Commit 4b736917 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Update tblib implementation. Fixes #954

parent 8ed03d70
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
``getaddrinfo`` when ``connect`` is called. Reported in :issue:`944`
by Bernie Hackett.
- Replace ``optparse`` module with ``argparse``. See :issue:`947`.
- Update to an unreleased version of ``tblib`` to fix :issue:`954`,
reported by ml31415.
1.2.1 (2017-01-12)
......@@ -158,21 +158,38 @@ class Frame(object):
class Traceback(object):
tb_next = None
def __init__(self, tb):
self.tb_frame = Frame(tb.tb_frame)
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
self.tb_lineno = int(tb.tb_lineno)
if tb.tb_next is None:
self.tb_next = None
self.tb_next = Traceback(tb.tb_next)
# Build in place to avoid exceeding the recursion limit
tb = tb.tb_next
prev_traceback = self
cls = type(self)
while tb is not None:
traceback = object.__new__(cls)
traceback.tb_frame = Frame(tb.tb_frame)
traceback.tb_lineno = int(tb.tb_lineno)
prev_traceback.tb_next = traceback
prev_traceback = traceback
tb = tb.tb_next
def as_traceback(self):
if tproxy:
return tproxy(TracebackType, self.__tproxy_handler)
elif tb_set_next:
f_code = self.tb_frame.f_code
code = compile('\n' * (self.tb_lineno - 1) + 'raise __traceback_maker', self.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, 'exec')
if not tb_set_next:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot re-create traceback !")
current = self
top_tb = None
tb = None
while current:
f_code = current.tb_frame.f_code
code = compile('\n' * (current.tb_lineno - 1) + 'raise __traceback_maker', current.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, 'exec')
if PY3:
code = CodeType(
0, code.co_kwonlyargcount,
......@@ -192,18 +209,23 @@ class Traceback(object):
# noinspection PyBroadException
exec(code, self.tb_frame.f_globals, {})
exec(code, current.tb_frame.f_globals, {})
tb = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_next
tb_set_next(tb, self.tb_next and self.tb_next.as_traceback())
next_tb = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_next
if top_tb is None:
top_tb = next_tb
if tb is not None:
tb_set_next(tb, next_tb)
tb = next_tb
del next_tb
current = current.tb_next
return tb
return top_tb
# gevent: don't leak the traceback objects, this
# makes our leaktests fail
del top_tb
del tb
raise RuntimeError("Cannot re-create traceback !")
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
def __tproxy_handler(self, operation, *args, **kwargs):
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