Commit 67c7377c authored by chris's avatar chris

moved output buffering into write code

changed names for type extension mechanism
parent 3d9bf2cc
$Id: cPickle.c,v 1.11 1997/01/22 19:40:29 chris Exp $
$Id: cPickle.c,v 1.12 1997/01/27 17:14:26 chris Exp $
......@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ static PyObject *ErrorObject;
#define DEL_LIST_SLICE(list, from, to) (PyList_SetSlice(list, from, to, NULL))
#define WRITE_BUF_SIZE 256
#define MARK '('
#define STOP '.'
#define POP '0'
......@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ static PyObject *ErrorObject;
#define BININT8 'O'
#define PERSID 'P'
#define BINPERSID 'Q'
#define PICKLE_ME 'R'
#define REDUCE 'R'
#define STRING 'S'
#define BINSTRING 'T'
......@@ -126,6 +128,9 @@ static PyObject *safe_constructors;
static PyObject *class_map;
static PyObject *empty_tuple;
/* __builtins__ module */
static PyObject *builtins;
static int save();
......@@ -142,6 +147,8 @@ typedef struct
char *mark;
int bin;
int (*write_func)();
char *write_buf;
int buf_size;
} Picklerobject;
staticforward PyTypeObject Picklertype;
......@@ -159,6 +166,7 @@ typedef struct
PyObject *stack;
PyObject *mark;
PyObject *pers_func;
PyObject *last_string;
int *marks;
int num_marks;
int marks_size;
......@@ -166,6 +174,8 @@ typedef struct
int (*readline_func)();
int buf_size;
char *buf;
char diddled_char;
char *diddled_ptr;
} Unpicklerobject;
staticforward PyTypeObject Unpicklertype;
......@@ -177,6 +187,11 @@ write_file(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(char *, s), ARG(int, n))
ARGDECL(char *, s)
ARGDECL(int, n)
if (s == NULL)
return 0;
if (fwrite(s, sizeof(char), n, self->fp) != n)
......@@ -193,6 +208,11 @@ write_cStringIO(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(char *, s), ARG(int, n))
ARGDECL(char *, s)
ARGDECL(int, n)
if (s == NULL)
return 0;
if (PycStringIO->cwrite((PyObject *)self->file, s, n) != n)
return -1;
......@@ -208,50 +228,79 @@ write_other(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(char *, s), ARG(int, n))
ARGDECL(char *, s)
ARGDECL(int, n)
PyObject *py_str, *junk;
PyObject *py_str = 0, *junk = 0;
int res = -1;
UNLESS(py_str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, n))
return -1;
if (s == NULL)
UNLESS(py_str =
PyString_FromStringAndSize(self->write_buf, self->buf_size))
goto finally;
if ((n + self->buf_size) > WRITE_BUF_SIZE)
if (write_other(self, NULL, 0) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(self->arg = PyTuple_New(1))
return -1;
UNLESS(py_str =
PyString_FromStringAndSize(self->write_buf, self->buf_size))
goto finally;
memcpy(self->write_buf + self->buf_size, s, n);
self->buf_size += n;
res = n;
goto finally;
UNLESS(self->arg = PyTuple_New(1))
goto finally;
if (PyTuple_SetItem(self->arg, 0, py_str) < 0)
return -1;
goto finally;
UNLESS(junk = PyObject_CallObject(self->write, self->arg))
return -1;
goto finally;
return n;
self->buf_size = 0;
res = n;
return res;
static int
read_file(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(int, n))
read_file(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(char **, s), ARG(int, n))
ARGDECL(Unpicklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(char **, s)
ARGDECL(int, n)
int size;
if (self->buf_size == 0)
UNLESS(self->buf = (char *)malloc(n * sizeof(char)))
size = ((n < 32) ? 32 : n);
UNLESS(self->buf = (char *)malloc(size * sizeof(char)))
return -1;
self->buf_size = n;
self->buf_size = size;
else if (n > self->buf_size)
......@@ -276,13 +325,16 @@ read_file(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(int, n))
return -1;
*s = self->buf;
return n;
static int
readline_file(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self))
readline_file(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(char **, s))
ARGDECL(Unpicklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(char **, s)
int i;
......@@ -300,12 +352,13 @@ readline_file(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self))
i = 0;
while (1)
for (; i < self->buf_size; i++)
for (; i < (self->buf_size - 1); i++)
if (feof(self->fp) || (self->buf[i] = getc(self->fp)) == '\n')
self->buf[i] = '\0';
return i;
self->buf[i + 1] = '\0';
*s = self->buf;
return i + 1;
......@@ -318,35 +371,23 @@ readline_file(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self))
self->buf_size *= 2;
static int
