Commit 32322030 authored by gabrieldemarmiesse's avatar gabrieldemarmiesse

Transfer of the dynamic attributes into the userguide.

parent 2f3ee7ad
......@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ interface to them.
.. _readonly:
Static Attributes
Attributes of an extension type are stored directly in the object's C struct.
The set of attributes is fixed at compile time; you can't add attributes to an
extension type instance at run time simply by assigning to them, as you could
with a Python class instance. (You can subclass the extension type in Python
and add attributes to instances of the subclass, however.)
and add attributes to instances of the subclass, see :ref:`dynamic_attributes`.)
There are two ways that attributes of an extension type can be accessed: by
Python attribute lookup, or by direct access to the C struct from Cython code.
......@@ -76,6 +76,51 @@ and the depth attribute readable but not writable.
Python access, not direct access. All the attributes of an extension type
are always readable and writable by C-level access.
.. _dynamic_attributes:
Dynamic Attributes
It is not possible to add attributes to an extension type at runtime by default.
You have two ways of avoiding this limitation, both add an overhead when
a method is called from Python code.
The first workaround is making a child Python class and is preferred way of
keeping the static attributes of an extension
type while enabling the use of dynamic attributes::
cdef class Animal:
cdef int number_of_legs
def __cinit__(self, int number_of_legs):
self.number_of_legs = number_of_legs
class ExtendableAnimal(Animal): # Note that we use class, not cdef class
dog = ExtendableAnimal(4)
dog.has_tail = True
Declaring a ``__dict__`` attribute is the second way of enabling dynamic attributes
and can have a significant performance penalty compared to subclassing,
especially when using ``cpdef`` class methods::
cdef class Animal:
cdef int number_of_legs
cdef dict __dict__
def __cinit__(self, int number_of_legs):
self.number_of_legs = number_of_legs
dog = Animal(4)
dog.has_tail = True
Type declarations
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