From ea376035e687cbf3ff188113ace6d490630cc6f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Romain Courteaud <>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 09:37:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Modify code layout.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 product/ERP5/Tool/ | 189 +++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 98 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

diff --git a/product/ERP5/Tool/ b/product/ERP5/Tool/
index 954647fc97..d83d1a7916 100755
--- a/product/ERP5/Tool/
+++ b/product/ERP5/Tool/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2002, 2005 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
 #                    Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <>
 #                    Sebastien Robin <>
@@ -27,56 +27,49 @@
-from Products.CMFCore.utils import UniqueObject
-from Acquisition import Implicit
 from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
 from Globals import InitializeClass, DTMLFile
 from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions
 from Products.ERP5 import _dtmldir
 from Products.ERP5Type.Tool.BaseTool import BaseTool
-from Products.ERP5Type.Document.Folder import Folder
 from zLOG import LOG
 from DateTime import DateTime
 class DomainTool(BaseTool):
-         A tool to define ranges and subranges (predicates)
+    A tool to define ranges and subranges (predicates)
     id = 'portal_domains'
     meta_type = 'ERP5 Domain Tool'    
     portal_type     = 'Domain Tool'
-    allowed_types   = ( 'ERP5 Domain',)
+    allowed_types   = ('ERP5 Domain', )
     # Declarative Security
     security = ClassSecurityInfo()
-    #
-    #   ZMI methods
-    #
-    #manage_options =  Folder.manage_options                     
-    security.declareProtected( Permissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_overview' )
-    manage_overview = DTMLFile( 'explainDomainTool', _dtmldir )
+    security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_overview')
+    manage_overview = DTMLFile('explainDomainTool', _dtmldir)
+    # XXX FIXME method should not be public 
+    # (some users are not able to see resource's price)
-    def searchPredicateList(self,context,test=1,sort_method=None,
-                            ignored_category_list=None,filter_method=None,
-                            acquired=1,**kw):
+    def searchPredicateList(self, context, test=1, sort_method=None,
+                            ignored_category_list=None, filter_method=None,
+                            acquired=1, **kw):
-      Search all predicates wich corresponds to this particular context.
+      Search all predicates which corresponds to this particular 
+      context.
-      - The sort_method parameter allows to give a method wich will be
+      - The sort_method parameter allows to give a method which will be
         used in order to sort the list of predicates founds. The most
         important predicate is the first one in the list.
-      - ignored_category_list :  this is the list of category that we do
+      - ignored_category_list:  this is the list of category that we do
         not want to test. For example, we might want to not test the 
         destination or the source of a predicate.
-      - the acquired parameter allow to define if we want to use
+      - the acquired parameter allows to define if we want to use
         acquisition for categories. By default we want.