read_cStringIO(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(int, n))
read_cStringIO(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(char **, s), ARG(int, n))
ARGDECL(Unpicklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(char **, s)
ARGDECL(int, n)
char *ptr;
int size;
if (self->buf_size == 0)
UNLESS(self->buf = (char *)malloc(n * sizeof(char)))
return -1;
self->buf_size = n;
else if (n > self->buf_size)
UNLESS(self->buf = (char *)realloc(self->buf, n * sizeof(char)))
if (self->diddled_ptr)
return -1;
self->buf_size = n;
*self->diddled_ptr = self->diddled_char;
self->diddled_ptr = NULL;
if (PycStringIO->cread((PyObject *)self->file, &ptr, n) != n)
......@@ -355,121 +396,89 @@ read_cStringIO(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(int, n))
return -1;
memcpy(self->buf, ptr, n);
*s = ptr;
return n;
static int
readline_cStringIO(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self))
readline_cStringIO(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(char **, s))
ARGDECL(Unpicklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(char **, s)
int n, size;
char *ptr;
if ((n = PycStringIO->creadline((PyObject *)self->file, &ptr)) < 0)
if (self->diddled_ptr)
return -1;
*self->diddled_ptr = self->diddled_char;
self->diddled_ptr = NULL;
size = n + 1;
if (self->buf_size == 0)
UNLESS(self->buf = (char *)malloc(size * sizeof(char)))
return -1;
else if (size > self->buf_size)
UNLESS(self->buf = (char *)realloc(self->buf, size * sizeof(char)))
if ((n = PycStringIO->creadline((PyObject *)self->file, &ptr)) < 0)
return -1;
self->buf_size = size;
/* start nasty hack */
self->diddled_char = ptr[n];
self->diddled_ptr = ptr + n;
*self->diddled_ptr = '\0';
memcpy(self->buf, ptr, n);
self->buf[((self->buf[n - 1] == '\n') ? --n : n)] = 0;
*s = ptr;
return n;
static int
read_other(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(int, n))
read_other(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(char **, s), ARG(int, n))
ARGDECL(Unpicklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(char **, s)
ARGDECL(int, n)
PyObject *bytes, *str;
char *ret_str;
if (self->buf_size == 0)
UNLESS(self->buf = (char *)malloc(n * sizeof(char)))
return -1;
self->buf_size = n;
else if (n > self->buf_size)
UNLESS(self->buf = (char *)realloc(self->buf, n * sizeof(char)))
return -1;
self->buf_size = n;
int size, res = -1;
UNLESS(bytes = PyInt_FromLong(n))
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
return -1;
goto finally;
UNLESS(self->arg = PyTuple_New(1))
return -1;
goto finally;
if (PyTuple_SetItem(self->arg, 0, bytes) < 0)
return -1;
goto finally;
UNLESS(str = PyObject_CallObject(self->read, self->arg))
return -1;
goto finally;
memcpy(self->buf, PyString_AsString(str), n);
self->last_string = str;
*s = PyString_AsString(str);
return n;
res = n;
return res;
static int
readline_other(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self))
readline_other(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(char **, s))
ARGDECL(Unpicklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(char **, s)
PyObject *str;
int str_size, buf_size;
......@@ -480,33 +489,11 @@ readline_other(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self))
str_size = PyString_Size(str);
buf_size = str_size + 1;
if (self->buf_size == 0)
UNLESS(self->buf = (char *)malloc(buf_size * sizeof(char)))
return -1;
else if (buf_size > self->buf_size)
UNLESS(self->buf = (char *)realloc(self->buf,
(buf_size * sizeof(char))))
return -1;
self->buf_size = buf_size;
memcpy(self->buf, PyString_AsString(str), str_size);
self->last_string = str;
self->buf[((self->buf[str_size - 1] == '\n') ? --str_size : str_size)]='\0';
*s = PyString_AsString(str);
return str_size;
......@@ -629,7 +616,6 @@ whichmodule(ARG(PyObject *, global), ARG(PyObject *, global_name))
int has_key, i, j;
PyObject *module = 0, *modules_dict = 0,
*global_name_attr = 0, *name = 0;
char *global_name_str, *name_str;
if ((has_key = PyMapping_HasKey(class_map, global)) < 0)
return NULL;
......@@ -642,15 +628,9 @@ whichmodule(ARG(PyObject *, global), ARG(PyObject *, global_name))
UNLESS(modules_dict = PySys_GetObject("modules"))
return NULL;
UNLESS(global_name_str = PyString_AsString(global_name))
return NULL;
i = 0;
while (j = PyDict_Next(modules_dict, &i, &name, &module))
UNLESS(name_str = PyString_AsString(name))
return NULL;
