Commit a136cbdb authored by Brenden Blanco's avatar Brenden Blanco

Merge pull request #409 from goldshtn/trace2

trace: trace function execution with custom format strings and filters
parents db454655 8acd0158
...@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ Tools: ...@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ Tools:
- tools/[tcpconnect](tools/ Trace TCP active connections (connect()). [Examples](tools/tcpconnect_example.txt). - tools/[tcpconnect](tools/ Trace TCP active connections (connect()). [Examples](tools/tcpconnect_example.txt).
- tools/[tcpconnlat](tools/ Trace TCP active connection latency (connect()). [Examples](tools/tcpconnlat_example.txt). - tools/[tcpconnlat](tools/ Trace TCP active connection latency (connect()). [Examples](tools/tcpconnlat_example.txt).
- tools/[tcpretrans](tools/ Trace TCP retransmits and TLPs. [Examples](tools/tcpretrans_example.txt). - tools/[tcpretrans](tools/ Trace TCP retransmits and TLPs. [Examples](tools/tcpretrans_example.txt).
- tools/[trace](tools/ Trace arbitrary functions, with filters. [Examples](tools/trace_example.txt)
- tools/[vfscount](tools/ tools/[vfscount.c](tools/vfscount.c): Count VFS calls. [Examples](tools/vfscount_example.txt). - tools/[vfscount](tools/ tools/[vfscount.c](tools/vfscount.c): Count VFS calls. [Examples](tools/vfscount_example.txt).
- tools/[vfsstat](tools/ tools/[vfsstat.c](tools/vfsstat.c): Count some VFS calls, with column output. [Examples](tools/vfsstat_example.txt). - tools/[vfsstat](tools/ tools/[vfsstat.c](tools/vfsstat.c): Count some VFS calls, with column output. [Examples](tools/vfsstat_example.txt).
- tools/[wakeuptime](tools/ Summarize sleep to wakeup time by waker kernel stack. [Examples](tools/wakeuptime_example.txt). - tools/[wakeuptime](tools/ Summarize sleep to wakeup time by waker kernel stack. [Examples](tools/wakeuptime_example.txt).
.TH trace 8 "2016-02-18" "USER COMMANDS"
trace \- Trace a function and print its arguments or return value, optionally evaluating a filter. Uses Linux eBPF/bcc.
.B trace [-h] [-p PID] [-v] [-Z STRING_SIZE] [-S] [-M MAX_EVENTS] [-o] probe [probe ...]
trace probes functions you specify and displays trace messages if a particular
condition is met. You can control the message format to display function
arguments and return values.
Since this uses BPF, only the root user can use this tool.
CONFIG_BPF and bcc.
Print usage message.
\-p PID
Trace only functions in the process PID.
Display the generated BPF program, for debugging purposes.
When collecting string arguments (of type char*), collect up to STRING_SIZE
characters. Longer strings will be truncated.
If set, trace messages from trace's own process. By default, this is off to
avoid tracing storms -- for example, if you trace the write system call, and
consider that trace is writing to the standard output.
Print up to MAX_EVENTS trace messages and then exit.
Print times relative to the beginning of the trace (offsets), in seconds. The
default is to print absolute time.
probe [probe ...]
One or more probes that attach to functions, filter conditions, and print
information. See PROBE SYNTAX below.
The general probe syntax is as follows:
.B [{p,r}]:[library]:function [(predicate)] ["format string"[, arguments]]
.B [{p,r}]
Probe type \- "p" for function entry, "r" for function return. The default
probe type is "p".
.B [library]
Library containing the probe.
Specify the full path to the .so or executable file where the function to probe
resides. Alternatively, you can specify just the lib name: for example, "c"
refers to libc. If no library name is specified, the kernel is assumed. Also,
you can specify an executable name (without a full path) if it is in the PATH.
For example, "bash".
.B function
The function to probe.
