Commit 5397ab2a authored by Hanno Schlichting's avatar Hanno Schlichting

Clean up users first step - separate users and user folders

parent 6327bd7d
...@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ AccessControl ...@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ AccessControl
- Remaining outside imports: - Remaining outside imports:
* Various of them in * Various of them in /
DocumentTemplate DocumentTemplate
...@@ -13,1179 +13,27 @@ ...@@ -13,1179 +13,27 @@
"""Access control package. """Access control package.
""" """
import os # BBB
import re from .users import BasicUser
import socket from .users import SimpleUser
from base64 import decodestring from .users import SpecialUser
from .users import User
from Acquisition import aq_base from .users import UnrestrictedUser
from Acquisition import aq_parent from .users import NullUnrestrictedUser
from Acquisition import aq_inContextOf from .users import readUserAccessFile
from Acquisition import Implicit from .users import emergency_user
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from .users import emergency_user as super
from AccessControl.class_init import InitializeClass from .users import _remote_user_mode
from AccessControl.Permissions import manage_users as ManageUsers from .users import nobody
from Persistence import Persistent from .users import system
from Persistence import PersistentMapping from .users import rolejoin
from zExceptions import Unauthorized, BadRequest from .users import addr_match
from zope.interface import implements from .users import host_match
from .users import domainSpecMatch
# TODO dependencies from .users import absattr
from App.Management import Navigation from .users import reqattr
from App.Management import Tabs from .users import UnrestrictedUser as Super
from App.special_dtml import DTMLFile
from App.Dialogs import MessageDialog from .userfolder import BasicUserFolder
from OFS.role import RoleManager from .userfolder import UserFolder
from OFS.SimpleItem import Item from .userfolder import manage_addUserFolder
from AccessControl import AuthEncoding
from AccessControl import SpecialUsers
from .interfaces import IStandardUserFolder
from .requestmethod import requestmethod
from .PermissionRole import _what_not_even_god_should_do
from .PermissionRole import rolesForPermissionOn
from .rolemanager import DEFAULTMAXLISTUSERS
from .SecurityManagement import getSecurityManager
from .SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
from .SecurityManagement import noSecurityManager
from .ZopeSecurityPolicy import _noroles
class BasicUser(Implicit):
"""Base class for all User objects"""
# ----------------------------
# Public User object interface
# ----------------------------
# Maybe allow access to unprotected attributes. Note that this is
# temporary to avoid exposing information but without breaking
# everyone's current code. In the future the security will be
# clamped down and permission-protected here. Because there are a
# fair number of user object types out there, this method denies
# access to names that are private parts of the standard User
# interface or implementation only. The other approach (only
# allowing access to public names in the User interface) would
# probably break a lot of other User implementations with extended
# functionality that we cant anticipate from the base scaffolding.
def __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__(self, name, value=None):
deny_names=('name', '__', 'roles', 'domains', '_getPassword',
'authenticate', '_shared_roles')
if name in deny_names:
return 0
return 1
def __init__(self,name,password,roles,domains):
raise NotImplementedError
def getUserName(self):
"""Return the username of a user"""
raise NotImplementedError
def getId(self):
"""Get the ID of the user. The ID can be used, at least from
Python, to get the user from the user's
return self.getUserName()
def _getPassword(self):
"""Return the password of the user."""
raise NotImplementedError
def getRoles(self):
"""Return the list of roles assigned to a user."""
raise NotImplementedError
def getRolesInContext(self, object):
"""Return the list of roles assigned to the user,
including local roles assigned in context of
the passed in object."""
object=getattr(object, 'aq_inner', object)
while 1:
local_roles = getattr(object, '__ac_local_roles__', None)
if local_roles:
if callable(local_roles):
dict=local_roles or {}
for r in dict.get(userid, []):
inner = getattr(object, 'aq_inner', object)
parent = getattr(inner, '__parent__', None)
if parent is not None:
object = parent
if hasattr(object, 'im_self'):
object=getattr(object, 'aq_inner', object)
roles=list(roles) + local.keys()
return roles
def getDomains(self):
"""Return the list of domain restrictions for a user"""
raise NotImplementedError
# ------------------------------
# Internal User object interface
# ------------------------------
def authenticate(self, password, request):
result = AuthEncoding.pw_validate(passwrd, password)
if domains:
return result and domainSpecMatch(domains, request)
return result
def _shared_roles(self, parent):
while 1:
if hasattr(parent,'__roles__'):
if roles is None: return 'Anonymous',
if 'Shared' in roles:
try: return r+list(roles)
except: return r
if getattr(parent, '__parent__', None) is not None:
while hasattr(parent.aq_self,'aq_self'):
parent = parent.aq_self
parent = aq_parent(parent)
else: return r
def _check_context(self, object):
# Check that 'object' exists in the acquisition context of
# the parent of the acl_users object containing this user,
# to prevent "stealing" access through acquisition tricks.
# Return true if in context, false if not or if context
# cannot be determined (object is not wrapped).
parent = getattr(self, '__parent__', None)
context = getattr(parent, '__parent__', None)
if context is not None:
if object is None:
return 1
if hasattr(object, 'im_self'):
# This is a method. Grab its self.
return aq_inContextOf(object, context, 1)
# This is lame, but required to keep existing behavior.
return 1
def allowed(self, object, object_roles=None):
"""Check whether the user has access to object. The user must
have one of the roles in object_roles to allow access."""
if object_roles is _what_not_even_god_should_do: return 0
# Short-circuit the common case of anonymous access.
if object_roles is None or 'Anonymous' in object_roles:
return 1
# Provide short-cut access if object is protected by 'Authenticated'
# role and user is not nobody
if 'Authenticated' in object_roles and (
self.getUserName() != 'Anonymous User'):
if self._check_context(object):
return 1
# Check for ancient role data up front, convert if found.
# This should almost never happen, and should probably be
# deprecated at some point.
if 'Shared' in object_roles:
object_roles = self._shared_roles(object)
if object_roles is None or 'Anonymous' in object_roles:
return 1
# Check for a role match with the normal roles given to
# the user, then with local roles only if necessary. We
# want to avoid as much overhead as possible.
user_roles = self.getRoles()
for role in object_roles:
if role in user_roles:
if self._check_context(object):
return 1
return None
# Still have not found a match, so check local roles. We do
# this manually rather than call getRolesInContext so that
# we can incur only the overhead required to find a match.
inner_obj = getattr(object, 'aq_inner', object)
userid = self.getId()
while 1:
local_roles = getattr(inner_obj, '__ac_local_roles__', None)
if local_roles:
if callable(local_roles):
local_roles = local_roles()
dict = local_roles or {}
local_roles = dict.get(userid, [])
for role in object_roles:
if role in local_roles:
if self._check_context(object):
return 1
return 0
inner = getattr(inner_obj, 'aq_inner', inner_obj)
parent = getattr(inner, '__parent__', None)
if parent is not None:
inner_obj = parent
if hasattr(inner_obj, 'im_self'):
inner_obj=getattr(inner_obj, 'aq_inner', inner_obj)
return None
def has_role(self, roles, object=None):
"""Check to see if a user has a given role or roles."""
if isinstance(roles, str):
if object is not None:
user_roles = self.getRolesInContext(object)
# Global roles only...
for role in roles:
if role in user_roles:
return 1
return 0
def has_permission(self, permission, object):
"""Check to see if a user has a given permission on an object."""
