# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## import transaction import zope.interface from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, interfaces from Products.ERP5Type.TransactionalVariable import getTransactionalVariable from Products.ERP5.Document.Movement import Movement from zLOG import LOG, WARNING from Acquisition import aq_base from Products.ERP5.Document.AppliedRule import TREE_DELIVERED_CACHE_KEY, TREE_DELIVERED_CACHE_ENABLED from Products.ERP5.mixin.property_recordable import PropertyRecordableMixin from Products.ERP5.mixin.explainable import ExplainableMixin # XXX Do we need to create groups ? (ie. confirm group include confirmed, getting_ready and ready parent_to_movement_simulation_state = { 'cancelled' : 'cancelled', 'draft' : 'draft', 'auto_planned' : 'auto_planned', 'planned' : 'planned', 'ordered' : 'planned', 'confirmed' : 'planned', 'getting_ready' : 'planned', 'ready' : 'planned', 'started' : 'planned', 'stopped' : 'planned', 'delivered' : 'planned', 'invoiced' : 'planned', } class SimulationMovement(PropertyRecordableMixin, Movement, ExplainableMixin): """ Simulation movements belong to a simulation workflow which includes the following steps - planned - ordered - confirmed (the movement is now confirmed in qty or date) - started (the movement has started) - stopped (the movement is now finished) - delivered (the movement is now archived in a delivery) The simulation worklow uses some variables, which are set by the template - is_order_required - is_delivery_required XX - is_problem_checking_required ? Other flag (forzen flag) NEW: we do not use DCWorklow so that the simulation process can be as much as possible independent of a Zope / CMF implementation. """ meta_type = 'ERP5 Simulation Movement' portal_type = 'Simulation Movement' # Declarative security security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation) # Declarative properties property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base , PropertySheet.SimpleItem , PropertySheet.CategoryCore , PropertySheet.Amount , PropertySheet.Task , PropertySheet.Arrow , PropertySheet.Movement , PropertySheet.Simulation # Need industrial_phase , PropertySheet.TransformedResource , PropertySheet.AppliedRule , PropertySheet.ItemAggregation , PropertySheet.Reference ) # Declarative interfaces zope.interface.implements(interfaces.IPropertyRecordable, ) def tpValues(self) : """ show the content in the left pane of the ZMI """ return self.objectValues() # Price should be acquired security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getPrice') def getPrice(self, default=None, context=None, REQUEST=None, **kw): """ """ return self._baseGetPrice(default) # Call the price method security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCausalityState') def getCausalityState(self): """ Returns the current state in causality """ return getattr(aq_base(self), 'causality_state', 'solved') security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setCausalityState') def setCausalityState(self, value): """ Change causality state """ self.causality_state = value security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getSimulationState') def getSimulationState(self, id_only=1): """Returns the current state in simulation Inherit from delivery or parent (using a conversion table to make orders planned when parent is confirmed). In the case of simulation coming from an item, the simulation state is delegated to the item. XXX: movements in zero stock rule can not acquire simulation state """ delivery = self.getDeliveryValue() if delivery is not None: return delivery.getSimulationState() # 'order' category is deprecated. it is kept for compatibility. order = self.getOrderValue() if order is not None: return order.getSimulationState() try: parent_state = None try: parent_state = self.getParentValue().getSimulationState() except AttributeError: item = self.getParentValue().getCausalityValue( portal_type=self.getPortalItemTypeList()) if interfaces.IExpandableItem.providedBy(item): return item.getSimulationMovementSimulationState(self) raise return parent_to_movement_simulation_state[parent_state] except (KeyError, AttributeError): LOG('SimulationMovement.getSimulationState', WARNING, 'Could not acquire simulation state from %s' % self.getRelativeUrl(), error=True) return None security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getTranslatedSimulationStateTitle') def getTranslatedSimulationStateTitle(self): """Returns translated simulation state title, for user interface, such as stock browser. """ delivery = self.getDeliveryValue() if delivery is not None: return delivery.getTranslatedSimulationStateTitle() # 'order' category is deprecated. it is kept for compatibility. order = self.getOrderValue() if order is not None: return order.getTranslatedSimulationStateTitle() # The simulation_state of a simulation movement is calculated by a # mapping, there's no reliable way of getting the translated title from a # simulation state ID, so we just return the state ID because we got # nothing better to return. return self.getSimulationState() security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isCompleted') def isCompleted(self): """Lookup business path and, if any, return True whenever simulation_state is in of completed state list defined on business path """ # only available in BPM, so fail totally in case of working without BPM business_link = self.getCausalityValue( portal_type=self.getPortalBusinessLinkTypeList()) if business_link is None: return False return self.getSimulationState() in business_link.getCompletedStateList() security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isFrozen') def isFrozen(self): """Lookup business path and, if any, return True whenever simulation_state is in one of the frozen states defined on business path """ business_link = self.getCausalityValue( portal_type=self.getPortalBusinessLinkTypeList()) if business_link is None: # Legacy support - this should never happen # XXX-JPS ADD WARNING if self.getSimulationState() in ('stopped', 'delivered', 'cancelled'): return True if self._baseIsFrozen() == 0: self._baseSetFrozen(None) return self._baseGetFrozen() or False return self.getSimulationState() in business_link.getFrozenStateList() security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isAccountable') def isAccountable(self): """ Returns 1 if this needs to be accounted Some Simulation movement corresponds to non accountable movements, the parent applied rule decide wether this movement is accountable or not. """ return self.getParentValue().isAccountable(self) ####################################################### # Causality Workflow Methods security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'calculate') def calculate(self): """Move related delivery in 'calculating' state by activity Activity to update causality state is delayed until all related simulation movement are reindexed. This method should be only called by simulation_movement_causality_interaction_workflow. """ delivery = self.getDeliveryValue() if delivery is not None: delivery = delivery.getRootDeliveryValue() tv = getTransactionalVariable() path = self.getPath() delivery_path = delivery.getPath() key = 'SimulationMovement.calculate', delivery_path try: tv[key].append(path) except KeyError: tv[key] = [path] def before_commit(): method_id_list = ('immediateReindexObject', 'recursiveImmediateReindexObject') tag = delivery_path + '_calculate' delivery.activate(tag=tag).Delivery_calculate(activate_kw= {'after_path_and_method_id': (tv[key], method_id_list)}) tv[key] = None # disallow further calls to 'calculate' transaction.get().addBeforeCommitHook(before_commit) security.declarePrivate('_getSuccessorTradePhaseList') def _getSuccessorTradePhaseList(self): """ Get the list of future trade_phase categories from this simulation movement according to the related business process """ # XXX-Leo this method could be smaller if (one or more of): # * Simulation Movements had trade_state instead of trade_phase categories, # * .asComposedDocument() also included the causality Business Link, # * BusinessLink objects had a '.getSucessorTradePhaseList' method (accepting # a context parameter for predicate checking). # * .getBusinessLinkValueList() accepted a predecessor_link parameter, # * some of the work below was done by a Business Process method, portal = self.getPortalObject() business_process = self.asComposedDocument() business_link_type_list = portal.getPortalBusinessLinkTypeList() business_link = self.getCausalityValue(portal_type=business_link_type_list) if business_link is None: # XXX-Leo we could just return self.getTradePhaseList() for # backward compatibility from Products.ERP5Type.Errors import SimulationError raise SimulationError('No Business Link Causality for %r. Cannot enumerate successor trade_phases.' % (self,)) # from this Business Process, get the Business Links which # predecessor state match the successor state of our Business Link # causality successor_trade_state = business_link.getSuccessor() successor_link_list = business_process.getBusinessLinkValueList( context=self, predecessor=successor_trade_state) successor_trade_phase_list = [link.getTradePhase() for link in successor_link_list] return successor_trade_phase_list security.declarePrivate('_getApplicableRuleList') def _getApplicableRuleList(self): """ Search rules that match this movement, but with future trade phases """ portal_rules = self.getPortalObject().portal_rules successor_trade_phase_list = self._getSuccessorTradePhaseList() context = self.asContext() context.edit(trade_phase_list=successor_trade_phase_list) # XXX-Leo: According to JP, the 'version' search below is wrong and # should be replaced by a check that there are not two rules with the # same reference that can be returned. return portal_rules.searchRuleList(context, sort_on='version', sort_order='descending') security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'expand') def expand(self, **kw): """ Checks all existing applied rules and make sure they still apply. Checks for other possible rules and starts expansion process (instanciates applied rules and calls expand on them). First get all applicable rules, then, delete all applied rules that no longer match and are not linked to a delivery, finally, apply new rules if no rule with the same type is already applied. """ tv = getTransactionalVariable() cache = tv.setdefault(TREE_DELIVERED_CACHE_KEY, {}) cache_enabled = cache.get(TREE_DELIVERED_CACHE_ENABLED, 0) # enable cache if not cache_enabled: cache[TREE_DELIVERED_CACHE_ENABLED] = 1 applied_rule_dict = {} applicable_rule_dict = {} for rule in self._getApplicableRuleList(): reference = rule.getReference() if reference: # XXX-Leo: We should complain loudly if there is more than one # applicable rule per reference. It indicates a configuration error. applicable_rule_dict.setdefault(reference, rule) for applied_rule in list(self.objectValues()): rule = applied_rule.getSpecialiseValue() if rule.test(self) or applied_rule._isTreeDelivered(): applied_rule_dict[rule.getReference()] = applied_rule else: self._delObject(applied_rule.getId()) for reference, rule in applicable_rule_dict.iteritems(): if reference not in applied_rule_dict: applied_rule = rule.constructNewAppliedRule(self, **kw) applied_rule_dict[reference] = applied_rule self.setCausalityState('expanded') # expand for applied_rule in applied_rule_dict.itervalues(): applied_rule.expand(**kw) # disable and clear cache if not cache_enabled: try: del tv[TREE_DELIVERED_CACHE_KEY] except KeyError: pass security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'diverge') def diverge(self): """ -> new status -> diverged Movements which diverge can not be expanded """ self.setCausalityState('diverged') security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getExplanationValue') def getExplanationValue(self): """Returns the delivery if any or the order related to the root applied rule if any. """ delivery_value = self.getDeliveryValue() if delivery_value is None: # If the parent is not an Applied Rule, self does not have the method. getRootAppliedRule = getattr(self, 'getRootAppliedRule', None) if getRootAppliedRule is None: return None ra = getRootAppliedRule() order = ra.getCausalityValue() if order is not None: return order else: # Ex. zero stock rule return ra else: explanation_value = delivery_value portal = self.getPortalObject() delivery_type_list = self.getPortalDeliveryTypeList() \ + self.getPortalOrderTypeList() while explanation_value.getPortalType() not in delivery_type_list and \ explanation_value != portal: explanation_value = explanation_value.getParentValue() if explanation_value != portal: return explanation_value # Deliverability / orderability security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isOrderable') def isOrderable(self): # the value of this method is no longer used. return True getOrderable = isOrderable security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isDeliverable') def isDeliverable(self): # the value of this method is no longer used. return True getDeliverable = isDeliverable security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isDeletable') def isDeletable(self): return not self.isFrozen() and not self._isTreeDelivered() # Simulation Dates - acquire target dates security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getOrderStartDate') def getOrderStartDate(self): # 'order' category is deprecated. it is kept for compatibility. order_value = self.getOrderValue() if order_value is not None: return order_value.getStartDate() delivery_value = self.getDeliveryValue() if delivery_value is not None: return