Commit 17d8bdae authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Merge branch 'pypy-py3k' of git:// into NextThought-pypy-py3k

parents 8a77d12c c4fa7e8e
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ if sys.version_info < (3,):
if isinstance(method, types.MethodType):
method = types.MethodType(method.im_func, wrapper, method.im_class)
return method
else: # pragma: no cover (python 2 is currently our reference)
def _rebound_method(method, wrapper):
"""Returns a version of the method with self bound to `wrapper`"""
if isinstance(method, types.MethodType):
......@@ -166,9 +166,7 @@ def _Wrapper_acquire(wrapper, name,
if result is not Acquired:
if predicate:
if _apply_filter(predicate, wrapper._container, name, result, predicate_extra, orig_object):
if _has__of__(result):
result = result.__of__(wrapper)
return result
return result.__of__(wrapper) if _has__of__(result) else result
raise AttributeError(name)
......@@ -176,7 +174,7 @@ def _Wrapper_acquire(wrapper, name,
result = result.__of__(wrapper)
return result
raise AttributeError(name)
raise AttributeError(name) # pragma: no cover (this line cannot be reached)
def _Wrapper_findattr(wrapper, name,
......@@ -194,6 +192,7 @@ def _Wrapper_findattr(wrapper, name,
:param bool containment: Use the innermost wrapper (`aq_inner`) for looking up
the attribute.
orig_name = name
if orig_object is None:
orig_object = wrapper
......@@ -209,7 +208,10 @@ def _Wrapper_findattr(wrapper, name,
result = _Wrapper_findspecial(wrapper, name)
if result is not _NOT_FOUND:
if predicate:
return result if _apply_filter(predicate, wrapper, orig_name, result, predicate_extra, orig_object) else None
if _apply_filter(predicate, wrapper, orig_name, result, predicate_extra, orig_object):
return result
raise AttributeError(orig_name)
return result
elif name in ('__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__getstate__',
'__of__', '__cmp__', '__eq__', '__ne__', '__lt__',
......@@ -347,6 +349,8 @@ class _Wrapper(ExtensionClass.Base):
while isinstance(wrapper._obj, _Wrapper) \
and (wrapper._obj._container is wrapper._container._obj):
# Since we mutate the wrapper as we walk up, we must copy
# XXX: This comes from the C implementation. Do we really need to
# copy?
wrapper = type(wrapper)(wrapper._obj, wrapper._container)
wrapper._obj = wrapper._obj._obj
return wrapper
......@@ -410,7 +414,7 @@ class _Wrapper(ExtensionClass.Base):
def __cmp__(self, other):
aq_self = self._obj
if hasattr(type(aq_self), '__cmp__'):
return _rebound_method(type(aq_self), self)(other)
return _rebound_method(aq_self.__cmp__, self)(other)
my_base = aq_base(self)
other_base = aq_base(other)
......@@ -462,11 +466,17 @@ class _Wrapper(ExtensionClass.Base):
def __repr__(self):
aq_self = self._obj
return type(aq_self).__repr__(aq_self)
return _rebound_method(aq_self.__repr__, self)()
except (AttributeError,TypeError):
return repr(aq_self)
def __str__(self):
aq_self = self._obj
return type(aq_self).__str__(aq_self)
return _rebound_method(aq_self.__str__, self)()
except (AttributeError,TypeError): # pragma: no cover (Hits under Py3)
return str(aq_self)
__binary_special_methods__ = [
# general numeric
......@@ -617,32 +627,37 @@ class _Wrapper(ExtensionClass.Base):
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
aq_self = self._obj
_rebound_method(getattr(type(aq_self), '__setitem__'), self)(key, value)
setter = type(aq_self).__setitem__
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("__setitem__") # doctests care about the name
setter(self, key, value)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, slice):
if isinstance(self._obj, (list, tuple)):
return self._obj[key]
start, stop = key.start, key.stop
if start is None:
start = 0
