"Document was not saved! Resubmit when you are online or the document accessible":"Document was not saved! Resubmit when you are online or the document accessible",
"You do not have the permissions to edit the object":"You do not have the permissions to edit the object",
"This page contains unsaved changes, do you really want to leave the page ?":"querenlikai?",
"Encountered an unknown error. Try to resubmit":"Encountered an unknown error. Try to resubmit",
"Sort Editor":"paixubianyiqi",
"At least one (OR)":"zhishaoyige",
"Create New":"tianjia",
"Not Less Than":"dayudengyu",
"Not Greater Than":"xiaoyudengyu",
"Equals To":"Equals To",
"Hide Rows":"Hide Rows",
"No records":"No records",
"Configure Editor":"Configure Editor",
"Less Than":"Less Than",
"All criterions (AND)":"All criterions (AND)",
"Input data has errors":"Input data has errors",
"All work caught up!":"All work caught up!",
"Filter Editor":"Filter Editor",
"Action succeeded":"Action succeeded",
"Document was not saved! Resubmit when you are online or the document accessible":"Document was not saved! Resubmit when you are online or the document accessible",
"You do not have the permissions to edit the object":"You do not have the permissions to edit the object",
"Greater Than":"Greater Than",
"Explore the Search Result List":"Explore the Search Result List",
"This page contains unsaved changes, do you really want to leave the page ?":"This page contains unsaved changes, do you really want to leave the page ?",
"Encountered an unknown error. Try to resubmit":"Encountered an unknown error. Try to resubmit",
<tdtal:content="string: ${here/portal_url}/portal_types/Foo/PortalType_addAction?id=test_action&name=Print Portal&category=object_print&action=string:%24{portal_url}/view">Create a dummy action that redirects to the portal</td>
<tdtal:content="string: ${here/portal_url}/portal_types/Foo/PortalType_addAction?id=test_action2&name=Print Portal 2&category=object_print&action=string:%24{portal_url}/view%3Fportal_status_message=This%20was%20second%20action">Create another dummy action that redirects to the portal</td>