UNLESS(global_name_attr = PyObject_GetAttr(module, global_name))
......@@ -671,7 +651,7 @@ whichmodule(ARG(PyObject *, global), ARG(PyObject *, global_name))
if (!j)
PyErr_Format(PicklingError, "Could not find module for %s.",
"s", global_name_str);
"O", global_name);
return NULL;
......@@ -687,7 +667,6 @@ save_none(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
static char none = NONE;
if ((*self->write_func)(self, &none, 1) < 0)
return -1;
......@@ -828,8 +807,7 @@ save_string(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(Picklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
char *c_str;
int size, len, i;
int size;
if (!self->bin)
......@@ -842,29 +820,23 @@ save_string(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
repr_str = PyString_AS_STRING((PyStringObject *)repr);
size = PyString_Size(repr);
UNLESS(c_str = (char *)malloc((size + 2) * sizeof(char)))
if ((*self->write_func)(self, STRING, 1) < 0)
return -1;
c_str[0] = STRING;
memcpy(c_str + 1, repr_str, size);
c_str[size + 1] = '\n';
if ((*self->write_func)(self, repr_str, size) < 0)
return -1;
len = size + 2;
if ((*self->write_func)(self, "\n", 1) < 0)
return -1;
size = PyString_Size(args);
int len, i;
char c_str[5];
UNLESS(c_str = (char *)malloc((size + 5) * sizeof(char)))
return -1;
size = PyString_Size(args);
if (size < 256)
......@@ -880,18 +852,13 @@ save_string(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
len = 5;
memcpy(c_str + len, PyString_AS_STRING((PyStringObject *)args), size);
len += size;
if ((*self->write_func)(self, c_str, len) < 0)
return -1;
if ((*self->write_func)(self,
PyString_AS_STRING((PyStringObject *)args), size) < 0)
return -1;
if (put(self, args) < 0)
return -1;
......@@ -949,7 +916,9 @@ save_tuple(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
if ((*self->write_func)(self, &tuple, 1) < 0)
goto finally;
if (put(self, args) < 0)
goto finally;
......@@ -1090,11 +1059,12 @@ save_inst(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
PyObject *class = 0, *module = 0, *name = 0, *state = 0,
*getinitargs_func = 0, *getstate_func = 0, *class_args = 0;
char *module_str, *name_str, *c_str;
int module_size, name_size, size, res = -1;
static char build = BUILD, obj = OBJ;
static PyObject *__class__str, *__getinitargs__str, *__dict__str,
char *module_str, *name_str;
int module_size, name_size, res = -1;
static char inst = INST, obj = OBJ, build = BUILD;
static PyObject *__class__str = 0, *__getinitargs__str = 0,
*__dict__str = 0, *__getstate__str = 0;
if ((*self->write_func)(self, &MARKv, 1) < 0)
goto finally;;
......@@ -1162,27 +1132,20 @@ save_inst(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
name_str = PyString_AS_STRING((PyStringObject *)name);
name_size = PyString_Size(name);
size = name_size + module_size + 3;
if ((*self->write_func)(self, &inst, 1) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(c_str = (char *)malloc(size * sizeof(char)))
if ((*self->write_func)(self, module_str, module_size) < 0)
goto finally;
c_str[0] = INST;
memcpy(c_str + 1, module_str, module_size);
c_str[module_size + 1] = '\n';
memcpy(c_str + module_size + 2, name_str, name_size);
c_str[module_size + name_size + 2] = '\n';
if ((*self->write_func)(self, "\n", 1) < 0)
goto finally;
if ((*self->write_func)(self, c_str, size) < 0)
if ((*self->write_func)(self, name_str, name_size) < 0)
goto finally;
if ((*self->write_func)(self, "\n", 1) < 0)
goto finally;
else if ((*self->write_func)(self, &obj, 1) < 0)
......@@ -1245,7 +1208,7 @@ save_global(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
char *name_str, *module_str, *c_str;
int module_size, name_size, size, res = -1;
static PyObject *__name__str;
static PyObject *__name__str = 0;
UNLESS(__name__str = PyString_FromString("__name__"))
......@@ -1304,9 +1267,6 @@ save_pers(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args), ARG(PyObject *, f))
PyObject *pid = 0;
int size, res = -1;
static char persid = PERSID, binpersid = BINPERSID;
UNLESS(self->arg = PyTuple_New(1))
goto finally;
......@@ -1329,7 +1289,7 @@ save_pers(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args), ARG(PyObject *, f))
goto finally;
if ((*self->write_func)(self, &persid, 1) < 0)
if ((*self->write_func)(self, PERSID, 1) < 0)
goto finally;
if ((size = PyString_Size(pid)) < 0)
