Commit 57b1615f authored by Hanno Schlichting's avatar Hanno Schlichting

Don't produce warnings in our tests, only catch warnings for the one method...

Don't produce warnings in our tests, only catch warnings for the one method that actually is supposed to emit it
parent eee25516
......@@ -169,8 +169,6 @@ class TestCatalogObject(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.warningshook = WarningsHook()
self._catalog = Catalog()
self._catalog.lexicon = PLexicon('lexicon')
col1 = FieldIndex('col1')
......@@ -191,6 +189,7 @@ class TestCatalogObject(unittest.TestCase):
att3 = KeywordIndex('att3')
num = FieldIndex('num')
self._catalog.addIndex('att1', att1)
self._catalog.addIndex('att2', att2)
self._catalog.addIndex('att3', att3)
......@@ -201,29 +200,33 @@ class TestCatalogObject(unittest.TestCase):
for x in range(0, self.upper):
self._catalog.catalogObject(dummy(self.nums[x]), `x`)
self._catalog.catalogObject(dummy(self.nums[x]), repr(x))
self._catalog = self._catalog.__of__(dummy('foo'))
def tearDown(self):
self._catalog = None
def testResultLength(self):
a = self._catalog()
a = self._catalog(att1='att1')
self.assertEqual(len(a), self.upper,
'length should be %s, its %s' % (self.upper, len(a)))
def testEmptyMappingReturnsAll(self):
upper = self.upper
a = self._catalog({})
self.assertEqual(len(a), upper,
'length should be %s, its %s' % (upper, len(a)))
# Queries used to do the same, because of a bug in the
length = len(self._catalog({}))
self.assertEqual(length, upper,
'length should be %s, its %s' % (upper, length))
def testMappingWithEmptyKeysDoesntReturnAll(self):
# Queries with empty keys used to return all, because of a bug in the
# parseIndexRequest function, mistaking a CatalogSearchArgumentsMap
# for a Record class
a = self._catalog({'col1': '', 'col2': '', 'col3': ''})
self.assertEqual(len(a), 0,
'length should be %s, its %s' % (upper, len(a)))
self.assertEqual(len(a), 0, 'length should be 0, its %s' % len(a))
def testFieldIndexLength(self):
a = self._catalog(att1='att1')
......@@ -287,7 +290,7 @@ class TestCatalogObject(unittest.TestCase):
def testGoodSortIndex(self):
upper = self.upper
a = self._catalog(sort_on='num')
a = self._catalog(att1='att1', sort_on='num')
self.assertEqual(len(a), upper,
'length should be %s, its %s' % (upper, len(a)))
for x in range(self.upper):
......@@ -344,31 +347,32 @@ class TestCatalogObject(unittest.TestCase):
# This exercises the optimization in the catalog that iterates
# over the sort index rather than the result set when the result
# set is much larger than the sort index.
a = self._catalog(sort_on='att1')
a = self._catalog(att1='att1', sort_on='att1')
self.assertEqual(len(a), self.upper)
def testBadSortLimits(self):
AssertionError, self._catalog, sort_on='num', sort_limit=0)
AssertionError, self._catalog, sort_on='num', sort_limit=-10)
self._catalog, att1='att1', sort_on='num', sort_limit=0)
self._catalog, att1='att1', sort_on='num', sort_limit=-10)
def testSortLimit(self):
full = self._catalog(sort_on='num')
a = self._catalog(sort_on='num', sort_limit=10)
full = self._catalog(att1='att1', sort_on='num')
a = self._catalog(att1='att1', sort_on='num', sort_limit=10)
self.assertEqual([r.num for r in a], [r.num for r in full[:10]])
self.assertEqual(a.actual_result_count, self.upper)
a = self._catalog(sort_on='num', sort_limit=10, sort_order='reverse')
a = self._catalog(att1='att1', sort_on='num',
sort_limit=10, sort_order='reverse')
rev = [r.num for r in full[-10:]]
self.assertEqual([r.num for r in a], rev)
self.assertEqual(a.actual_result_count, self.upper)
def testBigSortLimit(self):
a = self._catalog(sort_on='num', sort_limit=self.upper*3)
a = self._catalog(att1='att1', sort_on='num', sort_limit=self.upper*3)
self.assertEqual(a.actual_result_count, self.upper)
self.assertEqual(a[0].num, 0)
a = self._catalog(
a = self._catalog(att1='att1',
sort_on='num', sort_limit=self.upper*3, sort_order='reverse')
self.assertEqual(a.actual_result_count, self.upper)
self.assertEqual(a[0].num, self.upper - 1)
......@@ -477,7 +481,8 @@ class TestMerge(unittest.TestCase):
def testLimitSort(self):
from Products.ZCatalog.Catalog import mergeResults
results = [cat.searchResults(
dict(number=True, sort_on='num'), sort_limit=2, _merge=0)
dict(att1='att1', number=True, sort_on='num'),
sort_limit=2, _merge=0)
for cat in self.catalogs]
merged_rids = [r.getRID() for r in mergeResults(
results, has_sort_keys=True, reverse=False)]
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