roles=rolesForPermissionOn(permission, object)
if isinstance(roles, str):
return self.allowed(object, roles)
def __len__(self): return 1
def __str__(self): return self.getUserName()
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.getUserName())
class SimpleUser(BasicUser):
"""A very simple user implementation
that doesn't make a database commitment"""
def __init__(self,name,password,roles,domains): =name
self.__ =password
self.roles =roles
def getUserName(self):
"""Return the username of a user"""
def _getPassword(self):
"""Return the password of the user."""
return self.__
def getRoles(self):
"""Return the list of roles assigned to a user."""
if == 'Anonymous User': return tuple(self.roles)
else: return tuple(self.roles) + ('Authenticated',)
def getDomains(self):
"""Return the list of domain restrictions for a user"""
return tuple(
class SpecialUser(SimpleUser):
"""Class for special users, like emergency user and nobody"""
def getId(self): pass
class User(SimpleUser, Persistent):
"""Standard User object"""
class UnrestrictedUser(SpecialUser):
"""User that passes all security checks. Note, however, that modules
like can still impose restrictions.
def allowed(self,parent,roles=None):
return roles is not _what_not_even_god_should_do
def has_role(self, roles, object=None):
return 1
def has_permission(self, permission, object):
return 1
class NullUnrestrictedUser(SpecialUser):
"""User created if no emergency user exists. It is only around to
satisfy third party userfolder implementations that may
expect the emergency user to exist and to be able to call certain
methods on it (in other words, backward compatibility).
Note that when no emergency user is installed, this object that
exists in its place is more of an anti-superuser since you cannot
login as this user and it has no priveleges at all."""
def __init__(self):
def getUserName(self):
# return an unspellable username
return (None, None)
def getRoles(self):
return ()
def getRolesInContext(self, object):
return ()
def authenticate(self, password, request):
return 0
def allowed(self, parent, roles=None):
return 0
def has_role(self, roles, object=None):
return 0
def has_permission(self, permission, object):
return 0
def __str__(self):
# See
return repr(self)
def readUserAccessFile(filename):
'''Reads an access file from the instance home.
Returns name, password, domains, remote_user_mode.
import App.config
cfg = App.config.getConfiguration()
f = open(os.path.join(cfg.instancehome, filename), 'r')
line = f.readline()
except IOError:
return None
if line:
data = line.strip().split(':')
remote_user_mode = not data[1]
try: ds = data[2].split(' ')
except: ds = []
return data[0], data[1], ds, remote_user_mode
return None
# Create emergency user.
info = readUserAccessFile('access')
if info:
_remote_user_mode = info[3]
emergency_user = UnrestrictedUser(
info[0], info[1], ('manage',), info[2])
emergency_user = NullUnrestrictedUser()
super = emergency_user # Note: use of the 'super' name is deprecated.
del info
nobody=SpecialUser('Anonymous User','',('Anonymous',), [])
system=UnrestrictedUser('System Processes','',('manage',), [])
# stuff these in a handier place for importing
# Note: use of the 'super' name is deprecated.
class BasicUserFolder(Implicit, Persistent, Navigation, Tabs, RoleManager,
"""Base class for UserFolder-like objects"""
meta_type='User Folder'
id ='acl_users'
title ='User Folder'
encrypt_passwords = 1
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
{'label': 'Contents', 'action': 'manage_main'},
{'label': 'Properties', 'action':'manage_userFolderProperties'},
# ----------------------------------
# Public UserFolder object interface
# ----------------------------------
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getUserNames')
def getUserNames(self):
"""Return a list of usernames"""
raise NotImplementedError
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getUsers')
def getUsers(self):
"""Return a list of user objects"""
raise NotImplementedError
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getUser')
def getUser(self, name):
"""Return the named user object or None"""
raise NotImplementedError
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getUserById')
def getUserById(self, id, default=None):
"""Return the user corresponding to the given id.
# The connection between getting by ID and by name is not a strong
# one
user = self.getUser(id)
if user is None:
return default
return user
def _doAddUser(self, name, password, roles, domains, **kw):
"""Create a new user. This should be implemented by subclasses to
do the actual adding of a user. The 'password' will be the
original input password, unencrypted. The implementation of this
method is responsible for performing any needed encryption."""
raise NotImplementedError
def _doChangeUser(self, name, password, roles, domains, **kw):
"""Modify an existing user. This should be implemented by subclasses
to make the actual changes to a user. The 'password' will be the
original input password, unencrypted. The implementation of this
method is responsible for performing any needed encryption."""
raise NotImplementedError
def _doDelUsers(self, names):
"""Delete one or more users. This should be implemented by subclasses
to do the actual deleting of users."""
raise NotImplementedError
# As of Zope 2.5, userFolderAddUser, userFolderEditUser and
# userFolderDelUsers offer aliases for the the _doAddUser, _doChangeUser
# and _doDelUsers methods (with the difference that they can be called
# from XML-RPC or untrusted scripting code, given the necessary
# permissions).
# Authors of custom user folders don't need to do anything special to
# support these - they will just call the appropriate '_' methods that
# user folder subclasses already implement.
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'userFolderAddUser')
def userFolderAddUser(self, name, password, roles, domains,
REQUEST=None, **kw):
"""API method for creating a new user object. Note that not all
user folder implementations support dynamic creation of user
if hasattr(self, '_doAddUser'):
return self._doAddUser(name, password, roles, domains, **kw)
raise NotImplementedError
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'userFolderEditUser')
def userFolderEditUser(self, name, password, roles, domains,
REQUEST=None, **kw):
"""API method for changing user object attributes. Note that not
all user folder implementations support changing of user object
if hasattr(self, '_doChangeUser'):
return self._doChangeUser(name, password, roles, domains, **kw)
raise NotImplementedError
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'userFolderDelUsers')
def userFolderDelUsers(self, names, REQUEST=None):
"""API method for deleting one or more user objects. Note that not
all user folder implementations support deletion of user objects."""
if hasattr(self, '_doDelUsers'):
return self._doDelUsers(names)
raise NotImplementedError
# -----------------------------------
# Private UserFolder object interface
# -----------------------------------
# Note: use of the '_super' name is deprecated.
def identify(self, auth):
if auth and auth.lower().startswith('basic '):
try: name, password=tuple(decodestring(
auth.split(' ')[-1]).split(':', 1))
raise BadRequest, 'Invalid authentication token'
return name, password
return None, None
def authenticate(self, name, password, request):
emergency = self._emergency_user
if name is None:
return None
if emergency and name==emergency.getUserName():
user = emergency
user = self.getUser(name)
if user is not None and user.authenticate(password, request):
return user
return None
def authorize(self, user, accessed, container, name, value, roles):
user = getattr(user, 'aq_base', user).__of__(self)
newSecurityManager(None, user)
security = getSecurityManager()
