# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Products.PortalTransforms.libtransforms.commandtransform import commandtransform
from Products.PortalTransforms.interfaces import idatastream
from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempOOoDocument
from Products.ERP5.Document.Document import ConversionError
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Acquisition import aq_base
from zope.interface import implements
from OFS.Image import Image as OFSImage
from zLOG import LOG

from Products.ERP5OOo.OOoUtils import OOoBuilder
import re
from lxml import etree
from lxml import html
from lxml.etree import ParseError, Element
from lxml.etree import SubElement

from urllib import unquote
from urlparse import urlparse
  # Python >= 2.6
  from urlparse import parse_qsl
except ImportError:
  from cgi import parse_qsl

# XXX Must be replaced by portal_data_adapters soon
from Products.ERP5OOo.Document.OOoDocument import OOoServerProxy
from Products.ERP5OOo.Document.OOoDocument import enc
from Products.ERP5OOo.Document.OOoDocument import dec

def includeMetaContentType(html_node):
  """XXX Temp workaround time to fix issue
  in lxml when include_meta_content_type is not honoured
  Force encondig into utf-8
  head = html_node.find('head')
  if head is None:
    head = SubElement(html_node, 'head')
  meta_content_type_node_list = head.xpath('meta[translate('\
               'attribute::http-equiv, "CONTEYP", "conteyp") = "content-type"]')
  for meta_content_type_node in meta_content_type_node_list:
  SubElement(head, 'meta', **{'http-equiv': 'Content-Type',
                              'content': 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8'})

CLEAN_RELATIVE_PATH = re.compile('^../')

class OOoDocumentDataStream:
  """Handle OOoDocument in Portal Transforms"""

  def setData(self, value):
    """set the main"""
    self.value = value

  def getData(self):
    return self.value

  def setSubObjects(self, objects):

  def getSubObjects(self):
    return {}

  def getMetadata(self):
    """return a dict-like object with any optional metadata from
    the transform
    You can modify the returned dictionnary to add/change metadata
    return {}

  def isCacheable(self):
     True by Default
    return getattr(self, '_is_cacheable', True)

  def setCachable(self, value):
    self._is_cacheable = value

class OOOdCommandTransform(commandtransform):
  """Transformer using oood"""

  def __init__(self, context, name, data, mimetype):
    commandtransform.__init__(self, name)
    self.__name__ = name
    self.mimetype = mimetype
    self.context = context
    if self.mimetype == 'text/html':
      data = self.includeExternalCssList(data)
    self.data = data

  def name(self):
    return self.__name__

  def includeImageList(self, data):
    """Include Images in ODF archive

    - data: zipped archive content
    builder = OOoBuilder(data)
    content = builder.extract('content.xml')
    xml_doc = etree.XML(content)
    image_tag_list = xml_doc.xpath('//*[name() = "draw:image"]')
    SVG_NAMESPACE = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0'
    XLINK_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'
    ratio_px_cm = 2.54 / 100.
    # Flag to enable modification of OOoBuilder
    odt_content_modified = False
    for image_tag in image_tag_list:
      frame = image_tag.getparent()
      #Try to get image file from ZODB
      href_attribute_list = image_tag.xpath('.//@*[name() = "xlink:href"]')
      url = href_attribute_list[0]
      parse_result = urlparse(unquote(url))
      # urlparse return a 6-tuple: scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment
      path = parse_result[2]
      if path:
        # OOo corrupt relative Links inside HTML content during odt conversion
        # <img src="REF.TO.IMAGE" ... /> become <draw:image xlink:href="../REF.TO.IMAGE" ... />
        # So remove "../" added by OOo
        path = CLEAN_RELATIVE_PATH.sub('', path)
        # in some cases like Web Page content "/../" can be contained in image URL which will break 
        # restrictedTraverse calls, our best guess is to remove it
        path = path.replace('/../', '')
        # retrieve http parameters and use them to convert image
        query_parameter_string = parse_result[4]
        image_parameter_dict = dict(parse_qsl(query_parameter_string))
          image = self.context.restrictedTraverse(path)
        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
          #Image not found, this image is probably not hosted by ZODB. Do nothing
          image = None
        if image is not None:
          odt_content_modified = True
          content_type = image.getContentType()
          mimetype_list = getToolByName(self.context.getPortalObject(),

          format = image_parameter_dict.pop('format', None)
          if not format:
            for mimetype_object in mimetype_list:
              if mimetype_object.extensions:
                format = mimetype_object.extensions[0]
              elif mimetype_object.globs:
                format = mimetype_object.globs.strip('*.')
          if getattr(image, 'meta_type', None) == 'ERP5 Image':
            #ERP5 API
            # resize image according parameters
            mime, image_data = image.convert(format, **image_parameter_dict)
            image = OFSImage(image.getId(), image.getTitle(), image_data)

          # image should be OFSImage
          data = image.data
          width = image.width
          height = image.height
          if height:
            frame.attrib.update({'{%s}height' % SVG_NAMESPACE: '%.3fcm' % (height * ratio_px_cm)})
          if width:
            frame.attrib.update({'{%s}width' % SVG_NAMESPACE: '%.3fcm' % (width * ratio_px_cm)})
          new_path = builder.addImage(data, format=format)
          image_tag.attrib.update({'{%s}href' % XLINK_NAMESPACE: new_path})
    if odt_content_modified:
      builder.replace('content.xml', etree.tostring(xml_doc, encoding='utf-8',
    return builder.render()

  def includeExternalCssList(self, data):
    """Replace external Css link by style Element,
    to avoid ooo querying portal without crendentials through http.

    - data: html content
      xml_doc = etree.XML(data)
    except ParseError:
      #If not valid xhtml do nothing
      return data
    xpath = '//*[local-name() = "link"][@type = "text/css"]'
    css_link_tag_list = xml_doc.xpath(xpath)
    for css_link_tag in css_link_tag_list:
      #Try to get css from ZODB
      href_attribute_list = css_link_tag.xpath('.//@href')
      url = href_attribute_list[0]
      parse_result = urlparse(unquote(url))
      # urlparse return a 6-tuple: scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment
      path = parse_result[2]
      if path:
          css_object = self.context.restrictedTraverse(path)
        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
          #Image not found, this image is probably not hosted by ZODB. Do nothing
          css_object = None
        if css_object is not None:
          if callable(aq_base(css_object)):
            #In case of DTMLDocument
            css_as_text = css_object(client=self.context.getPortalObject())
            #Other cases like files
            css_as_text = str(css_object)
          parent_node = css_link_tag.getparent()
          style_node = Element('style')
          style_node.text = css_as_text
          style_node.attrib.update({'type': 'text/css'})

    xml_output = html.tostring(xml_doc, encoding='utf-8', method='xml',

    xml_output = xml_output.replace('<title/>', '<title></title>')
    return xml_output

  def convertTo(self, format):
    server_proxy = OOoServerProxy(self.context)
    response_code, response_dict, message = \
    allowed_extension_list = response_dict['response_data']
    if format in dict(allowed_extension_list):
      response_code, response_dict, message = server_proxy.run_generate(
      data = dec(response_dict['data'])
      if self.mimetype == 'text/html':
        data = self.includeImageList(data)
      return data
      raise ConversionError('Format not allowed %s' % format)