.B [(predicate)]
The filter applied to the captured data. Only if the filter evaluates as true,
the trace message will be printed. The filter can use any valid C expression
that refers to the argument values: arg1, arg2, etc., or to the return value
retval in a return probe. If necessary, use C cast operators to coerce the
arguments to the desired type. For example, if arg1 is of type int, use the
expression ((int)arg1 < 0) to trace only invocations where arg1 is negative.
Note that only arg1-arg6 are supported, and only if the function is using the
standard x86_64 convention where the first six arguments are in the RDI, RSI,
RDX, RCX, R8, R9 registers. If no predicate is specified, all function
invocations are traced.
.B ["format string"[, arguments]]
A printf-style format string that will be used for the trace message. You can
use the following format specifiers: %s, %d, %u, %lld, %llu, %hd, %hu, %c,
%x, %llx -- with the same semantics as printf's. Make sure to pass the exact
number of arguments as there are placeholders in the format string. The
format specifier replacements may be any C expressions, and may refer to the
same special keywords as in the predicate (arg1, arg2, etc.).
The predicate expression and the format specifier replacements for printing
may also use the following special keywords: $pid, $tgid to refer to the
current process' pid and tgid; $uid, $gid to refer to the current user's
uid and gid; $cpu to refer to the current processor number.
Trace all invocations of the open system call with the name of the file being opened:
.B trace '::do_sys_open """%s"", arg2'
Trace all invocations of the read system call where the number of bytes requested is greater than 20,000:
.B trace '::sys_read (arg3 > 20000) """read %d bytes"", arg3'
Trace all malloc calls and print the size of the requested allocation:
.B trace ':c:malloc """size = %d"", arg1'
Trace returns from the readline function in bash and print the return value as a string:
.B trace 'r:bash:readline """%s"", retval'
This is from bcc.
Also look in the bcc distribution for a companion _examples.txt file containing
example usage, output, and commentary for this tool.
Unstable - in development.
Sasha Goldshtein
#!/usr/bin/env python
# trace Trace a function and print a trace message based on its
# parameters, with an optional filter.
# USAGE: trace [-h] [-p PID] [-v] [-Z STRING_SIZE] [-S] [-M MAX_EVENTS] [-o]
# probe [probe ...]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# Copyright (C) 2016 Sasha Goldshtein.
from bcc import BPF
from time import sleep, strftime
import argparse
import re
import ctypes as ct
import os
import traceback
import sys
class Time(object):
# BPF timestamps come from the monotonic clock. To be able to filter
# and compare them from Python, we need to invoke clock_gettime.
# Adapted from
CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 4 # see <linux/time.h>
class timespec(ct.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('tv_sec', ct.c_long),
('tv_nsec', ct.c_long)
librt = ct.CDLL('', use_errno=True)
clock_gettime = librt.clock_gettime
clock_gettime.argtypes = [ct.c_int, ct.POINTER(timespec)]
def monotonic_time():
t = Time.timespec()
if Time.clock_gettime(
Time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, ct.pointer(t)) != 0:
errno_ = ct.get_errno()
raise OSError(errno_, os.strerror(errno_))
return t.tv_sec * 1e9 + t.tv_nsec
class Probe(object):
probe_count = 0
max_events = None
event_count = 0
first_ts = 0
use_localtime = True
def configure(cls, args):
cls.max_events = args.max_events
cls.use_localtime = not args.offset
cls.first_ts = Time.monotonic_time()
def __init__(self, probe, string_size):
self.raw_probe = probe
self.string_size = string_size
Probe.probe_count += 1
self.probe_num = Probe.probe_count
self.probe_name = "probe_%s_%d" % \
(self.function, self.probe_num)
def __str__(self):
return "%s:%s`%s FLT=%s ACT=%s/%s" % (self.probe_type,
self.library, self.function, self.filter,
self.types, self.values)
def is_default_action(self):
return self.python_format == ""
def _bail(self, error):
raise ValueError("error parsing probe '%s': %s" %
(self.raw_probe, error))
def _parse_probe(self):
text = self.raw_probe
# Everything until the first space is the probe specifier
first_space = text.find(' ')
spec = text[:first_space] if first_space >= 0 else text
if first_space >= 0:
text = text[first_space:].lstrip()
text = ""
# If we now have a (, wait for the balanced closing ) and that
# will be the predicate
self.filter = None
if len(text) > 0 and text[0] == "(":
balance = 1
for i in range(1, len(text)):
if text[i] == "(":
balance += 1
if text[i] == ")":
balance -= 1
if balance == 0:
text = text[i+1:]
if self.filter is None:
self._bail("unmatched end of predicate")
if self.filter is None:
self.filter = "1"
# The remainder of the text is the printf action
def _parse_spec(self, spec):
parts = spec.split(":")