# This is evil: we cannot pass _noroles directly because
# it is a special marker, and that special marker is not
# the same between the C and Python policy implementations.
# We __really__ need to stop using this marker pattern!
if roles is _noroles:
if security.validate(accessed, container, name, value):
return 1
if security.validate(accessed, container, name, value,
return 1
except Unauthorized: pass
return 0
def validate(self, request, auth='', roles=_noroles):
this method performs identification, authentication, and
v is the object (value) we're validating access to
n is the name used to access the object
a is the object the object was accessed through
c is the physical container of the object
We allow the publishing machinery to defer to higher-level user
folders or to raise an unauthorized by returning None from this
v = request['PUBLISHED'] # the published object
a, c, n, v = self._getobcontext(v, request)
# we need to continue to support this silly mode
# where if there is no auth info, but if a user in our
# database has no password and he has domain restrictions,
# return him as the authorized user.
if not auth:
if self._domain_auth_mode:
for user in self.getUsers():
if user.getDomains():
if self.authenticate(user.getUserName(), '', request):
if self.authorize(user, a, c, n, v, roles):
return user.__of__(self)
name, password = self.identify(auth)
user = self.authenticate(name, password, request)
# user will be None if we can't authenticate him or if we can't find
# his username in this user database.
emergency = self._emergency_user
if emergency and user is emergency:
if self._isTop():
# we do not need to authorize the emergency user against the
# published object.
return emergency.__of__(self)
# we're not the top-level user folder
return None
elif user is None:
# either we didn't find the username, or the user's password
# was incorrect. try to authorize and return the anonymous user.
if self._isTop() and self.authorize(self._nobody, a,c,n,v,roles):
return self._nobody.__of__(self)
# anonymous can't authorize or we're not top-level user folder
return None
# We found a user, his password was correct, and the user
# wasn't the emergency user. We need to authorize the user
# against the published object.
if self.authorize(user, a, c, n, v, roles):
return user.__of__(self)
# That didn't work. Try to authorize the anonymous user.
elif self._isTop() and self.authorize(self._nobody,a,c,n,v,roles):
return self._nobody.__of__(self)
# we can't authorize the user, and we either can't authorize
# nobody against the published object or we're not top-level
return None
if _remote_user_mode:
def validate(self, request, auth='', roles=_noroles):
v = request['PUBLISHED']
a, c, n, v = self._getobcontext(v, request)
name = request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER', None)
if name is None:
if self._domain_auth_mode:
for user in self.getUsers():
if user.getDomains():
if self.authenticate(
user.getUserName(), '', request
if self.authorize(user, a, c, n, v, roles):
return user.__of__(self)
user = self.getUser(name)
# user will be None if we can't find his username in this user
# database.
emergency = self._emergency_user
if emergency and name==emergency.getUserName():
if self._isTop():
# we do not need to authorize the emergency user against
#the published object.
return emergency.__of__(self)
# we're not the top-level user folder
return None
elif user is None:
# we didn't find the username in this database
# try to authorize and return the anonymous user.
if self._isTop() and self.authorize(self._nobody,
a, c, n, v, roles):
return self._nobody.__of__(self)
# anonymous can't authorize or we're not top-level user
# folder
return None
# We found a user and the user wasn't the emergency user.
# We need to authorize the user against the published object.
if self.authorize(user, a, c, n, v, roles):
return user.__of__(self)
# That didn't work. Try to authorize the anonymous user.
elif self._isTop() and self.authorize(
self._nobody, a, c, n, v, roles):
return self._nobody.__of__(self)
# we can't authorize the user, and we either can't
# authorize nobody against the published object or
# we're not top-level
return None
def _getobcontext(self, v, request):
v is the object (value) we're validating access to
n is the name used to access the object
a is the object the object was accessed through
c is the physical container of the object
if len(request.steps) == 0: # someone deleted root index_html
request.RESPONSE.notFoundError('no default view (root default view'
' was probably deleted)')
n = request.steps[-1]
# default to accessed and container as v.__parent__
a = c = request['PARENTS'][0]
# try to find actual container
inner = getattr(v, 'aq_inner', v)
innerparent = getattr(inner, '__parent__', None)
if innerparent is not None:
# this is not a method, we needn't treat it specially
c = innerparent
elif hasattr(v, 'im_self'):
# this is a method, we need to treat it specially
c = v.im_self
c = getattr(v, 'aq_inner', v)
request_container = getattr(request['PARENTS'][-1], '__parent__', [])
# if pub's __parent__ or container is the request container, it
# means pub was accessed from the root
if a is request_container:
a = request['PARENTS'][-1]
if c is request_container:
c = request['PARENTS'][-1]
return a, c, n, v
def _isTop(self):
return aq_base(aq_parent(self)).isTopLevelPrincipiaApplicationObject
return 0
def __len__(self):
return 1
_mainUser=DTMLFile('dtml/mainUser', globals())
_add_User=DTMLFile('dtml/addUser', globals(),
_editUser=DTMLFile('dtml/editUser', globals(),
_userFolderProperties = DTMLFile('dtml/userFolderProps', globals())
def manage_userFolderProperties(self, REQUEST=None,
return self._userFolderProperties(
self, REQUEST, manage_tabs_message=manage_tabs_message,
def manage_setUserFolderProperties(self, encrypt_passwords=0,
Sets the properties of the user folder.
self.encrypt_passwords = not not encrypt_passwords
self.maxlistusers = int(maxlistusers)
except ValueError:
self.maxlistusers = DEFAULTMAXLISTUSERS
if encrypt_passwords and update_passwords:
changed = 0
for u in self.getUsers():
pw = u._getPassword()
if not self._isPasswordEncrypted(pw):
pw = self._encryptPassword(pw)
self._doChangeUser(u.getUserName(), pw, u.getRoles(),
changed = changed + 1
if REQUEST is not None:
if not changed:
msg = 'All passwords already encrypted.'
msg = 'Encrypted %d password(s).' % changed
return self.manage_userFolderProperties(
REQUEST, manage_tabs_message=msg)
return changed
if REQUEST is not None:
return self.manage_userFolderProperties(
REQUEST, manage_tabs_message='Saved changes.')