......@@ -1342,18 +1302,22 @@ save_pers(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args), ARG(PyObject *, f))
if ((*self->write_func)(self, "\n", 1) < 0)
goto finally;
res = 0;
res = 1;
goto finally;
else if ((res = save(self, pid, 1)) >= 0)
else if (save(self, pid, 1) >= 0)
if ((*self->write_func)(self, &binpersid, 1) < 0)
if ((*self->write_func)(self, BINPERSID, 1) < 0)
res = -1;
res = 1;
goto finally;
res = 0;
......@@ -1361,6 +1325,23 @@ finally:
static int
save_reduce(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, callable),
ARG(PyObject *, tup))
ARGDECL(Picklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(PyObject *, callable)
ARGDECL(PyObject *, tup)
if (save(self, callable, 0) < 0)
return -1;
if (save(self, tup, 0) < 0)
return -1;
return (*self->write_func)(self, REDUCE, 1);
static int
save(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args), ARG(int, pers_save))
ARGDECL(Picklerobject *, self)
......@@ -1368,18 +1349,20 @@ save(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args), ARG(int, pers_save))
ARGDECL(int, pers_save)
PyTypeObject *type;
PyObject *py_ob_id = 0, *__pickle_me__ = 0, *t = 0, *arg_tup = 0,
PyObject *py_ob_id = 0, *__reduce__ = 0, *t = 0, *arg_tup = 0,
*callable = 0;
int res = -1, has_key;
int res = -1, tmp;
static char pickle_me = PICKLE_ME;
static PyObject *__pickle_me__str;
static PyObject *__reduce__str = 0;
if (!pers_save && self->pers_func)
res = save_pers(self, args, self->pers_func);
if ((tmp = save_pers(self, args, self->pers_func)) != 0)
res = tmp;
goto finally;
if (args == Py_None)
......@@ -1501,19 +1484,16 @@ save(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args), ARG(int, pers_save))
if (!pers_save && self->inst_pers_func)
res = save_pers(self, args, self->inst_pers_func);
if ((tmp = save_pers(self, args, self->inst_pers_func)) != 0)
res = tmp;
goto finally;
if ((has_key = PyMapping_HasKey(dispatch_table, (PyObject *)type)) < 0)
goto finally;
if (has_key)
if (__reduce__ = PyDict_GetItem(dispatch_table, (PyObject *)type))
UNLESS(__pickle_me__ = PyDict_GetItem(dispatch_table, (PyObject *)type))
goto finally;
UNLESS(self->arg = PyTuple_New(1))
......@@ -1523,18 +1503,20 @@ save(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args), ARG(int, pers_save))
if (PyTuple_SetItem(self->arg, 0, args) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(t = PyObject_CallObject(__pickle_me__, self->arg))
UNLESS(t = PyObject_CallObject(__reduce__, self->arg))
goto finally;
UNLESS(__pickle_me__str = PyString_FromString("__pickle_me__"))
UNLESS(__reduce__str = PyString_FromString("__reduce__"))
goto finally;
if (__pickle_me__ = PyObject_GetAttr(args, __pickle_me__str))
if (__reduce__ = PyObject_GetAttr(args, __reduce__str))
UNLESS(t = PyObject_CallObject(__pickle_me__, empty_tuple))
UNLESS(t = PyObject_CallObject(__reduce__, empty_tuple))
goto finally;
......@@ -1548,7 +1530,7 @@ save(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args), ARG(int, pers_save))
if (!PyTuple_Check(t))
PyErr_Format(PicklingError, "Value returned by %s must be a tuple", "O",
goto finally;
......@@ -1561,17 +1543,11 @@ save(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args), ARG(int, pers_save))
PyErr_Format(PicklingError, "Second element of tuple "
"returned by %s must be a tuple", "O", __pickle_me__);
"returned by %s must be a tuple", "O", __reduce__);
goto finally;
if (save(self, callable, 0) < 0)
goto finally;
if (save(self, arg_tup, 0) < 0)
goto finally;
res = (*self->write_func)(self, &pickle_me, 1);
res = save_reduce(self, callable, arg_tup);
goto finally;
......@@ -1586,7 +1562,7 @@ save(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args), ARG(int, pers_save))
return res;
......@@ -1598,15 +1574,16 @@ Pickler_dump(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(Picklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
static char stop = STOP;
UNLESS(PyArg_Parse(args, "O", &args))
return NULL;
if (save(self, args, 0) < 0)
return NULL;
if ((*self->write_func)(self, &stop, 1) < 0)
if ((*self->write_func)(self, STOP, 1) < 0)
return NULL;
if ((*self->write_func)(self, NULL, 0) < 0)
return NULL;
......@@ -1615,20 +1592,29 @@ Pickler_dump(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
static PyObject *
write(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
