Commit aafc4bb4 authored by Hanno Schlichting's avatar Hanno Schlichting

Merge versions and sources into single files.

parent 92d364ee
extends = ztk-sources.cfg
github = git://
github_push =
......@@ -34,3 +31,68 @@ Products.MailHost = git ${remotes:github}/Products.MailHost pushurl=${remotes:gi
Products.PythonScripts = git ${remotes:github}/Products.PythonScripts pushurl=${remotes:github_push}/Products.PythonScripts
Products.SiteErrorLog = git ${remotes:github}/Products.SiteErrorLog pushurl=${remotes:github_push}/Products.SiteErrorLog
Products.StandardCacheManagers = git ${remotes:github}/Products.StandardCacheManagers pushurl=${remotes:github_push}/Products.StandardCacheManagers
zope.annotation = git ${remotes:github}/zope.annotation
zope.applicationcontrol = git ${remotes:github}/zope.applicationcontrol
zope.authentication = git ${remotes:github}/zope.authentication
zope.browser = git ${remotes:github}/zope.browser
zope.browsermenu = git ${remotes:github}/zope.browsermenu
zope.browserpage = git ${remotes:github}/zope.browserpage
zope.browserresource = git ${remotes:github}/zope.browserresource
zope.cachedescriptors = git ${remotes:github}/zope.cachedescriptors
zope.catalog = git ${remotes:github}/zope.catalog
zope.component = git ${remotes:github}/zope.component
zope.componentvocabulary = git ${remotes:github}/zope.componentvocabulary
zope.configuration = git ${remotes:github}/zope.configuration
zope.container = git ${remotes:github}/zope.container
zope.contentprovider = git ${remotes:github}/zope.contentprovider
zope.contenttype = git ${remotes:github}/zope.contenttype
zope.copy = git ${remotes:github}/zope.copy
zope.copypastemove = git ${remotes:github}/zope.copypastemove
zope.datetime = git ${remotes:github}/zope.datetime
zope.deferredimport = git ${remotes:github}/zope.deferredimport
zope.deprecation = git ${remotes:github}/zope.deprecation
zope.dottedname = git ${remotes:github}/zope.dottedname
zope.dublincore = git ${remotes:github}/zope.dublincore
zope.error = git ${remotes:github}/zope.error
zope.event = git ${remotes:github}/zope.event
zope.exceptions = git ${remotes:github}/zope.exceptions
zope.filerepresentation = git ${remotes:github}/zope.filerepresentation
zope.formlib = git ${remotes:github}/zope.formlib
zope.hookable = git ${remotes:github}/zope.hookable
zope.i18n = git ${remotes:github}/zope.i18n
zope.i18nmessageid = git ${remotes:github}/zope.i18nmessageid
zope.index = git ${remotes:github}/zope.index
zope.interface = git ${remotes:github}/zope.interface
zope.intid = git ${remotes:github}/zope.intid
zope.keyreference = git ${remotes:github}/zope.keyreference
zope.lifecycleevent = git ${remotes:github}/zope.lifecycleevent
zope.location = git ${remotes:github}/zope.location
zope.login = git ${remotes:github}/zope.login
zope.mimetype = git ${remotes:github}/zope.mimetype
zope.minmax = git ${remotes:github}/zope.minmax
zope.pagetemplate = git ${remotes:github}/zope.pagetemplate
zope.password = git ${remotes:github}/zope.password
zope.pluggableauth = git ${remotes:github}/zope.pluggableauth
zope.principalannotation = git ${remotes:github}/zope.principalannotation
zope.principalregistry = git ${remotes:github}/zope.principalregistry
zope.processlifetime = git ${remotes:github}/zope.processlifetime
zope.proxy = git ${remotes:github}/zope.proxy
