ERP5Type/dynamic/
### in generatePortalTypeAccessors()
def intializePortalTypeERP5WorkflowMethod(ptype_klass, portal_workflow5):
### portal_workflow5 is the entire ERP5Workflow module, need to access the
def intializePortalTypeERP5WorkflowMethod(ptype_klass, portal_ERP5Workflow):
### portal_ERP5Workflow is the entire ERP5Workflow module, need to access the
### workflow_list from instance's portal type. So only the related erp5 workflow will be used.
wf5_module = aq_inner(portal_workflow5)
portal_type = portal_workflow5.getPortalObject().getDefaultModule(portal_type="portal_types")
wf5_module = aq_inner(portal_ERP5Workflow)
portal_type = portal_ERP5Workflow.getPortalObject().getDefaultModule(portal_type="portal_types")
pt = portal_type._getOb(ptype_klass.__name__)
#raise NotImplementedError (portal_type)
#raise NotImplementedError (wf5_module)#<Workflow Module at workflow_module>
### creat workflow method:
for workflow5 in pt.workflow_list:
for tr in wf5_module._getOb(workflow5).objectValues(portal_type="Transition"):
for ERP5Workflow in pt.workflow_list:
for tr in wf5_module._getOb(ERP5Workflow).objectValues(portal_type="Transition"):
tr_id =
method_id = convertToMixedCase(tr_id)
wf_id = workflow5
ptype_klass.registerWorkflowMethod(method_id, wf_id, tr_id, 0)
wf_id = ERP5Workflow
ptype_klass.registerERP5WorkflowMethod(method_id, wf_id, tr_id, 0),
# method_id)
#ptype_klass.registerWorkflowMethod(method_id, wf_id, tr_id)
......@@ -552,18 +689,6 @@ def intializePortalTypeERP5WorkflowMethod(ptype_klass, portal_workflow5):
# method_id)
# ptype_klass.registerWorkflowMethod(method_id, wf_id, tr_id, 0)
# continue
""" ### useless at this stage, dec 2014
# Wrap method
if not callable(method):
LOG('initializePortalTypeERP5WorkflowMethods', 100,
'WARNING! Can not initialize %s on %s' % \
(method_id, portal_type))
if not isinstance(method, WorkflowMethod):
method = WorkflowMethod(method)
setattr(ptype_klass, method_id, method)
#ptype_klass.registerWorkflowMethod(method_id, wf_id, tr_id)
#method.registerTransitionAlways(portal_type, wf_id, tr_id)
# =================== WF5 ======================================================
......@@ -3529,3 +3654,5 @@ class TempBase(Base):
# allow_class(TempBase) in ERP5Type/Document/ will trample our
# ClassSecurityInfo with one that doesn't declare our public methods
......@@ -418,13 +418,14 @@ class ERP5TypeInformation(XMLObject,
for workflow in workflow_tool.getWorkflowsFor(ob):
### Project WORKFLOW5 , WENJIE , 2014 ###
for workflow5 in self.getTypeWorkflowList():
# =========== Project ERP5Workflow , WENJIE , 2014 ================================
### workflow_list need to be defined somewhere.
### exp: ERP5Workflow in Person module won't work at this situation.
for ERP5Workflow in self.getTypeWorkflowList():
workflow_module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type="Workflow")
workflow5 = workflow_module._getOb(workflow5)
ERP5Workflow = workflow_module._getOb(ERP5Workflow)
# =========== WF5 ==============================================================
if not temp_object:
init_script = self.getTypeInitScriptId()
......@@ -266,26 +266,22 @@ class PortalTypeMetaClass(GhostBaseMetaClass, PropertyHolder):
initializePortalTypeDynamicWorkflowMethods(cls, portal_workflow)
# ================== Workflow5 Project, Wenjie, Dec 2014 =======================
### the ERP5Workflow list is defined in ERP5Type, only try to get erp5workflow
### when it's an erp5workflow related type.
# ================== ERP5Workflow Project, Wenjie, Dec 2014 =======================
portal_type = site.getDefaultModule(portal_type="portal_types")
### try to get workflow_list from related types then initialize the class of types
pt = portal_type._getOb(cls.__name__)
#raise NotImplemented (pt)
if hasattr(pt, 'workflow_list'):
#if cls.__name__ == "Object Type": # Has to be redifined
portal_workflow5 = site.getDefaultModule(portal_type="Workflow")
#raise NotImplementedError (portal_workflow5) #<Workflow Module at workflow_module>
#raise NotImplementedError (cls.__module__) #<class 'erp5.portal_type.Category Property'>
if portal_workflow5 is None:
### Get ERP5Workflow Module
portal_ERP5Workflow = site.getDefaultModule(portal_type="Workflow")
if portal_ERP5Workflow is None:
LOG("ERP5Type.Dynamic", WARNING,
"no workflow5 methods for %s"
"no ERP5Workflow methods for %s"
% cls.__name__)
intializePortalTypeERP5WorkflowMethod(cls, portal_workflow5)
### Generate Workflow Method
intializePortalTypeERP5WorkflowMethod(cls, portal_ERP5Workflow)
# ================== WF5 =======================================================
......@@ -143,25 +143,25 @@ class Workflow(XMLObject):
# ========== Workflow5 Project, Wenjie, Dec 2014 ===============================
def isWorkflow5MethodSupported(self, document, transition):
state = self._getWorkflow5StateOf(document)
if state is None:
# ========== ERP5Workflow Project, Wenjie, Dec 2014 ===============================
def isERP5WorkflowMethodSupported(self, document, transition):
sdef = self._getERP5WorkflowStateOf(document)
if sdef is None:
return 0
if transition in state.getDestinationValueList():
if transition in sdef.getDestinationValueList():
return 1
return 0
### get workflow state from base category value:
def _getWorkflow5StateOf(self, ob):
def _getERP5WorkflowStateOf(self, ob):
bc_id = self.getStateBaseCategory()
state_path = ob.getCategoryList()
state_path = state_path[0].lstrip("%s/"%bc_id)
if state_path is not None:
state = self.restrictedTraverse(state_path)
else: state = None
return state
sdef = self.restrictedTraverse(state_path)
else: sdef = None
return sdef
# =========== WF5 ==============================================================
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