Commit 09b74cf0 authored by Jeremy Hylton's avatar Jeremy Hylton

Merge updates for Windows test success from the trunk

parent 4c3ccf90
......@@ -222,10 +222,12 @@ class ConnectionTests(ZEOTestBase):
start and stop a ZEO storage server.
ports = range(29000, 30000, 10) # enough for 100 tests
__super_setUp = StorageTestBase.StorageTestBase.setUp
__super_tearDown = StorageTestBase.StorageTestBase.tearDown
ports = []
for i in range(200):
ports.append(random.randrange(25000, 30000))
del i
def openClientStorage(self, cache='', cache_size=200000, wait=1):
# defined by subclasses
......@@ -302,11 +304,16 @@ class ConnectionTests(ZEOTestBase):
while 1:
revid1 = self._dostore(oid, data=obj)
except (ClientDisconnected, thread.error), err:
except (ClientDisconnected, thread.error, socket.error), err:
# XXX This is a bloody pain. We're placing a heavy burden
# on users to catch a plethora of exceptions in order to
# write robust code. Need to think about implementing
# John Heintz's suggestion to make sure all exceptions
# inherit from POSException.
class UnixConnectionTests(ConnectionTests):
__super_setUp = StorageTestBase.StorageTestBase.setUp
......@@ -405,20 +412,15 @@ else:
def makeTestSuite(testname=''):
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
name = 'check' + testname
for klass in ZEOFileStorageTests, ConnectionTests:
lname = len(name)
for klass in test_classes:
for meth in get_methods(klass):
if meth.startswith(name):
if meth[:lname] == name:
return suite
def test_suite():
t = unittest.TestLoader()
t.testMethodPrefix = 'check'
tests = []
for klass in test_classes:
s = t.loadTestsFromTestCase(klass)
return unittest.TestSuite(tests)
return makeTestSuite()
def main():
import sys, getopt
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