if start < 0:
start += len(self._obj)
if stop is None:
stop = getattr(sys, 'maxint', None) # PY2
elif stop < 0:
stop += len(self._obj)
if hasattr(operator, 'getslice'): # PY2
return operator.getslice(self._obj, start, stop)
return self._obj[start:stop]
return self._obj[key]
if isinstance(key, slice) and hasattr(operator, 'getslice'):
# Only on Python 2
# XXX: This is probably not proxying correctly, but the existing
# tests pass with this behaviour
return operator.getslice(self._obj,
key.start if key.start is not None else 0,
key.stop if key.stop is not None else sys.maxint)
aq_self = self._obj
getter = type(aq_self).__getitem__
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("__getitem__") # doctests care about the name
return getter(self, key)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Note we look this up on the completely unwrapped
# object, so as not to get a class
call = getattr(self.aq_base, '__call__')
except AttributeError:
except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover
# A TypeError is what the interpreter raises;
# AttributeError is allowed to percolate through the
# C proxy
......@@ -761,7 +776,7 @@ def aq_chain(obj, containment=False):
def aq_base(obj):
result = obj
while isinstance(result, _Wrapper):
result = result.aq_self
result = result._obj
return result
......@@ -813,7 +828,9 @@ def aq_inContextOf(self, o, inner=True):
if inner:
self = aq_inner(next)
if self is None:
if self is None: # pragma: no cover
# This branch is normally impossible to hit,
# it just mirrors a check in C
self = next
......@@ -825,7 +842,7 @@ def aq_inContextOf(self, o, inner=True):
return 0
if 'PURE_PYTHON' not in os.environ: # pragma no cover
if 'PURE_PYTHON' not in os.environ: # pragma: no cover
from ._Acquisition import *
except ImportError:
......@@ -1659,6 +1659,7 @@ def test_cant_persist_acquisition_wrappers_classic():
... klass = type(obj)
... oid = obj._p_oid
... if hasattr(klass, '__getnewargs__'):
... assert klass.__getnewargs__(obj) == () # Coverage, make sure it can be called
... return oid
... return 'class_and_oid', klass
......@@ -1766,8 +1767,16 @@ def test_interfaces():
if PY2:
# Assigning to __bases__ is difficult under Python 3.
class Plain(object):
Plain.__bases__ = (ExtensionClass.Base,)
except TypeError:
# Not supported
# Assigning to __bases__ is difficult under some versions of python.
# PyPy usually lets it, but CPython (3 esp) may not.
# In this example, you get:
# "TypeError: __bases__ assignment: 'Base' deallocator differs from 'object'"
# I don't know what the workaround is; the old one of using a dummy
......@@ -2562,6 +2571,36 @@ def test___parent__aq_parent_circles():
RuntimeError: Recursion detected in acquisition wrapper
if hasattr(Acquisition.ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper, '_obj'):
def test_python_impl_cycle():
An extra safety belt, specific to the Python implementation
because it's not clear how one could arrive in this situation
>>> class Impl(Acquisition.Implicit):
... pass
>>> root = Impl()
>>> root.child = Impl()
>>> child_wrapper = root.child
Now set up the python specific boo-boo:
>>> child_wrapper._obj = child_wrapper
Now nothing works:
>>> child_wrapper.non_existant_attr
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Recursion detected in acquisition wrapper
>>> Acquisition.aq_acquire(child_wrapper, 'non_existant_attr')
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Recursion detected in acquisition wrapper
def test_unwrapped_implicit_acquirer_unwraps__parent__():
......@@ -2600,6 +2639,368 @@ def test__iter__after_AttributeError():
... raise
def test_special_names():
This test captures some aq_special names that are not otherwise
tested for.