dump_special(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(Picklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
char *ptr;
int size;
PyObject *callable = 0, *arg_tup = 0;
UNLESS(PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO", &callable, &arg_tup))
return NULL;
PyErr_SetString(PicklingError, "Second arg to dump_special must "
"be tuple");
return NULL;
UNLESS(ptr = PyString_AsString(args))
if (save_reduce(self, callable, arg_tup) < 0)
return NULL;
if ((size = PyString_Size(args)) < 0)
if ((*self->write_func)(self, STOP, 1) < 0)
return NULL;
if ((*self->write_func)(self, ptr, size) < 0)
if ((*self->write_func)(self, NULL, 0) < 0)
return NULL;
......@@ -1638,7 +1624,7 @@ write(ARG(Picklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
static struct PyMethodDef Pickler_methods[] = {
{"dump", (PyCFunction)Pickler_dump, 0, ""},
{"write", (PyCFunction)write, 0, ""},
{"dump_special", (PyCFunction)dump_special, 1, ""},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
......@@ -1661,17 +1647,19 @@ newPicklerobject(ARG(PyObject *, file), ARG(int, bin))
self->fp = PyFile_AsFile(file);
self->write_func = write_file;
self->write = NULL;
self->write_buf = NULL;
else if (PycStringIO_OutputCheck(file))
self->fp = NULL;
self->write_func = write_cStringIO;
self->write = NULL;
self->write_buf = NULL;
PyObject *write;
static PyObject *write_str;
static PyObject *write_str = 0;
self->fp = NULL;
self->write_func = write_other;
......@@ -1684,6 +1672,16 @@ newPicklerobject(ARG(PyObject *, file), ARG(int, bin))
goto err;
self->write = write;
UNLESS(self->write_buf =
(char *)malloc(WRITE_BUF_SIZE * sizeof(char)))
goto err;
self->buf_size = 0;
......@@ -1727,6 +1725,12 @@ Pickler_dealloc(ARG(Picklerobject *, self))
if (self->write_buf)
......@@ -1831,14 +1835,16 @@ find_class(ARG(PyObject *, py_module_name), ARG(PyObject *, py_class_name))
ARGDECL(PyObject *, py_class_name)
PyObject *import = 0, *class = 0, *t = 0;
int has_key;
char *module_name, *class_name;
char *module_name, *class_name, *import_str;
PyObject *res = NULL;
static PyObject *eval_dict = 0;
module_name = PyString_AS_STRING((PyStringObject *)py_module_name);
class_name = PyString_AS_STRING((PyStringObject *)py_class_name);
UNLESS(t = PyTuple_New(2))
goto err;
goto finally;
PyTuple_SET_ITEM((PyTupleObject *)t, 0, py_module_name);
......@@ -1846,42 +1852,56 @@ find_class(ARG(PyObject *, py_module_name), ARG(PyObject *, py_class_name))
PyTuple_SET_ITEM((PyTupleObject *)t, 1, py_class_name);
if ((has_key = PyMapping_HasKey(class_map, t)) < 0)
goto err;
if (has_key)
if (class = PyDict_GetItem(class_map, t))
UNLESS(class = PyDict_GetItem(class_map, t))
goto err;
res = class;
goto finally;
return class;
UNLESS(import_str =
(char *)malloc((PyString_Size(py_module_name) + 15) * sizeof(char)))
goto finally;
if (!(import = PyImport_ImportModule(module_name)) ||
sprintf(import_str, "__import__('%s')", module_name);
UNLESS(eval_dict = Py_BuildValue("{sO}", "__builtins__", builtins))
goto finally;
if (!(import = PyRun_String(import_str, eval_input, eval_dict,eval_dict)) ||
!(class = PyObject_GetAttr(import, py_class_name)))
PyErr_Format(PyExc_SystemError, "Failed to import global %s "
"from module %s", "ss", class_name, module_name);
goto err;
goto finally;
if (PyDict_SetItem(class_map, t, class) < 0)
goto err;
goto finally;
res = class;
return class;
return NULL;
return res;
......@@ -1911,17 +1931,17 @@ load_int(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
PyObject *py_int = 0;
char *endptr;
char *endptr, *s;
int len, res = -1;
long l;
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self)) < 0)
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self, &s)) < 0)
goto finally;
errno = 0;
l = strtol(self->buf, &endptr, 0);
l = strtol(s, &endptr, 0);
if (errno || (endptr[0] != '\0'))
if (errno || (endptr[0] != '\n') || (endptr[1] != '\0'))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "could not convert string to int");
goto finally;
......@@ -1992,10 +2012,12 @@ load_binint(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(Unpicklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, 4) < 0)
char *s;
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, 4) < 0)
return -1;
return load_binintx(self, self->buf, 4);
return load_binintx(self, s, 4);
......@@ -2004,10 +2026,12 @@ load_binint1(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(Unpicklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, 1) < 0)
