Commit 13acbe55 authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko

update CHANGES

parent 7a07a226
gevent.spawn now returns a subclass of greenlet which has a few useful methods:
get, join, kill, link. The implementation is based on proc module, with a couple
of proc's deficiencies fixed:
- Proc is not a subclass of greenlet which proved to be a design bug
(getcurrent() does not work, using Procs as keys in dict is impossible, etc).
- Proc executes links sequentially, so one could block the rest from being executed.
Greenlet executes each link in a new greenlet by default, unless it is set up with
rawlink() method.
The following functions were added to gevent top level package:
- spawn_link
- spawn_link_value
- spawn_link_exception
- joinall
- killall
Added gevent.pool.Pool with interface of multiprocessing.Pool.
It also has spawn() method which is always async and returns a Greenlet instance.
Added gevent.event.Event and gevent.event.AsyncResult which deprecate
Added gevent.rawgreenlet module with some utility functions that work with
the regular greenlets.
gevent.proc module is deprecated; proc.wrap_errors was moved to
Internally, gevent.greenlet was split into a number of modules:
- gevent.hub provides Hub class and basic utilities, like sleep;
Hub is now a subclass of greenlet.
- gevent.timeout provides Timeout and with_timeout
- gevent.greenlet provides Greenlet class and helpers like joinall
and killall.
- gevent.rawgreenlet contains the old "polling" versions of
joinall and killall (they do not need link() functionality and work
with any greenlet by polling their status and sleeping in a loop)
TODO: add start() method to Timeout; Timeout(5) does not start the timer immediatelly anymore
TODO: Semaphore and BoundedSemaphore moved from coros to gevent.threading
BoundedSemaphore is fixed to behave like standard threading's BoundedSemaphore behaves:
raise ValueError if upper limit is reached instead of blocking.
0.9.3 0.9.3
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