       portal_catalog = context.portal_catalog
       portal_categories = context.portal_categories
@@ -84,47 +77,53 @@ class DomainTool(BaseTool):
       expression_list = []
       checked_column_list = []
       sql_kw = {}
+      # Search the columns of the predicate table
       for column in portal_catalog.getColumnIds():
         if column.startswith('predicate.'):
       for column in column_list:
-        if column in checked_column_list:
-          continue
-        range_property = 0
-        if column.endswith('_range_min') or column.endswith('_range_max'):
-          range_property = 1
-          property = column[-len('_range_min')]
-        if '%s_range_min' % column in column_list:
-          range_property = 1
-          property = column
-        if range_property:
-          # We have to check a range property
-          base_name = 'predicate.%s' % property
-#           LOG('searchPredicateList, getPath',0,context.getPath())
-#           LOG('searchPredicateList, base_name',0,base_name)
-#           LOG('searchPredicateList, property',0,property)
-#           LOG('searchPredicateList, getProperty',0,context.getProperty(property))
-          value = context.getProperty(property)
-          expression = ''
-          if value is None:
-            expression += "%s is NULL AND %s_range_min is NULL AND %s_range_max is NULL" \
-                                   % ((base_name,)*3)
-          else:
-            if isinstance(value, DateTime):
-              value = value.ISO()
-            expression = "%s is NULL AND %s_range_min is NULL AND %s_range_max is NULL " % ((base_name,)*3) 
-            expression += "OR %s = '%s' " % (base_name,value)
-            expression += "OR %s_range_min <= '%s' AND %s_range_max is NULL " \
-                           % (base_name,value,base_name)
-            expression += "OR %s_range_min is NULL AND %s_range_max > '%s' " \
-                           % (base_name,base_name,value)
-            expression += "OR %s_range_min <= '%s' AND %s_range_max > '%s' " \
-                           % (base_name,value,base_name,value)
-          expression = '( ' + expression + ' )'
-          expression_list.append(expression)
-          checked_column_list.append('%s' % property)
-          checked_column_list.append('%s_range_min' % property)
-          checked_column_list.append('%s_range_max' % property)
+        if column not in checked_column_list:
+          range_property = 0
+          if (column.endswith('_range_min')) or \
+             (column.endswith('_range_max')):
+            range_property = 1
+            # XXX FIXME: what means property here ?
+            property = column[-len('_range_min')]
+          if ('%s_range_min' % column) in column_list:
+            range_property = 1
+            property = column
+          if range_property:
+            # We have to check a range property
+            base_name = 'predicate.%s' % property
+#             LOG('searchPredicateList, getPath', 0, context.getPath())
+#             LOG('searchPredicateList, base_name', 0, base_name)
+#             LOG('searchPredicateList, property', 0, property)
+#             LOG('searchPredicateList, getProperty', 0,
+#                 context.getProperty(property))
+            value = context.getProperty(property)
+            format_dict = {'base_name': base_name}
+            expression = "(%(base_name)s is NULL) AND " \
+                         "(%(base_name)s_range_min is NULL) AND " \
+                         "(%(base_name)s_range_max is NULL)" % format_dict
+            if value is not None:
+              # Handle Mysql datetime correctly
+              if isinstance(value, DateTime):
+                value = value.ISO()
+              format_dict['value'] = value
+              # Generate expression
+              expression += "OR (%(base_name)s = '%(value)s') " \
+                          "OR (%(base_name)s_range_min <= '%(value)s') AND " \
+                              "(%(base_name)s_range_max is NULL) " \
+                          "OR (%(base_name)s_range_min is NULL) AND " \
+                              "%(base_name)s_range_max > '%(value)s' " \
+                          "OR (%(base_name)s_range_min <= '%(value)s') AND " \
+                              "%(base_name)s_range_max > '%(value)s' " \
+                            % format_dict
+            expression = '( %s )' % expression
+            expression_list.append(expression)
+            checked_column_list.append('%s' % property)
+            checked_column_list.append('%s_range_min' % property)
+            checked_column_list.append('%s_range_max' % property)
       # Add predicate.uid for automatic join
       sql_kw['predicate.uid'] = '!=0'
       where_expression = ' AND '.join(expression_list)
@@ -136,9 +135,12 @@ class DomainTool(BaseTool):
         category_list = context.getCategoryList()
       if len(category_list)==0:
         category_list = ['NULL']
-      category_expression = portal_categories.buildSQLSelector(category_list,query_table='predicate_category')