char *s;
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, 1) < 0)
return -1;
return load_binintx(self, self->buf, 1);
return load_binintx(self, s, 1);
......@@ -2016,7 +2040,9 @@ load_binint2(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(Unpicklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, 2) < 0)
char *s;
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, 2) < 0)
return -1;
return load_binintx(self, self->buf, 2);
......@@ -2029,21 +2055,21 @@ load_binint8(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
PyObject *l = 0;
char *end;
char *end, *s;
int res = -1;
if ((*self->read_func)(self, 8) < 0)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, 8) < 0)
goto finally;
/* load a python int if we can */
if (sizeof(long) == 8)
res = load_binintx(self, self->buf, 8);
res = load_binintx(self, s, 8);
goto finally;
/* load a python long otherwise */
UNLESS(l = PyLong_FromString(self->buf, &end, 0))
UNLESS(l = PyLong_FromString(s, &end, 0))
goto finally;
if (PyList_Append(self->stack, l) < 0)
......@@ -2064,15 +2090,15 @@ load_long(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
PyObject *l = 0;
char *end;
char *end, *s, *s2;
int len, res = -1;
static PyObject *arg;
static PyObject *arg = 0;
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self)) < 0)
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self, &s)) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(l = PyLong_FromString(self->buf, &end, 0))
UNLESS(l = PyLong_FromString(s, &end, 0))
goto finally;
if (PyList_Append(self->stack, l) < 0)
......@@ -2093,19 +2119,19 @@ load_float(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
PyObject *py_float = 0;
char *endptr;
char *endptr, *s;
int len, res = -1;
double d;
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self)) < 0)
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self, &s)) < 0)
goto finally;
errno = 0;
d = strtod(self->buf, &endptr);
d = strtod(s, &endptr);
if (errno || (endptr[0] != '\0'))
if (errno || (endptr[0] != '\n') || (endptr[1] != '\0'))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "could not convert string to long");
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "could not convert string to float");
goto finally;
......@@ -2130,17 +2156,19 @@ load_string(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
PyObject *str = 0;
int len, res = -1;
int len, res = -1, i;
char *s;
static PyObject *eval_dict = 0;
UNLESS(eval_dict = Py_BuildValue("{s{}}", "__builtins__"))
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self, &s)) < 0)
goto finally;
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self)) < 0)
UNLESS(eval_dict = Py_BuildValue("{s{}}", "__builtins__"))
goto finally;
UNLESS(str = PyRun_String(self->buf, eval_input, eval_dict, eval_dict))
UNLESS(str = PyRun_String(s, eval_input, eval_dict, eval_dict))
goto finally;
if (PyList_Append(self->stack, str) < 0)
......@@ -2163,16 +2191,17 @@ load_binstring(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
PyObject *py_string = 0;
long l;
int res = -1;
char *s;
if ((*self->read_func)(self, 4) < 0)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, 4) < 0)
goto finally;
l = calc_binint(self->buf, 4);
l = calc_binint(s, 4);
if ((*self->read_func)(self, l) < 0)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, l) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(py_string = PyString_FromStringAndSize(self->buf, l))
UNLESS(py_string = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, l))
goto finally;
if (PyList_Append(self->stack, py_string) < 0)
......@@ -2195,16 +2224,17 @@ load_short_binstring(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
PyObject *py_string = 0;
unsigned char l;
int res = -1;
char *s;
if ((*self->read_func)(self, 1) < 0)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, 1) < 0)
return -1;
l = (unsigned char)self->buf[0];
if ((*self->read_func)(self, l) < 0)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, l) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(py_string = PyString_FromStringAndSize(self->buf, l))
UNLESS(py_string = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, l))
goto finally;
if (PyList_Append(self->stack, py_string) < 0)
......@@ -2394,6 +2424,7 @@ load_inst(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