zope.ptresource = git ${remotes:github}/zope.ptresource
zope.publisher = git ${remotes:github}/zope.publisher
zope.ramcache = git ${remotes:github}/zope.ramcache
zope.schema = git ${remotes:github}/zope.schema = git ${remotes:github}/
zope.securitypolicy = git ${remotes:github}/zope.securitypolicy
zope.sendmail = git ${remotes:github}/zope.sendmail
zope.session = git ${remotes:github}/zope.session = git ${remotes:github}/
zope.size = git ${remotes:github}/zope.size
zope.structuredtext = git ${remotes:github}/zope.structuredtext
zope.tal = git ${remotes:github}/zope.tal
zope.tales = git ${remotes:github}/zope.tales
zope.testing = git ${remotes:github}/zope.testing
zope.testrunner = git ${remotes:github}/zope.testrunner
zope.traversing = git ${remotes:github}/zope.traversing
zope.viewlet = git ${remotes:github}/zope.viewlet
extends = ztk-versions.cfg
versions = versions
# Zope2-specific
# Zope specific dependencies
Zope2 =
AccessControl = 3.0.12
Acquisition = 4.2.2
......@@ -22,30 +21,131 @@ zExceptions = 3.0
zLOG = 3.0
ZopeUndo = 4.1
# Optional dependencies
# Additional dependencies
alabaster = 0.7.8
Babel = 2.3.4
beautifulsoup4 = 4.4.1
BTrees = 4.3.1
collective.recipe.cmd = 0.11
collective.recipe.sphinxbuilder = 1.0
coverage = 4.1
docutils = 0.12
extras = 1.0.0
five.globalrequest = 1.0
imagesize = 0.7.1
initgroups = 3.0
Jinja2 = 2.8
lxml = 3.6.0
MarkupSafe = 0.23
mechanize = 0.2.5
mr.developer = 1.34
nose = 1.3.7
Paste = 2.0.3
PasteDeploy = 1.5.2
PasteScript = 2.0.2
persistent = 4.2.1
Products.BTreeFolder2 = 3.0
Products.ExternalMethod = 3.0
Products.MailHost = 3.0
Products.PythonScripts = 3.0
Products.SiteErrorLog = 3.0
Products.StandardCacheManagers = 3.0
# ZTK KGS overrides
# Zope2 dependencies
beautifulsoup4 = 4.4.1
collective.recipe.sphinxbuilder = 1.0
five.globalrequest = 1.0
mechanize = 0.2.5
Paste = 2.0.3
PasteScript = 2.0.2
py = 1.4.31
Pygments = 2.1.3
python-gettext = 3.0
python-mimeparse = 1.5.2
python-subunit = 1.2.0
pytz = 2016.6.1
repoze.retry = 1.4
repoze.tm2 = 2.1
repoze.who = 2.3
RestrictedPython = 3.6.0
setuptools = 24.0.3
six = 1.10.0
snowballstemmer = 1.2.1
Sphinx = 1.4.5
sphinx-rtd-theme = 0.1.9
testtools = 2.2.0
transaction = 1.6.1
unittest2 = 1.1.0
waitress = 0.9.0
WebOb = 1.6.1
WebTest = 2.0.21
z3c.checkversions = 0.5
ZConfig = 3.1.0
zc.buildout = 2.5.2
zc.lockfile = 1.2.1
zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.3
zc.recipe.testrunner = 2.0.0
zdaemon = 4.1.0
ZEO = 4.1.0
ZODB = 4.3.1
zodbpickle = 0.6.0
zope.globalrequest = 1.2
zope.sequencesort = 4.0.1
zope.testbrowser = 4.0.4
zope.annotation = 4.4.1
zope.applicationcontrol = 4.0.1
zope.authentication = 4.2.1
zope.browser = 2.1.0
zope.browsermenu = 4.1.1
zope.browserpage = 4.1.0
zope.browserresource = 4.1.0
zope.cachedescriptors = 4.1.0
zope.catalog = 4.1.0
zope.component = 4.2.2
zope.componentvocabulary = 2.0.0
zope.configuration = 4.0.3
zope.container = 4.1.0
zope.contentprovider = 4.0.0
zope.contenttype = 4.1.0
zope.copy = 4.0.3
zope.copypastemove = 4.0.0
zope.datetime = 4.1.0
zope.deferredimport = 4.1.0
zope.deprecation = 4.1.2
zope.dottedname = 4.1.0
zope.dublincore = 4.1.1
zope.error = 4.3.0
zope.event = 4.2.0
zope.exceptions = 4.0.8
zope.filerepresentation = 4.1.0
zope.formlib = 4.3.0
zope.hookable = 4.0.4
zope.i18n = 4.1.0
zope.i18nmessageid = 4.0.3
