Commit 54022142 authored by Andreas Jung's avatar Andreas Jung

fixed my former broken checkin

parent 0de44cc9
......@@ -5,11 +5,9 @@ This file contains change information for the current Zope release.
Change information for previous versions of Zope can be found in the
file HISTORY.txt.
Trunk (unreleased)
2.12.0a4 (2009-04-24)
......@@ -25,6 +23,17 @@ Bugs Fixed
The generated tarball for the 2.12.0a2 source release was incomplete, due to
a setuptools and Subversion 1.6 incompatibility.
Known issues
- Running Zope on Windows is not yet supported in this alpha release.
More specifically the generated startup scripts need to be adjusted,
while the code itself should work fine.
- ZODB 3.9.0a12 does not work on Windows with Python 2.6 yet.
- easy_install support not fully functional yet.
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