PyObject *arg_tup = 0, *arg_slice = 0, *class = 0, *obj = 0,
*module_name = 0, *class_name = 0;
int i, j, len, res = -1;
char *s;
i = marker(self);
......@@ -2409,27 +2440,21 @@ load_inst(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
if (DEL_LIST_SLICE(self->stack, i, j) < 0)
goto finally;
if ((*self->readline_func)(self) < 0)
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self, &s)) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(module_name = PyString_FromString(self->buf))
UNLESS(module_name = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, len - 1))
goto finally;
if ((*self->readline_func)(self) < 0)
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self, &s)) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(class_name = PyString_FromString(self->buf))
UNLESS(class_name = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, len - 1))
goto finally;
UNLESS(class = find_class(module_name, class_name))
goto finally;
if (!PyClass_Check(class))
PyErr_SetString(UnpicklingError, "global is not a class");
goto finally;
UNLESS(obj = PyInstance_New(class, arg_tup, NULL))
goto finally;
......@@ -2455,18 +2480,19 @@ load_global(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
PyObject *class = 0, *module_name = 0, *class_name = 0;
int res = -1;
int res = -1, len;
char *s;
if ((*self->readline_func)(self) < 0)
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self, &s)) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(module_name = PyString_FromString(self->buf))
UNLESS(module_name = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, len - 1))
goto finally;
if ((*self->readline_func)(self) < 0)
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self, &s)) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(class_name = PyString_FromString(self->buf))
UNLESS(class_name = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, len - 1))
goto finally;
UNLESS(class = find_class(module_name, class_name))
......@@ -2492,13 +2518,14 @@ load_persid(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
PyObject *pid = 0, *pers_load_val = 0;
int len, res = -1;
char *s;
if (self->pers_func)
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self)) < 0)
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self, &s)) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(pid = PyString_FromStringAndSize(self->buf, len))
UNLESS(pid = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, len - 1))
goto finally;
......@@ -2615,11 +2642,12 @@ load_get(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
PyObject *py_str = 0, *value = 0;
int len, res = -1;
char *s;
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self)) < 0)
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self, &s)) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(py_str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(self->buf, len))
UNLESS(py_str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, len - 1))
goto finally;
UNLESS(value = PyDict_GetItem(self->memo, py_str))
......@@ -2645,11 +2673,12 @@ load_binget(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
PyObject *py_key = 0, *value = 0;
unsigned char key;
int res = -1;
char *s;
if ((*self->read_func)(self, 1) < 0)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, 1) < 0)
goto finally;
key = (unsigned char)self->buf[0];
key = (unsigned char)s[0];
UNLESS(py_key = PyInt_FromLong((long)key))
goto finally;
......@@ -2675,20 +2704,20 @@ load_long_binget(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
PyObject *py_key = 0, *value = 0;
unsigned char c;
unsigned char c, *s;
long key;
int res = -1;
if ((*self->read_func)(self, 4) < 0)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, 4) < 0)
goto finally;
c = (unsigned char)self->buf[0];
c = (unsigned char)s[0];
key = (long)c;
c = (unsigned char)self->buf[1];
c = (unsigned char)s[1];
key |= (long)c << 8;
c = (unsigned char)self->buf[2];
c = (unsigned char)s[2];
key |= (long)c << 16;
c = (unsigned char)self->buf[3];
c = (unsigned char)s[3];
key |= (long)c << 24;
UNLESS(py_key = PyInt_FromLong(key))
......@@ -2716,11 +2745,12 @@ load_put(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
PyObject *py_str = 0, *value = 0;
int len, res = -1;
char *s;
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self)) < 0)