zope.index = 4.2.0
zope.interface = 4.2.0
zope.intid = 4.1.0
zope.keyreference = 4.1.0
zope.lifecycleevent = 4.1.0
zope.location = 4.0.3
zope.login = 2.0.0
zope.mimetype = 2.0.0
zope.minmax = 2.1.0
zope.pagetemplate = 4.2.1
zope.password = 4.2.0
zope.pluggableauth = 2.1.0
zope.principalannotation = 4.1.1
zope.principalregistry = 4.0.0
zope.processlifetime = 2.1.0
zope.proxy = 4.2.0
zope.ptresource = 4.0.0
zope.publisher = 4.3.0
zope.ramcache = 2.1.0
zope.schema = 4.4.2 = 4.0.3
zope.securitypolicy = 4.0.0
zope.sendmail = 4.0.1
zope.session = 4.1.0 = 4.0.0
zope.size = 4.1.0
zope.structuredtext = 4.1.0
zope.tal = 4.2.0
zope.tales = 4.1.1
zope.testing = 4.5.0
zope.testrunner = 4.5.1
zope.traversing = 4.0.0
zope.viewlet = 4.0.0
github = git://
github_push =
zope.annotation = git ${buildout:github}/zope.annotation
zope.applicationcontrol = git ${buildout:github}/zope.applicationcontrol
zope.authentication = git ${buildout:github}/zope.authentication
zope.browser = git ${buildout:github}/zope.browser
zope.browsermenu = git ${buildout:github}/zope.browsermenu
zope.browserpage = git ${buildout:github}/zope.browserpage
zope.browserresource = git ${buildout:github}/zope.browserresource
zope.cachedescriptors = git ${buildout:github}/zope.cachedescriptors
zope.catalog = git ${buildout:github}/zope.catalog
zope.component = git ${buildout:github}/zope.component
zope.componentvocabulary = git ${buildout:github}/zope.componentvocabulary
zope.configuration = git ${buildout:github}/zope.configuration
zope.container = git ${buildout:github}/zope.container
zope.contentprovider = git ${buildout:github}/zope.contentprovider
zope.contenttype = git ${buildout:github}/zope.contenttype
zope.copy = git ${buildout:github}/zope.copy
zope.copypastemove = git ${buildout:github}/zope.copypastemove
zope.datetime = git ${buildout:github}/zope.datetime
zope.deferredimport = git ${buildout:github}/zope.deferredimport
zope.deprecation = git ${buildout:github}/zope.deprecation
zope.dottedname = git ${buildout:github}/zope.dottedname
zope.dublincore = git ${buildout:github}/zope.dublincore
zope.error = git ${buildout:github}/zope.error
zope.event = git ${buildout:github}/zope.event
zope.exceptions = git ${buildout:github}/zope.exceptions
zope.filerepresentation = git ${buildout:github}/zope.filerepresentation
zope.formlib = git ${buildout:github}/zope.formlib
zope.hookable = git ${buildout:github}/zope.hookable
zope.i18n = git ${buildout:github}/zope.i18n
zope.i18nmessageid = git ${buildout:github}/zope.i18nmessageid
zope.index = git ${buildout:github}/zope.index
zope.interface = git ${buildout:github}/zope.interface
zope.intid = git ${buildout:github}/zope.intid
zope.keyreference = git ${buildout:github}/zope.keyreference
zope.lifecycleevent = git ${buildout:github}/zope.lifecycleevent
zope.location = git ${buildout:github}/zope.location
zope.login = git ${buildout:github}/zope.login
zope.mimetype = git ${buildout:github}/zope.mimetype
zope.minmax = git ${buildout:github}/zope.minmax
zope.pagetemplate = git ${buildout:github}/zope.pagetemplate
zope.password = git ${buildout:github}/zope.password
zope.pluggableauth = git ${buildout:github}/zope.pluggableauth
zope.principalannotation = git ${buildout:github}/zope.principalannotation
zope.principalregistry = git ${buildout:github}/zope.principalregistry