delivery_value.getStartDate() security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getOrderStopDate') def getOrderStopDate(self): # 'order' category is deprecated. it is kept for compatibility. order_value = self.getOrderValue() if order_value is not None: return order_value.getStopDate() delivery_value = self.getDeliveryValue() if delivery_value is not None: return delivery_value.getStopDate() security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getDeliveryStartDateList') def getDeliveryStartDateList(self): """ Returns the stop date of related delivery """ start_date_list = [] delivery_movement = self.getDeliveryValue() if delivery_movement is not None: start_date_list.append(delivery_movement.getStartDate()) return start_date_list security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getDeliveryStopDateList') def getDeliveryStopDateList(self): """ Returns the stop date of related delivery """ stop_date_list = [] delivery_movement = self.getDeliveryValue() if delivery_movement is not None: stop_date_list.append(delivery_movement.getStopDate()) return stop_date_list security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getDeliveryQuantity') def getDeliveryQuantity(self): """ Returns the quantity of related delivery """ quantity = 0.0 delivery_movement = self.getDeliveryValue() if delivery_movement is not None: quantity = delivery_movement.getQuantity() return quantity security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isConvergent') def isConvergent(self): """ Returns true if the Simulation Movement is convergent with the the delivery value """ return not self.isDivergent() security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isDivergent') def isDivergent(self): """ Returns true if the Simulation Movement is divergent from the the delivery value """ return self.getParentValue().isDivergent(self) security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getDivergenceList') def getDivergenceList(self): """ Returns detailed information about the divergence """ return self.getParentValue().getDivergenceList(self) security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setDefaultDeliveryProperties') def setDefaultDeliveryProperties(self): """ Sets the delivery_ratio and delivery_error properties to the calculated value """ delivery = self.getDeliveryValue() if delivery is not None: delivery.updateSimulationDeliveryProperties(movement_list = [self]) security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCorrectedQuantity') def getCorrectedQuantity(self): """ Returns the quantity property deducted by the possible profit_quantity and taking into account delivery error NOTE: XXX-JPS This method should not use profit_quantity. Profit and loss quantities are now only handled through explicit movements. Look are invocations of _isProfitAndLossMovement in ERP5.mixin.rule to understand how. """ quantity = self.getQuantity() profit_quantity = self.getProfitQuantity() or 0 delivery_error = self.getDeliveryError() or 0 return quantity - profit_quantity + delivery_error security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getRootSimulationMovement') def getRootSimulationMovement(self): """ Return the root simulation movement in the simulation tree. FIXME : this method should be called getRootSimulationMovementValue """ parent_applied_rule = self.getParentValue() if parent_applied_rule.getRootAppliedRule() == parent_applied_rule: return self else: return parent_applied_rule.getRootSimulationMovement() security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getRootSimulationMovementUid') def getRootSimulationMovementUid(self): """ Return the uid of the root simulation movement in the simulation tree. """ root_simulation_movement = self.getRootSimulationMovement() if root_simulation_movement is not None: return root_simulation_movement.getUid() return None security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getRootCausalityValueList') def getRootCausalityValueList(self): """ Returns the initial causality value for this movement. This method will look at the causality and check if the causality has already a causality """ root_rule = self.getRootAppliedRule() return root_rule.getCausalityValueList() # XXX FIXME Use a interaction workflow instead # XXX This behavior is now done by simulation_movement_interaction_workflow # The call to activate() must be done after actual call to # setDelivery() on the movement, # but activate() must be called on the previous delivery... #def _setDelivery(self, value): # LOG('setDelivery before', 0, '') # delivery_value = self.getDeliveryValue() # Movement.setDelivery(value) # LOG('setDelivery', 0, '') # if delivery_value is not None: # LOG('delivery_value = ', 0, repr(delivery_value)) # activity = delivery_value.activate( # activity='SQLQueue', # after_path_and_method_id=( # self.getPath(), # ['immediateReindexObject', # 'recursiveImmediateReindexObject'])) # activity.edit() def _isTreeDelivered(self, ignore_first=0): """ checks if subapplied rules of this movement (going down the complete simulation tree) have a child with a delivery relation. Returns True if at least one is delivered, False if none of them are. see AppliedRule._isTreeDelivered """ tv = getTransactionalVariable() cache = tv.setdefault(TREE_DELIVERED_CACHE_KEY, {}) cache_enabled = cache.get(TREE_DELIVERED_CACHE_ENABLED, 0) def getTreeDelivered(movement, ignore_first=0): if not ignore_first: if len(movement.getDeliveryList()) > 0: return True for applied_rule in movement.objectValues(): if applied_rule._isTreeDelivered(): return True return False if ignore_first: rule_key = (self.getRelativeUrl(), 1) else: rule_key = self.getRelativeUrl() if cache_enabled: try: return cache[rule_key] except KeyError: result = getTreeDelivered(self, ignore_first=ignore_first) cache[rule_key] = result return result else: return getTreeDelivered(self, ignore_first=ignore_first) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isBuildable') def isBuildable(self): """Simulation Movement buildable logic""" if self.getDelivery(): # already delivered return False # might be buildable - business path dependent business_link = self.getCausalityValue(portal_type='Business Link') explanation_value = self.getExplanationValue() if business_link is None or explanation_value is None: return True ## XXX Code below following line has been moved to BusinessPath (cf r37116) #return len(business_path.filterBuildableMovementList([self])) == 1 predecessor_state = business_link.getPredecessor() if predecessor_state is None: # first one, can be built return True # XXX-JPS wrong cause root is marked # movement is not built, and corresponding business path # has predecessors: check movements related to those predecessors! composed_document = self.asComposedDocument() predecessor_link_list = composed_document.getBusinessLinkValueList( successor=predecessor_state) def isBuiltAndCompleted(simulation, path): return simulation.getCausalityValue() is not None and \ simulation.getSimulationState() in path.getCompletedStateList() ### Step 1: ## Explore ancestors in ZODB (cheap) # # store a causality -> causality_related_movement_list mapping causality_dict = {} current = self.getParentValue().getParentValue() while current.getPortalType() == "Simulation Movement": causality_dict[current.getCausality(portal_type='Business Link')] = \ current current = current.getParentValue().getParentValue() remaining_path_set = set() for path in predecessor_link_list: related_simulation = causality_dict.get(path.getRelativeUrl()) if related_simulation is None: remaining_path_set.add(path) continue # XXX assumption is made here that if we find ONE completed ancestor # movement of self that is related to a predecessor path, then # that predecessor path is completed. Is it True? (aka when # Business Process goes downwards, is the maximum movements per # predecessor 1 or can we have more?) if not isBuiltAndCompleted(related_simulation, path): return False # in 90% of cases, Business Path goes downward and this is enough if not remaining_path_set: return True # XXX(Seb) All the code below is not tested and not documented. # Documentation must be written, the code must be reviewed or dropped # But sometimes we have to dig deeper ### Step 2: ## Try catalog to find descendant movements, knowing # that it can be incomplete class treeNode(dict): """ Used to cache accesses to ZODB objects. The idea is to put in visited_movement_dict the objects we've already loaded from ZODB in Step #2 to avoid loading them again in Step #3. - self represents a single ZODB container c - self.visited_movement_dict contains an id->(ZODB obj) cache for subobjects of c - self[id] contains the treeNode representing c[id] """ def __init__(self): dict.