Commit 83f811ff authored by George Dewar's avatar George Dewar

Refactor Parallel Diff feature and add scrollbars

Also now removed lines relating to unused comments feature
parent ad7cd8fb
No related merge requests found
......@@ -62,6 +62,29 @@
font-size: 12px;
.text-file-parallel div {
display: inline-block;
padding-bottom: 16px;
.diff-side {
overflow-x: scroll;
width: 508px;
height: 700px;
.diff-side table, td.diff-middle table {
height: 700px;
.diff-middle {
width: 114px;
vertical-align: top;
height: 700px;
overflow: hidden
.old_line, .new_line, .diff_line {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
......@@ -125,8 +148,6 @@
&.parallel {
display: table-cell;
overflow: hidden;
width: 50%;
......@@ -105,8 +105,80 @@ module CommitsHelper { |branch| link_to(branch, project_tree_path(project, branch)) }.join(", ").html_safe
def get_old_file(project, commit, diff)
project.repository.blob_at(commit.parent_id, diff.old_path) if commit.parent_id
def parallel_diff_lines(project, commit, diff, file)
old_file = project.repository.blob_at(commit.parent_id, diff.old_path) if commit.parent_id
deleted_lines = {}
added_lines = {}
each_diff_line(diff, 0) do |line, type, line_code, line_new, line_old|
if type == "old"
deleted_lines[line_old] = { line_code: line_code, type: type, line: line }
elsif type == "new"
added_lines[line_new] = { line_code: line_code, type: type, line: line }
max_length = old_file ? old_file.sloc + added_lines.length : file.sloc
offset1 = 0
offset2 = 0
old_lines = []
new_lines = []
max_length.times do |line_index|
line_index1 = line_index - offset1
line_index2 = line_index - offset2
deleted_line = deleted_lines[line_index1 + 1]
added_line = added_lines[line_index2 + 1]
old_line = old_file.lines[line_index1] if old_file
new_line = file.lines[line_index2]
if deleted_line && added_line
elsif deleted_line
new_line = nil
offset2 += 1
elsif added_line
old_line = nil
offset1 += 1
old_lines[line_index] =
new_lines[line_index] =
# old
if line_index == 0 && diff.new_file
old_lines[line_index].type = :file_created
old_lines[line_index].content = 'File was created'
elsif deleted_line
old_lines[line_index].type = :deleted
old_lines[line_index].content = old_line
old_lines[line_index].num = line_index1 + 1
old_lines[line_index].code = deleted_line[:line_code]
elsif old_line
old_lines[line_index].type = :no_change
old_lines[line_index].content = old_line
old_lines[line_index].num = line_index1 + 1
old_lines[line_index].type = :added
# new
if line_index == 0 && diff.deleted_file
new_lines[line_index].type = :file_deleted
new_lines[line_index].content = "File was deleted"
elsif added_line
new_lines[line_index].type = :added
new_lines[line_index].num = line_index2 + 1
new_lines[line_index].content = new_line
new_lines[line_index].code = added_line[:line_code]
elsif new_line
new_lines[line_index].type = :no_change
new_lines[line_index].num = line_index2 + 1
new_lines[line_index].content = new_line
new_lines[line_index].type = :deleted
return old_lines, new_lines
class DiffLine
attr_accessor :type, :content, :num, :code
/ Side-by-side diff view
- old_file = get_old_file(project, @commit, diff)
- deleted_lines = {}
- added_lines = {}
- each_diff_line(diff, index) do |line, type, line_code, line_new, line_old, raw_line|
- if type == "old"
- deleted_lines[line_old] = { line_code: line_code, type: type, line: line }
- elsif type == "new"
- added_lines[line_new] = { line_code: line_code, type: type, line: line }
- max_length = old_file.sloc + added_lines.length if old_file
- max_length ||= file.sloc
- offset1 = 0
- offset2 = 0
- old_lines, new_lines = parallel_diff_lines(project, @commit, diff, file)
- num_lines = old_lines.length
%table{ style: "table-layout: fixed;" }
- max_length.times do |line_index|
- line_index1 = line_index - offset1
- line_index2 = line_index - offset2
- deleted_line = deleted_lines[line_index1 + 1]
- added_line = added_lines[line_index2 + 1]
- old_line = old_file.lines[line_index1] if old_file
- new_line = file.lines[line_index2]
- if deleted_line && added_line
- elsif deleted_line
- new_line = nil
- offset2 += 1
- elsif added_line
- old_line = nil
- offset1 += 1
- old_lines.each do |line|
- if line_index == 0 && diff.new_file
- if line.type == :file_created
%td.line_content.parallel= "File was created"
%td.old_line= ""
- elsif deleted_line
%td.line_content{class: "parallel noteable_line old #{deleted_line[:line_code]}", "line_code" => deleted_line[:line_code] }= old_line
= line_index1 + 1
- if @comments_allowed
=# render "projects/notes/diff_note_link", line_code: deleted_line[:line_code]
- elsif old_line
%td.line_content.parallel= old_line
%td.old_line= line_index1 + 1
- elsif line.type == :deleted
%td.line_content{class: "parallel noteable_line old #{line.code}", "line_code" => line.code }= line.content
- else line.type == :no_change
%td.line_content.parallel= line.content
- num_lines.times do |index|
- if old_lines[index].type == :deleted
%td.old_line.old= old_lines[index].num
- else
%td.line_content.parallel= ""
%td.old_line= ""
%td.old_line= old_lines[index].num
%td.diff_line= ""
- if diff.deleted_file && line_index == 0
%td.new_line= ""
%td.line_content.parallel= "File was deleted"
- elsif added_line
= line_index2 + 1
- if @comments_allowed
=# render "projects/notes/diff_note_link", line_code: added_line[:line_code]
%td.line_content{class: "parallel noteable_line new #{added_line[:line_code]}", "line_code" => added_line[:line_code] }= new_line
- elsif new_line
%td.new_line= line_index2 + 1
%td.line_content.parallel= new_line
- if new_lines[index].type == :added new_lines[index].num
- else
%td.new_line= ""
%td.line_content.parallel= ""
%td.new_line= new_lines[index].num
- new_lines.each do |line|
- if line.type == :file_deleted
%td.line_content.parallel= "File was deleted"
- elsif line.type == :added
%td.line_content{class: "parallel noteable_line new #{line.code}", "line_code" => line.code }= line.content
- else line.type == :no_change
%td.line_content.parallel= line.content
$('.diff-side-right').on('scroll', function(){
$('.diff-side-left, .diff-middle').scrollTop($(this).scrollTop());
- if @reply_allowed
- comments1 = []
- comments2 = []
- comments1 = { |n| n.line_code == deleted_line[:line_code] }.sort_by(&:created_at) if deleted_line
- comments2 = { |n| n.line_code == added_line[:line_code] }.sort_by(&:created_at) if added_line
- unless comments1.empty? && comments2.empty?
= render "projects/notes/diff_notes_with_reply_parallel", notes1: comments1, notes2: comments2, line1: deleted_line, line2: added_line
\ No newline at end of file
$('.diff-side-left').on('scroll', function(){
$('.diff-side-right, .diff-middle').scrollTop($(this).scrollTop()); // might never be relevant
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