zope.processlifetime = git ${buildout:github}/zope.processlifetime
zope.proxy = git ${buildout:github}/zope.proxy
zope.ptresource = git ${buildout:github}/zope.ptresource
zope.publisher = git ${buildout:github}/zope.publisher
zope.ramcache = git ${buildout:github}/zope.ramcache
zope.schema = git ${buildout:github}/zope.schema = git ${buildout:github}/
zope.securitypolicy = git ${buildout:github}/zope.securitypolicy
zope.sendmail = git ${buildout:github}/zope.sendmail
zope.session = git ${buildout:github}/zope.session = git ${buildout:github}/
zope.size = git ${buildout:github}/zope.size
zope.structuredtext = git ${buildout:github}/zope.structuredtext
zope.tal = git ${buildout:github}/zope.tal
zope.tales = git ${buildout:github}/zope.tales
zope.testing = git ${buildout:github}/zope.testing
zope.testrunner = git ${buildout:github}/zope.testrunner
zope.traversing = git ${buildout:github}/zope.traversing
zope.viewlet = git ${buildout:github}/zope.viewlet
zope.annotation = 4.4.1
zope.applicationcontrol = 4.0.1
zope.authentication = 4.2.1
zope.browser = 2.1.0
zope.browsermenu = 4.1.1
zope.browserpage = 4.1.0
zope.browserresource = 4.1.0
zope.cachedescriptors = 4.1.0
zope.catalog = 4.1.0
zope.component = 4.2.2
zope.componentvocabulary = 2.0.0
zope.configuration = 4.0.3
zope.container = 4.1.0
zope.contentprovider = 4.0.0
zope.contenttype = 4.1.0
zope.copy = 4.0.3
zope.copypastemove = 4.0.0
zope.datetime = 4.1.0
zope.deferredimport = 4.1.0
zope.deprecation = 4.1.2
zope.dottedname = 4.1.0
zope.dublincore = 4.1.1
zope.error = 4.3.0
zope.event = 4.2.0
zope.exceptions = 4.0.8
zope.filerepresentation = 4.1.0
zope.formlib = 4.3.0
zope.hookable = 4.0.4
zope.i18n = 4.1.0
zope.i18nmessageid = 4.0.3
zope.index = 4.2.0
zope.interface = 4.2.0
zope.intid = 4.1.0
zope.keyreference = 4.1.0
zope.lifecycleevent = 4.1.0
zope.location = 4.0.3
zope.login = 2.0.0
zope.mimetype = 2.0.0
zope.minmax = 2.1.0
zope.pagetemplate = 4.2.1
zope.password = 4.2.0
zope.pluggableauth = 2.1.0
zope.principalannotation = 4.1.1
zope.principalregistry = 4.0.0
zope.processlifetime = 2.1.0
zope.proxy = 4.2.0
zope.ptresource = 4.0.0
zope.publisher = 4.3.0
zope.ramcache = 2.1.0
zope.schema = 4.4.2 = 4.0.3
zope.securitypolicy = 4.0.0
zope.sendmail = 4.0.1
zope.session = 4.1.0 = 4.0.0
zope.size = 4.1.0
zope.structuredtext = 4.1.0
zope.tal = 4.2.0
zope.tales = 4.1.1
zope.testing = 4.5.0
zope.testrunner = 4.5.1
zope.traversing = 4.0.0
zope.viewlet = 4.0.0
# Dependencies
Babel = 2.3.4
BTrees = 4.3.1
Jinja2 = 2.8
MarkupSafe = 0.23
PasteDeploy = 1.5.2
Pygments = 2.1.3
RestrictedPython = 3.6.0
Sphinx = 1.4.5
WebOb = 1.6.1
WebTest = 2.0.21
ZConfig = 3.1.0
ZEO = 4.1.0
ZODB = 4.3.1
alabaster = 0.7.8
collective.recipe.cmd = 0.11
coverage = 4.1
docutils = 0.12
extras = 1.0.0
imagesize = 0.7.1
lxml = 3.6.0
mr.developer = 1.34
nose = 1.3.7
persistent = 4.2.1
py = 1.4.31
python-gettext = 3.0
python-mimeparse = 1.5.2
python-subunit = 1.2.0
pytz = 2016.6.1
setuptools = 24.0.3
six = 1.10.0
snowballstemmer = 1.2.1
testtools = 2.2.0
transaction = 1.6.1
unittest2 = 1.1.0
z3c.checkversions = 0.5
zc.buildout = 2.5.2
zc.lockfile = 1.2.1
zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.3
zc.recipe.testrunner = 2.0.0
zdaemon = 4.1.0
zodbpickle = 0.6.0
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