__init__(self) self.visited_movement_dict = dict() path_tree = treeNode() def updateTree(simulation_movement, path): tree_node = path_tree movement_path = simulation_movement.getPhysicalPath() simulation_movement_id = movement_path[-1] # find container for path_id in movement_path[:-1]: tree_node = tree_node.setdefault(path_id, treeNode()) # and mark the object as visited tree_node.visited_movement_dict[simulation_movement_id] = (simulation_movement, path) portal_catalog = self.getPortalObject().portal_catalog catalog_simulation_movement_list = portal_catalog( portal_type='Simulation Movement', causality_uid=[p.getUid() for p in remaining_path_set], path='%s/%%' % self.getPath()) for movement in catalog_simulation_movement_list: path = movement.getCausalityValue() if not isBuiltAndCompleted(movement, path): return False updateTree(movement, path) ### Step 3: ## We had no luck, we have to explore descendant movements in ZODB # def descendantGenerator(document, tree_node, path_set_to_check): """ generator yielding Simulation Movement descendants of document. It does _not_ explore the whole subtree if iteration is stopped. It uses the tree we built previously to avoid loading again ZODB objects that we already loaded during catalog querying path_set_to_check contains a set of Business Paths that we are interested in. A branch is only explored if this set is not empty; a movement is only yielded if its causality value is in this set """ object_id_list = document.objectIds() for id in object_id_list: if id not in tree_node.visited_movement_dict: # we had not visited it in step #2 subdocument = document._getOb(id) if subdocument.getPortalType() == "Simulation Movement": path = subdocument.getCausalityValue() t = (subdocument, path) tree_node.visited_movement_dict[id] = t if path in path_set_to_check: yield t else: # it must be an Applied Rule subtree = tree_node.get(id, treeNode()) for d in descendantGenerator(subdocument, subtree, path_set_to_check): yield d for id, t in tree_node.visited_movement_dict.iteritems(): subdocument, path = t to_check = path_set_to_check # do we need to change/copy the set? if path in to_check: if len(to_check) == 1: # no more paths to check in this branch continue to_check = to_check.copy() to_check.remove(path) subtree = tree_node.get(id, treeNode()) for d in descendantGenerator(subdocument, subtree, to_check): yield d # descend in the tree to find self: tree_node = path_tree for path_id in self.getPhysicalPath(): tree_node = tree_node.get(path_id, treeNode()) # explore subobjects of self for descendant, path in descendantGenerator(self, tree_node, remaining_path_set): if not isBuiltAndCompleted(descendant, path): return False return True def getSolverProcessValueList(self, movement=None, validation_state=None): """ Returns the list of solver processes which are are in a given state and which apply to delivery_or_movement. This method is useful to find applicable solver processes for a delivery. movement -- not applicable validation_state -- a state of a list of states to filter the result """ raise NotImplementedError def getSolverDecisionValueList(self, movement=None, validation_state=None): """ Returns the list of solver decisions which apply to a given movement. movement -- not applicable validation_state -- a state of a list of states to filter the result """ raise NotImplementedError def getSolvedPropertyApplicationValueList(self, movement=None, divergence_tester=None): """ Returns the list of documents at which a given divergence resolution can be resolved at. For example, in most cases, date divergences can only be resolved at delivery level whereas quantities are usually resolved at cell level. The result of this method is a list of ERP5 documents. movement -- not applicable """ raise NotImplementedError security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getMappedProperty') def getMappedProperty(self, property): mapping = self.getPropertyMappingValue() if mapping is not None: # Special case: corrected quantity is difficult to handle, # because, if quantity is inverse in the mapping, other # parameters, profit quantity (deprecated) and delivery error, # must be inverse as well. if property == 'corrected_quantity': mapped_quantity_id = mapping.getMappedPropertyId('quantity') quantity = mapping.getMappedProperty(self, 'quantity') profit_quantity = self.getProfitQuantity() or 0 delivery_error = self.getDeliveryError() or 0 if mapped_quantity_id[:1] == '-': # XXX what about if "quantity | -something_different" is # specified? return quantity + profit_quantity - delivery_error else: return quantity - profit_quantity + delivery_error return mapping.getMappedProperty(self, property) return self.getProperty(property) security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setMappedProperty') def setMappedProperty(self, property, value): mapping = self.getPropertyMappingValue() if mapping is not None: return mapping.setMappedProperty(self, property, value) return self.setProperty(property, value)