>>> class Impl(Acquisition.Implicit):
... pass
>>> root = Impl()
>>> root.child = Impl()
First, the 'aq_explicit' name returns an explicit wrapper
instead of an explicit wrapper:
>>> ex_wrapper = root.child.aq_explicit
>>> type(ex_wrapper) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<... 'Acquisition.ExplicitAcquisitionWrapper'>
If we ask an explicit wrapper to be explicit, we get back
the same object:
>>> ex_wrapper.aq_explicit is ex_wrapper.aq_explicit
These special names can also be filtered:
>>> Acquisition.aq_acquire(root.child, 'aq_explicit',
... lambda searched, parent, name, ob, extra: None,
... default=None) is None
>>> Acquisition.aq_acquire(root.child, 'aq_explicit',
... lambda searched, parent, name, ob, extra: True,
... default=None) is None
Last, a value that can be used for testing that you have a wrapper:
>>> root.child.aq_uncle
def test_deleting_parent_attrs():
We can detach a wrapper object from its chain by deleting its
>>> class Impl(Acquisition.Implicit):
... pass
>>> root = Impl()
>>> root.a = 42
>>> root.child = Impl()
Initially, a wrapped object has the parent we expect:
>>> child_wrapper = root.child
>>> child_wrapper.aq_parent is child_wrapper.__parent__ is root
Even though we acquired the 'a' attribute, we can't delete it:
>>> child_wrapper.a
>>> del child_wrapper.a #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: ...
Now if we delete it (as many times as we want)
we lose access to the parent and acquired attributes:
>>> del child_wrapper.__parent__
>>> del child_wrapper.aq_parent
>>> child_wrapper.aq_parent is child_wrapper.__parent__ is None
>>> hasattr(child_wrapper, 'a')
def test__cmp__is_called_on_wrapped_object():
If we define an object that implements `__cmp__`:
>>> class Impl(Acquisition.Implicit):
... def __cmp__(self,other):
... return self.a
Then it gets called when a wrapper is compared (we call it
directly to avoid any Python2/3 issues):
>>> root = Impl()
>>> root.a = 42
>>> root.child = Impl()
>>> root.child.a
>>> root.child.__cmp__(None)
def test_wrapped_methods_have_correct_self():
Getting a method from a wrapper returns an object that uses the
wrapper as its `__self__`, no matter how many layers deep we go;
this makes acquisition work in that code.
>>> class Impl(Acquisition.Implicit):
... def method(self):
... return self.a
>>> root = Impl()
>>> root.a = 42
>>> root.child = Impl()
>>> root.child.child = Impl()
We explicitly construct a wrapper to bypass some of the optimizations
that remove redundant wrappers and thus get more full code coverage:
>>> child_wrapper = Acquisition.ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper(root.child.child, root.child)
>>> method = child_wrapper.method
>>> method.__self__ is child_wrapper
>>> method()
def test_cannot_set_attributes_on_empty_wrappers():
If a wrapper is around None, no attributes can be set on it:
>>> wrapper = Acquisition.ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper(None,None)
>>> wrapper.a = 42 #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: ...
Likewise, we can't really get any attributes on such an empty wrapper
>>> wrapper.a #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: ...
def test_getitem_setitem_not_implemented():
If a wrapper wraps something that doesn't implement get/setitem,
those failures propagate up.
>>> class Impl(Acquisition.Implicit):
... pass
>>> root = Impl()
>>> root.child = Impl()
We can't set anything:
>>> root.child['key'] = 42
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: __setitem__
We can't get anything:
>>> root.child['key']
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: __getitem__
def test_getitem_setitem_implemented():
The wrapper delegates to get/set item.
>>> class Root(Acquisition.Implicit):
... pass
>>> class Impl(Acquisition.Implicit):
... def __getitem__(self, i):
... return self.a
... def __setitem__(self, key, value):
... self.a[key] = value
>>> root = Root()
>>> root.a = dict()
>>> root.child = Impl()
>>> root.child[1]
>>> root.child['a'] = 'b'
>>> root.child[1]
{'a': 'b'}
def test_wrapped_objects_are_unwrapped_on_set():
A wrapper is not passed to the base object during `setattr`.
