Commit fefaf32b authored by Marek Vavruša's avatar Marek Vavruša

lua/bpf: implemented emulated LD_ABS64

the DW LD_ABS|IND is prohibited, so it is
implemented as a double W load with shift.
this is slow as it also has to undo the ntohl
semantics of W loads, but makes dissection of
64bit fields with absolute addressing possible 
parent 7addb8ac
......@@ -296,53 +296,6 @@ local function bb_end(Vcomp)
local function LD_ABS(dst, off, w)
local dst_reg = vreg(dst, 0, true, builtins.width_type(w)) -- Reserve R0
-- assert(w < 8, 'NYI: LD_ABS64 is not supported') -- IMM64 has two IMM32 insns fused together
emit(BPF.LD + BPF.ABS + const_width[w], dst_reg, 0, 0, off)
local function LD_IND(dst, src, w, off)
local src_reg = vreg(src) -- Must materialize first in case dst == src
local dst_reg = vreg(dst, 0, true, builtins.width_type(w)) -- Reserve R0
emit(BPF.LD + BPF.IND + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_reg, 0, off or 0)
local function LD_FIELD(a, d, w, imm)
if imm then
LD_ABS(a, imm, w)
LD_IND(a, d, w)
-- @note: This is specific now as it expects registers reserved
local function LD_IMM_X(dst_reg, src_type, imm, w)
if w == 8 then -- IMM64 must be done in two instructions with imm64 = (lo(imm32), hi(imm32))
emit(BPF.LD + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_type, 0, ffi.cast('uint32_t', imm))
-- Must shift in two steps as bit.lshift supports [0..31]
emit(0, 0, 0, 0, ffi.cast('uint32_t', bit.lshift(bit.lshift(imm, 16), 16)))
emit(BPF.LD + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_type, 0, imm)
local function LOAD(dst, src, off, vtype)
local base = V[src].const
assert(base.__dissector, 'NYI: load() on variable that doesnt have dissector')
-- Cast to different type if requested
vtype = vtype or base.__dissector
local w = ffi.sizeof(vtype)
assert(w <= 4, 'NYI: load() supports 1/2/4 bytes at a time only')
if then -- Absolute address to payload
LD_ABS(dst, off +, w)
else -- Indirect address to payload
LD_IND(dst, src, w, off)
V[dst].type = vtype
V[dst].const = nil -- Dissected value is not constant anymore
local function CMP_STR(a, b, op)
assert(op == 'JEQ' or op == 'JNE', 'NYI: only equivallence stack/string only supports == or ~=')
-- I have no better idea how to implement it than unrolled XOR loop, as we can fixup only one JMP
......@@ -463,7 +416,6 @@ local function ALU_REG(dst, a, b, op)
local function ALU_IMM_NV(dst, a, b, op)
-- Do DST = IMM(a) op VAR(b) where we can't invert because
-- the registers are u64 but immediates are u32, so complement
......@@ -472,6 +424,71 @@ local function ALU_IMM_NV(dst, a, b, op)
ALU_REG(dst, stackslots+1, b, op)
local function LD_ABS(dst, off, w)
if w < 8 then
local dst_reg = vreg(dst, 0, true, builtins.width_type(w)) -- Reserve R0
emit(BPF.LD + BPF.ABS + const_width[w], dst_reg, 0, 0, off)
elseif w == 8 then
-- LD_ABS|IND prohibits DW, we need to do two W loads and combine them
local tmp_reg = vreg(stackslots, 0, true, builtins.width_type(w)) -- Reserve R0
emit(BPF.LD + BPF.ABS + const_width[4], tmp_reg, 0, 0, off + 4)
if ffi.abi('le') then -- LD_ABS has htonl() semantics, reverse
emit(BPF.ALU + BPF.END + BPF.TO_BE, tmp_reg, 0, 0, 32)
ALU_IMM(stackslots, stackslots, 32, 'LSH')
local dst_reg = vreg(dst, 0, true, builtins.width_type(w)) -- Reserve R0, spill tmp variable
emit(BPF.LD + BPF.ABS + const_width[4], dst_reg, 0, 0, off)
if ffi.abi('le') then -- LD_ABS has htonl() semantics, reverse
emit(BPF.ALU + BPF.END + BPF.TO_BE, dst_reg, 0, 0, 32)
ALU_REG(dst, dst, stackslots, 'OR')
V[stackslots].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers
assert(w < 8, 'NYI: only LD_ABS of 1/2/4/8 is supported')
local function LD_IND(dst, src, w, off)
local src_reg = vreg(src) -- Must materialize first in case dst == src
local dst_reg = vreg(dst, 0, true, builtins.width_type(w)) -- Reserve R0
emit(BPF.LD + BPF.IND + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_reg, 0, off or 0)
local function LD_FIELD(a, d, w, imm)
if imm then
LD_ABS(a, imm, w)
LD_IND(a, d, w)
-- @note: This is specific now as it expects registers reserved
local function LD_IMM_X(dst_reg, src_type, imm, w)
if w == 8 then -- IMM64 must be done in two instructions with imm64 = (lo(imm32), hi(imm32))
emit(BPF.LD + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_type, 0, ffi.cast('uint32_t', imm))
-- Must shift in two steps as bit.lshift supports [0..31]
emit(0, 0, 0, 0, ffi.cast('uint32_t', bit.lshift(bit.lshift(imm, 16), 16)))
emit(BPF.LD + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_type, 0, imm)
local function LOAD(dst, src, off, vtype)
local base = V[src].const
assert(base.__dissector, 'NYI: load() on variable that doesnt have dissector')
-- Cast to different type if requested
vtype = vtype or base.__dissector
local w = ffi.sizeof(vtype)
assert(w <= 4, 'NYI: load() supports 1/2/4 bytes at a time only')
if then -- Absolute address to payload
LD_ABS(dst, off +, w)
else -- Indirect address to payload
LD_IND(dst, src, w, off)
V[dst].type = vtype
V[dst].const = nil -- Dissected value is not constant anymore
local function BUILTIN(func, ...)
local builtin_export = {
-- Compiler primitives (work with variable slots, emit instructions)
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