if ((len = (*self->readline_func)(self, &s)) < 0)
goto finally;
UNLESS(py_str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(self->buf, len))
UNLESS(py_str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, len - 1))
goto finally;
if ((len = PyList_Size(self->stack)) < 0)
......@@ -2747,13 +2777,13 @@ load_binput(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
PyObject *py_key = 0, *value = 0;
unsigned char key;
unsigned char key, *s;
int len, res = -1;
if ((*self->read_func)(self, 1) < 0)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, 1) < 0)
goto finally;
key = (unsigned char)self->buf[0];
key = (unsigned char)s[0];
UNLESS(py_key = PyInt_FromLong((long)key))
goto finally;
......@@ -2783,19 +2813,19 @@ load_long_binput(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
PyObject *py_key = 0, *value = 0;
long key;
unsigned char c;
unsigned char c, *s;
int len, res = -1;
if ((*self->read_func)(self, 4) < 0)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, 4) < 0)
goto finally;
c = (unsigned char)self->buf[0];
c = (unsigned char)s[0];
key = (long)c;
c = (unsigned char)self->buf[1];
c = (unsigned char)s[1];
key |= (long)c << 8;
c = (unsigned char)self->buf[2];
c = (unsigned char)s[2];
key |= (long)c << 16;
c = (unsigned char)self->buf[3];
c = (unsigned char)s[3];
key |= (long)c << 24;
UNLESS(py_key = PyInt_FromLong(key))
......@@ -2992,7 +3022,7 @@ load_build(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
PyObject *value = 0, *inst = 0, *instdict = 0, *d_key = 0, *d_value = 0,
*junk = 0;
static PyObject *py_string__dict__;
static PyObject *py_string__dict__ = 0;
int len, i, res = -1;
......@@ -3080,7 +3110,7 @@ load_mark(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
static int
load_pickle_me(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
load_reduce(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
ARGDECL(Unpicklerobject *, self)
ARGDECL(PyObject *, args)
......@@ -3142,6 +3172,7 @@ Unpickler_load(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
PyObject *stack = 0, *err = 0, *exc = 0, *val = 0, *tb = 0;
int len;
char *s;
UNLESS(stack = PyList_New(0))
goto err;
......@@ -3151,10 +3182,10 @@ Unpickler_load(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
while (1)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, 1) < 0)
if ((*self->read_func)(self, &s, 1) < 0)
switch (self->buf[0])
switch (s[0])
case NONE:
if (load_none(self, NULL) < 0)
......@@ -3324,8 +3355,8 @@ Unpickler_load(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
if (load_pickle_me(self, NULL) < 0)
case REDUCE:
if (load_reduce(self, NULL) < 0)
......@@ -3338,6 +3369,12 @@ Unpickler_load(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self), ARG(PyObject *, args))
if (self->diddled_ptr)
*self->diddled_ptr = self->diddled_char;
self->diddled_ptr = NULL;
if ((err = PyErr_Occurred()) == PyExc_EOFError)
......@@ -3408,7 +3445,7 @@ newUnpicklerobject(ARG(PyObject *, f))
PyObject *readline, *read;
static PyObject *read_str, *readline_str;
static PyObject *read_str = 0, *readline_str = 0;
self->fp = NULL;
self->read_func = read_other;
......@@ -3433,6 +3470,9 @@ newUnpicklerobject(ARG(PyObject *, f))
self->read = read;
self->readline = readline;
self->diddled_ptr = NULL;
self->diddled_char = '\0';
......@@ -3442,6 +3482,7 @@ newUnpicklerobject(ARG(PyObject *, f))
self->arg = NULL;
self->stack = NULL;
self->pers_func = NULL;
self->last_string = NULL;
self->marks = NULL;
self->num_marks = 0;
self->marks_size = 0;
......@@ -3481,6 +3522,7 @@ Unpickler_dealloc(ARG(Unpicklerobject *, self))
if (self->marks)
......@@ -3717,20 +3759,23 @@ if(PyErr_Occurred()) { \
static int
init_stuff(PyObject *module, PyObject *module_dict)
PyObject *builtins, *string, *pkl_data;
PyObject *string, *copy_reg;
UNLESS(builtins = PyImport_ImportModule("__builtin__"))
return -1;
UNLESS(pkl_data = PyImport_ImportModule("pkl_data"))
UNLESS(copy_reg = PyImport_ImportModule("copy_reg"))
return -1;
UNLESS(dispatch_table = PyObject_GetAttrString(pkl_data,
UNLESS(dispatch_table = PyObject_GetAttrString(copy_reg,
return -1;
UNLESS(safe_constructors = PyObject_GetAttrString(pkl_data,
UNLESS(safe_constructors = PyObject_GetAttrString(copy_reg,
return -1;
UNLESS(string = PyImport_ImportModule("string"))
return -1;
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