def _isPasswordEncrypted(self, pw):
return AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(pw)
def _encryptPassword(self, pw):
return AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, 'SSHA')
def domainSpecValidate(self,spec):
for ob in spec:
am = addr_match(ob)
hm = host_match(ob)
if am is None and hm is None:
return 0
return 1
def _addUser(self,name,password,confirm,roles,domains,REQUEST=None):
if not name:
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='A username must be specified',
action ='manage_main')
if not password or not confirm:
if not domains:
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Password and confirmation must be specified',
action ='manage_main')
if self.getUser(name) or (self._emergency_user and
name == self._emergency_user.getUserName()):
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='A user with the specified name already exists',
action ='manage_main')
if (password or confirm) and (password != confirm):
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Password and confirmation do not match',
action ='manage_main')
if not roles: roles=[]
if not domains: domains=[]
if domains and not self.domainSpecValidate(domains):
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Illegal domain specification',
action ='manage_main')
self._doAddUser(name, password, roles, domains)
if REQUEST: return self._mainUser(self, REQUEST)
def _changeUser(self,name,password,confirm,roles,domains,REQUEST=None):
if password == 'password' and confirm == 'pconfirm':
# Protocol for editUser.dtml to indicate unchanged password
password = confirm = None
if not name:
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='A username must be specified',
action ='manage_main')
if password == confirm == '':
if not domains:
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Password and confirmation must be specified',
action ='manage_main')
if not self.getUser(name):
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Unknown user',
action ='manage_main')
if (password or confirm) and (password != confirm):
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Password and confirmation do not match',
action ='manage_main')
if not roles: roles=[]
if not domains: domains=[]
if domains and not self.domainSpecValidate(domains):
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Illegal domain specification',
action ='manage_main')
self._doChangeUser(name, password, roles, domains)
if REQUEST: return self._mainUser(self, REQUEST)
def _delUsers(self,names,REQUEST=None):
if not names:
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='No users specified',
action ='manage_main')
if REQUEST: return self._mainUser(self, REQUEST)
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_users')
def manage_users(self,submit=None,REQUEST=None,RESPONSE=None):
"""This method handles operations on users for the web based forms
of the ZMI. Application code (code that is outside of the forms
that implement the UI of a user folder) are encouraged to use
if submit=='Add...':
return self._add_User(self, REQUEST)
if submit=='Edit':
try: user=self.getUser(reqattr(REQUEST, 'name'))
except: return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='The specified user does not exist',
action ='manage_main')
return self._editUser(self,REQUEST,user=user,password=user.__)
if submit=='Add':
name =reqattr(REQUEST, 'name')
password=reqattr(REQUEST, 'password')
confirm =reqattr(REQUEST, 'confirm')
roles =reqattr(REQUEST, 'roles')
domains =reqattr(REQUEST, 'domains')
return self._addUser(name,password,confirm,roles,domains,REQUEST)
if submit=='Change':
name =reqattr(REQUEST, 'name')
password=reqattr(REQUEST, 'password')
confirm =reqattr(REQUEST, 'confirm')
roles =reqattr(REQUEST, 'roles')
domains =reqattr(REQUEST, 'domains')
return self._changeUser(name,password,confirm,roles,
if submit=='Delete':
names=reqattr(REQUEST, 'names')
return self._delUsers(names,REQUEST)
return self._mainUser(self, REQUEST)
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'user_names')
def user_names(self):
return self.getUserNames()
def manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container):
if item is self:
try: del container.__allow_groups__
except: pass
def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container):
if item is self:
self = aq_base(self)
container.__allow_groups__ = self
def __creatable_by_emergency_user__(self): return 1
def _setId(self, id):
if id !=
raise MessageDialog(
title='Invalid Id',
message='Cannot change the id of a UserFolder',
action ='./manage_main',)
# Domain authentication support. This is a good candidate to
# become deprecated in future Zope versions.
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'setDomainAuthenticationMode')
def setDomainAuthenticationMode(self, domain_auth_mode):
"""Set the domain-based authentication mode. By default, this
mode is off due to the high overhead of the operation that
is incurred for all anonymous accesses. If you have the
'Manage Users' permission, you can call this method via
the web, passing a boolean value for domain_auth_mode to
turn this behavior on or off."""
v = self._domain_auth_mode = domain_auth_mode and 1 or 0
return 'Domain authentication mode set to %d' % v
def domainAuthModeEnabled(self):
""" returns true if domain auth mode is set to true"""
return getattr(self, '_domain_auth_mode', None)
class UserFolder(BasicUserFolder):
"""Standard UserFolder object
A UserFolder holds User objects which contain information
about users including name, password domain, and roles.
UserFolders function chiefly to control access by authenticating
users and binding them to a collection of roles."""
meta_type='User Folder'
id ='acl_users'
title ='User Folder'
icon ='p_/UserFolder'
def __init__(self):
def getUserNames(self):
"""Return a list of usernames"""
return names
def getUsers(self):
"""Return a list of user objects"""
return [data[n] for n in names]
def getUser(self, name):
"""Return the named user object or None"""
return, None)
def hasUsers(self):
""" This is not a formal API method: it is used only to provide
a way for the quickstart page to determine if the default user
folder contains any users to provide instructions on how to
add a user for newbies. Using getUserNames or getUsers would have
posed a denial of service risk."""
return not not len(
def _doAddUser(self, name, password, roles, domains, **kw):
"""Create a new user"""
if password is not None and self.encrypt_passwords \
and not self._isPasswordEncrypted(password):
password = self._encryptPassword(password)[name]=User(name,password,roles,domains)
def _doChangeUser(self, name, password, roles, domains, **kw):[name]
if password is not None:
if ( self.encrypt_passwords
and not self._isPasswordEncrypted(password)):
password = self._encryptPassword(password)
def _doDelUsers(self, names):
for name in names:
def _createInitialUser(self):
If there are no users or only one user in this user folder,
populates from the 'inituser' file in the instance home.
We have to do this even when there is already a user
just in case the initial user ignored the setup messages.
We don't do it for more than one user to avoid
abuse of this mechanism.
Called only by OFS.Application.initialize().
if len( <= 1:
info = readUserAccessFile('inituser')
if info:
import App.config
name, password, domains, remote_user_mode = info
self._doAddUser(name, password, ('Manager',), domains)
cfg = App.config.getConfiguration()
os.remove(os.path.join(cfg.instancehome, 'inituser'))
def manage_addUserFolder(self,dtself=None,REQUEST=None,**ignored):
""" """
try: self._setObject('acl_users', f)
except: return MessageDialog(
title ='Item Exists',
message='This object already contains a User Folder',
action ='%s/manage_main' % REQUEST['URL1'])
if REQUEST is not None:
def rolejoin(roles, other):
for role in roles:
for role in other:
return roles
def domainSpecMatch(spec, request):
# Fast exit for the match-all case
if len(spec) == 1 and spec[0] == '*':
return 1
if request.has_key('REMOTE_HOST'):
if not host and not addr:
return 0
if not host:
try: host=socket.gethostbyaddr(addr)[0]
except: pass
if not addr:
try: addr=socket.gethostbyname(host)
except: pass
for ob in spec:
mo = addr_match(ob)
if mo is not None:
if mo.end(0)==sz:
for i in range(_sz):
if (o != a) and (o != '*'):
if fail:
return 1
mo = host_match(ob)
if mo is not None:
if mo.end(0)==sz:
if _hlen < _sz:
elif _hlen > _sz:
for i in range(_sz):
if (o != h) and (o != '*'):
if fail:
return 1
return 0
def absattr(attr):
if callable(attr): return attr()
return attr
def reqattr(request, attr):
try: return request[attr]
except: return None
Super = UnrestrictedUser # Note: use of the Super alias is deprecated.