-      if len(where_expression)>0:
-        where_expression = '(%s) AND (%s)' % (where_expression,category_expression)
+      category_expression = portal_categories.buildSQLSelector(
+                                             category_list,
+                                             query_table='predicate_category')
+      if len(where_expression) > 0:
+        where_expression = '(%s) AND (%s)' % \
+                                        (where_expression,category_expression)
         where_expression = category_expression
       sql_kw['where_expression'] = where_expression
@@ -148,55 +150,60 @@ class DomainTool(BaseTool):
 #       LOG('searchPredicateList, kw',0,kw)
       sql_result_list = portal_catalog.searchResults(**kw)
-      if kw.has_key('src__') and kw['src__']:
+      if kw.get('src__'):
         return sql_result_list
       result_list = []
-      #LOG('searchPredicateList, result_list before test',0,[x.getObject() for x in sql_result_list])
+#       LOG('searchPredicateList, result_list before test', 0,
+#           [x.getObject() for x in sql_result_list])
       for predicate in [x.getObject() for x in sql_result_list]:
         if test==0 or predicate.test(context):
-      #LOG('searchPredicateList, result_list before sort',0,result_list)
+#       LOG('searchPredicateList, result_list before sort', 0, result_list)
       if filter_method is not None:
         result_list = filter_method(result_list)
       if sort_method is not None:
-      #LOG('searchPredicateList, result_list after sort',0,result_list)
+#       LOG('searchPredicateList, result_list after sort', 0, result_list)
       return result_list
+    # XXX FIXME method should not be public 
+    # (some users are not able to see resource's price)
-    def generateMappedValue(self,context,test=1,predicate_list=None,**kw):
+    def generateMappedValue(self, context, test=1, predicate_list=None, **kw):
-      We will generate a mapped value with the list of all predicates founds. Let's say
-      we have 3 predicates (in the order we want) like this:
+      We will generate a mapped value with the list of all predicates 
+      founds. 
+      Let's say we have 3 predicates (in the order we want) like this:
       Predicate 1   [ base_price1,           ,   ,   ,    ,    , ]
       Predicate 2   [ base_price2, quantity2 ,   ,   ,    ,    , ]
       Predicate 3   [ base_price3, quantity3 ,   ,   ,    ,    , ]
-      Our MappedValue generated will have the base_price of the predicate1, and the quantity of 
-      the Predicate2, because Predicate 1 is the first one wich defines a base_price and the
-      Predicate2 is the first one wich defines a quantity
+      Our MappedValue generated will have the base_price of the 
+      predicate1, and the quantity of the Predicate2, because Predicate
+      1 is the first one which defines a base_price and the Predicate2
+      is the first one wich defines a quantity.
       # First get the list of predicates
       if predicate_list is None:
-        predicate_list = self.searchPredicateList(context,test=test,**kw)
+        predicate_list = self.searchPredicateList(context, test=test, **kw)
       if len(predicate_list)==0:
-        return None
-      #mapped_value = newTempBase(self.getPortalObject(),'new_mapped_value')
-      from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempDeliveryCell
-      mapped_value = newTempDeliveryCell(self.getPortalObject(),'new_mapped_value')
-      mapped_value_property_dict = {}
-      # Look for each property the first predicate wich defines the property
-      for predicate in predicate_list:
-        for mapped_value_property in predicate.getMappedValuePropertyList():
-          if not mapped_value_property_dict.has_key(mapped_value_property):
-            value = predicate.getProperty(mapped_value_property)
-            if value is not None:
-              mapped_value_property_dict[mapped_value_property] = value
-      mapped_value = mapped_value.asContext(**mapped_value_property_dict)
+        # No predicate, return None
+        mapped_value = None
+      else:
+        # Generate tempDeliveryCell
+        from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempDeliveryCell
+        mapped_value = newTempDeliveryCell(self.getPortalObject(),
+                                           'new_mapped_value')
+        mapped_value_property_dict = {}
+        # Look for each property the first predicate which defines the 
+        # property
+        for predicate in predicate_list:
+          for mapped_value_property in predicate.getMappedValuePropertyList():
+            if not mapped_value_property_dict.has_key(mapped_value_property):
+              value = predicate.getProperty(mapped_value_property)
+              if value is not None:
+                mapped_value_property_dict[mapped_value_property] = value
+        # Update mapped value
+        mapped_value = mapped_value.asContext(**mapped_value_property_dict)
       return mapped_value