# Two special cases: 'func' means 'p::func', 'lib:func' means
# 'p:lib:func'. Other combinations need to provide an empty
# value between delimiters, e.g. 'r::func' for a kretprobe on
# the function func.
if len(parts) == 1:
parts = ["p", "", parts[0]]
elif len(parts) == 2:
parts = ["p", parts[0], parts[1]]
if len(parts[0]) == 0:
self.probe_type = "p"
elif parts[0] in ["p", "r"]:
self.probe_type = parts[0]
self._bail("expected '', 'p', or 'r', got '%s'" %
self.library = parts[1]
self.function = parts[2]
def _parse_filter(self, filt):
self.filter = self._replace_args(filt)
def _parse_types(self, fmt):
for match in re.finditer(
r'[^%]%(s|u|d|llu|lld|hu|hd|x|llx|c)', fmt):
fmt = re.sub(r'([^%]%)(u|d|llu|lld|hu|hd)', r'\1d', fmt)
fmt = re.sub(r'([^%]%)(x|llx)', r'\1x', fmt)
self.python_format = fmt.strip('"')
def _parse_action(self, action):
self.values = []
self.types = []
self.python_format = ""
if len(action) == 0:
parts = action.split(',')
self.raw_format = parts[0]
for part in parts[1:]:
part = self._replace_args(part)
aliases = {
"retval": "ctx->ax",
"arg1": "ctx->di",
"arg2": "ctx->si",
"arg3": "ctx->dx",
"arg4": "ctx->cx",
"arg5": "ctx->r8",
"arg6": "ctx->r9",
"$uid": "(unsigned)(bpf_get_current_uid_gid() & 0xffffffff)",
"$gid": "(unsigned)(bpf_get_current_uid_gid() >> 32)",
"$pid": "(unsigned)(bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() & 0xffffffff)",
"$tgid": "(unsigned)(bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32)",
"$cpu": "bpf_get_smp_processor_id()"
def _replace_args(self, expr):
for alias, replacement in Probe.aliases.items():
expr = expr.replace(alias, replacement)
return expr
p_type = { "u": ct.c_uint, "d": ct.c_int,
"llu": ct.c_ulonglong, "lld": ct.c_longlong,
"hu": ct.c_ushort, "hd": ct.c_short,
"x": ct.c_uint, "llx": ct.c_ulonglong,
"c": ct.c_ubyte }
def _generate_python_field_decl(self, idx, fields):
field_type = self.types[idx]
if field_type == "s":
ptype = ct.c_char * self.string_size
ptype = Probe.p_type[field_type]
fields.append(("v%d" % idx, ptype))
def _generate_python_data_decl(self):
self.python_struct_name = "%s_%d_Data" % \
(self.function, self.probe_num)
fields = [
("timestamp_ns", ct.c_ulonglong),
("pid", ct.c_uint),
("comm", ct.c_char * 16) # TASK_COMM_LEN
for i in range(0, len(self.types)):
self._generate_python_field_decl(i, fields)
return type(self.python_struct_name, (ct.Structure,),
c_type = { "u": "unsigned int", "d": "int",
"llu": "unsigned long long", "lld": "long long",
"hu": "unsigned short", "hd": "short",
"x": "unsigned int", "llx": "unsigned long long",
"c": "char" }
fmt_types = c_type.keys()
def _generate_field_decl(self, idx):
field_type = self.types[idx]
if field_type == "s":
return "char v%d[%d];\n" % (idx, self.string_size)
if field_type in Probe.fmt_types:
return "%s v%d;\n" % (Probe.c_type[field_type], idx)
self._bail("unrecognized format specifier %s" % field_type)
def _generate_data_decl(self):