...@@ -16,14 +16,12 @@ ...@@ -16,14 +16,12 @@
import sys import sys
import unittest import unittest
from zExceptions import Unauthorized
except ImportError:
Unauthorized = 'Unauthorized'
from AccessControl.User import UserFolder
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import SecurityContext
from Acquisition import Implicit, Explicit from Acquisition import Implicit, Explicit
from MethodObject import Method from MethodObject import Method
from zExceptions import Unauthorized
from AccessControl.userfolder import UserFolder
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import SecurityContext
user_roles = ('RoleOfUser',) user_roles = ('RoleOfUser',)
...@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import unittest ...@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import unittest
class BasicUserTests(unittest.TestCase): class BasicUserTests(unittest.TestCase):
def _getTargetClass(self): def _getTargetClass(self):
from AccessControl.User import BasicUser from AccessControl.users import BasicUser
return BasicUser return BasicUser
def _makeOne(self, name, password, roles, domains): def _makeOne(self, name, password, roles, domains):
...@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class BasicUserTests(unittest.TestCase): ...@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class BasicUserTests(unittest.TestCase):
class SimpleUserTests(unittest.TestCase): class SimpleUserTests(unittest.TestCase):
def _getTargetClass(self): def _getTargetClass(self):
from AccessControl.User import SimpleUser from AccessControl.users import SimpleUser
return SimpleUser return SimpleUser
def _makeOne(self, name='admin', password='123', roles=None, domains=None): def _makeOne(self, name='admin', password='123', roles=None, domains=None):
...@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class SimpleUserTests(unittest.TestCase): ...@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class SimpleUserTests(unittest.TestCase):
class SpecialUserTests(unittest.TestCase): class SpecialUserTests(unittest.TestCase):
def _getTargetClass(self): def _getTargetClass(self):
from AccessControl.User import SpecialUser from AccessControl.users import SpecialUser
return SpecialUser return SpecialUser
def _makeOne(self, name='admin', password='123', roles=None, domains=None): def _makeOne(self, name='admin', password='123', roles=None, domains=None):
...@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class SpecialUserTests(unittest.TestCase): ...@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class SpecialUserTests(unittest.TestCase):
class UnrestrictedUserTests(unittest.TestCase): class UnrestrictedUserTests(unittest.TestCase):
def _getTargetClass(self): def _getTargetClass(self):
from AccessControl.User import UnrestrictedUser from AccessControl.users import UnrestrictedUser
return UnrestrictedUser return UnrestrictedUser
def _makeOne(self, name='admin', password='123', roles=None, domains=None): def _makeOne(self, name='admin', password='123', roles=None, domains=None):
...@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class UnrestrictedUserTests(unittest.TestCase): ...@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class UnrestrictedUserTests(unittest.TestCase):
class NullUnrestrictedUserTests(unittest.TestCase): class NullUnrestrictedUserTests(unittest.TestCase):
def _getTargetClass(self): def _getTargetClass(self):
from AccessControl.User import NullUnrestrictedUser from AccessControl.users import NullUnrestrictedUser
return NullUnrestrictedUser return NullUnrestrictedUser
def _makeOne(self): def _makeOne(self):
# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Access control package.
import os
from base64 import decodestring
from Acquisition import aq_base
from Acquisition import aq_parent
from Acquisition import Implicit
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from AccessControl.class_init import InitializeClass
from AccessControl.Permissions import manage_users as ManageUsers
from Persistence import Persistent
from Persistence import PersistentMapping
from zExceptions import Unauthorized, BadRequest
from zope.interface import implements
# TODO dependencies
from App.Management import Navigation
from App.Management import Tabs
from App.special_dtml import DTMLFile
from App.Dialogs import MessageDialog
from OFS.role import RoleManager
from OFS.SimpleItem import Item
from AccessControl import AuthEncoding
from .interfaces import IStandardUserFolder
from .requestmethod import requestmethod
from .rolemanager import DEFAULTMAXLISTUSERS
from .SecurityManagement import getSecurityManager
from .SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
from .SecurityManagement import noSecurityManager
from .ZopeSecurityPolicy import _noroles
from .users import User
from .users import readUserAccessFile
from .users import _remote_user_mode
from .users import emergency_user
from .users import nobody
from .users import addr_match
from .users import host_match
from .users import reqattr
class BasicUserFolder(Implicit, Persistent, Navigation, Tabs, RoleManager,
"""Base class for UserFolder-like objects"""
meta_type='User Folder'
id ='acl_users'
title ='User Folder'
encrypt_passwords = 1
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
{'label': 'Contents', 'action': 'manage_main'},
{'label': 'Properties', 'action':'manage_userFolderProperties'},
# ----------------------------------
# Public UserFolder object interface
# ----------------------------------
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getUserNames')
def getUserNames(self):
"""Return a list of usernames"""
raise NotImplementedError
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getUsers')
def getUsers(self):
"""Return a list of user objects"""
raise NotImplementedError
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getUser')
def getUser(self, name):
"""Return the named user object or None"""
raise NotImplementedError
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'getUserById')
def getUserById(self, id, default=None):
"""Return the user corresponding to the given id.
# The connection between getting by ID and by name is not a strong
# one
user = self.getUser(id)
if user is None:
return default
return user
def _doAddUser(self, name, password, roles, domains, **kw):
"""Create a new user. This should be implemented by subclasses to
do the actual adding of a user. The 'password' will be the
original input password, unencrypted. The implementation of this
method is responsible for performing any needed encryption."""
raise NotImplementedError
def _doChangeUser(self, name, password, roles, domains, **kw):
"""Modify an existing user. This should be implemented by subclasses
to make the actual changes to a user. The 'password' will be the
original input password, unencrypted. The implementation of this
method is responsible for performing any needed encryption."""
raise NotImplementedError
def _doDelUsers(self, names):
"""Delete one or more users. This should be implemented by subclasses
to do the actual deleting of users."""
raise NotImplementedError
# As of Zope 2.5, userFolderAddUser, userFolderEditUser and
# userFolderDelUsers offer aliases for the the _doAddUser, _doChangeUser
# and _doDelUsers methods (with the difference that they can be called
# from XML-RPC or untrusted scripting code, given the necessary
# permissions).
# Authors of custom user folders don't need to do anything special to
# support these - they will just call the appropriate '_' methods that
# user folder subclasses already implement.
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'userFolderAddUser')
def userFolderAddUser(self, name, password, roles, domains,
REQUEST=None, **kw):
"""API method for creating a new user object. Note that not all
user folder implementations support dynamic creation of user
if hasattr(self, '_doAddUser'):
return self._doAddUser(name, password, roles, domains, **kw)
raise NotImplementedError
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'userFolderEditUser')
def userFolderEditUser(self, name, password, roles, domains,
REQUEST=None, **kw):
"""API method for changing user object attributes. Note that not
all user folder implementations support changing of user object
if hasattr(self, '_doChangeUser'):
return self._doChangeUser(name, password, roles, domains, **kw)
raise NotImplementedError
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'userFolderDelUsers')
def userFolderDelUsers(self, names, REQUEST=None):
"""API method for deleting one or more user objects. Note that not
all user folder implementations support deletion of user objects."""
if hasattr(self, '_doDelUsers'):
return self._doDelUsers(names)
raise NotImplementedError
# -----------------------------------
# Private UserFolder object interface
# -----------------------------------
# Note: use of the '_super' name is deprecated.
def identify(self, auth):
if auth and auth.lower().startswith('basic '):
try: name, password=tuple(decodestring(
auth.split(' ')[-1]).split(':', 1))
raise BadRequest, 'Invalid authentication token'
return name, password
return None, None
def authenticate(self, name, password, request):
emergency = self._emergency_user
if name is None:
return None
if emergency and name==emergency.getUserName():
user = emergency
user = self.getUser(name)
if user is not None and user.authenticate(password, request):
return user
return None
def authorize(self, user, accessed, container, name, value, roles):
user = getattr(user, 'aq_base', user).__of__(self)
newSecurityManager(None, user)
security = getSecurityManager()
