Commit 4bead9db authored by Arcadiy Ivanov's avatar Arcadiy Ivanov Committed by Jason Madden

Add SSLContext to StreamServer et al

fixes #901
parent 3ab69f26
......@@ -20,8 +20,18 @@ class StreamServer(BaseServer):
"""A generic TCP server. Accepts connections on a listening socket and spawns user-provided *handle*
for each connection with 2 arguments: the client socket and the client address.
If any of the following keyword arguments are present, then the server assumes SSL mode and uses these arguments
to create an SSL wrapper for the client socket before passing it to *handle*:
Server can assume an SSL mode via either direct client socket wrapper initialization or socket wrapping via an
If *ssl_context* keyword argument is present, it should contain an :class:`SSLContext`. The following keyword
arguments may be used SSLContext mode (subject to Python API version):
- server_hostname
- suppress_ragged_eofs
- do_handshake_on_connect
Otherwise, if any of the following keyword arguments are present, then the server assumes SSL mode and uses these
arguments to create an SSL wrapper for the client socket before passing it to *handle*:
- keyfile
- certfile
......@@ -51,6 +61,11 @@ class StreamServer(BaseServer):
if ssl_args:
ssl_args.setdefault('server_side', True)
if 'ssl_context' in ssl_args:
ssl_context = ssl_args.pop('ssl_context')
self.wrap_socket = ssl_context.wrap_socket
self.ssl_args = ssl_args
from gevent.ssl import wrap_socket
self.wrap_socket = wrap_socket
self.ssl_args = ssl_args
......@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines,unused-argument
from __future__ import print_function
from gevent import monkey
......@@ -740,6 +742,13 @@ class HttpsTestCase(TestCase):
return [environ['wsgi.input'].read(10)]
class HttpsSslContextTestCase(HttpsTestCase):
def init_server(self, application):
from ssl import create_default_context
context = create_default_context()
context.load_cert_chain(certfile=self.certfile, keyfile=self.keyfile)
self.server = pywsgi.WSGIServer(('', 0), application, ssl_context=context)
class TestHttps(HttpsTestCase):
if hasattr(socket, 'ssl'):
......@@ -752,6 +761,8 @@ class TestHttps(HttpsTestCase):
result = self.urlopen()
self.assertEquals(result.body, '')
class TestHttpsWithContext(HttpsSslContextTestCase, TestHttps):
class TestInternational(TestCase):
validator = None # wsgiref.validate.IteratorWrapper([]) does not have __len__
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