# The BPF program will populate values into the struct
# according to the format string, and the Python program will
# construct the final display string.
self.events_name = "%s_events" % self.probe_name
self.struct_name = "%s_data_t" % self.probe_name
data_fields = ""
for i, field_type in enumerate(self.types):
data_fields += " " + \
text = """
struct %s
u64 timestamp_ns;
u32 pid;
char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
return text % (self.struct_name, data_fields, self.events_name)
def _generate_field_assign(self, idx):
field_type = self.types[idx]
expr = self.values[idx]
if field_type == "s":
return """
if (%s != 0) {
bpf_probe_read(&__data.v%d, sizeof(__data.v%d), (void *)%s);
""" % (expr, idx, idx, expr)
# return ("bpf_probe_read(&__data.v%d, " + \
# "sizeof(__data.v%d), (char*)%s);\n") % (idx, idx, expr)
# return ("__builtin_memcpy(&__data.v%d, (void *)%s, " + \
# "sizeof(__data.v%d));\n") % (idx, expr, idx)
if field_type in Probe.fmt_types:
return " __data.v%d = (%s)%s;\n" % \
(idx, Probe.c_type[field_type], expr)
self._bail("unrecognized field type %s" % field_type)
def generate_program(self, pid, include_self):
data_decl = self._generate_data_decl() = pid
# kprobes don't have built-in pid filters, so we have to add
# it to the function body:
if len(self.library) == 0 and pid != -1:
pid_filter = """
u32 __pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
if (__pid != %d) { return 0; }
""" % pid
elif not include_self:
pid_filter = """
u32 __pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
if (__pid == %d) { return 0; }
""" % os.getpid()
pid_filter = ""
data_fields = ""
for i, expr in enumerate(self.values):
data_fields += self._generate_field_assign(i)
text = """
int %s(struct pt_regs *ctx)
if (!(%s)) return 0;
struct %s __data = {0};
__data.timestamp_ns = bpf_ktime_get_ns(); = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
bpf_get_current_comm(&__data.comm, sizeof(__data.comm));
%s.perf_submit(ctx, &__data, sizeof(__data));
return 0;
text = text % (self.probe_name, pid_filter,
self.filter, self.struct_name,
data_fields, self.events_name)
return data_decl + "\n" + text
def _time_off_str(cls, timestamp_ns):
return "%.6f" % (1e-9 * (timestamp_ns - cls.first_ts))
def print_event(self, cpu, data, size):
# Cast as the generated structure type and display
# according to the format string in the probe.
event = ct.cast(data, ct.POINTER(self.python_struct)).contents
values = map(lambda i: getattr(event, "v%d" % i),
range(0, len(self.values)))
msg = self.python_format % tuple(values)
time = strftime("%H:%M:%S") if Probe.use_localtime else \
print("%-8s %-6d %-12s %-16s %s" % \
(time[:8],, event.comm[:12], self.function, msg))
Probe.event_count += 1
if Probe.max_events is not None and \
Probe.event_count >= Probe.max_events:
def attach(self, bpf, verbose):
if len(self.library) == 0:
self.python_struct = self._generate_python_data_decl()
def _attach_k(self, bpf):
if self.probe_type == "r":
elif self.probe_type == "p":
def _attach_u(self, bpf):
libpath = BPF.find_library(self.library)
if libpath is None:
# This might be an executable (e.g. 'bash')
with os.popen("/usr/bin/which %s 2>/dev/null" %
self.library) as w:
libpath =
if libpath is None or len(libpath) == 0:
self._bail("unable to find library %s" % self.library)
if self.probe_type == "r":
class Tool(object):
examples = """
trace do_sys_open
Trace the open syscall and print a default trace message when entered
trace 'do_sys_open "%s", arg2'
Trace the open syscall and print the filename being opened
trace 'sys_read (arg3 > 20000) "read %d bytes", arg3'
Trace the read syscall and print a message for reads >20000 bytes
trace 'r::do_sys_return "%llx", retval'
Trace the return from the open syscall and print the return value
trace 'c:open (arg2 == 42) "%s %d", arg1, arg2'
Trace the open() call from libc only if the flags (arg2) argument is 42
trace 'c:malloc "size = %d", arg1'
Trace malloc calls and print the size being allocated
trace 'p:c:write (arg1 == 1) "writing %d bytes to STDOUT", arg3'
Trace the write() call from libc to monitor writes to STDOUT
trace 'r::__kmalloc (retval == 0) "kmalloc failed!"