# This is evil: we cannot pass _noroles directly because
# it is a special marker, and that special marker is not
# the same between the C and Python policy implementations.
# We __really__ need to stop using this marker pattern!
if roles is _noroles:
if security.validate(accessed, container, name, value):
return 1
if security.validate(accessed, container, name, value,
return 1
except Unauthorized: pass
return 0
def validate(self, request, auth='', roles=_noroles):
this method performs identification, authentication, and
v is the object (value) we're validating access to
n is the name used to access the object
a is the object the object was accessed through
c is the physical container of the object
We allow the publishing machinery to defer to higher-level user
folders or to raise an unauthorized by returning None from this
v = request['PUBLISHED'] # the published object
a, c, n, v = self._getobcontext(v, request)
# we need to continue to support this silly mode
# where if there is no auth info, but if a user in our
# database has no password and he has domain restrictions,
# return him as the authorized user.
if not auth:
if self._domain_auth_mode:
for user in self.getUsers():
if user.getDomains():
if self.authenticate(user.getUserName(), '', request):
if self.authorize(user, a, c, n, v, roles):
return user.__of__(self)
name, password = self.identify(auth)
user = self.authenticate(name, password, request)
# user will be None if we can't authenticate him or if we can't find
# his username in this user database.
emergency = self._emergency_user
if emergency and user is emergency:
if self._isTop():
# we do not need to authorize the emergency user against the
# published object.
return emergency.__of__(self)
# we're not the top-level user folder
return None
elif user is None:
# either we didn't find the username, or the user's password
# was incorrect. try to authorize and return the anonymous user.
if self._isTop() and self.authorize(self._nobody, a,c,n,v,roles):
return self._nobody.__of__(self)
# anonymous can't authorize or we're not top-level user folder
return None
# We found a user, his password was correct, and the user
# wasn't the emergency user. We need to authorize the user
# against the published object.
if self.authorize(user, a, c, n, v, roles):
return user.__of__(self)
# That didn't work. Try to authorize the anonymous user.
elif self._isTop() and self.authorize(self._nobody,a,c,n,v,roles):
return self._nobody.__of__(self)
# we can't authorize the user, and we either can't authorize
# nobody against the published object or we're not top-level
return None
if _remote_user_mode:
def validate(self, request, auth='', roles=_noroles):
v = request['PUBLISHED']
a, c, n, v = self._getobcontext(v, request)
name = request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER', None)
if name is None:
if self._domain_auth_mode:
for user in self.getUsers():
if user.getDomains():
if self.authenticate(
user.getUserName(), '', request
if self.authorize(user, a, c, n, v, roles):
return user.__of__(self)
user = self.getUser(name)
# user will be None if we can't find his username in this user
# database.
emergency = self._emergency_user
if emergency and name==emergency.getUserName():
if self._isTop():
# we do not need to authorize the emergency user against
#the published object.
return emergency.__of__(self)
# we're not the top-level user folder
return None
elif user is None:
# we didn't find the username in this database
# try to authorize and return the anonymous user.
if self._isTop() and self.authorize(self._nobody,
a, c, n, v, roles):
return self._nobody.__of__(self)
# anonymous can't authorize or we're not top-level user
# folder
return None
# We found a user and the user wasn't the emergency user.
# We need to authorize the user against the published object.
if self.authorize(user, a, c, n, v, roles):
return user.__of__(self)
# That didn't work. Try to authorize the anonymous user.
elif self._isTop() and self.authorize(
self._nobody, a, c, n, v, roles):
return self._nobody.__of__(self)
# we can't authorize the user, and we either can't
# authorize nobody against the published object or
# we're not top-level
return None
def _getobcontext(self, v, request):
v is the object (value) we're validating access to
n is the name used to access the object
a is the object the object was accessed through
c is the physical container of the object
if len(request.steps) == 0: # someone deleted root index_html
request.RESPONSE.notFoundError('no default view (root default view'
' was probably deleted)')
n = request.steps[-1]
# default to accessed and container as v.__parent__
a = c = request['PARENTS'][0]
# try to find actual container
inner = getattr(v, 'aq_inner', v)
innerparent = getattr(inner, '__parent__', None)
if innerparent is not None:
# this is not a method, we needn't treat it specially
c = innerparent
elif hasattr(v, 'im_self'):
# this is a method, we need to treat it specially
c = v.im_self
c = getattr(v, 'aq_inner', v)
request_container = getattr(request['PARENTS'][-1], '__parent__', [])
# if pub's __parent__ or container is the request container, it
# means pub was accessed from the root
if a is request_container:
a = request['PARENTS'][-1]
if c is request_container:
c = request['PARENTS'][-1]
return a, c, n, v
def _isTop(self):
return aq_base(aq_parent(self)).isTopLevelPrincipiaApplicationObject
return 0
def __len__(self):
return 1
_mainUser=DTMLFile('dtml/mainUser', globals())
_add_User=DTMLFile('dtml/addUser', globals(),
_editUser=DTMLFile('dtml/editUser', globals(),
_userFolderProperties = DTMLFile('dtml/userFolderProps', globals())
def manage_userFolderProperties(self, REQUEST=None,
return self._userFolderProperties(
self, REQUEST, manage_tabs_message=manage_tabs_message,
def manage_setUserFolderProperties(self, encrypt_passwords=0,
Sets the properties of the user folder.
self.encrypt_passwords = not not encrypt_passwords
self.maxlistusers = int(maxlistusers)
except ValueError:
self.maxlistusers = DEFAULTMAXLISTUSERS
if encrypt_passwords and update_passwords:
changed = 0
for u in self.getUsers():
pw = u._getPassword()
if not self._isPasswordEncrypted(pw):
pw = self._encryptPassword(pw)
self._doChangeUser(u.getUserName(), pw, u.getRoles(),
changed = changed + 1
if REQUEST is not None:
if not changed:
msg = 'All passwords already encrypted.'
msg = 'Encrypted %d password(s).' % changed
return self.manage_userFolderProperties(
REQUEST, manage_tabs_message=msg)
return changed
if REQUEST is not None:
return self.manage_userFolderProperties(
REQUEST, manage_tabs_message='Saved changes.')
def _isPasswordEncrypted(self, pw):
return AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(pw)
def _encryptPassword(self, pw):
return AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, 'SSHA')
def domainSpecValidate(self,spec):
for ob in spec:
am = addr_match(ob)
hm = host_match(ob)
if am is None and hm is None:
return 0
return 1
def _addUser(self,name,password,confirm,roles,domains,REQUEST=None):
if not name:
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='A username must be specified',
action ='manage_main')
if not password or not confirm:
if not domains:
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Password and confirmation must be specified',
action ='manage_main')
if self.getUser(name) or (self._emergency_user and
name == self._emergency_user.getUserName()):
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='A user with the specified name already exists',
action ='manage_main')
if (password or confirm) and (password != confirm):
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Password and confirmation do not match',
action ='manage_main')
if not roles: roles=[]
if not domains: domains=[]
if domains and not self.domainSpecValidate(domains):
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Illegal domain specification',
action ='manage_main')
self._doAddUser(name, password, roles, domains)
if REQUEST: return self._mainUser(self, REQUEST)
def _changeUser(self,name,password,confirm,roles,domains,REQUEST=None):
if password == 'password' and confirm == 'pconfirm':
# Protocol for editUser.dtml to indicate unchanged password
password = confirm = None
if not name:
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='A username must be specified',
action ='manage_main')
if password == confirm == '':
if not domains:
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Password and confirmation must be specified',
action ='manage_main')
if not self.getUser(name):
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Unknown user',
action ='manage_main')
if (password or confirm) and (password != confirm):
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Password and confirmation do not match',
action ='manage_main')
if not roles: roles=[]
if not domains: domains=[]
if domains and not self.domainSpecValidate(domains):
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='Illegal domain specification',
action ='manage_main')
self._doChangeUser(name, password, roles, domains)
if REQUEST: return self._mainUser(self, REQUEST)
def _delUsers(self,names,REQUEST=None):
if not names:
return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='No users specified',
action ='manage_main')
if REQUEST: return self._mainUser(self, REQUEST)
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'manage_users')
def manage_users(self,submit=None,REQUEST=None,RESPONSE=None):
"""This method handles operations on users for the web based forms
of the ZMI. Application code (code that is outside of the forms
that implement the UI of a user folder) are encouraged to use
if submit=='Add...':
return self._add_User(self, REQUEST)
if submit=='Edit':
try: user=self.getUser(reqattr(REQUEST, 'name'))
except: return MessageDialog(
title ='Illegal value',
message='The specified user does not exist',
action ='manage_main')
return self._editUser(self,REQUEST,user=user,password=user.__)
if submit=='Add':
name =reqattr(REQUEST, 'name')
password=reqattr(REQUEST, 'password')
confirm =reqattr(REQUEST, 'confirm')
roles =reqattr(REQUEST, 'roles')
domains =reqattr(REQUEST, 'domains')
return self._addUser(name,password,confirm,roles,domains,REQUEST)
if submit=='Change':
name =reqattr(REQUEST, 'name')
password=reqattr(REQUEST, 'password')
confirm =reqattr(REQUEST, 'confirm')
roles =reqattr(REQUEST, 'roles')
domains =reqattr(REQUEST, 'domains')
return self._changeUser(name,password,confirm,roles,
if submit=='Delete':
names=reqattr(REQUEST, 'names')
return self._delUsers(names,REQUEST)
return self._mainUser(self, REQUEST)
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'user_names')
def user_names(self):
return self.getUserNames()
def manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container):
if item is self:
try: del container.__allow_groups__
except: pass
def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container):
if item is self:
self = aq_base(self)
container.__allow_groups__ = self
def __creatable_by_emergency_user__(self): return 1
def _setId(self, id):
if id !=
raise MessageDialog(
title='Invalid Id',
message='Cannot change the id of a UserFolder',
action ='./manage_main',)
