# https://ci.appveyor.com/project/cython/cython environment: global: # SDK v7.0 MSVC Express 2008's SetEnv.cmd script will fail if the # /E:ON and /V:ON options are not enabled in the batch script interpreter # See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/13751649/163740 WITH_ENV: "cmd /E:ON /V:ON /C .\\appveyor\\run_with_env.cmd" matrix: - PYTHON: "C:\\Python27" PYTHON_VERSION: "2.7" PYTHON_ARCH: "32" - PYTHON: "C:\\Python27-x64" PYTHON_VERSION: "2.7" PYTHON_ARCH: "64" - PYTHON: "C:\\Python37" PYTHON_VERSION: "3.7" PYTHON_ARCH: "32" - PYTHON: "C:\\Python37-x64" PYTHON_VERSION: "3.7" PYTHON_ARCH: "64" - PYTHON: "C:\\Python36" PYTHON_VERSION: "3.6" PYTHON_ARCH: "32" - PYTHON: "C:\\Python36-x64" PYTHON_VERSION: "3.6" PYTHON_ARCH: "64" - PYTHON: "C:\\Python35" PYTHON_VERSION: "3.5" PYTHON_ARCH: "32" - PYTHON: "C:\\Python35-x64" PYTHON_VERSION: "3.5" PYTHON_ARCH: "64" - PYTHON: "C:\\Python34" PYTHON_VERSION: "3.4" PYTHON_ARCH: "32" - PYTHON: "C:\\Python34-x64" PYTHON_VERSION: "3.4" PYTHON_ARCH: "64" clone_depth: 5 branches: only: - master - release init: - "ECHO Python %PYTHON_VERSION% (%PYTHON_ARCH%bit) from %PYTHON%" install: - "powershell appveyor\\install.ps1" - "%PYTHON%\\python.exe --version" - "%PYTHON%\\Scripts\\pip.exe --version" - "%PYTHON%\\Scripts\\wheel.exe version" build: off build_script: - "%WITH_ENV% %PYTHON%\\python.exe setup.py build_ext --inplace" - "%WITH_ENV% %PYTHON%\\python.exe setup.py bdist_wheel" test: off test_script: - "%PYTHON%\\Scripts\\pip.exe install -r test-requirements.txt" - "set CFLAGS=/Od /W4" - "%WITH_ENV% %PYTHON%\\python.exe runtests.py -vv --no-cpp --no-code-style -j5" artifacts: - path: dist\* cache: - C:\Downloads\Cython -> appveyor\install.ps1 #on_success: # - TODO: upload the content of dist/*.whl to a public wheelhouse