Trace returns from __kmalloc which returned a null pointer
trace 'r:c:malloc (retval) "allocated = %p", retval
Trace returns from malloc and print non-NULL allocated buffers
def __init__(self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
"Attach to functions and print trace messages.",
parser.add_argument("-p", "--pid", type=int,
help="id of the process to trace (optional)")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="print resulting BPF program code before executing")
parser.add_argument("-Z", "--string-size", type=int,
default=80, help="maximum size to read from strings")
parser.add_argument("-S", "--include-self", action="store_true",
help="do not filter trace's own pid from the trace")
parser.add_argument("-M", "--max-events", type=int,
help="number of events to print before quitting")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--offset", action="store_true",
help="use relative time from first traced message")
parser.add_argument(metavar="probe", dest="probes", nargs="+",
help="probe specifier (see examples)")
self.args = parser.parse_args()
def _create_probes(self):
self.probes = []
for probe_spec in self.args.probes:
probe_spec, self.args.string_size))
def _generate_program(self):
self.program = """
#include <linux/ptrace.h>
#include <linux/sched.h> /* For TASK_COMM_LEN */
for probe in self.probes:
self.program += probe.generate_program( or -1, self.args.include_self)
if self.args.verbose:
def _attach_probes(self):
self.bpf = BPF(text=self.program)
for probe in self.probes:
if self.args.verbose:
probe.attach(self.bpf, self.args.verbose)
def _main_loop(self):
all_probes_trivial = all(map(Probe.is_default_action,
# Print header
print("%-8s %-6s %-12s %-16s %s" % \
("TIME", "PID", "COMM", "FUNC",
"-" if not all_probes_trivial else ""))
while True:
def run(self):
if self.args.verbose:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Demonstrations of trace.
trace probes functions you specify and displays trace messages if a particular
condition is met. You can control the message format to display function
arguments and return values.
For example, suppose you want to trace all commands being exec'd across the
# trace 'sys_execve "%s", arg1'
05:11:51 4402 bash sys_execve /usr/bin/man
05:11:51 4411 man sys_execve /usr/local/bin/less
05:11:51 4411 man sys_execve /usr/bin/less
05:11:51 4410 man sys_execve /usr/local/bin/nroff
05:11:51 4410 man sys_execve /usr/bin/nroff
05:11:51 4409 man sys_execve /usr/local/bin/tbl
05:11:51 4409 man sys_execve /usr/bin/tbl
05:11:51 4408 man sys_execve /usr/local/bin/preconv
05:11:51 4408 man sys_execve /usr/bin/preconv
05:11:51 4415 nroff sys_execve /usr/bin/locale
05:11:51 4416 nroff sys_execve /usr/bin/groff
05:11:51 4418 groff sys_execve /usr/bin/grotty
05:11:51 4417 groff sys_execve /usr/bin/troff
The ::sys_execve syntax specifies that you want an entry probe (which is the
default), in a kernel function (which is the default) called sys_execve. Next,
the format string to print is simply "%s", which prints a string. Finally, the
value to print is the first argument to the sys_execve function, which happens
to be the command that is exec'd. The above trace was generated by executing
"man ls" in a separate shell. As you see, man executes a number of additional
programs to finally display the man page.