# Domain authentication support. This is a good candidate to
# become deprecated in future Zope versions.
security.declareProtected(ManageUsers, 'setDomainAuthenticationMode')
def setDomainAuthenticationMode(self, domain_auth_mode):
"""Set the domain-based authentication mode. By default, this
mode is off due to the high overhead of the operation that
is incurred for all anonymous accesses. If you have the
'Manage Users' permission, you can call this method via
the web, passing a boolean value for domain_auth_mode to
turn this behavior on or off."""
v = self._domain_auth_mode = domain_auth_mode and 1 or 0
return 'Domain authentication mode set to %d' % v
def domainAuthModeEnabled(self):
""" returns true if domain auth mode is set to true"""
return getattr(self, '_domain_auth_mode', None)
class UserFolder(BasicUserFolder):
"""Standard UserFolder object
A UserFolder holds User objects which contain information
about users including name, password domain, and roles.
UserFolders function chiefly to control access by authenticating
users and binding them to a collection of roles."""
meta_type='User Folder'
id ='acl_users'
title ='User Folder'
icon ='p_/UserFolder'
def __init__(self):
def getUserNames(self):
"""Return a list of usernames"""
return names
def getUsers(self):
"""Return a list of user objects"""
return [data[n] for n in names]
def getUser(self, name):
"""Return the named user object or None"""
return, None)
def hasUsers(self):
""" This is not a formal API method: it is used only to provide
a way for the quickstart page to determine if the default user
folder contains any users to provide instructions on how to
add a user for newbies. Using getUserNames or getUsers would have
posed a denial of service risk."""
return not not len(
def _doAddUser(self, name, password, roles, domains, **kw):
"""Create a new user"""
if password is not None and self.encrypt_passwords \
and not self._isPasswordEncrypted(password):
password = self._encryptPassword(password)[name]=User(name,password,roles,domains)
def _doChangeUser(self, name, password, roles, domains, **kw):[name]
if password is not None:
if ( self.encrypt_passwords
and not self._isPasswordEncrypted(password)):
password = self._encryptPassword(password)
def _doDelUsers(self, names):
for name in names:
def _createInitialUser(self):
If there are no users or only one user in this user folder,
populates from the 'inituser' file in the instance home.
We have to do this even when there is already a user
just in case the initial user ignored the setup messages.
We don't do it for more than one user to avoid
abuse of this mechanism.
Called only by OFS.Application.initialize().
if len( <= 1:
info = readUserAccessFile('inituser')
if info:
import App.config
name, password, domains, remote_user_mode = info
self._doAddUser(name, password, ('Manager',), domains)
cfg = App.config.getConfiguration()
os.remove(os.path.join(cfg.instancehome, 'inituser'))
def manage_addUserFolder(self,dtself=None,REQUEST=None,**ignored):
""" """
try: self._setObject('acl_users', f)
except: return MessageDialog(
title ='Item Exists',
message='This object already contains a User Folder',
action ='%s/manage_main' % REQUEST['URL1'])
if REQUEST is not None:
# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Access control package.
import os
import re
import socket
from Acquisition import aq_parent
from Acquisition import aq_inContextOf
from Acquisition import Implicit
from Persistence import Persistent
from AccessControl import AuthEncoding
from AccessControl import SpecialUsers
from .PermissionRole import _what_not_even_god_should_do
from .PermissionRole import rolesForPermissionOn
class BasicUser(Implicit):
"""Base class for all User objects"""
# ----------------------------
# Public User object interface
# ----------------------------
# Maybe allow access to unprotected attributes. Note that this is
# temporary to avoid exposing information but without breaking
# everyone's current code. In the future the security will be
# clamped down and permission-protected here. Because there are a
# fair number of user object types out there, this method denies
# access to names that are private parts of the standard User
# interface or implementation only. The other approach (only
# allowing access to public names in the User interface) would
# probably break a lot of other User implementations with extended
# functionality that we cant anticipate from the base scaffolding.
def __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__(self, name, value=None):
deny_names=('name', '__', 'roles', 'domains', '_getPassword',
'authenticate', '_shared_roles')
if name in deny_names:
return 0
return 1
def __init__(self,name,password,roles,domains):
raise NotImplementedError
def getUserName(self):
"""Return the username of a user"""
raise NotImplementedError
def getId(self):
"""Get the ID of the user. The ID can be used, at least from
Python, to get the user from the user's
return self.getUserName()
def _getPassword(self):
"""Return the password of the user."""
raise NotImplementedError
def getRoles(self):
"""Return the list of roles assigned to a user."""
raise NotImplementedError
def getRolesInContext(self, object):
"""Return the list of roles assigned to the user,
including local roles assigned in context of
the passed in object."""
object=getattr(object, 'aq_inner', object)
while 1:
local_roles = getattr(object, '__ac_local_roles__', None)
if local_roles:
if callable(local_roles):
dict=local_roles or {}
for r in dict.get(userid, []):
inner = getattr(object, 'aq_inner', object)
parent = getattr(inner, '__parent__', None)
if parent is not None:
object = parent
if hasattr(object, 'im_self'):
object=getattr(object, 'aq_inner', object)
roles=list(roles) + local.keys()
return roles
def getDomains(self):
"""Return the list of domain restrictions for a user"""
raise NotImplementedError
# ------------------------------
# Internal User object interface
# ------------------------------
def authenticate(self, password, request):
result = AuthEncoding.pw_validate(passwrd, password)
if domains:
return result and domainSpecMatch(domains, request)
return result
def _shared_roles(self, parent):
while 1:
if hasattr(parent,'__roles__'):
if roles is None: return 'Anonymous',
if 'Shared' in roles:
try: return r+list(roles)
except: return r
if getattr(parent, '__parent__', None) is not None:
while hasattr(parent.aq_self,'aq_self'):
parent = parent.aq_self
parent = aq_parent(parent)
else: return r
def _check_context(self, object):
# Check that 'object' exists in the acquisition context of
# the parent of the acl_users object containing this user,
# to prevent "stealing" access through acquisition tricks.
# Return true if in context, false if not or if context
# cannot be determined (object is not wrapped).
parent = getattr(self, '__parent__', None)
context = getattr(parent, '__parent__', None)
if context is not None:
if object is None:
return 1
if hasattr(object, 'im_self'):
# This is a method. Grab its self.
return aq_inContextOf(object, context, 1)
# This is lame, but required to keep existing behavior.
return 1
def allowed(self, object, object_roles=None):
"""Check whether the user has access to object. The user must
have one of the roles in object_roles to allow access."""
