Commit 45a16fa0 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Use a buffer to generate HTTP chunks.

The intent is to reduce network overhead for small chunk sizes withoud adding much overhead for larger sizes.

Fixes #1233.
parent c1b473f0
......@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
condition that is known to lead to RecursionError. This may produce
false negatives, but should reduce or eliminate false positives.
- Based on measurements and discussion in :issue:`1233`, adjust the
way :mod:`gevent.pywsgi` generates HTTP chunks. This is intended to
reduce network overhead, especially for smaller chunk sizes.
1.3.3 (2018-06-08)
......@@ -708,7 +708,9 @@ class WSGIHandler(object):
self.response_length += len(data)
def _write(self, data):
def _write(self, data,
_PY34_EXACTLY=(sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 4)),
if not data:
# The application/middleware are allowed to yield
# empty bytestrings.
......@@ -716,14 +718,25 @@ class WSGIHandler(object):
if self.response_use_chunked:
## Write the chunked encoding
header = ("%x\r\n" % len(data)).encode('ascii')
# socket.sendall will slice these small strings, as [0:],
# but that's special cased to return the original string.
# They're small enough we probably expect them to go down to the network
# buffers in one go anyway.
self._sendall(b'\r\n') # trailer
# header
# This is the only version we support that doesn't
# allow % to be used with bytes. Passing a bytestring
# directly in to bytearray() is faster than passing a
# (unicode) str with encoding, which naturally is faster still
# than encoding first. Interestingly, byte formatting on Python 3
# is faster than str formatting.
header_str = '%x\r\n' % len(data)
towrite = _bytearray(header_str, 'ascii')
header_str = b'%x\r\n' % len(data)
towrite = _bytearray(header_str)
# data
# trailer
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