Commit 3f9dfd17 authored by Andreas Jung's avatar Andreas Jung

added Unittest

parent cfc2ce36
import os,sys,unittest
from UnicodeSplitter import UnicodeSplitter
class UnicodeSplitterTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
texts = ('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog',
'Bei den dreitgigen Angriffen seien auch bis auf einen alle Flugpltze der Taliban zerstrt worden',
self.testdata = []
for t in texts:
uniLst = [unicode(x,'latin1') for x in t.lower().split(' ')]
self.testdata.append( (t, uniLst) )
def testSimpleSplit(self):
""" testing splitter functionality """
for t,expected in self.testdata:
fields = list(UnicodeSplitter(t))
assert fields == expected, "%s vs %s" % (fields,expected)
return 0
def testStopwords(self):
""" testing splitter with stopwords """
text = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
expected = [ u'quick',u'brown',u'fox',u'jumps',u'over',u'lazy',u'fox']
sw_dict = {'the':None,'dog':'fox'}
fields = list(UnicodeSplitter(text,sw_dict))
if fields != expected:
for i in range(min(len(fields),len(expected))):
print fields[i],expected[i]
raise AssertionError
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