if object_roles is _what_not_even_god_should_do: return 0
# Short-circuit the common case of anonymous access.
if object_roles is None or 'Anonymous' in object_roles:
return 1
# Provide short-cut access if object is protected by 'Authenticated'
# role and user is not nobody
if 'Authenticated' in object_roles and (
self.getUserName() != 'Anonymous User'):
if self._check_context(object):
return 1
# Check for ancient role data up front, convert if found.
# This should almost never happen, and should probably be
# deprecated at some point.
if 'Shared' in object_roles:
object_roles = self._shared_roles(object)
if object_roles is None or 'Anonymous' in object_roles:
return 1
# Check for a role match with the normal roles given to
# the user, then with local roles only if necessary. We
# want to avoid as much overhead as possible.
user_roles = self.getRoles()
for role in object_roles:
if role in user_roles:
if self._check_context(object):
return 1
return None
# Still have not found a match, so check local roles. We do
# this manually rather than call getRolesInContext so that
# we can incur only the overhead required to find a match.
inner_obj = getattr(object, 'aq_inner', object)
userid = self.getId()
while 1:
local_roles = getattr(inner_obj, '__ac_local_roles__', None)
if local_roles:
if callable(local_roles):
local_roles = local_roles()
dict = local_roles or {}
local_roles = dict.get(userid, [])
for role in object_roles:
if role in local_roles:
if self._check_context(object):
return 1
return 0
inner = getattr(inner_obj, 'aq_inner', inner_obj)
parent = getattr(inner, '__parent__', None)
if parent is not None:
inner_obj = parent
if hasattr(inner_obj, 'im_self'):
inner_obj=getattr(inner_obj, 'aq_inner', inner_obj)
return None
def has_role(self, roles, object=None):
"""Check to see if a user has a given role or roles."""
if isinstance(roles, str):
if object is not None:
user_roles = self.getRolesInContext(object)
# Global roles only...
for role in roles:
if role in user_roles:
return 1
return 0
def has_permission(self, permission, object):
"""Check to see if a user has a given permission on an object."""
roles=rolesForPermissionOn(permission, object)
if isinstance(roles, str):
return self.allowed(object, roles)
def __len__(self): return 1
def __str__(self): return self.getUserName()
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.getUserName())
class SimpleUser(BasicUser):
"""A very simple user implementation
that doesn't make a database commitment"""
def __init__(self,name,password,roles,domains): =name
self.__ =password
self.roles =roles
def getUserName(self):
"""Return the username of a user"""
def _getPassword(self):
"""Return the password of the user."""
return self.__
def getRoles(self):
"""Return the list of roles assigned to a user."""
if == 'Anonymous User': return tuple(self.roles)
else: return tuple(self.roles) + ('Authenticated',)
def getDomains(self):
"""Return the list of domain restrictions for a user"""
return tuple(
class SpecialUser(SimpleUser):
"""Class for special users, like emergency user and nobody"""
def getId(self): pass
class User(SimpleUser, Persistent):
"""Standard User object"""
class UnrestrictedUser(SpecialUser):
"""User that passes all security checks. Note, however, that modules
like can still impose restrictions.
def allowed(self,parent,roles=None):
return roles is not _what_not_even_god_should_do
def has_role(self, roles, object=None):
return 1
def has_permission(self, permission, object):
return 1
class NullUnrestrictedUser(SpecialUser):
"""User created if no emergency user exists. It is only around to
satisfy third party userfolder implementations that may
expect the emergency user to exist and to be able to call certain
methods on it (in other words, backward compatibility).
Note that when no emergency user is installed, this object that
exists in its place is more of an anti-superuser since you cannot
login as this user and it has no priveleges at all."""
def __init__(self):
def getUserName(self):
# return an unspellable username
return (None, None)
def getRoles(self):
return ()
def getRolesInContext(self, object):
return ()
def authenticate(self, password, request):
return 0
def allowed(self, parent, roles=None):
return 0
def has_role(self, roles, object=None):
return 0
def has_permission(self, permission, object):
return 0
def __str__(self):
# See
return repr(self)
def readUserAccessFile(filename):
'''Reads an access file from the instance home.
Returns name, password, domains, remote_user_mode.
# TODO dependencies
import App.config
cfg = App.config.getConfiguration()
f = open(os.path.join(cfg.instancehome, filename), 'r')
line = f.readline()
except IOError:
return None
if line:
data = line.strip().split(':')
remote_user_mode = not data[1]
try: ds = data[2].split(' ')
except: ds = []
return data[0], data[1], ds, remote_user_mode
return None
# Create emergency user.
_remote_user_mode = 0
info = readUserAccessFile('access')
if info:
_remote_user_mode = info[3]
emergency_user = UnrestrictedUser(
info[0], info[1], ('manage',), info[2])
emergency_user = NullUnrestrictedUser()
del info
nobody=SpecialUser('Anonymous User','',('Anonymous',), [])
system=UnrestrictedUser('System Processes','',('manage',), [])
# stuff these in a handier place for importing
# Note: use of the 'super' name is deprecated.
def rolejoin(roles, other):
for role in roles:
for role in other:
return roles
def domainSpecMatch(spec, request):
# Fast exit for the match-all case
if len(spec) == 1 and spec[0] == '*':
return 1
if request.has_key('REMOTE_HOST'):
if not host and not addr:
return 0
if not host:
try: host=socket.gethostbyaddr(addr)[0]
except: pass
if not addr:
try: addr=socket.gethostbyname(host)
except: pass
for ob in spec:
mo = addr_match(ob)
if mo is not None:
if mo.end(0)==sz:
for i in range(_sz):
if (o != a) and (o != '*'):
if fail:
return 1
mo = host_match(ob)
if mo is not None:
if mo.end(0)==sz:
if _hlen < _sz:
elif _hlen > _sz:
for i in range(_sz):
if (o != h) and (o != '*'):
if fail:
return 1
return 0
def absattr(attr):
if callable(attr): return attr()
return attr
def reqattr(request, attr):
try: return request[attr]
except: return None
<configure xmlns="" <configure xmlns=""
xmlns:five=""> xmlns:five="">
<!-- deprecated in core Zope, should be fixed there -->
<five:deprecatedManageAddDelete <five:deprecatedManageAddDelete
class="AccessControl.User.BasicUserFolder"/> class="AccessControl.userfolder.BasicUserFolder"/>
<five:deprecatedManageAddDelete <five:deprecatedManageAddDelete
class="HelpSys.HelpTopic.HelpTopicBase"/> class="HelpSys.HelpTopic.HelpTopicBase"/>
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