>>> class Impl(Acquisition.Implicit):
... pass
Given two different wrappers:
>>> root = Impl()
>>> child = Impl()
>>> child2 = Impl()
>>> root.child = child
>>> root.child2 = child
If we pass one to the other as an attribute:
>>> root.child.child2 = root.child2
By the time it gets there, it's not wrapped:
>>> type(child.__dict__['child2']) is Impl
def test_wrapper_calls_of_on_non_wrapper():
The ExtensionClass protocol is respected even for non-Acquisition
>>> class MyBase(ExtensionClass.Base):
... def __of__(self, other):
... print("Of called")
... return 42
>>> class Impl(Acquisition.Implicit):
... pass
If we have a wrapper around an object that is an extension class,
but not an Acquisition wrapper:
>>> root = Impl()
>>> wrapper = Acquisition.ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper(MyBase(), root)
And access that object itself through a wrapper:
>>> root.child = Impl()
>>> root.child.wrapper = wrapper
The `__of__` protocol is respected implicitly:
>>> root.child.wrapper
Of called
Here it is explicitly:
>>> wrapper.__of__(root.child)
Of called
def test_aq_inContextOf_odd_cases():
The aq_inContextOf function still works in some
artificial cases.
>>> from Acquisition import aq_inContextOf, aq_inner
>>> root = object()
>>> wrapper_around_none = Acquisition.ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper(None,None)
>>> aq_inContextOf(wrapper_around_none, root)
If we don't ask for inner objects, the same thing happens in this case:
>>> aq_inContextOf(wrapper_around_none, root, False)
Somewhat surprisingly, the `aq_inner` of this wrapper is itself a wrapper:
>>> aq_inner(wrapper_around_none) is None
If we manipulate the Python implementation to make this no longer true,
nothing breaks:
>>> setattr(wrapper_around_none, '_obj', None) if hasattr(wrapper_around_none, '_obj') else None
>>> aq_inContextOf(wrapper_around_none, root)
>>> wrapper_around_none
Following parent pointers in weird circumstances works too:
>>> class WithParent(object):
... __parent__ = None
>>> aq_inContextOf(WithParent(), root)
def test_search_repeated_objects():
If an acquisition wrapper object is wrapping another wrapper, and
also has another wrapper as its parent, and both of *those*
wrappers have the same object (one as its direct object, one as
its parent), then acquisition proceeds as normal: we don't get
into any cycles or fail to acquire expected attributes. In fact,
we actually can optimize out a level of the search in that case.
This is a bit of a convoluted scenario to set up when the code is
written out all in one place, but it may occur organically when
spread across a project.
We begin with some simple setup, importing the objects we'll use
and setting up the object that we'll repeat. This particular test
is specific to the Python implementation, so we're using low-level
functions from that module:
>>> from Acquisition import _Wrapper as Wrapper
>>> from Acquisition import _Wrapper_acquire
>>> from Acquisition import aq_acquire
>>> class Repeated(object):
... hello = "world"
... def __repr__(self):
... return 'repeated'
>>> repeated = Repeated()
Now the tricky part, creating the repeating pattern. To rephrase
the opening sentence, we need a wrapper whose object and parent
(container) are themselves both wrappers, and the object's parent is
the same object as the wrapper's parent's object. That might be a
bit more clear in code:
>>> wrappers_object = Wrapper('a', repeated)
>>> wrappers_parent = Wrapper(repeated, 'b')
>>> wrapper = Wrapper(wrappers_object, wrappers_parent)
>>> wrapper._obj._container is wrapper._container._obj
Using the low-level function on the wrapper fails to find the
desired attribute. This is because of the optimization that cuts
out a level of the search (it is assumed that the higher level
`_Wrapper_findattr` function is driving the search and will take
the appropriate steps):
>>> _Wrapper_acquire(wrapper, 'hello') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: ...
In fact, if we go through the public interface of the high-level
functions, we do find the attribute as expected:
>>> aq_acquire(wrapper, 'hello')
class TestParent(unittest.TestCase):
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