Next, suppose you are looking for large reads across the system. Let's trace
the read system call and inspect the third argument, which is the number of
bytes to be read:
# trace 'sys_read (arg3 > 20000) "read %d bytes", arg3'
05:18:23 4490 dd sys_read read 1048576 bytes
05:18:23 4490 dd sys_read read 1048576 bytes
05:18:23 4490 dd sys_read read 1048576 bytes
05:18:23 4490 dd sys_read read 1048576 bytes
During the trace, I executed "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=1M count=4".
The individual reads are visible, with the custom format message printed for
each read. The parenthesized expression "(arg3 > 20000)" is a filter that is
evaluated for each invocation of the probe before printing anything.
You can also trace user functions. For example, let's simulate the bashreadline
script, which attaches to the readline function in bash and prints its return
value, effectively snooping all bash shell input across the system:
# trace 'r:bash:readline "%s", retval'
05:24:50 2740 bash readline echo hi!
05:24:53 2740 bash readline man ls
The special retval keywords stands for the function's return value, and can
be used only in a retprobe, specified by the 'r' prefix. The next component
of the probe is the library that contains the desired function. It's OK to
specify executables too, as long as they can be found in the PATH. Or, you
can specify the full path to the executable (e.g. "/usr/bin/bash").
Multiple probes can be combined on the same command line. For example, let's
trace failed read and write calls on the libc level:
# trace 'r:c:read ((int)retval < 0) "read failed: %d", retval' \
'r:c:write ((int)retval < 0) "write failed: %d", retval'
05:31:57 3388 bash write write failed: -1
05:32:00 3388 bash write write failed: -1
Note that the retval variable must be cast to int before comparing to zero.
The reason is that the default type for argN and retval is an unsigned 64-bit
integer, which can never be smaller than 0.
As a final example, let's trace open syscalls for a specific process. By
default, tracing is system-wide, but the -p switch overrides this:
# trace -p 2740 'do_sys_open "%s", arg2'
05:36:16 15872 ls do_sys_open /etc/
05:36:16 15872 ls do_sys_open /lib64/
05:36:16 15872 ls do_sys_open /lib64/
05:36:16 15872 ls do_sys_open /lib64/
05:36:16 15872 ls do_sys_open /lib64/
05:36:16 15872 ls do_sys_open /lib64/
05:36:16 15872 ls do_sys_open /lib64/
05:36:16 15872 ls do_sys_open /lib64/
05:36:16 15872 ls do_sys_open /lib64/
05:36:16 15872 ls do_sys_open /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
05:36:16 15872 ls do_sys_open /home/vagrant
In this example, we traced the "ls ~" command as it was opening its shared
libraries and then accessing the /home/vagrant directory listing.
USAGE message:
# trace -h
usage: [-h] [-p PID] [-v] [-Z STRING_SIZE] [-S] [-M MAX_EVENTS] [-o]
probe [probe ...]
Attach to functions and print trace messages.
positional arguments:
probe probe specifier (see examples)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PID, --pid PID id of the process to trace (optional)
-v, --verbose print resulting BPF program code before executing
maximum size to read from strings
-S, --include-self do not filter trace's own pid from the trace
-M MAX_EVENTS, --max-events MAX_EVENTS
number of events to print before quitting
-o, --offset use relative time from first traced message
trace do_sys_open
Trace the open syscall and print a default trace message when entered
trace 'do_sys_open "%s", arg2'
Trace the open syscall and print the filename being opened
trace 'sys_read (arg3 > 20000) "read %d bytes", arg3'
Trace the read syscall and print a message for reads >20000 bytes
trace r::do_sys_return
Trace the return from the open syscall
trace 'c:open (arg2 == 42) "%s %d", arg1, arg2'
Trace the open() call from libc only if the flags (arg2) argument is 42
trace 'c:malloc "size = %d", arg1'
Trace malloc calls and print the size being allocated
trace 'p:c:write (arg1 == 1) "writing %d bytes to STDOUT", arg3'
Trace the write() call from libc to monitor writes to STDOUT
trace 'r::__kmalloc (retval == 0) "kmalloc failed!"
Trace returns from __kmalloc which returned a null pointer
trace 'r:c:malloc (retval) "allocated = %p", retval
Trace returns from malloc and print non-NULL allocated buffers
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